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>Psychological traits cannot truly be inherited since the mind is immaterial
>Twin studies are mostly spurious trash
>Jensen's Default Hypothesis is false since IQ scores are experience dependent

Prove me wrong if you can, pol!

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>Ssomeone scored double digits and denounces IQ
I'd accept the cultural argument if you were trying to defend random Somalis being tested in huts, but when you are testing Basketball Americans who had all the opportunities to be exposed to civilization, that's just cope.
>the mind is immaterial
It's in the brain retard
I'm a molec bio major but ok
Where, if it's intangible?
>IQ test are culture bound

Not true of RPM
Lived experience counts for nothing. Sure seems like smart parents have smart kids and dumb parents have dumb kids.
If you brain dies you won't have a mind. Where exactly in the brain is irrelevant.
Iq is meaningless and so is your degree. I wouldn't hang out with you nor would I trust you to change a light bulb. And those are what matter
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Majoring is different from being.
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IQ tests are just tests of ability on certain tasks. You can construct all kinds of "IQ tests" to measure different aspects of the brain.
The problem?
ALL of them correlate together, to such a high degree, that there's almost no need to even have separate tests. Someone's ability to keep their room organized, or learn a magic trick, correlates to their ability to sort shapes, or solve a math problem. It's insane, actually insane

There really seems to be some kind of "power level" to the brain. Some people are just....smarter.
People really don't like this, because it fucks up their golden-calf ideology, but it's the truth.
Op, the first is the only dubious claim. If ypubdegine "psychological" as independent of wetware, then it's true, but I'd psychology actually independent of protein expression?
Thanks autocorrect
Iq is genetic, we can even see it in animals where intellectual capability is mostly determined by the species.
There is an environmental factor but you can't deny the DNA component
>culturally biased tests
How are there culturally biased? Isn't it mostly logically rotating pictures and such?
the iq gap is an attempt to explain the observation of the disaster of non white societies. so if you dont beleive in iq you'd have to find another explanation for the fact that only whites can build civilizations
That's actually funny since RPM may just be the most culturally biased cognitive test of them all
successful people tend to have higher iq's. failures tend to have lower iq's. explain.
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Don't bump shill threads.

Race_realist wants more engagement for his schizo blog. Pic-related is OP
agree, burger niggers should have similar scores as US whites if DNA isn't a factor, but they don't.
I dont see that anywhere here, but you started out the thread posting schizo spiritual retardation
>Black children raised in White households have similar IQ scores to Black children in Black households.
The Black-White IQ gap is heritable.
>IQ isn't a metric
It's the most evidence based finding in psychology, if it's false, ALL of psychology is false.
op is a low iq somali nigger. he's been here with this cope before trying to come to terms with the fact that he'll never be anything more than a stupid shitskin.
Academically, the average poor White male does as well as Blacks who aren’t in poverty.
Only 12% of Black eighth grade males are proficient in math.
Only 12% of Black fourth grade males are proficient in reading.
(aitch) (tee) (tee) (pee) (colon) (slash) (slash) (double-u) (double-u) (double-u) (dot) nytimes (dot) (cee) (o) (em) (slash) 2010 (slash) 11 (slash) 09 (slash) education (slash) 09 gap (dot) (aitch) (tee) (em) (ell) ? (underscore) r (equal sign) 0
Very poor Whites are about as intelligent as very wealthy Blacks.
whoops heres the second link
Very poor Whites are about as intelligent as very wealthy Blacks.
The White-Black gap in SAT scores, a proxy for IQ, is increasing.
>>Psychological traits cannot truly be inherited since the mind is immaterial
Better brain health means better mental health. The mind is a product of your brain, which is material.
The English gave Africa education in English style schools, offering the same curriculms. In 400 years the IQ may have moved 5 points, and it's unclear if that was the school, or the expectations of the society, or, quite frankly, if it's noise based on which tribes the English ended up holding sway.
Not all IQ is parental. You can educate a young mind to create more pathways. But there are hard limits by biology.
Iq is a loaded term, and you use it on purpose. In reality, cognitive tests can be applied equally to all groups of humans as well as many animal species. The cuttlefish, for example, is an exceptionally smart organism and can past pretty much all of them. The only reason IQ is 'culturally biased' is that it uses white people as the baseline for setting the scoring meteric at 100, but that doesn't invalidate the test's implications because the test is primarily about logical reasoning and pattern recognition, not 'obscure white people trivia' or 'things you would only know if you lived in a middle class household' like you are trying to imply with your pilpul. You aren't somalian, you are jew.
I bet you also think that men and women have identical brains, retard.
He's an amateur blogger. He browses HBD Twitter and has schizo meltdowns. He thinks intelligence can't be measured because it's not physical. You literally cannot engage with him. I have screencaps of this moron if you want them. He's a Sasha Gusev wannabe.
Sorry Anon, but nobody is going to put your favorite pop stars on an IQ test. You still need to learn math.
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>IQ isn't a metric
You aren't intelligent. Cultivate a triple digit IQ before you post here again. While we wait, here's a metric you will find useful.
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I'm a Molech worshiper but ok
>nobody is going to put your favorite pop stars on an IQ test.
Who needs too when they willingly take one every day of their life?
youre a newfag who has never tried to post any links on the site
The frontal lobe dumbass
Brains aren't sexed, so maybe lol
you are a creationist
i just remember him from a while back. i asked him a couple of questions but none of his answers had anything to do with what i asked. he just jumped to his own conclusion about something unrelated and unsupported. at that point i realized he was just your typical internets retard. not even worth trolling for amusement purposes.
Even if they are 100% cultural, that doesn't diminish its predictive capability nor its validity as a metric

The collective is inseparable from their culture
What's wrong w Gusev though
High IQ correlates with a tendency to think outside the box solutions to problems. Low IQ correlates with banging your head against a wall, eg. bruteforcing problems.
Good thing I studied analysis and set theory
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>Brains aren't sexed, so maybe lol
That link proves your brain isn't smart. Probably due to too much estrogen during gestation. Accepting YWNBAW is your best strategy out at this point.
i'll agree with the nigger. anything coming from (((psychiatry))) is suspect. not that there aren't massive differences in cognitive ability between individuals, but anyone who trusts the jew's account of intelligence has failed nature's iq test--which is iron-clad.
An AI model can tell from your brain activity if your brain is male or female with 100% accuracy.
How about I bang your coin slot eyed wife against the wall instead dip shit
How about I suck your cock off and then you tell me how different male head is fagggot
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Wife no exist unless you want 2D waifu.
It's biased because niggers score less
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>nigger iq lower than animals
You can just tell how she's thinking about how badly she wants my rock hard cock in her box
>the mind is immaterial
What an absurdly retarded statement, congratulations, I guess.
Looks like a niggerish mutt
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Well IQ is still useful but the problem with IQ is one must know how to use it. We used to call that wisdom but after 9/11, Americans started to call wisdom, foolishness. How are we doing with our choices?
>Psychological traits cannot truly be inherited since the mind is immaterial
Your mind is a meat computer:
>Synapses:: logical compute units
It IS 100% genetic in nature, because a more dense brain is going to perform better than once with less neurons & synapses.
In fact, even CPUs are under the hidden effect of the "Silicon lottery" where some CPUs are built better than others, and there fore are capable of higher performance.
Not all CPUs are alike, just like all brains.
You're WRONG.
Your brain is a unique organic entity, and the way it was formed is VERY important to your intelligence.
Can it be altered? Yes. Can it grow? Yes. But there's still a starting point, as well as a threshold optimal point at which acquiring certain traits is crucial to learning and becoming more intelligent.
You are wrong. Big smart brains are 100% inheritable. It's literally genetic hardware, just like the silicon in a goddamn CPU.
All of psychology is false though
Spics aren’t any better
I assumed as much, but was there ever an explanation for this claim?
Are mirror tests biased because niggers think they see a gorilla?
Fake and gay Raven progressive matrices have been around for a very along time.
Bad news for trannies
Very rarely is all of something false.
Also, I find it quite unlikely that you know all of psychology so as to deem it to be either true or false.
IQ isn't a psychological trait. It's a physical reality.
> IQ doesn't mean anything and if you dont believe in climate change youre probably a racist
Intelligent people seek out exposure to information. It might've been true 100 years ago that blacks simply had less exposure to information, but that's just an empty excuse in an era where people have their brains hotwired to the internet through a pocket supercomputer.

Unintelligent people are averse to information exposure, they flee from it. They stick their fingers in their ears and chant to block out the noise. They gouge out their own eyes.

