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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Interviewed by Logan Paul, 6/13/2024
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>472532804
Alley Cat
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its gonna haunt me
Trump trying to win the Black vote is a waste of time. They can't stop shutting up about the Black jobs thing.
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>It was early in the morning when Jesus was taken from Caiaphas to the building where the Roman governor stayed. But the crowd waited outside. Any of them who had gone inside would have become unclean and would not be allowed to eat the Passover meal.
>Pilate came out and asked, “What charges are you bringing against this man?”
>They answered, “He is a criminal! That's why we brought him to you.”
>Pilate told them, “Take him and judge him by your own laws.”
>The crowd replied, “We are not allowed to put anyone to death.” And so what Jesus said about his death would soon come true.
>Pilate then went back inside. He called Jesus over and asked, “Are you the king of the Jews?”
>Jesus answered, “Are you asking this on your own or did someone tell you about me?”
>“You know I'm not a Jew!” Pilate said. “Your own people and the chief priests brought you to me. What have you done?”
>Jesus answered, “My kingdom doesn't belong to this world. If it did, my followers would have fought to keep me from being handed over to our leaders. No, my kingdom doesn't belong to this world.”
>“So you are a king,” Pilate replied.
>“You are saying that I am a king,” Jesus told him. “I was born into this world to tell about the truth. And everyone who belongs to the truth knows my voice.”
>Pilate asked Jesus, “What is truth?”


Well it’s working regardless.
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this was the biden humiliation ritual, the elites are doing it to put trump back into office
>And everyone who belongs to the truth knows my voice

Jesus said:
I tell you for certain that I am the gate for the sheep. Everyone who came before me was a thief or a robber, and the sheep did not listen to any of them. I am the gate. All who come in through me will be saved. Through me they will come and go and find pasture.
A thief comes only to rob, kill, and destroy. I came so everyone would have life, and have it fully. I am the good shepherd, and the good shepherd gives up his life for his sheep. Hired workers are not like the shepherd. They don't own the sheep, and when they see a wolf coming, they run off and leave the sheep. Then the wolf attacks and scatters the flock. Hired workers run away because they don't care about the sheep.
>I am the good shepherd. I know my sheep, and they know me.
Just as the Father knows me, I know the Father, and I give up my life for my sheep. I have other sheep that are not in this sheep pen.
>I must also bring them together, when they hear my voice. Then there will be one flock of sheep and one shepherd.
The Father loves me, because I give up my life, so I may receive it back again. No one takes my life from me. I give it up willingly! I have the power to give it up and the power to receive it back again, just as my Father commanded me to do.
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This isn't the worst thing.

This way homeless people can be tracked which is important considering all of the undocumented migration/invasion...

This way, if they ever do get the housing sorted out, they can figure out how many homeless require housing and get that addressed
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>look here jack, I know my debate wasn't the greatest but you are still voting for me right? we can't let donald trump destroy our democracy.
all sounds very racist, and possibly anti-semitic.
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>this was the biden humiliation ritual, the elites are doing it to put trump back into office

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>look here jack, I know my debate wasn't the greatest but you are still voting for me right? we can't let donald trump destroy our democracy.

Theres no way Trump can win, not after he betrayed Kayliegh!!
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Man, I wish I could eat pancakes :/
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>Theres no way Trump can win, not after he betrayed Kayliegh!!
How about the thousands of his followers who got thrown in federal prison for listening to his dumb ass?
Predictions for the post debate polls? Gonna see a national swing? I think it'll be minimal at best
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he’ll get a new cute press secretary and you’ll forget all about her
Pilate didnt ASK Jesus
>What is Truth?
He was making a statement
He was being a lil philosopher
He was making the statement that truth is relative to whoever deems it to be truth

Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had SAID this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at all. John 18:38
>We're not gonna show a lot of it
>A lot of people tune in to our show instead of watching the news
Says it all, really.
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What yall' doing this weekend?

>Theres no way Trump can win, not after he betrayed Kayliegh!!
>How about the thousands of his followers who got thrown in federal prison for listening to his dumb ass?

Yeah well, that wasn't Trumps fault, it was A HUGE TRAP laid by the feds to arrest his supporters en masse, but it looks like all that got sorted out with the supreme court...

