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Previous: >>472609237
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total -https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment -https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers -https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam -https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures -https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation -https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! -https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed -https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times -https://archive.today/zWUbr
>Putin: 'Russia has the right to supply weapons to foreign countries & strike western targets with them' -https://archive.today/Thb5A


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>ODAB-1500 strike
https://files.catbox.moe/0twpde.mp4 (embed)
>Mad Max: SMO Road
https://files.catbox.moe/5ageom.MP4 (embed)
>Munitions warehouse in Odessa burns
https://files.catbox.moe/58u8dn.mp4 (embed)
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P1
https://files.catbox.moe/spzdif.mp4 (embed)
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P2
https://files.catbox.moe/85sxdu.mp4 (embed)
>Houthis released a new TKD anthem
https://files.catbox.moe/3k1sjo.mp4 (embed)
>Another FAB-3000
https://files.catbox.moe/7ydyoq.mp4 (embed)
>Second usage of FAB-3000 UMPK, massive wings clearly visible
https://files.catbox.moe/gnmwx4.mp4 (embed)
>FAB-500 shockwaves in high humidity
https://files.catbox.moe/cqnlbi.mp4 (embed)
>First usage of FAB-3000 w/ UMPK, Kharkov direction
https://files.catbox.moe/yglm3c.mp4 (embed)
>AFU soldier tries to surrender to Russian drone, is killed by AFU drone
https://files.catbox.moe/g57tm9.mp4 (embed)
>Lukashenko wondering why most of the corrupt officials are jews
https://files.catbox.moe/a52zgg.mp4 (embed)
>"They killed Kenny!"
https://files.catbox.moe/6u2b9b.mp4 (embed)
>Romanians shouting 'Putin' during Romania - Ukraine match
https://files.catbox.moe/rzty2v.mp4 (embed)
>Showcase of an attack-transport UAV “Perun”
https://files.catbox.moe/ry477w.mp4 (embed)
>AFU surrender to fpv drone in the field
https://files.catbox.moe/vzfi0q.mp4 (embed)
>T-90 gets hit by javelin but survives
https://files.catbox.moe/sfp0gl.mp4 (embed)
>Disembarking AFU getting fpv struck
https://files.catbox.moe/uy0qus.mp4 (embed)
>Ukrainian Su-25 being hit by a Lancet
https://files.catbox.moe/od7tvs.mp4 (embed)
>Burning MTLB gets to safety, driver nominated for award
https://files.catbox.moe/nd4mts.mp4 (embed)
>Sudoplatov takes out an Abrams tank
https://files.catbox.moe/9c67so.MP4 (embed)

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I put bugs in the bread :)
I will pass out and in my comatose state of sleep I will reach you through astral plane and punch you.
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>Kharkov direction.
>Footage of one of our units moving through the streets of a locality.
>After watching this video, you can feel the whole atmosphere of the battles that our fighters go through.
SOUND: https://files.catbox.moe/a93kk2.mp4
how many of you could do this shit????
I denounce the talmud.
If they can do it, I could too.







rather odd pic in the OP
will the easts inferiority complex die along with it's cold war era leaders?
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> The UK has only 4 fighter jets ready for deployment if Putin launches a nuclear strike, says Air Marshal Greg Bagwell in an interview with The Sun.
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> A photo of young Kaja Kallas being brutally opressed by the evil Soviet Regime.
>Her father was even more oppressed.
max kek
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Thanks for the bake, nigga.
Fins love remembering the Winter War.
For some reason they never talk about the Continuation War though. Weird, huh?
Drugs are pretty fucking awesome, bro. Just gotta be smart about what/how much you use :^)
that is some redpillblack level shapeshifting
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>Fire defeat of a bridge layer of foreign origin over the Volcha river at Volchansk
>A crucial element of the fighting at Volchansk currently is the effort of the AFU to bring in reserves across the river while the RFAF tries to prevent it.
>All the regular crossings have been destroyed AFAIK, so now it's about bridge layers and pontoon crossings
There is only 2 types of Baltoids, those whos grandfather was Soviet aparatchik and those whos grandfather was SS officer
In most cases it was same grandfather
It pisses Estoniggers off to no end when you refer to their "country" as the "post-Soviet republic of Estonia."
Drugs should be treated with care.
I am not proud of what I did, and at this point I am just waiting for it to wear off, but I couldn't afford to fall asleep.
Should be any hour now. I just hope I won't spend the next week sleeping.
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Now imagine all that while knowing that you are under enemy drone observation. Maybe you finish relocating in time or maybe they get an FPV drone up to hit your guys. Maybe a lucky mortar bomb or a shell will land near by and 300 you. So many "maybes", but you still gotta hope for the best and keep working because if you stop then you are guarnatee 200.
I can see you in charge of BANAN supply in the rear, fren, but Brazilians are not fighters and you don't have enough cops to create an army.
That's IMMEDIATE deployment. Meaning these fighters are fueled, armed, and prepped for takeoff 24/7.
Britain has way more fighters on standby that can be made ready within a short period of time.

