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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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General elections really are dire.
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you really think if all muslims became atheists overnight they would behave any differently?
first for cringe
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Of course they would you bell. They wouldn't thirst themselves almost to death for 30 days per year, while also working all of their contracted hours for a start. It's Ok having a few of them at work but as soon as they show numbers they start acting up.
No you see, Christian Niggerians are good because blah blah blah
I'm so fucking tired of it all lads.
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>(Un)Reform(ed) lower than Tories
Let It Go, Nige m'boy. >>472687648
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A cynical family member of mine, who does not vote, has told me he's voting Reform.
>Homeless Jake Jones was said to have told a female cop that he had the stationery item to 'stab someone if he needed to'
tbf, not a very bright thing to say to a copper.
I think he was just desperate for Brexit to happen and therefore said this.
He probably doesn't like Indian or black migrants, but chooses not to say it openly to avoid being cancelled. Either that or he's fooled himself into thinking that commonwealth migrants are somehow OK and compatible.
i miss my exes
the majority of them live a double life when they come to the west, so no nothing would change
You really think if all white rightards became left wing they would behave better? Kevin Day: past member of the National Front: now a very much left wing comedian & writer. So what's your excuse, o brit/pol/? You too, Nigey...?!
That's the point of it all. Either you're retarded and comfortable enough to engage with the system or you're worn out and experienced enough to disconnect from participating
I miss my .exes
He was homeless, what other defense does he have? Can't exactly run back home.
Do they all live in Texas?
Worst monty python sketch I've ever seen
>what other defense does he have?
'For writing with' seems like the most obvious thing to do with pencils to me, idk
I miss my axes.
Shouldn't have tried to break the One Ring with them, should ya?
for rolling foil into a toot for smoking heroin
Twatter genuinely believes Nige is the reincarnation of the National Front.
Migration could end (I don't mean net zero, I mean end entirely) but we'd still have issues with non whites out breeding us. What can be done about that? Nobody in politics is brave enough to even raise this fact, let alone how to deal with it.
Alright I'll back your bet, 20 wins me 150 if they win all the seats you mentioned in your first post
i dont get the joke?
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>Nobody in politics is brave enough to even raise this fact, let alone how to deal with it.
There was one man.
>the majority of them live a double life when they come to the west, so no nothing would change
>Farage pointed out that at a Reform UK election rally in Birmingham later today, the “star of the show” will be Zia Yusuf, who he described as “a practicing Muslim who is going to say things about the growth of Islamic extremism”.He added: “I can assure you that anybody who has a racist point of view, I don’t want to know.”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Y-GreVSnz8 [Embed]
Nigey has a double mind: but only when it thinks it can become an MP. It doesn't really care, least of all about the suckers it wants to vote for it, only about itself. Farage is basically a Poundland Trump.
Doublethinking hypocrites. Not even once. It's why I've never voted so much as once for any of these inferior subhuman rightards.
boring AI sloppa
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They've only just started talking about immigration being a problem, just got to keep moving the overton window until we can rev up the death squads. Who knows if we'll make it in time.
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Climate change will be used as a pretext for mass subsaharan African migration to the west.
Piece of piss, benefits rejigging, council house sell offs, harsh policing and assimilation policies, spurious terror charges, visa abolition, simple payments to fuck off, there’s a million and one things you can do prior to le camps
Use William hill to bet on them individually that’s what I’ve been using. I can’t guarantee where they’ll win seats but I’m an economist by training with a masters in finance I know how statistics and how to model outcomes on excel/python/ R and my modelling is telling me they have a strong chance in those seats I mentioned doesn’t mean they’ll win them. They could win in a seat I haven’t identified there’s 650 constituencies lol.
only thing i miss about my ex was her giant arse and going at it from behind, that was some crazy fun.
>I know how statistics
this lad talks sense
My ex was an abusive alky.
Anyway a married friend of mine recently told me she loved me, then had a go at me in a way eerily reminiscent of the abusive alky ex.
sex with joshs mums carcass
Well. If there was a stop to immigration, all we have to do is keep having kids. Yes they generally have more than us, but there are a lot more of us. So, we have as many as we can and do not mix out race, we can not be replaced.
Yes. Immigration is only now being spoken of, but in such short time across Europe we see parties like front national and afd gaining momentum.
Now Reform. They are not perfect by any means, but it's a start.
The political will in the population is there to do an edict of expulsion, there will never be an electable option that represents public sentiment on the issue
Democracy is the systematic negation of the overton window, the paradoxical nature of the relationship makes it more effective.
Not only this, but we could take it all back if we were 25% of the population.
Whites are worth so much more than inbred pakis.
Schools are absolutely full of them.
Is there any chance Reform could win the election, or is it totally impossible?
Sometimes I feel that way and get extremely maudlin. I find some combination of cheap cider and football manager to be the best distraction.
Not every school at all. Not around my way and other places I've been are also white af. As it should be.
Do not lose hope
>all we have to do is keep having kids.
Myopic take that just advocates for getting into a self-destructive contest to see which ethnic group can be the most dysgenic
Not going to happen. Absolute best case if lucky will be a few tens of seats.
'Shut up, pussy, oi, shut up, you bald cunt.'
anything can happen in the sport of boxing
there's always a punchers chance
my ex had absolutely humungus tiddies. HH cups but she was also a bit of a chubber. Not massive massive but still size 14. Anyway those tits were cracking. best titjob ever. had to deal with stares and whistles and comments though. Sparked a paki lad out once who tried to touch them after he followed us from shop to shop while we were in a shopping mall
they lied to us about
the truth about
it finally happening
I'm not saying shag your cousin.
Just have a few kids. Are you dysgenic?
Possible, but not probable
Pointless without state shackles removed
might buy a bmw to cheer myself up
>old Rosie on a school night
I may have made a mistake
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>there will never be an electable option that represents public sentiment on the issue
Never say never my nigga
>you really think if all muslims became atheists overnight they would behave any differently?