In the long run, it all worked out. :)
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>What yall' doing this weekend?
I'm waiting patiently to hear from my solicitor to find out if I'm a home owner or not. He's meeting the selling party today (they're Monday to Friday 9-5 cucks so even though they're selling a fucking house they're refusing to meet during the week). Wish me luck bros.
>old retired couple is bankrupted by having to fight bullshit federal charges
>become homeless and die in poverty
>But at least Trump gets re-elected! :^)
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At what point does the act of sucking on Stella's smooth balls become intrusive?
I hate:

Wannabe vets
Grunt style dudes
Floridians (especially Air Force anons)

But I’m still the biggest patriot
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>he’ll get a new cute press secretary and you’ll forget all about her

No way I could ever forget about those ladies!



>old retired couple is bankrupted by having to fight bullshit federal charges
>become homeless and die in poverty
>But at least Trump gets re-elected! :^)


And the illegals get expedited into programs well unfortunate veterans born in america and who faought for its freedom die... its the kalergi plan
>At what point does the act of sucking on Stella's smooth balls become intrusive?

Yall were freaking her out in the voice chat yesterday last night, making her uncomfortable
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She's just a tease. Otherwise she would've shown us her balls again like we asked.
You say that like it's a good thing...
Guess this thread really is the fucking snakepit.

Okay, then let me put things in terms of your own interests.
You really think Israel gives a shit about (You)?
It's a death cult, m8.
Look at what happened to this fag.
is this political?
uh oh haiti bros
>In a video shared on social media on Wednesday, gang leader Jimmy "Barbecue" Cherizier rallied armed men, telling them to fire on Kenyan police and pledging to fight to the death: "I don't care if they are white or black. If they're not Haitian and they're on Haitian soil, they're invaders," he said.
What does the US without chevron deference look like?
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>I'll get the comic Indian."
Is Tucker over? Why is Vikek better than Tucker? I haven't seen much of him, short rundown please?
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>She's just a tease. Otherwise she would've shown us her balls again like we asked.

She dont have time to show everyone lol

There was like 18 people in the voice chat ln

>You say that like it's a good thing...
>Guess this thread really is the fucking snakepit.
>Okay, then let me put things in terms of your own interests.
>You really think Israel gives a shit about (You)?
>It's a death cult, m8.

Usrael DEFINITELY does not give a shit about ME in particular, or in general
i honestly do not understand what you are asking
Howdy bots. Whassup?
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Remember Masada?
Don't make me tap the sign, homie.
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>Remember Masada?
>Don't make me tap the sign, homie.

No, but that looks like a good rally :)

Are you excited that ANYONE can audit the fed now?

Imagine all the money that the crooked freemasons stole from our fine Jewish brothers!!
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>Howdy bots. Whassup?

China checkin' in!!
How to report such antisemitic crowds?
>Calls Israel Usrael
>Doesn't even know wtf Masada means.
not sure if this is a larp or cope, but either way it's pathetic.
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>Calls Israel Usrael
>Doesn't even know wtf Masada means.
>not sure if this is a larp or cope, but either way it's pathetic.

Ok, now youre just being rude.

Why should I even care at this point?


Ya lol
There are no good Jews.
>Ok, now youre just being rude.
No, I'm just being real.
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I can think of at least one (and many others whom I know personally).
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Morning alley cats!
It's gonna be a sad day when Lloyd Kaufman goes away...
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>Ok, now youre just being rude.
>No, I'm just being real.

Then lets talk about the reality of Trump being entitled to TWO more terms after winning his second term in november...


This means Trump is entitled to 8 more years after wining this november.

That's real.
Why do you give a shit?
they never call me ill tell you that. would give em a piece of my mind
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Trump's entire campaign: Biden sucks.
Like, yeah, we know - so do you.
so who are you voting for?
cant be humiliated if you have no shame
Jill Stein.
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good for you then.
(don't get this post mixed up with the crazy Mormon-whatever shill from the past few weeks)

The Gospel (GOOD News for sinners)
>For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
>John 3:16 (see also John 14:6, John 11:25-26, John 10:1, John 5:24, and, noting that the Saviour is a Person and not a religion/church, 2 Timothy 2:5)

Apostolic definition of "believing on/in" Jesus:
>As he spake these words, many believed on him. - John 8:30
An immediate state of the mind from those who choose to hear and accept His words as true.