And I say that as someone who absolutely HATES Bongers. I'm just saying: don't be a retard.
shit, that the first bridge launched vehicle hit Ive seen thus far, neat.
How do you have multiple daily threads, when it has largely been static trench warfare for almost 20 months now?
Still, it will be great when the GEOTUS returns to the White House and forced this bullshit war to end.
Kek you won't. Probably around 12 hours then you're going to wake up feeling like shit but hungry as hell. I hope you've been drinking water man, you can fuck your kidneys up with this shit because it makes you feel hydrated even when you're really dehydrated. Eat light food, don't eat greasy food. Celery and ranch is perfect.
You are fucking up your heart and brain by overstressing them like this. I hope it was worth it, Sergei. I hope you did something productive like study for exams and did not just spend all that time gooning and posting on /pol/. Night-night, lil nigga.
Because /chug/ keeps this Kampfy.
Also only a retard thinks that warfare has been "static" with fall of Avdeyevka and new meat grinder opened in Kharkiv region. Kill yourself, Bongfag.
why are they missing the giant buildings? not that it matters much, i suppose
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New SIMPlickus article dropped today: https://simplicius76.substack.com/p/sitrep-62924-bidens-unraveling-sets

When you are delivering 1,200kg of explosive you don't have to aim good, anon
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>Ukrainians are massing troops to the border with the Republic of Belarus. At the same time, Ukrainian special services became more active in this direction. For what? The Ukrainian Armed Forces already have a lot of problems at the front. Why drag Belarusians into the war against themselves?

>In my opinion, the main goal of Ukraine is to draw NATO into an open and maximum confrontation against Russia. Having provoked Belarus to a military response, NATO will have a more compelling reason to send a “peacekeeping” contingent to the territory of Ukraine on the border with the Republic of Belarus. Thus, sending the Armed Forces of Ukraine, border guards and police from the rear regions into the meat grinder of the eastern front. And right-bank Ukraine will be technically annexed by NATO countries.
Ukies are desperate to drag NATO guys in.
>I can see you in charge of BANAN supply in the rear
I'm an engineer. Win-win.
>but Brazilians are not fighters
>you don't have enough cops to create an army
We have 360k men specialized in painting sidewalks and weeding plots. Even you are no match.
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Fighting like this makes up the fabric of my dreams and nightmares. I have heen given a premonition as to how I will meet my end, when we finally collapse under our own weight and every city across America looks like this. I submit myself to God's will in any case. If he sees fit for me to act as His instrument and die in His name, may it be so.
Yo that UN flag has been going on for weeks 24/7, my filter list is full of it. Which shill farm did you fags aggro?
is PTSD a thing in Russia???
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GOOD DAY! man says there's a terrible threat from the possibility of amerimutts and russians developing medium range nuclear weapons, but he didn't explain why those are so much worse than nuclear ICBMs that already exist.
Is it because ICMBs can't be used to target neighboring countries? and only exist so the other side (at the other side of the world) don't use theirs?
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Zisters, do you think Putler will cuck out or will he have the яйцa to take Odessa and Kweef?

Agent Z be like
>we only have a few months left
but also
>gonna mass conscripts for a faint against Belarus
They might as well try attacking Hungary at this point in order to "draw" NATO troops onto their own territory lmao.
Nigga you weak as hell. Post physique you larping faggot
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I need a condensed milk babe.
>Caffeine works in a way that it is preventive.
>If you already yawn and doze off it is too late to drink energy drinks, you fucked up. You drink coffee and take caffeine to delay that state, but if it is already here - your caffeine won't save you
Sensitivity to caffeine depends on ones genetics, some people are sensitive, some are hypersensitive. and some people barely sensitive.
I'm in the latter category, unfortunately. I have no issues falling asleep even if I have a large cup of coffee before going to bed (and no I don't drink coffee often and no it's not decaf)

