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Jew Ratchet effect advanced...

What Is the Jew Ratchet Effect?

>This phenomenon gets its name from the mechanical device called a ratchet, which allows motion in one direction only. Just as a ratchet prevents backward movement, the ratchet effect ensures that zionist/jew power advances inexorably, never retreating to previous levels.
Biden was not like this. Yea he's been senile for a while but he's much worse now. Watch the SOTU you can see the difference.

Maybe these people aren't 200 IQ people playing 33-dimensional chess, and are just retarded power-hungry sociopaths.
quite frankly I dont know what youre babbling about but this next election is likely to be interesting
..that is.. if it even happens.
yes, zion don is meant to win, jews love him. israeli ones and globalist finance ones. and trumptards will do their bidding again
If they wanted to replace Joe, they would’ve done some in the primary. It’s too late now.
You fucking retards will never get it. Trump isn’t even alive anymore. You’re all morons being duped. You can’t recognize the facial differences because you’re autistic.
Its not too late now. They could still do it if they wanted
They did this to let Trump win or put in Mike Obama/Shillary/Jewsom
>Biden was not like this. Yea he's been senile for a while but he's much worse now

Nah, he's been bad off a long time, hiding in the basement etc. and they have gone to heroic efforts to keep it from the cameras - the drugs just don't work anymore. The useful idiots didd their duty but the TPTB have decided to cash him out.
No, they couldn’t win with somebody who wasn’t selected by the voters. They have a better chance sticking with Biden
Also, the only way it would work is if Biden stepped down. They can’t force him out when he won the primary.
>No, they couldn’t win with somebody who wasn’t selected by the voters

"Biden" will have to release his delegates (or die) before there can be an open dem convention choosing a new candidate

the scum around joe will resist giving up there biden puppet - their precious
Yeah, he already had the chance to step down and do the right thing. It’s not going to happen.
I'm loving your cope, OP.
It's not too late.
Dems pulled this exact same fucking play with LBJ ffs.
He resigned after the primaries were concluded, they had a guy chosen and nominated him at their convention.
Holly shut historically illiterate anons.
They are playing the same play but >noooo, it's too late
Why do you think they did the earliest debate in history?
Because Jill, Kamala and all the factions already agreed on the replacement.
Obviously it's a done deal. Democrats will now pretend for a week that they are "scrambling" and will pull their, agreed upon, candidate, at the beginning of July.
This way: no primaries, no time for anyone to vet the candidate or really devise a good research(or so they think), no time for the Democrats to start argue neither. United front.
I think it will be Michelle Obama but fuck if I know 100%.
Trump didn't announce his VP because he knows it too. I'm guessing they have oppo research done on Newsome, Hilldawg, and Big Mike but that may not be enough if it would be someone else.
In any case the first play of this play didn't go well for the Democrats but this time they have cheating of epic proportions to help them.
Also they are trying to prevent down ticket massacre more than anything with this play.
As long as they can claim rhe House and thw Senate they are OK. With Biden at the top these races will also be very hard to steal.
>I'm loving your cope, OP.
You are going to have to explain that - I don't think you know what the word means Zion Don or Zion Joe - anyway it plays out the jews win.

any outcome works for jews:
- Joe wins/trump loses
-Trump wins/Joe loses/dies/25th Ammd.
-Trump loses to another theft election resulting in civil disorder
-Newsom replaces Joe
-whatever. the flow chart process is all setup
To be fair, Trump didn't do anything for Israel at all. No $38 billion, no war with Iran or Syria. He blew up a shed, said "great job!" to Bibi, drew on a map, and moved an office to a different building. And the Israelis still worshiped him, they even built a golden statue to him and fell down on their faces, performing ablutions and propitiating his image with songs and dances and sacrifices, in strict violation of their own Biblical laws set down by Moses and Abraham. He enchanted them completely, but ultimately, he did less for Israel than any US President.
good post
>It's not too late.
Yeah it isn't too late, Joe will need to die, retire or "give' his delegates up - Newsom or Mike whatever may be ushered in if that happens - but time is a ticking - not a good look and the parasites around the Biden Host won't give up their hold til he's dead
Feel free to use it. They have no rebuttal to it.
None of the news agencies can coordinate that quickly, this was all planned out. If they were taken off guard we would have heard, "Trump lied 247 times through the debate, based on a, b, c and x, y, z". Instead we heard, "OMG Joe is way worse than we thought". So, this must have been the plan all along.
Thus is why I'm giving them about a week to pretend that they just found the candidate.
It probably took a year to agree to terms on the down low. They appeased all factions and paid off all of them.
The problem that rhey really have is the down ticket votes desu. They need to be close for the cheating to help. Can't be fucking 60-40. With Biden at the top they have about 60-40 split now, so they need to replace Biden even if their candidate may still lose.
Them controlling the House and the Senate is crucial.
Because of this I kind of oscillate between Big Mike and some unknown bullshit candidate desu.
If Big Mike loses it's a slap in the face of Obama and that's a no-no. Same with Newsome and definitely with Hilldawg.
So for the reason of the Congress votes and not to lose face too much they may opt out for someone like Buttplug or some other JV league guy.
Listen, they're not going to replace Pedo Joe. What they'll do is rig it again, but it'll be even more obvious and ham fisted. And fewer people will join the military, and Russia will win. That's the plan.
Yes, yes it was. More than that: they already have their stooge agreed upon.
Trump didn't announce his VP pick because his people know this.
I'm guessing they have oppo research done on a few and his pick will depend on who that fucker is, so we won't hear it until after the pick is announced.
I usually make a bigger point about Trump's leadership style and how appearances, narrative control are important when you're POTUS. His need for the appearance of success created a lot of real successes, ego is just another basic human process that joe can no longer do.
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>To be fair, Trump didn't do anything for Israel at all.
OK, I'll set aside his over the top vocal support for Israel which there are numerous examples of ranging from interviews to rallies, etc.

