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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Interviewed by Logan Paul, 6/13/2024
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>472459748
Now today was super extra ultra MAGA. The rally ought to be better now. Also this is a Zion Ron loss too.
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It's hard to overstate just how badly the federal government got BTFO this week. Wew.
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isn't he currently in jail?
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Shill bros...what happened? I thought the sham trial would be the end of /ptg/ and the breakfast breads would forever disappear from the spotlight however the exact opposite occurred and /ptg/ raised almost 99 million tomboys. /ptg/'s support is growing by each day, I don't think deleting and pruning the thread is an option anymore...are jews and traitorous abc agencies inbred retards? WHY WON'T THEY DO SHIT?!!

Actually if you think about it, Biden is the one doing the shitting. LMAO!
>Gorsuch voted twice
Not yet.
yay j6ers we love you go trimp
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for people who don't know: jarkesy yesterday and chevron overturned today were addressing something like pic related
>Hunting homeless for sport
When are the first post-debate state polls coming?
Losers general
PTG wishes congratulations to all those involved with overturning the Chevron Deference, which has been a cancer on US law for fourty years. Well done everyone involved!
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today is so much fun
Makes me wonder if all those companies and people prosecuted by the EPA and the ATF will be vindicated. I mean, businesses were ruined and people got put in prison because of their regulations that were never laws.
This nigger is going to die from a salt meltdown.
Actually yes.
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Totally !!!
This person is the silliest goose.
Pozfag doesn't like ACB because she has nigger kids, but he simps for Kike Johnson. Lol, lmao even
So the SCOTUS has effectively confirmed that the J6 protesters are political prisoners?
Just like Trump says?
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I'm still concerned with Trump's proclivity for huffing jewish farts - however after last night it feels a lot like 2016 again. He won my vote back.
Roberts' gay line notwithstanding 100% there will be litigation once the mandate drops.
are you surprised?
most if not all J6 prisoners will be eligible for either resentencing or a new trial
Nope. He's a retarded faggot.
>Where are the first post-debate (((polls)))
The (((polls))) never end in this faggoty country, sven, and you have to give this some room to breathe...since the 4th of July is next Thursday, I dunno if there will be any formal poll until after the holiday...we'll have to wait and see until then
>we're overruling chevron but all our previous cases that relied on chevron are still in effect
how does this even work on a practical level
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ptg btfo

kek, laughed out loud at this post.
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Shills are BTFO so hard today.
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the dark rhizome strikes again
I think republicans are celebrating too early after the debate.

This is basically Biden's version of the access Hollywood tape. If Trump could recover from that, Biden will from this
so happy over Fischer, it takes a sledgehammer not just to a ton of Jan6 convictions, but Trump's Jan6 indictment as well. remaining cases for Monday are Corner Post, Moody, and of course, Trump.
it doesn't, it's practically begging "please don't flood my court with 40 years of grievances over bad case law can't you just accept it and move on"
Does the end of the EPA making shit up mean they can't just arbitrarily decide the only acceptable amount of pollution from cars is zero, as they've been weaponized to do? Or do they have some special faggoty clause in the Clean Air Act that lets them just decide that and it's unaffected.
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Where is the Joe Biden tripfag LEL
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What's the legislation that Joe passed that was successful?
all of those people involved in these fake prosecutions need to be fucking arrested and given a fucking tribunal.
It honestly doesn't and doesn't mean much of anything. It's just typical Roberts trying to win over the normie tards in the middle. He's just woefully obsessed with public opinion because...well, I don't know why, really. He's not answerable in any way to the electorate so why the fuck should he care?
I've been up watching meltdowns from the debates, and now this... Sleep when?
That's a good question, anon
probably pozfag posting
fucking hell that's weak
Biden will cancel his visit to NC. Take it to the bank. Its over.
what does this even mean? I read this to mean he's standing down at noon today, but that's obviously not happening
Hamil is still a 20 years old hippie when it comes to politics
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Interesting question I just thought of. If Biden drops out for health reasons doesn't that imply that he is not presently capable of being POTUS? How does he step aside now within resigning the presidency itself? As in, yeah I'm a demented senile frail old man but I'll be good for another five months?
probably legal compensation for malicious prosecution and false imprisonment
I'd agree if Biden was +7 in the polls but he's behind and this will keep him behind. Recovering to last week baseline is still terrible.
friendly reminder freemason mormons in Utah voted for and support child genital mutilations and child hormone blockers. TOTAL FREEMASON MORMON DEATH
Does the trigger happy gay black pelosi bodyguard (he had a pink scarf and beads on when he shot her since open season on Maga was declared but cleaned up for later interviews) get prosecuted for murdering that woman during peaceful protest now?
Stop with this bullshit. He's obviously compromised and the deep state has leverage on him. Thats been obvious since his bullshit Obamacare ruling
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Jan 6th was a protest
my understanding is that Roberts has a very old cuckservative view of the court as an "institution" and is concerned about its overall image, and he is ultimately responsible for that being chief justice
it's probably not the worst attitude to have but it constantly seeps into his opinions which in theory should give no regard to how the public might react to something
I am unsure as to the separation line of where the fuel efficiency standards of vehicles from written law to written edict from the EPA is

