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Previous: >>472661396
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total -https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment -https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers -https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam -https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures -https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation -https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! -https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed -https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times -https://archive.today/zWUbr
>Putin: 'Russia has the right to supply weapons to foreign countries & strike western targets with them' -https://archive.today/Thb5A


▶/chug/ MEGA

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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>ODAB-1500 strike
>Mad Max: SMO Road
>Munitions warehouse in Odessa burns
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P1
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P2
>Houthis released a new TKD anthem
>Another FAB-3000
>Second usage of FAB-3000 UMPK, massive wings clearly visible
>FAB-500 shockwaves in high humidity
>First usage of FAB-3000 w/ UMPK, Kharkov direction
>AFU soldier tries to surrender to Russian drone, is killed by AFU drone
>Lukashenko wondering why most of the corrupt officials are jews
>"They killed Kenny!"
>Romanians shouting 'Putin' during Romania - Ukraine match
>Showcase of an attack-transport UAV “Perun”
>AFU surrender to fpv drone in the field
>T-90 gets hit by javelin but survives
>Disembarking AFU getting fpv struck
>Ukrainian Su-25 being hit by a Lancet
>Burning MTLB gets to safety, driver nominated for award
>Sudoplatov takes out an Abrams tank

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Thanks for the bread.
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Z talmud denounced Z
Z r/uhg tranny colony denounced Z
Thanks for the bread!
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thanks for bread
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It does not have to be porn
Because everyone was talking about it last thread
its 18 degrees celcius where i live
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Total Pig Death
EveningZ Nazunafren!!!!
Hohols reported explosions in Kiev region a few minutes ago
Also Nova Pochta postal service was kalibrated today
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Man your country is dry as fuck
I know that's a given because of the area but still.
Feels like my lips and eyeballs drying just from thinking about it
Also nice digits
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Thanks for the potato bread
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Orbán is starting some kind of right wing alliance with the Czech and Austrian opposition.
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Good evening, Katyushafren!
>Hohols reported explosions in Kiev region a few minutes ago
I'm sure it were just some ACs that exploded because they were overheated.
>Also Nova Pochta postal service was kalibrated today
How rude. How are the 3D printed drone parts getting to the meatsacks on the front now?
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Agent Z has points to spare chug what doctrine is he picking
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>You're a sandnigger so 41C is your norm.
Sand nigger or not it's still too hot it's exhausting just sitting outside in the shade, I also got a sun burnt this summer when just walking 5 minutes to and back from the store during noon time.
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FAB-500 hits innocent civillian ammo storage, Seversk.
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lmao even
Hasítani fog, a zsidók számára.
Have you considered moving underground?
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>burning flying russian z-bot eaten by the flies
>especial military operation
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No doubt, but that's always been the case.
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That's how jews came into being
things are starting to move in Russia they are pretty bad right now but will get worse
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wow I had no idea.
Ukraine won the retro modding war.
You play as Zelensky in this.
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That's why having AC is a godsend. Some extra fans help out as well. No ones outside unless they have to go somewhere. Most construction work during the summers here happens when the sun is down
is it humid?
sunburn isn't because of thwe tempratture. the elites are killing the ozone to dab on the eurofaggots
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thoughts on the latest EU kikery? Also does anyone talking about you guys leaving nato, what do you even get out of it, normalfags cant use muh gibs and other EUcope for it?
Yeah there's a riot on-gowing.
>russians are getting sweaty

I'm talking about Bastirkin's speach
It's literally a soft power attempt for now
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Right now it's pretty dry so it's actually more bearable compared to last month where it was over 50% humidity for weeks
>Also does anyone talking about you guys leaving nato
No, that was a separate agreement. No more blocking any unanimous votes and Hungary will never take part in any kind of ukrainian mission, ever.
why does russia hate the second amendment and freedom?
wut yew meaning? don’t be so vague
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Eat ze bugs
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why does team discord troon think that anyone gives a shit about what they had for dinner or if the AC works?
so organic.
Z, to the last hyhyl
russia every 20 years be like
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Orbán will never leave the EU on his own, since that would mean he cannot steal money anymore effectively.