Love my /ptg/ bros.! Good morning to you!
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bill was holding out on us
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Mornin guys. I see tradition has NOT been followed again and the baker has the morals of an alley cat. (but in a bad way)
I didn't need to see that
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>has the morals of an alley cat
what have i done. this is permanent isnt it
My willy has gone big now
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Please can you elect one of these two guys (or someone similar) as president

Both of them think the US should support Ukraine, which is absolutely true

If the US isolates itself from the world then China will take over the world. Then America will be screwed.
>Both of them think the US should support Ukraine, which is absolutely true
Disgusting. "The Ukraine" is a corrupt, failed state sending hundreds of thousands of good young men to their deaths.
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>Why do you give a shit?
Ukrainians fighting:
>cringe, clown world
Russians fighting:
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Alley cats allow the house mice to run amok
I mean, war sucks in general, but you can't pretend Putin wasn't patient with y'all.
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You will harm your country if you elect a president who doesn't want to support Ukraine. It will lead to America's downfall.

Of course war sucks, which is exactly why Putin should never have invaded Ukraine. He should withdraw all of his troops from all of Ukraine, which obviously includes Crimea and the Donbas.
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Daily reminder that Jewkraine started the war, not Russia.
No it will lead to kikes' downfall, Ukraine has nothing to do with America
>exactly why Putin should never have invaded Ukraine
what the fuck was he supposed to do?
he waited patiently until the Minsk Accords expired.
>You will harm your country if you elect a president who doesn't want to support Ukraine. It will lead to America's downfall.
It'll be a euro problem. Get crackin, boi.
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The reason biden "sounded better on Friday," President Trump, is that it wasn't nearly as long a speaking engagement, so they were able to give him a stronger, shorter-lasting stimulant.
biden is one step above a fucking vegetable at this point.
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Oh no! Europe might have to pay slightly more for gas!
The inhumanity of it all!
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Right now, we need to egg Dems on to keep Biden on the ballot till Aug 6, when it'll be too late to switch.

Trump vs. Biden is an easy win.
Here's an idea.


Go glaze sandniggers elsewhere that war is between them and kikes and if you care so goddamn much there are flights and boats headed in that direction every day.

Just quit fucking whining about getting hit back. Faggot pussy.
Why do you care so much about Trump getting elected?
I mean you - personally, whoever you are.
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There is an interesting bot program on Xitter. Where if one mentions b*den's confirmed history of pedophilia, several accounts will just show up and make the same silly/debunked accusations about Trump.
I'm the euro and fuck Ukraine
How about just don't slaughter civilians in general?
Why is that such a hard concept?

Why do you think that having power over people gives you the right to mass-murder them?
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>Right now, we need to egg Dems on to keep Biden on the ballot till Aug 6, when it'll be too late to switch.
I see pretty clear signs that that's what they are going to do anyway.
The Deep State is weighing the risk of staying with biden against the cost of bringing in someone utterly unknown.
The very fact that the minions of satan are even considering replacing biden indicates that they know there is a limit to how much voter fraud they can enact.
Jill Stein is going to win the election.
I can feel it in my bones.
Because I'm tired of the economy being in the shitter, and don't want WW3.

Oh, I know they're split. Which is why it's a good idea to help gaslight them into believing Biden "just had a bad debate." Once they pass Aug. 6, it's too late, and we can tear Biden to shreds. We just wanna make sure they don't do the reasonable thing and swap him out while they have a chance.
I remember Masada
Was a big deal back in 81
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>don't want WW3
Both Bidet and Dump want to send the US to war against Lebanon, because the IDF are too chickenshit to face them themselves.
Vidrel. They run from rocks.
Nah. There were no wars under Trump's term. First time in decades the world had a genuine period of peace.
No, it will lead to America's downfall

>what the fuck was he supposed to do?
Not try to take parts of another country through military action

It will be your problem too. America's prosperity is directly dependent upon its allies. If you turn your back on your allies then you will become isolated and weak. China, Russian, Iran, they will allow grown in power and increase their global influence. America will become poorer.