tanks on flatcars
boxcars are full off mobiks
Fuck off and die, burger.
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both of them are wearing rubber masks
that's a tranny
>Is it because ICMBs can't be used to target neighboring countries?
Yes but it's not only that.
There is huge infrastructure (from satellites to ground based radars) to track launches of the ICBM's and thus most countries have enough time to trigger countermeasures.
The medium range missiles / rockets fly just as fast but since the distance is shorter they will reach the target in less amount of time. And being smaller it's harder to track those.
Uh yeah, m...me too, bro... haha...
There are many concerns with medium range ballistic missiles that lead to the INF treaty. These missiles are:
- Smaller and thus easier to move around/hide
- Lower political threshold to use them than an ICBM (the latter guaranteeing MAD)
- Cheaper to produce/maintain
Just think what is more dangerous: a bunch of niggas with rifles or A LOT of niggas with glocks?
More info in Jewpedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intermediate-Range_Nuclear_Forces_Treaty
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fantastic country
full of ruzzian puzzy
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Anonymous Russian oligarch on what the end goal is!
No Odessa???????
lol it wouldn't look anything like that, our towns get blown down by strong wind.
every building would be burnt down, burning down or scattered around like pick-up sticks. no place to take cover from incoming fire due the walls being made out of 2x4's, OSB, spun glass, and literal chalk.
god I fucking hate drywall.
>read this post
>>eat light food
>heh yeah I ate
>I ate, right?
>yeah I definitely ate...
>I just don't remember when.
>or what.
>...but I ate. I definitely remember how great school pizza was in school canteen, I remember eating that
Yup I think I'm not gonna wake up.

>I hope it was worth it.
End of month.
Tomorrow is new month.
Sometimes you gotta check a month's worth of paperwork in whatever time I had. Because next month comes soon and someine expects me to have checked bunch of crap nobody should care about because bureaucracy is a piece of shit system that exists for the sake of existing.
Because some people are fuckups and they fail such simple tasks as "type this number into this window, then press this button, then print it and put it in this drawer", and such people are numerous.
And some pidor fucks up once and now you gotta fix a bunch of papers and print a stack of paper because the error carries on and on.

Money does not smell.
But you know what other saying I like?
No medal will ever refund you the sleep you've lost.
I hope this place burns down with all the papers and fuckups who can't see the numbers and type the exact same numbers into a different field.

I actually hope someone will have to check after me, I want someone else to suffer checking after me, why should I suffer alone and check after everyone else.
Oh right. Because I am a retarded yesman. And because I like money and agree to all sorts of shit for money.
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We must secure these Khazaar milkers and a future for white children,

>Voluntarily enters a thread
>Gets told to fuck off
>Cries about it
Classic Bongfag move
I read this as implying that Odessa is part of the package. It doesn't make sense to take Kiev without it.
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lmao unironic west fallen chuddie
Absolutely nigger behavior this time
There will be fire. So much fire. Our cities are tinderboxes. We will be cleansed in holy flame.
those look like miniature scale models - what are they?
What I thought, but anyway, these "new developments" are bullshit since there are already medium range ballistic missiles, you only need to fit a nuclear warhead on them. There's not much new in those papers and legislations that both parties rescinded years ago.
moom in da /chug/
Hey man I understand. I've gone a while without eating too. It's more important to drink water, you can go alot longer without food than water. I told you to eat light food because you can hurt your stomach or you go a few days without eating and then eat alot of fast food or something like that, that's what people do alot and it sucks because then it just makes you feel sicker. I've brought celery to my homeless friends who live outside of McDonalds for that exact reason before just to help them out.
You'll wake up, trust me. I've going 6 days without sleep before, that's my record and I was hallucinating full blown people and stuff kek. I know how awesome that just was man and I'll understand if you go do it again believe me but keep your health in mind and remember hanging out with Chris Dolmeth is a lifestyle, its not like smoking weed. I've seen people make it work and I've seen people go live outside of mcdonalds haha. Good luck bro.
>If you go a few days
>Gone 6 days
Goddamn fuck autocorrect
yeah, they must secure all of the Ukrainian Black Sea.
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Cleansing holy fire
That was my assessment as well
The Kiev junta believe their only tentative chance is to drag NAFO in
Is this your first time checking this paperwork? Are you going to be checking it monthly going into the future?
If I were you I would have just pretended like I didn't notice the mistake and not fixed any of the old paperwork lmao. If someone finds out? Oh fucking well. Get criticized, apologize, and ask for a week to fix it all. EZ
This isn't your personal blog, faggot, we don't fucking care.
>Victoria Nuland
She left the State Department and is now making appearances as a talking head. She'll probably get a job eventually in some beltway thinktank or w/e.
Kind of. The Kinzhal is nuclear capable off the top of my head.
Maybe this was Putin's way of showng that he means "SERIOUS BZNSS" or maybe there are some gaps in this option of missiles that they want to address. We'll have to wait and see.
How to tell someone you live in the midwest without saying it.
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>The Ukrainian military again used the Yak-52 to intercept a Russian drone
>A Soviet trainer aircraft was scrambled to destroy a Russian ZALA-421-16 reconnaissance drone in the Odessa region, but failed to complete the task.
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>Cunt ERA
we are already involved in every way but official.
same shit we did in WW1 and WW2.
>Hitler declared war on us first!
>The Japs attacked us first!
(((We))) cry out as we strike them.
>Russian W: get enemy soldier to surrender by drone
>Ukrainian W: gore post enemy soldiers suffering excruciating pain
Maybe ukraine deserves to get nuked after all
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in your backpack you say?
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Also kek at that filename.
>pilot and gunner armed with machine gun
They had to land to get more ammo
>Maybe ukraine deserves to get nuked after all
We call that "THD" 'round these parts, pardner.
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>Mi-28 doing some manoeuvres.
Who else helped in ww2 to destroy Hitler comrade? There is only one allied country who still holds military parades and makes mythology stories about taking Berlin
So they just send two guys on a 90 year old plane to die by intercepting a drone and that's it?
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>You spin me right 'round, baby, right 'round
They gave one of the guys a double barred shotgun anon. They'll be fine.
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They cant help it cant they? Did ukranians invent the stuff and have been on a bottle neck or something?
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>They gave one of the guys a double barred shotgun anon.
phew, close one
This war is so fucking gay
First time checking such volume of shit on such short notice. You know, sometimes it goes like
>"can you check these"
>Yeah sure when it's due?
And you're like "fuck.", and you've already said "yes", so guess now you gotta do it. Like the yesman you are.
Thankfully it was not "yesterday", I said "yesterday" for dramatic effect, but I still felt I didn't have enough time.
Oh well. Job's done, now I can rest.
Oh wait. I can't. I will just lie on my bed and close my eyes without sleeping, call it meditation like that witcher dude from those witcher games.