In a time when Putin says muslim immigrants are our friends and we need more of them, the head of Investigative Committee drops a bomb that there's a 40% increase in crimes of immigrants
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>President Volodymyr Elenskyiyiyiyiyi believes that the ratio of irreversible losses among the Ukrainians and Russians on the battlefield is now 1 to 6.
>Quote: "Indeed, they have a much larger population, and we take care about our soldiers more [than they do]. Indeed, we will not have a larger population than Russia. However, for every six Russians, one the Ukrainian dies today [on the battlefield].

>[Previously] we had figures approximately four times, and now on the Kharkov and Pokrovsk fronts, the numbers are 1 to 6.
>No, I am not implying that we must fight till the end and that we have enough people. I just wanted to let you know that all these discussions about a vast number of people, millions of Russians... Yes, they are correct, but the war is technological, and whoever owns more technologies will prevail."

>Details: In response to the topic of how Ukraine might overcome Russia's superiority in terms of population and weaponry, Elenskyiyiyiyiyi suggested that the West obstruct the opportunity for Russians to evade sanctions in the production of drones and missiles. At the same time, the Ukraine must finance its own drone and missile manufacture.
>He also stated that Russia earns the most from selling oil and gas, and that "truly professional people agree that starting in 2025, Russia will fall economically."

>Elenskyiyiyiyiyi emphasised that Russian President Vladimir Putin is terrified of an angry Russian society.
>"Dissatisfied Russian society is a 'nuclear weapon' against Vladimir Putin. This is the most crucial message, and it should be emphasised: do not allow sanctions to be circumvented, technologically support the Ukraine, and do not be afraid of what will happen to Russia after Putin. As soon as the West stops worrying about what would happen to Russia without Putin, Russia without Putin will happen sooner," the president said.

I see he raided the coke stash again.
(Total Zhyd Death)
Terror > All
Scorched if you wanna troll with Hummels
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why does china being #1 so much make the shills seethe so much?
>>President Volodymyr Elenskyiyiyiyiyi believes that the ratio of irreversible losses among the Ukrainians and Russians on the battlefield is now 1 to 6.
this is true because most of the ukraine's are russians

thankfully I'm not russian, but I like blond russian girls and think there should be more of them
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>that was a separate agreement
I meant more in general, not relating to this latest jewing. Do you patrol your own air space, what do you need nato anyway, who is going to attack you? As long as the EU exists, it has a defensive clause that makes nato redundant.
I know, I asked about nato. The EU gives too much to the normalfags for them to support leaving it at this time, but what do they get out of nato.
>do not be afraid of what will happen to Russia after Putin
True, they should be more worried what will happen to them after Putin, since anybody who replaces him will be much more hardline
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I prefer picrel
>Most construction work during the summers here happens when the sun is down
as a construction worker, that sucks because fucked up sleep schedule but still it's the obvious correct choice
working in the summer sun is awful even here
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nice bluff
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If you go to any pirate games site and you see a game made by russia being uploaded and the site has comments you will 100% see at least 4 nafo troons seething about said game.
The very same troons will go all slava cuckraine whenever a shitty cash grab hohol game is uploaded.
They even raid fucking pirate games site and they always make said posts a few minutes after said games were uploaded and added to the site.
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>team discord troon are pro-russian!
>so organic
The projection from these faggots nowadays
>I meant more in general, not relating to this latest jewing.
No, nothing aside from that. There haven't been any talks about leaving either the EU or the NATO.
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mein sandnigger
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after that much blow and other pharmaceuticals you'll believe in that too

the moment Putin dies they'll put all the blame on him and make peace with hohols on their terms
they are just waiting for that scape goat to kick the bucket
Fucked up sleep schedule and higher risk due to low visibility durin the night. And no, those floodlights are not a good alternative because you can have several blinding spots. Still, the temps during the day make this worth it and prob less risky
t. safety guy
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>I asked about nato
My bad. Pretty much nothing, we need to spend money just to reach NATO's expectations. And what do we get in exchange? Pretty much nothing. I doubt current NATO would trigger Article 5 at all. NATO is just sucking money out from it's own "allies".
Their equipment all looks so fun and wholesome!
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poor zelenskyi is so delusional
post the full video, or fake
Where's the nose?
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Your mother and I got "sweaty" last night
/chug/ is still dying.
Figure out the rest.
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doomchads won in the end
they always do
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Everything comes to an end after all.
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Okay and checked.
No riddles
Because their status, wealth and self esteem depends on US being the #1.
Absolute double degeneracy.
Because we live in the darkest timeline of all the possible ones. Akin to quantum immortality we all poses the quantum doom.
Please proceed to kill yourself. Thank you.
I‘m sure the russian puppet LePen will lose today, the turnout today is huge while many ignored europe elections
France won‘t fall to ziggers
Many celebrities loved by the youth like mbappe also spoke out against her
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Nothing ever happens
6 gorillion to 1... How can Zelensky be so strong...
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why, you wanted to have more fun
To the trash you go.
you're a fag
I love this gif