Bull fuckin shit.
It's the same as the gender shit, don't trust your eyes, don't trust your own logic, don't trust empiric proofs, don't trust what you perceive from reality, don't trust common sense.
IQ is mostly genetic, and can be further support with good parenting, can be make worse with bad parenting, but the baseline will be set with birth.
100% this.
When people fail they usually perceive absent bias first, before ever considering the possibility that they are the problem.
>Our people can't score that high on this test, so it must mean it's a biased test.
Rarely will someone consider the possibility that they just suck before leaping to all of the biases (racist, sexist, meanist, moneyist, etc...)
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>IQ scores are experience dependent
Psycological traits that depend on your neuronetwork that is genetic and makes the mind doesnt exist?
IQ doesn't measure intelligence of those who take the tests, but of those who create them. The question is not "can you recognize patterns" but "can you fashion halfway intelligble scribbles", followed by "can you domesticate your subjects and train them to respond to your halfway intelligible scribbles". If IQ measured intelligence results couldn't be skewed by experience and practice.
>If IQ measured intelligence results couldn't be skewed by experience and practice.
Why is that? Theres plenty of evidence for being able to improve your mental functions, and it doesnt contradict anything about having a lower or higher potential that is shown through studies like this
Black children raised in White households have similar IQ scores to Black children in Black households.
The Black-White IQ gap is heritable.
Very poor Whites are about as intelligent as very wealthy Blacks.
The White-Black gap in SAT scores, a proxy for IQ, is increasing.
Go back to Durka land Rasheed Muhammed, you're fucking dumb.
You're a nigger
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Sounds like nigger cope
It's just a Jewish test for sociopathy.
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W enta lunak eh? Daily reminder the average wignat dicksucker on here is usually brown brown
>>Psychological traits cannot truly be inherited since the mind is immaterial
This is some next level retardation/copery. Where does the mind arise from? Hurrdurr the mind is immaterial. So why then has there never been a human born with the mind of an elephant If it is truely immaterial then there must be no connection at all with the material that gives rise to it.
I'm northern african ya kos omk
Did those violent niggers in America really intimidate you into thinking ancient Egyptians were black? Learn ur history and how it relates to our skin color if ya wanna talk down to me dipshit
Is that even possible to achieve on paper? How can you do "objects" on paper, or a computer for that matter, that will actually simulate real life interactions with objects?
So explain smart people then genius
You cannot be "proven wrong" because you refuse to engage with the real world, living in some Platonic bubble of makebelieve.
Back in the real world, IQ is by definition a "metric", not a "psychological trait". It basically measures your neurological capacity to process information.
Like any measurement, it is affected by a margin of error or uncertainty. That's what makes it real in the first place, anything not affected by uncertainty is not a measurement but a Platonic form or mathematical object.
>molec bio major
>PhD cancer biology
>work in biotech industry
You're literally a low-IQ meme...retard
An individual chooses to spend his entire life practicing the different flavors of IQ tests -- and nothing else -- and consequently scores exceptionally well. Has the test measured his intelligence or the responsiveness and compliance to human conception? Do grades in school measure your intelligence or the conditions of your upbringing?
There's most certainly a genetic component to cognitive ability, but that's beside point. Do IQ tests measure intelligence? Compare the most sophisticated (by psychology standards) metholodogy to simple challenges presented to a myriad of different species.
Any basic, tangible (visual, haptic, auditive,...) test performed in very early childhood and any observation/fostering of natural, innate talents yields infinitely more valueable effects on and information about society and scope of human ability, than a formal IQ test taken at any other point in later life.
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>Psychological traits cannot truly be inherited since the mind is immaterial
Do dogs have minds? If so, how come you can breed dogs for different characteristics, including higher intelligence?
>Back in the real world, IQ is by definition a "metric", not a "psychological trait"
The thing is that even psychological traits are to a degree inheritable. But the blank slate nigger will ignore that as well.
>the mind is immaterial
OP is a tard but so are materialists, who are essentially clinging to anti-scientific metaphysical that are at least a century out of date by now. Mentation takes on particular characteristics based on the biology of the individual in somewhat of the same way water takes on the shape of a container.
Jung laid this all out nearly a century ago
If this is true all psychology is made up and faulty by the same logic.
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Good to know I'm as smart as Jung. :^)
>Good to know I'm as smart as Jung
doubtful. Read his collected works to see what a mind like his is capable of. Not that I don't hope you are. It would be nice to have some on his level more than once a century
Of course they are, but that is neither here nor there, as IQ (or general intelligence) does not rise to the level of "psychology".
I was being facetious, anon. I don't think I cut it, at least not in his department. I did try to read some Jung some years ago and initially I was struck by how much his general outlook and criticism of modern society aligns with my own conclusions, but I remember getting to the part a he began explaining how dream symbolism works and how he interprets the dreams of his patients and that's where he lost me. I could follow the reasoning, more or less, but it felt so tenuous. I mulled over it a bit and decided that agreeing with someone on some things in the abstract doesn't mean much if my supposed understanding starts to crumble as soon as soon as the author tests me by applying it to the concrete. Either I'm too much of a brainlet or Jung was too much of a mystic, at least in spirit.
yeah IQ is imperial
This is true in a way, or at least not falsifiable. Nobody can escape the basic conundrum that any description or perception of the material world is not itself part of the material world. This is important, but it is also so fundamental that it can be used to derail any conversation whatsoever.

Also, while I am not going to claim that "mentation" is a made-up word, as in a sense every word is "made-up", it is still a gay and sciency word that is also superfluous and poorly formed.
This, of course, is all to say that just because what I said sounds like something Jung might have said on the abstract level, doesn't mean he actually thought about it the way I do.
>Nobody can escape the basic conundrum that any description or perception of the material world is not itself part of the material world
What do you mean by this?

>"mentation" bad
Oh, yeah? What's a better word that means exactly the same?
>What do you mean by this?
I was agreeing with you. In the sense that "mentation" is not properly physical.
>Oh, yeah? What's a better word that means exactly the same?
It's not a big deal. Use "mentation" if you like.
What is the Romanian translation of "mentation"? Or if you prefer the French or German or Russian one? If you have a statement you can only make in English and its meaning disappears once you translate it to another language, you are engaged in poetry, not rational cogitation.
>I was agreeing with you. In the sense that "mentation" is not properly physical.
Probably the only thing we agree on is our skepticism of materialist metaphysics, but I suspect mine goes somewhat further than yours. If perception is not part of the "physical world", what is it a part of?
Yeah but if you want factories and hospitals and electricity you need to culturally biased. Checkmate gaytheists.
You should travel more OP.
"materialist metaphysics" is an oxymoron to begin with, as "metaphysics" literally means "beyond the material". You can be a materialist but then you don't have any metaphysics, or vice versa. The entire thing is a non-starter, there isn't even enough here to be "skeptical" of.

If you bother to distinguish between the physical and metaphysical, then by construction "perception" is where the two categories interact. If otoh you are a pure materialist, and your argument is "everything that we know and love is reducible to the absurd acts of chemicals", all I have to say is "Holy shit, a talking duck!"
>"materialist metaphysics" is an oxymoron to begin with, as "metaphysics" literally means "beyond the material".
Like it or not, any thesis about the fundamental substance that underlies all of reality is a metaphysical thesis. It's not an empirical statement. You can't test it empirically. It's not a statement about how physical systems seem to behave, it's a statement about the very nature of physicality -- literally metaphysics. If you think this is a contradiction (at the very least, I would call it clownish hypocrisy), you can bring that up with materialists themselves, because it's THEIR contradiction.

>If you bother to distinguish between the physical and metaphysical, then by construction "perception" is where the two categories interact.
How do you figure?
Sure thing.
Here you go, I also put instructions on how to confirm this info yourself.
i automatically trashed everything you posted after this braindead post
you must an inbred muslim no doubt
Correct that the iq test is very misleading and unreliable at almost every level (simple neural network trained solely on iq test images can score > 150 not needing to infer patterns from other domains even), but psychological traits are most definately inherited. If you have a smooth brain expect your mind to be equally smooth.
Where exactly is the cultural bias in mentally rotating abstract shapes or figuring out sequences?
Then why do intellectually successful families exist, eg. The Huxleys. We all accept pedigree when it comes to race horses, if this wasn’t true, people would not spend money on it. Why do we not accept this for humans. A cursory analysis of Indian jats and castes would show group variations in intellectual ability. These castes are, for the most part, separate bloodlines where marriage is arranged, similar to the breeding in horses.
Sneed sells feed and seed, which is completely normal. Chuck, on the other hand, sells fuck and suck.
This is the right answer. you can tell, because everyone has ignored it so far. Everyone is afraid of this truth. You're either born smart, or born dumb, and there's not a fucking thing you can do to fix it LMAO
Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon collaborated to come up with the Binet-Simon intelligence test. Lewis Terman adopted the work of Binet and Simon and derived an IQ test for people in the United States, his version of the test is called the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale.

