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Previous >>472653174

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Al-Qassam Brigades target a Zionist troop carrier with an “Al-Yassin 105” shell in the Al-Shuja’iya neighborhood, east of #Gaza City.
>Al-Quds Brigades: We detonated a ground IED on a Zionist military vehicle during its incursion east of Shujaiya neighborhood in Gaza City.
>Al-Aqsa Brigades: We shelled the Zionist forces stationed west of Rafah with rockets and heavy mortar shells.
>#Urgent Al-Quds Brigades - #Jenin Battalion: We declare our full responsibility for the pre-prepared ambush operation of high-explosive (conspiracy) devices in the forces’ supply line and near the point of operations of the occupation soldiers, within the framework of the Battle of Bas #Jenin 2.








>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
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>NEW AnsarAllah KINO

#YEMEN - Tufan 1 gunboat - specifications and scenes showing for the first time the Tufan 1 test on a naval target
New 6/21/24


Al-Aqsa Brigades:

We shelled the Zionist forces stationed west of Rafah with rockets and heavy mortar shells.
New 6/27/24

Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

We continue to bombard the Zionist enemy forces stationed in the so-called “Netzarim corridor” with rockets..
New 6/27/24


This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting "Israeli" army surveillance equipment at Birket Risha site at the southern Lebanese border.
New 6/25/24


Al-Quds Brigades:

Detonating “Zilzal” ground IED on a Zionist military vehicle on Baghdad Street in Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City.
New 6/27/24

>New Islamic Resistance Iraq

Islamic Resistance in Iraq:

Footage of the joint operation launched by the Yemeni armed forces and the Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeted a vital site in our occupied city of Ashdod, and an important site in our occupied city of Haifa.
New 6/12/24

>New Al-Sharqiya Battalion
A group calling itself "Soldiers of God - Al-Sharqiya Battalion" publishes scenes of the detonation of an explosive device in an occupation army vehicle in #Jenin
New 2/21/24

▶Daily After Action Reports
https://pastebin.com/JgPHrU0g 6/26/24
https://pastebin.com/LZPHbLrV 6/23/24

▶Hamas Memorandum:
"This is our Narrative.. why the Al-Aqsa Flood."
https://files.catbox.moe/zlt9ld.pdf New 1/21/24

>War Crimes Of IDF Updated
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>News / Clips

Settlers forcefully occupied and stole a house belonging to the Palestinian Al-Khalidi family with Israeli army protection in the Old City of Jerusalem. While the family still inside !!
New 6/27/24

Yemeni Armed Forces:

“We reveal the hypersonic ballistic missile (Hatim 2) for the first time, along with footage of its launch targeting the Israeli ship (MSC SARAH V) in the Arabian Sea.”
New 6/26/24
A massive fire has broken out in Al-Issawiya, east of #AlQuds.

The fire spread near an occupation army camp and area surrounding the Hebrew University in east occupied #AlQuds, according to local sources.
New 6/25/24

A large fire has broken out near an Israeli army camp east of occupied Al-Quds (Jerusalem).
New 6/25/24

Yemenis are something else man

They celebrated Eid Ghadir on the israeli “Galaxy Leader” ship.
New 6/24/24

A video from a humble tunnel on 22-06-2024

(Al-Mujahideen brigades)
New 6/24/24

From Gaza for you
New 6/23/24

>REMINDER: NATO, America, and Ukraine pledged their support to Israel within 12 hours of the war
>REMINDER: Russia, China, Afghanistan, Serbia, Iran and Syria all hate Israel
>REMINDER: Israel stole the Golan Heights from Assad
>REMINDER: Zelenskyy likened Ukraine to a "Greater Israel"
>REMINDER: Israel starts wars that displace Arabs, then helps them and Africans immigrate into Europe
>REMINDER: Israel has admitted to possessing nuclear weapons, thereby renouncing its policy of "strategic ambiguity"
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▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips


>>>/wsg/5536018 (Dead)


Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?

Twitter link

Foreign soldiers attempting to murder US citizens on US soil
Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24
Honest question how did America fall so hard and give Syria-Palestina near complete 100% power and control over our moneyprinter, central bank, all corporations, all layers of federal, state and local government, all universities, all media, and all aspects of the civilization?

The founding fathers were extremely clear not to give the Godpower over to these coin clipping Paper-hanging Sodomite Brother-murdering desendants of Cain. Yet you gave them 100.0% of the USA's government.

