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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Interviewed by Logan Paul, 6/13/2024
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>472586615
Ultra MAGA.
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Yes, Carson was in the room full of press and candidate surrogates (the "spin room"). Picrel.
Oh, so he's still in contention!
well it's not like carson would be a terrible choice
I think it's great that it went so badly for joe and cnn that the spin room was just... kek...
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Let's Go!
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Ultra dark maga. Trump bleaches sheboons.
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Sup, bros?
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I can imagine a comfy sleepy Ben admin with everyone chilled the fuck out and making money again after a successful Trump administration.
Whoops posted it in the wrong thread. “Uzbekistan is following Tajikistan in banning the hijab and “Islamic teachings”.
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How are we gonna get black women to vote for trump. Last time 1 in 5 black men voted trump? But only 1 in 20 black women voted maga
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oh they finally have a senate betting odds map now
The meek will inheret the earth
we dont
they are horrible and any effort to pander to them will weaken the nation
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Lets get the big booty latina vote
they can keep it
you need to get beyonce and cardi b posting shit about how much joe biden sucks
Shes literally dying from seizures. No one will vote for her. Mommy whitner is up next
nah. once you've made a decision, that's it. i ain't no suckaaaaa

you stole my tooth! you played me with that Quantum Computer....

Doctor Who. You have committed crimes against humanity. What say you?
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How about latinas or asian women?
She found a new source of adrenechrome in Ukraine! She's better now!
Retard here.
1. Is anything Joe Biden said about Roe true? About it NOT allowing late/post-birth abortions?
2. What is Chevron?
3. Why was affirmative action ever greenlit to begin with?
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Amber rose is maga now too so we can get Nicki Minaj maybe, is that enough?
just show manly strength
Non-White women are some of the biggest leftoids out there. Everything awful about leftwing White women is amplified in them.
Lugenpresse moving against Biden. Not surprised. Shabbos goy in position.
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Women that are trad like asians like that its true, not so true about latinas imo. Got anything else to get their loyalty?
1: States decide
2: An old case where it gave federal agencies the power to make rules on the fly instead of Congress making the rules.
3: JFK.
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We are the BERG. You will be assimilated. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile!

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Thats how they think, very emotional. What can we hit them in the feels with so they don't vote dems?
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Well we're not gonna get the cat lady vote amongst single white women over 30, they're locked in for democrats because of pandering and promises of utopia.
stop sucking my dick, orange boy
"Have you seen the Ashley Biden diary?"
"You are voting for that man."
Doubt they can force out a sitting president interested in reelection. Whats their play?
Thread theme

Yea that’s been my experience. With the added negative of skin the color of crap, hairy, loud, and stupid, Asians aside but they look like bugs and will lie to your face for years then flip a switch into full blown cunt mode
Non white women just can’t compete. And any white man breeding a non white is a traitor, a coward, and a simp all rolled into one disgusting, often out of shape package
All three should go and stay gone then.
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Stop eating bidet's prolapsed asshole soiboi
That picture looks like a sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen.
Followed up by: "Don't talk to me anymore, you want to vote for a pedophile."
More support for Israel.
Seriously, shunning should be practiced.
Someone you know voted for a pedo?
Shun them, they are gross anyway.
Probably already did due to rampant abuse from these criminal HR departments
Biden is a shabbos got though.
Every shill trying to disparage Trump should have to explain the pic of biden bowing down to the president of pissrael
roe didn't forbid late-term abortions, it set a minimum time by which states could not ban it prior (i.e. "states cannot ban abortions prior to 6 months")
states could allow abortions later than that if they wanted under roe, the rule was a federal "right to privacy" that protected it from conception through the second trimester
How many years of precedent did Roe v. Wade overturn?
Libtards can fill in answer here:_______

How many years of precedent did Chevron decision overturn?

Libtards can fill in answer here: ____

How many years of equal protection precedent did affirmative action overturn?

