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Countries which have generous, comprehensive fertility promotion policies don't have increased fertility rates.
It just don't work.

Scandis tried it for 30 years before finally switching to importing somalis.
What happens if you just don't import anyone and let the fertility rate be what it naturally is? Do you get a lot of cheap houses or something?
It works when it isn't chump change and the economy doesn't make having children a bad idea.
IMPOSSIBLE! You can't just reach a natural equilibrium, all hell will break loose!
>cost of housing goes down
>salaries go up
>government services improve
it's a living hell
You have to compare this to what would have been the rate without the incentives in place.
On its own this chart means nothing.
>comprehensive fertility promotion policies
don't work with feminism
Probably a painful generation or two before reaching an equilibrium state. This is what they don't want, though. The illusion of perpetual growth is very lucrative, most of the social structures around you depend on it.
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The Nazis did it, almost doubled the birthrate in Austria after the Aschluss

it's just the gypsies though, they're replacing the actual Romanians.
everyone knows that you must have one care worker for every elderly person in the country so we're looking at needing 20 - 30 million third workers required. there's no debate
i have a six figure job. my girlfriend has median salary job. and we want to get married but houses cost a shit ton even in our LCOL state and weddings cost more than a downpayment
we cant have kids out of wedlock bc we both come from super religious families
its RIGHT WINGERS and capitalism that made having kids unaffordable. every couple we know is in the same position as us. we just want a ready-to-move in house with a fucking minimum of 1000 sqft that isnt 80+ years old and wont cost us $3500/month at 7%. you fucking right wing FAGGOTS DID THIS YOU PIECE OF SHIT CONSERVATIVES MADE LIFE UNAFFORDABLE FOR WORKERS
50 years of economic struggle as you can't pay the retirement and healthcare of all the olds, and young's leave to go live abroad. Capital flees, due to not enough workers or maybe even not enough consumers. Bars and schools etc close.
Cheaper houses and higher wages, but this hurts landlords, construction, new business.
In 2 generations, new equilibrium at a lower population and smaller economy.
Ban contraceptives, encourage celibacy. Birth rate skyrockets. What a shitshow of genetic horrors that would lead to today though.
Your taxes go up because contemporary civilization is predicated on retirees being subsidized by working people.
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>he thinks migration actually helps the economy


Impossible. The line must go up, capitalism demands it.
"Living standards" aren't the economy, silly.
And yes, importing workers grows the economy. Least of all, because they take loans to buy homes.
>Szu Ping Chan says immigration hurts Britain
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Have they done anything effective like banning feminism, and getting women out of education and work?

If not, the fertility rates will continue to plunge.
>"Living standards" aren't the economy, silly.
Living standards are the real measurement of whether an economy is shit or not.

>And yes, importing workers grows the economy.
They don't increase productivity, they're a drain on resources that lower living standards.
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Eventually yes but you have to go through an upside down population pyramid that causes so many problems. A larger percentage of funds needs to go to taking care of the old to the point that it causes hardships on the young. The young have to spend so much on taking care of the old they dont have the money to raise kids which in turn continues the inversion of the pyramid.
Also many of the things you enjoy and need are done by other human beings. Automation may save us but somethings that require real human being interaction will be harder to fix.
Nurses, Surgeons, Mechanics, Electricians, Plumbers, HVAC, etc will all be in demand. These are all hard things to do with AI and Robots. But if you sit down all day the AI automation will help with that.
Plan your future. I am too old to switch now.
Yes see Canada falling into a population trap.
I think most people would rather pay higher taxes than live around shitskins.
Uneducated, poor populations (the men AND the women) have higher fertility rates. This is also true within countries, comparing cities to rural areas.
And educated men educate their daughters. Good luck doing it halfway, even if it would work.