Our fuel efficiency standards in cars is completely out of whack of what people want in this country

Just correcting this will be a huge improvement for most Americans.

People want affordable cars. The EPA rules create the requirement for trucks to be these huge monstrosities that most suburbanites dont need. We need the return of the S10 standard cab pickup with a bench seat and standard transmission for $10k
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>rather than dwell too much on the state of Dementia Veggie Joe last night at the debate, I'm gonna wait for this 'rally' here in NC starting shortly where the attendance will be in the single digits and where his cunt wife will do most of the talking for him
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>Good summary of Democrats’ current dilemma.
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Trump 3.0: sleeker, smarter, more effective than ever
Trump recovered by a massive national campaign rally circuit with multiple campaigns everyday for months on end. Biden's trying to recover from being unable to exist in front of voters. He can't do that without being in front of voters.
It's truthful, though. Obamacare ruling aside (which he was most likely blackmailed into writing) how has Roberts materially fucked over the cause?
Is there a chance that Biden could look sharper in the next debate even if he will be 2-3 months older?

I mean there might be new drugs that they will try
he showed up a couple threads ago to try and get the ball rolling but I think he's been called to the DNC-wide zoom call cry-in over how bad the debate and SCOTUS was
he'd still have to be removed by his cabinet/congress, assuming he drops out of the race and doesn't resign from being president. if he's pressured into dropping out and does so, then I don't doubt he'd face immense pressure internally to resign as well, and you just can't have a quagmire like that 4 months from the election
He is finished. Totally infirm. He will serve out remainder of term, Kamala will run as President and choose Newsome or Shapiro as VP.
>Hannity's or tick tock shill chimes in
Hard pass
>Roberts materially fucked over the cause?
by being blackmailable, as you yourself suggest you pozzed nigger
Muted microphones definitely helped Trump with moderates last night.
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The most potent upper I can think of at the moment is Ritalin, but that might be too much for Biden
>Cavuto's gum sock chimes in
Fuck off
God, you are fucking stupid
>People want affordable cars. The EPA rules create the requirement for trucks to be these huge monstrosities that most suburbanites dont need. W
I never heard this before, quick rundown? (Not in the truck itself please)
>lay off the name calling
What the fuck? I don't recall him calling Biden anything at all. Trump was on his best (gayest) behavior, sadly. I mean, the normie retards love that shit but I enjoy the schoolyard banter.
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Not sure that Trump actually could win, i mean all actors in Hollywood will chill for Biden. And what happens when Taylor Swift joins the pro-Biden brigade?
no he's just going to be afraid for the rest of his life. a lot of suicides happened to those police officers because all police are inherently corrupt. :) watch your back niggers :)
Dems are poll obsessed they're on a wait and see mode. If Biden holds he'll survive if not the order will be given to get rid of him.
kek, so true
God damn gay ass auto correct
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I'm willing to hear (You) out, man. There's no need to be aggressive or nonfrenly. Just answer the question: aside from Obamacare how has John Roberts materially fucked over the cause?
He’s 0 for 0. Perfect record for getting things passed.
Which is more evidence of the military being in control and Biden is literally the “Resident of the United States”.
if they were smart they'd pick someone completely non-offensive like Mark Kelly as a 'unity candidate'
I hope so. And I hope any remittances are paid from the agencies budgets and not the tax payers, who already pay the god damn budget.
The Dark Brandon Secret Sauce, which may just be water in a can, currently goes for $4.60 on the Biden campaign site and is advertised as follows:

