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With Taylor Swift doing concerts in Dublin, Irish journalist writes a piece about how she is not a good role model for girls - unmarried and childless at 34, yet has dated a dozen different men.
She'd be known as the town bicycle in the past - everyone's had a ride.
Anyway Irish roasties and their male simp cucks are seething over it on twatter.
Excellent. I can only imagine the seethe.
How the fuck is she Irish? Looks white to me.
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She's literally the ultimate corporate whore, dating Travis Kelce solely to help the NFL increase female viewership before their next TV contract because it's the only group they can expand on
I can just hear an Irish bitch
>you know she’s killed some babies of her own
I'd 100% wreck the shit out of Taylor for the CD she would make. Then I would leave her ass, and use the CD to pick up other bitches.
Taylor Swift is a lesbian.
Her Great (great?) grandparents left Derry in late 1800s (forget exact year) - they left not together but ended up marrying each other and settling in Philadelphia I think.
People have been trying to find out if their is a link between Taylor Swift and Johnathon Swift - the Irish guy who wrote the famous story "Gulliver's Travels".
And that’s a dude
why is a musician a role model thats the question that needs answered whats wrong with you simple minded women. just saw a clip of her whipping a post off beat trying to be S&M sexy and it looked silly
she's a billionaire and all that matters is being wealthy everything else is tertiary
bitch has autism
>she is not a good role model for girls - unmarried and childless at 34, yet has dated a dozen different men
All correct statements that makes millennial roasties seethe over their own bad decisions which according to them is somehow men's fault. They project themselves onto Swift so any criticism towards her is a personal attack on them
she doesn't seem to really enjoy it all that much
And like most lesbians she takes a whole lot of dick.
Weren't you guys just legalized abortion?
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>white to me
Shes really greedy and shes a liar too
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>She'[s] be known as the town bicycle in the past - everyone's had a ride.
Theres really nothing good about her.
I guess they can always fall back on Madonna as a role model.
being a lesbian is a political mindset, it's basically the institutionalized hatred of sub9 men
The time is long overdue to say good riddance to the females, and make humanity truly advance.
If you are a man still thinking about the females, then you are no better than a monkey brain nigger.
Also this!
"She" is a dyke and a retarded one at that.
The only people who want kids are muslims
She is a floosy, everybody knew this

She is not a hussy, If she was a hussy she would be a milf sucking boy cock all day
yeah but a lot of these celebrities when they also make babies they do for money and optics, especially when two big name celebrities get together, photos of then with their babies are all made to make cash.
Either way it's corporations always.
The only way to actually win would be to retire.
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Compare to negresses, he might as well be a she.
lesbians don't exist
digits say she suicides
Holy shit, I didn’t realize she’s that old.

I thought she was maybe 28.