This issue will either not be resolved, and outsourcing breeding will continue, or it will be resolved technologically, by letting 50 year olds breed cheaply and reliably, probably with designer babies.
"The economy" doesn't improve if you have more comfortable shoes. The economy is not your living standards. The economy is the amount of churn in a given area (probably state borders).
You living in the garden of Eden making YouTube videos is a smaller economy than 50000 slaves digging out gold from the ground by hand.
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>Countries which have generous, comprehensive fertility promotion policies don't have increased fertility rates.
only glowniggers who serve KIKES like you do would still support capitalism
>Do you get a lot of cheap houses or something?
yes, and so all that economic value that was in that housing disappears off the market, meaning that all that collateral disappears off the market, meaning that money disappears off the economy, and so does investment, and also labor since there's less younger people to work for all the elderly that remain, etc, it's a downwards spiral.
But that's OK, there's far too many people around anyways. We should all return to where we belong, where we evolved, and where we should be: equatorial africa.
>Countries which have comprehensive fertility promotion policies don't exist
If you're not going full blown propaganda and social engineering with it you're just paying lip service to the concept.
Guys like Orban and Abe are only based relative to the rest of politicians, not overall.
War causes Women to give birth more.
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>when you pay for other's children's bills it's not socialism
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Pay for Ngubu's five children, goy.
>scandis tried for 30 years
Remove womens right to vote, work and talk back
>problem solved.
Much like crime and immigration there is no (((democratic))) solution
do you have a death wish or something? why are you asking such dangerous questions. hope you're on a good vpn.
those policies are not dealing with the actual problems, women don't have children for money
it's the poisonous ideologies that have brought us here, but as west has chosen those ideologies as their new religion there is no way out unless west fails
Cool it with antisemitic remarks
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>Countries which have generous, comprehensive fertility promotion policies don't have increased fertility rates.
>It just don't work.
Agree. You could no more 'incentivize' people against using the steam engine 2 hundred years ago than you can stop the 'fertility crisis'. This is a process of inevitability, and a necessary correction. The real task is to weather the storm while protecting native populations against invaders while we wait for invading barbarian lands to follow suit. India is below replacement now, and Africa will follow in a decade or so.
Fertility crisis solved overnight:
>ban higher education for women
>married women cannot legally work
>no state pension/welfare unless you are married and have at least 3 kids
It’s genetic
Without a strong social structure to basically force women to breed, those without a strong drive for fertility simply wont do it.
The result will be that those with a strong instinctual drive to breed will do so without external pressure and those that don’t, wont.
Children before modernity:
>live like dogs in your big wide farm
>start being productive from 6-8 years old
>you need their help when you are 60
Children in modernity:
>expensive diapers and toys for the gremlin hogging a room in your small apartment
>will maybe start being productive when it's 24-26 years of age (maybe)
>the government takes care of you in sickness and old age anyway

That's the material reality.
>cut the worker supply by 1/3 overnight
Lmao, enjoy your 30000000 immigrants coming in to replace women in the workplace. And you just made it even less likely for intelligent women to breed, as it's now outlawed (they won't quit their jobs).
The modern welfare state is the world's largest Ponzi scheme. The current working generation pay for today's elderly, in the hopes that the future generation will pay for them in turn. This only works when the population is growing. It is time to accept that our current welfare state is unsustainable and needs to be abolished. State pensions should only exist for people who contribute to the country by having children; childless people can use the money they saved to pay for their own pensions.

Furthermore, the idea that people can't have kids because they can't afford it is nothing more than a myth. Look at the country with the highest birth rate in the world, Niger, where the average woman has 7 kids yet the average salary is $2 per day. There is only one factor that consistently determines a population's birth rate, and that is the level of women's education. The more educated the female population is, the less children they have. There is only one way to increase birth rates, and that is to ban higher education for women.

In the hypothetical scenario where my policies were actually implemented, I can assure you there would not be a single immigrant flooding my country. Most of the jobs that women do are bullshit jobs that actually contribute nothing to society, I mean pointless jobs where you sit in an office sending a few emails all day.

But you are right that it couldn't be an immediate change, it would need to be a slow transition. And there would be other policies to encourage women to marry and reproduce instead of choosing a career. But the lack of pensions/welfare for such women is already a good disincentive.
>What happens if you just don't import anyone and let the fertility rate be what it naturally is?
Your country's economy stops growing, and you become poorer as a result. Do you want to be poor?
>Do you get a lot of cheap houses or something?
Yeah, and then these houses become uninhabitable in a decade or two, because there's no one to maintain them.
Children in wealthier countries cost more than children in poorer countries.
What say you then to capable people who are less reliant on others to survive?
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>He thinks HDI is calculated by how good your shoes are


btw, having shoes at all is a sign of higher living standards. Once enough poojeets move to Bulgaria you'll understand.
Children don't "cost" anything. Giving birth to a child is free.

Most of the costs of raising a child in Western countries are completely superfluous and unnecessary. I mean things like overpriced toys, overpriced baby food or formula, and other shit. And realistically, does a child actually need its own bedroom?

Growing up I shared a room with my brother, it wasn't perfect but we managed okay. And imagine if my parents had said "We can't afford to give him his own bedroom, so we won't have another kid". I would never have been fucking born. I'd rather be born and share a bedroom for the first 10 years of my life. Westerners have this pathetic attitude that if you can't give your potential children a perfect life, you shouldn't have them.
>comprehensive fertility promotion policies
The only comprehensive fertility policy is banning fertile women from work
>This only works when the population is growing.
This is wrong. Even if your population is growing it doesn't work. You need almost 2-3x the amount of elderly to working population for it to be feasible. At a 1:1.1 ratio it doesn't work as you are taking to much from the working individual.

