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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total - https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment - https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers - https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam - https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures - https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation - https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! - https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed - https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times - https://archive.today/zWUbr
>Putin: 'Russia has the right to supply weapons to foreign countries & strike western targets with them' - https://archive.today/Thb5A


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>he gets paid zero dollars
ty baker
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checked and TJD
>ODAB-1500 strike
>Mad Max: SMO Road
>Munitions warehouse in Odessa burns
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P1
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P2
>Houthis released a new TKD anthem
>Another FAB-3000
>Second usage of FAB-3000 UMPK, massive wings clearly visible
>FAB-500 shockwaves in high humidity
>First usage of FAB-3000 w/ UMPK, Kharkov direction
>AFU soldier tries to surrender to Russian drone, is killed by AFU drone
>Lukashenko wondering why most of the corrupt officials are jews
>"They killed Kenny!"
>Romanians shouting 'Putin' during Romania - Ukraine match
>Showcase of an attack-transport UAV “Perun”
>AFU surrender to fpv drone in the field
>T-90 gets hit by javelin but survives
>Disembarking AFU getting fpv struck
>Ukrainian Su-25 being hit by a Lancet
>Burning MTLB gets to safety, driver nominated for award
>Sudoplatov takes out an Abrams tank

Will jannie ever be accepted as a woman?
they do it for free
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S-300 system destroyed by Iskander strike in Velikodolinskoe village near Odessa
Boy, he mad.
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Every hohol building will be destroyed. Su-57 attack or can be AA.
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fuck... that's a lot of dead people.
>>Just minutes ago, Russia has launched a rocket into the residential building in the center of Dnipro
>The Ukraine needs air defenses, and it needs them every single day!

>we exploding more gibs
teleporting fabs strike again
why one ,why random block
until ruaf start carpet-bomb cities I do not buy this shit
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Thanks for the bread
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just a faulty HVAC
S-300 in ground attack mode obviously
Hy тaк пoлyчили пoдaчкy oт Кимa и зaпycтили cpaзy пo пopoce бeзвиннoй.
sauce on your previous pic? is it just fanservice from Sousou no frieren?


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>A huge hole in this building in the city of Dnipro where whole families were just 2 hours ago.

>The UN is fucked, paralyzed by Russians. The US is fucked, paralyzed by Russian disinfo. European countries are increasingly fucked, falling for Russian backed fascism.

>Dark days.

another illegal destruction of hohol commie blocks
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Cheers to 500k dead Russians and cheers to 500k more
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checked, thanks for the sauce
nice ass and cameltoe
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Mfw my company expects me to do harrassment training. Gonna keep failing it and never work
>The U.S. built new barriers along 455 miles (732 km),[6][7][8] 49 miles (79 km) of which previously had no barrier.
will orange man finish the wall this time?
Atleast pro-Russians realize Putin is a butcher
>European countries are increasingly fucked
no country can withstand the onslaught of begging hohols combined with kikes greed chomping at Europe from 3 sides at once
>mention anarchojanny last bread
>insta nuked
really makes you nod your noggin
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NEVER FORGET what you're fighting for.
Every time before you make a post on 4chan, remember this video. Ingrain it into your memory. This is the future that you strive and work for.
oof hello kitty is a russian bro's how will we recover
Clearly a case of faulty air conditioner.
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Trump will get vanned into prison, some even bigger shmuck will take his place and Biden will be replaced either with a plain jew like Mexico and Argentina got or with the most vile degenerate black bitch they can find.
you stupd fuck
why do bakers have to be such arrogant dipshits? what does a pic of pre-pubescent piss flaps haveto do with Ukraine?
you are worse tan the shills, namefag POS
Its too late. State ballots are already printed up, the deadline is past
Lmao die janny
You do it for free
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>Mfw my company expects me to do harrassment training. Gonna keep failing it and never work
Just rember what /chug/ stands for and you'll never fail at harrassment
Is Hello kitty pro vatnik or pro hohol?
Which is it?
I can read it but I don't understand any of the words.
Wow Russians hit a RESIDENTIAL building.
If only they were able to defeat the UKRAINIAN ARMY
Too bad they cant do these attacks on the UKRAINIAN ARMY thats kicking they ass
>what does a pic of pre-pubescent piss flaps haveto do with Ukraine?
Russian anon requested last thread it be used
Eu is fucked becose of kikes in power
Kikes like jewlynsky
In a meth lab.
What are you having this evening?
there are threads for those of you craving CP - this isn't one of them
The United States will continue flights in international waters where permitted by law - Pentagon on the situation in the Black Sea
Pro-Z apparently according to liberashkas
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> more likely he didn't want to get "mobilized"
If it warm it can be mobilized
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>Total Jahy Death
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>The Stavka has placed a heavy emphasis on efficiency in this war. Many Russian decisions at the operational-strategic level can be explained simply by their seeking the most efficient means to inflict mass casualties on the AFU with the lowest risk to themselves. Thus, any decision to transition to high-speed, mobile warfare from low-speed, positional war can be expected to follow that rubric. In other words, the Russians will launch an offensive to rout the AFU after its back is broken in positional war, rather than attack seeking to “change the game” and defeat the Ukrainians in mobile war. The “game” heavily favors the Russians and they’re not in a rush to change it!