Explain yourselves.
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Hitler's speech about Palestinian independence

>Do NOT engage with people posting inflammatory remarks about religion, in this case, Islam.
In the most typical hebrew fashion they will try endlessly to deceive you into replying in anger.
>This thread welcomes Christians and Muslims and any faith because it's not a thread about faith.
Nobody in this thread is interested in arguing about your religion.
>This is a thread dedicated to tracking the real time updates of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the total destruction of the illegitimate welfare state known as Israel.
Civil discussion is one thing but shills will NEVER engage in that, only PILPUL, D&C sowing and ragebaiting.
what are you talking about annon
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Patriotic post-Oct 7 music
Am yisrael chai #1 song in Israel in Oct
Harbudarbu #1 song in Israel in Nov and Dec
Subliminal and the Shadow, lots of kino in the vid
Superheros, a song about how based Israelis are
Corruption. These people who signed it away were more interested in having a seat at a table that wasn't supposed to exist, than they were with their country and the well being if their people. Power tends to attract evil people. They were wealthy but they weren't fuck you eternally wealthy and a seat at that table was their reward for selling out.
reopen Auschwitz
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Hamas are almost done. Seems like Hezbollah will do a remake of Auschwitz. Now in 4K ULTRA HD
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Some covers of am yisrael chai
Israel sings
Australian Jewish community
Thousands of New Yorker Jews
tkd fellow snownigger
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OMG this kike music is sooo groovy. Hey, cool! Some parachute ravers just showed up! That's totally hella bitchin'!
How does it feel to know that Palestinian culture literally doesn't exist?
>How does it feel to know that Palestinian culture literally doesn't exist?

Israeli culture centers around SSRIs, pain killers, and changing adult diapers for your loved ones..
>jew talking about culture
Now this is rich.
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Semitic languages sound terrible
The lingua franca of the Levant should be Greek
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Instead of coping about it prove me wrong.
>The Challenge: Find patriotic Palestinian music written after Oct 7
>Post it here
holy shit it shouldn't be so hard
Jewish culture is BBC porn, be bisexual and lie
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Balestine culture centers around getting throttled by Jews

I hope you have a solar panel kike bro. Electricity is going to shut off and stay off until Israel is Palestine again.

You should probably try to make a little sail boat too.
Actually I should get one
If hizb blows the electric grid 48 Arabs are also fucked

Get on it bro. I got a shitty little one but never used it yet. You can also get a Pocket sized battery charger that has a little solar panel built in. Not bad. Like 12 bucks too
Bros is there a chip discord?
If so can I get an invite?
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Also bestiality, and pedophilia and many more...
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Total Muslim Death
>I translated Al Jazeera’s exclusive report on footage showing Palestinians being used as human shields
>The footage reveals instances such as forcing men to search for explosives, tying them with ropes & throwing them into tunnels, and using injured to search for fighters
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New kino:
>HezboAllah publishes footage of them striking a Merkava tank and a Namira vehicle, inside the Ruwaisat al-Alam site of the Israeli enemy army in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills.
>the jews will never abandon us
>they abandon them
>Laughs in ssnp
Palestine is rightful Albanian clay.

The Albanian ruler of Egypt Muhammad Ali rightfully conquered Palestine from the Turks.
It was only with the perfidious intervention of the British was Palestine restored to the Turks, but which weakened the Turkish empire, so much so that Egypt was effectively wrenched from its control by the British as a result.

Only an Albanian can restore Palestine to its proper glory.
Kikes larping that they haven't stolen everything from Palestinians, land, food culture. Slavs larping as middle easterns
Meh, it's another one of their crying songs. I want some aggressive shit.
If you want something peaceful and nice, here is a Palestinian Arab and Israeli Jew singing a duet in both Hebrew and Arabic. The girl is a Jew and the boy is an Arab
>Your leaders put jews first!!!
>Did you know any jew who wants to perform Aliyah (migration to israel) from anywhere in the world, it’s paid for by our US taxes?
>Don’t forget, Israelis also get priority organ transplant IN THE U.S. before Americans!
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Why would you ever trust a jew or a muslim lmao
the funny thing is the ssnp leaders that whacked your chrtijew loving friends were themselves Christian XD
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Of course, how else are they supposed to figth.

Like I have said they are wimpy creatures.
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Thank you for this delicious bread, tunisianon baker fren
800 year old Yemenite Jewish song sung by a Morrocean Jewess https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNZr2GYW0dg
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Smashing chickens to trick God isn't culture you kike
yo what the actual fuck is wrong with the IDF?
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>Don’t forget, Israelis also get priority organ transplant IN THE U.S. before Americans!

Vidrel of normies finding this out
Normies discover and comment on the absurdity of the ethno-supremacism of evil Israeli Jews when it comes to organ transplants, harvested from Goyim cattle (audio) (4MB).webm (3.63 MB, 720x576)
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Many such cases
He's mocking the Alex Jones types that call the ADL "SUPER NAZIS" and say that Arabs own Hollywood.
Every accusation is a confession, I still remember how they flooded with memes of Palestinians using children as human shields, but it was all projection.
I really don't understand how these kinds of laws are passed. This is proof that you can't have Jews in government positions in non-Jewish nations. They pass laws to privilege Israeli Jews on the organ transplant list.
were they scared the boy would be hit by their thrown rocks?
when's the warrant dropping boys?
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Yet, Hamas still kills the kike and not the Palastinians.

