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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Conservative leader Rishi Sunak said he was "hurt" and "angry" after a Reform UK canvasser used a racist term to describe him.

>A British man has died off the Greek island of Spetses.

>Police probe shocking video showing female prison guard having sex with an inmate in a cell at HMP Wandsworth
Remember, the darkies hate us now, imagine what it will be like when whites are a minority. Don't worry I'm sure voting will fix it though :)
Green kike just said he wants a world without borders lmao
done it
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hope he dies this year
Green nigger is spouting nothing but bullshit
this debate is so boring compared to the US debate last night... yawn
I'll be the new MLK.
We'll have our own Birmingham Campaign. In Birmingham.
I can't watch due to being amerifat. Any youtube links maybe?
i've seen more action than charlie sheen
i think 60% of the NHS surveys have a response of "prefer not to answer" on race questions and i think 90% of those not answering are white.

apropro of nothing

>Drinking above 14 units a week was most common among white Irish men (45%) and women (26%).

>Chinese women (22%) were least likely to be overweight or obese.
>Women from black Caribbean (74%), Pakistani (74%) and black African (73%) backgrounds were most likely to be overweight or obese.

>Longstanding health conditions were most commonly reported by black Caribbean (45%) and white British men (40%) and Pakistani women (49%).
Don't waste your time. It's all kosher nonsense
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share this on your gay irrelevant twitter account and in your gay irrelevant discord groups
Fuck I love alibaba now lads
use a UK vpn
>Remember, the darkies hate us now
don't think they think about you tbqhl
>violence against girls is le bad
Okay so let's look at which cultures are respon-
I'm quite well known round my end and I'd knock anyone out in this general
Trust me m8 you DON'T want to watch this shite. Maybe when Farage is on but not the Green cunt.
I got a minor head injury off princess anne if u get me
(she was suckin)
What is it
8 minutes until Farage
idk last conversation with my solicitor i remember is him telling me to lay low bcos im looking at 10+ years in jail?
dont even step lad dare you come down tunbridge wells im the man up in that piece
Likewise. Crossover episode?
Unrelentingly force meets an unstoppable object...
No mention of the Green councillor dressed like a fucking 8th century goatherder and shouting ALLAHU AKBAR
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Fiona Bruce just qouted someone saying, implying negative connections

>The October 7th attacks were orchestrated

Uhhhh.... Yea? Does she think it just happened out of nowhere?
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would really like a happening

>no terror attacks
>no natural disasters
>even the 'wars' are shit
>no real scandals

why have the happening gods deserted us lads?
>Reform gets high profile racial gaffe skyrocketed to the front page
>people I know: "We're watching a recording of the presidential debate later, wanna join?!"
The people I know are Britons but they care more about the world of yanks. I'm not sure I like my countrymen.
It's long since been the case that Asians have absurd rates of heart problems because they slather every-fucking-thing they eat in ghee
Are you the geezer who also won a big boxing glove tournament?
Mis-shapen fox's glacier mints m8
you dont wanna bring arms house