Putins come and go, Russia shrinks and grows. All we needed was some peacefull years to let the population grow
alas this land is an experimentation field
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When the SMO ends, the /chug/ threads should be succeeded by another general - Comfy happening in Eastern Europe or something, with the based anons continuing being based and comfy.
Its pretty obvious she would do a meloni 2.0. There is no political solution.
It's the wu cuck, an Albanian
Trash, if you like this for real. you arent a real Russian. Get a manual labour job and raise your test. levels
I refuse to believe it's an albanian. Where did he get the money to buy a PC and set up a proxy?
Bros I'm not a flat earther but how does the equator spin faster than the speed of sound?
when chug ends we shoould start a rape generral and we discuss rape tactics as we prepare for society's collap[se
Why is everyone in the thread acting like Moscow just got nuked or something
Not a proxy, he's an immigrant who's scared of AfD deporting him.
this jew-nosed nigger needs to go back to africa and climb a tree or something and calm down
I think he only counts dead jews on hohols' side
Meloni is way better than LePen she a straight up sell out to putin
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it's /putinposting/ hour now
If he can choose between both PE and Wehrmacht doctrines he already won
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I know where those Icons for those vehicles are from. That game looks pretty good waiting for it's release date. Also heard it's by Russian devs so nafo troons were seething about how buying it funds the killing of hohols so definitely will be buying it
no clue i just checked in desu
Let it die you fucking necrophiles.
They why hasn't anyone reported hi, yet? I gather the sterbenfastener is still posting. Why doesn't he make himself useful?
Yeah, based meloni saving niggers and upholding the EU. Real nationalist hero.
didn't know about it, maybe i'll buy it too, thank you kuwaitanon
it is not abnormal for spec ops to be training cartel groups as a there has been a general problem with former spec ops servicemen working with or joining cartel groups with a number of former and current spec ops having joined or worked with cartels due to the high pay rates and spec ops members current and former have been continously found to be involved with the cartels

a good example is the sinaloa cartal originally founded by mexican law enforcement and servicement in hopes of taking over the criminal underworld gone rogue which has in the past received delta force training in cooperation with the U S government and continues to receive delta force training from former members that have joined them and in some cases currently serving members are found to be involved with them with a number of currently ongoing cases and scandals and investigations which also included connections to the ATF the CIA and people in the FBI amongst other federal organizations
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>pyccia will say its fake
My brother in Christ you are responding to a shill
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As long as the jews are in control, Europe is doomed!
Why do even check back after months?
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Knowing that all Ukrainian propaganda is "no, u" , this is the best proof we have that Russia's kd ratio is 6:1.
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>They why hasn't anyone reported hi, yet?
He's a legal immigrant, though
The most successful football player and your future children will wear a jersey with his name
A very beloved personality in france and he said he will even stop playing for france if lepen wins
He‘s their most important player with Kante
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and do what? do you realise how much of a blessing it is, when anons with knowledge and basedness gather together in a thread?
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Xi nearly has the happy negro facial expression kek
I eagerly await the capture of New York.
Anyone have the side by side image of the youtube videos where the first one is about how Russia is collapsing and the other is a few months later stating how Russia is not collapsing?
>he will even stop playing for france if lepen wins
God i want LePenn to win so much, so this nigger can go suck an african tribeman's dick.
No, it's legit. Ukraine won, let's pack up and go home.
Putin is engaged in illegal necromancy
Hohols get in car and burned lololol))

Don't threaten him with a good time.
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No but have this
They can dig out entire seas and you want to complain about them being both the SS and Wehrmacht at the same time are you mad
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I see.
Still, glad you are still kicking.
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that roast got a bit charred
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Compilation of hohols getting killed))))




