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The Karabük university SEX scandal has SHOCKED the country. THOUSANDS of Turkish female students have contracted AIDS after sexual intercourse with AFRICAN students and now TURKS are experiencing a MENTAL BREAKDOWN. What are the political consequences of Turks getting replaced?
I thought Turkey was an Islamic nation. Yet Turkish women are posting tiktoks bragging about GANGBANGS with AFRICANS. The image caption says "It was a little difficult but it felt nice". WHAT THE FUCK!!! We need a complete shutdown of all Turkish women until we can figure out what the hell is going on!
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Turkish bros..
Who the fuck would have guessed Turkish women were the biggest coal burners?
BTW Turks are saying NATO is behind this.
Built for BBC
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Realistically speaking, how will Turkish men ever recover? Any Turkish woman that they meet is a potential land mine who might have contracted HIV from an African.

Here are the common HIV symptoms to look out for. Remember, an early diagnosis is important so you can inform your partners & alter your lifestyle due to being POZZED!

Pain areas: in the abdomen
Pain circumstances: can occur while swallowing
Cough: can be dry
Whole body: fatigue, fever, loss of appetite, malaise, night sweats, or sweating
Gastrointestinal: nausea, persistent diarrhea, vomiting, or watery diarrhea
Mouth: ulcers or white tongue
Groin: sores or swelling
Throat: difficulty swallowing or soreness
Also common: opportunistic infection, headache, oral thrush, pneumonia, red blotches, severe unintentional weight loss, skin rash, or swollen lymph nodes
Haha, can't wait for Germany to get aids. This is punishment for what they did to my ancestors. Fuck you, krauts.
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It's insane, how you straight up cannot escape BBC
i'm so fucking tired of these nigger threads created by cuckold faggots
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>African posts a Tiktok - reasons why you should date a Turkish girl - comments are FILLED with Turkish women saying African men are handsome

Turks are on suicide watch kek
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HAHAHA! These whores will now conceal having HIV and spread it to every Turkish cuck willing to take her in.
We're about to witness a massive HIV epidemic in Turkey.
Look at the size of her behind. Are you seriously telling me it’s not built for bbc?
>I thought Turkey was an Islamic nation

It's big country.
The rural regions are indeed traditional muslims.
Big cities and tourist destinations are different story.
Turkish bros.... Our response? How do we stop our sisters from getting GANGBANGED?
Is this actually an issue in turk land? News stories speaking of it? There are no links to anything except faggy social media pics
Honor killings and ethnic cleansing are the only solutions.
I'm sure that germany will take them as refugees along with the africans since germans only do bad things to Europe. Haha, we will stand against them
Based African Christians reconquering Constantinople.
Germans are gross.
Finally, you say the quiet part out loud!
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Sounds familiar.
White women everywhere want black dick, what a surprise
>or sweating
oh shit, i went to turkey and was sweating. maybe i got it!
Yeah, they are basically pajeets with a white skin. Swedes are the same.
TÜRKISH BVLLS are Black, not wh*Te. I see no problem here.
Wow. Why the fuck is BBC so popular? BBC niggers used to be literal slaves and farm equipment. Now they are fucking our women in some sick, twisted plot to enact revenge. I hate this world so much. Women are so stupid and are just thinking with their smelly cunts, just looking for huge black nigger dick. I hate this world
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Turks aren't white, you gypsy faggot.
Look at the girl in OP picture and tell me she is black or something

may as well neck yourself after becoming a diseased rat
Man, Islam really is right about women
She is now
Tsass, fawkin home run anon.
So what? I thought all races are equal in Islam.
taking womens rights away is the best solution for all of society and the world
turks were always little sissy cucks. they feel tough when they gang attack an old white man or some kindergarden kids, but face them 1on1 and you see what little pathetic bitches they are.

same as niggers. ironically that niggers now cuck turks in their own home country lmao cok güzel vallah
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the consequence is:
Alright so Turkey is basically doomed, we should kick them into Africa so they get what they want and resettle their land for the purpose of full white repopulation, all in favor say aye.
women borderline by nature reward evil men above anything else no matter what

Its not a coincident that every religion bascially but a leash no the whores.
Basically islam is right about women.. its not right about much it it is certainly right about women.
first thing I thought about
but mol was operating in antifa circles and those women are inherently mentally fucked up
Oh so you think there are only two race, black and white? Nothing in between or nothing different?
Are Japs also white according to you?
Race is more than just slim colour.
Only native ethnic racial Europeans should be considered white.

I hate all sort of race mixing but this one I don't mind. Actually Turks deserve this for sending hordes of migrants into Europe.
You talk like someone who was never in a brawl. You're the exact "I could've beaten him if I wanted to but I didn't" type of guy.
Bro she is white European, stop coping, like all European women she wants a black dick in her
its a muslim country tho
>Basically islam is right about women..
claims mountain german, one of the worst germans of them all....
i known one person of türkiye origin, who was born here, and went to türkiye some decades ago for a visti, to see his place of origin - türkiye.

told me he was shocked that tour guide was a fag (from türkiye) and that there were many fags in türkiye.

i know where you claim is coming from.
Lol a paki got offended over ganging up comment, no wonder why. Pakis gang up all the time so you must have seen it as a personal attack.