Libtards can fill in answer here: _______
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That sort of worked with spirit cooking around 2015 when we started releasing all that info about Epstein years before he got locked up. Can it work again specifically targeted at sheboons?
Correct. Asian women are the absolute worst when it comes to this. Remember how asians in general vote.
No problem, Anon.
It's funny because biden is allowing the "genocide" in Gaza to continue.
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Thats every western leader at this point anon
females of the two legged phenotype who authentically care for their young are like momma bears.
that's all i'm gonna say.
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She'a fat piece of shit who abused her state during covid lockdowns
Democrats love scary dommy mommies who abuse them.
Roe v. Wade was the typical disingenuous liberal bullshit.
The decision banned states from prohibiting abortions at ANY stage if the abortion posed a threat to the woman’s life or health.
Health was twisted like a pretzel to include emotional health.
Thus any woman could get an abortion on demand with a note from a friendly doctor saying the baby would pose a threat to the woman’s emotional health.
Liberals love playing with language to hide what they are doing…
Killing is replaced with aborting.
Baby replaced with fetus.
Baby killing replaced with women’s health care.
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Purge all who voted for either NDAA or Beijing Biden in 2021!

To find a RINO, check SPLC/ADL connections.
If anyone of a dynasty is corrupt, they're all corrupt.
Remember that our Trump movement's roots are in the Tea Party.
Any Republican old enough to run for office will hold beliefs indicative of a Tea Party past.

Get involved! Initiate referenda! Write bills!
Become a pollwatcher, candidate, or staffer!
Vote in every election--federal, state, and local!

Anything you can do to make America great again, do it!

Full voting guide: https://hatebin.com/ondoegvbbg

ND 6/11: yes
WI 8/13: YES

AR: Yes
CA: NO, Yes, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, YES, Yes, NO, YES, NO
CO: No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, YES, NO, YES, Yes, No, NO, NO
IN: No
NH: yes
ND: NO, Yes, Yes
OK: Yes
OR: Yes, No, NO
VA: Yes
WA: Yes
WY: No

We need to get rid of more of these degenerate "precedents."
my bro married a Bolivian girl he brought over here. He's a bit fat I'm expecting a divorce and pain for him the minute she gets permanent residency.
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Black women aren't exactly the nice and kindly matrons anon. Somehow they've got this tribalistic loyalty to dems that must be smashed up to bits. There needs to be a way to foment their break away from the party. They're not politically correct, they're not down with the gay shit either, but somehow they'd still rather vote for infinite abortions with dems.
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Nothing about that tub of lard is intimidating past being in her crashzone when she falls and squishes someone like a bug. She reminds of the braphog doomer meme
did you read the "authentically care for their young" part anon?
you should before responding.
niggers don't even fucking WORK, do you expect them to do anything authentically?
the left seems to think chevron decision was orange bade so its probably good
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I hate black women more and more every day.
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g/516946/ nBentai dot nyett

Is fox kyun around
I have a delivery
I'm scared
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bought a huge brisket and i have no idea what im doing other that you cook it forever really slow
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She even wears black leather to show what a domme she is. You can't tell me that leftist cucks don't simp for her.
> Govern us harder, mommy!
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Thats what I was saying anon, somehow male niggers have more sense their baby momma negresses. Wtf is it gonna take for sheboons to stop voting at percentages for dems that make even dictators shy when they claim fair elections. The central tool for dems to steal entire states away is sheboons at the frontlines in the inner city that are in charge of counting votes. They'll mindlessly listen to dems for anything. Its like the democratic party is the official pimp of all sheboons
>be me
>see blonde in pic
>saucenao the pic
>it's likely some fake image generated by a giantess fetishist
s-she's just hot, okay. i'm not into giantess... right?
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If you hate them so much fuck with their heads too the point the stop voting dem. Make them vote for the greenparty or someshit
giantess is the one true gf that will protect you from all the other girlfriends that are bad
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No but you're probably into something worse ...
>pic related is you
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Are those emails he sends for donations? They're pretty funny
Does Walmart let you wear that? Most companies only allow leftist political attire.
I've come to the realization that there will be an amount of the population that won't even understand what is currently going on.
Especially the ones simping for mob violence.
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>Health was twisted like a pretzel to include emotional health.
In practice wasn't this also used to include the economic burden? or was that some other part?