>IOF best army in the world.
Whoa holy shit that's based I never knew I can get free healthcare in the USA too. Israel does have good healthcare fr though, #3 most efficient healthcare system and #8 longest lifespan
>Exclusive to i24NEWS: What the military censorship has allowed to be published is that the Houthis have begun to expand their influence in the North African region with the aim of targeting #Israel. There have recently been indications that the Houthis, who operate from #Yemen, have begun to expand their influence to North Africa - Sudan, #Egypt and Morocco - and their intention, according to various indications, is to operate from these regions against #Israel, as fighters are expected to move to these countries from #Yemen, in addition to cooperating with armed groups loyal to #Iran in Iraq.
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Being Jewish is literally the best thing ever. In fact the big difference between the rats being bombed and maimed in Gaza and people like me, is they aren't Jewish
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"By way of deception, thou shalt fuck little boys."
Of course, Palestinian identity is built on the ideals of land and soil.
Judaism is an evolutionary strategy to overtake others by immoral means.
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Hello, he could have a Yasin 105 in his pocket. IOF gotta make sure

>Being Jewish is literally the best thing ever.

You mean being Jewish and not being mobilized to the front lines, fat defective fuck.
This is true
Can't complain about the health care here.

I mean, I can complain about Harel because j worked there and they always tried to fuck their customers but coalition is good desu.

This is now /mu/ thread btw

>Being Jewish is literally the best thing ever.
If being Jewish is so good I would like to find a story of Jewish greatness, all I see all the time is people pretending to be victims.
>In fact the big difference between the rats being bombed and maimed in Gaza and people like me
Nope, the big difference is that one side is fighting for blood and soil, and the other side is fighting to keep a safe heaven for pedophiles.
If you are Palestinian, and you die in Gaza, which is super common, you are gore on the side of the road being picked at by dogs. Nobody even knows your name or cares, not even in this thread.
If you are Jewish and die in Gaza, everyone knows your name. Jews around the world celebrate you, even this thread posts the pictures and names. Jews matter. Jews have value. Palestinians do not, even to their supporters.
So it is much better to be Jewish.
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you haven't answered my question
That's not true
You only know about a fifth of the niggas that died from here
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lmao this retard doesn't even know what he's posting
anyone who follows bachir gemayel catches a bullet

When a Jew dies, the whole world celebrates, retard.
>You only know about a fifth of the niggas that died from here
And those who are know are cursed daily, and remembered as genocidal collaborators.
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It's always so weird to see IDF with all their limbs these days. When in reality, much of them have nowbeen converted into ducks or nuggets, as if amputating their 5th limb to become a troon wasn't bad enough
This post shows how Jewish thought is dominated by retarded legalistic pseudo-logoc
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Every Jew that dies in Gaza is plastered over all Israeli and Jewish media and celebrated. Every single one "may his memory be a blessing" and BD"E.
Their name and stories are also posted here. In Jewish spirituality and philosophy, naming someone is respecting them to begin with.
The Palestinians are nameless. The are nameless on /chip/ even. Palestinians are a horde with no identity, no personality, just dying like NPCs with no story.
here you go
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habib shartouni is a national hero.
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You jews are irredeemable genocidal parasites. You are a cancer on this world. Every single one of you must be destroyed

I hope Hamas and Hezbollah kills your family and relatives, jew
To be a Jew is to be a main character
To be a Muslim is to be an NPC and not even a miniboss
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Death to the jewish race
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And you'll make a million movies about October 7th.
Maybe one in black and white but Shania Luke is wearing a red dress
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He looks so queer I'd love to put him in a bathtub and direct the water stream onto his face to see him wiggle pathetically, trying and failing to escape from drowning slowly. Fuck that guy.
we live by the holy book
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Exactly. We will be seen as a heroic and holy people by history, and you people of course will be the villains, just like the Nazis before you
Miss me with that plastic toy gun. A kalash ought to have WOODEN grips
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Nobody cares memeflag
if it shoots if it kills and thats good enough
who tf converted the puerto rican into islam?
You'll be seen as the little jewboys you are.
It's never changed, and will always be this way.
Because its your nature.
Even in your fantasy books god had to save you.

I guess today the Anglos and Amerimutts are your god

Chicken Nugget Syndrome is spreading faster than West Nile Fever in Israel...
Puerto Rico is a memeflag
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ultracope. the whole world knows hind. nobody is bothered about people called iron shit
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>Puerto Rico is a memefl-AAAAAACK!
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what's better fate, brain damage or turning into a nugget?
By your logic go grab a bow and arrow, it's good enough. Fuck your beard, sand nigger. Don't you have goats to impregnate
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>Fuck your beard
too jealous of my testasterone?
Literally one out of 38,000. Every single solider is posted here. Every single Jewish martyr's face is posted in this very thread. Multiple times even! Hundreds of Palirats die each day and receive not one mention in this thread. This thread hates Jews, it doesn't love Palestinians. It's a hate thread. You people are villains, and are seen that way by anyone normal.
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>Jewish martyr's
no fucking way
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oh hai. hows the healthcare going to work in the crippling economy? no pun intended.
>#Yemen : These aren't jokes. The million-man marches that are happening every week are followed by mobilization and military drills, with hundreds of thousands enrolled.
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>Chicken Nugget Syndrome is spreading faster than West Nile Fever in Israel...