Funny how all Muslim and South Asian only hang up because they know they can't win alone.
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Turkish women are the biggest whore on the whole planet by far, always top the charts on body count.
Then you have this turkish man living in germany who wants a "trad" turkish wife from turkey that hasn't been tainted by western culture.
Cuck spotted. Or perhaps a brown person?
Kys subhuman.
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>no source
You know I am right, no European woman will say no to a black guy
No Turkish bros in this thread?
You're not wrong, I don't know what it is
We're all Turks brother.
No link
Op is a nigger
Nothing of value was lost.
Death to all non-Whites.
What did turks do to make jews this butthurt? These threads don't make themselves
>BBC news
things are bad when even muslim countries get some of that diversity
its real but turkish gov is denying an aids increase
This niggers are goofy retards and a small percentage of women fuck them for the same reason they fuck dogs
Because they want to be debased
Europeans think we really don't have any Africans, or pajeets here.
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poo-European is the politically correct term
To be fair most Turks are niggers themselves so I don’t find this surprising
I really imagined it being very marginal
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Only a woman from Western Turkey would do that. They’re all whores like Greeks and deserve to be put into their place by my BIG KARADENIZLI COCK (also known as BIG LAZ COCK/BLC)
What’s this bitches name?
it’s some kind of nigger cuck thread covering as an anti immigration thread
Muslim countries get a lot of west Africans for some reason (probably because of persecution from the Christian majority). Did you see the NTs from the gulf states during the World Cup. They weren't as bad as France, but even the American team had fewer blacks.
Poor turkfags thinking they have higher standards and they discover their women being as degenerate as a western girl if not even more
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Piss off nigger we are white
how is it even legal to fuck niggers? they're such disgusting looking specimens and half-nigger muttspawn is even more repulsive. I would probably beat my daughter to death if she did this
Turkbros, our response?
Um…based I think
im tired of this shit man
Your ancestors were Jewish?
are those characters from türkiye?
Tight race between Turkish and Eastern European woman. They are always compeating for biggest sluts title.
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Le eternal butthurt Polacke.
go back to your country and start TND
That guy on the left in the OP pic has a better body than white men who have agonisingly training and eating right for decades and he probably eats what he wants and does a few pushups. Also, how can that guy have aids? You cannot train with any intensity with AIDS.
>Sauce is Tic toc
Kys you cuck fuck
Whatchu gunna do about it fat man
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Yes, from the north-east. Basically warlike caucasian mountain-niggers who could speak Greek, Turkish, Georgian or Armenian, depending on the village. They tend to be ultra -conservative, love guns and get angry too fast.
You do know that this is caused by Turks being massively lying on polls, right?
There was study on penis length (self-reported) where a few of them claimed sizes beyond 40cm.
This thread is nothing but a BBC fetish fantasy thread sloppily disguised as a
World news
Op is nigger
Most of the posters are niggers
This is a nigger thread
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You cant accept reality Timmy
Tinder and and prostitution and porn speak the truth.
Porn has nothing to do with abuse, contrary to the atheist propaganda. And another thing atheists push for is ''sex is about power''

Yes women love to be fucked by Max Hardcore, James Deen, Pierre Woodman. Women say it explicitly and they keep doing it.
Women don't love the guy infatuated with beautiful women. What In their teen age men know unconsciously, then very much consciously in their adult age, is that women
-never value the eternal beta orbiter
-women will have debased sex with the first stranger who ''rings her bell''

Women don't give a shit about long-term relationships. Women just want to larp over a few days as the non-slut girl and then they want the sex, and they want it bad and free of charge.

The second strategy women build to avoid viewing themselves as slut is their fantasy of ''summer love'', which is just the situation with the ''stranger which makes them vibrates all over'' extended to a few weeks of casual fun sex with no string attached and zero bad consequence for the girl (especially no pregnancy, which is reached thanks to normalization of abortion).

And by the way, women cannot be degraded, because women are not pure to begin with . Purity of women is myth, built by men but which women find very very useful. Jews know that women are whores, contrary to romans who think women are pure lol. So jews only define jewisness through women, because only the mother is sure to be known by the community. On the opposite side is literally homosexuals like greeks and romans and kings who keep basing their lineages on purity of women, which we all know is a lie.
This is why I will always respect more jews than goys.

What a girl utterly despises are 2 things:
-being called a slut, but only outside of the romp
-having physical contact with repulsive orbiters (but still wants all their attention and all their money) which is why tinder and other onlyfan are a godsend and makes women thrive in democracies

Women don't want to to be respected and make love in the dark with their devoted provider. What women want is to be fucked raw for free by an Adonis they barely know who makes them squirt everywhere and fuck them until they can barely walk the day after.

Women want the convulsive orgasm where they lose consciousness to the point that they roll their eyes and lose their social self, getting in touch for the first time their true self, ie the sheer whoredom. You think they will get that by looking into the eyes of their generic subservient beta appliance fucking them in the missionary position?
Think again.

