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Previous >>472482383 (Cross-thread)

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Al-Qassam Brigades target a Zionist troop carrier with an “Al-Yassin 105” shell in the Al-Shuja’iya neighborhood, east of #Gaza City.
>Al-Quds Brigades: We detonated a ground IED on a Zionist military vehicle during its incursion east of Shujaiya neighborhood in Gaza City.
>Al-Aqsa Brigades: We shelled the Zionist forces stationed west of Rafah with rockets and heavy mortar shells.
>#Urgent Al-Quds Brigades - #Jenin Battalion: We declare our full responsibility for the pre-prepared ambush operation of high-explosive (conspiracy) devices in the forces’ supply line and near the point of operations of the occupation soldiers, within the framework of the Battle of Bas #Jenin 2.








>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
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>NEW AnsarAllah KINO

#YEMEN - Tufan 1 gunboat - specifications and scenes showing for the first time the Tufan 1 test on a naval target
New 6/21/24


Al-Aqsa Brigades:

We shelled the Zionist forces stationed west of Rafah with rockets and heavy mortar shells.
New 6/27/24

Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

We continue to bombard the Zionist enemy forces stationed in the so-called “Netzarim corridor” with rockets..
New 6/27/24


This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting "Israeli" army surveillance equipment at Birket Risha site at the southern Lebanese border.
New 6/25/24


Al-Quds Brigades:

Detonating “Zilzal” ground IED on a Zionist military vehicle on Baghdad Street in Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City.
New 6/27/24

>New Islamic Resistance Iraq

Islamic Resistance in Iraq:

Footage of the joint operation launched by the Yemeni armed forces and the Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeted a vital site in our occupied city of Ashdod, and an important site in our occupied city of Haifa.
New 6/12/24

>New Al-Sharqiya Battalion
A group calling itself "Soldiers of God - Al-Sharqiya Battalion" publishes scenes of the detonation of an explosive device in an occupation army vehicle in #Jenin
New 2/21/24

▶Daily After Action Reports
https://pastebin.com/JgPHrU0g 6/26/24
https://pastebin.com/LZPHbLrV 6/23/24

▶Hamas Memorandum:
"This is our Narrative.. why the Al-Aqsa Flood."
https://files.catbox.moe/zlt9ld.pdf New 1/21/24

>War Crimes Of IDF Updated
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>News / Clips

Settlers forcefully occupied and stole a house belonging to the Palestinian Al-Khalidi family with Israeli army protection in the Old City of Jerusalem. While the family still inside !!
New 6/27/24

Yemeni Armed Forces:

“We reveal the hypersonic ballistic missile (Hatim 2) for the first time, along with footage of its launch targeting the Israeli ship (MSC SARAH V) in the Arabian Sea.”
New 6/26/24
A massive fire has broken out in Al-Issawiya, east of #AlQuds.

The fire spread near an occupation army camp and area surrounding the Hebrew University in east occupied #AlQuds, according to local sources.
New 6/25/24

A large fire has broken out near an Israeli army camp east of occupied Al-Quds (Jerusalem).
New 6/25/24

Yemenis are something else man

They celebrated Eid Ghadir on the israeli “Galaxy Leader” ship.
New 6/24/24

A video from a humble tunnel on 22-06-2024

(Al-Mujahideen brigades)
New 6/24/24

From Gaza for you
New 6/23/24

>REMINDER: NATO, America, and Ukraine pledged their support to Israel within 12 hours of the war
>REMINDER: Russia, China, Afghanistan, Serbia, Iran and Syria all hate Israel
>REMINDER: Israel stole the Golan Heights from Assad
>REMINDER: Zelenskyy likened Ukraine to a "Greater Israel"
>REMINDER: Israel starts wars that displace Arabs, then helps them and Africans immigrate into Europe
>REMINDER: Israel has admitted to possessing nuclear weapons, thereby renouncing its policy of "strategic ambiguity"
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▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips


>>>/wsg/5536018 (Dead) (Dead)


Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?

Twitter link

Foreign soldiers attempting to murder US citizens on US soil
>>468522229 (Dead)
Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24
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Hitler's speech about Palestinian independence

>Do NOT engage with people posting inflammatory remarks about religion, in this case, Islam.
In the most typical hebrew fashion they will try endlessly to deceive you into replying in anger.
>This thread welcomes Christians and Muslims and any faith because it's not a thread about faith.
Nobody in this thread is interested in arguing about your religion.
>This is a thread dedicated to tracking the real time updates of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the total destruction of the illegitimate welfare state known as Israel.
Civil discussion is one thing but shills will NEVER engage in that, only PILPUL, D&C sowing and ragebaiting.
two more
9 months and still dying in shejaiya, they should declare defeat and cut their losses short.
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has Israel even taken a single neighborhood legitimately? the Palestinians have won (/chip/ realised this months ago) and are apparently regaining military strength, as even MSM are acknowledging
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Looks like they're baiting for TKD

which is it, abdul? should Israel surrender because losing 1 soldier for every 30 hamas they kill is too much? or because palestinians are suffering so much and there's no more threat from gaza? it can't be both.
Arabs are always talking about destroying israel and killing jews, but never about building or creating. This is why you will always lose.
>Arabs are always talking about destroying israel and killing jews


>but never about building or creating. This is why you will always lose.

doesn't look like they're losing right now
Israel controls the Philadelphi corridor and the Netzarim corridor. if Hamas cannot push them out of these positions there is no way they can govern Gaza going forward.
Israel has decided not to play the cucked game that the USA got guilted into in Iraq. the IDF aren't there to babysit these fucking primitives, they're there to ensure they don't pose a threat to jews. they are not obliged to stand around on street corners waiting for muslims to take potshots at them like the US forced their soldiers to do for years in iraq. IDF has decided that any fighting in Gaza will be the time and place of their choosing, not the time and place of hamas's choosing.
they've taken 40 to 1 casualties, lost every objective they tried to defend, and now have fortified defensive lines cutting them off from any resupply from Egypt and dividing the strip in half.
if the primitive scum in gaza would rather live in tents and drink their own piss for another 5 years because Hamas keeps trying to restore governance and getting whacked down every time, they can. it's their decision.
kys kike, the sooner the better
>day 305 of special 3-day military operation to conquer a tiny strip of land inhabited by a besieged population
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Any word on what the kikes are doing?

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>day 305 of special 3-day terrorism operation to decolonize balestine
Jewish hands typed this btw, Israel couldn't meet any of its war aims (destroy Hamas & co, rescue 200-ish hostages, restore confidence in the Netanyahu govt) in fact, theyve done the polar opposite and they're under trial at the ICC and ICJ
It would seem so when all you do is huff kebab farts.
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>Iran: If Israel attacks Lebanon, it will be destroyed.