They also dug up the moon
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I wish Putler would wear more traditional dictator style outfits.
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too bad they don't care now that the overton window is expanded towards attacks on russia being normalised
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I know it but can't find it right now. so i made a different one already kek
Wish for a decent president for the first time in years, muttoid retard.
i'd bet my house if i could prove how much dick he's sucked in order to become what he became.
>Move on with your life
no, chug helps me relieve my daily stress.
Hohol ammo depot go boom)))))




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>still mad that this absolute Chad never got mass produced
>bastrykin speech
>hezbollah/israel war getting closer
>iran rushing arms to hezbollah under Israel fire
>iran is now operating new centrifuges to allow them to enrich weapons grade uranium
>US bases in Europe on highest level of alert for terror in a long time
>/chug/ acting like it’s over
>psychosphere going crazy
>but the dot is green
Wtf is happening, stop being so secretive
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If you are into the wargame like rts games then you'd probably like it. Saw some videos of the beta being played and it looks pretty good so far especially compared to the others like it currently out or coming out.
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digits blessed you it's all that matters
Thanks, my niggers. Cheers and Z
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UAF looking raggedy, irregular and unprofessional in these clips. Zelensky's Hobo style is spreading amongst the ranks.
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>helps me relieve my daily stress
>/chug/ acting like it’s over
We've been doing it since thread 2.
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My kinsmen successfully robbed 20 millions in cash from banks in broad daylight without casualties or wounded, I am so proud you wouldn't believe.
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waow i didn't know peter zeihan posted in chug wao waow china is doomed tomorrow waow. fucking peter zeihan lmao
>Russia launched a massive and complex disinformation campaign to install far right candidates in today's French elections.

>Swedish public media @svtnyheter confirms that the #Kremlin is conducting an informational #interference campaign in France with the aim of influencing the #legislative vote in favor of the National Rally

Russia's illegal campaign interference
new copium about T80s arrived.
>t-they will be depleted in mid 2026
so what did SVT confirm exactly, what are the proofs
have we got any info regarding the iran-russia deal that's coming soon?
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not this shit again
" everyone that has a different opinion than mine has been influenced"
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anyone wanna hear some spergery about peter zeihan?
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>so what did SVT confirm exactly
Ryssen tar Gotland om två veckor
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>far-right party
>is actually moderate liberal
Many such cases!
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Original posts are in French. Machine translation:

>The Swedish public media @svtnyheter confirms that the #Kremlin is leading an informational #ingérence campaign in France with the aim of influencing the vote in #législatives in favor of the National Rally - Thread

>Using data provided by @antibot4navalny, @svtnyheter was able to determine that 108 articles were distributed by over a thousand pro-Russian bots over a two-week period after the dissolution 2/6

>In these 108 articles, Emmanuel Macron is mentioned 63 times, including 59 in a negative context, and Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella are mentioned 62 times, never in a negative context 3/6

>One of these articles cited by @svtnyheter contains an interview with the French actor François #Cluzet whose voice dubbed in English gives him remarks that he did not make in an attempt to make people believe that he criticizes Emmanuel Macron's support for Ukraine 4/6

>“The analysis,” writes @svtnyheter, “shows that the main objective of the current disinformation campaign is to demonize French President Macron and, at the same time, to promote the right-wing nationalist party National Rally” 5/6

Last post links to an article and says "thread end".
Hello, Scarafren. How are things?
seems you haven't got the memo, everyone right from socialists is a "far right pray"
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>Anti-Russian propaganda
>Russia does good thing for the people of France
The more you people talk, the more adamantly I support Russia.
first frog results in 20 minutes.
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Post some old stuff
well, just look at what Putin did to Biden during the debate
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some boomer-tier memes on facebook probably
fy fan... stackars får och centerpartister...
Take his drugs away?
Does anyone have the meme of Zeihan being portrayed as a merchant in a thumbnail and the title of the video being "Is peepee the new poopoo?" and the channel name changed to "Subverting the Goyim"?
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Decades of being exposed to anti-Russian propaganda seen every where didn't make me hate Russia but actually like it more
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Macron to get his mandate of heaven from the people and can start the glorious holy war against ruzzians ruzzism.
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the left is far left
the right is far right
only the center can be trusted to start a war with Russia
Doesn't seem so bad when you put it like this
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Same. It's weird how that works, huh?
Most bugs taste like fucking cardboard. Don't fall for the meme.
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>Post some old stuff
hohol rape
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>I also got a sun burnt this summer when just walking 5 minutes to and back from the store during noon time.
Holy shit!
How hot is it there?
heat causes sunburn
That is genuinely nauseating, and I barely ever feel that way about anything. God I fucking hate 3DPD f*mgroids.
sweden might be the most russophobic country in the world and despite that i became a russophile, russia is endlessly fascinating
>sweden might be the most russophobic country in the world
Having the same colours as Ukraine in your flag doesn't mean you're the most russophobic.
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>Today in Kharkov, another Russian precision-guided aerial bomb struck a civilian postal terminal. Currently, we know of ten injured. Sadly, one person was killed.