David Wechsler declared that the Stanford-Binet test was biased against women, non-Whites and Jews. Subsequently, David Wechsler took the Stanford-Binet test, removed 90% of it, and then arbitrarily divided IQ into "mathematical" and "verbal" IQs, which has since become two of the most widely used IQ tests, known as the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children. These skewed IQ tests by David Wechsler emphasise the strength of Jewish "verbal intelligence" while de-emphasising Jewish weaknesses, such as logic and spatial intelligence.

William Stern coined the term "Intelligence Quotient", which is now often abbreviated as IQ. John Raven developed the Raven's Progressive Matrices IQ test, which remains one of the most widely used IQ tests administered today.

Alfred Binet, Theodore Simon, William Stern, David Wechsler, John Raven and Lewis Terman were all Jews.

An interesting question:
Why do people who claim to be aware of Jews, race and biological differences between populations defer to the concept of IQ made up by Jewish psychologists to justify their claims?
Concurrently, the only way Jews ever claimed to have a higher IQ is by extrapolating their "verbal test" to the IQ number, and the Jewish samples were sourced exclusively from small groups within elite institutions even though the Whites sampled in those same institutions scored higher. Otherwise, no general intelligence test, at least according to the Jewish metric of IQ, ever showed Jews to be more intelligent than Whites.

The claim of a generally higher Jewish IQ lacks any sound basis, since they are supported by arguments that are, at best, unfalsifiable and, at worst, unverifiable nonsense, all of which is based on dishonest statistical techniques and pseudo-scientific explanations that have been conjured ex post facto to justify the Jew's over-representation in the West.

People continue to make this claim of extraordinary Jewish intelligence because it is a benign way of confronting Jewish over-representation, just as it's used as an excuse for why Westerners should allow Jewish representation because Jews are simply smarter than everybody else. Thus, intimidating a false sense of inferiority that allows Jews to wield power far beyond the scope of their numbers if at all.

Furthermore, deferring to the narrative of IQ and other such abstractions impedes the abundant physical observations one can make of populations and their intelligence. In which case, anyone can simply look at the habitats that are populated by those in question and see that their societies contradict what any favourable abstractions imply.

IQ as a concept is inherently flawed if not useless and as a tool it is ill-defined. IQ may have some use, but it does not take into account the adaptive intelligence of the individual or even the frequency range of consciousness that the individual is capable of.
malicious disinfo shills like this deserve to be publicly executed.
He can seethe all he wants, I still learn shit 8 times faster than him and retain 92% of info from one glance. And I'm not even the smartest motherfucker out there.
>IQ isn't a metric
It's an objective metric you retard.
You might not like the result it gave you back and therefore argue that it should be measured in a different way, or that it's being overestimated as a metric, but it has very strict guidelines for what it measures.
That's like saying a meter is not a metric.
>Psychological traits cannot truly be inherited since the mind is immaterial
complete non sequitur.

>Twin studies are mostly spurious trash
no argument provided

>Jensen's Default Hypothesis is false since IQ scores are experience dependent
non sequitur

no im not clicking your gay website. if you have an argument to present, do it here, or buy an ad, faggot
Big brain American grug say Serb grug only know how throw rock. But Serb grug went big brain rock calculator and meat mechanic school with holobunga grugs. How Serb grug do this?
cope and seethe from tards making excuses for niggers
You talk like a mongoloid.
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>Psychological traits cannot truly be inherited since the mind is immaterial
Peak mutterican
you talk like the coolest gypsy in the yard
Uh oh. You did an ad hoominid fallacy. That means you lose this formal reddit debate.
>uh oh you engaged seriously with a dude blogposting about scientific papers and throwing around academic terms he doesnt understand
>youre just supposed to call everyone a retarded fag if you want to be one of the cool kids, dont you know

this is why your race is trash
>Muh HEKIN niggers culcha!
>characterizes OP as someone not worth taking seriously
>still takes him "seriously"
>thinks "seriously" mean sharting out a zero-information-content slew of generic Amazing Atheist phrases like "non sequitur" and "no argument".
No you're not
IQ is a numerical indicator of a person's place on the bell curve of intelligence (psychometric factor g) distribution in a population. Usually set up with a standard deviation of 15 points, and 100 corresponding to the average of first-world natives. It's one of the most consistent and repeatable attributes in all of psychometry.
A dumb person can still specialize in some skill or task through enough repetition. A smart persions brain is more generalized, can accomplish multitude of complex tasks with less learning, it can better apply skills from one type of task to another task.

But many skilled workers can be dumb as rocks. Yet they can do intricate mechanical work efficiently if they spend enough time on it.
>IQ is a numerical indicator of a person's place on the bell curve of intelligence (psychometric factor g) distribution in a population.
No, it's a numerical indication of a person's place on a bell curve based on other people's test results.
>nooo if the OP makes baseless claims you cant just point that out you have to provide 'informative content' or i get mad
>noo you cant use latin phrases, only lame atheists do that, you have to write out in full english sentences that the guy didnt provide arguments for his claims
>but if hes a fool then why would you bother to point out hes a fool

you are extremely stupid
There are no famous dolphin mathematicians because of socioeconomic factors and anti-dolphin racism.
>based on other people's test results
That's how the intelligence distribution in a population is measured, yes.
What if you're a dumb nigger ?
>That's how the intelligence distribution in a population is measured, yes.
Learn the difference between what something actually measures and what it is assumed to measure.
>mind is immaterial
Oh so they believe in the human spirit now?
I "refuted" you the same way you "refuted" OP, except I didn't sound like I put bananas up the ass while doing so.
We have such a strong culture of recognizing patterns. How can the African continent even compete?
>Oh so they believe in the human spirit now?
"They" being whom? Obviously not ukroids who bury their dead with Coca Cola cans and McDonalds meals.
my only claim was that the op did not provide any basis for his claims. and you did not only not 'refute' that, you did not address it in any way. all you did was criticize the stylistic form as 'mongoloid' or 'Amazing atheist'-like, due to my use of latin phrases. the fact that you think you refuted something is very telling
Take off the memeflag
Is there any cognitive test that black people perform just as well as whites or Asians?
>dumb redditor trying very hard to fit in and failing
At least learn what the lingo means before you try to use it.
>op did not provide any basis for his claims
Why even bother posting about it, except for the fact that you're a raging homosexual? But if you're gonna do it, anyway, at least don't talk like a fruit.
>I'm a molec bio major but ok
reddit as fuck also no one is impressed
You are arguing about words. I am not a materialist, but my point is that a materialist does not suffer from any contradictions because he simply rejects the existence of the metaphysical. For him, the term just refers to a misconception. He doesn't have to accept it if his worldview is consistent without it.
>How do you figure?
This is 4chan, sir. I can summarize my views but I am not going to post an academic lecture.
As a published author in neursosurgery I can assure you blacks are dumb as shit. Even the outliers like Bostic at the Fed are dumb but they are dumb. Some can be good employees, and intelligence is not the most important trait in a person but I don't think of myself as a genius and I acknowledge this. My iq is 140+ and I can even post whatever but that's the truth. Jews basically will steal good ideas and deploy millions to accomplish them, rather than give the original idea or concept credit to anyone other than their cabal. You will see this in VC meetings, where they try to pump you for info and then deploy it. I had a meeting air force AFRL and they basically wanted everything up front for free, but I mean bro what about me?

What about me niggers? I don't hate blacks anymore as I don't need to be around them ever, but if you are trying to make them out as smart you are an asshole.
>give test that measures g factor to a representative sample of people
>use the test results to produce a model of the g factor test score distribution in the population
>use a person's g factor test results to assign an IQ score indicating their position in the general distribution
What are you on about, anon?
People especially hate this truth because people rightly associated intelligence with being human. It's our most defining and important characteristics. And so be told someone is smarter than you is essentially to be told they are better than you.
Understandably this fucked with people
No, literally not one
>You are arguing about words
No, nigger, you are arguing about words. The usage of "metaphysical" to describe substance monist assertions is... uh... immaterial, at least as far as the overall point goes, but you got hung up on it for your lack of understanding of what 'metaphysical' implies, or what 'materialism implies', or maybe both.