>be happily dating
>get knocked up
>proudly pregnant
>break up, or man dies (possibly even to protect unborn child)
>nooo I can't afford this on my own!
>wants to abort now, can
Many such cases.
>op picrel
Bums can get a job. nigs don’t need amy more ungrateful favors,
and feminazi doodlebitches can all survive just fine without acting like literal whores.
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They can't read the small print.
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how do you think one ought fight the subjectivist armies? or their masters objectives?
Truth is our ally in the end, but that end may be life or death.
In many ways a great victory is won by utter disregard.
Others say give them everything they want and hope they like what they get.
the happy middle is something like deny them everything possible of yours and take what you can from them. but against the subjectivist, every thrust is like punching into the void, you lose more of yourself each time, How does one drag out their corpus operandi from the vicissitudes?
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Yes. In effect, "health exceptions" usually mean a universal allowance of abortion on demand.

>1. Is anything Joe Biden said about Roe true? About it NOT allowing late/post-birth abortions?
Roe v. Wade restricted the States' ability to ban abortion. It allows late-term and post-birth abortions, but did not restrict the States from banning them. Joe Biden's proposal in Congress today is to implement this as a matter of law, and also to reverse the Casey decision which weakened Roe in the 90s by allowing parental consent requirements for teenagers etc.

In other words, Roe v. Wade allows post-birth abortion and Joe Biden twisted the truth like a pretzel. For late-term/post-birth abortion, the law remains largely the same today.

>2. What is Chevron?
Chevron is a decision that allows federal agencies to interpret the laws that establish them.

>3. Why was affirmative action ever greenlit to begin with?
Temporary anti-racism emergency measure (which also highlights the Democrats' hypocrisy when saying it has years of precedent, as an emergency measure should be limited in terms of effect)
>Chevron's only been around for 40 years
Redditors are talking as though the country will collapse without it. How did the country function before?
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This guy gets a big ol' titty anime waifu
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It even ruled that, insofar as existing State laws may have already regulated abortion, they needed to be re-passed in order to comply with the decision. This was one of many reasons it faced immediate backlash, as some States had already passed laws intending to compromise and post-Roe had to fight tooth and nail just to get a ban on partial-birth abortion afterward.

If the number of years of precedent is some measure of how terrible it is to overturn a law, then why isnt this faggot crying about the court legalising gay marriage?
Respect the flag.
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>dear democrats: you’re fucked
>t. niggers
If Biden drops out, who would be the worst candidate for Trump to replace him?
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Fox reported Tuesday that Trump would reveal his VP on Thursday at the debate ??

>This! Wasn't the VP pick supposed to be announced at the debate?

Checked. ?? Yeah, that's what FOX reported, so idk

>That was just a rumor.

Who do you want as VP?

>It was a rumor, and the rumor only extended to "the VP will probably be at the debate." As such, it's being assumed that the VP was one of the spin-room people.

FOX appearantly wants Tim Scott as VP.

That is what they were projecting when I watched.

>Oh, God, it's Carson isn't it.

I hope so

>I don't think Carson was there, but I hope it is.

Me too
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So do you guys think Trump is going to do a no-revenge run or is he going to go full internment-camp/any% ?
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What's the biggest landslide that could be realistically possible?
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All these shitbags care about is power, I wouldn't expect any other consistently from them.
why did they all vote for him just months ago?

they knew he had dementia... and even called you a liar if you suggested the obvious....

never go full retard
add NJ and NH and flip maine at large on that map and that's the ceiling.
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>MAGA is a cult
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>red minnesota
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>I can imagine a comfy sleepy Ben admin with everyone chilled the fuck out and making money again after a successful Trump administration.







Based Halsey poster!! Haha
>It's official: The 2024 presidential election will be a rematch of 2020's contest.

>President Joe Biden won the Georgia presidential primary on Tuesday night, clinching a second straight Democratic nomination. Biden's Peach State victory put him past the 1,968 delegates needed for the Democratic National Convention in Chicago this August, where his nomination will be made official.

and now they have regrets? why did they vote for a guy with dementia just 3 months ago??
Principled liberals to the rescue lemao
isnt that the guy that did a movie about a cuban sandwich truck. its too bad he is a leftist and not a based pickle autist like us
Congress doing their jobs.
march 12th he was a great candidate lmao
It's just a slightly more difficult version of WI and MI. Trump lost it in 2016 with like 1-2% margin, when national popular vote was +2% Dem. Why couldn't he win with a +2% GOP popular vote, especially with a high third party vote?
Palestinian Joe wants Israel to lose
It happened because the ability to even have it looked at was blocked.
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Our response, fellow pedes?
Congressmen don't even write laws anymore. It's all done by lawyers paid by lobyists. All they do in between campaigns is sit on their ass and complain about the other party.
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yes we know of the problem you speak shill
You need to be able to prove that being called a racist/antisemite caused financial injury. "Muh standing"
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You can't replace biden and expect to win.
the idea that you are talking about replacing biden at all means you KNOW you already can't win.
enjoy the purity spiral, nigger
These people will tell you with a straight face that they didn't build an Obama cult in 2007 and aggressively enforce it until 2013, after which they stopped caring.

