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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Who the fuck does this?

>two fat groids
Who needs comedy when real life exists.
Put her next to a white guy at a lunch counter sit in with food all over him and say something like, "The lengths white people will go for justice."

I renounce the Talmud.
Blacks have next to zero ability to control themselves. Once you understand this its terrifying to find yourself in high-density nigger areas
Why would I ever find myself in a high density nigger area? Don't tell me there are white people stupid enough to live in a big city.
>beautiful white woman assaulted by two gorillas
>IVF clinic
Who the hell protests an IVF clinic on anti abortion grounds.
IVF kills preborn babies and is eugenics on steroids. NO ONE in good conscience can ever support it.

Abortions and literal infanticides are a plague on America.


The most evil, cowardly and selfish act anyone can commit is murder the weakest and most vulnerable human beings. This is why it is impossible to name a single thing in this world more evil and demonic than abortion. Abortion murders babies, damages mothers and creates a culture that views ALL human life as disposable

When we murder our weakest and most vulnerable, whether by abortion in the womb or euthanasia outside the womb, any and all respect for human life AS A WHOLE becomes non-existent

It's because our culture tolerates abortion that we tolerate mass murder, shootings, allowing needy people to die, abuse of the vulnerable and many other horrible things. Abortion has cemented Neo-Malthusian thinking and eugenics in our culture as every abortion is a eugenic abortion. You cannot have any respect for human life and persons at any stage of life if you support murdering the weakest and most desperate to survive

I do not believe our society and our world could fall much further once it solidifies murdering the most innocent and vulnerable of any group of people, be it the preborn or the sick and disabled, into its culture

When murdering those whom we have an obligation to protect and love becomes normalized then no amount of depravity is off limits.

Over 66 MILLION preborn babies have been aborted in America alone since 1973 which is more dead Americans than in every war America has been involved in COMBINED. No war, famine or even genocide has killed that many in such a short amount of time.

Those of us who can must stand up and speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.

God will judge us for allowing this barbarism to happen.
American right wingers hate seeing their black gods abort niglets.
The biggest ethnic cleansing of ALL TIME is that of black babies by abortion. Nearly HALF of all babies killed by abortion are black, and nearly 40% of black pregnancies end with the baby being killed in the womb. As blacks are only 13% of the population these numbers are horrific


This is genocide. Any leftist crying about Gaza but not addressing abortion is a liar and hypocrite to the highest degree.
Make this video go viral and expose these two demons working at a child sacrifice factory.
it's prob about gays getting kids that way, look at the poster next to the niggers
Black women should be given free abortions
No. It's about saving the preborn. IVF kills more preborn babies than abortion by destroying living embryos who are full and equal people to you and I.

And blacks are NOT "niggers" but full and equal people created in the Imago Dei.
Shut up anon
Abortion is MURDER and blacks are full and equal people.
I would voluntarily pay double my taxes if all dark skinned women were given free birth control and abortions on demand.
they're not embryos it's just one cell
That is not true, niggers are descendants of Esau who God cursed. They are not part of the blessed human linage.
Ivf clinics kill more fertilized embryos than anywhere else on earth.
What is stopping you from seeing the humanity in blacks?

So like, when you store three sperm samples, you use two with the six eggs from her, three don't make it to blastocyst, one has chromosomal abnormalities, one is implanted then she miscarries, and the last is implanted and results in a live birth, did you kill five babies? Like that's your reasoning?
>one has chromosomal abnormalities,

The disabled are made in the Imago Dei and deserve to live.

IVF has killed more disabled children than abortion. It is Nazi eugenics on a large scale.
interesting, how it was fine for the bakethecackers to protest and shit all over the bakery building

all sane people should sell their anchoring properties in USA and just move to Russia by now
Abortion, birth control and sexual education are necessary worldwide. I dont like being the one to say it, but the population will become a pertinent issue very soon. Unless you want the elderly to die at a predetermined age, eugenics programs or some kind of death lottery, this is the best way.
Go ahead and take care of a crippled retard for 40 years and see if you still believe that (even though you don't believe it now anyway).
>The video behind a login blocked website
WEBM or didn't happen.
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Abortion is murder.

Abortion is good because it gets rid of a lot of niggers.

These are both true.
Definitely do not use an IVF clinic that employs fat niggers
Don’t use the word nazi as a pejorative you faggot.
>noooo, you should WANT retards on this planet
Fuck off kike. The total elimination of genetic abnormalities is a human goal.
Murder or not, it keeps us in livable conditions.
"Crippled retards" are full and equal people who deserve full love and human dignity.

Nazism and communism are both satanic. So is anarchism.