>The difference between these scenarios can be seen quite easily by comparing two very successful offensives: Operation Bagration in 1944 and the 1975 Ho Chi Minh Offensive. Bagration routed the once-mighty Army Group Center – at the cost of 180,000 killed in action, three times the total Russian death toll of this war. I’m sure the Russians would much prefer the 8,000-strong butcher’s bill of North Vietnam’s war-ending 1975 operation – and they have the strategic insight to see that modern Ukraine, as a corrupt and deeply dysfunctional garrison state propped up by endless foreign aid, is far more akin to South Vietnam than Nazi Germany.

>So what does this look like in practice? The Russians are going to keep poking and prodding in their usual methodical way until part of the line collapses “in depth,” and then all hell is going to break loose.
>noooo why don't you gorebake, that's REAL content
kill yourself irl
WILL PUTLER KEK? Find out next time!
>State ballots are already printed up
bs. they can do anything they want, real votes do not count.
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>Total Jahy Defloraton
Liberahas are mad because of Hello Kitty's collab with Vkusno i Tochka.
"I thought you stand for friendship, love, purity, honesty"
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Total Democrat Death Z
Tongue my anus jannyman
Cunny bakes will continue until morale improves or you get paid
This post didn't break any rules btw
in top left corner some liberaha female seethed at hello kitty for their vkusno i tochka collab
so in the pic full zigger (just like me fr fr) kitty is depicted

idk what liberaha seethed about, iirc hello kitty is WB's property and those would sell you genocide if they could
trannies-jannies are seething again?
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Even looks better than happy meals lol.
Ork collaboration when?
>if it bleeds we can draft it
stab the pig catchers
stab the faggot jannies
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should have paid renbts
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Kremlin claims provocations from US drones over Black Sea, prepares potential response

>Moscow's defense minister has ordered the Russian army to develop measures to deal with what the ministry called "provocations" from U.S. strategic drones operating over the Black Sea, saying they are increasing the risk of a "direct confrontation" between Russia and NATO.

>In a statement on June 28, the Russian Defense Ministry said the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) were being used to conduct reconnaissance and find targets for "high-precision weapons supplied to the Armed Forces of Ukraine by Western states."

>"This indicates the increasing involvement of the U.S. and NATO countries in the conflict in Ukraine on the side of the Kyiv regime," the statement added.

>NATO drones operating over the Black Sea are no secret and can be followed using publicly available flight-tracking websites.

>Any country can fly drones over the areas of the Black Sea designated international waters, so long as they enter over the territorial waters of a country that gives its permission.

>NATO drones operating in such a manner are not breaking international law and do not enter Russian airspace.

