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i often watch alot of leftie/normie media to keep an eye on them to see how they see things and what they are talking about. (esp in relation to people like us)

what i dont understand, is that they SUDDENLY seem so shocked that biden is a dribbling old man suffering with a form senile dementia who has nothing to offer anyone including himself. but, didnt everyone already know this back in 2020? i mean me personally, i didn't really see much difference from the debate last night vs 2020 debates that I remember. other than the cadence and trump being much calmer.

i mean, we've known for a while they are literally blinded by ideology rather than accepting facts for what they are. but, they all seem to be saying the same things we were all saying back in 2020? whats changed? how do they see it now but not before? or even in 2022? is it because people have finally accepted the truth and using his behavior as a form of expressing that?

it really is rather baffling, they ALWAYS double down or simple just ignore or dont cover the mistakes they make. but now they almost seem (somewhat at least) self aware?

can someone explain this to me?
the best thoery i can come up with is that normies dont really watch or even follow politics so this is quite a shock to them? even then though, hes been like this since 2020? so whats changed? LITERALLY overnight.
holy christ that's a lot of text, what are you trying to say?
right but didnt answer the question i was asking.
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>shill spam in every thread
Jews vote for Biden
You have no power here stinky jew
how have they only just noticed hes senile?
Because they deluded themselves with their oen propaganda, leftist propaganda resorts heavily to emotional appeal.
People are told what to think how to act and how to behave and that’s how most people live their lives
>can someone explain this to me?
Part of it is the establishment bought into their own propaganda a bit too hard and part of it is legitimately stupid people finally realizing everything about 2020 onward has been a complete lie. They sold biden as the collected elder statesmen in the last cycle despite it being obvious he isn’t. They could hide it. Now they just simply can’t anymore. The propaganda no longer works, so they are panicking. November is going to be a bloodbath for them and it’s now just stating to dawn on them that conning they American public for 4 years with a dementia patient as a figure head for it was a terrible idea long term.
Life has been shit for a few years now under Biden so they're more willing to admit failure. Trump was a great president so things were good under him, he even had the stock market back before the previous election after the covid crash. With Biden now they know their life will get worse if he stays in even though they're too retarded to understand why
do you have a clip of that? i am just interested
They drank their own koolaid. Remember, these are people that are able to lie to themselves. If you can look down at your own penis and think "I'm a woman" it's not that hard to look at a senile old man and think "nah he's fine, he's just a little tired."
did we really have to waste 3 years to prove that?
why? everyone already knew these principles? the right had already won these arguments countless times over the years?
Biden's always been an old man, but the media was covering for him 24/7 and he usually did scripted speeches and events rather than debates like this one.
The schizo theory is Democrats only agreed to this debate in order to see whether they would have to replace him at the DNC.
all true. but why now though. what is different about now. literally overnight, they can all see it. why now?
what a demographic, the nazi voting block... okay?
It's a bot you dumbass, it's been posting this shit everywhere.
Ordinary people don't notice anything. They have no minds of their own.
The empty shells of their skulls only have opinions when the mainstream media and facebook tell them what to think.
The ordinary people didn't think there was anything wrong with Boden in 2020 because the mainstream media told them he was a great candidate.
Now as there is a push to get rid of him this message has been injected into the mainstream media.
>biden is too old he has to go
Now that the mainstream media is telling them that Biden is senile, the ordinary people start repeating it like a parrot.
They have received their new programming
>a lot of text
He still can self-identify as a 30 something years old woman and you VILL call him Madam President
Normies and the middle 75% percentile IQers think "reading the news" is hitting "news" on their iphone. They are indoctrinated by media and big tech. Section 230 has to go.
Why are you using this desperately pathetic copypasta that I see in all threads this morning? Are you Brooklyn Dad Defiant?
normalfags werent watching biden speechs and rallies. all they were getting were short clips from twitter or seeing posts about how trump is literally hitler and going to go full dictator or something
The American left is severely mentally ill and detached from reality. There's nothing else to discuss.
They haven't just noticed, they're just now trying to replace him since he's polling in the single digits.
Because they’re lining up Newsom to be installed. Why would dems agree to a debate when they know Biden is a mess? It’s all planned out. They’re weening him off his meds. They want to pin all the insane shit they’ve been pushing on “old man Biden” and young man Newsom will save the day. All this shit is planned out far in advance
Do you personally think that's going to work? I think even normalniggers have a longer attention span than that, and California is universally reviled.
Hey, dumbfuck,
Dementia is a class of neurodegenerative diseases. They invariably kill those whom they affect.