I'm not checking anything anymore ever fuck everyone, I will fixnmy own fuckups and nobody else's, no amount ofncookies, medals, shekels and "thank you very much"-es will make up for lost sleep.

Peace, chuggaloos, ima go pretend I'm witcher brewing potions by just lying with my eyes closed
Oregonfag actually.
The majority of our buildings are made out of jokes.
At least we don't have strong wind here, just wild fires and crackheads.
>that will be $500,000, sir.
loud and clear anon.
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Test failed.
You getu F
my post about victoria nuland and my sweet baby rescue dog dissapeared so i assumed i caught a ban but i guess not? I didn't know my posts could be deleted without banning me.
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>This war is so fucking gay
not as gay as /k/unts.
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>VKS air strike with FAB-250 winged bombs on the enemy on the right bank of the Dnieper River, Kherson region. Coming from all sides….
fugg man... so man FABs.
Ukies are totally fucked.
so many lucky guys.
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>Soldiers of the Russian Army have made significant progress in the area of the village of Paraskovievka in the DPR and reached the outskirts of the strategically important Konstantinovka
big gains!
Cuck warfare is gay. Drone warfare is gay. But /k/ is tranny globoshlomo zogbot level of gay shit.
professionally unsounds and rude
ALL war is gay.
A bunch of dudes form massive faggots and go kill each other for daddy.
no girls allowed.
>big ILLEGAL gains!
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3D print fags are the gayest of /k/ fags.

They like to 3D print shit they could just reverse cast mold and surface harden. The problem is that they don't have any tools beyond a 3D printer so they can't heat up some steel or work metal in general. Not even a Dremel so they do weird 3D print tricks to not have frayed edges they could just grind away with a hunk of rock.

They love to be smug about the future of untraceable gun ownership when they still need to spend money on the actual guts of the gun (barrel, bolt, upper receivers, stock, buffers and buffer assemblys, etc) that the Government can see you paying for on all the online gun stores they like to frequent.
ricochets are a bitch more times than actual direct small arms fire buddy.
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>‼Ukraine’s energy system may finally “go down”

>▪Currently only 27% of all large thermal power plants are operating in Ukraine: others are destroyed or severely damaged. It will take years to restore capacity, Kyiv media write.
>▪The basic scenario for power outages in winter is 12 hours a day,” said the CEO of Yasno.
I was reading up about the Skyfall nuclear powered missile yesterday and the Russian name for it is Burevestnik, or storm petrel. So does vestnik mean storm or petrel?
i'm beginning to think i can't conquer russia
Where is this? Vovchansk?
sounds and looks like a game of battlefield
why doesn't putin end the war already?
Because he can't, he either annexes half of Ukraine as he desired 10 years ago, or his shithole goes bankrtupt
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Good morning frenZ!
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I still feel sad for /k/
I fucking loved /k/ and now it's just unbearable
Talking aboout guns, insurgent drip and loadout shit, all gone....
I hope old /k/ comes back
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Cartoon from NEMØ
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me too (it won't)
>Kharkov direction
specifically through the streets of a locality.

i might be biased, but its just a ricochet, and i got shrapnel wounds from a buried ied while patrolling. such is life.
Good night bro. Good webm, but orange man needs less credit.
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>Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition
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But I did not asked for your monopoly money, I am not a roadside robber.