Trump never stood in the way of funding or support of Israel while he was president and his admin was filled with jews

You’re fucking retarded. The national convention hasn’t happened yet. The dems have not officially chosen their representative.
Checked but I think you are severely underestimating 2 things
>their ambitions and pettiness
>their extremely low IQ
Contrary to the anons popular opinion, the morons in power do fear the people to some extent.
Even in Soviet Union the elections, as fabricated as possible, still happened and still looked legit to the people(at least to some extent).
They have to have elections look at best absolutely above board or 2020 tier at the worst. Nothing worse than that.
But for this you need a max 10% spread or so. You go into 60-40 category and there is no way to cheat legitimately and make it look just like a slight shitshow for the masses.
So nope, they will replace Joe, unless someone goes and fucks this up by suddenly saying no, or demanding too much.
In which case Joe will die.
And notice how we have the earliest debate and I think most late convention in history.
This is why. So there's time to do what needs to be done.
I'm unsure on when the Dems moved their convention but this would be the date when they chose their stooge to replace Joe.
>>their ambitions and pettiness
>>their extremely low IQ
They will just rig it. They don't care if the US public knows a senile puppet is on the throne. Even better that they do, it's a humiliation ritual as it is already.

Nope, it's Pedo Joe in a rigged election. Period.
Anon they do care. They have to care because if "not caring" was an option then places like Soviet Union wouldn't have elections.
You see a sizeable portion of the population has to be bamboozled. History is pretty damn clear on this. When you have 3% of the population set on violence, materially supported by about 35-40% of the population it's a game over for every single Regime.
So yes, they do care, and yes they will replace him because at this point they cannot make it look legitimate.
Then they will cheat the shit out of the elections to make their stooge, whoever that is, "win".
It will be more believable because the turn out for their stooge will be much higher than it would be for Joe. They still do need that legitimate turnout to cheat successfully
They may still fail but it will simply be easier.
>they will replace Joe
They legitimately can’t. It’s too close to the election for them to certify anybody else’s name on the ballots and it will look worse than it already is if they replace him. The “elites” are so fucking stupid they set this trap themselves. They can’t cheat harder because half the electorate knows 2020 was blatantly rigged. Now it’s become painfully obvious to the ignorant masses the guy they rigged it for is brain dead and has been. They’re stuck with lame horse and the party is imploding because they can’t run anybody else. What you witnessed last night was not just the end of a presidency. It was the death of a party. Donald J. Trump defeated two of the most powerful political dynasties in American history and is now giving a death blow to the oldest political party in the US. It’s wild.
I hecking love theater!
Who decides? Who are these nebulous "insiders"? Does the DNC actually have any authority to choose a candidate over a democratic incumbent?
>rigged election
another cheat election will have the added bonus of confirming/self fulfilling prophecy of civil disorder/false flag stuff blamed on magatards - real or staged - but the outrage will be a good environment for such things - who knows, maybe old joe will get whacked, furthing the narrative. After winning 145 million votes, look what those white supremacists have done!
You're either lying or delusional.
Everyone here knew he was a doddering dementia patient for years. Knowing that, he still managed to beat out my expectations and didn't fall asleep at the podium or wander off mid-sentence. He actually stayed on topic for the most part and responded to most of the questions. He blew away my expectations.
But for SOME reason you and most of the liberal media are completely surprised that he's old and senile.
Anyone "surprised" by this debate is a fucking liar.
It's exciting. This hasn't been a real country since, depending on how redpilled you are, 911, JFK, WWII, WWI, FRA, Act of 1871, Civil War...