>The secret to a good debate performance? Staying hydrated. Get yourself the same performance enhancers Joe Biden took before going on stage. 100% water, 0% malarkey.
he literally called Biden a Manchurian candidate. That's pretty egregious as far as name-calling goes
That faggot hates Trump with a passion. Never listen to anything he spews out of Cavuto's cock holster
she's a literal low iq Jesuit cunt
This is why Trucks are so large in the US

wait, do we not like Hannity here anymore?
Not only will Biden refuse to step down and Jill would fight like hell to convince him otherwise even if he was considering it, you can't just "swap out" a candidate that donors have spent millions of dollars buying influence with 130 days to go before Election Day. Even if they did do it, who the fuck wants to be caught holding the bag in the midst of the chaos that would ensue? Realistically, their only other option is Kamala. And she'd get absolutely fucking slaughtered.
All this talk about replacing Biden will amount to nothing. They're stuck with him.
>Bannon: Andrew Weissman knowingly used legal discrepancies to twist legal technicalities to seek maximum sentences for J6'ers. They used the text of the statute to ignore legal canon to destroy families and lives of their political enemies. The reign of Trump will bring a reckoning.
how large would the political fallout be if TRUMP won
It's accurate, though, no?

I forgot that nigger is still around. Goddamn, Fox is just awful.
This is somehow worse than the Trump golden sneakers
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i am vindicated yet again!
He stopped Trump from ending DACA by saying a President cant end executive orders, you fucking retard
It won’t.
I haven't watched more than two or three minutes at a time of Faux News in years but I still know that Cavuto, Gasparino, and anyone else associated with those dweebs despise Blimpf and are not to be trusted with anything
yeah- it unintentionally helped him, he wouldn't shut the fuck up in the 2020 ones and came across as unhinged
Oh, yeah, that was retarded. Fair enough.
>They're stuck with him.
not if they kill him.
reminder: someone died for hillary to have a seat.
It's 100% correct though
cope :)
you got btfo last night :)
even your shitskin leader recognized it :)
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wake up babe, new cope just dropped
I liked the angry Trump, though, but I enjoy watching him bully communists. I really, really, very much strongly hate that Trump has to give a fuck about the feelings of normies. It holds him back from being awesome but I get it.
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the best part is there are lots of dumb faggots criticizing the debate with
>it doesn't say anything about policy or why anyone should vote i'm so blackpilled
here's your argument for why trump matters faggots
and you call others retards?
*justice impacted individual
>jew uses pilpul in the interpretation of law
yeah, that's a big part of our problem with them
Its maddening.
I just want a compact 4x4 that can haul some crap not a leather upholstered aircraft carrier.
Blimpf has called Dementia Veggie Joe a Manchurian candidate for awhile now, long before he did it again last night
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>winter illnesses in the middle of summer
>They set easier emissions standards for vehicles that have larger "footprints," measured as the area between the points where the wheels touch the ground.
>As a result, automakers can increase the exterior dimensions of many SUVs and trucks while remaining in compliance with federal emissions standards.
kek, I always thought americans driving monster trucks was just a preference+petrol is cheaper