I kek'd at the CNS diagnosis (Chicken Nugget Syndrome). I vote this as the official term
the kamikaze sea drone or whatever its supposed to be called works like fucking wonders especially since its so new it has no anti
Jews are holy people, and Judaism is the only true religion, the ancient way. Your religion Islam is a cheap imitation invented by a Bedouin warlord. It's trivial to convert to, easy like a cheap wine or a McDonalds hamburger. You are one of billions of people, a sea of NPCs and third worlders that nobody cares about. As a Jew I am unique and special and simply better. So sorry.
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Guess who's raping animals in June 2024
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Just ignore then lad.

We thank then for the bumping and move on. Engage only with fellow frens
God bless Palestine
God bless the Resistance
May God curse the hypocrites as He cursed Job until the second coming
Still can't get over the fact the entirety of ZOG failed in their major navy operation to a foe with no ships.
>Jews are holy people
50% of Jews in Israel are secular (atheist/agnostic)

>As a Jew I am unique and special and simply better
You should be in a tunnel in Gaza right now, lil bro
i wonder why there isnt any more IDF ground combat footage its all airstrikes from south lebanon now
Your phenotype is worthy of erasure.
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Back to Algeria
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this video is still fucking hilarious.

> "nobody told us jews that war means the enemy gets to have weapons, too! they shoot at us for real--that's antisemitic!"
come on dude they have some fishing ships but probably nothing more LOL
but they do have helis. iran armed the houthis to the brim
Simply beautiful.
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fucking kek
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Yahweh is some pineapple looking dude with a teanny wife
>search query: Lebanon male
Oh, no goats at all...
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>"but general i cant go in there the khamas kid will throw a rock please no"
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What the fuck is wrong with these disgusting Jewish creature?
remember that one israeli who said that hamas had child special forces lmao
kekkk the jew favourite hobby is lying
Your "country" is a meme bro get over it
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>Child special forcses.

It's over for Shalom.
not even the US wants it
puerto rico only use to the US is a military base kek
Print more dollars and send them to Israel?
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God is One, Unique and Indivisible
It actually is.
You're not a real country.
You are also a nigger mix half breed of some sorts that is probably the result of a dominican fucking a haitian.
I bet you look like this.
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Well it's not a country, It's a US territory
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That's a Jew top ke

>searches for Gay men in Lebanon, the guys name is Shalom Gay Shalom.
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kaboom kike
>minor damage
there was ANOTHER drone strike that got 15-18 jewlets?
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Im more brown than Luis Guzman actually Paco
just another traumatic head injury
you got a one with sound?
>Jews are holy people, and Judaism is the only true religion

have the jews been flying over lebanon?
yeah apparently they were doing mock raids in beirut
>Today, Israeli occupation forces used guided missiles equipped with 'Made in Germany' transmitter systems to target a residential building in Tulkarm city, underscoring Germany's complicity with Israel in the genocide of Palestinians everywhere.
do you have nigger hair?
not in Beirut, only in South Lebanon
nvm got it
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>remember that one israeli who said that hamas had child special forces lmao

You laugh. You seriously mock and laugh about this. Do you not understand the undue suffering caused to these jews, on the receiving end of these khamas toddler kike slayers?! You laugh now, but you wouldn't be laughing if you saw the horrors which this jewess in vidrel has seen....
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Sorry I don't lad.
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Nope. It's actually silky. People say I look like a taino. They used to call me Agueybana in high school
>Jews get German help committing genocide
I guess all is forgiven then
yeah dw abt it i got it https://t.me/shababktaeb/176 its here its good kino
Lebanon is so dangerous and difficult goy
haven't you heard? that country is a superpower, literally annudah Russia.
so you better send 6 gorillion dollars, 6 zillion pounds of bombs, and 6 million men on the ground immediately (also two aircraft carriers)
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and we'll win anyways
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To all kikes and kike lovers

Fuck ur opinion

Death to isreal

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>yahoo: goyim are not to be trusted

28:30 this lebanese journalist says there's some unofficial numbers that claim that almost 2 million Jews have left Israel.

This is the guy who noted that 64,000 Jews or something left Ben Gurion airport on one day the day after the Hezbollah surveillance drone video over Haifa was released.
I don't believe that number, I wish that was true tho

your loss. kikes don't even announce when they leave isreal, and nobody reports it. it's all hush hush conspiracy.
In the army, in recent months, they began to recognize a crisis among the command ranks and a trend of leaving. This is about the layer of officers in the ranks of captain and major who have been leaving since the beginning of the war, due to feelings of lack of reward and lack of appreciation in the public.