Wrong, The disabled deserve to exist without stigma or shame. Down Syndrome people are the most kind and loving people you will ever encounter. Down Syndrome makes the world complete.
>The disabled are made in the Imago Dei and deserve to live
So if these people are disabled and can't work because you don't want abortion to be legal, would you pay taxes to sustain them? Your flag says no.
Historically the Church took care of the disabled and vulnerable. No taxes needed.
Nobody said already living disabled people shouldn't be allowed to exist. But nobody should be advocating that we create more.
Chopping up nigger babies is common-sense crime control.

1pbtid + memeflag = kike shill
Downs syndrome people are legitimately gods gift. Never met one who wasn't a complete gem.
What’s wrong with being disabled?
Are they vandalizing her property by writing obsence remarks that are directly counter to the whole building they are in front of. TWE.
The church isn't good enough for this job, if you use the government to ban abortion, then you need systemic guaranteed help for those people as they were systemically prevented to be aborted.
You mean besides a lower overall quality of life, lower life expectancy, comorbidity of other diseases, conditions and ailments, and the fact that the vast majority of disabled people will require assistance from others and never be able to live truly independent lives?
the disabled part
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The content of their character.
>beautiful white woman trying to stop blacks from having abortions assaulted by two gorillas
The groids are unironically heroes.
To quote the Anon you responded to

>I do not believe our society and our world could fall much further once it solidifies murdering the most innocent and vulnerable of any group of people, be it the preborn or the sick and disabled, into its culture
>When murdering those whom we have an obligation to protect and love becomes normalized then no amount of depravity is off limits.

IVF commodifies humans into a luxury good, and disposes of the surplus product. We're already in strange waters with how radically the pill has morphed our biology and culture, quick n' easy abortion is downstream of the pill's negation of natural processes, and IVF is further downstream of dehumanizing and the most vulnerable of human organisms by turning them into a product to buy, sell, and discard. This will have repercussions on the collective understanding of the human condition and who gets the privilege to participate in that condition (hint, it won't always be unborn babies that are dehumanized)
>Let someone else pay for my decisions
Change flag. The commie one would fit you better
IVF helps couples who have problems conceiving.
those anti-abortion wankers should be aborted
Nigger what? IVF is primarily used for couples who struggle with natural conception. Nobody is using it for designer babies because it's fucking expensive.
People with Down’s will always be a burden on everyone else around them. If you want to force people to have them, you pay for them.
Yes! More niggers for everyone! Even better, they shall be downies!
dead nigger storage
...by making conception, and the product of conception, into a commodified service. It's up to you if you're fine with that.
I would warn you or anyone else to be wary of something that's seemingly good on the surface.
Somewhat related but check out Ted Kaczynski to get a sense of the unintended ramifications of technological development beyond their immediate "good".
Mary Harrington also has some interesting opinions on the pill/abortion/IVF within a materialist/economic framework without being a faggy commie about it all
It's not a commodified service you retard, not any more than getting treatment for a disease is a "commodified service". You're an idiot who understands literally none of what you're talking about.

couples that have problems conceiving shouldn't be conceiving
nature is telling them that they're unfit, and they're refusing to listen
>...by making conception, and the product of conception, into a commodified service
Are you one of those tards who believe that healthcare should be ”free” despite being restricted by scarcity, of one of those tards who believe that if not everyone has access to something the no one should have access?
spoken like someone who is single and/or a virgin
Nature isn’t telling shit. They might be fit, but something else is blocking.
Proof: the number of people who suddenly are able to conceive after having a child through IVF, or are able to conceive after getting in line for IVF before any treatment.
This man understands.
How do we increase this number?
Usually chromosomal abnormalities are terminal in utero. Downs is the exception not the rule. Does that embryo need to be implanted so it can die in a womb?
Funny enough, SJWs are trying to make it illegal to use rap lyrics in court.
I appreciate the fun of denigrating an opponent you disagree with, but please don't stop thinking about this issue beyond our brief conversation. IVF is not treating a disease like you treat a disease with antibiotics or something, the end result of the "disease treating service" of IVF is a batch of human organisms, some viable and some not viable. You might disregard the importance of these viable and non-viable human organisms (both of which can be wasted), but they are still being purchased or disposed of as a service.
You can also IVF when you have a perfectly fine womb and sperm but you do it into another woman's womb so the genetic mother doesn't have to go through the trouble of carrying it. In other words in this instance there's no disease you're "treating"
This shit gets fucky and it's going to get more freaky.
>the comments
Ok, but in the example I listed, what's getting discarded?

Yeah ok that russian girl who had 20 kids in a year using IVF and surrogates is kind of weird. Kids are already a luxury good in the west.