>State pensions should only exist for people who contribute to the country by having children.

This is completely backwards. Just remove pensions completely. If you have kids, those kids will support you when you age. If you don't have kids, you better be ready to pay out of pocket.
thats the stupidest thing I ever heard
And if your kids turn out to be zoomer faggots who cut off their parents for not supporting their transition?
Be a better parent than. If your faggot kid hates you, why should you get a pension?
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Ban women from anything beyond primary education. Anything else is cope.
Real fertility promoting measures haven't been tried, mostly be cause they are extremely antisemitic.
For instance fire all women from government jobs and it's back to 2.0 immediately. Expell the jews and it's 2.0. lot of options really
Yes, it’s 100% women’s fault.
Instead of importing 60 iq 3rd world criminals who will be on welfare for life, import women to replace western women, that will improve birth rates.
the only reason US White rural protestants are winning the baby race is our governments' incompetent and impotence outside of cities and suburbs.

My county does not have:
>air pollution control
>code enforcement of any kind
>water quality offices
>property tax worth mentioning (my house and land is worth 2mil, costs $560/yr)
>police patrols
>vaxx for public schools
>homeschooling reporting requirements
>income tax
And our church, like the other churches in the county, is swamped in babies. 40% under 18.

Humans need freedom and a humane existence to breed *like any large mammal.*
Women love a man in uniform
All European countries will import the 100 million africans each, and they will like it.
You get russia declaring war on you and taking your shit because wtf are you going to do when your average age is 60.
Can I see this data for male education? And no, sharia education doesn't count.
Educated men produce the kind of policy and infrastructure that leads to educated women. Educated men love their daughters and educate them.
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How can you raise tfr when you’re already infertile, you chumpcels? No, I won’t tell you how you were made infertile.
Shut up commie
Have you tried having functional families that look after grandma? Or is that antisemitic?
People under 40 who want children can get children. It's not a bio fertility issue. People just don't want to have children.
Nothing makes a woman more fertile than a BBC
Cool it with the antisemitism
how many countries have improved birth rates after mass importing shitskins? oh it none and QoL decreased massively as well
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cool it with antisemitism bud
Its almost like having a rich, parasite class that sort of just pretends to have your nations intrests at heart are actually really bad for birth rates when they inflate the money and increase spending.
The best way to encourage people to have babies is by fixing the economy.
Very antisemetic. Only brown families can be close knit. White families are fend for yourself. Forget what Jesus said that hippy was a pussy just dying on that cross when he could have shot lazers out of his eyes and breathed fire.
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Note that before the pandemic bullshit, the rate was improving from a nadir.
>Chad Romanian
Intelligent women become career women and have a harder time breeding (among other reasons because they can't find a man richer than they are)
>Your country's economy stops growing, and you become poorer as a result. Do you want to be poor?

The longer we delay it, the harsher the collapse will be. If you're not poor, then your surroundings will be hell to live in, and any public services will be completely ruined. If you're already rich, you'll be fine. Middle and lower class? You're ensuring them to live like third worlders when you import the third world to live among them.

Look, theres 3 solutions.

1. Import the entirety of the third world to your country, destroying the demographics forever, and making it a worse place to live in over time, where any kind of collapse will end up much much much worse because now you've imported a bunch of violent third worlders who have no issues killing you over a loaf of bread.

2. Rescind women in the worldplace and in school. If not rescinding it completely, then make it so a woman can only attend higher education after 35. This alone would have profoundly positive effects on the birthrate, with no real negatives. This is the best option, but politically, the most difficult. Theres too many people would would prefer humanity goes extinct, than to put some limitations on women going to school so they can make powerpoint presentations.

3. Let the economy collapse. You have to remember that while people will be poor, basic necessities will still be there, and in some cases, be more affordable (in the case of housing). Any negatives can actually be supplemented with government programs teaching people how to grow small amounts of food, do handy work yourself, etc. The negatives would be that a lot of young people would fuck off to another country. But...do we want those people anyway? Countries who do this would likely become hyper conservative, and the birthrate would naturally restore itself to atleast replacement just a few years into it.
>Just let third world shitskins have your job
Go fuck yourself
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and all thats required is getting rid of feminism
It punishes parents who think parenting is paying the bills and then watching TV for the day while ignoring your kids. People with good parents don't troon out (unless they're genetically mentally ill)
>half ass benefits program
>oh didn't work time for infinity niggers
get married in vegas at a drive through service. if your parents want a big wedding and to share that moment with you they could have payed for it themselves.
Lol. I will make sure my child has all the best access to resources as possible. Don't worry though. Your retarded progeny will happily pay my children rent like the dogs they are LMFAO