These are people in their late 20s who have to make the decision about staying permanently for the 15 to 20 years and develop a real military career. In an average year, between 100 and 120 officers retire from the IDF in these ranks. Before the data, in the last year since the war began, about 900 officers in these ranks asked to examine the release of a contract. Army officials said that the numbers are probably slightly lower than that, but it is still a jump significantly.
its amazing how little value muslims put on their own lives. their enemies can wade through thousands of their corpses, killing dozens of them daily, and when the non-muslims finally get sick and tired of trudging through piles of gore and tell the world they're a little stressed, the muslims say "HAH! You're defeated! Our ummah will always be victorious!"
Truth is that without any ability to retake the Philadelphi corridor, Hamas is finished.
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Ramón did the nigger you sucked off play with your hair too?
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>wake up
>there is a new batch of dead Hezbollah

Every day at this point bro’s
How come nobody has realized that Hamas has been used to weaken Israel and waste their military resources so Hezbollah can annihilate Jews with a shower of rockets and missiles?
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This is absolutely wrong. Jews need to remain in their ancestral homelands, and protest Hezbollah by remaining in galilee in solidarity with their settler jewish brethren. Bring all 17M global jews into israel alone. No jew should abandon their ancestral homeland, and needs to either fight in IDF or remain in solidarity with their brethren in galilee.
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Get it all out of your system
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>even in Japan
somebody has to stop them, this is ridiculous
>ancestral homelands
Most Jews have European origin, only the mizrahi minority comes from south Palestine. Kill yourself tranny.
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Hezbollah has deterred the Israeli air forc- ACKKKKKK
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There is a growing problem in America, not only the political Judaization, but the Judaization of practice. American Christianity has become a sect of Judaism.
All you have to do is look at the number of flags shilling for israel. First few months it was mostly actual israelie flags, now it's burger and random EU flags. We have like 2 or 3 israelies that still show up here at most.
They're all running away and seething online about how great they are and that they're winning. Exactly like jeets do.
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> Doesn't understand english. Doesn't understand sarcasm. Doesn't understand that the more kikes under each Hezbollah rocket, the more kikes die. The more kikes forced into the IDF, the more die via suicide or from arab resistance fighters

Kill yourself retard shill
Surely that post is facetious in its message
you’re a Muslim Syrian
larping under the Lebanese flag.
you've got a good point, they don't announce most deaths too

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Netanyahu scares the shit out Hezbollah
That dude is the Devil and has killed more Hezbollah members in a short period of time that any other Israeli leader by far

Lebanon is scared shitless and putting on a brave face
There is a crisis in Hezbollah because of their poor performance in this war
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Death to Pissrael!
throw an kettlebell in there and that would be quite the pic
Lebanese are sipping coffee while Shiite Syrians in the south put on a brave face*
he belongs in morocco
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Your bait is bad and you should feel bad
bait used to be good...
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That guy just looks wholesome.

The difference between Pissrael and the resistance is that they are Humans.

IOF are disgusting creatures with no soul, no humanity, no compassion.
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It’s not bait
I have names and faces of dead hezbofaggots that were easily killed by Israel

Want me to provide them?
>da resistance!
just make my doner wrap and resist the hot sauce
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It’s like killing ants with a magnifying glass

Hezbollah air defense my ass
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>IOF best army in the world
look at all these black haired, black eyed Syrian devils *S*
i don't know fren
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Can we get more TKD?
big kino i don't think kikes will dare and park a column of tanks near the border with Lebanon they are easy targets for Hizb chads
how SSNP of you
you are welcome fren
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T to the D to the K
all commies are red to me even the ones who larp as “arab nationalists”
>Arabs own Hollywood.
kek if true why we are always the vilain But that's better than being become the woke character
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what is wrong with socialist economics?
total landlord death.
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Do you condemn Bahamas? Or do you condemn Hamas?
based Leb fren that's the secret power of the resistance
>kek if true why we are always the vilain
not true, sometimes the Russians get their fair share of villaniness too
>Why did Al-Qassam Brigades announce the name of an IOF soldier who was killed by a sniper in Rafah?
>Yesterday, the Al-Qassam Brigades broadcast the sniping of an IOF soldier in Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, and said it was Sergeant Eyal Shines (19 years old), after the occupation army acknowledged his death on Friday morning, indicating that he was from the 931 Battalion in the Nahal Brigade.
>According to military and strategic expert Major General Fayez Al-Duwairi, Al-Qassam's announcement of the name of an IOF soldier and his killing by a sniper carries specific messages.
>Al-Duwairi said that the Palestinian resistance records the names of “israeli” soldiers who committed significant criminal acts in the Gaza Strip through videos published on social media platforms. He pointed out that these "israeli" soldiers committed heightened levels of crimes, such as stealing from Palestinian homes or killing children and women, "so the resistance tracks them as individuals when it has complete information."
>He warned that these people are placed under surveillance and follow-up, “and they are sniped when the opportunity comes for retaliation,” concluding that Al-Qassam Brigades announcing the name of the IOF soldier in the sniping operations indicates the bad criminal record of that dead man.
>For example, in March, Al-Qassam Brigades hunted and killed the IOF officer responsible for the storming of Al-Shifa Hospital in November 2023.
>Sniping operations in general take place after tracking and monitoring, and take hours or days after the resistance sniper chooses a specific place based on IOF movements. Most of the sniper operations of the Palestinian resistance have been successful.
They have receipts.
you’ll enjoy Reel Bad Arabs if you haven’t seen it yet
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Reminder, only reason we have kikes on here and bumping is because whatever you're doing works!

