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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>According to court documents made public on Thursday, the UK filed a request with the ICC on June 10 to provide written observations on whether“the court can exercise jurisdiction over Israeli nationals, in circumstances where Palestine cannot exercise criminal jurisdiction over Israeli nationals (under) the Oslo Accords.”

>The UK’s argument is that the Palestinian authorities cannot have jurisdiction over Israeli nationals under the terms of the Oslo Accords, and so it cannot transfer that jurisdiction over to the ICC to prosecute Israelis.

“The United Kingdom submits that the Chamber, pursuant to Article 19(1) of the Rome Statute, ‘is required to make an initial determination of jurisdiction in resolving the application for arrest warrants’ of which ‘[t]he Oslo Accords issue necessarily forms part,’”the ICC said on Thursday.

Essentially what is being said is because Palestine doesn't exist and by extension neither do the Palestinians and the ongoing negotiations of the Oslo accords to determine how much land Israel has control over, the ICC has no jurisdiction until the greater Israel plan is implemented. Expect the gaza strip to be completely annexed as well as Israel announcement today of 5 new illegal settlements in the west bank that 60% does not belong to Palestine.
ICC? International Cricket Council?
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The Dutch only have the power to prosecute Serbs, any bigger fish can just ignore this "court" entirely
In their appeal, Shurat HaDin noted that Clooney took part in an investigative forum convened to examine evidence against suspects of war crimes and crimes against humanity in Israel and Gaza. The forum was tasked with reviewing the legal analysis behind Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan's request for warrants against Netanyahu and Gallant, as well as several Hamas leaders. Additionally, they stated that Clooney publicly discussed her involvement in the ICC's investigative forum and boasted about her efforts to incriminate the two Israeli leaders.

The Hague Invasion Act is a federal law enacted to protect U.S. military personnel, American officials and Washington's allies from criminal prosecution by an international court to which the U.S. is not a party. The law grants the president extensive powers to oppose and sanction anyone assisting the court. It explicitly prohibits any ICC representatives from conducting investigations, prosecutions or other legal proceedings while physically present in the U.S.

The American law is extremely clear: no agent of the ICC can operate or assist in ICC investigative actions against Americans or their allies while residing in the U.S.," said Shurat HaDin President Nitsana Darshan-Leitner.
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>Palestine doesn't exist and by extension neither do the Palestinians
Classic "how can there be warcrimes if there hasn't been a war" argument.
>>Palestine doesn't exist and by extension neither do the Palestinians
But that's a fact mate.
Let me guess, Israel somehow does it exist and Israeli's somehow are a thing?
Well if those who inhabit gaza and the west bank are on Israel land, then they are there illegally --from kike perspective
And the Germans. Remember that the International Military Tribunal was identical to the ICC. The German people were looted and had tyranny imposed on them. None of them voted for those absurd WW2 concessions.
>Let me guess, Israel somehow does it exist and Israeli's somehow are a thing?
Yes, you guessed those facts right.
>> kikes threaten to murder people
>> people cave

age has to be a factor in how propaganda works, theres no other good explaination on how so many people can still be blind to zionists and how the same leaders in europe push pro-muslim marches in europe and bombings in middle-east for jews
>Palestine doesn't exist and by extension neither do the Palestinians
Will women be drafted for the Lebanon war?
It's not fair that some men get drafted 3 times but the women can just sit at home.
Go back to 2006 to around 2008. White phosphorus, human shields, dead children were being shown around the world of what was happening in Palestine by the jews..
From that time, they still managed to convince the world they needed sympathy because of the holocaust.

All those war crimes, that have been commited for over 70 years. Forgotten when a jew wants you to remember their suffering.
Its really not difficult, people are really fucking stupid and jews love manipulating them
they are not called anglokikes for nothing
>people are really fucking stupid and jews love manipulating them

well obviously
old people are senile and stubborn
young people are rebels
selfishness is probably an important part of being human, but when people let themselves be convinced that muslims raping in europe should not be punished and it should not be talked about, and the same people who make that claim also claim that its justified to murder civilians in the middle east by the millions because some of them could be possibly related to someone who was responsible for something, if such obvious contradictions dont rise up in peoples minds then I doubt no matter who wins what humanity doesnt have a very long future ahead
The problem with society is people do not value life.

An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy.“It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.”
He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”
The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”
>ICC has jurisdiction over people we don't like and no one else. Especially not jews.
It's a fucking clown show. A clown shit show.
It's not just stupidity. The scamdemic taught us much. It's willful ignorance and cowardice.

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