>Israel: This regime that threatens destruction deserves to be destroyed.
hurr durr, so funny because its scatological...kys kike
post your hands, abdullah
I am a white man. mohammed was a pedo goatfucker. I have no interest in the opinion of anyone who cannot truthfully make these two statements.
the torah is also fake bullshit like all religious books btw
They're probably trying to bait Hezbollah into firing at the planes to reveal the location of anti-aircraft systems.
They assume everyone is a dumb nigger like themselves but Hezbollah is much more disciplined than to take the bait.
>Israel: This regime that threatens destruction deserves to be destroyed.
I fully agree, nuke pissrael. No more threats.
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dare you to show the same
Cut deep hmm
Not sure veracity or context of video but allegedly Israel setting off sonic booms over Lebanon
The names of the two IDF martyrs whose families were notified were allowed to be published

Attached are the names of the spaces:

- Sergeant Yair Avitan, 20 years old, from Ra'anana, a fighter in the 890th Battalion, Parachute Brigade, was killed in battle in the northern Gaza Strip.

- Major (res.) Yakir Shmuel Tatelbaum, 21 years old, from Ma'ale Adumim, a fighter in the 77th Battalion, 'Saar Megolan' formation (7), fell in battle in the northern Gaza Strip.

In addition, a fighter from Battalion 13, Golani Brigade and a combat officer from Rotem Battalion, Givati Brigade were seriously injured in the battle in the northern Gaza Strip.

The wounded fighters were evacuated to receive medical treatment at a hospital, their families were informed.
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i just made this edit
just another example of how disgusting and repellent you kikes actually are. every thought in your tiny maggot brain reverts back to filth, excrement and/or sex.
Great, i hope their families also kill themselves out of grief
Israel casualties
>single digit, will be remembered
Balestinians casualties
>incalculable, already forgotten
Telling that even shills think arab lives are worth less than jews.
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It is what I think of when I am around creatures like you.
I've known enough jews in my life to know how hilarious you look while making this post. Jews think they are intimidating when they seethe but they just look pathetic. They assume when people walk away in disgust that it's because they won but it's because it actually hurts to see. But in this instance because your country is about to be destroyed it's just fucking hilarious imagining you screeching at a computer monitor as the world falls to hell around you.
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1) Israel = colonial satellite state for the crown/rothschild bankers. read the first Balfour Declaration

2) W. Churchill wrote a propaganda article titled "Zionism vs Bolshevism" to manufacture consent for the creation of Israel with distinctions between "good zionist" jews vs "bad communist" jews

3) Hamas was created by Israel to counter the PLO which had leftist tendencies

4) Israel laundered money to Hamas through the Palestinian Authority

5) Israeli intel was given information about oct 7 attack from egypt and isreal did nothing

6) “if you take out saddam hussein that there would be positive reverbations in the region” -Netanyahu

7) no rapes happened at the rave near a concentration camp

8) recent events will be used for Netanyahu's re-re-re-election

9) 20th century history of the middle east is just colonialism. the partition of India and Pakistan was courtesy of the crown. and the u.s. was there right away to influence Pakistan

10) Operation Ajax

11) CIA helped Saddam Hussein gain power. Reigle report. Kamasiyah weapons bunker. the U.S. sold weapons to both sides of the Iraq / Iran War in the 80s, on top of Iran Contra Scandal

12) Operation Cyclone

13) 9/11 was an inside job

14) mcmahon-hussein correspondence

15) U.S. armed and funded the "rebels" who became ISIS. first beheading video that came out was straight up fake as fuck

16) ask yourself why Netanyahu incited Yitzhak Rabin's assassination

17) Hannibal Directive kills civilians

18) Apollo Affair

19) Isreal supported ISIS

20) CIA involved in “truce diplomacy” between Israel and Hamas

21) Israel found out Hamas finances in 2018 and did nothing

22) Zionists poisoned Palestinian wells in 1948

23) USS Liberty

24) https://www.reddit.com/r/list_palestine/comments/l43xgk/megalist_israels_crimes_controversies_full/?rdt=46704
Simmer down it's just a simple observation. I didn't know you would get so worked up over it.
8 months of tankikes getting raped

This is the second video I ever saw the opposite happening
You talk like a redditor
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>your middle finger is shorter

You sandniggers are very simple.

>memeflags and vpns
cmon jewshills do better lmao
Reddit response

One of them his teacher died in the war 2 weeks before he did. We're seeing that a lot now, connections between dead soldiers and other dead soldiers who died earlier.

"The late Yakir was a student of Elon Weiss, who fell in Gaza about two weeks ago. In a post he published on Facebook, he said goodbye to his teacher: "Heartbroken. Elon Weiss, teacher Elon. A great educator I got to know - so pleasant and true to his students and those around him. How I loved making fun of you at school, on trips, after classes, trying to annoy you as much as possible. A teacher loved by everyone without exception, I'm sure I'll also hear about the father, grandfather and community man you were."

"Just this week I was thinking about you, about the 11th grade - I had a fight with someone from the same class, probably the only time in my life. I remember the call you made to me, you weren't committed to it, you weren't my personal teacher and you didn't teach me in any way at that point. But we were close and you are a true educator. You calmed me down, put me in perspective, gave advice for such situations. I didn't think that a few days after this beautiful memory we would receive such a message.""
baby please don't go
You are as desperate as balestine.
does the sudden coordinated shilling mean something is finally happening?
>independence war.
fuck jews cynic invaders.
No it means yuval is finished cooking on gif and is now shitposting here
>One of them his teacher died in the war 2 weeks before he did. We're seeing that a lot now, connections between dead soldiers and other dead soldiers who died earlier.

RIP to these two gentlemen demons.
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Red Templar standing by for Total Muslim Death!
Today's the day lads, lebatroonese shias are going to burn
Lebanons, accept Jesus as the only true path to salvation and denounce the pedophile warlord Muhammad before it's too late.
>even the jew cucksucker from pr came
>on saturday
yep something is happening.
They're harassing Lebanon right now with multiple supersonic fly-bys. Probably to try and bait Hezbollah into revealing AA system locations.
are you actually from egypt? if so, genuinely curious, what is the chance that muzzbros in the armed forces chimp out and start attacking the goverment and/or crossing the border into gaza if (when) israel goes into lebanon and shit starts to pop off?
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Once Petro gets ousted I'll travel there just to put a bullet in your skull, donkey fucker
Hanzala reporting possible explosion in South Lebanon
>Heavy flight of Israeli military aircraft over the regions of the south, the Bekaa and the Lebanese coast
You creatures said advanced Iranian weapons would shoot down all the flying jews, what gives?
>glove hasn't come off yet
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The fact that they say they gonna use nukes makes them look weak and scared. In other words losing...

Also where are the kikes? We need your bumping.
There's been talks of a coup over the situation, money being moved outside of the country and such but realistically not much is going to happen because there's very strong dislike for anything to do with military rule right now, with good reason. I don't think the people will let another dictator get in.
I don't think anything beyond a few going rogue again can happen unless pissrael thinks they need to open yet another front.
Petro is based and he supports palestine.

you come here and I'll receive you like your masters do with chickens .
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Hey looks they are killing Hamas here. Don't you see??
translated off of a post on Hanzala
Not sure if it's meant to be sarcastic.
Eww, what kind of shitty hairy hand is that?