Everything you see in porn and tinder is the truth about women. And that's why you hate it.
People have to realize that the nigger thing will come up in every somewhat organized country. They are barbarian brutes and a percentage of about 5-15 percent of the population of women is attracted to that, it is not about looks or penile size. Arabs and Pakis are smaller and they do the same in Europe. It is simply a sign of decay of a society that men don't snap and murder them, the people are over-civilized. In a non overcivilized country a nigger who attempts to even pull a foreign woman should have a) never been allowed there in the first place and b) immediately be beaten to death for the sole attempt. Societies that don't do that are in fundamental decline.
>Look at the girl in OP picture and tell me she is black or something
She is black.
Thank you Ismail Pasha for your comment
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>islamic women slurp exclusively BBC
>and islamic men fuck exclusively trannies
Is this the power of pisslam
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>Thank you
Shit coloured eyes = nigger
You are welcome.
White women attracted to black men is kinda the same with asian women attracted to white dudes.
It's not that white race is the most handsome, but you just look exotic to other races. You just take it too far into your head to think that your race is superior.
Exoticism can sometimes be attractive, depending on various factors. Like money for example, I know women around me who attracted to white men tends to see whities as rich. You know having a lot of money is a rare thing here so it's exotic. If black men are richer then I'm willing to bet that they would love black men more than white men. That's just one example.

Mark my words that a few decades in the future the trend could change again.
I feel sorry for you turkbros, 800years of eugenic program of whitening your pathetic race with slavic genes so some of you might pass as a human only for dumb whores to ruin it by nigger dick.
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KARABOGA indeed.
Dont worry polish women are doing the same thing
>complete shutdown of all Turkish women
Pussy is closed.
Polish and Ukrainian women would leave their ugly alcoholic fat husband the moment they see anything resembling a Med. Sometimes even Arabs if their skin is not too dark. Truth hurts.
And greek women adore indian men so whats the point?
i would like to remind everybody that it is called türkiye
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You guys will never understand women thats the reason your are

Women (or atleast a part of them) always seek the "unknown".
Thats it.
I know Ameriucans never travel because they are poor but as an European i can tell you one thing:
You will get a shitton of pussy even as avarage looking white or [insert other color ] men while traveling to a place that doesnt have your color.
I had Tidner installed while traveling 3 nations:
- Rural Poland
- Egypt
- Shanghai

I also dont look like a model i would rate myself a 6/10.
Niggers i got so many matches. I had like 1 match in Germany per month. In these countries had over 20 while visiting less than 14 days. Why? I logged myself in with my fake female Aaccounts and it was obvious: I was the only different male in a sea full of nlocal looking guys.
>Hungary not having Great Hungary borders
>the entirety of poomania is Transylvanian
>moldova included for some reason
lol dumb gypsy
>their ugly alcoholic fat husband
Might a remind of you a certain nigger that infected dozens of polish women with HIV?
As mankind we went from an age of clans and city-states, to great empires, to kingdoms, to empires again, to republics, and are going back to an age of clans and megacorporations. It's the same everywhere in every country: evil is rewarded, good is punished, and people's worst enemy is often their corrupt, ZOG government. The way I see it, my nation starts and ends with my surname. Keep the clan pure, produce as much as possible of what you consume by yourself (land, machinery etc.), huge props if you can set up a major business, and fuck everything else. Let the floodwaters drown the sinners while you keep hustling to make your ark as robust as possible. God is good, Christ is king.
Nobody likes you Prakshit, not even Indian women. You will die alone and a virgin and all Romanian women surrounding you will be avoiding you like the plague. Now get that Wolt scooter of yours and go deliver some mici to Trajan.
We Turks started solving any kind of problem with Fighter Drones now... Niggers took over a University full of coal burning degenerated hoes?

We still have to purge coal burners eventually by excluding them when systems begin to fail
>. It's the same everywhere in every country: evil is rewarded, good is punished, and people's worst enemy is often their corrupt, ZOG government.
Look at this hysterical twink speaking in tongues because he caught a whiff of some BBC XD
you will never be white :)
You are delusional indian men are adored the same they are in Greece
Thank Allah for that
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>getting replaced
i thought they were getting AIDS
>We still have to purge coal burners eventually by excluding them when systems begin to fail
You're not gonna exclude shit twink XD

Flaccid little twinks can't breed so only coal burners reproduce XD
The consequences is that Muslims are giga-degenerates because they spend their whole lives repressed thanks to their religions so whenever that sword is no longer hanging over their heads they lose their minds and go full ham on degeneracy. It's like this in any western country especially, that's why they want to move there so bad- so they can drink, do drugs, and have all the gay sex they want then pretend like they are so righteous.
ahaha a dirty mudslime
seethe cockroach
The absolute state of this board
Sorry to disappoint you, Wojcieck, German women advocate for importing niggers just to increase their social status. They don't actually interact or fuck them.
Meanwhile in Polakistan half Warsaw runs for an aids test when they found out that one nigger was infected. Kek
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If coal burning hoes now even occure in Türkiye, the West is finished.... decades ago.

