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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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So far 2 decisions have come out:

The Grand Court ruled that cities can clean up homeless camps!

Even more important, they just overruled the old Chevron case which put high deference to Federal Agencies when it came to interpreting the law.

goodbye atf glowies
so can i fish now without having a cop pull up asking for a loicense then arresting me for obstruction when i refuse to answer questions
>homeless shelters case
>Chevron deference repealed
Holy shit wtf bbq???????? Bump stocks AND this in he same week?

Are the powers that be willingly letting the pendulum swing back, or are they just unable to stem the tide of public opinion?
Captcha: HARD
correct! they have to sue you in civil court instead of a regulator automatically fining you. enjoy you freedom anon!!!
>they just overruled the old Chevron case
The entirety of the Executive Branch was just ruled obsolete. Unfortunately it is the Executive Branch that has to enforce the ruling. When is Clarence Thomas going to unleash the Marshals?
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Courts ban homelessness.
>Bell riots confirmed
>Star Trek timeline confirmed
>optimum movement confirmed
>Second civil war incoming
>WW3 incoming
Holy fuck muh heckin Star wars! Wait until I tell the power rangers about this!
Big wins for sure. I want a suppressor but held off because I don’t want to pay the tax stamp fee. The ATF has no validity to even regulate them let alone shake me down for 200$. They can piss off and hopefully this will nail their coffin
Are you feeling it? The meme magic is returning to us.
Fuck yes. Now these fucking nigger jew americans can get cancer faster from unregulated corporations. I fucking love freedom and how it kills the retarded.
It's actually written in law so you still have to pay the tax.
Don't fall for it. They are just prepping things for WW3. They need those homeless to enlist, and also cleaning up the streets long enough to make you think there is something here worth defending.
the chinese elite backstabbed the jew elite so now the jews are stuck in the usa. since they are stuck in the usa they need to unfuck the usa so the place they live in isnt intetionally shitty.

reminder: all politics are fake and gay, and morality to government/corporations is a meme.
ATF losing power is always a good thing to hear about. Now they need to fully repeal the Volstead Act and rip out the teeth of all these federal agencies
Do you think the Texas case will change the law? They ruled against control of pistol braces so I was kinda hoping they might overturn suppressors too
>the chinese elite backstabbed the jew elite
Big if true, got any sources?
maybe he means the 400k salary cap on investment bankers in china?
Still looking for that new angle huh Moshe. Don't worry I'm sure they'll have you some new talking points real soon.
I am curious as to what you are referring and willing to hear you out. Tell us more.
I don’t think anons realize how massive it is that chevron deference is gone now. That will be the most impactful decision released by the courts in decades. Way bigger deal tha the dobbs decision
I do. I hope Clarence does what he says he wants to do and tears down Wickard while he’s at it.
t. lawyer
Did they just throw out the J6 conviction? Apple News sent out some sorry
White boy summer
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Explain to me without context what it might mean for people, if you can please
What angle? Only a donkey brain would think "freedom" is a good thing for an average normie. It's so obvious the only winners here are the ruling class and that every decision this court makes is meant to kill or enslave the retarded normie.

Deruglation is like letting toddlers loose with power tools, except the toddlers are retarded Americans, they will hurt themselves and not even realize whose fault it is. If you're not a normie and are smart or rich enough to figure out what is going on, you win. That's why freedom is great. 98% of people are too stupid to benefit from it and the rest of us are smart enough to use it to our advantage.


>Chevron is fucking dead
yup. they are probably gonna have to throw out all the convictions
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you sound hysterical like a woman
You can no longer fine a man five billion dollars for wanting to build a bridge over his stream in his back yard moshe.
are those tent protests considered homeless camps?
Nice kvetching, commie.
>federal agencies have to follow the law and can’t just make shit up
>kikes predictably upset
I can't tell you how satisfying it is that retards like you are going to be put to death so much faster by corporate run America. I'm literally rolling around in my bed with joy as I type this on my phone.
>Chevron ded
Baste. Only other big item on the SCOTUS to-do list for me is throwing out substantive due process (Obergefell, etc)
Not a commie. I'm a Libertarian. I'm just not stupid enough to think everyone benefits from lawlessness. Only the strong survive, retard. It's literally the fucking core of the ideology.

It's incredible how Somali tier IQ you faggots are.
So giving feds near dictatorial power is the opposite of lawlessness? Oh wow, how did anyone ever exist before! Fuck the feds, and you can catch a bullet too. You're not a fucking libertarian if you're preaching for more massive and more powerful government.
>pro-Chevron lolbertarian
just lol
>I'm a libertarian who loves having my liberties infringed upon by (((experts)))
>congress full of retards with little to no contact with subject matter experts
>laws written by people who don't know what they're regulating
>people affected by laws have no idea how to even follow them as a result
>chevron case in 80's rules that federal agencies can make rules to interpret laws
>regulations become stifling and even unconstitutional
>scotus shuts it down after 40 years
>jews mad

Holy fucking nigger apes. You fucking silverback popeyes eating coons don't get it. This is a great decision for me. It's bad for the rest of you.

Since you're so fucking stupid here is how it works:

Are you a rich, intelligent, scheming, powerful, capable person who can benefit from having no restrictions on your actions?

If so, then "freedom" is good for you because you can use your power to exploit others.

Are you a weak, mutt brained, poor, lazy, stupid fat retard like 98% of Americans? Then freedom is bad for you because those with more means will shit down your throat because you're too weak or stupid to stop them. This tard group benefits from a government that passes laws and enforces rules to protect then from "exploitation".