Hey! I’m in this one!
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stop it, I can't frown and cry anymore
You like them cum brownies huh?
such is life for a soldier anyway
why aren't you on the front fighting for russia? you don't need money?
Stay strong!
No I have 100% American VA rolling in and a cushy 90k federal job about to be 110k in 8 months guaranteed. Id fight again not for the price but to rid this country of jews.
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Yes I like cumming on brownies

I am still getting a /k/ patch, it looks hella cool, srry not srry
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good for you
soon brother
Im not looking for chink help either if thats what you are implying. Only true help id take is Russian. Im not fond of chinks and communism dont I see Russians meddling with it ever again.
>Im not fond of chinks and communism
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>A poster with a photo of Putin and the words
> "INigel"
>was lowered on stage at an event by British right-wing Conservative politician Nigel Farage ahead of this week's election.

>Farage is considered a Putin "supporter" and claims the West and Ukraine are behind the war in Ukraine and calls on Zelensky to agree to a ceasefire with Russia.
fuck you and your mother you small dick chinck. see you on the battlefield. I've been there before.
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China's not a communist country anymore.
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Were you braindead before you enlisted or is that battlefield injury?
you won't see a single chink, you'll die of starvation or from getting evaporated by a science fiction weapon we don't even understand
Uhhh fuck you.
Have you ever had rounds fly by you/ can you keep up pace/ Will you shoulder your weapon with shit going on around you?
Come on man, id fight for Russia and even North Korea. But I dont like the Chinese. Whats so fucking hard about hat?
i suggest getting a real job and laying low
lmao you probably never went beyond the wire fobbit
ok no skin off my game.
At this point whats there to discuss? I already said id fight for Russia and North Korea. But somehow i get blasted cause I dont like the Chinese. fucking weird for chug.
>proud of fighting on the other side of the planet for kikes while his own border is wide open.
who made this art??? It's peak
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In all likelihood your chances of survival will be higher working as a contractor for the chinks
You should've been a squid man. My time in was the best time of my life, I landed at ports all over the world and had the time of my fucking life. If it wasn't for the kikes I'd be telling every young dude to sign up for some time at sea.
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In all likelihood Id play my game with Russia. Im not American born and raised btw.
You think the Russians are picky with who they rape?
squids are cool and people id shared rum with when the plane laned in a naval base. good lads, good times.
I am on your boat
I really like russia, but I dont like chinks
tho I have to give them credit, their tech is pretty based, I love DJI
Cover art for the model kit. Trumpeter is the manufacturer if my memory serve me right.
>I'm not American born and raised btw.
checks out.
another parasite trying to feed on the corps.
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>The Earth will collide with an asteroid in 2038 with a 72% probability, but NASA will not be able to protect the planet, according to an official statement.
it was nice knowing you frens
Imagine having a camper home with Iskander in the rear.
Thanks for seeing my angle in the debate. At times I get frustrated by the amount of posters that never seen something blown up when they never expected it with full battle rattle.

Good luck scramming to cover with 120 pound plus on you. Much less talking on a radio afterwards for target acquisition of a gird block and all that shit.

For what is worth, I'm pure Spaniard Cuban and both sides of my family never made it to do the whole Mexican conquest. Just stayed between Florida and Cuba.

Good, you go first Joseph Smith, I already earn my keep. Unlike you.
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For Rassija, I'd do it.
where did you serve?
Professionally, enviromentally unsound and unprovoked illegal helicopter manouvers.
Appreciate it kek. It was the wildest goddamn thing I've ever done and id do it again in a heartbeat. Getting barged right before a storm is an even better adrenaline rush than fucking meth and partying everywhere from Italy to the Philippines is something I look back on almost not believing it my goddamn self.
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wtf is this?
poor nige, he has a bunch of retarded nonces around him, and he'll never be successful because he cant recruit talent.

its so easy to fuck up reform, useless bunch of cunts.