>my point is that a materialist does not suffer from any contradictions because he simply rejects the existence of the metaphysical.
It does, according to your own objection.

>This is 4chan, sir. I can summarize my views but I am not going to post an academic lecture.
Ok, so you just spouted a meaningless phrase but you can't elaborate on it any further. It is 4chan, after all. In reality, the phenomenon of perception is as natural and as much a part of reality as anything else. It's not "metaphysical". Discussions about its underlying nature would be metaphysical discussions. The phenomenon itself has nothing to do with metaphysics.
Thanks for your input, but the question was "Is there any cognitive test that black people perform just as well as whites or Asians?"
How are IQ tests culture bound? Instead of circles we should use watermelons? Please explain retard
why bother posting about it, because i would like to prove him wrong on his nonsense but its impossible if he does not provide his arguments first. because it is completely moronic to go ahead and take the bait and sperg about some philosophy of mind point if you don't even know exactly what you're arguing against, like you did when you first replied so pointlessly
>What are you on about
The fact that your 'g factor' is a theoretical abstraction and even if it corresponds to anything real, equating it to intelligence is absurd.
I don't know if there's a specific test for it as a performance attribute to be optimized, but they generally score low in neuroticism, and are less prone to depression than other groups.
>i would like to prove him wrong but i can't so i seethe
You definitely put a banana up your ass at least once.
What did you learn in analysis and set theory? You sound like a young buck who just started his degree. Did you study scientific statistics by any chance? What did you learn there? Let’s hear from one scientist to another…
IQ is very useful for determining intelligence:
The more value people attribute to the score, the lower their intelligence.
Measuring IQ, is like measuring height from the top of other people’s heads.

Measuring intellect is more like measuring from the ground.
And I'd still take them over you.
Even whites from low income families scores higher than the "people from commercials" who came from high income families.
rofl, keep regurgitating your university of moldova introduction to philosophy lecture notes into the void gypsy, you are very cool and not at all like those lame atheists
>equating it to intelligence is absurd.
When you give a person tests of various "intelligence"-related abilities (any abilities >>472630101), they all correlate very closely to one another, as if there is a "general intelligence" attribute underlying a person's performance on all of them. If you mean something else by "intelligence", what do you mean?
>the mind is immaterial
Explain brain damage.

also sage
>tests of various "intelligence"-related abilities
Various "intelligence"-related abilities that all have something in common besides their relatedness to intelligence. Can you guess what it is? Here's an IQ problem for you.
>prove me wrong
Your premise is so retarded, you MUST be a nigger. It's impossible for you to be White, even retarded Whites are more intelligent than this.
You are the blackest, gorilla retard nigger on the board today.
The advantage of IQ is that it doesn't vary depending on the test used. Direct test results will vary depending on the test, so you can only compare direct results from people who have taken the same test. It's like measuring a person's height as a percentile in the population vs. measuring it in feet, inches, cubits, angstroms, meters, etc.
>bio major
Bro, biology is the gender studies of the hard sciences. IQ has its flaws (as it's a moving metric), but it's extremely valuable for measuring what we believe intelligence to be.

It's nothing to base your personality on, but it does help you understand what you are working with. See: "the breakfast question" for something that will shatter your view of the low-IQ as "people".
We already know that white kids raised by black parents have better IQ scores than black kids raised by white parents, in fact white kids raised by poor black people have better average score than black kids raised by rich white people.
If it was "culture" or "experience" based these results would be vastly different.
This is retarded, everyone knows border collies are smarter than chihuahas or chimpanzees are smarter than lemurs however humans are a specie that got that gift from god and is decided based in a random factor the moment you born, i reammy despisw these morons
first of all if you are literally practicing for iq tests you might as well be trying to measure your dick from the asshole and then blame the ruler, I was giving you the benefit of the doubt that you werent using that moronic of a principal when I replied to you, your other points were addressed in the studies I linked
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>racistman says blacks are fundamentally "different" and can't live alongside whites because IQ disparity
>antiracistman says IQ disparity between blacks and whites is because they're too fundamentally different to score well on the tests
If you want this conversation to progress, you really should explain what you're talking about when you refer to "intelligence" if its something other than the standard definition. For example, it's trivial to name an enormous number of things those abilities have in common, but without knowing what you mean by intelligence, I can't restrict the list of those commonalities to things which are not related to "intelligence" as meant by you.
>without knowing what you mean by intelligence, I can't restrict the list of those commonalities to things which are not related to "intelligence" as meant by you.
And there's your problem right there. kek
>Where is the absorbtion of energy if its intangible.

You sound like a retard
truth about IQ: a measure of how much a good goy you are
low IQ are impulsive, violent, and hard to control and you would need tangible material resources to do so
the higher the IQ, the less material value you need to control them, and can be appeased by words, being better at meaningless thing like knowing trivia, and require minimal resources
high IQ make better managers because they are better shabbos
>See: "the breakfast question" for something that will shatter your view of the low-IQ as "people".
To elaborate, this is about the difficulty low-IQ people have with imagining conditional hypothetical situations.
>How would you feel if you hadn't eaten breakfast this morning?
>But I did eat breakfast this morning.
That you refuse to clarify what you mean, and instead stick to "Nuh uh!" when confronted with things that refute your statements?
Sorry, I'm just not interested in discussing this with someone who doesn't even have any notion of intelligence beyond "IQ score" and can't assess for himself what aspects of the test are just artifacts of the format.
Did you even read my posts (>>472644071)? IQ is an indirect measure of g factor. As g factor correlates across all intelligence tests regardless of format, IQ results are likewise independent of test format.
Your point is trivial and doesn't contradict anything I said.
Good thing pol couldn't answer the question :)
there is no question, or mention of any question, in that post you linked, somali
>Your point is trivial
If you know what intelligence is and how IQ measures it, sure. But you seem to be having trouble here.

>and doesn't contradict anything I said.

>someone who doesn't even have any notion of intelligence beyond "IQ score"
>g factor correlates across all intelligence tests regardless of format

>what aspects of the test are just artifacts of the format.
>all intelligence tests regardless of format, IQ results are likewise independent of test format.
>If you know what intelligence is and how IQ measures it
I know it much better than you do. I like how all your replies just make my point for me.
>I know it much better than you do.
Do tell, then.
I was tested (with an actual, scientific battery of in-person tests that took like three hours) as a kid and scored 148. IQ is bullshit.
I already did but your lower-tier-midwit brain just can't keep track of a conversation.
I probably have a very low IQ, I think. But no atheists has won a debate against me.
Given this fact, does this mean atheists have lower IQ than me?
the moldovian thinks he successfully argued that the g factor isnt intelligence simply by stating that that would be 'absurd' and that the g factor is a 'theoretical abstraction'. thats the level of argument you should expect from him
>So intelligence is a dynamic cognitive capacity characterized by intentionality, cultural context and social interactions.
>So intelligence
The author is low IQ
>I already did
Then you'd be able to link a quote from this discussion.
He's given up the actual argument. I'm just watching him squirm at this point.
My chihuahua may be dumb, but she's the cutest and sweetest dog and I love her more than anything.
I am able and I won't. Call me back when you can name some aspects that are common to all IQ problems but have nothing to do with intelligence and everything to do with testing.
>two redditors bursting with rage and updooting each other to soothe the seethe
Intelligence had been around as a concept before someone came along and attached a quotient to it. Pretty poor argument.
I prefer dumb dogs than smart dogs. Way more cute and easy to treat that smartass dogs
It's simple; if there was an alternate method of measuring one's intelligence (unless you are contending that it is unquantifiable) that produced equal outcomes amongst the races, we would know about it. The media would shout it from the rooftops 10 times a day, like a religious call to prayer. Uppity negroes would be dancing in the streets, intellectually dabbing on whitey. There is no argument to "prove wrong," because the argument is that it's impossible to objectively measure intelligence, and only someone with a low IQ would make such an assertion.
If you're dumb you don't know you lost and violets are blue.
Debate win rates don't measure IQ.
Atheists are retarded and so are you.
>I am able and I won't.
I dare you.