Nah mate it's baked into their genes now, what with the centuries of inbreeding and paedophilia.

They're so fucked up, that is they were a breed of dogs the Kennel Club would just ban them and forbid anymore of them from being bred. Its an unhealthy species.
I miss my faxes. Loved the noise that machine made. Think i might still have it in the attic though dont know if any of my old contacts still got theirs. Shit, i forgot ive no landline thanks to them sky cunts pissing me off.
omg bbc news has "shorts" now.
fucking hate this trend of condensing shit down into 1 minute video clips all because zoomies can't concentrate on stuff for more than a minute
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>if lucky will be a few tens of seats
You'll be lucky. Single figures, if that. Not even half a dozen. Three candidates kicked out by Nigey will make sure of that. Hopefully via tactical voting, faRAGE won't get Clacton.
In (96 hours from now) Soviet Britain, Farage Barrages himself. Total White Right Death. Good.
What are Starmer's policies?
>I'm not saying shag your cousin.
It's not just about the biology of it, you mong. It's putting the onus on White Britons to just breed, breed, breed regardless of their means.
>Are you dysgenic?
A practice is dysgenic or eugenic, an individual is not
>I’m an economist by training with a masters in finance
Same lol but I work as an accountant now, and yeah I used William hill, how much did you bet?
Gorerotted - Masticated by the Spasticated
No. They would continue as they are for multiple generations. It would take like 500 years minimum.
BAMEs and higher taxes

Skulls for the skull throne, blood for the blood god.
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Nick Griffin recently on Farage and Reform
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Brit/pol/ be like "of course Reform are going to win lots of seats, just like UKIP did in 2015"
I'm gonna live forever
Same as the Tories really
The right ones.
His father was a toolmaker, you know
bring in wogs. give free houses to wogs. give bennies to wogs. let muslim rape gangs off. tax people who work and give it to people who don't work.

but just watch, it's going to be fucking hilarious when they fix absolutely nothing, but the labour fanbois say nothing about it unlike their constant criticism of tories
You have a point but quality is important. The kind of oblivious zoomers out and about on my estate talking to each other in tik tok aren't going to preserve British culture any more than newly arrived africans.
I carry a cork screw 'because im a secret alcoholic who never knows when i will fail to resist the temptation to buy a bottle of wine' when im out negotiating niggerhood
You a fisherman ?