Oh so you want fewer white babies, and you think the microplastics and pfoa poisoning out blood should just be ignored?
This is why you have a gun
They start pouring you start blasting
Could be acid, caustic chems, God knows what
You're retarded. It's clear you have no idea what you're actually talking about
>confusing surrogacy with IVF as a whole
>thinking you buy random peoples' embryos with IVF
>thinking fertility issues or infertility isn't a disease
Neither, though my decision leans towards your second version of a tard. In the end you have to practice your principles and hope to lead by example and to a lesser extent rhetoric.
You'd be surprised. States are already banning IVF due to them destroying embryos in the face of abortion bans. It's retarded, but many politicians are now dying on this hill because they defined life as starting at conception.
Since you said commodifying you are either one of the tards
Oh I see, you’re talking religion not politics. Why don’t you go to a religion board?
why the fuck would you protest IVF if your anti abortion? Does that dumb retarded know what the point of IVF is?
Serious people who don't understand IVF or abortion but are VERY ANGRY about them
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I've wasted trillions of sperms
IVF mass murders human embryos and discards disabled ones like ones with Down Syndrome.
Mass murders a bunch of non viable embyros you mean. So things that hold zero life?
>crying because less children will be born dependent on the state due to genetic abnormalities
Only jews would be mad at this
>commodify human beings
These retards never heard of capitalism huh
>people over profit
>meanwhile the people wanting to have kids
>Ok, but in the example I listed, what's getting discarded?
Is your example what happens every time? I'm trying to move away from the framework of whether one specific example is the ideal outcome of IVF (in that it's ideal that only one embryo made it to gestation while the rest couldn't have anyways so let's forget about it) to the framework that we're at the outset of this "service" already dehumanizing human organisms, and the most vulnerable at that.
>Kids are already a luxury good in the west.
I don't buy your assertion that I'm retarded.
>>confusing surrogacy with IVF as a whole
No, I was hoping to provide surrogacy as an example of the commodity aspect of IVF. Like maybe this person ik talking with can't connect the "commodity" concept to IVF, so maybe surrogacy might allow them the connection
>>thinking you buy random peoples' embryos with IVF
I never said that, and if I said something like that it wasn't my implication.
>thinking fertility issues or infertility isn't a disease
I never said it wasn't a disease, but to treat the disease you kill humans. I'm trying to get out of the generalizing "disease" framework, that's too simplistic. You don't necessarily treat one disease like another. You could treat infertility with hormones, or you could make a batch of humans, with some of them being discarded as waste
> You could treat infertility with hormones, or you could make a batch of humans, with some of them being discarded as waste
You realize that it's a spectrum of treatment, right? When one fails, you move up the line, which terminates at IVF/Surrogacy. You genuinely are retarded and should have been aborted. Go back to /chug/ or /ugh/ or /ptg/ where shitposting is expected, fucking faggot
Kek. Thanks for the feedback, it means I have to sharpen up my rhetoric to allow for people of differentiating backgrounds to have a common understanding of what I'm saying without being turned off by commie speak
I think we're talking past each other
*Commie-like speak
Perfect image. The rainbow of "tolerance" and the nigger workers of equity assaulting a woman who is telling the truth. Shows the utter decay and evil society we live in today.
We start by dropping the christcuckery.
Christcucks need to get the Pitesti Prison treatment.
How is IVF “commodification” but adoption not? Adoption, unlike IVF, exploits another person’s body and essentially pays her to relinquish her child. Birthmothers go through a ton of trauma. IVF is a much, much better option.

Also, all healthcare in America is commodified. You might as well say getting a tooth fixed is commodification of human teeth.
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>This is genocide.
good news all in all - but blacks cant genocide themselves. for "genocide" you need other "tribe" to force it upon them.

also the handful of degeerate niggers in the US-of-farce hardly count as relevant when there is a whole other continent (1 billion more or less) full of them.

or are you, racistly, implying the nogs in the US-of-farce have become their own "race" within 2-3 centuries?
Well I mean they literally kill babies so you didn't expect violence?
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>I care more about nigger babies cause I am too cowardly to defend mine.