It doesn't even matter if you get the vax or not. It sheds into everyone else & then grows in new host

They're finding self replicating vax structures in unvaxxed blood



5 minutes into this Dr C vid they show a vial of vax clot calamari that shows they DO continue to grow, even after being removed from body & put in vial of preservative


Scientists find moving tech in vaxxed blood dead for 8 months

>32:00 mark





>these include but are not limited to nutritional optimization, high antioxidant load, alkaline diet, EDTA in different forms, high dose Vitamin C, Methylene Blue, Humic & Fulvic Acid, Malic Acid, NAC, DMG

Pyrantel pamoate once a week for 3 weeks, once a year, to clear intestine parasites

Use Zelenko protocol to clear vax

Pray for divine intervention

"Please God clean us all of hydrogel and nanotechnology blood poisons and instead transmute it to the good"

Pray for God to transmute the evil to good, which makes the magnitude of evil not so important. Pray that the more the beast wriggles the faster the divine plan comes to fruition. Pray that any & all actions people take ultimately energize the divine plan & it doesn't matter if they have good or bad intentions. Pray to redirect all efforts everywhere and every-when into the divine goal.

youtu.be/D5WPfZrKiFM&list=PL-8ppf30fZw8Mhe8WEiPzwfH2cjYSB4Ke (How To Pray)

remove women's voting rights and right to work, make premarital sex illegal
there, I solved the fertility crisis
Birthrates are an accurate metric of how happy a country is. If birthrates are falling, there's a domestic problem. And cutting people checks to make babies won't fix that.
>Your country's economy stops growing,
No, labor just becomes expensive, therefore wages go up, therefore the gap between the working class and the international financial elite decreases.

Business can always find workers, they would just need to improve wages. All mass immigration is just a wealth transfer from the indigenous working class to the oligarch class, you should be ashamed for yourself for repeating their propaganda.
Crazy how men have no qualms with dating a woman less wealthy as them. But you flip the script and only like 10% of women are willing to be with a partner less wealthy than them.
>labor just becomes expensive, therefore wages go up
Where are you going to get the money to raise wages in a declining or stagnant economy, eh, genius? GDP growth is more important than wages anyway.
NPC normgroids have this idea that if they aren't the ones getting the yacht. They need to put themselves into a position and devote their life to be the one who gets the yacht. I don't want a yacht. I don't care. So the more normgroids there are. The more competition there is in order to acquire finite resources. There is a hard limit to how many resources there is. That means there is a carrying capacity that can vary based on what people desire. If everyone in the world wants a yacht. Then you better be willing to do more than your neighbor because this idiot will be willing to put a 50k downpayment on rent if they it offers them a slightly higher percentage of achieving their yacht.
How do we fix white women, besides putting them in forced breeding facilities?
>Where are you going to get the money to raise wages
Oligarchs would have to decrease their massive profit margins. It is actually cheaper for them to just pay your politicians to flood the country with churkas and other subhumans.
>comprehensive fertility promotion policies
Abortion is legal in Hungary. The first thing you need to do to increase fertility is of course ban abortion.
It's the major factor in declining White demographics.
Politicians claim that their really worried about the aging population and so we need immigrants. But they never even mention banning abortion
I suspect the success was more from the promotion of family and the social changes than the economic incentives. Not that those were not welcome, I’m sure they were, but unless someone is rich enough to offload nearly all child rearing (think wet nursing and nannies) children have a very large affect on one’s social life and lifestyle.
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You're in Texas? Where is it /pol/ friendly there?
No they don't depend on it. Without the constant growth grifts become increasingly difficult as the money supply balances out revealing the crooks.
They need "constant growth" to hide the fact that their central banking scheme is insolvent thus resulting in the disolvement of their charter.
The results from this are going to only get worse as we ignore it. When it may have been a generation of recession we are now in our 3rd generation of recession and the collapse is going to be globally catastrophic.
Protestant churches in the USA doo a good job at building strong community bonds and even setting up young people with relationships.

As a Catholic with protestant family I can see the difference since many Catholic churches feel a but detached from the community.
Yeah that's how blood works dude
Catholicism is a meme corporation.
it takes 4-5 people to support a SINGLE BOOMER. that's the entire reason behind mass immigration. you literally have to replace your parents with 10 pajeets to support them.
Heterosexual relationships are a quid pro qui arms race.

Women will have children when they HAVE to because they NEED to cooperate with men.

It was never about the lack of money,women hate most men and given freedom would just fuck the top 1% or each other.
You can still save money yourself, buy Bitcoin instead of surgery.

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