I guess she looks good for her age, but then again, I stopped paying attention to media in 2016 so what the fuck do I know.
I thought for the longest time that facebildness was a joke and people just pretended to be retarded. Ever since I've learned the truth about mankind I have become very bitter. The world could have been a paradise.
Who cares about women bro? We’re already developing female android sexbots with AI brains
He's not wrong. I'd probably date a single mom before I ever shacked up with some career woman in her 30s with a corporate meme job. The kind of women you see in those "here's a day in my life as a upper management cock fluffer" videos. At least with the single mom you know she's fertile and capable of caring about somebody other than herself.
amazing that all these people in the 1800s left from port cities
i wonder where they lived before traveling to the port city to catch a boat
might have even been another country entirely, since one had the last name Davis and the other Gwynn
It's too late, all the roasties are already like "I don't want kids" or "I'm a single mom living my best life".
Is not her problem that people look up to musicians. She is not supposed to be a tradwife.
Taylor shit is a kike tranny
Her ancestors that left Ireland had British surnames and Jonathan Swift the Author was of British stock too and not really Irish.
It's a support group for neurotic women run by dykes who pretend to be men... but kinder and gentler. Women get their short-haired meat shield and no responsibility to be a mother. That's the deal.
Get with the times bigot. The best role models for girls are brave stories about slicing your tits off, fashioning a dong made from thigh skin to your abdomen and munching testosterone pills byt the fistful. Ireland will only be free when every Irish girl becomes a man. The bigotry on this site is alarming.
>you knoooooooow
Galatians 4:16 - "Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?"
Sorry, this is wrong information. She hasn't dated a dozen of different men, but dozens of different men. Small, but important distinction.
Check out some of john mac ghlionn publications, he seems pretty based.
She sure loves dick for being a lesbian.
she's another one of Epstain's kids that were put into the entertainment rotation. it won't be long before she kills herself too unless the knuckledragger from the NFL seeds her
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What I hate most about Taylor Swift is her deceptive appearance. Here she is at 34 looking like some perfect 10 Scandinavian/Slavic ballerina fantasy girl. Yet the real Taylor Swift is quite ugly.
She can be both, a harlot and a lesbian. It's not for me to judge, but it rubs me the wrong way that she's presented as a role model, not just for white girls, but girls all around the world.
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She's not even that good a singer, she's being propped up artificially. When you see that she hasn't condemned israel it all becomes clear.
That's just what nordic women look like without makeup. Faint eyebrows and eyelashes, translucent skin, anemic lips. That's why they crave the med phenotype, to rid their bloodline of this dysgenic appearance.
Industry plant, industry whore, nothing organic about this hoe, we heard it all before. Billie Eilish is another example of a plant, it’s almost hilarious to watch from the outside.
Shes not nordic though?
I just don't get the idolatry. Men follow people who DO great things (see: Hitler, Caesar, Kings, Emperors, even niggers like MLK). Swift is a singer. She's a billionaire because of it, so I'm not disputing her success - I'm disputing the importance of what she's actually done in the world.

I honestly think women think men follow great men just because they're popular (circular logic). They don't understand that we don't follow people who don't achieve anything. If the Kings, Caesars, and other great men of the past weren't conquering, improving our lands, facilitating great works, and otherwise doing things to benefit us all ... we'd depose them.
This is ugly? Opinions vary like a motherfucker.
taylor swift is the new whore for the zoomers paraded by the media industry . Before her there was britney spears, before her madonna, before her monroe. All prostitutes, all idolized by whores and their coomers.

You're wrong, butch lesbians are often a abusive to their partners as they try to emulate what they imagine a man would do in a relationship. Most of them were abused and/or grew up fatherless growing up or they wouldn't try to adopt such an absurd lifestyle, and such an absurd lifestyle..
I'm being honest when I say that she's completely uninteresting to me as a woman. You can catch me saying these types of things quite often on /pol/, but I do say them for a reason. There are a lot of young, impressionable guys here that fall for these massive psyops. They are lonely and then they get presented a certain type of woman as something desirable. No, a woman who has had dozens of men, who is disloyal, who can't even keep her personal business she had with those many men private but airs them out in public is not desirable. She is not something to strive for or dream about, she's not a prize. And that's only the male side of the equation, what she represents to young and impressionable girls is much, much worse. The post in the op is absolutely right.

I like how she calls out private equity for destroying the American economy, yet totally capitalizes on this failing economy
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she's amazing as a meme though.

I'm not a fan of her personally, but at least her music is mostly PG rated. Beats hip hop every day of the week.
And everyone knows how the women you listed ended up, yet everyone still puts them on a pedestal as a role model.
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i think so too. said this since the first time i saw her legs. thats a mans skin.
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This study clumped together bisexual and lesbian girls because lesbian teens were too small a population to study on their own. When you separate them you get pic related
Importance and popularity in the modern world isn't defined by deeds, it's defined by how much airtime they get on tv and how much they're talked about on the internet. That's it. It's laughable how a literal nobody who had done nothing important can be propped up to become an idol.
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I'm telling you why normal straight women become lesbians, you tard. I know dykes are raging manlets.
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at least you thought of a good excuse, where it’s not your fault at all, why you’ll die alone.
I do wonder if there is a Galt's Gulch out there who have taken all the great men of our day.
That’s a man, like Megan Fox, mutt-slaves are a bunch of nigger and faggot worshipers.
swift is an english name, her "irish" ancestors had welsh names. shes a brit
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Her pelvis is too wide/broad to be male.
It's more like 3 or 4 dozen that's confirmed