Nobody got time to watch your little video chum. QRD or GTFO.
Lord Rothschild's bidding
He speaks about Farage and Reform for the first three minutes of the video
just cant be arsed
>What are Starmer's policies?
1- Not being a white rightard
2- He's not faRAGE
3- He has a Jewish wife & kids: as Sunak & co had Diwali candles on the steps of No. 10, expect to see a menorah in the window of No. 10 this & many more Decembers to come. This makes subhuman white rightards eternally seethe. Good.
4- ?????
Here's Labour's Sadiq Khan - voted in as London's mayor an unprecedented third time - with his friend Ephraim Mirvis, Chief Rabbi of Britain. Khan is a devout Muslim. Mirvis is Jewish. They're friends.
What's your excuse, o anti-semites...?
His heads morphing into a rectangle with each passing day. He's gone full geometric.
>What's your excuse, o anti-semites
im white.
death to muzzies and kikes.
chumcels btfo

Does he speak negatively about Nigel?
No wonder they were - and still are - known as UKRAP
>white ppls
>nigger music
no thanks.
>You have a point but quality is important
So long as you aren't a total cabbage or have any physical birth defects that will be passed on. Have kids.
Raise them right. Raise them white.
>death to muzzies and kikes.
...and their supporters?
They're going to win seats.
yes. unless the support is fake to get into power and then reveal your true power level which is TKD + TMD
He says Nigel is pro commonwealth immigration and anti Eastern European immigration and that Reform are a safety valve party leading voters down a dead end
torture until repentance, then a little more torture to make sure
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>They're going to win seats
Sadiq & Sir Keir are laughing at you
>They're going to win seats
...but only in your retarded mind, sure
this more your speed chief?

betting on seat in the 2024 election by comparing how many seats they won in 2015 election.
genius move
i will outsmart the bookies with this
and win millions
no wait billions
Oswald Mosley could rise from the dead and lead a party in this election and he still wouldn't get any seats because normies are retarded.
This is how you stop nazis from seizing power.

Fair enough mate. I also picked up the gist frm your <pic related>, he makes a valid point.
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Better prepare to make good on your words - torture and kill Nigey - then...!:
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Tarqs are about to be BTFO

this could change everything
based. can watch this one without the sound off
yeah i knew you were trying to set me up. hence the caveat. nige is saying what he needs to say. suck it lefty.
My spreadsheet is telling me Reform are looking around about 635 seats
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They’re also much whiter, wat mean?
he's going to create a bangladeshi deportation taskforce
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no music on this one

Means they think people are dumb enough to buy it. They're right.
Kek there’s a paki takeaway deliverBAME (presumably not uberJEETS or deliverWOG as they get paid anyway) ranting on the phone outside my house at someone for “fucking taking the piss”. Sounds like they ordered to pay in cash but now they’re not letting him deliver it. The fight back against DeliverBAMEs has begun
>im at the bottom of the road man are you fuckin takin the piss you order fuckin curry then take the fuckin piss. Fuck you
Maybe. Like, two seats.

Reform could actually do far better than UKIP. They could DOUBLE the number of seats that UKIP got in 2015 (they got one seat in 2015).

this is all i can think of when i hear "workin' classs" that and "gays and lesbians support the minors"
>Farage pointed out that at a Reform UK election rally in Birmingham later today, the “star of the show” will be Zia Yusuf, who he described as “a practicing Muslim
Suck it, righty
>attended state schools
>that means you're working class until the day you die
Boy, I sure love seeing all these working class barristers, economists, consultants, and career politicians. Solidarity, comrades!
and i will double my money
already got 2 seats covered
if they win moar is my problem
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Israel isn't the problem
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What if we replaced parliament with something like the jury system? Every week a random assortment of 300 people from across the country are called down to London to be the government. That way you ensure proper representation. They get to debate one policy and make up or remove one law.

Maybe, but we have Le Pen in France now, Trump coming in the the U.S, and fuck knows there is an appetite for remigration everywhere else. Sweden realising they've made an enormous mistake, Ireland on the brink of violence..

The only thing that gets me is that it all seems so predictable that an enormous influx of aliens would result in the rise of nationalism.