One can't, as you're claiming Biden has, suffer from dementia for four years without any marked mental decline. Actually, four years is about as long as it takes for most people with Alzheimer's to lose all basic cognitive functions. They certainly wouldn't be able to remember talking points for a debate. Again, dementias are FATAL. FATAL. They kill everyone they affect within 10 years, render most bedbound within 5 years. "Senile dementia" is not an actual disease. It's a term scientists used in the 1970s, before they understood what Alzheimer's, FTD, LBD, etc. are.

Biden is obviously slow. But he is old, and slowness is expected of old people. All he had to do in this debate was not shit himself. That's how low the bar was set. People see him able to speak normally and react to his opponent's arguments and they realize he doesn't actually have dementia, which is one of the major talking points of republican pundits.

Trump, on the other hand, just had to appear personable, stable, and normal. He failed. Although one can argue that he won the debate, and he clearly did, his performance wasn't spectacular. He mostly used his time to ramble and gish gallop. His polling numbers will go up for a short while following the debate, as he is dredged up before the public eye again, eliciting nostalgia from morons, but his numbers will eventually plummet back down to where they are now.

Everyone hates this asshole Trump. Remember he's promised to give a trillion dollars in reparations to niggers. He isn't on anyone's side but his own. At least Biden has to pander to muslim shitskins and so won't fellate Israel as aggressively (at least during election season).
Hard cope.

Stop responding to bot posts dumbass.
Nice argument. Facts don't cate about your feelings, faggazoid.
You obviously don't really care about winning the election lol.
>can someone explain this to me?
He was bad in 2020 but it's all about the look, his voice, the tempo of his speech. He looked and sounded like weak little old bitch. The final nail in his coffin is that he couldn't really provoke Trump this time. Trump just seemed like he pitied Biden.
>Although one can argue that he won the debate, and he clearly did
Damn I bet you got your labia in a knot typing that out.
>Trump, on the other hand, just had to appear personable, stable, and normal. He failed
also, whataboutism
>what i dont understand, is that they SUDDENLY seem so shocked that biden is a dribbling old man suffering with a form senile dementia who has nothing to offer anyone including himself. but, didnt everyone already know this back in 2020?
Of course they didn't. Because unlike you, the normies consume this propaganda 24/7 in a lot of cases and if you do it on a long enough basis, you can totally convince yourself that there's nothing wrong with Biden back in 2020. After all, we can't let Trump win again and literally anyone's better!

But if you consciously don't watch propaganda as a force of regular habit most of the day, it's blatantly obvious. But to these nitwits out in zombieland, this debate was a genuine shock. Now CNN and everyone else has to write new scripts for new propaganda and the same zombies will parrot that, because they don't give a fuck about what's real or not and just repeat talking points from state media.
>i often watch alot of leftie/normie media to keep an eye on them

the most gen-x statement of the day
No, because I'm not a retard.

Stupid cocksucker.