ill bring arms house to your mums house
Doesn't look good for the future. Million nogs a year and jewish media constantly telling them how evil we are. Won't be able to leave the house without being robbed, raped and stabbed by roving gangs of browns.
no i only do real 1's
>there is something happening out there...
>my good friend sir hall
You lads are so entitled, we used to go decades at a time without a proper happening
Might do a larp when I go out and get chatting.
What should I tell people I do?
ill be honest my drunkposting is just a massive flex on you all
They always did.
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Lottery winner
im drunker than you therefore ye have been flexed
Oh well, unless you won a big boxing glove tournament then you're not even on our radar. Stick to being the hardman in your cul de sac
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33% of UK GDP comes from American investment. There's your answer as to why Britain has become so 'yankified' over the last 15 years.
nigga looks like the falklands burn victim
was probably ok back in Pakistan, not so much driving a shared use lease mobility car to Tescos and then returning home once a week
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>Greens want Net Zero 2050 £Trillion budget
>Scrap Trident £205 billion
do some stolen valour
say you're a paratrooper and you served in afghan as part of an attachment to special forces as leader of a tiger team
It's being made worse by jewish propaganda. It's already bad, it's going to get much worse as the propaganda continues and they feel bolder as they grow in numbers.
>everyone asks him to buy their drinks all night
Not a good plan
It's one of those things where you laugh at other people doing worse to distract yourself from how shit your own life is.
>Look at me Mr. I've got a full hairline.
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rollies that dont tick tock
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Greens are so cringe lmao
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audemars that's losing time hidden behind all these big rocks
Hello Cauldy
Oh, that's a good point. The jews have fucked up severely and revealed themselves to the masses. Unfortunately for us, browns can't tell the difference between whites and jews.
who's the jew in the middle?
I just tuned in. When is Nige on? Already sick of this green windbag.
When will we get an eco-fascist party?
now i "have" to ask about the situation involving a bloke who walked off the street and offered to canvas for Reform UK , who was accompanied by an undercover Channel 4 reporter minutes later and said the PM was a Paki on camera
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If he can't handle a slur he should fuck off back to Pakistan.
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Unfathomably grim
Did you scrape the your hand trying to put your fist into your own butthole?
easiest blood draw ever
i got a rolly on my arm
and i feel like don juan
and you know the bitches dig it
cos I got it going on
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>Rice chucked out again
Well he was BORING.
What's wrong with its face?
ball so hard brinnies wanna find me
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ffs as soon as Nigel is on he is cucking again
fucking kike shill
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(B-ball so hard) I'm shocked too
I'm supposed to be locked up too
You escaped what I escaped
You'd be in Paris getting fucked up too
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>Why yes, I do have a wine club subscription
Farage steps up
Question 1, why are you racist?
>Muh racists
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Reform cucks, explain yourselves. He's literally saying pic related, so you can't even say it's fake anymore.
nige shizo maxxing FUCK YES
now compare that chart in the link to this
get rid of the yanks and you get rid of the bames
Nige dropping the truth bombs
>" AND Sexism"
>crown goes wild, jumping up and down and clapping hands like a retard
If he didn't cuck out and bend the knee, he wouldn't still be in a job. They only ever let Daft Nick on QT once, and immediately regretted that and blacklisted him once he managed to not embarrass himself
What have you been injecting?
ive got schizophrenia or some kind of fuckin emotional disorder ffs
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Nige, call out the MI5 connections. DO IT
your mum acted in the sack every night of her life
heroin mostly but not in a minute
Nigel going full Trump “fake news”
>who do you think would have done this?
Who, indeed.
he's right though
this is psy ops breaking the mainstream
Listen to the voices telling you to kys
doctors say im the illest cos i suffer from realness
>"fake news"
Honestly, equating any questioning of the honesty of MSM reporting with lunatic paranoia has been one of the greatest media coups of the last century
I don't speak ebonics
>someone must have paid this man to pretend to be a racist
they should have asked me, I'd have done it for free
>"racist" is a communist attack word, I don't deal with communists
Is what should be said if he wasn't a cuck
They wanted a professional racist, not just a hobbyist
and now look at the yous im getting compared to the posts talking about funny brexit man
things are a long way from getting sorted
look after yourself and those close to you
things will get a lot worse before they get better
Yes I suppose so but its still disappointing that this man is our best option for a vote. At least some of his party candidates sound based.
There's cucking (i'm more moderate than fascists) and then there's cucking (going full antifa)
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ahem, I'll have you know I have a PhD in racism
>importing sub-saharan africans would dilute the IQ of the country
This actually presents itself in official stats.
>Fiona Bruce pretending to be taking psychic damage just by speaking the words out
Kek, based Barnsley Lad
Allowing women to be guards in a male prison is like letting gay guys adopt young boys. Just don't do it.
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>black people should get off their lazy asses and stop acting like savages
mmm danone
she sounds a bit racist
"black people of Britain should get off their arses and stop acting like savages"
oh right, enjoy.
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>get off their lazy arses and stop behaving like savages
nice use it to buy a friend
>7 minutes (and counting) talking about le mean words
Not looking good for rNige
Who said that?
im snorting coke and ket rn

dont need em fuck em all man
>i inherited this party/start-up company
Sounds like he's about to put all the blame for his party's "racists" on Richard Tice.
I like fiona bruce, she's firm but fair
i'd have sex with her if she offered
Told my sisters to stay away from pakis, don't even entertain a convo with them I said, that's how they get ya. Trust me, they act nice and soon as you get into a relationship with them they make you a slave and make your life hell. Also told them they're just nasty cunts in general
oh my god. such a very diverse crowd....
>and now we'll take some insults from our audience... you there, the gentleman in the brown face
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>not all actors are racist