Like thats what they wanted.
>hurrr why doesn't he just come out and say kill brown people.
spastic. post nose.
Even the biased lamestream media polls have them on an average of around 7 seats goyim. In reality it will be much more than that because we don’t grass on ourselves to “pollster” wankers
That happens near me now and again, usually because the food is three hours late.
sick as a dog but too cool to care
"I WILL PAY". https://youtu.be/ms2CtcsHKDA
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he is a big donor for reform, did you actually hear his speech? It was pretty good
Every other western country is about to elect “muh far right” or will at least implement tougher immigration controls
Meaning they’ll all come here to be welcomed with open arms by Keith Starmer
Net Migration +5,000,000
Ref +3
There's David Lammy and Shabana Mahmood. Maybe Keir would add more non-white people to the cabinet if he becomes PM.
unfortunate choice of words given he's out of a job on Thursday. Hope he fucks off back to murica with his goblin wife
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>your jury for the week, sir
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>you have one too. We all do
Post your foreskin that's still attached, >>472700970. I'll wait.
How many seats for reform?

They had something similar in Classical Athens, the home of Demokracy in 500BC. They had a lottery system for like 500 people to serve as the government and judges for a set period, I think it was 3 years.

Worked OK, but descended into tyranny or somesuch.
Nobody willing to vote Reform trusts anything a politician says, not even Nige. Interesting situation, not that Nige is lying in any of his positions, but how people will take it when they finally realise he's another establishment twat
>did you actually hear his speech?
I'll listen to that retard when it stops being a white rightard..
I've made a note of your post so I can post a screenshot of it when Reform get fewer than 7 seats
They have spent the last few weeks engaging in the worst smear campaign I have ever seen. That’s enough to tell me he isn’t an establishment twat. He used to doodle national front logos in his schoolbooks and sing “gas them all” about the Jews. He’s just good at PR
How about if instead of a random assortment of 300 people just me was called down to be the government and do laws? I don't fucking trust other people and don't care about proper representation.
Everyone knows that Farage is a fraud but they're hoping to use him as a pawn to move the discourse further right
polling puts them at 21-26%. The current race row hasn't dented their support.
They are predicted to get between 18-26 seats
If tyranny is what the people wanted, who are you to say they were wrong?
The poll that had them on 25% gave them 73 seats although that was a huge outlier
The French are racist and antiauthoritarians, they would be happy to risk voting for an outsider like le pen. Americans are freedom loving also racist, or at least the ones who aren't woke are. The English are obedient and loyal and too afraid to think outside of what is deemed to be socially acceptable, our people have drank the woke coolaid more than any other, the only chance we would have at an anti-immigration government is a direct takeover like 1920s Italy.
“Cry more, what are you going to do about it?”
Need to entrap them to chimp
Pepper spray is illegal in the UK
did he actually say that though, got a link to the article? otherwise you're full of shit
If that's true we should all me millionaires on July 5th
Can there at least be a Brinny council?
hope so
hope so
everything is illegal here. including staring.
Checked. Im betting they try another big smear on him Tuesday afternoon/ evening for the jew media to run non stop on Wednesday before midnight cut off on discussing election.
Why are people on twitter saying they're only gonna get around 3
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Spitting at people is illegal.
>18-26 seats
If you're going to make a claim like that, I want a clear fucking list of which seats you expect them to win
are you sure that wasn't lib dems? they are predicted to get that many seats.
Although I have heard of other polls where reform get much highers seats, I just gave the most established ones who aren't often wrong
Any measures taken to defend yourself are illegal. You don't have the right. If you are in danger then you MUST contact the police.
>2041: 48%
>2081: 19%
They're not
Because it's Twitter. To them, Reform UK are the National Front + BNP + NSDAP + PNF + KKK + whichever other organisations you can think of
guess that's why they call it feeling ruff
lol who the fuck are you to demand things you mong
If only you knew. If only you knew.
How am I to trust a man who drinks cider and plays football games to lead the country? >>472698478
“Are erections illegal? Asking for a friend”
Discourage people from voting for them outwith those three constituencies which the jew is probably trying to focus sabotage in. They cant rig / manipulate the full 650 so they are gonna target those they think he has best chance of success in
I trust you specifically even less than members of the typical question time audience.
big down and the chairwoman
>their population is fine
>you're racist if you point out there's over a hundred per one of us
>per capita they're not polluting!
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>The Reform Party's rise is a distraction for those on the right seeking genuine change. Nigel Farage, with his degenerate bourgeois tendencies and lack of true traditional principles, offers nothing but hollow promises. His leadership diverts energy away from meaningful action and deeper, more substantial reforms. Instead of chasing the fleeting success of such movements, it's imperative to stay focused on the enduring values and strategies that will lead to real, lasting improvements. Supporting the Reform Party is a misguided effort that detracts from the pursuit of authentic right-wing goals
On Sky News yesterday:
>Philips hit back: “Come on, Reform is your party, you own it, they knew it’s your party. So answer my question, what is it about you that attracted them?” Farage said: “Ironically, destroying the BNP, means people who are minded that way don’t any longer have a home to go to, and some will gravitate in our direction. When we find out who they are they’ll be gone.”
Mosley & co. chased out of London after the Battle of Cable Street. An incident at a British pub in WWII when some white GIs became Karens at the thought of having to drink in the same place where there were some black US troops. Those white GIs had the crap beaten out of them by the locals in that pub. White people.
Proof that those who are tolerant will not tolerate intolerance: and decades ago. Should tell you something, brit/pol/
>people on twitter
well there's your answer lol
Depends what you do with it
on the tube next to a woman
no it's fine
that's why i go on the tube a lot
Interesting stuff.
Good to see nick.
I mostly play football manager to transfer all diverse players out of the team that I support.
My takes are based and redpilled, clearly you just feel threatened
>Top middle
Spitting image of a kid I went to school with. Top left just looks like a pedo
middle square is young peston surely
France seems pretty based now.
might move there.
Haven't seen the bird pumper for a bit.
Approx 94 hours till polls close and we get the exit poll revealing a Reform supermajority
I'll think about it, lad.
there is a reason far right are rising. place is infested with niggers and mudslimes
paris is for sure yeah. but there are nice white parts. like nice, lyon , brittany.
Think you might be sleepshitposting lad, go back to bed.
Are you lads gonna stay up on Thursday?