Go back in your redditcave faggot.
My gosh she’s ugly.
so blacks murder themselves willingly? holy christ...
Only brain dead retards would attack a fertility clinic.
IVF being eugenics is objectively a good thing. Society can’t advance if it’s made up of stupid people.
and you spoke like a retard who never heard of natural selection and its functions - i bet youre from the bible belt and believe all this creationist crap.
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lower free gibs for childs and single mothers - inflation, from rent to food to anything will take care of the rest.
Get ready for HL2 Combine
>The disabled are made in the Imago Dei and deserve to live
so your god was a mentally challenged person? sounds about right.
I’m not anti-Black (I work with Haitian youth in Montréal-Nord) but if they want to abort their own fetuses I’m not crying about it.
>dying on this hill because they defined life as starting at conception.
life? yes. a human already as a clump of cells? no. its another thing once hte clump of cells evolved into a fetus though.
Half is only half of the job. N
Yeah, there’s literally nothing wrong with using science to advance human evolution. If we could wipe out Down’s, genetic cancers, autoimmune diseases like lupus, sickle cell, ALS, blindness, deafness, MTHFR, celiac disease, and all other genetic disorders we’d be a much, much better society.
>niggers commit battery
I can tell the bottom three weren’t white.
>there’s literally nothing wrong with using science to advance human evolution.
sounds like i heard that several times in other centuries before. problem is: meddling in genetics according to ones current "standards" isnt evolution at all.

evulotion is when nature take its course - not matter what. and human society is already disconnected from that for a good part. starting to additionally meddle in it now will make it even more worse...

dont believe me? just look at society (all of it) in the last 100 years..
Please continue to put eugenicists in their place.
So wiping out diseases which have a strong genetic component like lupus and celiac would be a problem, why?

And why bring a child into the world that’s going to be retarded? Iceland did the right thing by wiping out Downs via prenatal testing and abortion. Low-IQ individuals are a plague on our society.
>public sidewalk
>private property

They need to bring civics lessons back to schools
Horseshoe Christcuckery going on here
I hate Christianity. I fully support eugenics because I want society to advance. I’m actually a leftist.
I would have verbally reduced those two she-boons to tears if I was there. Just look at them, they ooze insecurity.
I know you hate Christianity. It's just that you're a retarded leftist with some kind of Christcuckist, utopian vision, hence referencing horseshoe theory
Clinic workers should be armed so they can more effectively deal with anti-abortion morons.
>yeah, they’re so based for killing babies and wanting abortion to be a form of birth control they should also be allowed to kill anyone who protests there!
You Jews are gonna get ovened so ducking hard soon, I can’t wait for a million Jew deaths.
>we need to abolish tradition and values to advance, that’s why troons are such happy and advanced people!
It’s a good idea to kill yourself, kike
apparently I am being assaulted every day it rains
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>protests in front of a clinic that assists in bringing life to conception for those having trouble bringing life to conception.
That makes sense.
You can not loiters on the side walk of a public business. Public or private. Only in the street you’re scaring away customers you retard. Hou obviously don’t understand civics.
Abortion and IVF are good actually.
Anti-abortion numbskulls are some of the most illogical people you’ll ever meet. Their entire argument is “muh feels” and “muh Jesus”.
They harvest gametes to create embryos first and they make a bunch of them; any that aren’t used are frozen indefinitely or destroyed. IVF clinics deserve bombings in Minecraft
There’s nothing wrong will killing embryos.
Nothing’s wrong with killing you
Banning IVF would unironically thin the number of fat fuck fundie parents and wine aunt single mothers. I fully support it. Disagree about abortion though because I hate niggers and retards.
Monkeys wanna eat your baby
protecting their right to kill black men
based innit
This is why there should be a clinic in every hood, 24/7 access and a bus to get them there. The savings are insane.
Can you not see the humanity in blacks? Are they not full and equal people?
I hate both and wish they'd get the fuck off my planet. Two sides of the same retarded coin, doing exactly what they are programmed to do.
This dude I know from Ghana says exactly this and he's black as night.
Why are they so desperate to have disabled and deformed children born, why do they want to force them into a life of suffering? Imagine protesting in favour of dysgenics, they should be shot.
you are now reminded that hitler was abortable
Yes, they make a bunch of them to increase the likelihood of life. Why do you not want children to be born?
>negresses working at an abortion clinic
they get plenty of use out of the employee discount
Of course a murrimutt can’t tell the difference between IVF and abortions
The disabled are made in the Imago Dei and deserve to live.
Black babies deserve to live. All abortion is murder.
>only 42%
I’m guessing because they make several fetuses and kill most of them
the problem isnt abortion, its that men are having sex with women who look like that
Jews can convert to any faith, even denounce the tal mud. The old Christian’s in Spain called them conversos. If converting to Christianity or denouncing the tal mud lets them retain their wealth, power, whatever, completely acceptable in the tal mud. Means jack shit basically.
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Imagine how fucked the niggers in this country would be if you took away their DEI positions and welfare.
>Society can’t advance if it’s made up of stupid people.
What does it mean for "society" to "advance"? What's your IQ?
Why an IVF clinic?
Nigger, what the fuck are you doing?
who protests an IVF clinic for abortion?

pro abortion people stage it
Ivf would be fine if they created only embryos they plan on using (no extras or backups), they are not allowed to genetically screen the embryos (no eugenics) and every baby that implants is carried to term (no selective reduction or abortion of any kind). But it’s not, because they don’t.
Don’t be a retard anon think a little bit
So...only discard the ones that die on their own, and implant every viable one? That's what most couples that do IVF do.
Do not insult Gorillas. One Harambe is worth a million niggers.