>Such Russian bombs remain Putin’s key capability to wage war. The sooner the world helps us neutralize Russia’s combat aviation launching these bombs and the sooner we can strike back with justified strikes against Russian military infrastructure and airfields, the closer piss will be.

>The world possesses enough strength to force Russia to make peace. While defending the Kharkov region from Russian advances, we have shown that the resolve of partners truly makes a difference. Strikes on Russian border areas have helped our efforts to save lives. Similarly, further bold decisions will help, the ones that are necessary and the ones we are discussing with partners. We will continue this communication in the coming weeks in order to secure necessary decisions.

>Equally crucial, in the weeks following the Piss Summit, we have maintained constant dialogue with partners to support the summit’s communiqué. Already, we have secured ten more signatures from various participants across the world. The world must be represented as broadly as possible in piss efforts. And I thank our team for their active work.

>We now have more details on progress within working groups on specific security issues within the Piss Formula. There is no alternative to piss, and despite Russia’s efforts to expand the war, we will make every effort to restore piss to the Ukraine. A just piss.
>implying the Ukraine is a country
All the failed empires blame Russia.
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stonetosky is lurking
>sweden might be the most russophobic country in the world
nah, that's a boomeroid thing. Most younger generations don't give a shit in my experience, me included.
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El gato
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>jewlensky thinks he can purchase free vet out of the gates for his volksturm troops
suddenly it all makes sense
we need to bomb more targets in Russia
Russia is expanding the conflict
Good day Pumpernickel.

Add Zelensky with an axe and Putin with a hammer and it will be the perfect representation of reality
the king of accidentally making hilarious comics
got a pic of your mom
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oldest ukraine-related video on this puter....
atleast the younger generation has had interactions with russians through cs:go lol, the boomers know literally nothing about russia or russians except that they are le evil dictatoroid gay haters
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Probably should stop trying to ship armor via registered post.
>from 1:5 in recent putin speech to 1:6
how large real number is? I bet its 1:8 at least. In russian favour ofc cos kike is projecting. but when he does it he uses real estimates in his head which allow to know how badly shit goes for him
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what is he saying
Comfy Auto-Animal Control

smo wsio rawno, kek
RIP Givi!
He forces Hohols to eat their own patches in heaven
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how do you know how bugs and cardboard taste like?!

Hohols terrorising simple russians while russians do the same instead of taking out Zelensky and co is all you need to know about that conflict

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Because I'm ex-Victor Charlie.
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and this is the second oldest...
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on point representation of milei
but what is strikingly missing

If heaven exists poor Givi is becoming the next Samael looking at this shit as we speak
i like that ill see what i can find to work with
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1st estimate from French election
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thoughts about smo's troops morale?
>far right alliance
does that include reconquête?
this. Many zoomer Swedes actually go and study Russian because of either games or because they find the language interesting. Every time my group of friends accidentally stumble upon some Russians at a party or whatever they become the centre of attention.

the massacre will continue despite my feelings
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but in the meantime
Well, Russia was originally established by Varangians; I suppose there must be some underlying kinship.

Interestingly, the word for Sweden in Finnish and Est*nian sounds rather like "Russia," and has the same etymology; they call Russia something like "Venemaa," which means the "land of the Wends."
Are french Italian air defense SAMP/T in the ukraine doing anything?
Told ya
Any frenchman with pride has to vote against becoming a russian puppet today
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What even are Kamenskiy’s politics man? He just seems to complain about everything on this earth