I think this album is about Taylor Swift.
Women are supposed to have birthing hips you retard. Only fridgebody kike women don't have hips.
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And he reason she doesn’t have kids is because she’s trans and has no uterus
Wow. Based response to the narcissistic hole that is Taylor Swift.
He also writes for gript.ie sometimes
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Women will die alone working 9-5 for 50 years and that is a good thing!
I need my neet bucks!
Great men will appear when the time is right, don't worry about it. There isn't much I know, but this I know for sure.
Artist here. He has male leg length. The distance from hip joint to ankle joint is similar to the hip joint to top of skull. Females have very much stubbier legs. Compare her uncanny "female" look with these known trannies who have been on the hormones from a young age. It's undeniable.
what the fuck do you have to type into the ai generator for this kind of image?
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Big hips are for niggers, the pelvis width is more important.

Show me what a tall human female looks like, because you just discounted every woman over 5'7".
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>constantly shills for democrats and abortion
>had dozens of men nut into her
>unmarried and childless by age 34
>meanwhile her best friend has already popped out 4 Aryan children
someone remind me why she's /pol/s queen
You Irish bastards are next. How dare you remain racially homogenous to this extent while other whites get pozzed by outsiders! Fuck YOU WHAT YOU FUCKING I SAY THAT YOU FCK AUR AU AI RIEE FUCKING FUCK
I hope you are right, because I see no one.
Swift is an English surname.
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>Last week... aced the herpes test. Off to... the club, we'll have a blast.

All the thirteen years old girls in the front row "whaaaaa whaaaa," while all the cucked fathers who also had to pay 500 bucks for a ticket in order to chaperone these little hormonal lunatics are told to stay 10 feet behind by their daughters and pretend they don't know them. They have to stand around and look like a bunch of pedophiles on the prowl while they get blasted by this shit music. What a humiliation ritual, it's all so tiresome.
Blake is a troll, that needed a ton of cosmetic surgery to look decent, she had breast implants before she even started acting. Nice ass though.

Also, she's obviously a man that faked all her pregnancies and Ryan is a fag.
I just don't think that career choice is very conducive of that kind of lifestyle.
syfft is the welsh word for who cares
Did you have a ride? No? THEN SHUT THE FUCK UP, FAGGIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!!!!
I love her. I want her to be my gf.
Really? 1PBTID? Women are such fucking cowards lmao.
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>driving one day
>turn on the radio

What happened to THAT Taylor swift bros?
For the love of god, Visajeet. Calm your freaking nerves and have some self-respect. She's a foot taller, and stronger than you. You're like a Dachshund lusting after a Rottweiler bitch.
Doesn't even pass. I've smashed dozens of asians that pass far better
Irish women are foul wouldnt touch em.
No I'm a poojeet I don't have a visa and I've never gone outside of India. Get your namecalling right and let me cope SEXXX UFFFF slooooo
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Feels like a lifetime ago, anything that gets popular is subverted by the jews.
>seething over it on twatter.
post salt please
all of her relationships are fake and solely for marketing. there is nothing genuine about her
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She's A childlesswhore. Wheres the debate .
Lots of lesbians take dick, for years on end to keep up appearances. Even hard-core dykes have fucked a few guys, just to see. Jodie Foster, Ellen DeGeneres, Rosie O'Donnell, Hannah Gadsby, Portia De Rossi, Sara Gilbert, Racen Simone, Queen Latifah,, Jane Lynch, every uber dyke has had a human cock in her, sometimes without their consent, but o well, it's the way of the world.
Anon, nobody in "pop music" is a good anything. Taylor Swift can reincarnate a hundred times while keeping memory and skill and she still won't hold a candle to Floor Jansen, or even someone like Christina Scabia.
calm down please sir
You will have to wait with the courtship, Saar! She will come one day and you will have your bride, Saar! Practice those Bollywood dance moves to woo her until the time is right!
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that monkey is going to beat her and i cant wait for the sodium
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and yet she is currently dating an absolute Giga-Chad. It really makes you think.
I have never met an interesting Taylor swift fan
He's her beard. He probably gets to fuck her retarded fans as compensation.
He's a vaxsneed shill so he has that going for him.
Her family were wealthy BEFORE Taylor became famous
is Taylor's DNA damaged too? Even if she had sex with the cyborg, then yes
Damn… that’s a fucking man isn’t it
Probably Anglo-Irish (that forgotten sub-nationality)
Probably, that poison gets into every part of the body including spunk.
"Lesbian teens"
So little girl gooners that claim they're gay but exclusively fuck males
the journalist is spot on. We should set our standards much higher when considering someone to be a role model for children.
lesbians aren't real. Girls may be attracted to another girls beauty but ultimately a girl wants a man. "lesbians," are usually sexually abused girls, girls who had bad experiences with men and have been conned into thinking dating a chick is better, or girls who are purely hedonistic.
Chick's hate other chicks,in reality. The domestic abuse in "lesbian," households is much higher than heterosexual homes.
>Would any loving parent reading this want their daughter to date 12 different men in the span of just a few years?
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She also worships satan with her jew masters

