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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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not really
I'm white and I can spot a jew at 200 meters
Jews mimic whites and stop at nothing to steal their genes because they wish to hide amongst the children of God.
jews are jealous whites kept their divine birthright while jews forsook it.
No they're not.
>Curvy like ears
>Creepy eyes (be it greedy, lustful, or serial killers stare)
>Nose that's far more bigger than arab for whatever reason
>Thin upper lip thick lowrr lip as if ancient beast turtle snatcher bite it
>jews looks white to me
That's why they're so dangerous to white people, and less dangerous to others.
Its called breeding with whites causing the jewish gene to be cleansed with time. Only some jewish genes can hold strong. Namly the hawk breeds. But even those loose with every generation that the jewess breeds with a non jew.
I still think about the jewess i fucked and if she ever took me back and realized what she is then i would give her many white washed kids, hopefully girls. That look like ops vid rel.
youre like a baby to me, i can sense a jew from hundreds of feet away, i can tell someone is jewish by their cough alone. I can tell when jews are gathering if a gust of wind passes by them and the same gust hits me five miles away. Footprints are a clear indicator to me as well. Early life section? dont need it. generations of nooooticing make the hairs on my arms stick up if i even hear a jew blink.

Aren't jews always looked like whites? What genes they stole? Jews are very closed community, they don't allowed non jews to breeding with them no?
Yeah, ashkenazi jews have nearly bred themselves out of existence, Most of them are 80% white now.
However, ethnically, culturally, they hate Whites, so they can never be white.
The rest of them, Sephardic and Misrahim, etc, are just fucking sand niggers of varying sorts. Offshoots of other cultures they invaded and assimilated into from the past.
Lmao that's an attention whore and I bet you give her money. You're fucking pathetic, pajeet.
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Jews were always white.
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>Aren't jews always looked like whites?
No, they're ancient demons
No way this person has 100% ashkenazi dna, they arent evil looking enough
Jews and Indians are both part of the Indo-European ethnic group so they are both factually white despite what /pol/ claims
I'm white and pakis look indian to me
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You're Indian, so your opinion is worthless to the rest of us.
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>100% ashkenazi dna
There's not such thing. Ashkenazi Jews were mixed to begin with. webm related is Polish Jew mixed with Bulgarian Jew.
Our populations share parent populations from the stone age. We are sister groups. That doesn't make them White. Race isn't appearance alone.
The Whitest a person can be is some sort of pure Scandinavian. Nearly white hair, pale blue eyes, milk white skin, gaunt features, forward brows, strong jaw, the works. Ever talked to one of those people about Whiteness? They think anyone who does not look like them is obviously not fully White.
It would be like if I said Indians and Pakis look the same. They don't, but it's funny to say it.
>Indians are factually White
sar have you been taught to poo in loo? You cannot street shit in the West sar
>pure 56% mutt
>100% american
>60% of the time it works 100% of the time
post nipples
She's Canadian.
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Whites can tell the difference between other Whites, but I can't tell you the difference between someone from Bangladesh, Pakistan, or India unless they are wearing religious attire.

DNA mapping clearly indicates that Jews are modified sandniggers.
The nose knows.

But seriously, it's like how non-indians can't tell your country's like thirty different ethnic groups apart.
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So THIS is the cause of all the 'kikes are white' spam on the board lately? Poos?
Why did you say you were indian? Dumbass.
Kys poo
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When you look like a huge turd I would imagine everyone would look white
It's not just poos. Blacks still can't tell any race apart from one another.
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"SARS Indians look White you bloody bastards!"
That kike maybe. But not you.
arr rook the same to me
what is this from?
indians will destroy the world if they aren't stopped. Everywhere they go, they bring their subhuman 3rd world mentality of raping and cheating. Unfortunately, white people dont have the balls to deport the indians but what will happen is, whites will lose their remaining power, and then the Chinese will easily take over the West, and the Chinese will deport the indians because the chinese don't want indians in their new chinese-controlled Western countries. So yes, whites are going to lose all power. But the indians will not "take over". The Chinese will, and the chinese will easily defeat and deport the indians back to shithole India.
Many ashkenazi are european and not semites. So they are not racially jewish, if that's even a thing. It's illegal to get genetic testing for jews in Israel because they're afraid it would show many white jews are not related to the jews of the Bible and that they have no claim to Israel.
Jews hold themselves out to be separate and apart from us. Yes many of them are mixed to the point they could pass as northern European, but at the end of the day it's their choice to be separate and apart and to believe the rest of us exist to be their slaves.
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She has a different look
Jews usually can't hide that unless heavily bleached
jews and indians will never be white
Use an infrared filter..
Don't feel bad man.
I had no idea until pol educated me.
It took a bit, but I started to notice things.
But its hard to do at first.
You know how Indians have that look when they see each other in the west?
Same thing.
We just know.
Well some.
I blend in so well, people can't tell.
When I start to speak hindi it shocks the fuck out of them.

Thing is, Jews are not hard to spot once you understand their behavior.
The women are a bit harder to spot.
Also the 1/4 to 1/2 jews are also hard to spot.

Someone said the physical features like the ears, but that does not always pan out.
So you look for the curly hair.
Then you look at other cues.

Many don't know they are jewish, but the signs are all there.
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I can smell a jew from a mile away
I can smell them and I certainly can smell you
"Ichi the killer"
yes shes white, is she jewish? maybe maybe not, you need to ask her.
thats the thing about jews, you cant tell if someone is a jew by looking at them. people saying jews arent white are just color blind retards.
Show me that side profile, you large hooked nose cunt.
looks jewish to me
israel seem to import lot of tiktoks influensers
not fooling anyone, rabbi
Some Jews are white
Jews are divided into several subgroups some of which look almost perfectly European, some look Sicilian and some are blacks from the horn of Africa. Western white Jews are called white when it's convenient and non-white when it's not. "White" can mean "pale skinned" or "pale goy" from a Jewish perspective depending on the context
Largely, yes. But not entirely.
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Also look at the corners of the mouth; they kind of drawn inwards. Hard to explain but it''s something I notice a lot.
that subtle spain roast
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Sometimes they look white-ish, sometimes they are brown, sometimes they are Asiatic, sometimes they are black. "jews" are a religious congregation (synagogue) of adversaries (satan), blasphemers of the God of Israel Jesus Christ, they are not a pure racial thing, they are diverse multi-racial peoples. But the antichristian shills of /pol/ have trouble accepting that fact since they want the jews to be God's chosen people of the Bible, either because of their antichrist bias or because they are jews themselves.
So are Americans and Turks.
>"Ichi the killer"
Disgusting Kike. Burn her to ashes.
The real question is, can you spot one a hemisphere away, hiding behind a memeflag?
you don't understand, that anon is professor X and he has his own cerebro (cer-HEEB-ro), he can pinpoint literally everyone on the planet who has the mutant jew gene
Most Jews are white, /pol/cels are just retarded and/or hypocritical antisemitic morons.

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