>presidents can't end other presidential EOs
Obama ended W's
Biden ended Trump's
hate this double standard bullshit
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It’s over CHUDS!
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He should press the corruption within the biden family more, he should lay it bare for the American people that Joe is the head of an Irish mafia family with ties to Whitey Bulger family through Hunter's business in Ukraine.
The MAGA movement will never recover! Newsome BTFO Trumpers!
>trump lies
Every leftist is saying the same phrase today. They’ve been given their assignment.
Fuck it, my highlights moved when I moved monitors, Bulger is the one people should take notice on though
I’ve been blackpilled for so long and I finally think there’s a bit of hope, but my state also elected a stroke victim as Senator, so I’m still not convinced.
everyone does it anon.everyone's retarded. you're being posted at by a retard right now!
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So baaically everyone except this guy thought Trump was on fire lol
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He's literally getting paid off by people from Manchuria and other parts of China.
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QRD on The View today:
-No Whoopi; Joy in charge
-Biden was worse then the Hindenburg
-Biden should step down
-Orange Man still Bad
-Still voting Biden or whoever replaces him
-Hoes mad but willing to vote for a cinder block or a puddle of brown liquid instead of Trump
Oh no, Joe Biden is dying of myocarditis as well?
What? You mean Dr Oz didnt win by 7 points?
No. This is historically bad. My only question is how calculated Biden's self-destruction was by the Left. We've known that he is non compos mentis for years. We know that Blinken and Sullivan and the other Jews around him are running things. But now the Left acts surprised? GTFO. They aren't stupid. Maybe the the average Biden voting dipshit is, but not the people close to him or in the D machine or in the media.
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but he's correct.
obama's running shit, joe's just the abuse puppet.
but Biden is almost certainly going to lose, so those people that bought influence won't be getting a return on their investment in any event
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>We want him to stay on the ballot.
To be fair, Biden's heart probably is engorged and in the process of failing, it might be quite a bit bigger than Trump's at the moment.
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I snickered.
Do we know how many people watched it?
He can’t when his Justice Department did nothing with it.
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>No Whoopi; Joy in charge
Threadly reminder that Ted Danson left his wife in order to rail Whoopi.
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unironically where are the homeless supposed to go? Seems needlessly cruel imo
the issue is that unlike 2020 when the dems actually could campaign from the basement (and biden could string a sentence together), they actually do have to campaign this time, and it's pretty clear that biden simply can't do it
Why else would they hold this debate in June, before the convention? Oh, course it was calculated. Sundance has been saying for a year they would do this and run a Newsome/ Susan Rice ticket
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You have to ask, too, about being on the ballot. I read someone who claimed that Wisconsin is not possible at this point and for another state the deadine is literally 5pm today. Don't know if that's true but it didn't sound like horseshit to me.

