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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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What makes capitalism so soulless and retarded?
People would rather live in the high desert than near niggers.
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It’s called finance capitalism and it makes no distinction between profits derived from labor versus usury. We live in the most exaggerated form of this where a hedge fund manager can make hundreds of millions off of destroying businesses and stripping the productivity out of the economy (all subsidized by taxpayers). Meanwhile an EMT with a tangible, necessary skill, actually laboring, gets $13/hr. There is no longer a healthy relationship between money and labor, so we end up with aesthetic and moral monstrosities as the quality of everything deteriorates every year.
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italy has the most overrated dogshit cuisine and is full of literal purple niggers zonked out in the street and giuseppi faggots getting beaten by groups of them. fuck your shitty pizza, fuck your shitty pasta, and fuck your faggot country. I would drop a nuke on it 100 times over.
there is nothing wrong with usury
don't like debt, don't take one out
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>capitalism is when the government enforces insane zoning laws

Why do leftists lie literally ALL of the fucking time?
Watch, OP is going to reply to this post with
>muh not real capitalism
brain dead argument
white people

because white people are soulless and retarded
Like Communism, it presupposes a materialist worldview and is designed by Jews to justify theft under color of objective science.
I read Dante and Hell disagrees with you
Humanity was always about violent gangs looting and terrorizing as they please. In a way, jews made it better because they brought "global peace" technological progress and ensuing "prosperity". You have to remember the normie mindset, and that it actually makes perfect sense if you never presuppose that there is a group of "evil jews" our there trying to personally steal your soul or whatever.
>I read a non-canon book and took my values from there
average christian behavior
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>this pic again
nigga its on the edge of las vegas near a mountain
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If this is a city planed from scratch, why is it not symmetrical?
Is Luke vi.35 sufficiently canonical for you, Rebbe?
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Regulatory disaster. Most regulations are done by boards made up of investors and previous (or currently acting) board members of large corporations within their respective industries and inevitably universally favors big business and make things harder for the little guy. Your picture, OP? Zoning regulations and contracted real estate builders are made to do that and shit them out while an independent home contractor will be tied up for years to just build 1 home for you. Everything is rigged in the favor of existing big businesses from homes to farms to retail to the stock market itself to banks to manufacturers to anything you imagine. We live in capitalism, but we do not live in a free market.
A home and family upsets the socialist
algorithms, consumer data, AI modeling and other technological kikery

it's no longer about what the experts think might work, it's about what the math knows will work. All probabilities are run through a computer and it spits out the most profitable scenario
They are making a literal desert habitable, how many countries can do that?

Also, it looks comfy if all your neighbors are white.
why would they make houses with basically no backyard when there is basically an unlimited amount of free land in the area? retards.
Wow, I can't believe /pol/ lied to me for the 4256117th time
Because they're probably going to build shops and stuff around it.
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Socialists/communists are all retards. Anyone who has worked a real job and has thought about it for 5 minutes would know that a system that is centrally planned and/or relies on everyone doing their part out of the goodness of their heart is doomed to disaster, poverty, and starvation.
Blame this on the middle class.
the hiking would be amazing
Capitalism is the result of domestication.

Capitalism and domestication = Parasitic subhumans who hoard resources.

NPC sheeple go along with it because they prefer life in comfort as opposed to life in The Wild.
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Faggot urban rat communist, cities are gay and bad and suburbs mog them at every level.
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Freemasonry. You never win with freemasonry
Soulless chess board arrangement
>in communism there will be no cities in deserts
Is that a good thing?
>Turns desert wasteland into comfy suburbs
>What makes capitalism so soulless and retarded?
it appeals to the retarded masses
Too much personal space for you, Mario?
Because Amerimutt are retarded golem controlled by Jews.
Cringe. Lurk more newfag
Looks comfy desu.
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>Obsessed with nigress

Such a sad lot of mongrel spaghetti sloppers
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>look this how beautiful actually is
If one person takes out a loan, then everyone else has to take one too, to compete with them.
The joke is that the previous owner of the store is called Chuck so if you replace "Sneed" with "Chuck" you get "Chuck's Feed & Seed".
Money. Quick example: Chairs.
This is the fault of socialism.

>No, we will not zone a reasonable area for residential occupancy, and we will impose several hundred feet of non-residential buffer around your land
>We will mandate X amount of homes be built of which Y share must be a certain price for the low-income, which means you cannot build 1/5th as many homes on 5x larger lots
>You want to build anywhere near existing infrastructure? You will pay more in property taxes and have more regulations about the type of homes you can build
better that than a concrete box full of match-box sized hovels.
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AHHHH private backyards for pools, gardens, and barbecues?!?!

I'm going insane! I need public pools with strangers and a small balcony!

why has capitalism failed?! PRIVATE GARAGES?! AHHHH
White people, so amazing they make refugee camps from inner-city demographic warfare look like a well organised housing plot.
Maximizing profits at the cost of everything else, to the smallest fraction of a penny.
the problem is there literally mathematically isn't enough money to pay off debts without printing money, therefore you get poorer no matter what
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Tell us what you think this word means, Muhammed.
>What makes capitalism/marxism so soulless and retarded?

that image looks more like a commie block than anything else lol retarded pasta eater
min/max ideology with no desire for an in between
The fat stacks of cash for selling out your fellow man
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typical euro fag.
post hovel, cunt
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haha. go take the bus, faggot. this is coming to your niggerhood soon, keep accepting them by the literal boat load.
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that's not capitalism. that's judeo-anglo culture of individualism. The judeo-anglo race is a a rootless race that values individualism over culture and community
this is where i live
u jelly mutt? you dont know the beauty of a 2000 year old european city
>What a beautiful city right in the middle of the fucking desert! Only 10 minutes by car to the nearest convenience store!
>2000 year old city
is this... german humor? wow
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because its jewish and unnatural.
The knee grows in many places in America but the knee grows not in the open desert
the fuck do you want to go outside for it's nevada
>10 minutes to do 2.6 miles in Las Vegas heat
You've clearly never cycled before you fat stack of lard
what's retarded about having a town? Doesnt italy have towns?
curvy roads and broken lines of sight reduce traffic speed and make the area quieter.
>if all your neighbors are white
lmao it is Las Vegas. the people moving to that development are all people who got priced out of Southern California.
what does having downs have to do with individualism? Don't you have homes in Austria lmao
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If you want beauty, you need to center your nation around God, Jesus Christ.
Everything else is humanist cope. Letting money rule everything is judaism with all kinds of gods and idols. The wildnerness, the dwelling place of the devil.
>posts a picture of dresden in godless east germany after it has been renovated with tens of millions of D-Mark
is that dresden?
>center your nation around Jesus Christ
Last I check you're harboring gypsohohols and turkroaches

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