Do us all a favor and never show it again. You disgusting fag.
You sure can't
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They do be swinging some chickens.
Uh... guys
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Ahh, good reason. I knew it had to do something with discipline, as to why they weren't firing, but the handful of reasons for that were tripping me up with the details.
Who's hanzpal and what's written there?
Something about a missile salvo
I'm not sure exactly who they are, presumably a journalist in the west bank or maybe southern lebanon and they seem to get their hands on a lot of clips that other TGs miss.
I wonder if Iron Beam is going to be rushed into service in this conflict. Even if the number of systems is too small to cover much airspace, seeing it deployed would be a morale blow to hezbollah. otoh, if it does work, hezbollah might decide it's now or never and they have to go all in.
>seeing it deployed would be a morale blow to hezbollah.
They deployed it early on in the war in Gaza and it was obviously fucking worthless otherwise they would still be using it.
They may be meme flags and vpn's, but you're still a goat fucking sandnigger.
Nothing about the direction and who's responsible?

Nope. But apparently kikes bombed something in Lebanon on their way out. But that's nothing new.
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I'm surprised that he's not wearing the officially mandated part of his uniform
> Then again, he's also not wearing pants.
>> So, either the IDF laundry staff finally went on strike.
>> Or, the kikels finally got fed up wasting tons of shekels, on cleaning out all of the shit stains from those leaky diapers, when IDF inevitablyover-poo's their diapers
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>does the sudden coordinated shilling mean something is finally happening?
Average CHIP (picrel) ignores common sense and explains why they're really winning
>there's IDF shills
>and there's mossad shills
>and there EU shills
>and there's mutt shills
>and there's Christ shills
>and there's DoD shills
>and there's memeflag shills
>and there's globohomo shills
>and there's Indian shills
>and there's..........
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can kikes survive without the gibs from the west
>can a parasite survive without its host
They gave you millions of refugees
enforcing US hegemony over the muzzies is pretty valuable to the world. every time muslims are left to their own devices they start forming huge rapist armies sending them into europe. if not for israel, the same rapists coming into europe today as refugees would instead be coming as invaders with tanks and artillery.
russians are basically snow-arabs, so seeing how they behave shows us pretty much how a "free" middle east would behave without Israel and the U.S. military keeping them in line.
>BREAKING: Settlers launch a new illegal settlement at the #Gaza border, naming it “Eli Gaza” (meaning ‘elevated’ Gaza in honor of the Jewish God). Brandishing a Torah scroll, they vow to expand and entrench inside Gaza, permanently! Utter depravity
Extremely retarded post, try better next time.
being invaded by unarmed muslim men begging for gibs and guilting dumbass women into voting for politicians who will let them in sucks. being invaded by well-armed armies of those same muslims is much worse.
I think Israel may have been playing 5d chess with the migrants. if this huge migrant wave came 20 years later, there wouldn't be enough young whites left to cause the current backlash against refugees.
at the rate things are going, by the time the really big migrant hordes start moving in the 2030s due to water shortages, famine, etc., europe and america will both be controlled by right-wing anti-immigration parties. whereas if those populations hadn't gotten an advance preview of the rapefugees, they might have still been cucked enough to let ALL of them in, which would be the end of the human race as we know it.
STFU kike you justify stealing money of western taxpayers to fund a fictional country and pointless wars in the middle east Unfortunately for you the next generation from the west will not support you and they will watch you destroyed by arabs
Fair enough. If there was a more permanent solution to these problems.
this is what the chutzpah of the jews is.
basically the west is bragging about how "we will take in AS MANY primitives as we have to, nothing is more important than saving lives!"
so the jews point to the huge pile of smelly brown shit stacking up on the West's borders and say, "Really? You're gonna take all that?"
And the West says "I-If we have to, yes. Because of our principles."
So the Jews say "Oh, because of your principles, is it?" and grabs a shovel and starts flinging loads of the shit into the West's open windows. "Here's some for your principles! It's fine, right?"
It's about ripping the bandaid off.
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lmfao you're literally picrel word for word.
Funny how that didn't happen before Israel was created you lying kike
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that's a fucking bad news another innocents people will suffer If the war start I wish it's just a bluff
It's such a load of bullshit. Mass migration didn't happen before Israel came into being.
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It was called "conquests" back then
I'll grant that's a funny image
yeah most of arab countries doing good before kikes and mutts interventions You wouldn't see any Iraqi refuge if they didn't invade in first place or Syrian refugees if kikes and mutts didn't arm the terrorist Same thing for Gaddafi if they didn't overthrown him you would never see all this immigrants coming from Africa to Europe
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That being said I prefer reconquista
No one hates kikes nearly enough
we are not bitching about Al-Andalous we moved on despite the crimes of the reconquista and the break of the agreement between muslims and fernando and ezabelle
No one is falling for this propaganda kike faggot
show real flag
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Ok Pajeet, good for you lol
Where are all these little schvitzas schvantzing to?
God bless Palestine
God bless the Resistance
May God curse the hypocrites as He cursed Job until the second coming
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I don't have a single drop of indian blood Abdul
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Iran isn't backing down, and will never back down
> Watch when all this is over, and 1/3 of kikes die as part of the way of bringing the antichrist, we then find out that yahoo was the antichrist. Fast forward, TKD, and Jesus Christ kills yahoo
Ben-Gvir's police brutally arrest an IDF reservist who just spent 5 months on Lebanon border.
muslim rapist hordes were invading europe as organized armies rather than infiltrators as recently as 150 years ago.
What happened with Al Andalus is happening with israel right now.
They aren't sending their best.
>jew hurts itself in confusion
jew bros, which god destroyed your temple?
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That's the joke sweaty
>Iran isn't backing down

Why would they?They have the open backing of Russia and silent backing of China and they smell zionist blood.
The jews in their arrogance put themselves into an unwinnable situation.
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good afternoon frens and yes I know, been having internet problems all day yesterday and up until a couple of hours ago, but it's fixed now and it was the internet company working on the lines but they fixed it now, also did anything happen frens
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post nose or foreskin
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thanks for baking baker
Did you forgot to pay your internet provider this time injun joe? lmao
Al Andalus got rekt by the Christians that they oppressed, just like how israel is getting rekt by the Muslims that they have terrorized for decades.
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show flag
Imagine being spiritually guided by inbred goat herders

Nobody needs the deranged schizophrenic ram kings of a 7th century Arabic warlord and pedophile.
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>just like how israel is getting rekt by the Muslims
Umm, this isn't happening doe?
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>the internet company working on the lines
you are not known for your intelligence but you sure do know how to grease and service men at the chicken restaurant
Urgent: Al-Qassam Brigades: We targeted a D9 military bulldozer with a stun device behind the Abdullah bin Omar Mosque, south of the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood in #Rafah.
https://t.me/me_observer_TG/246983 6/29/24
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Ok Pjeet. Good for you...
Amit Segal: The United States presented a new proposal to #Hamas
https://t.me/me_observer_TG/246994 6/29/24
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No prob. Luckily I finally got it after 30min of trying, when I got a strong signal on the side of the road (Was driving, so I pulled over to bake... and it took MANY attempts due to cell changing IP's as it pinged different towers during the 300sec countdowns)
It's hard work keeping CHIMP going with an Obama phone and library wifi.

