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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Aryan Art is heavily suppressed by ZOG due to its motivational and inspirational impact on Aryan peoples. Much of the art of the Third Reich which wasn't destroyed outright is now hidden away in ZOG military bases, proving that Aryan Art is a political weapon.


In this thread we discuss why the enemy fears our art, why our art is so threatening to the occupation regime, why Aryan Art is so effective in grounding Aryan peoples in their history, and we share Aryan artworks which have a particular political, ideological, social or cultural effect in awakening our people to their slavery under the vile Semitic occupation regime.
Good afternoon.
Hola amigo
A fresh restoration
Add the year in the filename, 1942.
Whats up frens!
The only decent scan I could find was very busted, but somehow I was able to shift away most of the red discoloration
Missed that, thanks
Good work.
Just purchased this piece at auction. I will get it fixed up if needed and get /pol/ a hi res photo.
Hi there, I was going through the same auction pages lol. If you click on the bild link under the image they actually give you a slightly bigger scan
Cool, I didn't know you liked old Dutch golden age stuff as well
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Eimear McGeown (County Armagh, Northern Ireland, U.K. 1983-)
The Mushroom Tree
There is some nice Dutch pieces (that I like), but I don't buy them. I don't know enough about the topic and don't have the bandwidth to learn. But, there are some nice Dutch pieces I have come across.
Do you mostly buy stuff for its investment potential?
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I suppose it would not be a bad idea in these threads to offer the newfags some background on the subject to help them get up to speed. One rabbit hole to go down is the CIA role in modern/abstract art post WWII.
Russian anon seems to be out, this is going to be a rough thread
Then post the good stuff
Yes, in theory it is a nice place to store money/wealth. Better to enjoy your wealth on a wall as you walk past it then in some number on a bank screen. But I can't imagine ever selling anything- more likely to give a piece away to someone that fell in love with it.
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Just me and the boys sorting thru items to post on Sunday art thread.
I chuckled.
Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky (Karevo, Pskov Governorate, Russian Empire 1839-1881 Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire)
Une Larme (A Tear) - 1880
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One of my latest pieces- I believe this is the original piece that appeared at the Great Berlin Exhibit in 1942. Is about 2M high on its pedestal.
A plaster version appeared in Munich in 1940.
Shortly after 1942, bronze was not allowed to be used for art as it was needed for the war effort. Many pieces were melted down.
This is a nice piece....where did you find it?
>Shortly after 1942, bronze was not allowed to be used for art as it was needed for the war effort. Many pieces were melted down.
It happened to a lot of statues in Paris too.
I took the photo in a museum. This is what you see behind: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/471317690/#471321189
Indeed. I am working on a project at the moment regarding pieces that were melted down in Paris. Hopefully I can report back in the next few months. If it makes you feel any better a lot of the pieces were trash or copies.
If you are interested:
From a travel in Barcelona.
Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (Venice, Republic of Venice 1678-1741 Vienna, Archduchy of Austria, Habsburg Monarchy, Holy Roman Empire)
Concerto for Cello and Strings in D Minor, RV 405, 1st Movement (Allegro)
Concerto for Cello and Strings in D Minor, RV 405, 2nd Movement (Adagio)
Concerto for Cello and Strings in D Minor, RV 405, 3rd Movement (Allegro)