I assume those kids are Palestinian, in which case, Israel has really been doing the wrong thing in Gaza
It was a fluke.
He'll clearly bow down and do precisely whatever the fuck Bibi tells him to.
Miriam Adelson has his balls in a box in her desk.
>Which is why it's a good idea to help gaslight them into believing Biden "just had a bad debate."
You're quite correct, and Trump sees it, too.
Elsewhere, I have been trying to encourage the excuse that it was all CNN's fault for "not stopping Drumpf's lies."
This excuse is doubly good because it keeps biden in and CNN gets shit by everyone on the left.
But here, it is fun to make fun of their predicament and point out what a bunch of fucking retarded hypocrites they all are.
>Not try to take parts of another country through military action
Oh that's rich coming from you, Nigel.

>I assume those kids are Palestinian, in which case, Israel has really been doing the wrong thing in Gaza
You're not wrong about either thing.
I think it's bidenshill with a new persona personally
>thrown in prison for "obstructing an official proceeding"
>supreme court finds that was corrupt
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He apparently used to brag about it to the underage shiksas.
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Imagine being this clueless about how the system really works.
I have evidence, you have wild speculation. Take your meds.

Trump should also DENY to debate Biden again. This was s knockout punch. He can even claim he doesn't think his opponent isn't fit to debate, and it wouldn't be right, and he'd come off as compassionate. He's got a clear win here simply out of sympathy for the normies that will feel bad for Biden. The last thing Trump wants is to put his foot in his mouth, or give Biden a chance to look coherent again. He just needs to ride this wave go victory and keep campaigning.
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kill yourself
>trump appoints the judges who overturn the bogus charges
>um acshually he didnt mean to do that he will get rid of those judges any second
You don't have evidence.
You're claiming that just because it happened before it'll happen again.

I'm saying (with a mountain of fucking evidence) that Trump cares more about Israel than America.
>Trump should also DENY to debate Biden again.
Where's the fun in that?
>trump appoints the judges who overturn the bogus charges
when did he do that?
>Trump should also DENY to debate Biden again.
Yeah, but I don't think biden's team will let him debate again anyway.
quick! you have one chance to prove you care more about america than israel
should trannies be in the military
or should trannies be admirals
israel only wants one of these things for americans
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I can't tell if you're actually stupid or just pretending to be because you're losing the argument.
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>you have one chance to prove you care more about america than israel
I have been spamming /FIG/ threads for the past two months.
Check 4plebs.
Oh, and I'm going to doxx myself on Sunday.
I'm not scared of (You).
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so thats a yes on tranniews becoming admirals
and a no on banning trannies from the military
i will send a notice off to the israel consulate, i found the address in your id (weird!)
I don't give a fuck if he cares about Israel or America. I don't even live in America. So long as the world doesn't completely go to shit within the next 15 or so years, we're Gucci. And it's a provable fact the world was in a much better state when Trump was in office. The sand niggers over in Israel can bomb themselves to death for all I care.
>I don't give a fuck if he cares about Israel or America
Something tells me you support precisely because you DO give a fuck.
God he's smart!
A post like this enrages liberals' egos. They won't want to denounce biden as harshly now.
Well played, Mr. President!
Trump's a chickenshit loser.
He's gloating about beating a senile old fart in a debate?

Give me a break.
>Oh that's rich coming from you, Nigel.
When was the last time Britain took part of another country by force? Probably 100 years ago at least. Since then, tons of formerly British territories have gained independence.

>You're not wrong about either thing.
Fair. I think it's true that Israel has a right to self-defence but I also think that killing civilians is not self-defence.

Of course America benefits from its allies. Here's just one example - American military bases in Europe, Japan, etc. If America abandons its allies then maybe these allies won't want to co-operate with America anymore. Which would harm America.
>When was the last time Britain took part of another country by force?
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>A senile old fart that two days ago I and every other libfaggot was saying was as sharp as a tack.
Just because you have the memory of a fucking goldfish doesn't mean we do.
Nice strawman
Check 4plebs.
I've said no such thing.
Yep. There's a new sheriff in town.
I'm shutting down /PTG/ and turning it into /FIG/.
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Liberals are stupid, weak-minded, inferior "people." They think we can't detect the shill of the hour send by jidf because THEY are too stupid to detect things like that.
To those with other preferences, has anyone listed out the reasons like this?
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my comp wants me to search harpy eagles. What did Microsoft mean by this
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>send by jidf
Yes, JIDF has sent someone to spam normie-friendly anti-israel redpills on /pol/.
That's exactly what they want.