It's a giant criminal scam flying by the seat of its pants, always was.
>They legitimately can’t. It’s too close to the election for them to certify anybody else’s name on the ballots and it will look worse than it already is if they replace him.

No, they could, it won't be pretty and "Joe" has to release his delegates back by the August Convention

>Party rules make it almost impossible to replace nominees without their consent, let alone smoothly replace them with someone else. And doing so would amount to party insiders’ overturning the results of primaries when Democratic voters overwhelmingly to nominate Biden. He won almost 99% of all delegates.

>And at the moment, there’s no known, serious effort to push him off the top of the ticket.

>Still, the Democratic National Committee's charter does make some provisions in case the party’s nominee is incapacitated or opts to step aside, and an anti-Biden coup at the convention is theoretically possible, if highly unlikely. So how would it work?
Anon, their official certification happens during their convention.
He isn't their candidate now, he is after the convention. It's all fake of course but it's the rule, eight?
This is why Ohio is scrambling.
Dems moved their convention so late and the debate so early for a reason. Reason being it's the replacement of the fucking POTATUS they have there now.
And no, this move is not the best for the Republicans.
I want Dems to leave Joe on the ticket but I knew they will replace him over a year ago. There was many signs pointing in that direction. They also, as I said, did this exact shit before. They will do that again.
I also said that Trump knows this and this is why he didn't announce his VP yet. He will do it fast after they announce who the replacement is.
You don't have to believe me of course. We will know very soon which one of us is right. Who knows? Maybe you are right and they won't replace Joe and will thus due. I hope so, but I don't think so.
Who could they hand the reins to even if they actually wanted to give up power?
Everyone else is either just as old or incredibly unpopular among their base.
The good news is that when Biden and Trump die of old age before 2030, we'll see a once in a lifetime political shake up.
It won't happen. Even if they want him to, he still has his pride and the Chinese won't let him drop out.

Nope, it's rigging it again even if 99% of Americans can see the rigging plain as day. We've long since gone past any stage where optics or law matters. Force is the only thing that counts now.
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>It's exciting
>Watch the SOTU you can see the difference.
Scripted event with a teleprompter telling him what to say
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Seized and stripped thread.
Ratchets only work on bolts that fit, nature prevents them from being turned.
insiders could have replaced outside of the convention too its factionalism in the democrat party

obama wants biden with his faction, some jewish progressive rich faction doesn't want biden anymore over the israel thing
I think they intended to ride him through November. He's a perfect puppet allowing others to run things behind the scenes. His rapidly declining health has created a problem for them because there is no agreement on who should take the reins. The democrats have several factions - an Obama machine, a Hillary machine, a Harris machine, a Newsom machine, a Biden machine.
What the hell kind of drugs are these people on? Joe Biden has always been this way since day one, they voted for this and are genuinely surprised by Joe Biden's performance.
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I hadn't thought of the
>early enough to swap him out
>late enough to prevent a democratic primary vote on his successor
angle before
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>Who could they hand the reins to even if they actually wanted to give up power?

Zionist are in control either way - yes the bit players who feed off power will always balk at being swept away but THEY do not actually run the machine. It really is all theater at this point - once the shifts in the background happen - things unfold - multiple ways they can play out. The last 8 years has been one unprecedented thing after another - I am 56 years old and have been paying attention since at least the nineties - so this is just what I have noted.
Yep. Same thing as happened with RBG and Feinstein. Old Dems cannot let go of power. Honestly same shit as happened with Mitch.
The scope of their lies and the sudden change of narrative has to be giving the NPC's whiplash right now.
Less than 24 hours ago Biden being a dementia patient was fake news and video to the contrary was cheap fakery taken out of context.
Surely some of the regular redditor idiots will take notice THIS time, right?
Fat fucking chance.
They did it with LBJ before and people just don't know the recent history of the US.
They come up with some shit that this is "unprecedented ". It's not. It was done before, will be this time. This has been my theory for over a year now.
The art of the deal. I was over in tel aviv during trump. They loved him and worshipped Americans who were visiting. It was a nice time
Shit pilpul, kikel.
It doesn't matter, anon. They don't particularly care who wins. They only pretend they do. They could off Trump if he got too much in their way, easily. They did that in the past to presidents who got too uppity. They gotta put on a convincing show, they gotta make people believe that the stakes are high and that it's important and that it matters. It doesn't. Trump, even if he has full agency, can be in office for a mere 4 years. That's not enough time to do anything at all.