>criticizing Trump?
>yeah that's whataboutism
Lmfao. You're so desperate to use this term you've just learned that you're applying it to a context completely removed of where it would normally be used. What about pivoting to criticize Biden's opponent's performance, in an analysis of THE DEBATE THEY HAD, is whataboutism? I'd like you to try answering that and humiliate yourself in the process, but you never will, because your job is just to shill for t.Rump.
They can steal it one more time with a different candidate. Newsom will be installed by 2028 no matter what. I live in LA and it’s a mess, no one wants to look like CA. Media will push Newsom like he’s mother Teresa/ Jesus and he won’t deviate from the plan like others might. Pure psychopath. TDS is terminal.
How does someone have dementia for four years without seeing any significant decline??
They were told to see it, so now they see it.
Simple as.
They did see it you moron they are just getting the okay signal to talk about it, just like early days of Covid. This means they have a plan.
The DNC wants to replace him. He doesn’t want to support Israel in their insane wars and false flags. Jews own the media. Jews decide the message. If the media is blasting Biden it’s because he isn’t doing what the Jews want. Simple as.
>Hey, dumbfuck,
polite, glad to see the facts havent got under your skin. clearly in violence of the hatespeech laws.
>Dementia/senility is not the same
there is something that has clearly been clearly wrong with him since 2017 based on what i've seen. this is something even normals are picking up on now. the topic of this thread as to why its taken them this long to figure it out
>Biden is obviously slow. But he is old,
Trump is old, in fact he is only 3 years younger than biden. but he doesnt have anything close to what biden has. even reagan did not speak or act in the same way biden does.
>All he had to do in this debate was not shit himself. That's how low the bar was set.
i dont think you understand how debates work...
>People see him able to speak normally and react to his opponent's arguments
but they dont? thats what i said here >>472458636 this is stuff i am seeing from the left leaning/normie media. thats why i made this thread.
are you okay anon?
>Trump, on the other hand, just had to appear personable, stable, and normal. He failed.
see 2 rows above
>his performance wasn't spectacular.
he has senile dementia. he didnt even know where he was or even what he said, he had to be helped down from the stage.
>His polling numbers will go up for a short while following the debate, as he is dredged up before the public eye again,
>Everyone hates this asshole Trump.
>Remember he's promised to give a trillion dollars in reparations to niggers.
>At least Biden has to pander to muslim shitskins and so won't fellate Israel as aggressively (at least during election season).
Sorry, when did he bring this up during the debate?
But he has had significant decline. You just don't perceive it as such, because Biden's handlers meticulously curate his appearances. Heck, they've had to use doubles on several occasions. Whether this is indicative of what is called 'dementia' is a moot point and skirts around the core issue. His mind is turning to mush and rather than simply acknowledge this in the middle of his term at the absolute latest, everyone else was fine pretending as if the Emperor still had his clothes until this debate.
Everybody knew Covid was fake after saint Floyd. This isn’t about literal belief this is about multiple interests adhering to the same lie, when the lie stops being profitable to enough of them they break ranks. In exchange for complying and looking away normies got free money and work from home until it was affecting commercial real estate values. With Biden they got the moral victory over blumpf up front and then progressively less and less pork every year as it got redirected to pissreal and jewkraine.

Because bidens medical condition
Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome has gotten so bad they cannot hide it anymore
just to name a few.
>can someone explain this to me?
There is no Biden presidency. It’s all fake and gay media optics. Notice how this “debate” was set up in a manner which makes Trump look good just before SCOTUS rules on immunity? Israel wants Trump, not Biden. They get whatever they want.
They have no qualms about lying and they weren't voting for Biden, but rather voting against Trump. Most have been living in an alternate reality of denial. The fact that Biden won the Dem nomination to begin with shows either how corrupt the party is or how stupid their voters are. Both are probably true. I can't even engage with these people. I'll just wait for their bodies to float down the river.
kill yourself lying kike
its a lying jew ignore it
No, he's slightly more senile now than he was 8 years ago. That isn't saying very much other than that his brain has shrunk, which happens to a large percentage of old people. Not all of them, but most

Also, I have no idea why you ru-shills want Trump to win. He's going to give unprecedented armaments to Ukraine, then claim he helped end the war. He has expressed his plan is to basically give Ukraine a trillion dollars in arms and just bomb the fucking shit out of Russia... and perhaps false flag China or something in the process. Biden should be your guy

Biden is older than Reagan was. Also, Reagan did not suffer from dementia while in office. He developed the disease years later, and people speculated that he always had it because they wanted to detract from the success of his terms.

Modern American political debates actually ate just about who looks better and who has the better soundbites. I really, honestly, 100% don't believe either candidate came out on top. Biden humiliated himself with his slowness, Trump alienated everyone outside of the MAGA faithful by coming across as as a stupid, lying asshole

Leftists are doomposting because Biden lost the debate. Again, that he lost doesn't matter. Biden didn't shit himself, ergo his polling numbers won't take a drastic hit

>he has senile dementia
This is not an actual condition

Senility is cognitive decline. Dementia is a brain disease where your neurons rapidly die and deteriorate, chracterized by a state of inflammation and faulty protein recycling and folding. Senility does not cause dementia. Most 80 and 90 and 100 year olds are at least somewhat senile, but, if they have dementia, are not able to remember anything, especially not talking points for a debate

This idea that Biden has had dementia for a decade without dying is absurd and stupid. It exposes the right's woeful ignorance of science. Also, you can't reverse dementia with stimulants... that's kind of like injecting bleach
As always, the leftists were in denial.
Brother you are overdosing on copium. Take a break from the internet.
Feel free to compose a logical refutation of anything I said.