Top punditry from this dysgenic mutant
Every question has been pakis having a go. Fucking shoot em all
>not all actors are racist
i do that too? its normal man
BPD mate, no doubt

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) in men can manifest in ways that sometimes differ from the traditional presentation often described in women. This can be due to social, cultural, and biological factors. While the core features of BPD are consistent across genders, including emotional instability, impulsive behavior, and difficulties in interpersonal relationships, the specific traits and behaviors in men may include:

1. **Aggression and Anger**: Men with BPD might display more outward aggression, anger, and hostility. They may have more frequent and intense outbursts or conflicts with others.

2. **Substance Abuse**: There is a higher prevalence of substance abuse among men with BPD, which can be used as a coping mechanism for managing intense emotions or distress.

3. **Impulsivity**: Impulsive behaviors in men with BPD can include risky activities like reckless driving, binge drinking, or engaging in physical altercations.

4. **Identity Disturbances**: Men with BPD may experience confusion or uncertainty about their identity, roles, or life goals, which can manifest in frequent job changes, unstable career paths, or erratic behavior.

5. **Emotional Dysregulation**: While both men and women with BPD experience intense emotions, men might be more likely to externalize these feelings through disruptive behavior, whereas women might internalize more, leading to self-harm or eating disorders.
I don't like her but I'd have sex with her
6. **Interpersonal Relationships**: Men with BPD often have tumultuous and unstable relationships. They may struggle with trust, exhibit controlling behavior, or have intense fear of abandonment, leading to conflicts and breakups.

7. **Sensitivity to Rejection**: Men with BPD can be highly sensitive to rejection and criticism, which may trigger intense emotional responses or retaliatory behavior.

8. **Self-harm and Suicidality**: While self-harm and suicidal behaviors are common in BPD, men might exhibit these behaviors differently, such as through reckless actions that indirectly endanger their lives.

9. **Emotional Detachment**: Some men with BPD may appear emotionally detached or aloof as a defense mechanism to protect themselves from perceived rejection or vulnerability.

10. **Comorbid Disorders**: Men with BPD often have comorbid mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, or other personality disorders, which can complicate the presentation and treatment of BPD.

Understanding these gender-specific traits can help in the accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of BPD in men, as they might be underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed due to these differences in presentation. Treatment typically includes psychotherapy, such as Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and may be supplemented with medication to manage specific symptoms
You just know she was loving it. Being honest even in quotes, on prime time telly, it doesnt get better than that.
Lmao “this country would be nothing without our rich history of immigration”
Desperate shit from BBCs fair and balanced audience
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>without our rich history of migration
not heard of them before
idk probably
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>this country would be nothing without our rich history of immigration
careful with that shit lad ket will make you piss yourself
So no questions about their contract/manifesto then?
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>Nothing without our rich history of immigration
>All the young spastic zoomers start clapping
Huh, how strange. The question time audience seem to all hold the same opinion.
fucking trollied off ket lads,, i don't like this
Where do the BBC get these mongos from
Question one, why are you a racist?
Question two, when will you apologise for being racist?
Question three, If give you 70 quid will you stop being racist?
its why you find the balance with coke man this is education pay attention
I would have shagged her 10 years ago but she is looking a bit too ghoulish these days. I reckon her vagina might be haunted.
still got your M5?
lol, was the blonde lass the token white audience member?
>If give you 70 quid will you stop being racist?
That's the one that gave him pause.
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not since like lockdown times
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Wahey lads someone reposted a meme I made years ago (the Norf one)
The Danes raped and enslaved my ancestors, very rich history of immigration there
>get rid of the yanks and you get rid of the bames
Don't see how.
Question 4, why are you racist
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>Why are you talking about conspiracy theories about establishment smears
>12 minutes and counting still talking about this shite
Almost half his time, such intelligent well informed audience members talking about the REAL issues.
my god. 11 minutes on the same fucking subject.

I don't hear any clapping from reform supporters at all.
>hurrrr so nigel would you deport my professional wife who comes from from nepal
lol, literally was that
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my kinda bird lad
Why does the BBC video player volume go up to 11?
Why not 10?
What you got now lad?
I've not posted here for years desu so it's funny to see you still about
>my wife is a non-UK national from Nepal
coke gives me yellow bogeys the next day so i dont bother with it.
Such excellent variety of questions...
>no nepal wives
i'm starting to move towards Labour
Spinal tap joke
shag the yeti, feel regretti
Farage has a weird tie.

