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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>The candidates to run "the most powerful country in the world" are a dumbass celebrity and a senile old man

And Americans wonder why the rest of the world are mocking them.
It's still more real than the holocaust
Give some examples of leaders from other countries that you think are good leaders
No-no, you misunderstand. It isn't "Americans" who chose them but AIPAC & the Zionist system of Governance.
They just get told who to vote for between 2 Loyal subjects of Israel.
i don't care about your thread but I'm taking your cat image to post on /bant/ later
Trump is also a senile old man
The dumbass celebrity is also a senile old man thoughbeit
Who better to rule over a circus than clowns?
>Trump is also
my god you are a retarded niggerloving faggot.
kys now.
And yet we’re stronger and freer than you.
>And Americans wonder why the rest of the world are mocking them.

I don't wonder. My only concern was preventing (((WW3))) which was legit on hilldawg's plate since she is too much of an evil cunt.

Now chief shits-his-pants and MIGA aren't going to do cause it.
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Do you not understand that all high levels of any system where cheaters rise to the top, will be populated exclusively by literal psychopaths? I’d challenge you to name me a world leader, a CEO, or a university dean who isn’t a psychopath. Nigger.
Tbh, the very concept of country leader is done for.
The said celebrity already was a president. Another prominent president is literally a comedian who played the role of a president in a sitcom, run for president as a joke and got fucking elected for real. We had woman utilizing their sexuality and other protest leaders as well.

People both tired of political bullshit and politicians using that to their advantages by placing prominent populist talking heads as the frontmen.
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The rest of the world does what its told. Especially Europe.

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