if he ever was to worst korea he'd do the same
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ye i remember some people in my old class taught themselves cyrillic. i myself became a russophile mostly through being a history buff and getting interested in the soviet union & russian empire
Germans are as schizo when it comes to politics and ideology as Russians are kek
Heres translation to human language
>Jews launch a massive and complex disinformation campaign to install globohomo puppet in today's French elections.
>Jewish global media @svtnyheter confirms that the #Jews are conducting an informational #interference campaign in France with the aim of influencing the #legislative vote in favor of the ZOG
>French far right set for majority in parliament after 2nd round: projections
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calls snap elections
loses 80% of the country
i am unable to appreciate the genius of this strategy
did a drone fly by and sprinkle them with gasoline or what
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kek... I also found this gem
kek, for me it was my old rhetorics teacher in high school who was like 120 years old and still was teaching. Anyway, dude was the biggest Russiaboo in existence, brought up Russian poets and composers every damn chance he got kek. He was interestingly enough a Freemason too.
putin the ukrainian flag where it belongs
It's called "The PISS and Tears" for a reason
macron is a little babby, he had a tantrum when everyone told him to shut the fuck up with his napoleon larp, now hes getting removed because hes fucking retarded. You shouldnt attribute any virtues to blatant stupidity and incompetence, I think there was a Napoleons quote about never overestimating ones enemies because he knew how retarded everyone around and against him was. Same thing is even more relevant today.
New Popular Front are commies, right? So is this showing that 1930s political polarization is back on the menu?
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>pramanon gets back for the first time since, like, march
>is instajannied right away
Kek I pray that at least one of them is British
By the same logic polish one is blood and sweat.
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(((far))) (((right))) is also commies, why are you falling for the jewish nuspeak. jews are playing both sides against eachother.
UN flag should start his shift next thread

I wonder what would have happened to Russia if we became catholic
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Post your ideas, /chug/!
1. Launch operation to destroy enemy land-to-sea capability.
2. Expand the buffer zone along the border to nearby rivers and fortify them to prevent enemy advance.
3. Import foreign prisoners to serve indefinitely in penal divisions. Conscript all liberals, illegals, criminals, PoWs, and suspected traitors into Storm-V. Focus on increasing the deployment of non-Russians to the frontline. Use summary execution and other methods to ensure military discipline.
4. Conscript unemployed, able-bodied males below 40.
5. Support rebellion in the West, and spread propaganda causing religious tensions between the Catholic Church and OCU. Advance ecumenical efforts with Latins.
6. Greatly expand Federation drone enterprises, and invest in extensive drone research to add to drone possibilities.
7. Ensure firearm education for boys in grade 4. Establish All-Russian Patriotic Firesports Union on the basis of the Shooting Union of Russia, creating new sports for recreational WWII tank use etc.
8. Pursue "offense in depth" strategy; do not allow the hohols to relocate forces along the frontline, and maintain the privilege of such ability at all times.
9. Raise at least one division from each republic with a population exceeding 500K, and one extra division for each 20K unemployed men in each republic.
Two years and no bets from shills yet!
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Fucking normies are making my French websites lagging

How are you doing chuggers
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One of the first SPARTA battalion edits.
Sound: https://files.catbox.moe/l7q5ir.webm
We study Russian history because there will be no Russian future
Semen and blood.
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we’ll see. He might swap to another memeflag due to this post

If Russia survived 1917 it will survive Putin and SMO
It's surprisingly difficult to find which parties are in these alliances. Everyone just writes about Le Pen and the National Rally
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NEVER FORGET what your future is gonna be like.
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Stop deleting proper posts and go clean the catalogue of porn, you dildo sucking butthurt faggot
so you are that demoralized about america due to your projection? grim but expected. you had your place under the sun, shouldnt have acted like an absolute nigger and might have kept it for a while longer isntead of speedrunning collapse of an empire with nigger troon degeneracy.

Did we ever get that Mariupol kino or is he still milking followers for money
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Good night, mein negroes. Let the hope die last.
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>watching a Squad toruney with a ukranian team
>players are disconnecting from power outages mid-game
Troon joon uppity from not getting (you)s.

hope never dies mein negar
Perhaps. I studied Mexican history because pretty soon all of America is going to be Greater Mexico.
>poor zelenskyi is so delusional
He's not delusional, he simply lies.
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only trailer still exists....
>ukrainians having tourney
just swat them to conscription teams
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>404! not found!
It's over
If God exists, why did he create hohols and kikes?
This. So much this. Thank you SAAAR
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hope is a mistake