I call upon all frens to keep moving!
>Hamas has released a video of its underground weapons manufacturing facilities.
>In order to refute Israel's statements that Hamas has lost its fighting potential.
democracy and female empowerment inevitably leads to this. that's one of the reason they push for destroying monarchies and dictatorships while turning le heckin democracy and sex equality into a religion. when the uneducated masses choose leaders, they will always choose the best liar who promises them the most short term gain, and jews are master liars since their god, satan, is the father of lies.
>19 year old sergeant
kek they're running out of men
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Our Palastinian brothers and sister are fighting for us. We will do our part over here.
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>Send him to Lebanon
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True. Hence why they are now mobilizing the ULTRA Kikes to figth.

Won't do them any good.

Reminder JIDF have been trying to find ways to distrup the thread.

They are failing. Keep going lads!
>our part is shitting up Europe
doing a lot to help Palestinians
there are very few Palis in Europe
most got sent to south america or other arab nations
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See, it's working. They will say things like

>shitting up Europe

They talk about shit that doesn't matter.

It's working keep going lads!
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Lad, ignore him. Keep posting and ignore kikes.

>Pissrael strongest army in the World
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>if you don’t like mudslimes in Europe…you must be jewish!!!
What the fuck? Kike got boner?
Russian, Chinese and Arabs most of the times are the ruthless vilain who is doing war crimes non stop Until the american hero kill him and save the humanity
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>The video also includes antisemitic accusations that Israel pays $3.5 billion for lobbying activities in the U.S. and Europe to prevent sanctions on Israel. "They control the media with the power of money," claimed the Japanese journalist.
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>kill him

frens what happened to the plan of flooding the tunnels with seawater
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good afternoon frens and did anything happen
man those ATGM attacks are so sexy
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It was 109% successful that's why there are no more tunnels, we're at the end of phase 2 where they have to exorcise the khamas ghosts from Gaza. Only victory awaits now that they're drafting the ultra kikes to swing tactical chickens at the enemy.
yeah they were talking about it like 2 months ago and about how it is a game changer and everything

and nothing ended up happening
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>We were here before you and lived in peace with the Arabs. We did not want a state because its establishment opposes the Jewish religion. You have no right to ask us to carry a burden that we opposed. You wanted, bear that.
Haredi jews switched the sided kek typical jewish behaviour
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thanks for baking baker
>phase 2
I think they announced that they are phase 3 or something like that
they thought Sinwar will drown in the tunnels and Hamas will capitulate But i guess hamas have a sewage system inside the tunnels
You are welcome 53 fren

19 IDF wounded by suicide drones in Golan Heights armored vehicle unit camping site.
Just don't understand why kikes think they can fight Hezbollah at the moment
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thanks fren
good, I'm glad pissrael is getting wrecked by the resistance
>Just don't understand why kikes think they can fight Hezbollah at the moment

They don't. They just know that Israel is dying/collapsing. Israel announced that 15,000 Israelis, mostly soldiers, have been wounded on the Lebanon border since Oct 7.

They lost another 19 kikes to injuries up there today, and that was just one incident. possibly twice that, easily. Israel doesn't have that kind of manpower to spare.

Israel either dies slowly or starts a big war and prays to the American gods.
#Urgent fields:
The Iraqi resistance carries out a bombing on a target in Eilat in the occupied #Palestinian territories..
https://t.me/me_observer_TG/248233 6/30/24

Also more and more talk in israel about how the war is inevitable now. Oh, and 900 high level commissioned officers have retired or requested retirement from IDF. Normally it's only 100 per year.
And these are Lieutenant or higher level officers, mostly in their late 20s or early 30s.
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Henlo Fren.


Kikes are here because whatever you're doing is working!

If it wasn't they wouldn't be here spamming and bumping the thread for us.
It’s saber rattling. they can’t control Gaza, but an all-out attack on the syrians in S Lebanon would be entertaining.
Subtle shape-shifting, right?
Ive noticed time and time again that Axis are proud of their martyrs, and would release announcements quickly.
So there's an accurate representation of casualties.

On the other hand, 9 months into the conflict that the reported IDF numbers only starting to trend upward.
>During November/December they were claiming only 10 casualties.
>muh trophy intercept
>muh minor injuries.
>use of cope cages
Only when irrefutable video proof do they admit it. Even the tanks hits resulted in "minor injuries" until it was shown that 105's indeed penetrate the tanks and cooks its occupants.

The number of IDF casualties are steadily increasing because they're trickling in the numbers from earlier in the conflict. The "seriously injured" would die from their injuries when they were killed months earlier.
Lol, lmao.