For /pol/-tards to hate Israel.
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>using Windows
Bit of a silly move there buddy
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I'm not getting into the Linux meme
>Goyim, we've never come in with the narrative that you're all israel-supporters before.
Again, YOU are stupid, weak-minded failures with no memories. We're not.
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It's simply better, not a meme.
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I don't remember what Eh?Sex? says in this gif from the thumbnail but I'm posting it anyway
Good morning, everyone.
Even macOS is better than Windows. And that's saying a lot.
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Give it up. It's beyond obvious you're an Israel-firster.
The real question is why?

Aren't you even a little embarrassed at this shitshow?
They're gloating about murdering kids on social media.
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mornin. see >>472555230
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new baker needed

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She gets smarter
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Libs have been awful quiet about "muh democracy" since they realized they might have to ignore the democratic vote of their party during the primaries.
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Europeans are still on about it.

The Dems do have and out and it's offing Biden, but it'd be wild to have to assassinate someone to "uphold democracy". Well, even more so than it is now.
I got it.
Very rexian.
I only bake /FIG/ breads.
But I'm tired now. Sun's coming up.
Going to sleep.
They don't need to assassinate him, just stop giving him so many drugs and he'll just turn into the vegetable that he should be and probably die within a month.
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>it'd be wild to have to assassinate someone to "uphold democracy"
They wouldn't hesitate to do it. We are talking about the party that murders 3000 babies every day.
So our choice in November is between the old guy who can't remember what he was saying and the old guy who is a liar, a convicted felon still waiting for other trials and a traitor who inspired an insurrection against the government.

Still voting Biden.
You can vote for Jill Stein.
If I name the Jew one more time, THIS TIME IT'LL BE DIFFERENT
Fucking idiot. There will never be a NatSoc revolution, normies will never align with that. The best play is act moderate and subtly subvert and undermine the leftist reforms, trying to keep the world as stable as possible and preserving white culture and genes as much as possible until AI arrives and Elon puts us into space.

The rest is just, whatever.

Even the very idea of a nation state is going to change before the end of the century.

Right now, things just need to chill, and stop the world from falling into a major global crisis like a war or depression until we can get AGI.
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what's /FIG/ stand for
is hilarious how they thought they cooked with that line
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God dammit, yes.
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>that’s far enough dahnald
>hand over the h2o
I don't vote for jews
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Stop! Stop! I'm already voting for the guy. You don't have to sell me.
Trump is a cryptojew.
He secretly converted years ago and is a member of Chabad Lubavitch.
frickin name fags in my frickin pickle thread
Okay Harry Sisson
when did it go away?
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EXCLUSIVE: Alliance of Massive Retards privately urges Giant Retards Association - “Ditch your candidate, he makes us all look like retards”

“You really can’t have an enormous retard like that in a position of power, it’s going to make retards everywhere seem like huge retards”

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(((Stein))) is a jew, b*den is a crypto jew
Trump is all European American and that's why (((they))) hate him. End of discussion.
>talking like this
>calling precisely ANYone else a fag
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Good morning frens, Catruday today!
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anon the power of brine is not to be underestimated
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Doing a massive data transfer on Caturday is peak for me though. I'm gonna fill this whole drive
Not but anon, the tripfag has a "mountain of evidence" don't you see?

I love how he totally ignored my post btw.
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I notice another jidf shill clocked in right at the bottom of the hour.
Looks like they were finally able to get a few of them up and running after the panic attacks Friday morning.
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its Higurday. Post cicadas!
They don't have to off him. They can use the 25th Amendment. They just won't because everyone can see corpse Biden as better than crazy malicious poojeeta sheboon Kamala. She's the one at risk of assassination.
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>Good morning frens, Catruday today!

Good morning :)
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That's barely enough to fit in 1080p of the top 100 MAGAnime list desu
Later /ptg/.
I'll be back.
Lets see your MAGAnime list
Vote Trump to expell ((()))
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nooo dont go, i need more insufferable personalities in /ptg/
Kamala would lose to Trump harder. Newsom is the one that could have a chance at winning despite what he's done with Cali. Dems and their media could spin a lot of optics about "him being younger" etc... etc... plus, it'd be easier to cheat as it'd be another "well it's not Trump." Counterargument.