I'm sure that when he grows up, he will have a gofundme to pay for someone to carry his child. You can donate.
>Nigger embryos
So the way it works is you pump the woman with a bunch of drugs. You try to use as few as possible, but you also want a good amount of eggs (egg donors who get OHSS can give like 30 in one go, but their health is often permanently damaged if they do that), because the procedure has risks. A good number is 'like five', if you get ten, you pushed her too hard.

About half the eggs are unusable.

Once you get the eggs, you attempt to fertilize with viable paternal sperm.

About half the fertilized embryos fail to grow.

Of the ones that do, some have lethal defects detectable on genetic screen (if implanted, there would be a miscarriage, the defects are 'wrong number of chromosomes' or 'baby will not grow a head or limbs' type things). This is about the same as what happens in normal pregnancies that result from sex, most 'fertilizations' either do not take or miscarry quickly (and are therefore confused with a regular period).

Of the ones that do not have lethal defects, they are implanted into the uterus, one at a time.

Ideally you get a live birth. If you don't, you try the next one. The process of trying and recovering with the embryos you got can literally take years, and typically her egg quality was already low at the start of the process.

Tell me where the evil is, and how to make this morally ok without telling couples 'you could have a kid, but some fucking christcuck has opinions'
When does life begin?

Every viable embryo should have a chance at life. If you're a parent with some frozen, you're not done, find a way to try to bring them to life.

Are human embryos not fully human?
Why are jannies not removing this malfunctioning bot?
Stupid people.

Stupid people with no jobs do this.

Did israel kill 4000 kids when they bombed the ivf clinic?
Rookie numbers
>they are not allowed to genetically screen the embryos (no eugenics)
Why? We shouldn’t want more retards in the world.
Nobody gives a shit about dead groids, faggot
Why the racism?
If, in fact, Ersatz Israel bombed an IVF clinic, which resulted in the destruction of 4000 embryos, then, of course, it, as is anyone who supports or defends this act, is guilty of murder.
Thanks for the free water. It's hot out there in June.
fascinating indeed
>I renounce the Talmud.
What’s wrong with the Talmud?
>Who the fuck does this?
Mentally ill people
We really need to bring back those hospitals where crazy people are locked within. This world would be a much better place if we could just lock up all the crazies don't ya think?
Read, for example, the book "Talmud Unmasked" by Pranaitis.
I hope you are blessed by your god to have the opportunity to show the world your capacity to love by granting you a child of your own blood like this one:

Blessed be God the Most High. All glory and thanksgiving be unto God forever, amen.
finish this phrase:
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>but adoption not?
I think you're trying to refer to surrogacy here. Surrogacy ABSOLUTELY does commodify human life. See pic rel for proof.
Is not fortitude a virtue?
This place is about being as stupid as possible

It's called politically incorrect
Why? Are black people inherently like this?