>Franciso Jose De Goya
Do you even know what "aryan" means?
Why don't you tell us?
Sergei Eduardovich Bortkiewicz (Kharkov, Kharkov Governorate, Russian Empire 1877-1952 Vienna, Republic of Austria)
Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-Flat Major, Op. 16 - 1913, 1st Movement (Lento - Allegro deciso)
Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-Flat Major, Op. 16 - 1913, 2nd Movement (Andante sostenuto)
Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-Flat Major, Op. 16 - 1913, 3rd Movement (Molto vivace e con brio)
That's all for today. I hope anoness is well. See you next week.
Take care brother
Looks like I'm on my own today. If there are any lurkers still left in here, an occasional bump would be appreciated.
Thank you anon for maintaining this tradition.
>Looks like I'm on my own today.
Pretty sure there are many lurkers enjoying the thread who don't have the expertise to contribute.
Glad you like them friend
Hard to tell, sometimes it feels like we're posting into a void. It's still a satisfying regardless hobby regardless.
I think "21" is written behind the name, so 1921.
Thanks brother, but don't stay up too late bumping lol, if we don't get interest then it's better for the thread to die
GR8 Thread!
Always enjoy these.
Thanks anons!
Thanks for the bump friend
Ludwig van Beethoven (Bonn, Electorate of Cologne, Holy Roman Empire 1770-1827 Vienna, Austrian Empire)
Piano Trio No. 3 in C minor, Op. 1, No. 3 - 1795, 1st Movement (Allegro con brio)
Piano Trio No. 3 in C minor, Op. 1, No. 3 - 1795, 2nd Movement (Andante cantablie con variazioni)
Piano Trio No. 3 in C minor, Op. 1, No. 3 - 1795, 3rd Movement (Menuetto - Quasi allegro)
Piano Trio No. 3 in C minor, Op. 1, No. 3 - 1795, 4th Movement (Finale - Prestissimo)
Дoбpый вeчep, гocпoдa
Finally got home)(
Дoбpый вeчep yвaжaeмaя гocпoжa, кaк дeлa? We were starting to sweat out here without you lol
Was quite busy this week, lots of stuff to do(
Also, I'm now starting to give teenagers T-V dissonance. It's never been so over.
>T-V dissonance.
What's on the minds of teenagers over there these days?
tik tok and svo memes
How were you giving them dissonance? The tiktok culture here is faggot cancer, is China sending Russian teens based patriotic militarist stuff?
>How were you giving them dissonance?
I'm getting old, they get confused on how to adress me
>is China sending Russian teens based patriotic militarist stuff?
yes, russian zoomers are based and retarded
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Lol, first I'm hearing about this, I never spoke Russian with anyone outside of my age cohort
>yes, russian zoomers are based and retarded
You live in a magical world, zoomers here are trannies and retarded. The magic of mass media. Eventually humans will have to evolve some sort of psychological defense against parroting everything they see on a glowing screen.
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>first I'm hearing about this
so you just address strangers by ты? gotta be an american thing
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I am white and I made this picture with AI of a man with a drippy cheese head.
So this counts.
Aryan art is a hobby for a bunch of outcasts. Most people think it's shit.
Basically, on the rare occasions when I actually spoke Russian. I started speaking English almost exclusively within a year of coming there, though my parents kept speaking Russian to me.
Neural networks were invented by a jew so not really.
>Implying there is some kind of society to be cast out of
We are trying to keep the continuity of Western Civilization from fading into oblivion, it is you who has been cast out of our thing
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I've been listening to the audiobook of "In His Own Words", a collection of Hitler's speeches. The whole thing is required listening for any person seriously interested in history and political thought.