>Virgin for jesus
>Not a role model
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The most admired people by modern men are other men who kick a ball around, or throw a ball through a hoop.
Hate this bitch and hate constantly fucking hearing about her in the news
our kike media do it on purpose so people dont realise we are being invaded
she needs to die like all mutt celebs
Hot, satanists are rampaging whores
I keep telling you. She's a mindless degenerate.
Based. I don't normally agree with MSM but they hit the nail on the head here.
*cough* It's more like
>ya naaaaaaao
>bisexuality correlates with hypersexuality
We've known about this phenomenon since ancient Greek times, but 'tis good that there's finally some scientific proof that it's real
I bet she has secret children so that she can die happy after fooling the goyim
Based opinion. We shouldnt let people flaunt it and brag about things like this. Good on the Irish.

its clear travis is gay, and taylor is a hardcore dyke (top)

it's gonna be so nice when kikes can't talk anymore
Make the plantation owners lose money on their pet niggers; problem solved
Imagine making any kind of sacrifice to be a "role model" for a bunch of normie children lmao. But in all seriousness, why are rightoids obsessed with this woman?
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This cumbag is utterly irrelevant in 2024. Why should we even care about her and feed the algos? Fuck this goyette, she's no better than the random nigger #3837473 recently bailed out of prison doing rap and suddenly making millions for being a golem.
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The dude she had a mega crush in HS, wanted nothing to do with her. Dude ended up marrying his HS sweetheart and starting a family. Meanwhile, Taylor went on to make music and money. Ms. Swift is likely mess behind closed doors, all the money but no real happiness.
Adorable Adam's apple.
The only way retards when jump in the military is if Trump is in Office.
If you want whites to die in war that is about the only way to do it.
Euros probably wont tolerate following America if Trump is in charge though.
Not sure how they will handle that, maybe just downplay Americas role, I mean it is their own borders so probably no choice either way
Hah every millennial roastie claimed to be 'bisexual' even though they exclusively fucked men.
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looks like she's also got a pear
She will end up like kanye west and britney spears, chewed up and spat out. The entertainment industry is evil. ALL celebrities have been sexually abused to get to where they are, in britneys case it started when she was a kid on mickey mouse clubhouse. That shit takes a toll on people over the years.
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You drunk Irish retards should love her
She's always drinking
i think the average tranny makes it to about 42 before offing themselves. taylor has a lot of money so xhe might make it two more years to 44.
I'm sick of hearing about this cunt. Kike sponsored dumb American pop culture designed to brain rot the youth into rejecting common sense.
Swift has millions in undeserved money all thanks to retards she couldn't give a fuck about.
good, let them seethe. they're adulterers and adulteresses, with sodomites mixed in here and there. they're STD spreaders. they hate "good" people. it infringes on their right to sin.
>Euros probably wont tolerate following America if Trump is in charge though.
Western Euros will swallow the turd and follow America, they have no choice in that matter. In 2016 they also endlessly seethed at Trump, but they did as they were told. They may not like it, but that's the reality they live in.
Feminazis are basically the same as volcels and actively worse than incels. They are worse than incels because they CAN fulfill their biological duty, but simply refuse to out of vanity, fear, laziness etc. They're volcels. Who the fuck cares about what a volcel has to say?? These feminazi cunts certainly aren't paragons of religious virtue (volcel monks) , are they now?
We don't care about that shit here, "Taylor"; that doesn't make you cool or desirable in our eyes.
And you lost your chaner status when you sold out to go "write" and sing a bunch of astroturfed jew-tunes about other people's lives and experiences, and shill dangerous ideologies and lifestyles to kids and impressionable idiotic women.