Also they were defending their clinic from psychopaths.
That kid should have been euthanized.
That child is a full and equal person made in the Imago Dei. That mother is evil.
IVF is eugenics. No way around it.
I hope that you are blessed with an armless baby or a brainless baby so that you can spend the rest of your life living your virtues.
The practice of eugenics is not intrinsically evil.
Amerika's Gods.
Those babies deserve to live.
No. Eugenics is purely satanic. No wat around it:
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i used to be an athetist that was pro IVF and pro abortion even, but i learned that nonvisible EMF is actually emitted the moment the sperm fertilized a human egg and it set me down a path which eventually convinced me that that is in fact the moment human life is created - and this is a thumbprint of an intelligent creator
How is IVF eugenics if it allows the unfit to breed
With someone who wants to love them. Like you. This isn't sarcasm. I genuinely hope that you spend every waking hour caring for a child with a missing chromosome who can never gove you grandchildren, and that your compassion dies with you.
how would you feel if you were born to fag parents through their own mother? because that's the kind of nightmare this gal is fighting to prevent successfully or not
Because white people are white, nobody is going to go by there at 4am and smash all their windows.
With how hot it has been, I bet that felt pretty nice.
I think it's an American thing confusing IVF and abortion and doing both in the same building. In bongland we have IVF clinics and abortion centres. They are not the same and definitely not performed in the same building
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Carry a bottle of bleach and spray those niggers if they get close.
voting blue
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>Abortion murders babies, damages mothers and creates a culture that views ALL human life as disposable
Humanity already views the adult male half of the species as disposable. Why should kids and females be off limits?
>It's because our culture tolerates abortion that we tolerate mass murder, shootings, allowing needy people to die, abuse of the vulnerable and many other horrible things.
Change your flag, its obvious you are a proto-leftist like all christkikes. You want able bodied people to support a parasite class of people for no reason other than some "sanctity of life", even though we openly acknowledge that some people (single males) are more disposable than others.
That retard is speaking nonsense. We already view a large percentage of the male population as surplus.
Democrats are abortion extremists and controlled by Satan.
Look, I’m a Michigander who’s fully conservative. I love Donald Trump. I want to see Christianity restored in America. I vote GOP 99% of the time. But I voted for Prop 3 specifically for this reason: to fix Detroit and our state’s other cities which have been destroyed by shitskins. Come to Detroit and there’s no question about the wild jungle the city has become. Something must be done about all these unruly people. Reducing their numbers by abortion is one fix. A Planned Parenthood in every hood is preferable to having a gun pointed to your head at a traffic stop, or a full-on assault at a gas station, or having your house robbed in the middle of the night.
Abortion never fixes anything. It only eliminates PEOPLE. No one would say the way to “fix” Detroit is to mass-murder their residents. How is abortion any different?
Blax aren't people
>The disabled are made in the Imago Dei and deserve to live.
lmao did you just say your god is retarded wtf mate that's going too far
dead nigger storage facility?
They are full and equal people made in the Imago Dei deserving of human dignity.

Find Christ and repent.
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>Humanity already views the adult male half of the species as disposable.

And that's equally wrong. But it NEVER justifies abortion or contraception or euthanasia.

>its obvious you are a proto-leftist like all christkikes.

Leftism is satanic and gave us the abortion culture we have now.
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mfw all the people in this thread trying their damndest to get into hell.
From _Casti Connubii_:
>Now what is put forth in behalf of social and eugenic indication, with licit and honorable means and within due limits, may and ought to be held as a solution for these matters; but because of the necessities upon which these problems rest, to seek to procure the death of the innocent is improper and contrary to the divine precept promulgated by the words of the Apostle: “Evil is not to be done that good may come of it” (Romans iii.8).
The Catholic Church has always opposed eugenics for a myraid of reasons, namely that it views human beings in terms of "usefulness" rather than as innately worthy of dignity.
>The Catholic Church has always opposed eugenics for a myraid of reasons...
Is _Casti Connubii_ not an official document of the Catholic Church?
What is the Church's position now?
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See protesting this is dumb because the leftoids won't care. Smart people will research the setup used by the beltway sniper niggers.
Stupid idiotic moronic fool, why the fuck are they going there getting in the way.

I don't agree with endless abortion either, but sure as hell I won't be protesting against it, not my biz not my body god damn christfreaks and commies always radically wanting to control other people's bodies one way or the other.

If we survive as a Civilization, only total control by AI of basic laws will do.
Humans are retards.
Radical regards.
I was looking talking today with senpai and we were looking how much our government pays these pisslamist with eight children a month child benefits... it shocked and disgusted me.

We need to find a way to cut child benefits to the bone asap so they leave.
We need mas deportation.
Absolutely horrifying.

Child benefits should only be for North American and European people who have a similar culture, not for pisslamist hoard invasions and indian invasion aka BRICs.

IVF kills millions of preborn babies since the vast majority of embryos are discarded. That's evil and needs to be stopped.
You are correct z black people are people like us.

ivf is a human right, stop trying to force others to reproduce you disgusting extremist freak.
Literally you Disgust me.
>ivf is a human right,

How? No one has a "right" to murder embryos.
You need to be stopped.
You idiotic troll.

If I could I would rip your fucking throat for trying to force your idiocy on society, you would if you could, your kind!
Man if I could reac via this screen... you trolling lc of shit.
>directly counter to the whole building
There are fat queer nigger sows working there. Where there's smoke, there's fire.
How is IVF a "right" when it murders babies?
The Church has been in an interregnum since at least 1958. Even were that not so, the Church is not competent to innovate on doctrinal issues; She can only safeguard and transmit the deposit of public revelation. Now, to be clear, I certainly do not agree with everything said in this thread; I'm merely pointing out that eugenics can possibly be used for good. That eugenics is used for evil purposes by evil men should hardly excite surprise.
I agree. We haven't had a legitimate pope in decades. But eugenics will always be wrong.
I would crush your skull if I could get away with it! :D
Are a jesus worshiping fuck?
Why do you need a pope, doesn't you jesus freak warn you about that no man should be your idol or shephard or leader... you moronic idiot.

