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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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with Trump at the wheel Russia will conquer half of Europe, right?
bot damage control
who fucking cares?
Trump win means peace for europe
Newson means ww3 still on the table
I wish

NATO still exists
It’s basically like Putin becoming POTUS. This is terrifying.
Bot post.
Why didn't Putin take half of Europe when Trump was President? Why did he wait till he was out of office to invade Ukraine?
Please Russia conquer Canada first.
You do realize that Russia already controls 45% of Europe's landmass?
Because he isn't invading ukraine he is learning the west...if this was a real invasion then why hasn't he just went full throttle with an entire invasion like the US in Iraq? Because he wants to learn more about modern warfare
>Because he isn't invading ukraine he is learning the west...if this was a real invasion then why hasn't he just went full throttle with an entire invasion like the US in Iraq?

Because Russia is a paper tiger. That IS full throttle LOL
Then why hasn't NATO intervene directly if there is no real super power?
>Russia will conquer half of Europe
They'd be doing us a favor if they took everything east of Germany.
NATO hasn't intervened because Ukraine isn't NATO. Why would it? Russia can't even beat Ukraine.
Trump is working for the retarded Likudnik/Mizrahi/Netanyahu faction of Jews, so he will probably hand Europe over to Russia in exchange for Russia betraying and cutting-off Iran when America declares war on the middle east to expand Israel
Good. Fuck Iran
No Putin will cuck and use it as an excuse to call for peace, it’s his only way to make it out of this predicament alive.
I expect Iran will win and Israel will be destroyed, the Mizrahim and Haredim that rule Israel are mentally retarded and have been losing a war to Hamas for 9 months, they will just drag down the American Jews with them, there is no way that America will survive a disastrous war with Iran, we will have National Socialists in power here within a generation
I expect you are a retarded faggot. Iran still needs their punishment for the embassy shit.
I thought trump was OK with giving to the ukraine? I'd vote for him, it would be the first time in my life to vote if he said he would stop us from being involved in way shape or form in this conflict. Just so retarded for us to be making this our business
Literally doesn't affect me AT ALL
You are both retards. Russia doesn’t want to invade ukraine because their 20th century loss in Afghanistan, as well as the US’s loss in both Afghanistan and Iraq, show exactly how expensive and futile occupying a hostile population is. He wants to install a russian-controlled govt in Kiev and let them continue operating as the rump state they have been since 1992
It's just the shitty parts of Europe. So, most of it.
But what is it good for?
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We aren't fighting your war for you kike, every right wing zoomer is pro-Palestine
>every right wing zoomer is pro-Palestine

leftists support Gaza. Brown commies, White leftist cuckolds and leftist jews. Which are you?
No, they would stop and we might be able to see the end of the war. It's the upside for voting Trump
Yep. China for Taiwan too.
Oh no…not my heckin gay marriage
I'm a National Socialist.
They couldn't conquer an uninhabited island at this point. Putin will throw every citizen he has directly into Finnish sniper fire if he's ever dumb enough to try conquering Europe. They'd fail to take a single mountain, even if we started funding them. Russia isn't a threat to first-world countries.
Well the US may as well be a third world favela land now so they may very well be a threat to us
Putin only attacks when he has one of his uniparty guys in there like biden orObama. He knows Trump might kill him personally so he behaved last time.
Ukraine is literally the Tutorial Level of Europe; when the war started they had virtually no tanks, no planes, no ships, and had previously surrendered Crimea without firing a shot
The fact that Russia DIDN'T conquer them easily in 72 hours is humiliating

The weirdest part is when they built that huge troop convoy outside the capital and then didn't go in, two and a half years later I still can't rationalize that, they had the war fucking won that day and then something went full retard and now they're still getting shelled in trenches in Donbass
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pretty sure even zion don cant sway jews from wanting not only to own europe but also the middle east so i think what will happen is ameritard golems are going to invade iran while russia and billions for piggers will further raise cost of living in europe and make those unaffordable 500.000 euro apartments even less affordable. living in european commieblocks is a privilege now and paying half of your paycheck for rent is normal

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