This is libertarianism 101. You want freedom because you win with it and others lose.
Oh neat, thank you! This seems really consistent with recent rulings, like the decision on how the EPA couldn't just make up new rules
Clean up your pants moshe.
Hell yea. Today gonna be a good day.
To all faggot glowies,

Are you guys cleaning up your resume yet? I think you're going to need them soon.
>Even more important, they just overruled the old Chevron case which put high deference to Federal Agencies when it came to interpreting the law.
Genuine question: what are the implications of this? I've never heard of Chevron before today and I'm not seeing any article that state any concrete potential happenings, just what you wrote.
Just read
Thanks, anon!
They added Monday July 1 as a decision day.

I guess that's when the Trump is immune and still President decision drops.
Basically the ATF can write laws because Congress allowed it. That has now been vanquished.

All those quasi 3rd party things that are not part of the Government that claim (like EPA, DOE, etc) they can just write down rules and enforce them as laws with fines, just got their fangs pulled out.
lmao hahahahahahahaha. Get wrecked glowies.
>bump stocks good to go
>"braces" on guns under 16 inches fine
Might as well just repeal the whole fucking NFA. I want suppressors for all my guns
Great, now all the Hmongs and other dirtballs around here can net all the fish out of our lakes and ponds without repercussion.
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>I'm a Libertarian.
just give the federal bureaucrats unlimited power
Other countries REQUIRE you to use a suppressor in some areas
>giving full authority to the feds
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yes but my question is this for any law fags. do thos eregulations still stand as of now, or are they automatically stricten. I am left with the sense that this merely opens the door to these regulations being adjudicated, but for the tiem beign, they still stand.
Follow what law? The entire point of Chevron was that it allowed the agencies to function when there was no explicit guidance.
>thinking the kikes WANTED there to be more corporate oversight
Oh I see, you're fucking retarded. That fisherman's lawyer works for the Koch brothers and took the case pro-bono. This is literally a big (nose) business initative.
Either bait or actually early onset schizophrenia jew.
What difference does this make to Canada? Are you moving to the USA?

It's part of the destruction of the existing crap we call a government, being done in pieces. Let it all play out.
hey fellow on-a-sticker
The Court wrote it so that it does not invalidate previous decisions made from the principle, so any case law based off if it still stands for now. However, if those people/businesses are still around and still willing to sue those cases could be re-opened and would probably go the other way.
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>The entire point of Chevron was that it allowed the agencies to function when there was no explicit guidance.

but the problem became one of the bureaucrats making up the rules as they saw fit, adn those "rules" were essentially laws, that saw people get massive fines, adn even jail time for breaking them.

if congress wants something to be a law, then they need to make it a law.

if bureaucrats beliee they are enforcing the law, within the confines that congress has created, then that is a matter for the courts to decide, not some quasi judicial bureaucratic "tribunal", but actual bona fide judges, duly appointed or elected.

at least thats my limited understanding

of course that puts the deep state commies into full blown panic mode, how can they carry out the wishes of thier chinese masters now?
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>What difference does this make to Canada?
Well when the USA sneezes, Canada gets a cold.
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how are mutt milfs so fuckable?
when all you see on a regular basis are gypsies, she's a solid 8.
I get the philosophical point, but it was a band-aid fix on a legitimate problem. Congressmen and Judges are, as a rule, lawyers who don't know shit about anything other than how to be a lawyer or politician. This became a problem back in the 80's when government regulatory agencies were formed and told to start regulating things; they kept going to Congress and the courtd to try to get specific laws passed (or interpreted) that would allow them to impose regulations they thought were important. Things like "how many fish can be taken out of this river without impacting the overall fish population" and "how high does a safety rail need to be to prevent a dude from falling off a scaffold," etcetera. Nobody in Congress or the Judiciary really knew the answers to these questions, so the Supreme Court kicked it to the agencies themselves. This problem still exists; it's probably worse now because Congress has become increasingly disfunctional.

I'm not crying over the ATF and DEA losing some of their authoritarian power, but rendering agencies like OSHA, the EPA, and the CDC toothless is bad fucking news for any person who doesn't want to get bent over and railed at every job they work.
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Statists BTFO
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>The entire point of Chevron was that it allowed the agencies to function when there was no explicit guidance.
The executive EXECUTES the laws. If there is no law, there is nothing to execute. eat shit lmao
>rendering agencies like OSHA, the EPA, and the CDC toothless is bad fucking news for any person who doesn't want to get bent over and railed at every job they work.
nah, maybe pass a law if you love tegulations so much. You can't enact civil or criminal penalties without a fucking law
>when all you see on a regular basis are gypsies, she's a solid 8
hey gypsies are pretty
Suppressors have been getting approved at an absurd rate recently. You really should've got your stamp and can before they decide to change anything for the worse.
Also the stamp is written law. It's why it's still $200 or something because the law never updated, so it's the only thing inflation has made cheaper.

quick run down?
Doesn't this basically kill the atf?
Because that would be incredible.
>wanting to rely on CONGRESS to guard your ass against corporate malfeasance
Some of those burueacrats are probably well educated and well intentioned people who aren't in the pocket of the businesses they regulate. That's the case for about 0% of Congressmen and maybe 5% of judges, none of which are on the Supreme Court.
kill no but it will force them to defer to the courts when there is any question about a regulation/law instead of "well we think we'll just butt fuck everyone cause we are the (insert agency here)"

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