They will become the opposition to Labour, which is fucking off the charts in itself. Screencap this and post it on July 4th.
nah will find out when i get up Friday.
the only thing i stayed up for was brexit. then i woke up the missus and we had a celebration drink and went to bed
yeah Nice is ok
and a lot of places in the south
Your 'takes' are generally based on a superficial level but you can also be disruptive, disingenous or just plain demoralising. I'm genuinely unclear what you are. At different times you come across as well-intentioned but aggro, a glowie infiltrator or possibly even an attention seeking larper in a grim flat someplace like Runcorn.
Of course. Got a bet on tories getting 100-149 seats. Could be pretty close reckon they may dip below 100 but we'll see.
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He questions what he's about to say but speaks the truth anyway.
Marine le penn is a Zionist isn't she?
She isn't the saviour of Europe. Great step in the right direction if she wins. Massive victory.
wtf is this delusional prick still clinging onto
As late as possible
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>Screencap this and post it on July 4th
Oh, you bet I already have.
2015. UKRAP. Prepare to have your opinions destroyed on 4-5th July...!
is she?
news to me. that's not so good if she is
He can't exactly come out and say
>Sorry lads, it's fucked
can he?
>Your 'takes' are generally based
Hey, you said it, not me. But glad we’re in agreement, thank you for the kind words
I didn't look at the full URL and was mightily confused that the AA were discussing the french far right and israel
She's clearly going to be as big a victory for the far right as Meloni.