>However, Russia claimed that "such flights greatly increase the likelihood of incidents in the airspace with aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces, which increases the risk of direct confrontation between the alliance and the Russian Federation," adding that "NATO countries will be responsible for this."


should retaliate with nukes already. burn it all down
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That's how it's works. Anyway, 2 days 2 killed young men
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jewkraine continues to lose btw
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Putin just needs to set up an exclusion zone
>b-but that's against the rules based order!
we did it and we'll do it again
not like it mattered since we still sank some poor fuckers in a cruiser outside of it anyway
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hello kitty Chads we won
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>check vkusno i tochka website
>no z kitty
each hour a fucking us drone gets closer than 1000kms to Russian borders, zhidrael must get a kalibr strike
literally 99% of the world's problems could have been solved that way
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>can't even flee because kiev mobiks keep jumping in front
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The State Department's report on religion in the Russian Federation reflects the deep degradation of Russian-American relations due to the fault of the United States, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.
Russia does not intend to listen to the United States, which preaches dubious "standards" of religious freedom, the ministry noted.
they didn't pull it did they now
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We need an MLP collab next
Imagine the seethe
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They should start shooting down NATO drones. The alliance won’t do shit and Biden is too busy losing the next burguermutt elections.
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He's fighting for pediatric gender affirming care for toddlers without the parents' consent
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Check this.
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works on my machine
But what about the estemed western partners not violating international law in open sea?
Wouldn't it set a bad precedent if it got shot down?
>Atleast pro-Russians realize Putin is a butcher
Hohols literally call Russians "butchers" (kacap from Turkish word for butcher)
Literally saying we're too good at war kek
mentiroso culiao
Sanrio actually did a collab?
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Too much bread. Not enough of everything else.
Sad horse Lavrov and his red lines again. Don;t they have one honest people in their team to tell them you look like fools, nobody is taking you seriously because you do jack shit?

US already shot 2 A50, bombed the shit out of refineries and airfields from Crimea to Rostov and is 100%, openly involved in colfict. What kind of event these fucking retards wait for?
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Russia stops it's OSCE PA membership from July 3rd.
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Total Putin world control
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I thought it's a happy meal thing, but turns out z kitty is actually a part of so-called super combo, a separate item in the menu.
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No hablo español, señor
just google this if you don't believe me: vkusno i tochka website
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>Russian backed fascism.
idk why they're making such a big deal about drones. literally just shoot them down and don't waste breath mentioning anything publicly. no one is going to escalate a war just because some unmanned aircraft got shot down over international waters.
High IQ post
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Armenia has received an invitation to the NATO summit in July and confirmed its participation, the country's Foreign Ministry said.
Brown brat breeding
Ill take over
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as funny as this is and seemingly inconsequential, it marks a end to the time where liberals whom have for the last 80 years or so have had ideological domination. same with biden the liberal empire is in full decline. and noone can deny it anymore. except for the hardliners.
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Your pic reminds me of this
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looks great
>Shoot down mutt drone
>It's replaced by mutt plane
What now?
looking good frate

actually tasty looking 10/10.
cooking with /chug/ wen?
Should I buy it bros?
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I bet she's Latin American
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In an hour, the Scarlet Sails festival will be held in St. Petersburg.
Will be translated o a YouTube.
Most websites in Russia that do sales guess your location and ask if it's correct
Moscow is the Default City so I guess it assigns it if your IP is outside of Russia
You should add some fresh vegetables to your diet. This looks like cholesterol madness.