that pootin image will redefine the rest of the campaign
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Hoholdestroyer 9000
why dont russian volunteers have 1-2 years of training like american troops? being a warm body on the battlefield is useless.
Hmm. It is a MZKT-7930 with 51P6E quad launcher tube for 9M96E missile. Lot of firepower for a motorhome! Btw why is the janny so salty?
Yes, Russia is sending these absolutely untrained conscript vatniggs into the battle without any sort of training whatsoever. They don't even get a rifle.
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It's actually supposed to be "I <3 nigger"
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> Russian blogger explains food in North Korea.
>I would go but I don't.
>you go first.
parasites never change. the filth of the world.
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>Odessa: in the tourist beach area of Arcadia, freedom from military recruiters was bought for this weekend
kek... everything has a price
Beats me, clearly he does not appreciate big boxy military trucks.
Unfortunately your lands but only by proving in a comms node by air to ground forces. Otherwise in Afghan, Iraq on the ground.
When I made the leap to flying, I also did Oman, Yemen to Saudi intel strike air assets. Also in Korea and Japan.

I like you boys to get drunk partied in xania greece after a long desert sting. good company.
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Do not forget the shovels. And they have body armor with cardboard plates.
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>‼ Apartments in Kharkov dropped in price and many are on sale.
>Get a 2 room for as little as $25,000.
any takers???
>Russian glide bombs are not accur-ACK!
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I can buy it! But I wont ha haa!
ohh hip me with that small fiddle, fuck you. People learn an grow up. What have you done in life? Post on 4chan through college and made yourself a big boy? How nice of you
I would but then I'd get Chef Red Pilled or the property wasn't even listed for sale by the owners. They just left and some random jew is selling it for them.
If Russia bombs your house, and then your oblast becomes part of Russia, will you be able to sue the state for damages?
They literally rebuild your home. Like they did in Mariupol.
The camo on that last one is kino
Potemkin villages don't count
Nobody was counting them
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>buy luxury kharkov apartments for pennies on the dollar
>let it get bombed to shit
>have Russia rebuild them
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Go fight for mother Russia like you said you would, parasite.
Go anywhere but here.
You're probably on EBT
These are the funniest shills we have they tag team too good.
Wait till you try the long pig
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WW1 visualized
Why did my post get deleted?
give me welfare money!
really fires your synapses, huh
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Catholic priest and drag queen
>Capture of Kiev
This interview is 100% made up.
It's blatantly obvious to everyone with half a brain that Odessa is far, FAR more important than Kiev.
hey guys remember RuAnon?
first gradually then suddenly
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>we never wanted Kiev anyway)))
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T-14 "ARMATA" with 152 mm gun
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Jesus Christ, Nowray.
Is there a timeline of frontline changes for the SMO?
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>Germany said that American intelligence agents tried to interfere with the construction of Nord Stream 2.

>This was revealed in the Landtag of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern during a meeting of the commission to investigate the events surrounding the creation of a fund to support the construction of Nord Stream 2. Employees of local environmental organizations spoke there.

>Both witnesses stated that representatives of the American intelligence services were active in preventing the construction of Nord Stream 2, contacting environmental organizations in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and offering their support. One of the witnesses also indicated that a representative of the intelligence services contacted him directly, and then met with him, explaining his activities with “American interests,”
Ze Germanz are revealing shit??? Why now???
I wonder how much damage tanks really do off camera before they are popped.
That's an episcopalian church
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Huge UAV attack on Russia.
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wtf is "Anonymous Russian oligarch"
didn't even read this fanfic
I can't imagine many situations where having a bigass mobile gun isn't a boon
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Ukraine claims that Geran-2s now fly at the altitude of 1-1.5km and they can't reach them with AA machine guns.
Muh Christianity
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>FAB-3000 glide bomb strike at New York
>Novgorodskoye, which was renamed New York under Poroshenko
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British intelligence already concluded that Russian influence in the UK is the new normal since 2020.
From Brexit to Scotland its all Kremlin shadow puppet theater.
disgusting disgusting disgusting
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well ya, you cant let them sit around and shoot at you. I just wonder if they are cost effective.
always see tanks getting popped but never really what they are popping. how long does a tank last and how much damage do they really do on average.
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I agreed with everything this guy said until he started talking about why the US still needs to dominate Europe and control the EU then I turned on him completely. FUCK Yanks.
Nowhere is as fun as Asia man fuck Europe. We saved our pay to get rooms before we docked in Okinawa and those slant eyes really will love you long time haha. I swear to fucking God I think the hotels send extra bitches to the beaches while you're there to get you wanting one so you'll pay for the ones they offer because they were everywhere. They got these shots you can get in the Philippines too that are snake venom with alcohol, there's something different about that shit, it'll get you fucked up in a hippie way haha.
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Putin actually did Scotland a favor.