Right now, the best thing for Trump is for Biden to stay on the Ballot.
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>I think it's bidenshill with a new persona personally
I'm starting to think you're right. He uses the same talking points and the same images.
Don't come back.
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Notice how these faggots are all making trips in the last week or so? One guy kept using a Q trip for a few days, and then there was a Q_Q trip
>46 posts by this ID
At least it's a tripfag
>Trump’s repeat falsehoods included his assertions that some Democratic-led states allow babies to be executed after birth, that every legal scholar and everybody in general wanted Roe v. Wade overturned, that there were no terror attacks during his presidency, that Iran didn’t fund terror groups during his presidency, that the US has provided more aid to Ukraine than Europe has, that Biden for years referred to Black people as “super predators,” that Biden is planning to quadruple people’s taxes, that then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi turned down 10,000 National Guard troops for the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, that Americans don’t pay the cost of his tariffs on China and other countries, that Europe accepts no American cars, that he is the president who got the Veterans Choice program through Congress, and that fraud marred the results of the 2020 election.

Muh heckin fact checkers!
i know how hard it must be seeing someone so much smarter, better-informed, and funnier than you in your little safe space.
don't worry, you'll get over it. I'm a fun guy.
No. That was already British, and Argentina tried to take it, but they failed.
Nobody tell them what everyone does when they see a tripfag, I want it to be a mystery
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Thanks for this bread, baker

Good Caturday morning, breakfastlovers
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>Kamala would lose to Trump harder.
This. She's an insufferable cunt and EVERYONE hates her.
Her job was to be a nigger female and keep her mouth shut. They know they can't have her in the public eye like she would be as president.
You're still mad about 2016, lol. I bet your blood pressure is through the roof.
>that Europe accepts no American cars
that's the only one I question
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I can't post 100 MAGAnime but I will say if you haven't watched Yokohama shopping, Legend of the galactic heroes, kino no tabi, steins;gate, and Aria then u gay
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aw a morning dove stood outside my window and gave an "awoo" before leaving
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Good morning ancapvidyanon...are you glad that this faggoty month in almost over?
Trump and his supporters should think twice about supporting the coup attempt currently brewing against Biden inside the DNC. Biden is the weakest possible candidate they could have fielded against Trump and, after that debate performance, will almost certainly gift Trump the presidency come November. I like Trump, but let's not pretend he's at the same level he was in 2015. He's still all there mentally, but his energy and speaking ability has clearly dropped off a little. He's been immensely lucky that his opponent is a barely alive corpse, but a younger, more articulate candidate like Newsom could change all this. Be careful what you wish for.
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Faggot month has WHIZZED by this time!
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>Doing a massive data transfer on Caturday is peak for me though. I'm gonna fill this whole drive

Are you gonna audit da' fed bro?
is it morning dove, or mourning dove?
See >>472554508

I agree. We need to gaslight dems into thinking Biden just had a bad debate so they keep him. I mean, they're already gaslighting themselves, but we should help them.
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Good morning and Happy Caturday /ptg/ frens !!
With 8TBs? Nah bro, I'd have to get a few more 8 TB drives. Also the fed wasn't compromised they compromised a partner. The day the fed gets compromised is probably the day someone walked in with a rubber duck and plugged it in.
They sound mournful, supposedly.
Personally, I find their noise calming.
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I've watched all of steins;gate and a good number of eps of LOTGH, but not the other 3
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>mourning dove
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ah okay, it is mourning. wasn't too sure
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>With 8TBs? Nah bro, I'd have to get a few more 8 TB drives. Also the fed wasn't compromised they compromised a partner. The day the fed gets compromised is probably the day someone walked in with a rubber duck and plugged it in.

How can you say the fed isnt compromised? Lol


Morning, sir.
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I dub thee gay
We all know that. The thing is we're not sure we can convince them to keep Biden on.
That's a valid point, they weren't compromised by lockbit, I'll be more specific.
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they sound like owls to me but nope just doves, everytime it gets me
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no u
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>Morning, sir.
Good morning, sir !!
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I used to think there were so many owls when I was a kid.
Reminder that I am baking. Worry not and be just.
Day status?
It's Saturday morning
Y'all should be sleeping and hungover
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Trump clearly agrees, too, or he wouldn't have posted this:
That post is designed to make dems want to speak more highly about biden's debate performance.
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>and hungover
I don't drink.
baking what, a pie?
>Day status?
I had a mourning dove wake me up at dawn.