What does this photo mean?
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What in the absolute hell is that abomination?
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Parents' Association?
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Mersi, mersi. Mâine iar.
By buying a z-kitty pin, you buy a round for a Russian soldier to kill cockholes.
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>You should add some fresh vegetables to your diet. This looks like cholesterol madness.
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that's how blood sausage is prepared after it's filled, the smell is the most abhorrent thing that you can possibly imagine, like a wet dog's asshole in the highest possible humidity in a hot room
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Link to the site, let me design your menu for you.
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traditional Russian soup I believe
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how much would that super-happymeal go for in your country, /chug/???
this is just sad
That looks nutritious as fuck
If you drive alone you drive with hitler tier
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This guy alone is a good>>472476017
enough reason to support Russia. What an absolute sack of shit
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Did they eat what they shouldn't have and got super inflated with gastric gasses?
looks like fish entrails to me, no sheep entrails and not the caltabos sausage which is made from lower pig intestine (hence the smell of shit no matter how much is washed)
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Glad to see you finally updated
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Link to the site ffs, I want to design your menu.
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Hahaha nice
> What does this photo mean?
Random photos of mine
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There are kinds of food that pigs can't eat?
Nigger are you banned on google?
Im going to buy Russian products only from now on... So i can also spawn my own mongolian warrior with aksu
Why does Ukraine even have Russian products on the shelves?
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Interesting Mearsheimer talk out:
The other speakers have some valid points too.
Blame the hohols for putting their AA in the gardens of commieblocks.
The photos look really nice; perfect for training to draw in perspective.
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I didn't know what to jewgle for.
>Russian mcdonalds
Anyway, I like the name of this.
Pereche de burgeri gâină romană. We'll start with one of these. Let me see what customisation options there are.
You may as well ask why Russia is selling gas to the EU which is by historical standards at war with Russia
Fuck you now im hungry and i still have 2 hours and 48 minuts of wageslave
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>cheese buns
It's shid
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0%ABV Baltica
They've been running a double reward points promotion with these Rome burgers for months now.
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Fuck, it won't let me do anything. Forces me to download some gay app.
Is it related to the movie of the same name or is this an unrelated event?
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Just in time for Hello Kitty Island Adventure.
The real WoW killer game.
this might be one of those traps, where you think it tastes dogshit but is actually divine. but clearly it's not ready yet. you got after pics?
>>So what does this look like in practice? The Russians are going to keep poking and prodding in their usual methodical way until part of the line collapses “in depth,” and then all hell is going to break loose.

I think the Russians may do something flashy just before the elections to truly dig the grave for Biden.
just pop a small hole and let the air out. they do the same thing for cattle if they get bloated.
intestinal blockage can happen with anything, especially if they lay on their side for too long
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>Forces me to download some gay app.
Yeah, the website is just for viewing the menu. All the big fastfood chains here do this shit now.
These burgers are shit tho. They're filled to the brim with some weird herb that kinda tastes like coriander or parsley but a hundred times shittier, and instead of sauce they have some awful sweet-ish thing the color of some old man's urine.
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I thought it's the typical MIGA cope, but then i checked it out and holy shit, Bidens debate was a train wreck.
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Krasnogorovkabros.... Our lynchpin. Our Festung.
I don't feel so good.
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Lol was the guy buying 0% "beer"? Beer with anything less than 10% is just flavoured water
I never understood why anything had something to do with gay elections.
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> The photos look really nice; perfect for training to draw in perspective.
ahhh premium american burgers i see
I remember some Italian anon seething about Russians having an "Italian herbs" mix like you can put the same herbs into any dish
> Is it related to the movie of the same name or is this an unrelated event?
It's related to the book.
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I dont think they care, but holols on the other hand...
9% is the legal limit for beer in Russia, or at least was about 20 years ago. You can still make stronger beer but you can't legally call it a beer.
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italians are straight up autistic, it's just the way they are
>I never understood why anything had something to do with gay elections.
Trump is a total pawn of the Zionists but on Ukraine in particular and NATO in general, Trump is more likely to wreck shit than Biden is.
>I dont think they care, but holols on the other hand...
Only way Ukraine might escape getting screwed is if NATO puts boots on the ground in a big way and I can't see that happening, particularly if the elections turn out the way they are looking.
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I think Biden is doing a good job wrecking NAFO desu
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>Only way Ukraine might escape getting screwed is if NATO puts boots on the ground in a big way
NATO would struggle to scrape together 300k troops. That's less than 3 months' worth of casualties according to USA Army War College.
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They just increased the legal limit for supermarkets to sell up to 8% alcohol. If you want anything stronger (like normal wine or vodka) you have to go to Government owned alcohol shop, its a monopoly. 75% of finnish beer is undrinkable trash so at the moment I'm just having some 12% dutch beer
I don't think there's a ГOCT for niggers
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>If you want anything stronger (like normal wine or vodka) you have to go to Government owned alcohol shop
Capitalism bros, I kneel
NYC about to get jewed to the max after Isntreal's supreme court unanimously ruled that orthodox jews have to serve in the military
>I think Biden is doing a good job wrecking NAFO desu
Biden should only be worried about what flavour ice cream he's going to have for dinner. I've done the last rites for 2 people with Alzheimer's and 1 person with Parkinson's and Biden is just a few years away from being totally helpless.
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Assault units of Russian army already started to evacuate civilians from first buildings of Toretsk
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Wtf Americans made the city from GTA4 real???
And he is still right. The only chance for Ukraine would be if the NATO goes in.
It's a small chance, but it is one.