>>472639637 (bet you liked calling yourself a whore)
Why is that when you get high enough up the corporate ladder into the esoteric and occultic hierarchies, you lot all start wanting to be the antichrist, beast, or whore of babylon?
What type of sick shit makes one lose their humanity so much?
How many innocents do you have to personally murder, and not tangentially through your public actions, does it take to for you to lose your soul?

I wonder if you ever tried to turn away, how they would conveniently off you. Private "plane crash", I'm guessing.
Oh well, moot point anyway, as you seem to be one of the hardcore die-hard satanic ilk, who would never try to leave.

And maybe you really are some occultic genetic "experiment" made test-tube LaVeyian clone baby. Makes more sense than trying to make some common rabble the whore of perdition.
Gaylor Swift is obviously trans or simply Napoleon Dynamite in drag.
Average Asian man is much more feminine than that.
Be a “plain girl” to get normies revved up
Convert those mothafuckas wit da degen razzle-dazzle
The types who jump on bandwagons are too pussy to ever jump off and this is priced in
Mind broken males are the foundation of society
>nu/pol/ trannies can't handle bantz
Probably something along the lines of "Taylor Swift is fucking trash".
But these were made eons ago when the AI wasn't neutered or heavily politicized into "correctness".
>nooo not my heckin jews
Oh cool, you glownigger pricks changed my IP after I personally called out "Tay Tay" for being Zey LaVey's test-tube thrall doll.
Wonder if this captcha was more gremlin ghost in the machine fuckery....
It's not public yet but this bitch is infertile, that's why every serious man leaves or avoid her and she dates fuckboys so she can blame them for it. She will never have children, not even adoption, because her weird purist parents want their genetic aryan babies. All the money in the world cannot buy respect, good genes, talent, or love.
> Irish journalist writes a piece about how she is not a good role model for girls
> unmarried and childless at 34, yet has dated a dozen different men
Journalist is absolutely 100% correct.
Taylor in many ways is the embodiment of ideal feminism. Never have kids, constantly whine and write songs about 40 ex relationships, always date someone new, always break up with someone they're with.
And it works better for Taylor than most, because she's a mega rich singer.
BUT she's not at all the first to do something like this and I expect after 40 and going into her 50s and 60s she's going to start whining about how alone she is and how she never had kids.
They all do.
She’s right, she’s basically Andrew Tate for women
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Shes almost ready to settle down now!
>I expect after 40 and going into her 50s and 60s she's going to start whining about how alone she is and how she never had kids

I personally think that she's setting herself up to "die" in a hard to investigate or confirm manner, once the super "cool and hip" popstar lifestyle is hard to maintain and sell for some aging spinster approaching 40 (dead artists also make buckoo bucks in tribute records and re-releases); and then she'll just spend the rest of her life in luxury going full witch and coven -mother on private islands and ranches, and wearing masks and shit on the off chance she leaves to mingle with the peons in public.
I mean, what the fuck do you do with your life when you have billions of dollars? (and don't say: give it all to "charities & nonprofits" or political causes; super wealthy "self-made" people only do that shit to further those organizations true darker agendas or to help launder the money that they were "gifted" in the first place).
oh wow, she's burnt more coal than a Chinese power plant. No wonder I had a natural repulsion to her.
> The only way retards when jump in the military is if Trump is in Office.