Whats the matter jew? Afraid you have no support anymore?
Only the strong survive. This era is an unprecedented anomaly. The degenerates will starve to death when the time comes. All you have to do is be ready to kill them when they come to steal what you have.
>German women advocate for importing niggers just to increase their social status. They don't actually interact or fuck them.
Look at this naive little twink XD

You're so gullible you sound like you still believe in Santa Claus XD
>hahaha i'll make a joke out of it for my epic /pol/ gamers
Fucking turkroach cuck.
>if a middle eastern country is full of niggers the "west" is ogre
Go back to turkey then, you welfare whoring nigger and bleach your country back to being a slightly paler shade of shit.
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i believe this incident ends "is turkey european?" discussion.
The big black man shall not be denied.
BMC (BIG MUSLIM COCK) revenge will be bloody.... there will be not a single Nigger, Coal burning slut and Niglet be spared. Ask the Armenniggers.

Western Turkey is, Eastern not
You wont do shit you welfare whoring nigger. Turks are natural slaves of jews.
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Fuck off Orospu Çocuğu. Your mom is European. Ask the Niggers in your neighborhood.

Europeans are degenerated subhumans that die out for a reason...
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wasted numerals. NIGGER.
>source: me arse
you not romanian, you just in romania for the pride parade
I can only chuckle. Roasties are a revolving door, each generation decides to be whores and then in their 30s they're stuck shrieking that men need to man up and ignore their body count. Lol.

>look at all the countries that are now shitholes because of us
As I said you are kike slaves to the core.
Whats the matter greek anon cant accept the indian bvll entering in your women?
Whatever you say Andrei
I can get why women like kpop twinks, or Latin men, but I will never understand the attraction to 100% African guys, they are so ugly. I guess 24/7 media barrages work
When we start, noone will be spared lil Germ! EURoaches, Jews, Niggers, Roasties, Russkies, Armenians, Arabs....

It will be extremely based to take back control of what must be OTTOMAN EMPIRE 2.0
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Wow who would have known?
Wanna know something else?
What the hottest procedure near my building at the clinic is ?

Hymen Restoration
and who predominantly goes there?
Why are women such whores anons?
>Only the strong survive.
Big BBCs are strong and survive. Wimpy twinks go extinct XD
Checked and same. I'm so glad I'm not huwite. How is being black worse than being white? In the former case, you're the bull huwite whorewomen shamelessly fuck with, in the latter case, you're BLACKED. Couldn't be me.
where is this meme even from, faggot? The paki/indians are despised here so they result in going to the worst tier brothels and fucking each other in their apartments or hotspots. lmfao
>I can get why women like kpop twinks, or Latin men, but I will never understand the attraction to 100% African guys, they are so ugly.
Shut up and eat your BBCs you bratty little twink XD
Never visited Athens in your life greek boy?
aidsnigger is a jew scheme
I am not Muslim but I am willing to help Muslims slaughter niggers, Jews and whores anytime.
Probably just a skin cola thing.
You flooded your own universities with aids riddled africans.
You are ruled by kikes and because you are inbred beyond belief you bitch and moan at Europeans.
Kys nigger.
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kek, your meme is a failure, try something else next time.
Good news, Jan. They're only for chads and niggers. This means that she will be super prude with you, just the way you like it. Go get 'em, tiger! And prenups are sexist, ok?
Source on the op video?
Its not a meme, visit for once your capital for fuck sakes
idk what the problem is just kill all involved and problem go away?
No one ever kills women. Only Abrahamics when dealing with adulterers, but the modern right is beyond "desert cavemen religions" so it's never happening.
>Good news, Jan. My bussy is only for chads and niggers. This means that I will be super prude with you, just the way you like it. Go get 'em, tiger! And prenups are sexist, ok? ;3
I live there you magnificent faggot. Maybe you should visit, but watch out, a jeet like you may be raped by pakis here, they are always on the look out for jeets or other pakis to rape.
>No one ever kills women. Only Abrahamics when dealing with adulterers, but the modern right is beyond "desert cavemen religions" so it's never happening.
Islam is a literal cult of homos is why they always kill woman instead of men. Why not kill both? Islam is hilarious they will always take side of men. Islam is like feminists but for men.
Don't ever mention this stone age cult again in connection with inspiring any useful solution to anything.
>No one ever kills women.
Lmfao, delusional.
So you admit having pakis?