> Cut telecoms out of Gaza.
> deliberately target journalists.
>"faceless Palestinians casualties"
The normies know this. The redpilling is irreversible.
Escalation dominance doctrine
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fuck em, I hope those cowardly pissraelis are thrown right back into the meat grinder to get chewed up by the resistance
yep and thanks fren, but it is also all the hard work from frens and bakers here on /chip/ that is making the kikes mad and also hi fren
Not even nukes will bring that back. What we saw in Gaza was the best they have and now everyone knows it.
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Tell me about it!

Of course?!
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It's a lie. The Orthodox Kikes are the main reason why West Bank is the way it is.
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Cope faggot, you are a slav
>The Orthodox Kikes are the main reason why West Bank is the way it is.
The picture is from protest against the new conscription law
those jews are not willing to fight they want others to fight for them
>no aftermath
mudslims are pathetic lmao
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They have a reason to resist.

Pissraelis want the life in this world. When you have people thinking they are God's chosen, yet they don't want to die for the land that was promised to them.

Make it make sense lol
kikes wake up in the morning and kvetch about antisemitism. it's automatic for them. everything in the world is antisemitic. it's a very convenient trick to avoid taking responsibility for your own actions.
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Rafah before and after Those monster jews can't fight with honor
beautiful webm

Israel is amassing all these soldiers like 20 miles from the Lebanon border, but now Hezbollah is nailing those faggots every day.
>Chaos in Tel Aviv at the moment.
>Ultra-Orthodox Jews are now protesting against the Netanyahu regime
there is a tunnel under the ground
so we have to bumb the house that is above the ground

they like maximizing international pressure anyways
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Keep in mind it would make it way worse if Pissrael didn't lie about amount of dead IOF soliders.

Keep in mind that Yahoo is the same as the Zelensky Jew. Zelensky said only 37k ukranins have died since the war started.

Again, if he said the actual numbers it would make sure that the people of Ukrain would overthrow him or whatever.
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I'll download any good highlights.
lmfao that one jew who threw the stick
first time I see them doing some damage
Gaza need years to rebuild fren and that's the sad part The war become more chaotic day by day and the only things kikes are good at is destroying the cities
Just say your kind are faggots and afraid to die
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the resistance needs to put out the kino videos
i wonder where they outsourcing now. It's obvious the poos didn't work out
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>until it was shown that 105's indeed penetrate the tanks and cooks its occupants.
the ultra orthodox have always been against the gov. they actually want to be obliterated, sort of like evangelical christians in america
are you still baking baker?
>no aftermath
feel free to bake fren i am going to sleep
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>just some treads
Next you'll post an ERA panel
>goy, I said no aftermath
Kill all Muslim sand niggers
it will, but luckily there won't be any issue getting the funds for it. ideally Israel should pay the entire bill since they are the ones who caused unnecessary damage but the world will probably pay most of it.

they bombed more residential buildings than the total number of hamas fighters
If Israel gets destroyed, all the kikes are going to go in their rat's nests in Western countries. I wish we could just kill all of them everywhere
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>it's all fake goy
>no aftermath
Holy crap why are sand niggers in this thread?
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Reminder when hamasians tried to say a dead palirat was ackshaully an Israeli? I do. /chip/ probably memoryholed it.
They already travel to subvert said countries. Then travel back. It's up to us to destroy them on arrival.
>pfft, just some treads
>pfft, just some treads and armor
>pfft, just one vehicle

I'm writing the cope for the shills
love how desert russians embrace the cope cage
Is this the namer that got hit early in the invasion? Impressive how there's only one or two of these after 8 months of war. I was told Gaza would destroy IDF.
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thanks fren and baker and thank you for your service
the middle east is fucking hilarious
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>don't you know goy
>our tanks are so advanced
>they are like legos and we take off the parts we don't need
No it's not even a namer nwm
kinda weird that an algerian is hanging out in Gaza
Let's goo!

I call upon all frens of the free world to keep posting and keep moving!

Thabk you bakers! Thank you news poster! And our normie lads!
> Israel should pay the entire bill
Nice joke fren no one will dare to force pissreal to do it Add to that gaza under siege and it will not even allow reconstructions materials to enter gaza to rebuild
>they don't even show the blasts
I guess they do know how impotent their weapons after all if they don't show it for a foreign audience.
they can't accept the fact that vehicles get destroyed in war. like jewish stuff is invincible, never gets destroyed at all.
No problem fren my pleasure to bake /CHIP
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Ignore them. Just talk with fellow ferns.

We only thank Kikes for bumping.
>Reminder when hamasians tried to say a dead palirat was ackshaully an Israeli? I do. /chip/ probably memoryholed it.