Now you understand the fake show trial and underdog narrative they gave Trump to ensure he wins.

> Muh heckin bloodless revolution and token corruption purge! Yea, I’ll die for Israel now that there was a sudden flag of falsehoods on our country!
This is a pedophile
Trannies cant have kids they cut they dicks off
okay, what was it...
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Thats incredibly based youre making me proud lately Ireland.
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.
Roastie roasted
wypipo aren't having kids anyway
>taylor swift is the only role model that exist
Why do fem celebs refuse to make kids? They can hire some bitch to raise them for them and still continue their career
they can even hire some bitch to gestate for them
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Im more suprised people dont queztion if Taylor is really Tyler. Also why are you 4chan people so obsessed with her? I dont get it.
she's a high-T autistic woman much like Aurora.
I hope that's a facial expression and not facial asymmetry.
The constantly cocked right eyebrow.
Is there no way to find simeone whi know her and A him? My guess its parents made it trans the first day of being born. I say look into its parents for the truth to be exposed
Whats up with these shills and their retarded robot sex wife psy op bs?
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taylor swift is an illuminati doing illuminati things, soon she will get preggo by the jockey chad she is with currently
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No, Taylor Swift is not Irish. She is American. Her ancestry includes English, Scottish, German, and some Italian roots, but she was born in Reading, Pennsylvania, United States. If you'd like more details about her background or career, I'd be happy to provide that information.
That sounds like pols wet dream.
My Luba used to get told whenever we went out, people would tell her she looked like Tay. And she absolutely HATED that. She'd get mad at them for it.

I thought it was funny af.
Lol i just pictured that scenario in my head. But im assumimg most of them get their moms to bring them. And the dads probably all hang out and drink beer
>win the jew record company lottery
>think that's enough for a childless whore to be a role model
Pop culture setting morals has been a disaster for the human race
You couldn't mention that name without her getting mad.
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what's with all the swift threads. all popstars are fucked in the head why the focus on this chick ?
You mean you couldn't see her as the next madonna/britney spears? These cunts exist as a psyop to ruin women.
Damn bro and she was waiting for you to call her and everything why you so cold ?
Queen of the harpies.
They started dating as part of a business deal. The NFL needed to drive viewership numbers up for the Super Bowl.
Because this is a retarded screenshot that just gets blanket posted in every thread to cause more confusion, less trust, and dig us into a bigger hole. If there’s a war, they’re forcing you to go whether you want to or not. They’ll just shoot you if you don’t go. They don’t need to rally people. In fact, this whole “give up and drop out, goy” thing just makes people want to send you to war. That’s the rally cry, send these “jobless, worthless losers off to war, maybe they’ll learn how to be a man along the way.” You’re retarded and gullible if you think they’re going to go a different route and actually make you feel like you’re worth something before sending you to die.
why are tptb using ireland as the pivot point to steer away from globohomo?
Another artist here. This guy is fucking idiot.
Conceptually, I think that archetype of celebrity is outmoded in the context of the modern world and internet media.
They will never have another madonna/britney because the age of that type of celeb has come and gone.

Doesn't stop them from trying though. People with money are incorrigible about clinging to what they once had with futility.
Checks out.

The town near me is trying to do a temp name change to her in the hopes that this generates revenue for em.

I could imagine the NFL had the same idea.

How fake is your life when even your relationships are a sham?
Talk about selling your soul

But then again. When you're raised like that are you trapped in that life or is it now an extension of the self?
>that Michael Cera xx Review Brah pic
Trying to speculate from the outside I like trying to decipher a refracted image off a rhinestone.
try all you want but that boy will never get pregnant.
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Stay butthurt faggots Taylor fucking WON.
>Is it 20 years of fan interaction, and constant artistic output?
>No it's kikes.

I hope it gets worse for yall but I got tickets to Indianapolis night 1 very happy!
because she posted here once
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shes a man she cant get pregnant ! shes a faggot

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