>Why not kill both?
Women are gatekeepers of sex. Men just fuck whenever they're able to because that's all we're programmed for. If we were as selective as women, the species would go extinct.
Also, you want to see how fast problems go away? just kill everyone you make them.
>so you tell me, some nigger morons who ofcourse want to corrupt turkish women in their 'blackening' nonsense to spread some african shit in turkey
>they fuck some turkish women, and they had aids so the turkish women got aids.
What is problem? kill them all solved.
Some rich person does something, kill him, some annoying fuck does something kill him and her.
You'd be amazed how fast problems go away if you just kill everyone who make them, no mercy just kill them.
let me let you in on a little secret.. most hench blacks are on steroids as it's not as stigmatized amongst them

t. setroid forum user and seller
Whoever denied that there are waves of illegal mudslimes and whatnot here? Lul. The situation here is bad
>Women are gatekeepers of sex. Men just fuck whenever they're able to because that's all we're programmed for. If we were as selective as women, the species would go extinct.
I don't care about what you want all you need is chip in yoru head so you get electroshocked whenever you say something stupid like you just did.
>women are gatekeeper of sex
no they're not women can't have sex with men if men don't want to and vice versa faggot. All your free speech nonsense is just excuses for nonsense nonstop. Of which ofcourse you should be killed for. Then the problem that is you go away instantly. The fuck your human rights and all this crap. You can go into an early grave instead and problem solved for you and everyone else who have to put upw ith your shit. lol
human life, nothing more pointless 8 billion cockroaches playing racial last man on hill. So a bunch of niggers from nigger land go to turkey to fuck turkish women for race war. Kill all involved. Problem solved.
fake news retard
this degeneracy will be the end of liberalism. it's already happening.
Look, I don't pretend that Islam is fantastic or something, but when its opponent is someone as unintelligent as you clearly are, it makes me wonder and give Islam second thoughts.
>this degeneracy will be the end of liberalism. it's already happening.
go fuck yourself with liberalism you stupid human fecal matter.
Go fuck yourself with human rights. Humans deserve to be bred in tubes and have no rights. And be murdered for tiniest annoying or stupid word they say and do. Especially rich fucks who think they will control it, start with rich fucks murder all of them, then work your way down till even a street sweeper is quaking in terror of even looking at anyone in wrong way.
Fake news.

Niggers can't afford University.
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hahaha, thats women on propaganda via Netflix, instagram, tiktok, western commercials, murican bullshit, bbc pinnacle of pleasure according to (((them))).

They got AIDS? Good.
>Look, I don't pretend that Islam is fantastic or something, but when its opponent is someone as unintelligent as you clearly are, it makes me wonder and give Islam second thoughts.
what a strawman argument.
that's why humans will have nor ights no free will no free choice, and certainly no freedom of stupid religions lol.
>oh yes islam is correct cause i don't like someone who i don't know who the fuck is or where come from or anything say to me on internet.
That is exactly the demented chimp nonsense thinking that inspired islam and any other religion. However few are as stupid as islam.
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Turkish people are so desperate to be seen as white that they're having their women fuck niggers.
>this degeneracy will be the end of liberalism. it's already happening.
It will be the end of you, flaccid little Chuddy boy XD

BBCs get the wombs and kids, while you sit at home and seethe about "degeneracy" like an enraged impotent cuck XD
Yeah, but niggers and women do no important work so society eventually crumbles and CHYNA takes over the planet. Good riddance.
masturbating your little poo clit i see for BBC (big brazilian coco)
>BTW Turks are saying NATO is behind this.

How come?
is free jewish porn too showing bbc vs white dick not having the size. Are whites on average smaller? I dont know but the jew says it is and women see this in porn and want to try the bbc. Who is to blame, I already mentioned who.
this is the consequence of years of dysgenic niggermutt occupation
BBC is just too powerful. No man, no woman, no tranny can resist it.
This is the whitest post I've seen in a while.
>Karabük university
more like Karaboğa university. All I see there are 3 turkish men with some balkan or ukrainian girl they captured in raid.
Praise Tengri
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Can't run away from me boi, doesn't matter what race of women, as soon as they see my africanus, it's OVER for your civilization.
Try all the religious, traditionalism, racial superiority cope, it is all undone by one literally ONE single BBC.
>Yeah, but niggers and women do no important work
Baby making is important you ditzy twink XD

Chink twinks wont do shit they'll get cucked by BBCs too and they'll goon about it harder than us XD
>African guys
Tall, low body fat, masculine, big dicks. What's not to get about it? Don't tell me you fell for the feminist propaganda and believe women want effiminate men in bed....
western white men are emasculated due to privilege and easy times. African men aren't tainted by feminist propaganda and their T-levels are still fine.
God speed turk bro. I'm not even turkish and this shit pisses me off.
>t. ram ranch nigger
Turkey might be the next target of the degenerate global elite. that means the country will get flooded with asians and africans
The ancestors of these girls were probably asiatics who whitened themselves over generations and now they shit it all away.
Ataturk made it secular. It's called Kemalism. Erdogan likes to play the demagogue and pander to Islamic fundamentalists (like after Israel attacked Palestine) but it's mostly bullshit.
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>that means the country will get flooded with asians and africans
don't you know about millions of arabs and paki "refugees" in Turkey? Ok most arabs in turkey are syrian refugees, but pakis certinly are not
stfu paki literally saw a group of you yesterday standing at a metro exit standing there and harassing an old chink man.
>stfu paki literally saw a group of you yesterday standing at a metro exit standing there and harassing an old chink man.
Little twink bottom was built for the BBC XD
I found this but it's not clear how legit the whole story is https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/health-bureau-denies-std-allegations-amid-debates-on-northern-university-191896
is exarcheia still such a junkie hotspot?
it was beautiful before the riots because that hippie boy was shot back in 2009
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this happened
3-4 months ago and you´re making a thread about it now