Also this could make RFK even more of a spoiler.
Is it true the Supreme Court just threw out all the J6 insurrection charges?
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>Seems needlessly cruel imo
To a degree it is. Big comfy vehicles with big torquey engines (read: don't need to rev like a fighter jet to make power at 85mph) are optimal for anyone doing serious miles on the US road system, which is why Detroit luxobarge sedans sold well until the EPA killed them and Harley style cruisers dominate the US market. Comfy quadcab trucks are just the closest thing to a proper midcentury sedan the EPA will let us buy.
The longer they wait. The less states that they can put a new guy on that state's ballot.
A lot of those deadlines are non-negotiable and a few are already past.
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to be fair young Whoopi was kinda bad though
Leftism is a mental illness
effectively, yes. mistrials incoming
Please don’t remind me. And then the ogre crashes going 100mph and nobody cares.
to drive Democrat enthusiasm for the convention and election
instead it showcased how feeble he is and how much the media has been covering for him
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Good MAGA morning, frens.
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Basically yes, it was just a rowdy protest after all Anonymous.
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The fuck is wrong with you?
This nigga zesty.
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Trump will win all 50 states and DC. Every single House and Senate seat will be won by Republicans. All Democrat justices will simultaneously suffer heart attacks shortly following Trump's inauguration and he'll replace them with Republicans. Michael Jackson is still alive.
Oh, sweet summer child
in the past, you would either find somewhere to build a shelter for yourself, or die.
maybe they should do that?
no man.
the DOJ will now go through and "review" each case and its sentencing and look for instances where it may have overreached in the prosecutions.
this might take a few years to review all of these cases
they wont be going anywhere until Trump gets into office
Says you.
They should set up a camp in the middle of the wilderness somewhere and move them all there. They cause so much disruption when they set up in public parks and such. Huge pain for everyone else.
not all, just one of the elevating charges
they also changed the rules so that delegates now vote on some online portal so there can't be any convention floor dissenting voices
my prediction- the DNC will get in a room shortly and pick someone like Newsom. Biden will be told that either he goes gracefully or he and his family will be torn to shreds. Biden will release his delegates and urge them to vote for Newsom who gets nominated at the convention. Kamala will remain VP.
Remind me again- why was the governor of california (not exactly a swing state) at a presidential debate in georgia?
She was weird and funny back in the day. Not attractive unless you're into the Homo erectus phenotype.
Make it Stop! I can't handle this much winning.
Well don't feel too bad, I live in TX and sincerely thought everyone was being right wing assholes, turns out it was the left being the assholes as usual and implementing dumb top down control that always backfires.
Can Trump actually win?
There are no inoffensive "unity" candidates in the democrats. Their big tent coalition all hate each other.
how could states have ballot deadlines now when neither party has officially picked their candidate yet?
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I can't wait to call the fbi to tell them about kilos of cocain at pipeline company addresses.
>they wont be going anywhere until Trump gets into office
pretty much this. they'll be pardoned by Trump, and then the revenge really starts.
sorry i'm having too much fun to falter to attacks like that!
Honduran cocaaaaaaaaaaaaine
Chyl you gon' learn t'day how them kikes have you by tha neck.
the original ruling that this partially overturns is from the 1960s which ruled that you can't criminalise being a drug addict because being a drug addict is a disease
what the fuck was the supreme court in the 60s smoking honestly
high on their own farts
Swift won’t boost Biden but Biden can bring down Swift.
People are supposed to forget yesterday let alone how bad they are doing compared to 4 years ago?
Are you kidding me?
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Vermin Supreme stands ready to take over for Joe Biden.
He wants to “unify”, which means be conciliatory to people that want him dead.
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oh but the post below it was about gas lines it was perfect!
anyway here
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Learned some lore today.
I hate boomers and their gross incompetence. $74 billion dollar omission.
Bannon: We have a national security analysis upon us right now. We cannot expect the media to react with balance on this. The people fingered by Scott Jennings in intelligence that leaked to the Clinton and Biden campagins in 2016 and 2020 against Trump, are working right now with the Biden campaign to assist foreign and domestic intelligence operations to attempt to cripple the Trump campaign. This was all Clapper in 2016, there was no Russian Intelligence Operation to benefit Trump, it was our own domestic intelligence operations who were intefering in our elections. This will continue until we are a full blown banana republic.
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Burnt toast might do better in the election than Joe
Metric fucktons of salt here
Free ponies!
it turns out when you don't have morals you become addicted to cocaine and pharmaceutical drugs to fill that big hole in your useless life. what a fantastic group of non religious folk!!!
lmao bannon is fed posting on his show
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time to find out which republicans cuck on this (not mike johnson though :))
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it was malice anon. fuck giving these people the benefit of the doubt anymore, it's waaaaaaay too fucking late for that.
Luna's inherent contempt vote is being brought to floor today. I expect there to be a lot more GOP support to get these Hur tapes after Biden's issues last night.
says the bloody cunt hiding behind vpn.
gibs me pony
Goodbye clean air! Goodbye water! Goodbye food! Goodbye et cetera!
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Garland isn't gonna go to jail for Biden, not now. If Johnson can get the votes Garland will eventually hand over the tapes.
christcucks are mentally ill
hurr durr level: low
thread silliness level: low
i can't wait to see how many faggots vote no because
>well where would we even hold him lol
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For everyone!
Yes I’m sure that’s going to happen. Trump is going through all of this, people are witnessing and understanding what’s going on, only to have Trump reach out and shake their hand.
You’re kidding yourself.
obviously according to the federalists, they need to commission a congressional dungeon
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kek, people are digging up clips of media shills claiming biden is completely mentally sound