I respect the solidarity though. When CHIMP gets archived every other day with no new thread, it's because 53 is too proud to break the Starbucks/McDonalds boycott and use their wifi.

Total collapse in real time.
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Why is there a Goat with a picture of a muslim staring at it at the end? Oh wait nvm, its a classic.
What's the latest cope? There's nothing the US could say that stops TKD

America asks the Iraqi government to close its airspace to #Iranian cargo planes heading to #Syria and #Lebanon...
https://t.me/me_observer_TG/247093 6/29/24
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I'm still looking for the reports of the new proposal fren
Some arab seethed hard at this, then made a "rebuttal" of 16 seconds of ERA explosions, rocket misfires, misses, and even a trophy interception to cope. Sad.
I hope they respond by droning their bases again
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yep, the resistance has a lot of work to do fen
#Hamas Movement: The head of the movement’s political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, receives a phone call from the head of Turkish intelligence, Ibrahim Kalin, in which they evaluate the course of the negotiations aimed at a ceasefire in #Gaza and the details of reaching the agreement.
https://t.me/me_observer_TG/247054 6/29/24
>I'm still looking for the reports of the new proposal fren

It's not a serious proposal. Just says the kikes will go easy on Rafah for now and in exchange Hezbollah must retreat behind the river, and Israel will finish genociding gaza after that.

Not serious proposal, just meant for western public consumption.
Armies which we beat back lying kike .
Do Jews know they're such awful lying cunts?
Targeting the occupation forces stationed at the Zuata bypass with a heavy barrage of blessed bullets and their withdrawal safely
https://t.me/me_observer_TG/247128 6/29/24
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pissrael can go fuck themselves

Saudi Arabia calls on its citizens in Lebanon to leave immediately
https://t.me/megatron_ron/4047 6/29/24

Iran at the UN:

"If Israel invade Lebanon, all the militant Islamic organizations in the Middle East will go to Lebanon and join Hezbollah"

Iran has stated in the UN that if Israel launches a Full-scale war against Hezbollah in Lebanon, then all options will be on the table including the involvement of all fronts in the axis of resistance.
https://t.me/megatron_ron/4038 6/29/24
That's good news, hopefully kikes will be so stupid
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the rapefugee migrants will also be beaten back. it's better this way than if they come with guns and tanks.

The Pentagon has sent the Navy amphibious assault ship USS Wasp with Marines in the Mediterranean amid rising tensions between Hezbollah and Israel — US European Command

USS Wasp mobilizes amid Israel-Hezbollah tensions

The Pentagon has sent the Navy amphibious assault ship USS Wasp with Marines aboard to the eastern Mediterranean amid rising tensions between Hezbollah and Israel along Lebanon’s border, US European Command.

Amphibious Ready Groups and Marines are trained for a wide variety of missions that include the evacuation of US citizens from war zones.

Both Israel and Hezbollah have had an escalation in the clashes and the Israeli government earlier this month announcing it had approved a plan for a military offensive against Hezbollah in Lebanon.
https://t.me/megatron_ron/4041 6/29/24
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Highway of Death 2: Electric Boogaloo, coming August 2024
The wife of US Senator Thomas Massie, who revealed publicly a month ago that every senator in the US has their own AIPAC (Jewish organization) babysitter, whom they control and subsidize, "died suddenly."

Massie has been very vocal on ending the Federal Reserve and ending foreign influence on AIPAC

No reason has been given for the cause of Rhonda Massie's death who Massey met in High school.

Many in the US are now wondering if this is another Mossad job.

There is still no explanation from the senator.
https://t.me/megatron_ron/4037 6/29/24
Not a jew, but the one who destroyed the temple was Yahweh, literally no one, has stopped building temples there, the last one being the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Read what happened to the attempt to rebuild the temple of Julian the apostate.
Good afternoon baker, it's been a while.
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yes it has fren, I couldn't get on here yesterday and most of today because the internet company was working on the lines here where I live fren and also how you doing fren
>Israel threatens nuclear weapons:
>An unusual statement by one of Israel's top security leaders, Yair Katz, head of the Aerospace Industry Workers' Council, which, according to foreign sources, produces the Jericho missiles that carry nuclear weapons.
>We have a weapon that breaks the equation: The Americans, British and Germans help us in the intelligence aspect. Their help is important. In the event of an attack on Israel, we have a doomsday weapon.

I was reading about that ship on wiki yesterday. It's a pretty cool ship, but it's probably just a floating target for Hezbollah/Iran anti-ship missiles.

It can carry up to 20 F-35B jets with vertical takeoff.
It can also carry 2,000 Marines and 1,000+ crew, but I assume that's only if the F-35Bs or other aircraft are not on board.

The ship holds smaller landing craft boats inside its belly.
Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

Footage of the rockets we launched at the Zionist army command headquarters in “Re’im” colony, in the Gaza envelope.
https://x.com/warfareanalysis/status/1806953874995220508 6/29/24
https://files.catbox.moe/e7adh1.mp4 6/29/24
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I was literally thinking the same thing, at the time when I saw that it had just happened.
Due to massie being a thorn in their side, and then recently putting out a tucker video shortly after he rewon his primary, in which AIPAC heavily funded an opponent (like they did with jamal bowman, but bowman lost)

Not unlike how they had killed former congressman James Traficant, but only after first ruining his life legally
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Hai frens.
There are no innocent people in Israel.

If it's a Directed Energy Weapon, aka Jewish space laser, Israel could try to set Lebanon on fire like they did in California and Hawaii.
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Awww look his triggered lol.
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it's a big target for the resistance fren and the best thing they could do is not even get involved with pissrael's war
>you demonstrate your illiteracy
He neither ignored common sense, nor did he explain why he was winning. Your list of shills is irrelevant to both posts. His post was simple, but you were so eager to counterattack that you had to tard out.

Add it to the list:
> there's retarded shills (you)
I hope the connection is better now, your presence was missed.
>live fren and also how you doing fren
I've been good, just eating a hamburger, how about you?
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We need them retards for bumping tho. Please be nice to those retards.

>we are winning.

Soliders kill themself TOP KEK
They can try, but they still won't wipe out all of Europe. The only thing that would happen is that they would end up being hunted down and Israel would disappear this time for good.
so is this the new JIDF tactic? smugly posting child gore?
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I'm doing good fren, this war is about to be a regional war that is if pissrael has the balls to attack southern lebanon
Al-Aqsa Brigades:

Footage of shelling the occupation forces around (our mother) Aisha Mosque, east of Rafah, with a salvo of (107) rockets and heavy mortar shells.
https://x.com/warfareanalysis/status/1806995745696026828 6/29/24
https://files.catbox.moe/0laj38.mp4 6/29/24
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>The Pentagon has sent the Navy amphibious assault ship USS WASP with Marines in the Mediterranean amid rising tensions between Hezbollah and Israel — US European Command