what does picrel say btw?
Allahs punishment for a decade of BBC spam on 4chan
>legal brothels
behold, the power of kemalism
i never knew australia was the land of the whores
which metro bra?
i will come and visit)
>Allahs punishment for a decade of BBC spam on 4chan
Allah's blessing X)
>they are so ugly. I guess 24/7 media barrages work
Ugly has little to do with it.
To put yourself in women's shoes (figuratively; don't troon out), you need to imagine having your libido diminished to a tenth of its current level or even lower.
Sex will still feel good, and beauty will still be appreciated; but now you're much more focused on the wealth and temperament of your potential partners. You can even, with this dampened sexuality, ignore sexual appealing at all to satisfy your curiosity or "to have fun." Like for example making out with another member of your sex, for the laugh of it. You won't be able to stomach that as a man (with a full libido), but straight women do it all the time.
reddit karma's a bitch
>making out with another member of your sex, for the laugh of it.
>What are the political consequences of Turks getting replaced?
Lol, couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people.
t. Armenians
It's got nothing to do with "beauty". Women like untamed men, and niggers are the closest race to animals. Also women are extremely sensitive to social trends, so the anti-White and pro-brown brainwash everywhere in pop culture and in commercials is having an effect on them
Turkey is so weird. Certain of their women are indistinguishable from Europeans, while others almost look Indian.
Everything on the internet is real.
>German women don't actually interact or fuck with niggers.
Oh no, definitely not. Lol.
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>like all European women she wants a black dick in he
>no European woman will say no to a black guy
>polish women are doing the same thing
>greek women adore indian men
>a certain nigger that infected dozens of polish women with HIV?
>indian men are adored the same they are in Greece
>Whats the matter greek anon cant accept the indian bvll entering in your women?

Guess this faggot's real ethnicity!
Africans aren’t as tall as Northern Europeans. They have low body fat in Africa because they are built like sticks, in the west blacks are the fattest group to ever live, and what is supposed to be masculine about them? When they beg us for food and money still, is that masculine?
Any explanation? Islamist Turks hate white people and the global cabal identifies Amalek with white people so propping up Erdogan's Islamist Turkey would be instrumental to white genocide for the cabal. Yet I have been seeing Turkey getting massive waves of the worst immigrants possible exactly like European countries. There are even entire African towns in Turkey now and Turkish men are getting the cuck psyop treatment on cabal controlled social media. Has the global cabal lost control of the shit people wave and are just now doubling down for complete distruction?
Can they replace the gagauzians here too
The vast majority of white women find niggers repulsive.
The idea that thousands of women in a world of 8.3 billion is statistically significant is nonsense.
It’s just purposeful demoralization.
>Ask the Armenniggers
This is payback for the Armenians, roach.
Shut the fuck up you zany neurotic twink XD

Sit back and puff on some BBC it will calm your mind UwU
It took me like 2 months of training to get there. Within about 9 months I was noticeably buff to where I got comments on it everywhere I went. I had a super bloated face though and no abs and felt gross so I switched to doing kickboxing and maybe lifting twice a week just to keep a small amount of mass to go along with my abs.
>Africans aren’t as tall as Northern Europeans
Yet 90% of american basketball is dominated by blacks.

>and what is supposed to be masculine about them?
Appearance and body, obviously. They are also highly disagreeable, which is also a very masculine trait.
roaches and nogs
how ugly will the outcome get
you're welcome to try faggot,
it was the one next to the Antwerp Central station. It's a reasonably nice city but don't try to steal any wallets while you're here Bogdan, there are more than enough of those types of people here already.
You can achieve more than what he has lifting for 45 minutes 3 times a week which isn't shit considering how much we use our phones.
And there's more benefits to working out than just looking good..
For example, most white men are stronger than him just at baseline. Blacks just have more fast twitch fibers which have more mass.
Also it raises test levels, motivates you to eat healthy which has other benefits, and it raises your happy chemicals and confidence that you've accomplished something and keeps you to a routine that makes you less likely to get in trouble or spend unnecessarily so you end up making money.
Kek imagine if Turkey joined BRICS because of this and the seething it would cause
प्रूदीप, क्या यह रात्रिभोज का समय नहीं है? आपको थोड़ी देर के लिए टेलीफोन स्क्रीन से हट जाना चाहिए।
>brown monkey noises
go back
>प्रूदीप, क्या यह रात्रिभोज का समय नहीं है? आपको थोड़ी देर के लिए टेलीफोन स्क्रीन से हट जाना चाहिए।
Put that BBC down twink you lost your damn mind XD XD XD
>Yet 90% of american basketball is dominated by blacks.
Best international basketball players are a German and a Chinese.
>which is also a very masculine trait
lol you are a literal cuckold
just go back to turkey if you want to see your women get fucked by niggers so badly
The only reason these cuck threads get so many replies is because the board is 2/3 brownoids at this point.
pol is super mindbroken at bbc posting and this thread shows
a scandal like this in turkey is a normal day in the netherlands :)
is this some kind of poo monkey discord raid ? yes or obviously ?
ah my conjunctivitis... I thought you are romanian. then I would come and beat up those pakis.
Muslima's still slut it up here in the West while they risk to get all ties removed with the family or even get killed, yet still do it. The muh muslims are trad is a larp, they're the most degenerate people on the planet it's just that they try to keep up appearances or are too poor to partake in degenerate behaviour.
good. niggers need to learn the hard way.
>poo monkey
I'm not brazilian
Why do you think Turks are brown in the first place?
>All women are race traitors
Stop the press....
Turkish girl would eat pork for some European dick
This, the true blackpill is the women of every race and nationality possess 0 loyalty to there group and will always actively work against it, why? I have no fucking clue but that's just how they all are down to the core
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t.pic related
yeeee, German VPN on porn sites tells me otherwise
>>poo monkey
>I'm not brazilian