>They think Kamala is Black

Lmao. Democrats will put up 40 mixed race women before they put forth a real nigga.
ohh even worse kek
now if only they would overturn Dodge v Ford Motors (1919) We might actually have some decent industrialists again.
Regular blacks don't seem to like educated or successful blacks.
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I heard that. They are fucked since they didn't primary him and nobody is registered. These faghots love to make up the rules as they go.

Also Pelosi put in some 25th related stuff before the 2020 erection
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I'm not gonna do it right now but the elections depend on state machinery more than anything.
One quicksort would be Governors party.
he controls the dept. of elections in most states. not all but most.
then I'd sort by legislature. this is less important but it gives clues.

Then I'd double check for jews and neocucks

That should give you a pretty good breakdown of what are the swingstates.

then I'd double check the history, some states have a habit of voting checks of power in like R prez L governor etc.

If were really talking theres like 7 parties
Trump America First Aipac in name only

Jew Puppets

Jews switch sides depending on whos in power
Rs and Ds compromise for american interests, Neocons and Neo libs compromise for MIC interests, and inadvertantly side with israel who are war with everyone all the time.

Any suggestions?
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>vote for biden 90 days ago
>biden is killing the party he needs to step down
no, thats you voting for biden 90 days ago
It's almost like a repeat of how the Obama people took all the cash from the DNC and left the DNC practically broke in 2010, 2014, and into 2016.
Diversity is weakness
Unity is strength
How much do you agree?
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>Biden during the debate
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round earth sisters. did we get too cocky?
don't confuse them
it sounds like commie bullshit either way.
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they really do make it obvious don't they
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Jill Biden unmasked moment. Look at the rage.
this is giving me the heebie jeebies
stupidest fucking meme ever conjured up
>muh homeless
Why do leftists care so much about those diseased pests that carry plague and sickness, contaminate public areas and disturb the population?
Curious Question: Are Jews really responsible for everything wrong with this world today, or is it just blood libel?
+4 in Michigan... it's starting to come in heh
What is the context
Not writing your report for you, faggot.
why not both
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i like to fart and crap