1. NATO is trying to build a pipeline from Norway into Gemany and Poland.
2. They need actual fuel to put into the pipeline.
3. Scotland, Norway, Britian and Iceland all have offshore oil platforms of which almost all of the output goes to their respective countries through treaties, international law and trade deals.
4. If Scotland leaves the UK it will be easy picking for NATO backed profiteers to steal their energy and pocket money doing so.
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I'm thinking nuking it at this point would have saved on bombs and manpower. The more gruesome they act the more I don't care if they get absolutely nuked.
i didnt think you needed hookers
you rape your way through okinawa
Please join the US army and have a great fun time drinking, taking drugs and fighting for the empire

t. shills
Don’t forget the sodomy.
We have been raping the nips since we dropped the nooks.
same with Europe desu.
pleas fight back, it's just not as fun like this.
I never raped anyone. Every woman I had sex with was consensual.
I already told you niggers if it wasn't for the fucking kikes I'd recommend it but I'm not going to bullshit and say it wasn't awesome. Nowadays young dudes need to join a church or some shit, get conscientious objection to the draft.
would you think otherwise if you believed your military to be the strongest in the world by miles? just sayin. we do a great job of convincing ourselves so.
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Chinese have the right idea in protecting their servicemen.
Putin probably didn't even lift a finger since the evidence is just open source commentary.
yeah I tell my friend not to report us soldiers for rape. just kill them and make them disappear
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Hey /chug/, fill all of this up this instant
I hope you're being real.
fuck zogbots.
Regardless it is better for Scotland to stay with the UK for the reasons I have stated. As much as everyone wants to be rah rah about Scottish Independance the globohomos are depending on that and doing so would make life worse long term for them. It would actually be better for Scotland, Wales, England, North Ireland and Ireland proper to all band together and form a miniature EU so as to keep US interests out of the Isles.
Are drones not "air warfare"?
>I never raped anyone
100 million percent
But the government in London is not capable of doing any such thing, nor should it be trusted to - but in strategic terms you are correct.
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Russian influence is their term for the plebs voting for things they don't want.
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In this day and age when they're walking around like this all the fucking time I know it's crossed all of our minds before to do it. Don't lie to me and say it hasn't nigger haha. But I remind myself I've got a loyal woman now that has stuck by me even after watching me get arrested right in front of her, hell she visited me in jail man. Can't say most bitches will do that. So me and righty take care of shit when my eyes wander for the time being and I'll put my money on it we've got a long term contract hahaha.
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TOS-2 promo
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Air Warfare is traditional, cool-guy-pilot-trained-for-years.
Drone Warfare is
>"I've finished helicopter mission in Vice City"
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I suspect I'll be using that image a lot
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Between Venti and the amount of brown posting that's been going on lately in here, yes.
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KEK. Burt Reynolds approves.
Not gonna apologise since trench warfare doesn't work in archipelago and long coastal beaches.
>Bongs made a 40km long defence line over 5 years before WW2
>Japan : Just land in Thailand then go south
The entire defence line was overrun in 2 weeks because Commonwealth forces doesn't have anti tank weaponry under the assumption Royal navy will win at sea.
Japanese forces also simply put oil on their face and walked into trenches to bayonet everyone since the multicultural commonwealth army mistook them for some kind of indians.
All of them will be overrun by Indians sooner or later anyway, WEF crashed Sri Lanka real good scattering the population all over Europe.
>butthurt belter post
Opinion discarded
Damn I know a polish chick that looked exactly like her at that age. Maybe Kaja is secretly a pole in disguise
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>At night, there was a mass drone attack on Kursk, Belgorod and Bryansk regions.
>Big fire in Nizhny Novgorod
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The price of salt in Ukraine has increased to record levels
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does anyone have a video with Ukrainian refugee girls where they are having fun while their boyfriends are rotting in the trenches?
woah sexo
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Tried to replay vc few years ago and this mission felt so offensively easy compared to school years I rage-uninstalled.
First time I attempted that mission I failed it. Failed it a few times after. Went back to it like a few days after that and hammered through it. I think it's just getting used to the controls is all. Once you do you can easily beat it especially since you know where it wants you to go.
Remdiezel Titan with Spitsa module
Before it was called Typhoon-VDV but they changed name when replaced foregn parts
>fighting for abramovich’s yacht
Lol lmao even
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>vid from 2022
good times
no more salt mines left???
Every day capturing big pack of people and sending them to frontline

Border guards immediately detained 17 evaders at the border with Hungary

All intended to enter Hungary illegally. Each of the men had to pay from 3 to 12 thousand dollars for the services of the ferrymen.
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I zoomed it first try with some time left only remembering that it was hard. Maybe arma heli piloting helped but not sure.
Back then we were taking turns with frens on one pc for hours and then shared the save.
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If you are too far away from the front line for SAMs to kill you, then all you need to care about is enemy fighter jets.
These are tracked (perhaps with the exception of Pak FA, but there are only like 25 of them made).