I wonder if choosing that ship was accidental or not. USS WASP, US European Command
> WASP = Acronym for White Anglo Saxon Protestant, aka the heart of Europe in the northwest (England, etc)
> I'd be curious as to the racial demographics on that ship. As the west has been pushing all white soldier commercials, ever since the threat of draft started being discussed by the govt. And, it was also an online theory
>>(after it was predicted to happen in early 2023 in that chan screencap meme, and by others prior to that. Such as allowing Trump to win, to get patriotic white males back into the military.)
Since the DEI troon mutt fag army is incompetent for being actual soldiers and battle. The entitled zoomers don't want to risk their lives or safety for USA , and luckily have already revolted when faced when the prospect of fighting for shitrael came up


Footage of the joint operation with Al-Quds Brigades targeting the invading enemy forces near the Rafah border crossing with mortar shells.
https://x.com/warfareanalysis/status/1807104213589401815 6/29/24
https://files.catbox.moe/yq9fpn.mp4 6/29/24
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Also, the Samson Option would revert Europe back 200yrs. Reverting USA to 80% white protestant
that work taking into account the tunnels?
Al-Qassam Brigades:

Scenes from repelling the advancing enemy forces south of Tel Al-Hawa neighborhood in Gaza City.
https://x.com/warfareanalysis/status/1807134072239730780 6/29/24
https://files.catbox.moe/0uu2tv.mp4 6/29/24
Sandnigger asked a rhetorical question and got a condescending reply.

Just to help you out, condescending is when you talk down to people
Yep, and not only that, all moral and cultural degeneration would also be reversed, the world would begin to heal.
The CHIMP threads have been dying the past few days.

Suicide is more based way to die than naruto rushing and getting crushed by an air dropped welfare pallet.
"repelling", lmao
sandnigs have done nothing except run and hide whenever Israel moves anywhere in this war. Hamas's whole strategy was to hopefully take more IDF soldiers captive during the Gaza campaign, they staked everything on that, but Israel isn't playing their game by trying the cucked nation building strategy. IDF goes in, wrecks shit, and pulls back to their fortified bases. Hamas got so frustrated by the lack of abductions that they tried claiming they had one, when it was just one of their fellow muzzies they were torturing and executing.
Almost 9 months into the 6 day Gaza operation.
>JUST IN: Israeli Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir:
>The Palestinian prisoners must be killed by shooting them in the head, and until passing this law of execution of Palestinian prisoners, we will give them little to live on.
I mean it seems like they killed 50+ Hamas guys for that trade so why not take that.

>Israel couldn't meet any of its war aims
God you are such fucking bootlickers. Two years from now when there are like 3 concentration camps for Gazans who choose life, a million dead shitskins and a "resistance movement" that consists of teenagers drinking beer with rifles occasionally, you're still going to say this shit while Israelis are having a good time vacationing and making babies on their newly earned beach.

9 months into this conflict and you idiots don't comprehend how hard it is to *actually* hide casualties in a tiny country like Israel. Normal people would notice. God damn you are stupid.
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>his triggered
Jason stfu

you can’t teach anyone shit on how to be a strong soldier, seeing as you’re not one and Hamas is better than you. quit acting like you have some knowledge to impart, like you’re smart, like you’re doing something right here so obviously others must be able to learn something from you. You’re wrong, and a weak faggot with your only advanced degree being in “how to not be weak, yet politically con strong nations into fighting for you.”

this isn’t a class on how to be a parasite, so you’re not in a position to be a qualified lecturer.

fight your own fight, mano e mano, BITCH, and let a fully armed (not concentration camp) nation with Hamas teach YOU about how to run a military.

all jews fucking do is LOSE, even when JEWS explicitly thought the terms was "our enemies will not be allowed an army and we will only face helpless citizens with all advanced tools we bullied from strong nations (a foreign interference you and your american jewish breathen will be hanged for)." and you still are obviously the worse one in the fight with that advantage because you are inferior! You KNEW that going in and you know you're not a brave strong fighter, you 5'4 faggot.

the audacity of an inferior person to try to lecture about "you should do this or that."
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also sup hondurasanon
Urgent: Clashes between the resistance and the occupation army in the Tel al-Sultan and al-Saudi neighborhoods, west of #Rafah, in the southern #Gaza Strip
https://t.me/me_observer_TG/247205 6/29/24

this is so funny, because I can say I've experienced this, too.

They're so damn cringe trying so hard to be intimidating and so DORKY in what they're say that it literally extinguishes any instinct you have to fight them.
The only equivalent thing I can think of is someone who is absolutely disabled, in a wheel chair, trying their HARDEST to get your to fight them. That's what just are like when they try to "bare teeth".

When mad they also scrunch their face up in a way...to the person looking at their face, it's this almost sad look or like they're in pain, pleading, exaggerated by their watery rat eyes, but it just occurred to me, I think they are trying to do a look of contempt.
lmao yeah and if you kill all the palestinians, the problem is solved, right? i'm sure that will be a successful strategy. kikes are unfathomably stupid. this whole war has officially and definitively refuted the myth of ashkenazi iq

The obvious answer is no.
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Ramón what the fuck kind of shit you into?

that's how you know they're cheating and fudging everything on paper to inflate themselves.

with a cheater, their performance in a fair setting is far below what's expected given the stated record.
They're basically the niggest niggers you can imagine but with unusually high verbal ability.
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Israel is waiting until october 7 to finish off the war
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Nice, so this is another tally to the ICC
and the West Bank has nothing to lose.

Israeli anons, admit youre a mizrahi chud no different than your arab counterpart
jews vs muslims over the past 75 years have one of the highest kill/death ratios of literally any armed conflict in history

that's not going to make you any taller than 5'4, make your voice drop, make you not look like a sissy rat, make you not lose bowel control when confronted with an enemy allowed to have an army, turn you from a skeleton to having muscles. you're still going to be you if you're a murderer.
israel is a coping club/support group where weak jews try to rehabilitate their inferiority through acting like kill count gives them swagger with each other.

you really don't get it....how pathetic you are (horribly uncoordinated, unfit to fight, etc.), how pathetic you look.

youre a dork, and you say the STUPIDEST shit that you think it's cool.

think of a 90s white say whose catch phrase when being tough is like "hey wait, just a minute, buster." and just KNOW when you try to taunt anyone, you say 10x more cringey. "ooOhh Noo, why aren't they home?" he says if a faggot jew voice. and then you can imagine what you actually look like.