>Call me back when you can name some aspects that are common to all IQ problems but have nothing to do with intelligence and everything to do with testing.
They are all instantiated in atomic matter. They all are encoded in representations perceptible to human senses.
>They are all instantiated in atomic matter. They all are encoded in representations perceptible to human senses.
Good start. Can you think about anything more relevant to the discussion? If you have a notion of intelligence that precedes the g abstraction, you should be able to name some relevant aspects that are common to all IQ problems but have nothing to do with intelligence and everything to do with testing.
>Can you think about anything more relevant to the discussion?
What you mean when you use the word "intelligence" for one. The rest of your post relies on knowing what you're talking about again.
I had an Aussie shepherd that would outwit me all the time. I loved her very much.
You're deflecting again. The question I asked you has nothing to do with what I mean when I use the word "intelligence" whatsoever. If you have a notion of intelligence that precedes the g abstraction, you should be able to name some relevant aspects that are common to all IQ problems but have nothing to do with intelligence and everything to do with testing.
>IQ researcher is dumb.
And that is a good thing. IQ tests are evil because they give midwits the power to judge their betters. Any vhiq lot uhiq taking these tests is collaborating with the enemy. (Chris Langan can be forgiven for that was long ago before we new the nature of the war).
It's more that if you're above an average IQ, you're intelligent enough to know that whilst IQ and skill/ability/etc. are highly correlated, it isn't 100% deterministic. I'll take the surgeon with double digit IQ who has performed 10,000 flawless surgeries every day over a surgeon with 10 kills and an IQ above 180.

IQ isn't EVERYTHING, it's just most things.
>I'll take the surgeon with double digit IQ who has performed 10,000 flawless surgeries every day
No you won't, because no such surgeon exists. It's really funny to watch a horde of midwits who can't understand the difference between necessary and sufficient condition erring on both sides of this fault.
All I can say is that after interacting with somalis in Minneapolis, you're all a bunch of retards.
It's an innate intelligence score supposedly, that every single one of us except the mentally retarded can train in shot time to score 98% percentile every single time, and with serious effort even higher.
those kind of examples are really misleading. you are looking at a situation where you already know alot about the performance of an individual over a long time, at or beyond the peak of their carreer. in such a situation, IQ would not only not be EVERYTHING, even considering it would be irrational. of course a reasonable agent chooses the better performing doctor, even if his IQ is 0.
>takes a ruler
>presses it into the pubic bone
>4 inches
>shoves the ruler in his asshole and measures his dick from there
>12 inches
>Woah guys I think this ruler is inaccurate
>No you won't, because no such surgeon exists.
Back to the other site. If you cannot understand a logical extreme, you must be a regular of that cesspool.

>It's really funny to watch a horde of midwits who can't understand the difference between necessary and sufficient condition erring on both sides of this fault.
The sufficient bar is really not as high as you think.
Neurological phenotypes are real, because practically every genetic study ever published confirms the hypothesis that evolution, natural selection, and heredity affect all parts of the body, not just the ones below the neck. Psychological predispositions such as general intelligence, autism-spectrum-related characteristics, ADHD-related characteristics, schizotypy, and dark-tetrad-related characteristics can be passed down from parent to child, and often are. I denounce all creationists because only an idiot would look at a 1000-times-replicated experiment and say "nope, this is fake".
Who's winning and losing isn't up to me though, they clearly just aren't smart enough is what I was about to say but they are just dumber.
Also you guys all talk the same for some reason.
So the second time I hear your bullshit again, there's already a counter to it.
Which is how the whole thing became stale as it is now.
>If you have a notion of intelligence that precedes the g abstraction, you should be able to name some relevant aspects that are common to all IQ problems but have nothing to do with intelligence and everything to do with testing.
This doesn't follow. "Intelligence" refers to various cognitive abilities. There have been a wide variety of tests devised to examine these. That all the tests of "intelligence" correlate with one another does not imply that there are universal testing practices (beyond obvious things like the examples I gave before). For example, some IQ tests involve no language at all, and just use visual pattern matching. That the trait measured by that IQ test correlates highly with a test of a person's ability to learn a foreign language does not imply that the tests are structured similarly. Again, what are you on about?
>i'd take an incompetent surgeon over an inexperiened one if there was an incompetent surgeon who was ultra-competent
>you're just not smart enough for my logical extremes
Dumb fucking nigger animal.
Completely irrelevant deflection. If you have a notion of intelligence that precedes the g abstraction, you should be able to name some relevant aspects that are common to all IQ problems but have nothing to do with intelligence and everything to do with testing. If you can't name any, just say so in your next post.
>would choose someone with proven track record at X vs a genius bad at X.
Please help me out anon. Not being mean but trying to understand your place in all this. Your logical argument is flawed but you feel the need to make it. My guess is you are a 118 iq doctor or something. Discussion of very high iq makes you feel uneasy. Could you describe that feeling? Does it feel unfair? Is it like anger?
Uh oh, someone didn't take his lithium this morning
>make up retarded nonsense based on false assumptions
>haha now reality is wrong because I said so!1111
Ask him how he would feel if he didn't have a double digit IQ. :^)
>Dumb fucking nigger animal.
>flag: moldova
Do you not have the expression in your "language": those who live in glass houses ought not to throw stones?
>If you cannot understand a logical extreme
It's possible for a "logical extreme" to remove a given example from the realm of possibility in the situation nominally under discussion. For example, there are no 400IQ surgeons because there are no 400IQ people (there aren't enough humans for there to be people 20 standard deviations from the norm), so if you example relies on there being a 400IQ surgeon, it necessarily does not reflect something which can happen in the real world. You couldn't pick that option because it is impossible, and when you remove the impossible, what remains is the extent of what options you actually have. You might as well say that you'd pick a cleric to cast a Heal spell on you.
>Please help me out anon. Not being mean but trying to understand your place in all this.
That if you're obsessed with IQ, you're a midwit.
Look, you dumb nigger animal, all I'm saying is that you could and should have made your trivial point in a credible way: yes, when it comes to surgery, past a certain IQ threshold, other factors like dexterity, knowledge and experience start to dominate, at least for routine surgeries. But you had to conflate this with the usual "everyone can make it" apologia about how you'd totally trust your life in the hands of someone literally dumber than average (but only if he had an impeccable and impossible track record).
>It's possible for a "logical extreme" to remove a given example from the realm of possibility in the situation nominally under discussion
No. That would be a difference in kind, rather than a difference in degree (a logical extreme).

One becomes a midwit when you become obsessed with IQ over ability/results.
What are you trying to achieve? So far all you have shown is you iq is around Mensa minimum and you can be nasty to more average folks. Does that get you cred in the social hierarchy of maths undergrads?
>the mind is immaterial
The mind is quite literally just a system of interconnected neurons so yeah it is material.
I gave some here >>472645730. Care to explain what you mean by "relevant"? Relevancy would seem to be something which depends on your conception of what intelligence is, which you have so far refused to describe. I could say obvious things like "answering them involves brain activity", but brain activity is related to certain notions of intelligence, so that may or may not run afoul of your prohibition of commonalities that have to do with intelligence.

At any rate, I explained above why your repeated statement is wrong. You don't seem to have an argument here, so do you have anything new to say? Like what you mean by "intelligence"?
>What are you trying to achieve?
Absolutely fucking nothing. The only way you can accomplish something here is if you're paid to post.
>with the usual "everyone can make it" apologia
No. It's that IQ is great at measuring intelligence, but ability-based metrics are superior. I call for objective standards, which can be set so high that they exclude entire groups (IIRC the men's standard for the SEALs has never been cleared by a woman or no "unenhanced" woman). IQ isn't fixed, nor deterministic for most things. It's incredibly useful, but not for use in every situation.
>I gave some
Ok. So I'm taking that as a 'no', which in and of itself demonstrates my point, whether you understand that or not.
The medium is material but you're describing information processing which is immaterial and independent from medium.
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Yeah just like the band Greenday is a bunch of tiny punkrockers who live inside my radio. Don't break your radio! You'll kill Greenday!!!
Nope. If you had a complex enough system you could simulate the entire decision making process because it is all limited by the physical medium. You are wrong and stupid and probably a child whose head is filled with silly stories of fairies and other magical made up things.
I would like to know how to suffer fools gladly. That is why I asked you. I fear that this is a fruitless line of enquiry because you average folks are very defensive about your intellect. I don't know why you are defensive when as you say it is not that important. I agree with you on that, but this is an iq thread so I figure a good place to try work out how you think and feel.
>It's that IQ is great at measuring intelligence, but ability-based metrics are superior.
Then why did you feel compelled to invent fantasy scenarios with double digit IQ super-surgeons? Just to illustrate how dedicated you are to your meritocracy fantasy?

>I call for objective standards
Objective standards exclude double-digit retards from being eligible to have public funds invested in their training on the mere off chance that they might turn out to be amazing surgery savants, whether or not your ideology agrees with this judgment.

