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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Dang those Sintashta Aryan genes coming in clutch
Literally looks like your average Turk, so no
nigger lips
Borderline. If she marries a White man her kids would be.
A White person is a fair-skinned Indo-European. This person is mostly Indo-European and mostly fair-skinned Indo-European. I would call them White. If they looked the same but we're a fair-skinned Semitic person then I would say that they are not White. Race isn't appearance alone. Belonging to the Indo-European ethnolinguistic group is also necessary.
Not even close
post nipples
Yes but I wont play your jewish color game. Jews and Mexicans are white too but are you European, no.
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They literally have Aryans in the mountains in Pakistan stop coping
Does she have any Neanderthal, Homo erectus, or Denisovan genetics?
If so, then she's a hybrid, not a full, complete Homo sapiens.
THAT is how humans should be identifying other humans. Not by their ethnicities, but whether or not people have archaic, extinct "ghost genes."
99.99% of jeets don't look like that, poocel
Not white
98% chance also not female
No, kill him.
Next Gen will be if I bleach her womb
But I risk watering down my athletic dinaridic genes
She is LITERALLY half English (European, ie White). She's biracial. Fifty percent of her genes are English. She isn't more White than she is Punjabi Indian. The reason why physically appears more European is because her father is the White English parent and her mother is Punjabi. For those who don't know Punjabi are among the most fair-skinned people in the Indian subcontinent and most of the indigenous Punjabis have Indo-Aryan DNA.
looks like a man
Imagine believing the results of one of these paid for DNA services
Jews are going to tell you you aren't entirely white because it helps them push their Kalergi bullshit
Anyone who thinks these fuckers actually test your DNA needs their heads testing
>99.99% of jeets don't look like that, poocel
That wasn't the question. Race isn't about what you superficially appear like to some Amerimutt, It's about what you are racially. She is half-White because her dad is White but she isn't White because her skin is of a lighter complexion. Race is not skin-deep.
It's a mutt, stupid. The only way you could describe this creature is white, but only in skin tone.
All white people have white skin but not all people with fair skin are white.
>is X white?
literally against the rules but jannies are faggots that won't do their fucking job.
>>99.99% of jeets don't look like that, poocel
>That wasn't the question. Race isn't about what you superficially appear like to some Amerimutt, It's about what you are racially. She is half-White because her dad is White but she isn't White because her skin is of a lighter complexion. Race is not skin-deep.
99.99% of jeets DNA don't look like that, poocel
happy now?
op is trying to imply that jeets are tanned whites, when in fact, you are abbos with some Caucasoid admix at best
do you think she only poos in the loo half the time?
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>dinaridic genes
they'l go great with those ashkenazi genes,practically the same thing
Not with half paki genetics.
>ashkenazi jewish
The concept of "white" is an American thing.
My team is my specific ethnic European country, I don't feel any connection to some Germans or anglos, they are not "my people"
A Portuguese feels no connection to a Russian, etc
It's only amerimutts going on skin tone
Yeah so let's do a thought experiment, there are many pockets of these aryan pashtun Afghanis, they have blonde hair and blue eyes, yet it seems due to their middle eastern culture they are incapable of creating any inventions and technology, they instead live in tents and raise goats exactly like their brown neighbors, this is because culture plays an important role, similarly a 100% German aryan wigger who grows up in nigger gangs is not gonna be a scientist who create anti gravity technology because his culture simply does not allow it.
no you can see the indian in here. If she brown eyes she would definitely look indian
So Finns, Estonians and Hungarians are not white?
yes, white
white is not only west europeans, shok
Then how did they know my specific ancestry which matches almost perfectly what I already knew? Sounds like your grandma just fucked a nigger
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