when the brown comes out

it feel good

it stinks

stinks real good

real nice

crapped earlier

big ol stinky

but there is more crap

just can't crap right now

but will crap later

make a big mess in the crapper

turds slappin the toilet sides

ass gas fillin the air

fillin the whole house

make the house stink

like crap
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Sheboons will vote maga to get bleached by BWC you broken buck
Check how countries without jews are doing, it's not much different.
Glownigger alert
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>Trump hates jews
>on /ptg/: Trump is a jew!
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how could someone who openly supports an ethnostate hate jews? really makes you think
I stopped reading them when all of their 'totally legit' fanfiction for 2016 never came true.
What was it?
I hate to say it but she looks like soijak material here.
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Because jews openly attack every ethnostate but their own, and can't support their own ethnostate either without trillions from foreign countries? Seems pretty obvious to me.
interesting that the shit sellers here keep insisting and insisting..
but a little over a half hour ago this was also posted.
I'm kind of reading this as: the factions are factioning and hahah it's going to be even funnier monday
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>redditors are removing themselves from the gene pool because Chevron got overturned
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He is a jew by annointment. Its like being in a frat for the intramural games. He's an honorary frat member allowed at the parties, but not the secret meetings and ceremonies unless escorted by someone high up.
everybody knows affirmative action is not constitutional. if there is one thing that destroys the justice system's credibility it's affirmative action.
If Trump builds an iron dome around America, won't you guys suffocate to death?
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here's a hot take for you:
Now that the balfour agreement is dead, Israelis have a natural right to have a secular state.
Let the jews and palestinians kill each other in the desert, israel already has a wall to expell them from!
I would say it’s good but these fugs will just vote to bring in more immigrants and rapefugees.
a world not run by unelected bureaucrats isnt a world worth living in
Lol, make it happen /pol/. Where are our resident artists
look at those miserable retards affirming each other, it's like 4chan
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None of these faggots are going to leave the country or kill themselves unfortunately they just cry because it's the only thing they know how to do
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Kek, they are the biggest bootlickers in history
Chevron deference getting overturned will have the biggest effect of all the recent supreme court rulings. It will take a while to see them but in the end that one decision has the widest range of effect.
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>the media is now admitting the US is run by an unelected oligarchy
It's crazy how fast the mask plummeted to the ground and what was conspiracy theory is now accepted mainstream fact. Feels like a recurring theme these past few years.
Once again, Roberts was dreading people bringing 40 years worth of grievances to his court.
it takes the arbitrary rulemaking away. now it has to be done right out in the open where people can see it
>he put on the z flag this time
lel get fucked retard kike
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They still have time to do swaps...
>It will take a while to see them
In 10 years, this country will be totally different than how the last 10 were because roe, affirmative action, and chevron are gone now. There are also alot of other less noticeable cases that will have broad impacts.
jesus, this is real. they are really admitting this right now.

What does the chevron ruling have to do with starting a family?
It basically wipes the slate clean for crypto regs in particular. The SEC was doing "define the rules by suing people in administrative courts and then filing charges with DOJ if they mess up" which drove a ton of crypto flow out of the US or forced businesses to close. A big reason for crypto ETFs is (was) regulatory clarity for institutional holders.
buying bumpstocks for your kids.
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>Let the jews and palestinians kill each other in the desert
more like “let’s play them off each other to control the region” but yeah, hence why secular lefty jews hate him so much and spend 24/7 shilling here
forces congress to write laws that are clear and meaningful instead of just being super vague and giving deepstate unlimited powers

how horrible that will be for your children!
Wow, commies really are fucking pissed at being publicly embarrassed for supporting a basket case.
I think dual citizenship should be banned for people AND corporations.
IF they do not want to be american, they can go the fuck home.
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the charge of racism is a dagger to the heart of any culture. culture is the land and its people.

This is saying in fact I or some nigger could use this land better than you. any response to this insult and you have accepted the axiom. that is the bait.
It says in effect you are a subhuman animal unworthy of claims of property. the subtle connotation is that he the appraiser is human but you are rabble like the nigger, a special class of slave human.
What is a Race?
What is your Race?
well its your parents
their parents
Your extended family
then after that...
The people you have most in common with
descending to the people you have least in common with.
There really isn't a differentiable marker here.
and so the charge of racism, creates by necessity arbitrary and capricious delineations across the set of all people accusing them of being inhuman and liable to fly into a deadly rage at the sight of someone differentiable.
Its doesn't strike superficially, it strikes at the bond between you and others calling them into question. Is your family really your family, your friends really your friends? and why b/c they don't want some stranger from across the world coming to their town or their women venturing off into lands their ovaries aren't built for.
They don't. Homelessness is an industry. Politicians use it to launder and re-direct money and regular liberals use it to virtue signal how compassionate they are. Like most liberal issues, they use the exceptions to make the rules. Homelessness to them is only the poor single mother that can't find or afford a place to live. They ignore the fact that the vast majority of homeless are mentally ill and/or lifelong addicts that don't care that they're living on the street. Housing isn't this particular issue's problem, treatment programs are, but it's "immoral" to the left to scoop these losers up and give them a shot at turning their lives around by getting the help they actually need.
Looks like the only scrotus decisions left is some stupid financial ruling, 2 cases that are basically the same once again involving internet website censorship, and Trump's immunity.
The fuck are you talking about you retarded newfag tourist? 4chan tears the shit out of every little thing for fun. Show me an example of anyone affirming anyone else's bullshit who aren't both blatant tourists such as yourself.
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i really don't want to keep relitigating this but no, there actually is no opportunity to swap candidates except to harris
remember how trump was just convicted for a large set of bullshit that originated with campaign finance recordkeeping? every
PAC can't legally decide to throw their money at a different ticket. it HAS to be the biden ticket submitted to the FEC or a LOT of legal shenanigans that will be costly
there are way more boundaries to swapping candidates than just deciding on a whim right before the DNC. the democrats are at sink or swim with biden, and every democrat leader and office holder already came to this conclusion immediately, which is why even the best prospective hopefuls were the first to deny the option
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any anons familiar with the Dick Tracy movie starring Warren Beatty?
there is a character called Mumbles it's literally Joe Biden
What if this money is simply used by the Biden campaign to promote a new candidate? What am I missing there?
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forgot pic
That picture is not Jon Favreau.
That is a skinny guy.
Favreau is a chunky guy.
I'm not denying that Favreau would say something like that.
I'm saying that the account is a faggot.
I'm scared
John Favreau (the director one), and Jeremy Piven for that matter, are about as center as you can get in Hollywierd.
isn't it weird how a shitload of endorsed republicans won without a romney at the helm of the rnc?
May someone please post the AI image of the cat sheboon yelling at the MacDonald's employee?
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jesus what a cringe fest that was
Here's one for you Matt Whittaker fans
I think there’s a good chance he’ll return as the AG.
That would be kino
yes, after all this time, i'm going to make the funding decides everything argument, because it's one of many on why swapping biden isn't in the cards
anon it is VERY complicated, especially for the winner of the primary. there would be a lot of fucking legal trouble, because people gave money to a PAC with a declared intention that it go to
and there is a lot of stuff that goes on in how that money can be dispersed. the PAC cannot legally decide to shift it to another cause, it doesn't have that right. biden already has committed delegates from the primaries, many of which are *legally bound* due to state laws that prevent bad faith electors. there's a giant can of worms of problems if they try to change candidates, and that's assuming the democrats were all in on one single alternate. there isn't, so you'd also get *multiple parties* involved trying to score a win for their faction. i am pretty sure harris is the only possible swap they can make because she's already on the ticket