Meanwhile without NATO boots on the ground, they are fucked. The only question is how long it will take.
Why are there still civilians in Toretsk? Are businesses still open? The idea that people are still living near the frontline is so bizarre to me.
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he does such a great job
Venti went back so no, it's over
I doubt NAFO could alter the course of the conflict, merely give Ukranda several months more until total collapse
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>Only way Ukraine might escape getting screwed is
giving up now, actually
Apparently rent in peaceful cities went up by an order of magnitude in Ukranda
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Its funny, for being so "capitalist" here in the west, so much stuff is either a government owned monopoly or its a supposedly "private" company that still does whatever the gov says
rigged geopolitical wars. Israel will win and Kiketin will win. They are in the same side pretending to be one against each other.
i feel the Alko system is more socialist that capitalist, allows the government to control the sale hard liquors. iirc they’re open from 9-21, 9-18 on saturdays, and closed on sundays
>Are businesses still open?
They're temporarely closed (leveled to the ground)
Interesting sticker.
it's not capitalism if inflation is higher than the interest rate, you can't earn a positive return on your capital.







thanks for bread
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What a revelation! I now support my satanic and anti-white Federal government that wants to kill me.
Why isn't my vren unto us all???

>>472476490 (Me)
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>i feel the Alko system is more socialist that capitalist
I think that was his point, he's kneeling at the "capitalist" west having more government control than evil gommunism ruzzia and china.
Unless my 'tism has prevented me from understanding fully
I want to have my Russia
If it is just called a "beer", has 12% and you can buy it all year round... i don't think that is a good one.
German areas call those strong beers "Bock", they are seasonal and brewed for occasions.
People were still living in Bakhmut and Avdeevka then they were fully taken
Not to mention near 150k civilians in Mariupol when Azovstal surrendered
Ferengoy cut the carb-jew. Are you on keto?
False Advertising, FEC will be all over you
>you have to go to Government owned alcohol shop
Can you elaborate a bit?
Because here in Russia any grocery store can sell alcohol, be it some local corner store or a part of a big chain, the only things being some weird marking (like what that anon said about beer), that only specialized alcohol stores can sell some that has more than 40% ABV, and that you can only sell booze from 08:00 to 23:00 (although it varies by region).
Does it work this much different in Finland? You can't just go to your nearest local store and buy some wine?
yeah they have bock beer at alko as well, I'm trying this new dutch stuff I hadn't seen before
NATO won't go in whitout USA
and the script for USA war is as follow
Have some type of force in the country, instructors, inspectors, whatever collecting info.

You are here.

Then have an incident, incubators, sink boat, dirty bomb, etc.

Start the war.

Then conscription.