>unironically where are the homeless supposed to go?
what's wrong with mexico?
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>Biden BTFO
>Chevron BTFO
did we switch timelines again?
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What a difference 24 hours makes.

Reminder that I am still baking.
welcome back Q, we missed you! o7
t. plan truster
>unironically where are the homeless supposed to go?
'Round these parts it's a crime to live on the streets.
So to jail, is where they can go. Three hots and a cot. What more could you ask for?
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>all according to keikaku
Damn. I lost all my hildawgs. I need to find them fast if the cunt is coming back.
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What's been going on with the media, Annie? I haven't been paying attention today.
Can I get the TL;DR for Chevron?
>Charlie Kirk: Speaker Johnson has stated that he whip votes to hold Garland in inherent contempt, removing him from office and imprisoning him until he testifies to congress and releases the tapes.
Republicans actually doing something? Wtf?
>He just seems younger because he doesn't care as much
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evergreen is people
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Normally I wouldn't tune in to a Dementia Veggie Joe (((rally))), but after last night I have to...one of the C-SPAN channels will cover it live, so I'm watching
Bullshit. No way those cucks grew a spine overnight.
go pro cameras are going to get a lot of freemason mormons dead. packing extra ammo for the democrat sheriff's. go pro cameras will get people MASSACRED
Feels good calling this two years ago.
spics will always be subhuman.
Dems will replace Biden with someone young and fresh
It's over
Mike Johnson is still a faggot nigger lover. Massie needs to be speaker, luke warm faggots like Johnson need to take a backseat.
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This fucking ad, kek
Its happening? I cant believe it either.
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sorry sister massie needs to grieve :)
johnson will take it from here!
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>The 4th most-read politics post on The Washington Post right now is a 14-month-old piece on potential alternatives to Biden in the 2024 race.
Naked panic.
Massie sucked Ron DeSantis' dirty spaghetti nigger cock. Hard pass. RIP to his wife, though. She might (probably was) a nice lady but Massie himself is - and always will be - a faggot.
its a moot point now.
we tried to save democrats this embarrassment.
>young & fresh
Just how joe likes 'em
cope lol
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>Massie needs to be speaker
>luke warm faggots like Johnson need to take a backseat
Yes, put the DeSimp in charge. Nothing will go wrong with that
No need for a spine once you realize there will be no backlash. Last night the Democrats lost all the power they had as their leading face went absolutely nowhere in that debate. Attacking Biden is free now since even his own party doesn't really want him and are admitting it.
Who does Trump want as speaker?
That's who should be speaker.
Fight me, niggers.
Trump is still more believable than the press, especially after last night.
They have Techron, that's about all I know.
>My hotkey wipe code is disabled
>My homemade bleachbit is actually milk
I don't believe it.
No Reply List here, took some time off, checking in on Shill seethe with the SCOTUS rulings coming out and all
>fuck Massie
>fuck Johnson
>fuck DeSantshit
>all slurpers of jew semen

This is what I believe to be the correct assessment...good job, burger
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>We're going back to when people recognized power mad leftists as Pencil Dicks again very soon