i can't list all the details because i am not an election law expert by any means but i know for sure there is no option for the democrats to suddenly swap in someone else right now, without tying up a bunch of their warchest in legal limbo and causing a shitton of infighting. this is compounded that biden and his team show no indication of receptivity to a switch (obviously: if your job is working for "the biden campaign," you aren't going to fucking advocate for destroying your own job - who the fuck would ever hire you for electioneering ever again?), and any attempt to force it without the campaign's consent is probably even illegal at this point
there is a reason the big hopefuls and power holders
>democrat congress
all came out in support of biden immediately after the debate. they know more than anyone else how impossible it is. it's the media and non-insider democrats that are calling for the impossible
There's 2 80yr old republican Supremes. There's a 99% chance Trump will get to pick 2 more when they retire in his term. If we're lucky, one of the liberal cunts like Sotomayor and Kentanji die off.
Wish our politics was even remotely this interesting
Canberra is fucking boring in an obviously corrupt way
like if you want to know how much bullshit PAC funding can be: the haley campaign is still retaining some of their warchest, she was fundraising still even after suspending her campaign, for reasons that are very complicated and stupid
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I'm going to buy this faggots house when it bottoms at $200k.
Based Metokur is live
>mark 12:28-31

>One of the teachers of the Law of Moses came up while Jesus and the Sadducees were arguing.
>When he heard Jesus give a good answer, he asked him,
>“What is the most important commandment?”

>Jesus answered,
>“The most important one says:
>‘People of Israel, you have only one Lord and God.
>You must love him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.’
>The second most important commandment says:
>‘Love others as much as you love yourself.’
>No other commandment is more important than these.”

>deuteronomy 6:4-5

>Listen, Israel!
>The Lord our God is the only true God!
>So love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and strength.

>leviticus 19:18

> Don't be angry or try to take revenge.
>I am the Lord, and I command you to love others as much as you love yourself.
kek yeah nobody wants to take a loss but probably better to do it now
Reminder that I am still baking.
thanks, buddy ol' pal
Promote this to demonstrate the fallacy and illusion of "democracy".
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I want the people in your pic to be sold into sexual slavery until they decide to kill themselves.
It's all they are good for.
We are part of the same body. Stop lying and start telling each other the truth. Don't get so angry that you sin. Don't go to bed angry and don't give the devil a chance.

If you are a thief, quit stealing. Be honest and work hard, so you will have something to give to people in need.