Reminder that this fake news is the best news you have to support Israel. Pathetic.
They want to live as the Talmud says the Jews should live, a nation of priests. But as it is obvious, a country is not built or sustained only with priests, this provokes a paradigm, who will be the one who will sacrifice in not fulfilling priestly functions?
The ultra-Orthodox in Israel have already made the decision.
I don't know why, but they all look... famelic?
Generate even more division between them.
>they can't accept the fact that vehicles get destroyed in war.
Nobody disputes this, Israelis are not gods unlike what thirdies seem to think deep down with how they think every minor loss is an epic victory, it's that nobody believes that every single hit means 6,000,000 cooked jews and 900 merkavas lost a day.
Get your head out of your ass.
baking bread
>baking bread
baking bread
>baking bread
Thanks all /chip/ frens for being present here.
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True, like this retard >>472702036. Now he'll say this are also fake
Oct 7th IDF pilots are TKD enjoyers

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Let them give us a few bumbs bro
In order to appear strong while they are weak. Also satanyahu politically is cooked unless another 12 months war starts that way he can cling to power.
In all, as the prophecy says “they will destroy their own occupation with their own hands” this is exactly what’s happening, for every move terrorist jews do, it’s a move that plays against them.
At this rate there wont any israeli occupation very soon.
>prattles how jooz are the ones who can't accept losses
>claims every dead hamasian is a pregnant baby with a press vest delivering water and food even when he's filmed with an RPG in his hands
Zero awareness - very Arab.
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What happend to this fag?
>november 5th
He came back.
Checked. Ghoul snipers are best snipers. Such based shots. Dead terrorist jews is the most satisfying.
Is it?
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I was about to post that one. Thanks fren.
are you mad because of how hard the Israeli lobby in the US got exposed? no need to throw your anger at us lil nigga.
>u-u mad???
Do you have a real rebuttal or are you just going down the shill tactics list?
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It's a Jew.

Reminder Jews always lie.

Look at his nose. Easy giveaway.
>avoids question
>tries to change the topic
did you actually put oct 7 in the prompt? lol... how do you think that contributed?
Read my post you were replying to then your reply then read this one. Realize how stupid you.
This isn't shilling, just blabbering like a retarded child. I am bored.
it's a simple yes or no question
fresh bread
>fresh bread
fresh bread
>fresh bread
Why are you trying to change the topic?
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You know.

I would like to see Hamas become the goverment of Palastine.

I would like to see them give the middle finger to all the Arab countries.

Get rich with the Gas reserve they have.
just answer the question
You are a desperate and stupid shill. This thread is dying anyways so goodbye.

naw. a while ago i just googled idf apache and found this. then cropped it.

The luma prompt was just "man laughs with a smirk"
Israel hasn't even engaged Hamas in any serious fighting in the last few months, Hamas has turned from fighting face to face to hit and run tactics HBIED's and ambush style attacks, and it's working the IDF have no clue how to achieve it's goal of ousting Hamas in Gaza, what was thought to be a large incursion over a short time period (6 months) has dragged on to nearly 9 at this point and to be honest a year is well within the realms of possibility.

Hezbollah IS going to give Israel a hard time in the north because it's either that or Israel has to come to terms with the fact that they have essentially ceeded ground to Hezbollah in effect, because tens of thousands of jews in the north no longer live there or have been evacuated.

It's a lose lose situation Israel has financially, militarily and strategically lost every advantage afforded to them, Hezbollah sees what a clusterfuck Gaza has been and is recognizing and learning the tactical failure of Israel's assault on even small cities and is for sure going to apply that in the upcoming war, in short Hezbollah see's Israel's capability to wage a effective war to push them back to the Litani river as SEVERELY degraded and basicly a non threat, this upcoming war, WHEN it happens will be biblical in it's defeat of Israel's ego.
Straight to the liver. May God protect those based Ghoul snipers, and may their shots and aim be accurate and deadly to the terrorist jew invader.
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They don't show everything. We'll of course.

These Kikes want 4K ULTRA HD close up, POV 5 inch away camera angel.

Kikes don't know how Guerilla warfare works.

Remember IOF soilders always say they are fighting ghost's.

Hamas pop out, fires YASIN 105. Goes back. And repeat.
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I don't know bro hopefully he is a nugget now
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Nope. Was a fake poster
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How else is he supposed to win a argument?

Reminder Jews always lie.
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>this thread is dying anyways

wonder what the last moments of these kikes' worthless life was like

lmao, wanna savor it.
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Keep in mind. Those are homemade weapons with homemade bullets. With flippers and Adidas tracks on.

They made it the weapons under apartheid, under full surveillance with Ballon drone, other drones, hounds of cameras. Seismic sensors underground and fence going 6 meters under ground and 6 meter above, with full surveillance on checkpoints. Yet they are doing well.

While Pissrael has America giving them hundreds of billions every year. Backing them with whatever.

EU backing them.

Arab leaders backing them.

Turkey backing them.

And they still can't do shit lol.

Well done Shalom well done.
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The interviews with the surviving kikes are sying "you killed my husband and you were shooting st us to kill us"

Remember how they panic when Hamas released the two elderly women.

Pissrael were mad at them, they wanted them dead to use it as leverage and justification lol.
Aight lads. Good night.

Have a TKD!

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