I will be relaxing at work after this thread.
The weather has cooled off nicely.
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Take this
>a pie
Wait, wrong pi.
>The weather has cooled off nicely.
Same here. It's quite pleasant this morning.
That quote makes perfect sense, nothing the shitbags love more than to bitch about others, and if they can't find anything, they make stuff up!
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This. Yurop's choice is not between Putin and the EU, it is simply which orbit they think will benefit them the most. More anti-EU countries are going to form unilateral agreements with the US, more pro-EU countries are going to orbit the France/Italy/Germany/Poland rump state, and with that rump state caught between Putin and Trump, it's going to have its hands full with two things: keeping its seething nationalist discontent under control, and launching military expeditions into Africa and the near east to secure natural resources. Balkan countries may choose Turkey's orbit over Putin's, Macron's, or America's
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>nothing the shitbags love more than to bitch about others, and if they can't find anything, they make stuff up
Sounds like you've met my family.
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you take this classic
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>hell definitely do the thing u don't want just trust me bro
I hope you're brain isn't fully developed yet because that would just be sad.
Putin is white. Russians are white. If I was in Europe, I'd sooner support Putin than any of the EU leaders.
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Inside every man, a magical world exists...
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>It's quite pleasant this morning.
This is proof that climate change has been fixed completely.
No pies yet.
It’s not so hot here yet. Today’s going to be easy after such a very ultra MAGA day yesterday.
If the rump EU relies on its member states' own navies it's quickly going to be France calling the shots since they still have a flat top carrier and exert power in west Africa for gold and oil. Greece and the Balkans will form their own shitty bloc as they have historical grudges against both the Soviets and Ottomans.
A cream pie
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We grillin' today bros!!
Trump even talked a little about that yesterday kek.
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what are you grilling
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>Today’s going to be easy after such a very ultra MAGA day yesterday.
I heard you got rained on IRL, but saw a rainbow forming.
Or, something like that.

It has been a wild Ultra Maga past couple of days.
Eurocucks like small cars for some reasons the US makes them too big so they don't sell too well, plus they're taxed more.
It was a very brief, probably ten minutes, downpour. But yeah saw a rainbow form which was nice. I’ve been seeing those a lot lately.
AI fags get the rope
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>>472557733 double checked
>Trump even talked a little about that yesterday kek.
I remember hearing about the upcoming Ice Age when I was a kid.
>for some reasons the US makes them too big
environmental restrictions on smaller cars are really hard to meet, so we make bigger cars instead and that's somehow cheaper
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>But yeah saw a rainbow form which was nice. I’ve been seeing those a lot lately.
Very cool.
That mourning dove has started up again just now.
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How many boobs are we talking about?
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Real OGs will know.
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Checked. I wouldn’t mind one or a mini one as I’ve said before.
That the dumbest thing I've heard all day and I've got no doubt it's true.
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Look at me getting sum digits !!
Today will be a good day !!

The Democrats are backed into a corner. If they swap Biden AND Koomalah out, even if it's for like Newsome/Big Mike (a different kind of white guy+black "woman" ticket) whatever they gain in articulation and popularity will be lost by the debacle of the transition. It would be very difficult to ditch Biden and leapfrog harris and also keep Biden in the White House until January. So are they gonna have president Johnson for the interim just to get rid of Biden? And the damage to the brand, the disillusionment for the very small number of retards who actually voted for Biden, the demoralization of the retarded black women who are the cogs in the rigging machine, will probably cause enough damage to cancel out any benefit by getting a candidate who looks alive. Newsome only looks good compared to Biden and that's not saying much, I see him as America's Trudeau
We’re going to make it.
Saturday mornings used to be cartoon time.
>We’re going to make it.
Yay !!
yeah swapping your candidate after you current one gets demolished in a debate isn't exactly the best look kek.
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There is one thing you should learn.
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Some event will happen in October to remove Biden from the ballot. This will cause a shitstorm among the conglomerates of Libtard Inc.

Rigged for Red. Happy Caturday. MAGA!
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I miss the days of Atomic-Powered Corkscrews.
Can't believe they eat these lil guys in 3rd world shitholes. Very sad
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>We're going to make it
Are you sure about that??
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>Can't believe they eat these lil guys in 3rd world shitholes. Very sad
They eat doggos also
Well Jewdora and >>472558250 won’t make it. They’re both vaxxed.

(pre-emptive posting)
I hate them
Go now

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