Seething lads, fucking seething
"Thats your problem" id say
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just get better coke lad
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Tone sent the order to kill Farage
sell something off ebay? yanks get a cut
buy something off amazon? yanks get a cut
use a premium service on a dating site? yanks get a cut
get food delivered from one of the many American fastfood chains? yanks get 2 cuts(mcdonalds, ubereats)
These American companies that invest in the UK push for more eaters to be brought in to consume. The more consumers, the more profit.
get rid of the yanks and you get rid of the bames
>well how are you gonna stop these boats huh
>well as I suspected Mr Farage, we'll just have to let them all in won't we?
>Sorry to hear that mate
hahahahahaha based
>France doesnt want them because they're obviously problems so we should take them
Have they ever asked a poor to come and be in the audience ffs
>you'll deport my wife huh
not even america does that you mongo
>France isn't going to look kindly to us dumping migrants on France
>do you think the French are just going to take it?
What the fuck. The French are literally doing that to US.
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the audi i bought for schizo is making me so fkin bitter

cant drive it anymore man
>muh willing ports
WHAT ABOUT OUR WILLING PORTS? Fucking cunt. Why are they allowed to do it to us but we can't do it to them.
>they came from the sand
literal sandpeople
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>surely it has to to be willing ports that accept these boats back
How come that logic doesn't work on this side of the Channel?
Lads, what are your favourite Antifa songs? Need some new workout music
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>we will just take them back to France
>Woman: but how?!?!
>Woman Presenter: France won't let us do that
Can we ask why we agree with France doing this and if these women think we should keep the boatwogs?
dunno where. the coke ive had from dark net markets wasnt any better than the shite round my way
>my forren wife is nice
>so i don't believe 1,000,000 rapist immigrants is a problem
Dee's an insufferable old bint
whose fucking idea was it to have this be Farage v. Bruce?
fair enough if farage debates a politician, but what the fuck is this
>how would you like it if it was you, huh???
Literal nursery school discourse
Nonce classic
Billy Joel: we didn't start the fire
are all these questions immigration/muh racism based?

fucking hell.
Farage is the greatest political communicator Britain has had since Thatcher
is the entire crowd women, wogs and poofs then?
Why is every single question from a paki??????
There's the one white bloke with his Nepali wife tbf
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>The man in the children's writing book
He'll never convince anyone in that audience, this is just another stitch up but he's handling it ok so far
one vendor has the name of a cadburys chocolate bar, and the other is a french brandy manufacturer
another retarded paki looking fucker
>watching Jewish shit
>trying to defend brexit
why the fuck does he do this
just say brexit voters were betrayed by the tories
A very rich history, that one
>yeah but what if you were a refugee, Farage?
What an entrapping question.
>He'll never convince anyone in that audience

Yeah, seems like there's more non reform supporters

You can say what you like about that Nigel Farage, and many do, but to me he'll always be a top shagger.
>votes to leave
>Asks a question basically blaming brexit on Nigel

>but he's handling it ok so far
He really isn't. He's wobbling. He keeps saying how he hate racists and he's got lots of black friends so he can't be racist.
But playing this game, he's really fucking up. If Reform voters are watching, he's going to lose them.
>totally genuine leave voter regrets his choice on tv example 237852
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What's this fuck rambling about
>Costa living
>Labour brexiteer
>I don't like Farage
His mum is his auntie
That fucking snozzel
I hope the brown people the left imported vote for every retarded thing they can. Hang gays, ban evolution, force women in to burkas. God I hope they suffer for their treachery.
why did fiona need to clarify that
who else would he be referring to lol
you have 7 days, tory boy nonce
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you lot enjoying the funny brexit man show
Rishi sunak is a fucking PAKI! vote reform.
Imagine all these people tonight turning up and thinking they had an absolute zinger of a question, daydreaming of asking it in their articulate, confident voices, and Nigel stood there stumped..."ah...I...welll...you see..." only to ask it in a shaky voice and get btfo
>Fiona arguing that taking <20k out of tax would benefit the most rich in % terms
so she's allowed to just straight up lie huh
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oh aye yeah a racemixer how could i forget
He's taking it from all angles and he's a fucking ninja
I didn't know yo ppl had a stabbing epidemic. Bu the solution isn't banning knives.Imagine coming out of your house w/o a means to defend yourself.
More fucking pakis.
>your tax change will make richer households better better off than how much it'll make poorer households better off
>do you agree?
Wait, so we'll all be better off?
>Britain is 86% white
>audience is 86% brown
Fair and balanced
>I'm a doctor in the NHS, my parents and myself were migrants to this country
>we can't get paracetamol
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>other medications that help people not die