This is what you would observe if you could look at yourself.

you are a fully committed malignant psychopath in a body nobody takes seriously so it will always backfire on you, that is your curse.
Al-Qassam Brigades’ operations on June 28:

Shot down two drones equipped with bomb-dropping technology in the Tal al-Hawa neighborhood in Gaza City.
Targeted a gathering of Israeli soldiers south of the Tal Al-Hawa neighborhood in Gaza City with mortar shells.
Targeted an Israeli military force fortified inside a house in the Tal al-Hawa neighborhood in Gaza City with a TBG thermobaric shell.
Engaged in fierce clashes from point-blank range with Israeli regime forces in the Shuja'iyya neighborhood, east of Gaza City.
Targeted an Israeli military Merkava tank with an Al-Yassin 105 shell near the Japanese Garden junction, south of the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of Rafah.
Targeted a gathering of Israeli soldiers and military vehicles penetrating Baghdad Street in the Shuja’iyya neighborhood, east of Gaza City, with mortar shells.
Targeted an Israeli troop carrier with an Al-Yassin 105 shell in the Brazilian neighborhood, east of the city of Rafah, southern Gaza Strip.
Targeted Israeli forces positioned in the "Netzarim" axis with a Rajoom rocket barrage.
Targeted an Israeli military “Merkava 4” tank with an Al-Yassin 105 shell in the Shuja’iyya neighborhood, east of Gaza City.
Al-Quds Brigades’ operations on June 28:

Engaged in fierce clashes with Israeli soldiers and their military vehicles using machine guns and anti-tank shells in the Shuja’iyya neighborhood, east of Gaza City.
Targeted “Sderot” and settlements of the Gaza envelope with a rocket barrage.
Targeted a gathering of Israeli soldiers and their military vehicles with a barrage of regular 60-caliber mortar shells in the area of Qandil in the Shuja’iyya neighborhood, east of Gaza City.
Seized control of an Israeli military reconnaissance drone while it was carrying out spying missions in the skies east of Rafah, southern Gaza Strip.
Targeted an Israeli military vehicle by detonating a ground bomb planted in advance on Baghdad Street, around the Tunisian cemetery.

Mujahideen Brigades’ operations on June 28:

Detonated an anti-tank explosive device on an Israeli military tank on the Shuja'iyya axis of advance in eastern Gaza.

keep reciting your cope facts, jew faggot, so you can pretend you're a tough warrior and not somebody who just looks like picrel
Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades’ operations on June 28:

Targeted a gathering of Israeli soldiers stationed at the "Netzarim" checkpoint, the Salah al-Din axis, and the Rashid Street checkpoint axis with appropriate weapons.
In a joint operation with the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces, bombed the "Zikim" military base with short-range rockets.
Targeted Israeli forces on the axis east of Rafah near the Aisha Mosque with a barrage of 107mm rockets and heavy-caliber mortar shells.
Blew up an Israeli military vehicle with an explosive device that had been planned in advance in the Shuja'iyya neighborhood

Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades’ operations on June 28:

Engaged in fierce clashes in several areas of the Shuja'iyya neighborhood with the infiltrating Israeli occupation forces, inflicting casualties on them.
Targeted a gathering of Israeli forces that penetrated the Shuja'iyya neighborhood in eastern Gaza City with 60mm mortars.

Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces’ operations on June 28:

Targeted the Israeli forces penetrating west of the Tunisian cemetery in the Shuja'iyya neighborhood with mortar shells and short-range rockets.

Al-Asifah Forces’ operations on June 28:

Engaged in fierce clashes using machine guns, explosives, and anti-tank shells against a group of Israeli soldiers and military vehicles penetrating the center of the city of Rafah, southern Gaza Strip.
Hezbollah’s operations on June 28:

Eastern sector:

Israeli soldiers in the vicinity of the Tayhat site were targeted with missiles.
Ruwaisat al-Qarn site in Lebanon's Shebaa was targeted with missiles.
Al-Samaqa site in Lebanon's Kfar Shuba was targeted with missiles.
The headquarters of the Sahel Battalion in the Beit Hilal base was targeted with Katyusha rockets.
Israeli military building in the Metula settlement was targeted with appropriate weapons.

Western sector:

Surveillance devices at the Birkat Risha site were targeted with appropriate weapons.
Israeli military building in the Shlomi settlement was targeted with appropriate weapons.
The new headquarters of the 411th Artillery Battalion in Jatoun was targeted with drones.

Islamic Resistance in Iraq’s operations on June 28:

In a joint operation with the Yemeni military, targeted oil tanker "Waler" in the Mediterranean Sea while it was on its way to the port of Haifa, with a barrage of drones.

Yemeni military’s operations on June 28:

In a joint operation with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, targeted the oil tanker "Waler" in the Mediterranean Sea with drones while on its way to the port of Haifa.
Targeted the American ship "Delonix" in the Red Sea with several ballistic missiles.
Targeted the ship "Johannes Maersk" in the Mediterranean Sea with a cruise missile.
Targeted the ship "Ionnis" in the Red Sea with a barrage of drones.
lol I don't believe you.
You're brown.
A nigger mixed with some abo.
YWNBAHA (You will never be a hung aryan)
Resistance updates page.
Iranian News agency.

can't fire a gun to save his life, btw. would lose anything resembling a fair fight.

But it's okay, because we can take this faggot and rig the fight; the people's he's fighting won't have guns so he is le epic warrior. firing on a tent from an American plane thousands of miles up count's towards K/D so all good. he's safe meeting a real warrior he talks shit to in an alley.
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checked for evilness.

you stinky jew hobo
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you're 5'4 today, and you'll be 5'4 tomorrow.
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correction 4'2

> loved, accepted, wanted. can live in countries for any amount of time and be beloved and not kicked out
> taller and stronger than the jew faggot
> better looking
> not evil, purest hearts on in the human genome

> can't go 100 years without doing some horrendous criminal shit that gets the kicked out because people are so disgusted
> short, can't take any of those men in a fair fight
> ugly
> irremovable genetic evil them that necessitates being hunted down and exterminated

contrary to jewish beliefs, posting the image has NOT made him taller or any less inferior.
but that's what israel is for, the larp, the cope, denial.
This faggot hasn't even entered a military facility in his life

Nobody who is actually in the barracks/checkpoints under 50°C eating shit and drinking dirty water and lacking sleep and doing 6 hr patrols twice a day gives a fuck

In fact when the borders get intense vacation get postponed/cancelled and things become much tighter so if anything the average conscript/officer would wish the israelis crush those sand niggers as soon as possible
like, just FEEL the sting of humiliation, bro. the indecency of being a jew.
you've got some genetic traits youre stuck with but you're clearly not proud of.

feel the sting of humiliation that you are a bitch by nature (and that fear you feel will never change no matter how much cosplaying or fiction writing you do!!) that you got on those trains and didn't fight back (as is your nature), and if asked in 2024, you'd get on those trains immediately again, while knowing Palestinians feel no shame whatsoever because the atrocity reflects poorly on YOU and they will never have to regret not fighting back their oppressors, for ALL time.
Palestinians have uncompromising morals.

feel your feelings instead of trying to be like "I can change my physical condition through murder..I can go back and beat hitler retroactively". it don't work like that. murder is not the pathway to a different body, to escaping judaism.
some people compensate by buying a big truck.

jews gotta compensate by being like "well nuh uh, I can't be any of those things if israel exists!"

it's a cope club
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What are you on about? Loon at those subhuman trash
They look like they have been scrapped from every nationality worst traits combined with the worst religion ever
Truly rats of the human kind
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This looks like more of a cope club than what you mentioned mudslim
has there ever been any time in history when Muslims had superior weaponry or equipment compared to some nation they were fighting, and just voluntarily decided not to use it because it would be "unfair"?
this stone age "warrior" bullshit doesn't matter. I live in texas. look up 'constitutional carry'. I will, and have, talk shit to muslims whenever I goddamn feel like it
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Dont forget that they also smell like shit and rape little boys

> if I say string bunch of random unfounded insults together towards kidnap victims it'll be true

jews are not deserving of the humanity behind a simple conversation. absolutely zero connection.