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amongst older generations it's like this
>finnish winter war, soviets evil
>takeover of the baltics, soviets evil
>finnish refugees & immigrants arrive in sweden through the 40s-70s and tell tales of cutting ivan's throat with a knife
>hyper militarization of the country during the cold war aimed at deterring against the soviets, all men served in the military, everyone was fearful of soviet invasion
>soviet submarine gets washed up on the shore of sweden causing a diplomatic crisis
and then there's the collapse of the USSR and things turn cool, until putin is on his 3rd term and the annexation of crimea and the boomers (and all the politicians) got whipped into an anti-russia frenzy again
there's also the longer history between russia and sweden, fought countless wars and stole finland from us, etc. but no one really cares about that nowadays. interestingly, durring the russian empire there was a small swedish minority in st petersburg, (and not all from finland), who had moved there in search for opportunity. the most important such family was nobel of course, who manufactured naval mines for the empire. almost all the swedes left after the october revolution
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I hope the other team was Russian

what are you afraid of
kikes created (((god))) to ruin roman empire, its a sham
not really no. the communists are a pretty small part of it.
nothing, thats why I dont need cope
Gang rape?

szcz plus semi random accents, a form of torture basically

your blood is your only God
It was funny
(((They))) don't want you to know that their god is Bacchus
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>Competitive Squad
Blood libel mostly.

But denying hope is accepting defeat in the fear of losing
God created them as pure, normal humans. The devil corrupted them and made them what they are today
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it's an american team playing PLA lol
Seeing all the things he don't like, I'd say it's globohomo neo liberalism
we live in a society also

When you lose fear of losing you wont need cope. I got everything to win.
He will show all 4 parts on closed elite movie shows (he shown 2 so it will take 2 more years) and then release if ivi and kinoposk allowed his shit on their platforms (will never happen) so we will never see Mariupol documentary
Off the leash shitlib zog worshiper
Does anyone know if Ukrainian anon is still around or did he get press ganged ? I hope not
Which one? Goose anon? He's still around, don't know if he's been here today but I've seen him yesterday
He posted some threads back
Thanks. Haven't been here for awhile all I know is he was a cool anon posting from Kyiv
The objective was to divide and shatter every political party which he did rather well. These last weeks news were flood with every type of alliances and betrayal from all sides. He did so well that even his own party got affected by the shock and told him to play low-profile to make more than 10%. He doesn't care about France, he is just a groomed egocentric faggot who wish to go out with a boom rather than leaving like a noname like his predecessor Hollande. I hope the people won't fall for that old jewish trick, his only chance to hold power now would be to block every laws voted by the Assembly or do a Zelensky in a civil war context.
Nope, they are mostly composed of the cucked left that has ruled this country for decades. They are not as crazy as the democrats in US but they are own their kind of retarded and are pro-mass immigration
because you didn't want to buy a Saiga-12, you fucking bitch
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can anyone post that image of putin saying he's a lak, tatar, chechen, jew, etc?
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Jej, that's actually pretty good.

Hmm, well the biggest chances for this to happen were when the schism ended that one time (and the tsar refused to accept it for some reason) and the Dimitriads. Best-case scenario would probably just be Russia voluntarily becoming Christian, barring a pie-in-the-sky concept that could've happened in 1610. I doubt that Communism would ever happen, and the conquest of Siberia would undoubtedly be justified as a holy war to spread Catholicism etc. I would easily imagine Russia forcibly converting the Caucasians and the Central Asians to Catholicism etc. and things would go pretty splendidly here. But in regards to the 20th century, things would change. The Catholic Church would go underground almost immediately, perhaps even before the 20s, and an intense religious campaign would continue even under Gorbachev. As a result, we might see either a Chinese-style situation where a government-controlled Catholic Church is established or we might see the government church resort to Constantinople as a source of legitimacy for its organization and promote it instead. Today's Russia would be deeply divided as a result between the Rome-aligned Russian Catholic Church and the Communist above-ground church of the Soviet era. Also, due to Catholicism's much stronger emphasis on attending Mass regularly as a work of salvation, the faith would not fare so well in the Soviet era as the Catacomb Church would have a very hard time with people not knowing where the latest secret location would be located. We could see a serious loss of faith, leading to much of the same degeneracy we see in the West today, as a result.

First, it depends on the stage of the Dimitriads. The First and Second would be fairly close to above, not sure really. The third would result in a Russian-dominated union with Poland.

Oof, like period sex? Kinda nasty

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