Holy shit bros
womp womp intensifies.
pops says he thinks Shapiro (penn) and Gretchen "stretchin'" Whitmer
might form some kind of coalition with Penn and Michigan with one or two odd pickups
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When law is ambiguous, government agency can make shit up. That is now overturned, if law is ambiguous, government agencies now have to prove in court and convince a judge they can make shit up. The burden of awoofs is on them now when making shit up instead of the defendent who has to prove their made up shit is not covered by the ambiguous law.
Keep hoping.
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>his kitchen cabinet
The sheep are applauding the very decision that will allow the courts to handicap the agenda.
on a more long term timeline this means you're gonna need congressmen to do their fucking jobs.
(that's a standard term)
I'm so happy Chevron is dead.
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ps. Maki anon delivered
This sounds pretty based. I-is SCOTUS actually not being faggots for once? Last week and this week they've delivered some pretty kino decisions...
This. Gas stations with talking cars have always unnerved me.
>actually this is a w for us because allowing unelected unaccountable fuckwits to interpret law is good
and into the trash you go
Shit reeks of early globohomo
SCOTUS is picking and choosing whether they want to be faggots or be based. The other day, they chose to be faggots; today, they decided to balance it by being based.
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it's very funny watching anons itt and elsewhere say
>akshually chevron being BTFO is a bad thing
because it shows they have such a surface level understanding of things
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>using Biden's debate disaster to bolster push for Biden's actually real version of the legendary Nigger Tapes
this is right after trump said in the debate that veterans are now homeless though
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Petey G's AIPAC guys show up right on que.
funny chicks are hot
This, this is rarest Pink Himalayan Salt I came for.
The kind of Pink Salt that leads them to a buddhist like self realization that they've wasted their entire adult life being a babyman asshole on the internet for clicks.

Thank you. The clean political mountain air is just a bit brighter today.
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>What's been going on with the media
How do we feel about Trump being pro-Israel in the debate
They're obviously fucking with us, aren't they?
you are a fucking moron
They need the proper cases to frame their laws. so they're a bit limited in the shots they can call. The coaches need to call for replays.
Cheap gangstalker rip-off.
>massie simps for a faggot who is one of the biggest shabbos goys in existence
>no, you are da jew
Okay, DeSimp
Who are you quoting? They overturned thr ability to do that.
Nah. They're just acting tough for donos. If they actually arrest and imprison the AG, I'll live stream myself eating boiled shoe leather and post the link here.
It is if you expect to be the one in charge of the administration, dunce.
Go now
>but but desimp
Literally irrelevant hahahahahha
He's paying lip service to the normalfag retards in spook positions that have the photos.

The 60s overall were horrible for the US. Nearly every single problem that ails us today has roots from the 60s.
She has been with Bidet for the last 4 years
how so
Just like Massie, lol
They took the power from the administration and placed it in the hands of judges, the very people that helped ruin the first Trump term.
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Is what it is.
I guess the left can meme afterall, fuckin lel
Sounds heebish.
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It's hilariously Ironic that the bitches on the view are named "Whoopie" "Joy" and "Sunny"
everyone is pro israel except faggot leftists
This nigger will match yo pillows to yo drapes and dat shit will look fucking good!
you stupid fuck. Judges can held accountable. Unelected bureaucrats? No record. Shut up and stop talking.
You've been talking about this for 3 weeks and you haven't called them already?
He's simply saying "fuckery" is afoot.
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Goodbye clean air, Goodbye water! Good bye food!
Leftists say since they cant arbitrarily change and enforce the rules everything will go to shit!
>Can't wait for my water to be brown
Why is that a bad thing? Your children and grandchildren are already brown!

No standing in the 2020 election case?
No politician will ever espouse all of your beliefs.
You are retarded to think they will.
As opposed to figuratively calling him a Manchurian candidate? You stupid nigger, you don’t belong here
Doesn't Joke have an intern to murder?
Anti zionists are brown commies, White cuckolds and leftist jews
it wasn't boomers
you're about 20 years off

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