The last step is optional
such a life at the wild fields
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Privyet Buhanka
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In finland if you want to buy anything stronger than 8% (used to be 5%), you must buy from government enforced monopoly, store called "Alko". open from weekday 9-21, sat 9-18 and closed sunday
>you can't just go to your nearest local store and buy some wine?
No. only if it's alchohol free or less than 8%
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The feds can't do a draft. They barely managed to do it back in the 60s when the country was 90+% white and trust of the government was at an all time high. Now the country is half brown and nobody takes the government seriously. If they tried it today there would be chimpouts the likes of which we have never seen. The US will at the most "encourage" (force) the european vassals to enact conscription and send them instead. Yuropoors are more docile and will do whatever their government says anyway, and it won't cost the feds any challenge to their legitimacy at home.
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Summoning 2Bfren to blogpost about his vacation
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I just like meat bro.
Listen. But I am of drank demanding Portugal- Turkey
It's not about that, it's about being used as pawns of the elites. We can't trust anybody. Unless Russia or China make pogroms, we can't fully support them.
Seems a bit too strong for me, it’s either dark beers like porters, or something sweeter like NEIPA’s
I have tasted some beer that was 12%, a black small bottle but don’t remember the name
I know, frontier Mexicans (dual nationals) refuse to take gibs bc they say they would be the first conscripted.
but I can totally see them trying
It's all moot anyway since if NAFO assembles a meaningful force, it will just be deleted with tactical nukes
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Nukes aren't real
Why did you rape your sister you actual subhuman?
also fuck off and go annoy some other general with your shite
Lol, it's 3.5% over here. Closed on sundays. It's not even that many years ago it was closed on saturdays aswell. Swedes just can’t be trusted with alcohol
Why the fuck do you not have a chain fast food place named KGB
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>NYC about to get jewed to the max after Isntreal's supreme court unanimously ruled that orthodox jews have to serve in the military

Picrel Naftali Bennett ex PM of Israel crying about Jews fleeing Israel, saying that's the only thing that he's worried about.

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Nothing going on.
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>raped his sister
>Then conscription.
Non-starter, there isn't the political capital to even attempt doing this.
Weekdays 10-20 and saturdays 11-15 btw. I admire your freedom kek
if i wanted foamy water i'd just drink US tap water wtf
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Who's asking?
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>have a guffy photo of you that gets memed on
>fucking die
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>If they tried it today there would be chimpouts the likes of which we have never seen
That would be funny to see.
>The US will at the most "encourage" (force) the european vassals to enact conscription and send them instead. Yuropoors are more docile and will do whatever their government says anyway
Yes, Finland has conscription but other european countries are talking about reenstating consciption. A while ago UK gov tested the waters to see public reaction and it was massively negative, everybody was strongly against it from what i saw.
Something like 80% of people here are good goy NPCs, but there's a decent chunk of young people who are increasingly tired of government bullshit. The big thing will be all these "new european" migrants who will throw mega chimpouts if government tries to force them into the army. Look at france and the riots the niggers do over there, imagine how bad it will get there if macron tries to send them to fight russia
>fedir's feed and seed (destroyed)
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my o my
wat hapoond
what's the KEKC ?

I like ROSTIC'S!
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This you?
I know Americha will be w/ Holland in the end.

My moral. Being the fuhrer will win over us all
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In Dnepropetrovsk, an Ukrainian Armed Forces air defense missile has traditionally hit a residential building.
Not so long ago, such “hits” began to be openly admitted even on Ukrainian TV, calling it “a necessary evil.” It is difficult to expect any other consequences when placing an air defense system within the city.
it's kinda strange for the US to get more involved in Ukrain when the Lebanon theater might start soon and maybe even a bigger war in the middle east.
while also wanting to prep for war with china at the same time. seems kinda stretched thin
>>472483885 (Me)

Ye w/ (Me)

Ye are Stop it

Ye w/ me
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The Germans as usual
The draft was dead and buried after Vietnam, if it couldn't be kept alive then its not going to be resurrected now given the inept flailing of the political and administrative classes.
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Cute! Cute!

Kapital VOR arbeit
Rite, Russia
Back in the day Finns traveling to SPb just to get drunk were kind of meme
nice work
>I like ROSTIC'S!
I love roasties too
>How to clear mines on the frontline
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>hit everything but the buildings
Most impressive
I don't think I have seen a single gram of carbs in any of your meals lol. I did try to cut as much carbs as possible and stayed on that diet for like one year. I felt great. It's really the best to not get all calories from carbs. Now I fell off and are too lazy to pick it up again, it takes a bit of planning
little too early, bud
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>Dnipro. A Russian missile directly hit an apartment building. Four floors have been destroyed. Three people injured. Rescuers, medical workers, and all services are already on the site, providing all necessary assistance.