None of this matters. Democracy is a scam where (((they))) wash their hands of all accountability and utilize divide and conquer to make the people blame each other and argue amongst themselves for the predicament they're in.

Easy game.
Easy life.
>What you witnessed last night was not just the end of a presidency. It was the death of a party. Donald J. Trump defeated two of the most powerful political dynasties in American history and is now giving a death blow to the oldest political party in the US.

I was with you up until this point. The Democratic party is imploding in 2024, but they'll take their L in November and regroup. After this cycle, they won't have to deal with Trump anymore and will be facing a Republican party in a period of transition. They could easily reclaim the Weiss House in 2029.

The two-party system is deeply entrenched and not going away, sadly.
Isn't that ratchet only moving things right though? Dems aren't leftist in practice and they keep doing nothing to distribute corporate profit to workers and consumers. In fact, Biden was campaigning on greedlation and stood with protesting union workers, a first for any president. And then this happens.

Right a month after Blackstone started openly supporting all and funding Trump. Trump is also more clearly zionist aligned and in a rush to give unconditional aid to Israel, unlike Biden.
Judas kiss...

>I WATCHED the Biden-Trump debate alone in a Lisbon, Portugal, hotel room, and it made me weep. I cannot remember a more heartbreaking moment in American presidential campaign politics in my lifetime — precisely because of what it revealed: Joe Biden, a good man and a good president, has no business running for reelection.
did you get a rabbi to give you a blow job?
This 100% I posted the same thought here last night
>trust the plan
kys nigger
>Anon, their official certification happens during their convention.
No, I’m talking about the state requirements for being on a ballot. Laws nobody thinks of. Essentially there are 50 different sets of rules on how you get onto a presidential ballot. There just simply isn’t enough time to scramble and comply with all of those rules even with the army of lawyers the DNC has. If they wait till August to do it that leaves them literal weeks to do it on top of completely rebrand their campaign, get the ground game going, and unfuck what is now an absolutely demoralized party. On top of this biden has to consent to do so as >>472465233 pointed out. The only way Biden gets replaced is if he dies which would now be extremely suspicious. They can try and replace Biden all they want but there is no scenario where it will feasibly happen. The dems are absolutely fucked.
>The Democrat party has completely removed the people from the process of picking a presidential candidate.
Not surprising.

- Florida Democrat Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz(Broward County), the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, abruptly resigns after a trove of leaked emails showed party officials conspiring to sabotage the campaign of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont ~ New York Times / 2016
- Massachusetts Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren & Donna Brazile agree the 2016 presidential primary was rigged for Hillary ~ BBC NEWS
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>Isn't that ratchet only moving things right though
Don't get distracted by the dust and noise - there's only one common thread or string or lever deciding outcomes and most are preplanned and setup long before the public gets to see the stage.

>Critics of that landmark ruling, which involved a challenge to a regulation enacted by the Environmental Protection Agency under the Clean Air Act, have said the so-called Chevron doctrine gives unelected federal bureaucrats too much power in crafting regulations that touch on major areas of American life, such as the workplace, the environment and health care.
The Chevron case is more rightward movement. Profits are being more and more protected, corporations and the finance class keep winning. Why are you being vague about this?
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>rightward movement
I have doubts - this always happens - people fall for it - declare victory - go home - rinse repeat Ad nauseam
he's in fast decline. I'm not a liberal. I was calling out his obvious decline compared to VP in 2020. Scary thing is that it is still (relatively) early days. In six months he probably will be pissing and shitting himself in public and won't know what is goign on. Like imagine at that G7 thing in Europe he pissed himself. That could happen next year if he wins.

I am sort of surprised that Democrats are shocked by this performance, it was bound to happen, but they've also invested a lot of mental capital into convincing themselves he was actually sharp as a tack and fully engaged "behind closed doors" (even though he never looks like that in public).
>I like unelected federal employees controlling my life with rules they make up, enforce and intpret
>t. complete fucking retard
Pull your head out of your Marxist ass.
Anon they will run their stooge from now until August. They won't announce it at the convention. They will announce him/her now.

In real news: Thomas Massie's wife just died yesterday.
>They will announce him/her now.
Buddy, they can’t do it unless Biden says yes. He’s not saying yes. He is doubling down. Unless he does it’s just not happening.
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>unless Biden says yes.
he can die or suddenly go comatose anon - a new hero will be born - someone to carry on this noble humble man's legacy of unwavering public service.
broward county, and the entire tri-county area in fact, is such a hive of rat kikes it's unbelievable.

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