>. IQ isn't fixed, nor deterministic for most things
IQ isn't but intellectual potential is.
True. Mindlets cope by telling themselves their degrees mean anything, while we've got plenty of examples of retards with meaningless degrees.
All that is required from you is memorization of the material for upcoming exams. You don't need to be bright to do that, just look at the amount of dumb whores with uni degrees.
Aren't the real IQ test about manipulating shape collectly, and other things that every human should know?
>That would be a difference in kind, rather than a difference in degree
Sufficient differences in degree can result in differences in kind. For example, altering the temperature of a material results in phase changes which produce very different material properties. In the case discussed earlier, such differences in degree result in the difference in kind of "something which may be encountered in the situation under discussion, and therefore which may be chosen as an option" to "something which does not ever occur in the situation under discussion, and therefore which may not be chosen as an option".

>One becomes a midwit when you become obsessed with IQ over ability/results.
Are you aware of a better predictor of ability and results over all domains of human endeavor than IQ?
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>The mind is quite literally just a system of interconnected neurons so yeah it is material.
This statement is about as logically coherent as "the color green is just a stack of bricks".
>So I'm taking that as a 'no', which in and of itself demonstrates my point
That you can't even articulate your point, and so rely on lying about what people have said in this discussion which everyone here can see?
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A radio is material. The signal is not. Both are required to tune into a signal, but the signal is non dependent on the radio. You seem to hold to the synaptic model of the mind. This is an outdated model. The Penrose model which instead describes the mind as a quantum phenomena tied to low interference environments created within the microtubule structure is seeing increasing support.
Sorry to burst your meat bubble, but you are most likely a resonant frequency within a universal quantum field that biology is essentially tuning into through the modulation of protein structures that create low interference environments through specific nano structures to enable quantum computation at biological temperatures.
Average IQ in Africa: basically zero
Average quality of life in Africa: basically zero

And that's the end of that debate.
Then why are niggers dumb fucking animals?
>I would like to know how to suffer fools gladly.
Same way I can like being around a dog despite the gulf in IQ.

> I don't know why you are defensive
You mistake defensiveness with disappointment. IQ is important, but not everything. That's the point I'm making. If you can't comprehend this, it makes you a midwit.
>information processing which is immaterial
Information does not exist unless it is encoded in some sort of physical medium. How do you think a computer works?
I try to work out what lies those who are paid to post are pushing. I certainly don't want to interrupt the enemy when it is making a mistake.
>you can't even articulate your point
I asked you a question. You can't answer the question and keep deflecting desperately, which says it all. There is no need to make any points.
You don't understand how probability density functions work, do you? There is no "object of measurement" because your ability to recognise patterns and draw logical conclusions is a metaphysical product of your neurological makeup, much like your personality. There is no "measurement unit" for IQ because in order to measure someone's IQ, you have to:
>test a large population and determine the mean and standard deviation of their scores
>renormalise their test scores so that the mean is equal to 100 and the SD is adjusted proportionally
>plot the individual test-taker's score against the population mean
TL;DR you probably don't even know how to find a solution to the indefinite integral of e^(-x^2), brainlet.
>intellectual potential is
Not quite. It can be damaged by things like brain injuries or childhood malnutrition.
IQ can be correctly used to predict mental retardation in all cases, there are no intelligent people below 100 IQ points. Below 90 begins to mild mental retardation which is instantly noticeable in all work settings. IQ has problems with correctly predicting the overall potential of people above 110+ IQ, as there are many cases of people who scored highly, but are basically useless due to concentrating all their energy on Mario 64 glitches etc.
I know a woman with a degree in chemistry who can't comprehend conditional hypotheticals.
Jesus. This faggot really does believe the internet is serious business.
Lol fuck off with this agnostic psychobabble. You are just like every other fag trying to cope while trying to deny the fact that humans are driven exclusively through biology. 95% of humans' decision making isn't even conscious and is executed completely on auto-pilot. Your mind is just a system of impulse which exchange signals encoded in chemicals. The composition of these chemicals is what determines how the next impulse will relay information etc etc etc to infinity.
>Not quite. It can be damaged by things like brain injuries or childhood malnutrition.
Ok, retard. Thanks for the invaluable clarification.

You can not create qualia through mechanistic means. See my second link above. The best you can do is create NPC automata that mimic the behavior of a conscious being, but these automata will not live in a world of subjective qualia or experience the sensation of 'choice' which comes about by the intentional collapse of quantum states into single deterministic ones. The only way to create true AI is the same way our brains do it, through quantum computation.
Materialoons are actually insane. Imagine writing this post 100 years after the scientific community ditched materialism.
>A radio is material. The signal is not.
The radio signal, made of radio-frequency photons? Those measurable things which are part of the material world?
There is no "material world" as far as science is concerned. Your pop-culture-grade understanding of science is a century out of date.
>You can't answer the question
I answered it, then linked to the post in which I answered it, then answered it again, while asking for clarification on what you find lacking in the answers, which you have so far refused to provide.
Nope. It's all just chemicals. The reason you're here is because it feels good which is chemicals. The reason you try so hard to argue the against the point is because it feels good to think there's something more to it aka chemicals. You are also now using the concept of "quantum computation" incorrectly (and in a very low-IQ way, as is typical for those who fall into this trap because their tiny brains cannot actually understand what it is) because, again: chemicals.
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I can see due to the rapidity of your response that you took the time to review the videos and their academic source material. You are truly a perfect example of the open minded, modern human being.

For others please be aware that when people spout out sentences like these full of vague science generalities like '''''chemicals'''' and pull statistics out of their head, that they are not actual scientists. Real scientists are conservative and skeptical lot. We do not speak out of our asses and when we do, we add a caveats like 'I think' or 'probably' or 'possibly'. People who mix vague scientific language like this with statements of absolute truth are closer to priests. They are priests who use the 'feel' of science to convince NPCs raised on science as their sole belief system. Mainly they attempt to convince them that they are nothing but meat, that their lives are insignificant and that they have no free will. It is of course not at all hard to see the political rationale behind convincing the herd of these particular postulates.
>Just to illustrate how dedicated you are to your meritocracy fantasy?
To show all the midwits who can't internalise the above.

>Objective standards exclude double-digit retards
Objective in the external universe, not a moving average (IQ). Like 100 pull-ups, or being able to sell product, or delivering work to an agreed standard. IQ is a good heuristic, but not the be-all, end-all.

>IQ isn't but intellectual potential is.
Potential is worthless without application, is my point.
It is the truth, posted to correct a falsehood.
>I answered it
That you would lie like this only goes to underlines your impotent rage.
>logically coherent
there was nothing 'logically' wrong with his statement. if minds are just systems of interconnected neurons then they indeed are material. not only is this trivially logically valid, while it may not be in fashion anymore it at least used to be a somewhat popular position in philosophy. what you meant to criticize was not the logical (much less the 'logical coherence') but the semantic validity of equating different kinds of things as a mistake of category.