>That is why we keep reminding all our partners that only sufficient quantity and quality of air defense systems and the world’s determination can stop Russian terror.

>We need these decisions. We need a reliable air shield for the Ukraine.

>3 people injured
Russian missiles ain't worth shit, it seems.
Lmao, what air defense doin?
The second one hit a building
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>it's kinda strange for the US to get more involved in Ukrain when the Lebanon theater might start soon and maybe even a bigger war in the middle east.
>while also wanting to prep for war with china at the same time. seems kinda stretched thin
Its actual madness. There is no way USA can handle war in ukraine at the same time as middle east and china...
They can't even handle current support to ukraine and fighting the houthis. Mutt military, supported by uk, have been unable to stop the houthis from blockading the red sea for Israel, us and uk ships. It is humuiliating for mutts
The buildings were the targets though
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The ideea behind thermobaric bombs, like the one the TOS is using there, is to hit in-between buildings so you spread its effect on both.
Those kill through overpressure, not shrapnel or direct hits.
Nyet, it was the parking lots and playgrounds in between that were the targets.
She wouldve been much prettier if her hands and feet werent big desu
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>Destroyed building in Belgorod peremoga
>A few moments later
>Destroyed building in Dnepro zrada
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>Four floors have been destroyed. Three people injured.
Did Russians finally reach the meme village?
Russia is to come w/ god damned. Come te Holland.

>That is it

Les go

Reply as ye will lose.

As Ukraine thee vren and family. Everything belongs te us
Come w/ us vren
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>Four floors have been destroyed. Three people injured.
Empty apartments, previous residents have already been conscripted and died months ago in some mud and shit filled trench
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The eternal cycle continues.
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Make sure to report the channel for being disinformation. It's ukrainian but still...
Tell them te come w/ us.

>Daddy Holland
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Another day another boat
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>second literally directly hit the flank of the building
>thermobaric mlrs strike
That's mean to cook people inside buildings, not destroy them.
Кaк жe хyeвo, чтo yeбки нe выпycтили втopoй ceзoн Цyгyмoмo ;_;
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It's the other way around actually. It's not the government owning private companies. It's private companies owning the government, essentially merging those two together. It's the end result of unrestricted capitalism. Eventually the state loses all its power and essentially becomes a powerless figurehead with all important decisions being made by various lobby groups instead.
Good thing he had a silencer attached
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Gotta be stealthy with it.
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if you want Russia to invade your country with the intention of executing your entire govt.
raise your hand:

>We need an MLP collab next
wow they were really angry at those guys hiding there
I've got the entire 2nd season though?
Want me to upload it somewhere for you?
Guidance system worked well.
Did Jewkraine raise its hand? If so why is Agent Z still jewing?
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Doubly so if they let me do it o/
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Yes, how did you know?
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The great thing about fuel air bombs is that you don't need to directly hit the target.
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Second season was released, but they nerfed it a bit
This anime was relatively popular, so it's possible that we will have a third season at some point
yeah its thermobaric munition, no need to hit anything directly.
>The ideea behind thermobaric bombs, like the one the TOS is using there, is to hit in-between buildings
TOS is an unguided MLRS system, there is no "concept" of hitting something explicit. They hit something and it really doesn't matter where inside a certain radius.
>Those kill through overpressure, not shrapnel or direct hits.
that's correct, but also heat.
Compared to "normal" explosives they don't have as high of an initial pressure spike, but it lasts longer causing more tissue damage and also it has was more and longer heat effect.
3rd one, I've mistaken.
3-й. Eщe в 2022 oбeщaли, нo тaм пaндeмия вce дeлa...
The thing is that Israel was made precisely to do that, to be an European country in the ME and if they can't die for globohomo then what is the point in the coming years USA won't be able to keep them afloat
You can see that the one hitting the building got cold quicker, aka they don't hit buildings on purpose, they want ukros to refill those positions
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yeah... sad times ahead for europe. granted i am hopeful about my country. but then again there's so much retardation going around they'll probs target the unemployed or neets on welfare.

here is a article by the financial times about EU armies. and its a good read.


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