Tht's not a brazilian. Tht's a mudslime with 4chan pass pretending to be one. He's been doing this for a while now.
Even the word "deep state" that has become so popular in American politics originated in Turkey, like Gladio originated in Italy. People in and around the Mediterranean are more aware of what politics really is as well as being more family-oriented cultures than Northern Europeans. That makes us hard targets. I don't believe for a moment that any remotely patriotic politician could become an elected leader before mysteriously dying. They've got us all by the balls. That's why I'm saying forget nationalism, that idea is as good as dead because most people of any nation are basically monkeys. Focus on building clans, parallel societies.
Lie down with a dog and you're going to get up with fleas.
That's african revenge on Turks for castrating them and making them eunuchs back in Ottoman times.

Greek bros, we definitely getting Constantinople back.
Vote for ZP
All women are subhuman shit. They all fuck monkeys for dick size.
The dick size that pol incessantly tells us is a myth.
What is she referring to as “difficult” then? It’s obvious.

You can’t allow animals into your nation, because this happens inevitably.

It’s time for violence.
Birthrates go down as women get "educated" and work and as a result of sexual liberation.

It should be our foreign policy to increase the degree to which these things are spread and implement outside of Europe. Indian is already below replacement. It alone holds half the none White population. The goal then should be replicate this success.

At home the issue is that none Whites especially blacks and middle Easterners don't work. Our goal here should be much the same. Welfare should be decreased to force them to work. I've noticed that after 10 hours at the office and 2 hours commuting I don't feel like having a wank let alone sex. Also office girls are such sluts. And the social nights they are usually very up for it.
WHY are you WRITING this post like a CLICKBAITING YouTuber, NIGGER?
Wasn't Erdogan supposed to defend Turkey against globohomos?
cities are always run by nature then religion. black studs>turkcels.
*Well you know our value more* Pouty child.
Niggers are all faggots though.
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whose brapper is that
Am Turk and all my sisters fuck with roadman niggas. Can't wait to be uncle to my little afriturk nieces and nephews.
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>office girls are such sluts.

That's right abdul... now can you ask your paki family to stop raping little white girls?
Look at this nigger lol
Beautiful couple. I hope they enjoy raising their family in Germany.
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turkroaches are the progenitors of khazars (jewtrannyans)
and khazars (jewtrannyans) are the progenitors of the jews
and jews love black cock
which makes turkroaches the origin of evil, fwiw
nothing much surprising at all, then
All turks have AIDS the EU has known about this for generations.
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Sorry the BBC myth is dying. Fact is black men are the least desirable of every single group. Cope until you die.
why are whites so ignorant on this? I work retail and upwards of 70-80% of the white women I see are racemixed with some variety of shitskin.
Keep spamming KARA BOGA and this is what you get
we know you're a faggot troon
Indian or kike. I can smell his post, actually smell it. So Indian.

You know, even after we kill every Indian in the world, india will need centuries to heal before it's inhabitable again.
This. They WILL flee Islam and cut ties to their family for the right infidel cock. Once they realize just how shit Islam is, a lot of the women want to jump ship.
Based sneaker fucker niggers exterminating roaches.
so you're telling me the only logical path to take from this would be the total repeal of womens "rights"
If turks are roaches the greeks are lice
Most of them are all 50-60 kg and around 160-170 cm so not hard to beat their asses even when they are in groups, they just carry knives and pull them out at the slightest inconvenience so might not be worth it if it's not for a good reason.
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>THOUSANDS of Turkish female students have contracted AIDS after sexual intercourse with AFRICAN students
Doubt, unless they’re all huge freak nastys who like anal ip the ass.
Exactly how many, would you say, have gotten AIDS? I need wank material.
Thank you.
International students... The university gets the revenue by milling a paid "diploma" for an illiterate nigger, while the society suffers all the costs.