You don't even understand basic comands of yhat faith let alone reproduction shit.

The pope is the vicar of Christ. Learn Church history.
> Let me explain your religion to you.
Please do, please do. Every well-instructed Catholic knows Matthew xvi.13-19, at least in substance.
sorry sweaty, but the shirt says no bants
who told you eugenics is wrong?
why is it wrong for the fittest people to breed with the fittest people? that doesnt imply getting rid of everybody else, and i think thats where "eugenics are bad" people like you often mistakenly associate eugenics like its some hollywood level nazism shit
Shut the fuck up you stupid nigger
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is that the part where the zombie apocalypse happens and no one noticed?
Shut the fuck up you cuckstain
Eugenics is satanic because it conditions society to treat human beings as disposable and only sees humans based on their "worthiness" rather than their innate human dignity. It also involves mass murder of children in the womb (possibly infanticide) and forced sterilizations. The disabled are NOT disposable and they are NOT defected.
Find Christ and REPENT.
Remember that time your god rold you he is a jelous god, and gave you very specific instructions and warnings that were crystal clear!

Do not worship anyone or anything but it.
And many false ones will come and trick you.

How many saints does that church have?
Do you pray by a idol aka cross?
Who is jesus anyway?
Who told you falsley you pray through some dude to god when thwt god specifically warned you to specifically never do that and that it's a trap and treason.

Fucking idiotic christians and frankly all religions.
God damn lack of logic!
I know right, you have a pope aka man guide you to christ jesus and jessus guide you to that god, a god who specifically told you if you do that it's betrayal because you are only to obey and worship that god Directly without falsehoods in between. lol

Go read it again!
Basic manual of yours and instructions, then see who interceeded jesus in there, then ask yourself why!
Go, read it! lol
>is that the part where the zombie apocalypse happens and no one noticed?
No, I mentioned Matthew xvi.13-19 to counter your objection
>Why do you need a pope, doesn't you jesus freak warn you about that no man should be your idol or shephard or leader

As far as the "zombie apocalypse" is concerned: has it occured to you that St. Matthew to an audience not a few of which were witnesses to these events, and that both Roman and Jew alike could've scored an easy victory if it the inspired writer lied?
I am pretty sure Jesus is Satan! lol
A false son, even you fell for it, your god told you and you still fell for it. :D
Business as usual...
Are you really shocked by this kind of shit still? This confuses you? Are you retarded, been living under a rock? Im serious wtf do you expect when White Men and Women take an active role in standing up for their morals? The non-whites all absolutely hate us, you might have a black friend or some shit but when hes with his family and real friends they clown on white people and seethe about them constantly. Whites need to start banding together and building community infrastructure for whats to come for us in the next decade because shits only going to get worse.

Really the only suprising thing about this video was how many of the protestors were young and fairly attractive looking Whites. Very encouraging to see. Anyways good luck bros, hopefully you have or start networking effectively. Tribe and Train!
her face 6/10.
hair 9/10 (i have a long straight hair fetish)
morals/ Christian (9/10)
plays guitar (8/10)
the ovaries to stand up to groids (10/10)

Overall: 8.4/10
Definitely wife/ gf material imo

Americans can't stop worshipping blacks for one day, what the fuck
>saying don't kill babies makes you a psycho
nice projection
The "women" working at that baby killing clinic are demons or demon-possessed.
Imagine caring about IVF. I assumed conservatives wanted people to start families and have children.
IVF is satanic. Children are NOT disposable. Adoption is always an option.
'Ain' no chikken wif muh waffles!'
Blacks are fully human and made in the Imago Dei.

>be nuisance at place you're not wanted
>be surprised when consequences
The long red hair definitely takes her up a notch or two.
IVF clinics need to be shut down immediately. IVF is exploitation and eugenics.
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>shutting down nigger baby killing facilities
IVF and abortion are demonic practices that destroy not only babies but our culture's understanding of the sanctity of human life.
its okay to abort niggers, rapebabies and retards
Blacks and the disabled are made in the Imago Dei and deserve to live. NO ONE deserves the death penalty for being black or disabled. And babies conceived in rape deserve to live. No one should be killed for the crime of the father.
Not all live is equal and niggers are below even animals.
Wrong. All human life is sacred in the eyes of the Lord.