Smart one, there.
you would be mad to question the experts
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Crab bucket politics
"ate fookin rich cunts, not lettin them have tax cuts"
Absolute sexo with this poojeeta
what model is it
>are you saying there are too many people eating paracetamol tablets? Why can't we just make more tablets AND have another 10m immigrants?
Why do you need an account to watch a fucking stream?
>... since Brexit
Did anything else happen around the time we left the EU back in 2020 that might have impacted supply chains...?
ffs Nige, this is such an open goal, how are you missing?
simon weston
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Cause it's the BBC Iplayer you nigger
these fucking questions are pathetic
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>blaming are NHS
niger... you fucked up...
>taxes that you don't have to pay from leaving the EU
these questions are dire
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bitch you gon envy me
>you're all poorer...
The thing to immediately do now is ask him how much he got paid for his I'm A Celebrity appearance.
>they sound full of hope, you sound full of fear!
ohohoho an absolute zinger there love! so incredible, stunning and brave
These dummies won't understand Nigel's arguments. They are actual retards
>but you said muh houses
>no meds cos brexit
somehow the two points are related
I don't give a shit. Go to any other livestreaming service and it doesn't need an account.
no 73 plate?
Nige lost a fucking salary due to there no longer being British MEPs
They're in Birmingham. Say no fucking more
That steering wheel is close to the dash, manlet status confirmed
you're all retarded nigger cattle for watching this panto
>muh hope
a literal child-like view of the world and politics, these people offset your vote btw
Jesus fucking christ where did they find these spastics
is it a sleeper build or just an A3
>why won't you say nice sounding things like the other guys!?
Vooters just want to hear nice things and not the truth, but we knew that already
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>the Greens are full of hope, telling us how the world is going to end inside 10 years
>you're full of fear, telling us we can do better
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im 6'2
A fucking spaz with a question
>question is complete bollocks
>audience applauds
>Fiona doesn't say a word
Not surprising, but fuck me.
>How do you plan to pay for it?
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That's fucking nothing, pal
>Lab/Con aren't offering what you're offering
>so how can we trust you?
I wish I could strangle people through my computer monitor, in Minecraft.
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Isn't VAT thanks to them?
IQ maybe
just a 1.5 a3 i got a racechip its like 190hp i got it for my ex when she passed her test but then she scuffed the alloys and broke up with me so thats life i guess
Course you are lad
>the first cut is the best cut
What did he mean by this
yes, farage has made MILLIONS from us nil-rating tampons
What's wrong with his hands?
>you want to cancel HS2
>isn't that throwing money down the drain?
All that did was reinforce my disdain for brown people desu
Seriously wondering why these people dont just go live in Pakistan or Afghanistan or something
Beef cuts you gormo
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Right lads I'm fucking literally seething, think I'll go beat up a brick wall to ease some tension
honestly 6'3 if i dont walk with a gangsta lean
Christ, Britain is a mutt nation too
Good engine that 1.5 tbf
They were the worst questions.

>no clapping for Nigel

Imagine being from somewhere outside the UK and seeing that shower in the audience and thinking that's an accurate representation of British people. What an embarrassment.
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>bad things have happened since Brexit so it's Brexit

Yeah probably because a fucking war is on as well. How does she know it's Brexit that caused it?
Thought it was a drug reference or something
nuclear nationalism
He did well. Nigel won
Me when it’s 4am and my mate suggests getting another packet in
farage is too slick for dem man
you're a shambling mess
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she never even paid me back for the fuckin alloys

bitch fuckin kerbed it 3 days in ffs
And he still came out looking good for the actual population
He's a spastic
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Nigel got in Nuclear energy and vaccines onto the BBC