this is all true

you didn't mention though that girls WANT to have the children of those stranger alpha males though. and they often do. it's more than just sex; they want the genetics even if it is subconscious

i have turned down more girls wet for me than most men on the planet have even socialized with. men with options can and do turn down girls all the time; it's just that men without options - ergo the vast majority of all men - cannot imagine doing this
>i have turned down more girls wet for me than most men on the planet have even socialized with. men with dick options can and do turn down girls all the time. Then we go get fucked by Chaddy Daddies and BBCs.
White men live in lalaland where their moral oral honortard outlook of existence is not a delusion.
>men with options can and do turn down girls all the time; it's just that men without options - ergo the vast majority of all men - cannot imagine doing this

That's true, lol. Now imagine being able to get any woman and getting their attention everywhere, and you're not interested in the slightest. That's always been me. 99% of women are disgusting pigs not worth investing in, but if the average man had
the attention of even one of the women I've turned down, they'd be their provider today. Come to think of it, wouldn't nonChads be 'normies'?
In other words, to me with options who CAN pick and chose, 99% of women are disgusting - and it isn't worth the risk findingbout if yours is the 1%. That's why 'chads' who fuck women all the time are just normies with a slight edge.
Women are the biggest believers in natural selection, they don't want stability they want chaos so that the most suitable mate will sperm her.

you are not wrong in that some of the girls i have turned down, have then gone and gotten fucked by black guys


this. it's all about options and abundance mentality. when you have it, girls are a dime a dozen to you. when you don't have options - like most men - they simp and bow down and provide for just a crumb of pussy

those simps are the same guys that talk about how girls have "lower sex drives" than men...i keep trying to tell them that girls don't have "lower sex" drives, they just don't have a sex drive for you...they don't get it. and that girls are nuns for most men, but the horniest of whores for alpha male chads. they don't get it

that vast majority of men need to be dominated just like females do. they are not meant to be leaders but lead for their own good and the good of any society or tribe. otherwise their simping is just as bad for society as female whoring

this. their sexual instincts are stuck in 10,000 BCE. and will stay that way


indeed. it is vile and disgusting to be fucking random girls for "sport". the men i respect though are the men with dozens of children with as man different girls. especially if they don't raise any of them. what, you might ask? i respect deadbeats like that? well, yeah i do because as far as nature is concern, they are WINNING. and, more often than not the male children of that man grow up to become good dads beacuse they "don't want to be like their deadbeat father" and then have kids of their own and raise said deadbeat dads grandchildren for him. all without a dime of money or any more time than it took the "deadbeat" to fuck those girls into birthing his children

those "bad guys", those "deadbeats" win life. instead of society calling them "deadbeats", maybe society should ask itself WHY so many girls are choosing to get fucked and impregnated by men like that. Of course the reason being said men have something going for them - usually taller, more masculine and dominant men with gifted genetics. which, who would have though, girls CRAVE that and WANT to birth his children
Bbc is more powerful than islam
>and niggers are the closest race to animals
Pretty much this. I see this as bestiality and so did early Americans who enacted death penalty laws for sleeping with Negros.

i've realized that the vast majority of men are molded by society to be cucks and to raise the children of more genetically dominant men.
fucks a man. claims to be straight.
why are turks massive closet faggots?
The higher percentage of “white” genetics the greater their pull towards black men.
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Literally Mexicans
Hahahahah roachsluts being sluts as always.
Not much to add really, you're right. It's frustrating being surrounded by men who cannot elevate themselves beyond sexual thoughts/primitive biological impulses.

Those guys are the biggest losers and are basically normies mentally with a chad body/money. Single mothers are civilization's bane. These assholes are the worst and are destructive, especially to female offspring. Most racemixing white women and women in oporn are fatherless, likely because they had no father to disappoint or look up to.
what an interesting demoralization thread, a bit unorthodox
>Genetically dominant
Doesn't really make sense and is counter civilization, which is the nature of superior races.
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>Turkish women are posting tiktoks bragging about GANGBANGS with AFRICANS.
8 posts

This Dane flag has been posting such divisive threads for a while now!
Those assholes are the most sexually successful in whatever society you put them in. A 'civilized' garden is like a fox in a hen pen. You can cope all you want but the people who will end up 'rebuilding' civilization after its collapse will be his children.
This is why I no longer care for White women. If a lowly, good for nothing nigger is good enough for them to take them home, undress for them and take their dicks, their attention is meaningless and being with one would be insulting to a White man.

White women only ever had sex to offer White men, now that isn't remotely interesting but rather quite disgusting considering what they'll have sex with.

>Sexually successful

No, they're not. Having children with multiple women is a failure, and why many societies have inbreeding problems. Whites didn't have they as they were mostly monogamous save for elites which didn't effect the gene pool much.

And being fatherless brats, they won't be able to rebuild civilization. They're the antifa faggots, gang members, egotists, sluts, and so on. Bastard offspring isn't capable of greatness, but lacks the essentials to function normally. It's why society has sucked for millennials and zoomers, especially those with both parents. Everyone around you is a fatherless nigger level idiot, and to the other poster, NO the fuck they don't go on to become good dads but are rather likely to be deadbeats and absent like their own father.
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robowaifus will be successful as well in Turkey, seems so
I'm so Mehmet, but have a bit of patience
But seriously why women are fucking niggers, having sex with a dog is much safer unironically

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