The more you say the word chemical, the more sciency you are. This is a science FACT!
Nope. People who make this claim are just confessing to overdosing on some kind of drug and think they've gained some higher level of understanding but it's just actually just chemicals fucking with all the other chemicals and how they are relayed in their heads. DMT elves for example? Chemicals.
Thank you for your fully generic but drivel, but you will never be human.
Uuuhhhh ... Yeah. D'uh?
I love dogs! Get on just fine with niggers, too. Bell curve memes are legit. What I would like to know is about dealing with other folks. It makes discussion so much easier if we can use the standard iq bands. Uhiq people (180 and above) have a very hard time with midwits (120-150). You are below midwit so we should be able to get along. I don't know why you keep harping on about iq isn't everything, when everyone has agreed with you. See, of you are not honest we can only treat you like a black box and try to see what makes you rage.
Too bad about your scientific illiteracy, although frankly, cretins like you shouldn't even be taught how to read and write.
The best way to spot a midwit is to observe him engaging in magical thinking. He throws around concepts he doesn't understand, but sound cool, most likely aped from one of his favorite stoner streamers. He thinks that all the information we have gathered so far about how brain works is just too simple for his taste. He doesn't understand it either, but he believes himself intellectually gifted, so it cannot be just a mass of specializing neurons delivering and transmitting information - it must be quantum computing connected to some mystical field, probably aether.
I do wonder which part of that quantum field causes Indians to shit in the streets, because it couldn't be their underdeveloped brains! DAS RACISS!
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And all those people, high IQ or low IQ, let themselves be fucked over by corporations and governments. Yes, truly very smart. So smart.
If you think so, it's only because you're a subhuman lump of matter whose "life" has no moral value. Anyone who sharts out your corporate talking points needs to be physically removed, no questions asked.
You are just mad because you've put yourself on a pedestal inside your head because it feels good thanks to chemicals. Smoke less crack and stop filling your head with hallucination-inducing chemicals that mess with your tiny brain and return to reality you dumb little hippie.
>Sufficient differences in degree can result in differences in kind. For example, altering the temperature of a material results in phase changes which produce very different material properties.
So where is the phase change temperature equivalent here? There are very few tasks that have a sufficiently high IQ floor to be relevant. There are literally thousands if not millions of double digit IQ doctors, lawyers, judges, world leaders, etc. in the world. Would they all be better with higher IQs? Certainly, but that's not the issue. The issue is setting intellectual rather than practical/results-based bars.
The reason you wrote all that it's because chemicals. It felt good to try and dunk on me.
See >>472649669. ID goes straight to the filter since I don't consider you human and I don't consider your regurgitated utterings to be organic or to have any informational content whatsoever.
If an IQ test is biased against your culture, then you are not compatible with civilisation. Simple as.
You're assuming that there's a 1:1 correlation between intelligence and IQ test scores, which obviously isn't the case. Even the best IQ tests only have a ~0.8-0.9 correlation between g and IQ.
>Objective in the external universe, not a moving average (IQ).
Well, no, nigger. You have no choice but to work with the pool of actual candidates that you have, and to rank them relative to each other, as a matter of practical necessity.
>It makes discussion so much easier if we can use the standard iq bands.
It makes it easy, but sometimes wrong. That's the issue. It becomes trivial to derail/refute the debate by finding the one counter example: the good jew/nigger/retard/etc.
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That's an EMF. A quantum field is a very different phenomena though it becomes confusing as all matter and energy has a quantum aspect to it, particularly small or zero mass particles. My field is biology, but I'll do my best to explain. A traditional field is local, but the quantum field is nonlocal in nature, meaning it has no set bounds. It exists on a level sometimes referred to as 'the quantum foam' or 'the plank grid'. This is kind of the bedrock of the universe where you can not go any smaller due to the limitations imposed by the Plank constant. Here you can get basically limitless variation in energy density with huge spikes of potential energy and then immediate cancellations of this energy. All of this insanity essentially gets zeroed out by the time you get to macroscopic scale but on the plank scale its all very real. This has been documented to some degree experimentally with what is called vaccuum energy. Basically it you press two very smooth plates REALLY close together, like Im talking less than nanometers apart, you can detect a pressure coming out from the space between even though going by Reddit science there should be no energy to be had there.
>You can not create qualia through mechanistic means.
Suppose there's a transcendent soul or whatever which is responsible for qualia. How does it do that? It takes in information, processes it, and tracks/interprets this processing with self-monitoring processes. You can't get away from mechanistic functions for data processing.
Mortality is subjective. Opinion: discarded. Take your religious psychobabble somewhere else. Your head is full of fairies and magical creatures. Claiming humans have no value if not for DMT fairies and ~quantum states~ is also just sociopaths outing themselves as sociopaths. They use this agnostic bullshit to try and cover their true feelings of self-hate and absolute hate of others around them to try and justify their existence.

Chemicals dude. The sooner you accept you are a machine the sooner you can start living your life in reality. Do less drugs.
Then explain africa?
>It takes in information, processes it, and tracks/interprets this processing with self-monitoring processes.
well, you can use whatever sociobabble you want, the fact is niggers, and to a lesser but still pronounced extent, browns, make shitty societies, and whites and to a lesser extent yellows make reasonable, ordered societies.
>>Psychological traits cannot truly be inherited since the mind is immaterial
No it's not. Electrons are still "material".
i merely corrected your terminology. if you didnt know, logic is concerned with the topic of 'inference' between expressions of some kind. it is separate from the meaning of any terms in those expressions, which might also be referred to as the expressions semantics. furthermore its quite silly to think you can directly infer any metaethical commitment (eg the intrinsic value of 'life' or lack thereof) from any position on the mind-body problem (which i dont even have)
Behaviour and empathy is also genetic
Nigger brains never evolved empathy they way we did
They are not just retarded, they are psychopathic
By the mid-20th century, developments in the field of quantum mechanics led physicists to believe that objects do not have definite properties until they are observed. This implies that the materialist's definition of "real" cannot be used to describe things that aren't actively being observed. A couple of years ago, someone rigorously proved this theory and won a Nobel prize. Sit the fuck down and shut your arrogant mouth.
>lets pretend you are living in the time of Jesus and you are in Israel

How about you go fuck yourself and take your jew worship bullshit to Israel and stay there?
Anon here spewing the Larry the Cable Guy wisdom.
You didn't "correct" me on anything. You just admitted to being a nonsentient lump of meat that doesn't understand the self-evident contradiction in saying that mental phenomena are made out of neurons.
What do you mean by "material world" such that there isn't one as far as science in concerned? You know, that thing which is concerned with empirically-testable stuff, and only that.
>You have no choice but to work with the pool of actual candidates that you have, and to rank them relative to each other, as a matter of practical necessity.
No. The necessary requirements have not changed, even if the entire population has gotten smarter over time. Someone with an IQ of 80 today is far more capable than someone from 200 years ago with an IQ of 80. Tying it to the number, rather than the demonstrated/proven ability is pointless.
I could prove you wrong but I’d probably catch a ban for doing so
neural networks in your brain are physically there. that means your behaviour, your thought patterns etc. are hardwired in your brain. When you learn something, like a language or a skill, you create new neural connections in your brain.
>What do you mean by "material world"
No, nigger. What do YOU mean by "material world"? Nothing. You can't characterize this "material world" in a way that's both meaningful and consistent with modern physics. All your babble about the "material world" consists of non-cognitive statements. It's all just a vague expression of attitude rather than informative statements about reality.

Congratulations you just explained the necessity for duality and why any of us bother to incarnate in this fucking hell world.

To be srs though, I try to remain humble when dealing with shit that is way beyond current science. This is the opposite attitude of Reddit scientists who gurgle untested science juice and shrieik about muh atheism. So rather than reject all NDE experiences as just a dying brainfart, I've actually looked at tons of them trying to find commonalities. What I and many other intelligent and open minded researchers have concluded is that many NDE and OOB experiences are real and not explainable by mechanistic means. This is because the brain is often not in a physical state to process information and certainly not to process it better than normal (a common experience in these events). I do not arrogantly think I can fully explain why this shit happens nor do I want to project some outdated christian or other religious meaning onto it. I am just curious and intrigued by what is probably the greatest mystery left to science.
Pic related goes in depth about those neural connections
Yeah that you is bullshit. The two "entangled" electrons moving in opposite directions spinning in opposite directions both have their properties whether they are observed or not. This bullshit nonsensical model of the universe of which you speak is just an exclusively human-centric view of reality created and embraced by tiny minds which cannot or will not accept a model of reality which basically says that all of reality exists with or without humans. The universe has always existed, even without humans, and will always continue to exist, long after humans are all extinct and gone. Humans are not the center of the universe or the universe itself as this psychotic nonsense would have people believe, humans are merely a part of the universe, a very small and insignificant part.

I knew eventually some idiot would bring up quantum entanglement and the wave function. Lol. This whole theory is fucking horseshit.
>They are all instantiated in atomic matter. They all are encoded in representations perceptible to human senses.
You even responded to these answers with
>Good start.
The there was another answer:
>answering them involves brain activity

I said that you lied because you did. Merely calling someone a liar does not make them one.
>No. The necessary requirements have not changed
LOL. You dumb fucking animal. There's nothing I need to add. What you just wrote speaks of your profound mental retardation. ID goes to the filter now.
Notice how your lying is getting increasingly more desperate and clownish.
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>Chemicals dude. The sooner you accept you are a machine the sooner you can start living your life in reality. Do less drugs.