TKD today, TKD tomorrow, marching forward with incredible focus to bring TKD
Ok how is killing civilians with american jets and munition you got for free an achievement ?
Reality is you can’t control any territory or rescue hostages (the only time you did it was a fiasco with the leader getting killed and having to open artillery fire on civilians to save your asses even though it’s a "special forces” operation with Americans participating
Usually by this point we'd have a jew to chase through the streets and beat up in a "pogrom" as a release valve for all the anger we feel after discovering top kikes have been scheming and betraying again.
gentiles NEED that after seeing a glimpse of the true face of the jew.
that's what jews don't understand about their history with the word "scape goat" but that's what it really means...it's where the evil scheming jews pass on sins to sacrificial jew cattle, so gentiles can direct their anger and justice somewhere.
yes, jews: YOU become the chicken, so the scam jews can go on to scam another day.
it was never about blaming jews for gentile crimes, which wouldn't even make sense anyways.

it’s better to take humiliation and let gentiles laugh at how pathetic jews are— throw a few jews down the well and have the illusion that the system works and there are trustworthy people in charge than to get gentiles really angry at them.
it's how jews have survived this long.

letting all the anger get pent up like this, when it blows it will blow...totally. you leave us no choice.
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the news is pretty slow today frens
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>I am white
And still supporting israel, you are glowing nigger

it's funny...

...he lashes out because he knows it's true.

> your anger is a confession
Israeli niggas whats the plan here? You gonna stay in gaza for the next decade or what
Southpark did an episode about the debate and bibi.
>Rape little boys
>Israel flag speaking this
Kike your people suck baby cocks
>Jordon peterson a 5.2 million follower account, just QuoteTweeted a account with… wait for it… 12 followers (IIIII IIIII II)
>little bro pissed him off that much with his photoshop.
>And now it’s 13 cause that’s hilarious and i followed him

and what's funny is the jews here see something different. they think the truth is all going to be verbal judo'd away, that we'll forget, nothing will come of it.
talk about permanent change for jews, for the worst. and today will always be a better day than tomorrow for the jew..

gentiles demand a planet of our own...
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Finally Groypers justify their existence. They've sent half a dozen of those types into spiraling madness lately. You can't argue with results. This is great.
Urgent Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades: During the past 24 hours, we carried out 4 operations, which included fierce clashes and shelling of enemy vehicle gatherings on the axes of progress in the #Gaza Strip, which led to many deaths and injuries among the enemy.
https://t.me/me_observer_TG/247218 6/30/24
The British Maritime Trade Operations Authority receives a report of an accident 13 nautical miles from the #Yemeni port of Mokha
https://t.me/me_observer_TG/247232 6/30/24
I have no idea how Jordan Peterson still has a following.
Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades:

In the past 24 hours, our Mujahideen have carried out 4 operations, engaging in fierce clashes and targeting enemy vehicles gatherings in combat zones across Gaza, resulting in numerous confirmed kills and injured among the enemy forces
https://x.com/warfareanalysis/status/1807273536161267728 6/30/24
God i love these depictions of mussie girls
it encapsulates their wild and cute personalities perfectly
Go i wish i had a feisty muzzie gf
Urgent: Al-Aqsa Brigades:

We bombed the enemy forces stationed in the "Netzarim" axis with a Type 107 rocket and heavy mortar shells.
https://t.me/me_observer_TG/247253 6/30/24
>Occupation opposition leader, Yair Lapid:
>The war will end without an exchange deal, and calm in #Gaza will lead to calm on the #Lebanon front, and this is the best option.
>The war in #Gaza must be stopped because #Israel needs two years to strengthen its political and military efforts.
>Israel must not attack #Iran alone, but must recruit the world to do so. This is why the war must be stopped.
>"Do you think France will survive? they don't want us; leave it now, as our ancestors did in the past"
>An Israeli-French soldier serving in the Israeli occupation army in Gaza incites all Jews in France to leave and come to the land of Israel to "bring the Messiah" and hasten the process of redemption.
>Israel could try to set Lebanon on fire like they did in California and Hawaii.
What happened to their catapults and bow and arrows?
>can't go 100 years without doing some horrendous criminal shit that gets the kicked out because people are so disgusted
More like 80 years
Absolutely nobody is going to war with Iran. Not even USA. USA won't even be able to get a carrier within 2000km of Iran. It's clear to everyone now. As soon as Houthis brought out their advanced missiles the yanks and Brits fled lmao.
No they will not be remembered shit pig no worthless Jewish fuck unholy not white cannibals baby fucking highest suicide rates
Urgent: Clashes between the #Palestinian resistance and the occupation forces in the Tal al-Hawa neighborhood in #Gaza City, north of the Strip.
https://t.me/me_observer_TG/247292 6/30/24
I'm tired frens and I need some sleep and I will talk to you later today, later frens
later frens

Anyone got the original AI slop picture of OP'S pic?
>British television host James Whale and his co-host get furious at a guest when he mentions injured Palestinian children.
Eternal anglo strikes again.
Kek at the long haired balding kike, what's the other guys deal? Glad I'm a Celt I guess
bibi needs to keep it going to retain power
>9 months into this conflict and you idiots don't comprehend how hard it is to *actually* hide casualties in a tiny country like Israel.
Everyone in Israel knows that the war is going badly. Everyone in Israel knows that Netanyahu has to keep the war going anyway. Even Israeli politicians are talking about the "eighth decade curse."
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Reminder that Israel is the #1 financier of child trafficking and pedo porn.
>US marines getting ready to return to Beirut
What could go wrong
Mutts really have no idea how to war
Has zero chance of winning any election
>Pretends to mind read Hamas but still loses anyway
The IDF is a bad, incompetent joke only weeks away from breaking.
Well, all porn really including and especially the most degenerate genres.
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5.2 million kikes man

>What are you on about? Loon at those subhuman trash
>They look like they have been scrapped from every nationality worst traits combined with the worst religion ever
>Truly rats of the human kind
>This looks like more of a cope club than what you mentioned mudslim
>Dont forget that they also smell like shit and rape little boys

Its like you know you're getting gassed again and just want to shit the bed much as you can on your way out? This behaviour wont help you, never has. Classic Jew arrogance, unchanging like a timeless pest.
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> Reality is you can’t rescue hostages (the only time you did it was a fiasco with the leader getting killed and having to open artillery fire on civilians to save your asses even though it’s a "special forces” operation with Americans participating