It should be easy since it's all copium, right? You can pick any sentence. Don't even need to read the whole thing, since I know Trump cultists are largely illiterate and don't like having to read.
You are prancing around like a court jester
He purchased that job. Democrat rules are he owns it until steps down. Maybe the democrats should not sell positions to members
>Biden is older than Reagan was.
another red flag
>Reagan did not suffer from dementia while in office. He developed the disease years later, and people speculated that he always had it because they wanted to detract from the success of his terms.
unlike biden, whos had it since 2017. (thats 3 years before he ran)
>Modern American political debates actually are just about who looks better and who has the better soundbites. I really, honestly, 100% don't believe either candidate came out on top.
Biden humiliated himself. Biden lost the debate. I'll just use that because i couldnt put it any better myself. its because of his Dementia/senility.
>Trump alienated everyone outside of the MAGA faithful
>Leftists are doomposting because Biden lost the debate. Again, that he lost doesn't matter. Biden didn't shit himself, ergo his polling numbers won't take a drastic hit
of course it wont. the polls are rigged
>This is not an actual condition
there is something that has clearly been clearly wrong with him since 2017 based on what i've seen. this is something even normals are picking up on now. the topic of this thread as to why its taken them this long to figure it out.
>If they have dementia, are not able to remember anything, especially not talking points for a debate
but he didnt though. "you know the thing" -Joe Biden. is a classic example of this.
>This idea that Biden has had dementia for a decade without dying is absurd and stupid.
for the 3rd time. i didnt say a decade did i? i said since 2017. you seem to have a touch of it yourself :P
Maybe they always could see how feeble and obnoxious Joe Biden was, but their masters told them to lie about it prior to last night, and as of last night, their masters have directed them to admit it?
For some reason, who knows what, the people who run the media feel it behooves them for the public to admit what Joe Biden is, and so they told the media to report on him with honesty, since the debate last night.
It is baffling. You are right about that
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>what i dont understand, is that they SUDDENLY seem so shocked that biden is a dribbling old man suffering with a form senile dementia who has nothing to offer anyone including himself. but, didnt everyone already know this back in 2020?

WE knew but the Media has been gaslighting the world because they have been paid to. A side effect of gaslighting is that nobody actually knows whats real afterwards and all the media lies have brainwashed them into actually thinking things were ok.
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>it really is rather baffling, they ALWAYS double down or simple just ignore or dont cover the mistakes they make. but now they almost seem (somewhat at least) self aware?
>can someone explain this to me?

The only REAL explanation is:
The cue plan was real and you are watching a carefully scripted and played out movie and things are really starting to get good for us who have been paying attention all along.
I've heard this. I've thought this. But, really, this can't really be true. Can it?
That’s what I told everyone.
>wow, Biden did really bad! He definitely seems to have gotten worse!
He’s been this bad for fucking years. They just don’t pay attention to the news articles we read. They watch MSNBC and CNN and use Goybook and Plebbit.
Holy fucking cope
They’re all mostly useful idiots.
> claims people consume propaganda 24/7
> flag
katsap plz
>why now?
Because right now they can't pretend they didn't see it.
No one is surprised, the media is feigning surprise and you’re buying it wholesale.
Hop on some more proxies. That will surely prove me wrong.

>red flag
There are plenty of centennarians without dementia. Being old is a factor in developing dementia, but even children can develop it (see: Huntington's dementia). There are forms of dementia that affect people in their 20s (young onset Alzheimer's); fronto-temporal dementia, which largely affects those aged 50–70...

Being old is not the same thing as being demented. Memory loss is not the only symptom of dementia, nor are they synonymous.

>Biden has had dementia since 2017
Then why isn't he dead, moron?

The course of Alzheimer's is 10 years. You're claiming Biden is in the terminal stage. Why the fuck hasn't he lost all motor control? Everyone else with dementia so advanced eats via feeding tube and communicates with grunts and moans. Have you never visited a family member who has dementia?

>the polls are rigged
Keep believing this, then feign surprise when demographics inevitably hand the victory to Biden.

What's "clearly wrong" with Biden is that he's a compulsive liar. That isn't a symptom of dementia, but rather of psychopaths, which most politicians have. Including Trump. Especially Trunp, actually.

"You know the thing" was 6 years ago now. I'll repeat this one more time for you: you don't just passively have dementia for 6 years. Your brain deteriorates rapidly, most of the time within 3 years, then you are confined to hospice.

It's possible Biden is suffering from a protracted prodromal phase of Alzheimer's, but, if he is, it's the longest prodromal phase any patient has ever exhibited.

Trump will probably not be as slow at Biden's age, provided his obesity allows him to live as long. However, Trump has declined mentally in the past 8 years as well.
We have bingo
It's maddening. He's been retarded since 2008. Obama stopped letting him do public speaking events because his shit was all retarded.
They're just doing it now because they can blame the fucked country on him being senile.
>how could we know?! How could this happen?! How we prevent it in the future?! Where do we go from here? Can we unfuck it? No. Shucks, sorry.