She's gone out of her way to distance herself from the AfD who actually do seem opposed to Israeli influence.
You'll need to put in planning permission
6 0 0 + S E A T S
sometimes saying nothing is an option, especially when you only have days left
Woops. That's my alcoholic anonymous meet up.
Well you can see online that she supports Israel, but it's the best they're going to get isn't it?
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>UK's faRAGE pro-Israel
>France's Navy La Penis pro-Israel
I for one welcome our new Jewish overlords.
It'll be nice seeing a menorah in the window of No. 10 this December: and many more to come.
Thanks for this post lad, I've made a note of it so I can make fun of you on July 5th when Reform have got a few seats at most
Hong Kong handed over 27 years ago today lads, thoughts?
looks like chief poo in a call centre after scamming another elderly person
The last definitive proof of Britain not being a proper country any more
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you r shite at maths
Nothing wrong with being a zionist. I, too, believe the jews should have a homeland. Where they ALL live. With a wall around it. And a dome over the top of it. And no communication with the outside world. All entrances and exits sealed.
the fuck do you always post stuff and then
learn to write a fucking question you nonce.
>They wouldn't thirst themselves almost to death for 30 days per year, while also working all of their contracted hours for a start
fucks me off that they come in whilst voluntarily fasting, complain about being low energy and having everyone else do their shit
like fuck off dont come to work then
>when Reform have got a few seats at most
That's still better than nothing. It'll still make faggots seethe.
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It was indefensible, there was no choice
right middle looks like he finished last at the Austrian GP yesterday
I know fuck all about Hong Kong. I know of king Kong though.
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The last definitive proof of Britain being a proper country:
Similar, but different https://youtu.be/-n91lSO0wJQ
why do we laugh sometimes when confronted with abject horror or despair
Unfortunate for pro-democracy people in Hong Kong. But I don't think there was any way to avoid the return of Hong Kong to China.
Interesting Griffin still does podcasts.
He's appeared on another saying there's no political solution within the first minute
You're a fucking mong aren't ya
Better than orbiting around Josh and whatever e-celebs you cunts flatter with attention, talk about something political for a change
I don't like brown people
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absolute sex bitch
And not with wood this time!!
Should've stripped it of everything of value.
Be brilliant if he staggered out without checking anyone else is ok and goes into the nearest pub and downs a pint of ale.
Browns must go but the beautiful ladies can stay
She can put me through any day of the week ;)
>no political solution
There might have been if it weren't for a certain somebody...
A good and basically inevitable thing. Unfortunately the positives were not built upon and instead left to rot
Miss my dad. Clotshot cancer sucks.
Sometimes if you don't laugh then you'll cry.
Right, and crying's for poofters.
It still feels like laughter though, it's very strange
how old was he?
What's the point of having 20 seats, what are they gonna do with 20 seats for the next five years?
67. Literally hit retirement age then turbo lung cancer.
Sit in them
he didn't smoke?
>Tories still the opposition
>Labour's massive landslide that thumps Boris 'Bozo the Clown' 80 times
SNP having more seats will make you seethe with irrelevancy. If you have that few after Nigey threw out half the number you'll get, tard.
A few: that's nothing to Labour's absolute rule after this Thursday. Legislation by them that'll make those few (Un)Reform(ed) seethe into utter irrelevance.
When those few can do less than fuck all, their voters will see them for what they are: an irrelevance. They won't be in those few seats in five years time. Good.
Exactly. Had to man up this morning despite a massive hangover and evict a wild animal from my neighbours house. I was right at the edge of the limits of what a human could be expected to cope with but I made jokes and laughed because the alternative was unthinkable.
Every cunt is having an election this year, why?
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Literally it all comes down to this cunt who thought 99 years was "as good as forever" with the New Territories. Portugal had Macau in perpetuity, but they wanted out in the 60s, tried giving it back to China after the Carnation revolution but they were told to stay because HK had to be sorted out. They chose to go. Whereas in HK's case, it's historical fact we didn't want to relinquish it at first, tried floating an extension to the lease but that obviously wasn't going to happen.
He smoked a pipe in his 20s for a few years.
Vote Reform
Get Prime Minister Yusuf

Nige is already looking for a way out.
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I won't seethe either way.
There are lots of democracies in the world, sometimes a few of them will end up having elections in the same year
Civic nationalism is inevitable
Agree on the rot, seems like China's been isolating the city. Hasn't recovered economically from zero-COVID or protests, 27 years to sort out cage homes and fuck all's been done.
Have white kids
Yeah, but at 3am the difference suddenly becomes important for some reason. Unless you drink enough.
Russia needs to open its borders to more Africans for the sake of GDP.
That’s not exactly what I meant lol

Probably to do with the evolutionary roots of grinning and laughter in the chimpanzee's submissive grimace.
Farage that hot boy
Where you coming from lad?
Why do chimpanzees show submission in that way
I don’t give a shit about the wellbeing of Hong Kong or its residents but rather Britain’s relationship to China and the legacy emanating from handover.
Strange how bonemarrow is seen as upper-class.
Russia was always multicultural.
So were we in fact. The Welsh exist.
The British Union of Fascists was banned. So much for "Democracy".
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same with my Grandma, she smoked briefly as a teen, but suddenly got lung cancer after covid at 80, and my mum too, she now has a dormant blood cancer a year after her 2nd jab and we have no history of cancers on both sides of our family.