So these old planes are flying in relatively safe areas and can shoot down drones daytime, after all, dogfighting with guns is what they are built for.
Would not recommend if they have alternatives, but they don't, so it is a fine choice.
Technically they do drive-bys, with the copilot taking potshots from an ak
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2 weeks and hoholinas will surrender
And everyday new busification
Oligarch cocksucking general
>>Get a 2 room for as little as $25,000.
I would seriously consider a house with a plot of land if prices collapse.
At least the plot will remain after FABing.
Potemkin village, even you can see how it is empty and built using cheap materials
>shitskin general finally realized he can't call anyone else shitskin
It's over
I hate jews but acknowledge Judea existed before the Philistines. Palestine is not a real country.
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Also shitskin general
It's because the Brits were cowards, they surrendered to an exhausted force 1/3 their size as the defenders. They were willing to sacrifice the natives to save their skins.
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>1) You buy an apartment in Ukraine for dirt cheap. War never actually reaches it. You now have apartment that you bought for dirt cheap.
>2) War reaches it. It gets completely destroyed. You receive no compensation. The money you lost is not that much.
>3) It gets destroyed but the building stands. Its renovated and you receive you apartment back.
>4) It gets destroyed completely and you are assigned a brand new commie block that was build in 3 weeks.
Unironically an amazing investment.
F-16 pilots near Hungarian border

>>4) It gets destroyed completely and you are assigned a brand new commie block that was build in 3 weeks.
Implying that wasn't already the case.
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what about the Sephardic kike?
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With an unmanned turret you don't actually need a fume extractor on the barrel, eliminating a structural weak point
T-14s would actually be so shit if deployed on the frontline. Do you guys know why?
Wouldn't the Russians steal it from you when they annex the area?
If it's on the register and relatively low floor then yes. Otherwise no.

The way it works legally is that if you buy flat on said register and it gets destroyed then technically you own the airspace where it was located. If someone wants to build another building there he'll have to at least compensate it to you. If it's 1st or 2nd floor in an area that is otherwise livable it's a decent enough gamble (something is likely to be rebuilt there even if it's evaporated). The only question is whether Russians will respect real estate sales done during the war.
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If that was the case the people of Mariupol would be living on the streets.
>Lett never lost his faith or stopped going to church but in the last few years discovered he could have an outlet for his pastoral aspirations in the North American Old Catholic Church, a liberal, progressive Catholic group that parted with the Vatican over doctrinal differences.
Armatas don't exist
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fucking divine kino
you aren't much of a man if you wouldn't be able to flourish in such a circumstance. that tempo of things is the very floor of stuff that would make space marines smile
just imagine the legendary amounts of corruption that will be happening after the war ends and the rebuilding of the country begings.
All the pocketing of the aid money and corrupted building contracts and all at, it will be trillions of dollars up for grabs
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>Living around hohols
>Great investment
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Henlo Frens do we have a baker?
He didn't say anything about living
We do now
I will bake
I mean if you aren't Ukrainian or Russian. If you're a foreigner.
you know what they say
>everything before the "but" is a lie
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>1) You buy an apartment in Ukraine for dirt cheap. The Ukrainian that sold it to you sold it to 15 other guys. The Ukrainian government doesen't recognise the sale. Neither does Russia
That seems more likely.
not just the natives but their fodder too
the officers got to live in comfort and even ordered POWs to sign away their rights to escape
>Unironically an amazing investment
The thing is, the rebuilt/renovated ones are only for Russians who come back or stayed in the city.
It is far from certain that ownership contracts of apartments in destroyed buildings will be honored.
However, a plot of land is different as it will remain even if the house that stands on top of it gets blown up.
So your contractual ownership will will still be connected to a real asset.
Those fellows are trained to at least not freeze up, no?
Another question: how many soldiers from either country actually care about this war and would stay even if someone offered to fly them out? Putting aside that person being shot down.
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Morning anon
i do not see where the us flag is
no. nato sends peace keepers only in newly occupied country. ukraine is technivally in nato. if belarus loses, then nato will send peace keepers to belarus

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