I'm just glad I told everyone I know he's retarded for years now. I never backed off. I had people tell me
>it's just a speech impediment!
to me. I don't know if they really don't remember, or maybe never paid attention? Or they're just so heavily invested in their identity politics that they just lie?
Doublethink isn't a meme. Leftists engage in it all the time.
They really drank their own kool-aid. They really bought the line that Biden was fine and his issues were a right wing fabrication.
They can't deny it anymore.
Kikes need the white man to support and then go die in their war. Trump is how they accomplish that. D president will need to draft and will be a disaster. Trump will rally the troops with his MIGA, I mean MAGA, and the media and dems can then blame him for anything bad that happens.
100000000%. 98/100 people can’t think for themselves.
>All he had to do in this debate was not shit himself.
But he did lmao
Only once or twice, but he cleaned it up. ;^)

"Cleaning it up," in this sense, simply means recovering after a brainfart. Joe fucked up some of his lines, but he was successfully able to deliver the next ones, which was all he had to do.

He has always been stupid. Now that his brain is deteriorating, his stupidity is just harder to mask with the verbiage he was once able to use. The there most recent president's have been the dumbest in our history. They make Clinton and Bush look like geniuses... and they certainly were not.
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I just want to tell you that you saved me from making a thread posing the exact same thoughts
The Narrative is genuinely baffling and surprising, which is disorienting because The Narrative is usually predictable as fuck - 24 hours ago, I was smugly confident that every news agency had already prewritten their "Biden used facts and logic to dance nimbly around 34-time convicted rapist Donald Trump in stunning debate win" pieces ready to publish 30 seconds after the broadcast ended

I was wrong. I was genuinely caught off guard and surprised by the live media response ranging from open panic to depression. Honestly the closest comparison was Election Night 2016 all over again, we watched every faggot's brain fry in live unfiltered reactions where somehow their ideology and bias was not strong enough to overcome what they were seeing
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>All he had to do in this debate was not shit himself.
He very likely may have - there was a distinctly "digestive" noise on the broadcast
This. Today the new manufactured narrative has been presented to the left.
1PBTID proxy #4.

Sounds esophageal. And Biden's mic was muted, so what you're really claiming here is that Trunp shit himself. Good job.
2020? Nobody was paying attention. They didnt actually check out biden on camera, they just knew he was running against trump and were hoping "one of the good guys" could beat rude, antiestablishment trump.

What's even wilder, on these lines, is for the past 2 years I'd be showing people clips of biden having senior moments and they'd flat out deny it to my face. "he looks fine" or "I dont get it?". It's like they were scared of admitting what their eyes could clearly see.
>1PBTID proxy #4
Take your meds
If this isn't all obvious and predictable to you then you are not as smart or informed as you think. Sorry. None of this is at all confusing.
I explicitly told you in that post what was "obvious and predictable to me" and how I was wrong
>whats changed?
The media has ordered them to think that. Previously it ordered them to think something else.
>how do they see it now but not before?
Because it's now that the media is ordering them to see it, after having ordered not to see it previously.
>can someone explain this to me?
They are completely 100% dishonest, so it doesn't matter what they have in front of them AT ALL. They are 100% status produced consensus driven soulless social climbing cowards, so the only thing that matters is what the status havers do and say, and what they want them to do and say.
There's certain things you can't fake, like the Soi Golems in places like Daily Kos are at each other's throats right now

>supporting Biden is our only way to save America from Trump's empire and anyone who disagrees is a Fox News Fascist
>no, replacing Biden is our only way to save America from Trump's empire and anyone who disagrees is a Fox News Fascist, Kamala 2024!
>Kamala is too inexperienced and unknown and defeating Trump is too important
>Uhh racist and sexist much, (20 Year Tripfag Who Actually Delegated For Obama)?!

It's an element of unpredictability in shit that's usually very predictable
It seems that you don't understand dishonesty. I didn't say that they are somewhat dishonest: I said that they are 100% dishonest.
When you are somewhat dishonest, you are dishonest towards others, and you pretend and such when dealing with them. When you are completely dishonest, you are completely dishonest with yourself every single time, then you are completely dishonest with yourself about how dishonest you are with yourself every single time, and then you can be genuine or dishonest towards others. That's completely all encompassing dishonesty, and that's the dishonesty that takes to be a progressive: you are not capable of making yourself buy into all the reality denying outrageous self contradicting bullshit if you are not literally 100% completely dishonest.

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