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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>watch one of my favorite horror streamers, because I am bored
>she is reading posts from the "am I the asshole" subreddit and discusses them with another streamer she is officially in a relationship with (despite never having met irl)
>she starts doing math and realize the boyfriend in one post was 23, when he started dating his 17-year-old girlfriend
>the streamer is brain-broken for 2 entire minutes starts yelling "woah woah woah" "oh no no no" "this is so ... yikes dude, yikes bro, yikes dude ..."
>doesn't even outright say that it's pedophilia or even states her opinion, she just detected that it's socially controversial and does *social controversy* noises the entire time
She isn't a Zoomer, but she is living terminally online, so she is very much influenced by the Zoomer Zeitgeist. They really just have no strong opinions, because they are scary and could result in social death. They just respond to drama or controversies, because they are dramatic and controversial. Not because they actually have any beliefs about it.
It's all fake. Notice that? Notice how they have to make themselves sound like they care about the age gap, but in doing so, it comes across as so aspbergersally forced they don't see how ridiculous it looks.
Okay, did you comment that on the video or whatever
pick one retard
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>one of my favorite horror streamers
Are you 12?
>They really just have no strong opinions, because they are scary and could result in social death. They just respond to drama or controversies, because they are dramatic and controversial. Not because they actually have any beliefs about it.
This is called “women” and it’s not related to age
>zoomette pret3nding she wouldn't let a fit, wealthy 50 year old rail her into oblivion as long as she had access to his money
Every opinion a female of any age forms is rooted in jealousy and envy. Prove me wrong.
What you've described is the behaviour I encounter with millennial and zoomers in real life normally. Exactly as you describe. They can only intimate they "feel whatever society expects them to feel about x today" or not say anything at all but make drama noises

Brain dead, anon. Absolutely brain dead.
The covid vax/mandates exposed this in all of my friends. Ended nearly all of my friendships because of it. Dont have any frens anymore and havent for years probably never will again. I have acquaintances and gym bros but i wont be getting close to people again. Average person is too fucking stupid and not worth the effort to form a real relationship.
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I think you're a generalizing nigger and if I ever saw you in real life I'd call you a mongolische schweinhund to your face.
boomers are exactly the same. just talk about the holocaust or jews to them
That’s ephebephilia, to the point where you need to tell a person you’re a kid and also in some jurisdictions in the US Romeo and Juliet laws no longer apply after 16 so you can consent to anybody. Legally, it’s squared away except for nude photos but morally, no.

23 year olds can drink and are in the sunrise of a serious job and put the house. 17 yos aren’t the skibidi rizz crowd, that’s the truth, but it’s the same difference between a 17 yo and an 11 yo math wise, but a closer gap mentally that’s still unsafe.
>Except for nude photos
Which I've always found weird. You can fuck but can't have pictures taken? OTOH it'd just get women simps earlier legally.
>A gap that's unsafe
Silence, roastoid
Read something the other day that Gen z doesn't read articles to decide their veracity, but instead skip to the comment section to see if the crowd finds the article trustworthy.
They’re still in the insecure teenager age. Always bending to peer pressure, you can see it in the broccoli hair, it’s a dead giveaway.

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