Not true fren, israel has saved 4 hostages themselves. It's simply that over 40 jewish hostages have died due to IDF, because they keep refusing a true ceasefire deal in exchange for hostages, and IDF keeps bombing and shooting jew hostages- both in the tunnels, as well as in Palestinian homes.
> Sure, there's a good chance that israel simply doesn't want the hostages to speak, about how great they were treated by the Palestinians. Not unlike how the infamous spy jonathan pollard pressed for yahoo to make it illegal for hostages, friends and family, to speak publicly. Stating that they need to keep their mouths shut, or israel will shut their mouths for them. Let alone the later ones, that initially admitted that Hamas used their own bodies to shield jew civilians from being murdered by IDF, as they were being shot and targeted by IDF.
Don't you see that yahoo is winning fren? He managed to free 4 hostages, without handing over any Palestinian hostages, and he even managed to get them to all change their stories after initial release which confirmed their pre-release videos, to then change it that they were tortured and made to be slaves, by occasionally having to wash dishes themselves when in non-affluent homes & getting a birthday cake on their birthday. What kind of evil fucks give someone a cake on their birthday?! That's just evil psychotic behavior right there!
Good morning chads
>kikes suddenly believe the government numbers
>Don't you see that yahoo is winning fren? He managed to free 4 hostages, without handing over any Palestinia

He killed 3 in the process
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So desperate to bring any jews back to israel, as they can't stop fleeing while admitting they'll never return. They need more meat shields... I mean most moral and ethical soldiers in the world. The more jews flee to their ancestral homeland of Brooklyn, the less IDF will be available to die...I mean fight in the war against....well, many arab groups/countries.
Literally used as an insult by the president of the most powerful country in the world. It’s basically the new “nigger”
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>What happened to their catapults and bow and arrows?

Don't forget their potato guns, made by the local HS students in home-economics class
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>472641606 OpSYo2P2

Paid kike shill poo doesn't understand sarcasm. Doesn't understand that killing over 40 kike hostages vs 4 released is a bad ratio.
> Too stupid to understand sarcasm, which proves it's a poo and not an actual kike
Probably takes the the following part seriously too: "jew hostages...getting a birthday cake on their birthday. What kind of evil fucks give someone a cake on their birthday?! That's just evil psychotic behavior right there!
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Does this change anything?
Realistically? Just signaling that they don't intend to join any regional war pissrael starts against Iran. Our leaders are only concerned about being overthrown but don't want to oppose zog, the best they can think of doing is trying their hardest to appear neutral and do a few symbolic gestures.
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But fren, most mideast leaders love to listen to their people. I mean, look at saudi arabia and their 96% citizen approval rate of Palestine VS the actions of the salman family. Or sissi the sissy that always stands up for arabs vs pissrael, rather than just caring about self preservation, donations from USA/the west, etc. Or jordan, morocco, etc... It's not as if USA/the west installed crypto kikes and kike cucks simply for the benefit of israel or themselves, as that would just be wrong
Chimp threads are still ten times more active than any of the zog shill threads like חברים
Kike puppet says kike things
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Does israel give an iPhone per limb? or is it max 1 per person, even when Hamas converts them into nuggets?
> Why does israel love nuggets so much?
> Why are there so many troons is israel?
> Did he become a troon, after losing all 5 limbs to Hamas? Or did he decide to lop off his miniature penis just to match?
Yeah, because jews have been mostly killing children in the area. It seems they can just do massacres of civilians and kill themselves afterwards, but even then cards are always shuffled newly and dealt again
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>>Iran: If Israel attacks Lebanon, it will be destroyed.
>>Israel: This regime that threatens destruction deserves to be destroyed.

Does that mean that shitrael is admitting that kikeland must be destroyed, since it said that Iran must be destroyed?
> Do kikes understand logic? Or do they simply ignore logic, when they can use double standards to benefit kikes?
You're making the mistake of thinking any statements or rules apply to kikes. The deal is they get to do whatever they want and then give you shit when you don't gargle their cock hard enough. No idea why people don't like them.
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>Yeah, because jews have been mostly killing children in the area.

I think you're forgetting that Palestinian children are literally Hamas gigachad warriors. The ultimate kike-slayers, as they mask their true brutal genocidal nature, under that cute exterior.
Remember, Palestinian children are the ultimate kike-slayers- able to kill 50 kiks 1 in single swoop of their uzi, before needing to load another clip
They have a better kill/death ratio than the fucking Japanese in China.
interacting with you subhumans I have become increasingly convinced that most qurans are printed with ink that causes brain damage in proportion to how much the book is handled. some roman-lead-pipes shit. there is no other way to explain how fucking credulous and detached from reality muslims are.
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> You're making the mistake of thinking any statements or rules apply to kikes.
> No idea why people don't like them.

It's almost as if people portray (((them))) as loving double standards. While jews are the most moral and ethical people in the world, as they strictly follow historical judaic texts... as long as no loopholes to subvert god's will are required for it to benefit them. Kind of like how they blindly follow the parts that say to rape 3yo toddlers, yet they try to trick god by blaming literal chickens for their international pedophile rings, when futilely trying to get into heaven.
so who is even winning this war anyway?
Lebanon? Same exact tactics and same outcome.
What about Germans/Jewish conflict in WW2, do they have a kill/death ratio higher than that one?
>so who is even winning this war anyway?
sandniggers and kikes are tied for the lead while Whites are losing badly.

Fuck the quran and fuck kikes. They're all disgusting dick mutilating semitics with pedophilc proclivities.
After the war it will be an independent Palestinian state either two state solution or from the river to the sea
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Come on fren, they've survived 76 years so far, so how could anything possibly go wrong now?
this time is different
>76 years
80 year curse fren i think it's real
I've been seeing people discuss the curse of the 8th decade IRL even at work, it's hilarious how prevalent it is now.
im yoinking this one
They take it seriously in pissreal even their leaders talk about it
No they don't
They're fighting hamas remember?

Kids you blew up as revenge doesn't count on the scoreboard
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That's exactly why I posted my 80yo curse collage in >>472647693
I simply clicked on the wrong file the first time, then immediately deleted it and posted it again with the correct picrel. It was meant as sarcasm, since even yahoo and his minions in cabinet all can't stop kvetching about it, all assuming that the curse is real and shitrael will be destroyed prior to may 2028
> It's also why they put boots on the ground in ukraine in 2018, getting ready to eliminate the white christian ukie goyim- so that they don't have another Palestine situation in their hands- where the home owners are still alive and are pissed that their homes and land were stolen
> Luckily zelly fucked it up, and keeps losing cities to tootin pootin. Despite pootie wanting a peace treaty within a couple months of the war started- but zelly refused, since he views it as a messianic war, and knows that he'll be removed from power the moment that elections are held again
> Zelly was supposed to cleanse the land of goyim, in preparation of khazaria being converted into "a big israel after the war" as he puts it, or "new jerusalem" as the official sources call it

On a side note for all goyim anons:








I can't bake since I'm on cellphone wifi right now, and my IP keeps changing every minute or two, as it bounces off different towers due to weak signal.
> I had emergency baked this thread yesterday, after 30 minutes of trying 300 second countdowns. But I had a strong signal yesterday, and was attempting to bake on the side of the road when I pulled over. It's unpossible for me to get it to bake with this current weak cell signal








I can't bake since I'm on cellphone wifi right now, and my IP keeps changing every minute or two, as it bounces off different towers due to weak signal.
> I had emergency baked this thread yesterday, after 30 minutes of trying 300 second countdowns. But I had a strong signal yesterday, and was attempting to bake on the side of the road when I pulled over. It's unpossible for me to get it to bake with this current weak cell signal
Just baked new bread

I am also on mobile though so I did it very lazily

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