The 25 Point program of the NSDAP, February 24th, 1920:

An early speech full of fascinating insights on work, usury and capital.
Chapter 1: "Why are we antisemites?", delivered at the Hofbrauhaus festsaal, Munich, August 13th, 1920
Background: https://files.catbox.moe/uq2dwm.mp3
Speech: https://files.catbox.moe/qcvlz4.mp3

An amazingly insightful speech outlining how Jews manufacture false political dichotomies and create artificial fractures within our racial community so that we remain divided and subjugated.
Chapter 2: "Freedom or slavery", delivered at the Bürgerbräukeller, Munich, July 28th, 1922
Background: https://files.catbox.moe/nyv5vz.mp3
Speech: https://files.catbox.moe/948r9c.mp3

A lot of historical deep details about the Beer Hall Putsch and the various figures involved. I know a fair amount about the Putsch but a lot of the details and context went over even my head.
Chapter 3a: "The Trial Speeches: Hitler's Defense", Munich People's Court, February 26th, 1924

A much more general political speech, an indictment of the Weimar Republic and a re-iteration of National Socialist ideology.
Chapter 3b: "The Trial Speeches: Hitler's Closing Arguments", Munich People's Court, March 27th, 1924
One of the remarkable takeaways from this history is just how much the rise of the NSDAP was contingent on the fact that kikes had lost total control of Bavaria, Hitler was sentenced to 5 years for treason but released after only 1 year. In this moving speech Hitler singlehandely reassembles the fragments of the NSDAP following all of the division and in-fighting which consumed the movement after his imprisonment.
Chapter 4: "The Refounding of the Movement", Meeting of Party Members, Munich, February 27th, 1925

Hitler was banned from public speaking in Bavaria and across much of Germany in March of 1925, during this period some elements of the northern NSDAP branches began to foment class division, in this speech Hitler makes the powerful case for class unity.
Chapter 5: "Workers of the Hand and Workers of the Mind", Schleiz, Thuringia, Janurary 18th, 1927

By this point the NSDAP was making electoral progress, in this speech Hitler makes his case in somewhat simplified terms to a bunch of clueless conservative industrialists, hoping to defuse tensions and garner their support against the communists.
Chapter 6: "The Industry Club speech", Düsseldorf, Janurary 26th, 1932

A short speech, it is basically just Hitler calling for unity and asking Germans to give him the chance to deliver on his economic promises.
Chapter 7: "Adolf Hitler's First Radio Broadcast as Chancellor", February 1st, 1933
A grim speech explaining how some of the revolutionary class which rose with the movement were unsuited to contributing to a newly established stable order, it gave me flashbacks to the collapse of the NJP, the NSDAP suffered from many of the same problems as modern nationalist organizations.
Chapter 8: "Address to the Reichstag regarding the purges of the Night of the Long Knives", July 13th, 1934

An outline of the economic, cultural and social achievements of National Socialism.
Chapter 9: "Reichstag Speech, 4 years of National Socialism", Janurary 30th, 1937

This speech is mostly about women's issues and has some philosophical musings about relationships and the ties between the family and the nation.
Chapter 10: "Address to the National Socialist Women's League", Reich Party Congress Rally of Labor, Nürnberg, September 10th, 1937

Hitler responds to accusations from the capitalist plutocracies that National Socialism is anti-Christian.
Chapter 11: "On Church and State", Berlin Reichstag, Janurary 30th, 1939
America had already been at war with Germany in all but name, providing massive military and economic support to Britain, including escorting British convoys and attacking German submarines in the Atlantic. Hitler makes clear that Germany has no competing national interests with America and no grievance with the American people; in many ways this sounds like a political campaign speech against Roosevelt and his circle of Jews and criminal plutocrats.
Chapter 12: "Declaration of War on the United States of America", Berlin Reichstag, December 11th, 1941

Hitler asks the German people to do their duty and resist to the end. In many ways, it is in these last few months that the legend of National Socialism was born, by not surrendering and making the final stand of Western Civilization the German people ascended into legend and planted the seeds of our civilizational rebirth. A notable point was Hitler's overestimation of the future potential of the Soviet Union, which was in fact already a spent force with no capacity for global conquest, this too was a German achievement, forcing the kikes to abandon communism and take the slower route of global conquest through finance, information-manipulation and racial degeneration. At the very least, Germany gave us enough time to develop the technology to distribute information beyond the control of Jews, allowing us to see a true picture of history and our place within it.
Chapter 13: "The Fuhrer's Final Radio Broadcast to the German People", January 30th, 1945
In nazi podcast news, on Tuesday Striker and Warren invited the notable anti-Zionist commentator Syrian Girl to discuss the strategic situation in Lebanon and Syria.

On Thursday's Warstrike they discussed Stiker's new article on the ongoing criminal nigger rampages emanating from U.S. military bases in Germany and Japan.
Thanks for the thread
Until next time, пpoщaйтe пoкa
Image limit reached. Great work everyone, hope to see you all at the same time next week.
Cпoкoйнoй нoчи, thanks for dropping in so late, you really pulled this thread out of the fire

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