Stop all your dirty talk. Say the right thing at the right time and help others by what you say.

Don't make God's Spirit sad. The Spirit makes you sure that someday you will be free from your sins.

Stop being bitter and angry and mad at others. Don't yell at one another or curse each other or ever be rude. Instead, be kind and merciful, and forgive others, just as God forgave you because of Christ.
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No! My 2006 Pontiac has never been worth more!
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>profile pic
I lost my virginity today. Thanks ptg
>As a follower of the Lord, I order you to stop living like stupid, godless people. Their minds are in the dark, and they are stubborn and ignorant and have missed out on the life that comes from God. They no longer have any feelings about what is right, and they are so greedy they do all kinds of indecent things.

>But this isn't what you were taught about Jesus Christ. He is the truth, and you heard about him and learned about him. You were told that your foolish desires will destroy you and that you must give up your old way of life with all its bad habits. Let the Spirit change your way of thinking and make you into a new person. You were created to be like God, and so you must please him and be truly holy.
fornication is a sin, marry her right now

this is a threat
total CAFE death
It would work.
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I want him as AG again, and this time not in an acting capacity.
In other news, national socialists still suck jewish nigger cock.
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>subliminal fuckery
Yes, that's it. CNN "bUzZeD" BiDeN's vOiCe DuRiNg tHe DeBaTe.
My sides...
The press is completely unhappy about the scotus rulings.
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>giving china the car in-duss-tree
how about no
>no french revolution
if the left had humor she could have written must abort
We're SO back Bidenbros
no what?
no you lust isnt a sin?
>"YOU DID IT JOE!!" on repeat
>Cuts to pics of murdered women, gas prices, and WW3 imagery
The perfect ad
yeah, the left became everything they hated
>abort biden

this should be a meme period
Honestly it’s so unfair that these Chads get to fuck these beautiful women that they don’t even love, while nice guys like me get left in the dust. Why won’t these cunt bitch holes see that I’m a nice guy and SUCK MY COCK? These stupid cunts. These chads don’t even love these whores or treat them right, we nice guys would love to have a woman like the kind they pump and dump.This is all so unfair.
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>he’s never been on truth social

These whores should at least give me a blowjob or something, I mean I’m a nice guy and I hold the door open for them and everything. Sluts.
Who the fuck is?
Won't marry her
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>do it now
No kidding.
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It was originally established for government agencies to avoid lawsuits by groups that insisted they needed to regulate more and now it's overwhelmingly used to regulate more than they should. In this case, an agency had multiple different rulings on its own authority which contradicted each other and made it impossible to fight them in court.

The ruling comes as increasingly SCOTUS is saying you can't sue to force the government to regulate more, most notably in its recent abortion decision where it held that doctors could not sue the FDA for authorizing medications they would not themselves prescribe.
you will burn in hell for your unrepenting sin
it feels a lot like taking down a house of cards in an orderly manner
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luke, don jr, plenty of people
twitter’s for sucks
Sneed sells feed and seed, which is completely normal. Chuck, on the other hand, sells fuck and suck.
there is still much sneed to seed
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I hope Biden experiences the finest Canadian healthcare to get over his cold.
>a cold
>in June
How is that even possible? He is so unhealthy and immunicompromised that he's getting fall/winter illnesses in the summer.
Wahhh women won’t fuck me im so oppressed wahhh why do all the Chads get the girls but not nice guys like me? I even wear a tuxedo and a fedora and these bitches just ignore me even though im nice and classy. What’s the point in being nice if I can’t even get a blowjob for my efforts? Unfair..
This. Race mixing is not acceptable under any set of conditions, and no, asian women are not an exception.
Long day
Chads and nighers get all the girls wahhh im so oppressed
Total Latinx Death!!
biden beat trump in the debate
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Your mother sucks cocks behind the dumpster at Arby's
Why do Chadniggers get all the girls? It’s so unfair, I just want my dick to get sucked a little bit. Dont you feel sorry for me? It’s only fair that I should get my dick sucked too.
No stalling.
battle lines are being drawn in D camp, their hands are on their swords and they're loosening them in their sheathe
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Unfortunately no one is “latinx” so this means zero deaths.
Go now
They're all Latrines linguistically, spiritually, economically, and biologically.

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