Black people are not "niggers" but full and equal people.
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Do you not see the humanity in blacks?
Hope you get late-late-term aborted by 'Bill Gates scholarship recipients'
>All human life is sacred in the eyes of the Lord
Except those gosh darned egyptians huh.
Oooooo, weeee! The big city!
Find Christ and repent.
And they wonder why blacks hate white people.
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Careful what you wish for rabbi.
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it occurred to me its bullshit and it doesnt take 50 years to tell people about god in the flesh and when finally made available wouldnt be necessary to talk in parables or allegory or schizophrenic jewish hallucinations to recount events that happened. and that is the distinction of speaking from experience and speaking from imagination

then again, when your saints are people like saint denis who was decapitated then picked up his own head and proceeded to walk for five miles through the streets of paris all while preaching a sermon on repentance, id consider the bar for saints so low it wouldnt surprise me to find out theres a patron saint for mixed race peoples (and there is)
yeah... thats not at all what eugenics is lol
youve been watching too many jewish hollywood movies. read the republic.
>it doesnt take 50 years to tell people about god in the flesh
As to date of composition of the Gospel of St. Matthew, opinion is divided, with some favoring a date as early as 36AD; others 134AD; while Catholic critics favor the period between 40 and 45AD. Regardless, it is not for you decide the time at which it is most expedient to publish any work, especially one intended not only for an audience contemporary with the author but a universal one.

>wouldnt be necessary to talk in parables or allegory
How would you propose to address a universal audience comprised of the full range of human intelligence, culture, language, etc.? Man learns by parables and allegories, parallels and analogies.

> saint denis
Private revelation. No Catholic is required to believe that St. Denis, after being decapitated, carried his head for some distance. Nevertheless, it is probable that belief in his sainthood is binding on Catholics.
Blacks are so annoying… can we please round them up and send them all back to the mud hut?
Ban whites from having abortions… blacks and spics that’s fine they can kill them all they want lol
>IVF kills preborn babies and is eugenics on steroids. NO ONE in good conscience can ever support it.
On the contrary, no one in good conscience can ever refuse to support it. Why is it a bad thing to use the latest advances in medical technology to maximise the genetic fitness of your future son/daughter? I'm under the impression that the average parent would rather have a more healthy child than a less healthy child.
>No. It's about saving the preborn. IVF kills more preborn babies than abortion by destroying living embryos who are full and equal people to you and I.
Sometimes, it's necessary to take a life in order to prevent unnecessary suffering. If your comrade-in-arms gets gets shrapnel in his eyes and his legs blown off by a landmine, it would be more ethical to give him a coup de grace than to condemn him to live as a blind cripple who can't even feed himself for the next 40 years. Likewise, if you're going to abort a baby, you might as well do it before it develops the neurological capacity to feel pain, or god forbid, think.
I want wife like that red haired girl. Where can I get one?
>The disabled are made in the Imago Dei and deserve to live
And yet, libertarians don't have the best track record when it comes to campaigning for tax-funded social services for disabled people. After all, the working poor can't afford to quit their jobs to be full-time carers, and refusing to help them out would only further increase the suffering of the disabled person and their family.
>the Church took care of the disabled and vulnerable.
Before European governments began setting up social welfare schemes, he Church demanded tithes from parishoners. Refusing to pay your tithe would get you ostracised from your community, so it might as well have been a tax.
Do you not see them pouring water to wash off the chalk? Some of that water got on her, that's assault.
Or do you think anybody should just be able to walk up to you and pour water on you when you happen to be drawing street art in front of their store?
Amerigolems are so brash and arrogant. They whine about how IVF is heckin' murder, yet they voluntarily choose to pay taxes to a government that donates $3 billion worth of free weapons to the IDF every year. And then those weapons are used to forcibly displace and/or kill Palestinian civilians.
Thanks for finally admitting that you actively support dysgenic social engineering policies.
>voluntarily choose to pay taxes
Is compliance voluntary if noncompliance results in heavy fines or imprisonment?
Yes, it would still be voluntary even if someone held a gun to your head. You cannot counter-argue unless you take the "I lack free will" stance.
Why do pro-lifers attack IVF?
>Nearly HALF of all babies killed by abortion are black
holy shit now I am supporting abortion.
How do you manage to avoid paying VAT?
ThYs a lie,it's white genocide that's real, and white babies getting aborted Ata higher rate, if what u said was yrueot would be worldwide news and you would never stop talking about it
JLP is right, all these agencies are being run by stanky ass black lesbian witches.
By not buying things lmao
niggerphobic AF
For you.
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>less niggers
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>good conscience = breed spics & niggers
were not confused they are both a fucking abomination. jfc if you can't get pregnant through simple fucking then maybe it's not in the cards for you -- nope gonna do some mad science!
Nothing at all?
Black babies deserve to live
I would prefer death over being born black but you do you
>Who the hell protests an IVF clinic on anti abortion grounds.
The monkeys that work at the IVF clinic

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