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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Australian PM crying on TV because a fat 19 year old nazi threatened him.

MPs were all ordered not to give the terror incident any more coverage, so the PM himself has tried to capitalise on it.

There's a massive media/glownigger clean up job underway, brace yourselves for another Christchurch response ausfags.
If you've got the manifesto don't post it here and kill the thread.
Something actually happening and you cunts are nowhere to be found.
Have a bump anon
ahh i see i see
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did somebody say christchurch
>NSW Premier Chris Minns said he would look into providing extra security for MPs
so more guns to shield MPs but dont you even think about protecting yourself against somali gangs raping your dog and stealing your car.
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Nothing is happening you stupid gay vaccinated faggot, except your eternal domestication to modernity
You care about post-modern banana politics that is a soap opera for dumb people who think they're smart as much as women care about celebrity gossip and instagram. You're a woman brained moron, which explains why you masked and vaxed
Everyone said I was a shitzo last night, yet look how this has progressed overnight
more like prepare for new laws to restrict internet usage
these motherfuckers have no shame
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The esafety commission was created after Christchurch to stop kids deifying terrorists, specifically to stop kids copying tarrant. Well here's the copy.
So I think it's entirely reasonable to expect a far broader response than a kid with a knife would seem to justify.
I think like this and I have sex often (yes with women)
Post him crying
Poo or chink or jew?
>hurry guise do a violence
there doesn't need to be a kid with a knife, they'll create one to justify their measure anyway
the CIA does it all the time, it's just a part of the five eyes spying BS
i pick up gay asio and asis staff at this gay bar they all go to in canberra then kill them, ive killed 3, they cant stop me so theyre covering that up too
Post rantings or webm of him crying.
This is not a happening.
This is just news.
Imagine these faggot's reaction if they were to be hanged for treason.
Is that normal?
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Have you busted a nut? Asking for a friend.
Don't enter politics without realizing you'll get constant death threats and the occasional assassination attempt.
Australian vax mandates, fully supported by the greasy wog when he was in opposition, have killed more people than fatboi larping as a Nazi ever will. Also details will be suitably scarce.
To repeat. State and federal governments are directly responsible for the deaths of 10's of thousands of Australians. We don't even know how many it will be at final tally. I'm willing to believe Albo was trying to do the right thing. I don't believe it, but I'm willing to. In which case, he won't mind a full investigation, leading to criminal charges, for all things covid. Lol.
He is the gayest weakest lamest fucking PM we have ever had. A pathetic rat land lord that has never worked a day in his life. He is exactly what is wrong with Australia.
Finally, a world leader that names 'em:
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Flag checks out.
my edit was better. https://files.catbox.moe/z9k7kx.mp4
There's bipartisan agreement down here that family is off limits because they all know that they won't have as easy of a time betraying their constituents if they have to worry about their loved ones every time they cast a vote
>family is off limits
Why? These cunts' entire careers revolve around fucking over our families.
If they're off-limits they should stop using them as campaign tools and in interviews when they want to come across as human
> with women
Americans are truly degenerate. Should be ashamed of this. KYS.
OP is probably a chinese troll and speaking of which:

Did you know the greatest building achievement to date in China was the Taipei 101 tower? If China reunifies, the ROC's economic and construction model will be quickly adopted across China and replace the failed CCP models. China will fully return to its ROC roots at last.
kek, what are the political implications of /pol/ rhetoric making its way into Aussie parliament.
That's the rules for thee but not for me attitude they've picked up due to not having that lingering fear of parliament being stormed and them being hanged
That doesn't count in their eyes because they can do whatever the fuck we want and we're supposed to bend over and spread our cheeks like good goyim
Whatever it is, its a VPN jumper posting under multiple flags.
I pissed in the coffee urn in the pressers room a couple of years ago on a visit to Parliament House and I will do it again next time. Asis niggers can’t stop me, I am piss man and I will strike again

>captcha JAPS
have a jewtube link too
What a pussy and you Ranjeets rag on Biden.
You didn't tell the whole story. The Nazi threatened to eat him and his whole family, and if you have seen Nazis in 2024 this is a credible threat. Probably would barely take the time to put tomato sauce on our beloved PM. Just start munchin.'

The only real "Nazi" in my wider circle is obese lol and like every person if that persuasion, every fucking thing is about Hitler and tje Jews. It's a fucking mental illness.
Uh, yes? Albo may be a softie but he isn't a 9,000 year old Transylvanian paedophile.
>me n the wife in Bali 2024
This is every a*stralian. Bunch of crab in the bucket losers
>be brown
mental issues
>be fat white zoomer
if the nazi salute is banned here, is there an ashkenazi salute to use instead
IDK Ask your Rabbi
Ban the hand rub

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