Marianna and BBC Verify on meltdown
ffs more wogs
the best to ever do it
Sorry I shouldn't have called you names I'm trying to be a nicer person
>needing another packet
get good gear
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>Farage did everything to lower his tax
So, anyone have a WebM of this sex prison video?
yeah but what do you expect walk a fuckin mile in my shoes ffs
Bully XL ban because Hitler loved dogs.
Low protein diet.
>fucking paki
Arbroathy has a catbox link
It's over.
You have to pull the seat all the way forward to reach the pedals
nice shot of fiona's feet at the end there
That's alright. I appreciate the trivia.
I was surprised to hear that.
What did we learn from today's Question Time brit/pol/?
>my daughters cried, not me!
Why does BBC have so many brown women working for them
spacker hands
He held his own again. They couldn't stump him once.
BBC likes BAMES.
>muh Bangladesh
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Serious question - why does nobody based ever sneak onto Question Time and ask something real
I learned I'm an idiot for still watching this shite when it's the exact same infuriating retarded bollocks that it has been for years now.
Imagine what's on this cunts hard drive.
id drive like roy jones all the way leaned back
kek yeah what the fuck
phwoarrrrr care to share a pic lad?
In a way, it's comforting.
You need a BBC loicence for that
what would you ask if you were called on anon?
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bare faced racism
That the BBC is in meltdown.
99% of UK supports Ukraine! *Spits*
Audience is carefully vetted by HnH
Establishment are scared
Not watched QT for a while
The audience was always left biased, however, for Nigel not to get any in studio applause suggests the audience was 100% plants
May have done good for guardian readers but for vast majority of normies it will just hae increased farage support
>What is the deal with black people? I mean, they're not black, and they're not people!
Brown people are retarded
She did and they hated her for it.

>I'm going to be on TV? Better not get a haircut and let my scruffy stinky beard get asymmetrical!
Brits are ugly.
Polls are all over the place, never seen polyticks so chaotic in all my 32 years, gonna be an interesting election night
i say too much
Fucking hell that presidential debate was embarrassing. Is America a real country? Like a serious world power???
no, instead i'm going to wach Ocean's Eleven
How? Because we can feel better about being above it all maybe? If so, no, that just fills me dread.
*Leftoids are ugly
i do too much t b h
Joe admits he can't speak properly now
I would like to here the PM candidates answer this one tbf.
It's a kind of stability, innit. In turbulent times, it's nice to know that some things remain constant.
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It was by design. Democrats want rid of Biden
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>81 million votes
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every time i hit the dope i have a new dream
they might genuinely kill him
Although Biden isn't all there in the head anymore, at least he isn't a liar. His most impactful and important piece of legislation passed was the national chip act. Trump's a big retard who doesn't understand geo politics or how important manufacturing is for America and NATO.
fuck that fuckin audi
>I get knocked down
>But I get up again
>You're never gonna keep me down
shitting my pants again
shitting my pants again
Normies are retarded
best bit was Trump saying "I don't know what you said at the end there, and I'm pretty sure you don't know either"
Trump said nothing that was true.
im trippin
Nice dogwhistle chud
Mate, do you think it's a flex to finance a base model Audi?
this makes nigel look astute with his open trump support
40 beheaded babies
Ok duginist
Most popular president in history.
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in here? deffo is when you all ride fuckin colchri busses lmao
What you lads betting on for next Friday?
>woman's Audi
>cheapest one.
I don't gamble
Hung parliament.
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i bought it for my ex ffs and its not an a1
Shut up you fucking tosser
Betting on boomers to cuck out and go back to the tories.
~10 seats for Reform.
My manager at work has that car. Hers is white though.
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suck my dick u fuckin bitter cunt hows your fuckin e scooter lmao
When I get a new car it has to be something practical that's also good for my family. Might get a 7 seater
yup. womans audi.
ive got an sti
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>99 seats
>150 seats
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yeah no shit retard who tf did i buy it for??
I've got £30 on reform winning my constituency at 60/1. He won't but you never know, worth a shot.
Just seen blockhead throwing romans at lorries on the a14
reform UK, although already noped out after they offered me 5/1 before results
I wouldnt risk 500 quid just to get 1.6k, but I do have a feeling the tories will get >100 seats. A lot of people won't vote
Nobody else posts this tryhard dogshit, I have a car and I bet a bunch of us do. Yet you're the only sad cunt acting like parking at the seaside is some epic own
yourself. nice story though.
>drives womans audi
>is proud of it.
>copes by saying its for some girl
>still drives it.
would rather drive a skoda, fr

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