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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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This is what 99% of american women look like in 2024.

Run through

99% of american woman are not white rabbi
european women are the same my dude
The obesity stats say otherwise. Im sure theyre all vaxxed tatted and run through though
im beggin ya to go outside
I go outside alot. Ive rejected dozens of women the past 2 years because of the things i listed

I have not met a single decent woman.
Yes, white women will be a thing of the past. I know some on here tried to warn them of the dangers of the Trump vax but they were too stuck up their own cunts to ever listen. White women were always really shallow like that. Most dudes on here got the Trump vax too they just lie about it because they think it makes them sound hard.
The vast majority of people are unprincipled slobs. I didnt get vaxxed and wont settle for some piece of shit subhuman woman like all these other faggots do. Imagine actually settling for a fat vaxxed tatted run through whore. Its absolutely undignified
We have reached the end of civilization.
All your goals are futile.

women over 25 shouldn't wear tops like that, it works against their favor. if she changed her top and also didn't have so many tattoos she'd look a lot better
Shes 19
how do you meet women? apps or irl? if irl where?
Mainly the gym. I just talk to everybody
>Run through
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New INCEL thread just dropped!
I'm a 33 y/o mentally ill female basement dweller with none of those traits. How do I find a husband and save the white race before my eggs expire? I was going to be a spinster but then all the retards got clotted up.
Body count 1, I know people will ask.
They look really low resolution?
Go fuck yourself.
>33 y/o female
Why are you 33?
Sadly this, white women slowly became white trash
bu fucking a nigger and birthing a retarded mutt like every orher white whore
i feel like its practically impossible to meet unvaxxed women since i live in a blue shithole, but grocery stores, bookstores, parks, hiking trails, etc. are full thin women w/o tats. also if you have no qualms about it maybe ask a friend or their gfs if they can set you up with somebody.
Show bobs and I might consider allowing you into my harem. You’d have to move over here though
Same here. Nuke both.
Does anyone have an answer though? Even babies are dying left and right because of the vax. Every unvaxxed woman who can still have offspring, should. What would you do if you were in my situation?
This particular type of woman, and I speak from experience here, eats and swallows entire logs of shit/feces/excrement for their enjoyment and release of accountability from the ritual humiliation abuse they dish out. Entropius!!!
Id find a guy and get knocked up it isnt fucking difficult
It's depressing. My wife and her friends are fit, groomed, well kept middle aged women. Then there is a yawning chasm of just ugly broads for the next few decades.

The one positive is many of the little zoomerettes who hang around my kids' friend groups seem to hold the older women in high esteem and utterly slag off the generations in between. We'll see what they do about it in practice though.
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Picrel is men in America today
Ugly af. Looks like she divorce rapes as a hobby
Whatever birth defects the vax is causing, and whatever increase in the odds ratio of miscarriage it may cause, pales in comparison to the impact of both your aged uterus and the dysplasia and nondisjunction of your geriatric oocytes.
60% of women between 16 and 25 in my state are obese
Go marry a fatty
Antivaxxers are not human
this, every cunt has these feminist nature themed gang tattoos at this point, it's fucking over
Not my wife.
Don't care about the rest.

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