It possibly serves to cement group cohesion, just as it does in humans.
How, why teeth
To the lad who mentioned all those constituencies to bet on, they aren't target seats for reform
why are there so many american bases in the uk? why do we allow our foreign policy to be dictated by israel? why does any party that tries to change this suffer a landslide defeat?
>The Welsh exist.
Do you mind? I'm eating.
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Hard to imagine 10 years ago that Cameron and Xi were drinking pints and taking selfies together, kinda illustrates your point aye. Things are real fucked now
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>SNP having more seats
>SNP having more political power than (Un)Reform(ed) ever will
>(Un)Reform(ed) will lose those seats
You'll seethe in five years time. I'll laugh at your irrelevancy between Thursday & 2029: then laugh even harder.
Karl Turner will still have his seat from Thursday & beyond. Wouldn't surprise me if he had a cabinet position: certainly influencing legislation on the government benches that'll make white rightards seethe. Will any of yours have the same amount of power...?!
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A common tale that no one wants to talk about.
As much a Welshman as I ever did see.
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More chink.
One of his smarter decisions, although there is ample ground to quibble on the details, shame now we’re all going to die for Taiwan (as well as the Ukraine, Israel etc)
Wartime heads of state assembling, assume Rishi's got his flight to California booked.
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>The British Union of Fascists was banned
>Decades later, National Action proscribed as terrorists: banned
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He used to be on Doctor Who, didn't he?
I'll be at Heathrow before they get the chance to draft me, then again where do you go
>couldnt even work out test and trace
Please, a draft would be a joke. Get to Belfast and then stroll to Dublin, incredibly easy
the ryanair brigades
paratrooping high above malaga hoping you catch a good wind to get to moscow
Why is everyone so against conscription?
How many people in Britain are playing Genshin Impact & Honkai Star Rail...?!:
This Northern lad's dad would do a Goth nun.
god i hate keith so much. lying snake
Why are you so against killing yourself?
Why should I take a chance on that?
Decent for a while but rather not stay long in a hornet's nest of niggers and migrants
You want to die in some Ukrainian ditch?
On the cusp of WW3 and conscription is a humiliation ritual to kill off the younger white generation to protect corrupt the upper-class from their moneymaking schemes. Simple really.
Not really, but the alternative is dying in a ditch near my home. We're going to have to fight either way, it's always better to do the explosions near someone else's house rather than your own.
Yeah, you're right there. What about the normies though? They don't believe in conspiracy theories, like any at all it's weird, statistically at least a few of them must be true. They have no reason not to be fine with conscription.
wanking is a humiliation ritual and you lot do it everyday
why would you want to be in a position where men want to kill you so you have no option but to do likewise
Speak to normies. They feel the same way.
Fun. I mean er, duty.
There are plenty of other alternatives, moshe
That's what I was doing.
Such as?
Then you're shit at redpilling.
The french left wing are very well organised and violent
if they don't riot and burn cities it's because they haven't been allowed to
litmus test
Will I meet Vlad there? He's not looking well.
What's thr situation with France? They had an election earlier.
He’s under your bed (and in your walls)
>Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally (RN) party scored historic gains to win the first round of France's parliamentary election on Sunday, exit polls showed, but the final result will depend on days of horsetrading before next week's run-off.
>The RN was seen winning around 34% of the vote, exit polls from Ipsos, Ifop, OpinionWay and Elabe showed, in a huge setback for President Emmanuel Macron who had called the snap election after his ticket was trounced by the RN in European Parliament elections earlier this month.
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>france either gets """far right""" or """far left"""
should be laffs
made an art work

Lingling needs to hoover.
kronenberg and desparados have added glucose and sugar you are going to get fat for no reason, you could just drink non additive beer

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