But drugs are chemicals.... you know, that one scientific term you know.
>What good is a high iq in midwit professions.
None at all. This is well documented if famous uhiq essays, the outsiders, the excluded etc. In the past uhiq people like Maxwell changed the world like a phase change. Now most uhiq would rather sit back and watch the world burn. The original meaning of genius was guardian spirit. What good are your middling professions? Pol pot did nothing wrong.
Yeah that's exactly my point. My point is to stop putting external chemicals which distort the way the chemicals which are already inside your head under normal circumstances are processed and relayed. Putting drugs in your head is basically the equivalent of feeding a CPU dirty voltage that is unstable and inconsistent. It makes the CPU do stupid shit or not work at all just like feeling your head full of fuckery is what happens when you do drugs.
>I'm a Molech worshiper but ok

So a Jew
>So where is the phase change temperature equivalent here?
>I'll take the surgeon with double digit IQ who has performed 10,000 flawless surgeries every day
Zero such surgeons have ever existed among humans. Rather than giving a realistic possibility to illustrate your point, you gave an impossibility which you can not, in fact choose when deciding which surgeon to see.
Kys you retarded nigger ape
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You ain't no somali, kike boy
of course it would be a logical mistake if one were to agree with you that mental phenomena and physical matter are disjunct and there can be no thing that is both. it is your position that this is a fact that follows simply by what the terms mean and the relation between their kinds. other people disagree. so what you just wrote is what is usually referred to as 'begging the question' -- in this way any substantial disagreement can be trivially and obviously fallaciously be framed as a logical error of the opponent.
Based jap appears with a flawless inspection once again

You must be fun at parties. Quantum fields are not collapsed purely by human minds. This is misconception, as you are no doubt aware. In fact all interaction will collapse a quantum field. If a seagull observes an electron it will collapse, if the electron is absorbed by an atom and reemitted as a photon it will collapse, if it hits a detector in some physicist's experiment it will collapse. So QP does not say that the human mind creates reality. What is DOES definitively say is that Perception Is Interaction. This can be taken one of two ways. One is to deny that subjective awareness exists, deny your own experience and say perception is merely physical interaction. The other is to not deny observed reality and instead say that all interaction is perception, ours, the seagull, the detector, all of it. In other words the entire universe is constantly perceiving itself. This solution, though stranger, is more scientific because it does not require discarding observable evidence for the existence of subjective reality. Oddly enough this second solution also matches up with the conclusion of every mystic tradition on this planet going back to hunter gatherer shamans.
>The g factor typically accounts for 40 to 50 percent of the between-individual performance differences on a given cognitive test, and composite scores ("IQ scores") based on many tests are frequently regarded as estimates of individuals' standing on the g factor. The terms IQ, general intelligence, general cognitive ability, general mental ability, and simply intelligence are often used interchangeably to refer to this common core shared by cognitive tests.
This is at the level of defining terms. Do you have alternative meanings you would prefer to use?
Reddit tier take
Didn't read. If you and your butt buddy were regular morons, as opposed to literal nonsentient lumps of programmable meat, you'd just insist that neurons give rise to mental phenomena (by some mysterious means that no one can explain for some reason) but you're broken bots so you'll actually die on the hill of making absurd category errors like "mental phenomena are made up of neurons".

Nigger your brain puts drugs in your head. When you see a beautiful woman, when you are in the first few weeks of a new relationship, when the news media feeds you fear. All these perceptions are causing your brain to release chemicals into the synaptic space which alter perception. When you die a drug will be released which puts you in a highly altered state. If you were a real scientist, you would know the difference between a true natural category and one that humans artificially make by drawing imaginary lines through their imaginary models. Enjoy that final DMT trip btw
>his point
>your head
Did you seriously just engage in idiotic pedantry to try to win this argument? The point is the observation of the wave function is irrelevant because it has its properties whether it is observed or not. It doesn't matter whether it's a human or a seagull observing it or whether it's some kind of external energy field. You must be an actual fucking idiot to try and make this argument. Holy fucking shit.
>That's an EMF. A quantum field is a very different phenomena
Electromagnetic fields are quantum fields. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_electrodynamics Photons can produce the photoelectric effect through quantum interactions. Anyway, your post doesn't address the content of my post being replied to, and instead contains a bunch of misunderstandings about quantum mechanics. For example, you have the Casimir effect backwards.
It is hard to address this level of stupidity in the surgeon example. The most likely explanation is that he is engaging in rhetoric and not dialectic. He is not discussing in good faith, so we need to read for intent, not content. For one he suggests that surgeons are intelligent. That is a tell.
My point all along in case you haven't noticed is that this thread is filled with dumb fucks who have had babies first DMT trip or overdosed on too much weed and had crazy hallucinations of the multiverse and the elves and the medium between universes with all the universes laid out like little spheres etc etc etc. ever wonder why everyone who experiences these things always ends up describing the perceptions and exactly the same way? CHEMICALS.

I'm not trying to argue any point by saying to stop using drugs. I'm just saying to stop using drugs so it stops fucking with your head. These fucking hallucinations are melting all of your brains and filling your heads with stupid idiotic ideas.

Just to be clear, I'm not really responding to you because that is very clearly pointless. This is just for the sake of others browsing the thread. People like this redditor want to spread the lack of meaning and hope that their philosophy have created in their own minds. It's just the old misery loves company adage repeating again. You can tell them by looking at the tone of their argument. Ask yourself, do they consider other points of view? Do they attack the arguer or the argument? Do they think rationally or only in terms of the dogma they espouse? By asking these questions you can tell whether you are dealing with an actual open minded scientist or a Redditor. Also for anyone who is interested, physics actually did prove that particles in a wave state have no defined properties until that wave state collapses. It is not a simple lack of knowledge as Einstein thought, but a true metaphysical unknown. I can't recall the definitive experiment off the top of my mind because again this is not my field but it used some simple but rather clever probability math along with an analysis of entangled particles.
It's inherent to the concepts involved.
>In philosophy of mind, qualia are defined as instances of subjective, conscious experience.
What does this involve? Well, there's some sensation to be experienced. That is, there is some external information which is to interpreted as an experience. So this perceptual signal (whatever it is, however it's encoded, whether it's based on a real external reality or is from a demon deceiving you) needs to be taken in and processed. Then the mind has to be consciously aware of this sensation. That is, there needs to be a self-monitoring process by which the mind can track and interpret its own processes (since that's what consciousness is). Any questions?
The reason you did that is because of chemicals. Just FYI. You love the attention of thinking that you're somehow dunking on me while others are watching because you're probably a woman or extremely gay and feminine and so love the attention adoration of others because it makes you feel good because your brain releases chemicals from that.
Based noticer of non-cognitive babble posing as intellectual statements.
Oh another thing about these types, is they will always use strawman arguments. That is why he did not quote the part of my post where I said, 'it is confusing because all matter and energy have a quantum aspect'
i dont have any position on the topic. i never said i agree with mind brain identity. i merely keep pointing out your mistakes because its fun. take it as a badge of honor, i wouldnt even bother correcting the other anon
>there is some external information which is to interpreted as an experience. So this perceptual signal (whatever it is, however it's encoded, whether it's based on a real external reality or is from a demon deceiving you) needs to be taken in and processed.

> there needs to be a self-monitoring process by which the mind can track and interpret its own processes
1. I'm not reading any of your posts
2. If you and your butt buddy were regular morons, as opposed to literal nonsentient lumps of programmable meat, you'd just insist that neurons give rise to mental phenomena (by some mysterious means that no one can explain for some reason) but you're broken bots so you'll actually die on the hill of making absurd category errors like "mental phenomena are made up of neurons".
Non-cognitive can literally mean anything which means it means nothing. Once again your idiotic opinion goes straight in the garbage. Smoke less crack.
this made my day actually, sad as it may be
He's an idiot who probably overdosed on something and thought he saw God. It couldn't possibly be more obvious.
>What do YOU mean by "material world"?
What which can be perceived by the senses, or which produces consequences which are perceptible by the senses. That's what science is concerned with, so your statement on its face appears to be a contradiction in terms. Care yo explain what in the world you actually mean?
He isn't very bright. He is young and esl. Perhaps we could call it pseudobabble, as in pseudo intellectual.
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You're missing the point. The existence or nonexistence of a transcendent soul makes no difference to the requirement for mechanistic data processes (since that's how data is processed). If a transcendent soul is involved, it just means that the computational substrate is something other than flesh and blood.
>What which can be perceived by the senses, or which produces consequences which are perceptible by the senses.
That's not a definition of "material". Try again.

>That's what science is concerned with
No, it isn't.
You're a subhuman ape almost certainly without even a fraction of the intellectual accomplishments I could use as objective justifications for lording it over you intellectually.
>That is why he did not quote the part of my post where I said, 'it is confusing because all matter and energy have a quantum aspect'
That's part of the general "contains a bunch of misunderstandings about quantum mechanics" bit which was unrelated to what I was talking about in the post being replied to, so I didn.t go through it in detail. As for this bit, gravity may or may not have a quantum aspect, but the theoreticians are still out on that.
It's tautological. If you use the conventional meanings of qualia, consciousness, etc. that's what they imply because that's what those words mean. I could put it in syllogisms if you prefer.

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