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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Interviewed by Logan Paul, 6/13/2024
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>472705139
I want Trump to win 47.2 to 39.999 frfr
It would be a hood message to Demobucks
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Completely vacant.
Moot took looksmaxxing to heart
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>Raymond Arroyo
The EWTN guy? Also, MAGA!
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there are going to be so many fun religion cases going to the SCOTUS in the future i can't wait!
>For Dementia Veggie Joe the new polls are catastrophic

If this fucking dweeb thinks they're catastrophic now, wait for another ten days and then get back to me
Layneposting in this bread
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who is the real lainposter?
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Guys I'm a little scared now that Hunter is apparently taking over the campaign, he's got that crackhead desperation and chaotic energy and there's no telling what his plan might be.
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only the ones who post lain ironically!
>North Korea fires ballistic missiles, South Korean military says
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From the Wall Street Journal
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hmmm seems like they have a few ways to solve the joe biden thing.

they can dissolve and re-instate the convention rules.

they can simply ignore joe, and eat the financial loss

they can dissolve his delegation.

they can declare him vacated.

they can challenge his credentials.

they can convene any number of emergency measures

So this is procedurally a solvable problem.
but my best guess is they'll declare him unable to act in good faith and retire hime gracefully.

Frankly I think a let loose the dogs of war policy will be in effect for the party.
and with that the last old white man will be rolled off into the sunset. And the battle of the beasts will commence.

If I was harrison I'd double the convention booking and watch the party reforge itself.
That Bible better have all 73 books or I'm suing.
the one that post the balloon
Skull changed shape too, weird...
If Biden wasn't an evil fuck, I'd genuinely feel bad for him. There is no one in his family that cares about him. Though I'm sure they all see it as payback for all the years of abuse he no doubt dealt them, who's the one getting raped in the shower now, huh?
stop posting lain ironically!
>little rocket man shooting off his rockets
please hit something this time
shut the fuc kup
Do you /ptg/ chuds have a thug poster?
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The smart and handsome poster.
Well that is one particularly blessed way to get rid of the scumbag left.
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Hey, hey, hey.

He deserves all of the mockery he's getting right now because he's an evil and spiteful old man.
that would be amazing, him juat crack head force powers journalists live on air.
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and what are you going to do about it?
Kamala about to clap trump’s cheeks
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has a point.
why bother when it could help biden.
or just stand there grinning not answering anything.
Anyone have any audio of Raymond Arroyo when he would do his female. black voice and pretend to be Michelle O's mother? He did that often on Laura Ingraham's old radio show?
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I hate niggers.
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this but you
She has a -20 approval
Only 36% approve of her in a country where 34% are in her political party
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But what does this have to do with castrating m*xicans with lawn mowers? These posts don't even have anything to do with vaporizing pajeets with ray guns either.
he deserves everything that's coming for him.
he deserves to live long enough to get a lethal injection from a conviction at a tribunal.
>Kamala about to clap trump’s cheeks
While sucking his dick?
What's the word?
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Niggerball update, if Ecuador wins or draws Mexico is eliminated.
Many such tournaments.
So the state established a law respecting an establishment of religion. Gee, I wonder if that will survive a legal challenge.
the regulars are having a meltdown
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>Mexico is eliminated.
You had me here.
many are saying this
Trump should debate Kennedy next
Where is antichristanon?
This picture proves Trump is not antichrist because if he was he’d be SAYING HE WAS CHRIST!!!!!
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Purge all who voted for either NDAA or Beijing Biden in 2021!

To find a RINO, check SPLC/ADL connections.
If anyone of a dynasty is corrupt, they're all corrupt.
Remember that our Trump movement's roots are in the Tea Party.
Any Republican old enough to run for office will hold beliefs indicative of a Tea Party past.

Get involved! Initiate referenda! Write bills!
Become a pollwatcher, candidate, or staffer!
Vote in every election--federal, state, and local!

Anything you can do to make America great again, do it!

Full voting guide: https://hatebin.com/ondoegvbbg

ND 6/11: yes
WI 8/13: YES

AR: Yes
CA: NO, Yes, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, YES, Yes, NO, YES, NO
CO: No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, YES, NO, YES, Yes, No, NO, NO
IN: No
NH: yes
ND: NO, Yes, Yes
OK: Yes
OR: Yes, No, NO
VA: Yes
WA: Yes
WY: No

Just cheer for it at this point
i think these fuckers should prove they have the brain matter left to even enter a debate room.
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give him a few hours
mentioned it last thread (or a thread before) but some 2A cases out of Illinois, like NAGR v Naperville, and Harrel/Herrara v Raul have been distributed for conference tomorrow. if any one are granted cert, it's the first SCOTUS challenge to assault weapons in history, and barring any changes to the court makeup for the 2024 term (starting October), it can finally spell doom for assault weapon bans across the country
the problem is while they can snub the nomination from him, removing him from office is another thing entirely. there will be a democrat civil war (of internal politicking and chicanery) if that happens because I'm sure shadow president Jill Biden won't take it lying down unless for some reason she's made the nominee, and then you have the issue of Kamala's camp feeling slighted
his plan is to do drugs, peddle influence for money, and rape his younger family members
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Riots in France, democracy is at stake.
Usual jewish tricks.
you really want to embarrass a guy who can’t speak over a decibel?
I just want to outcome that will cause the most seething. When trumptards lose, they sperg out hard, like we saw on Jan 6. When Dems lose, it’s just a pink hair screaming and crying.
Enough about Biden
start teaching the jewish half IMMEDIATELY
esoteric balloon knots
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I'm still waiting for my train car to my local FEMA death camp.
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>the jewish half
what do you mean by this?
your desires are malformed and perverted by some psychological issue clearly
Why should he waste time on someone that's sub-10% on the polls?
>fema death camp
Reminds me of early 00s Alex jones before everyone realized he was full of shit.
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Probably because I was molested as a kid.
So, real talk. Did Trump finally have the sense to jam the signal to Biden's earpiece, which he totally doesn't wear, or what?
Maybe get him in front of all these stupid liberal boomers that don't know he's even running, get him to 20 so Biden only wins like 9 states. That would be funnier.
That's a really good move. Just schedule one in 7 days. Sell access to a network, split the profits over the venue cost.
Loose ground rules, as live as a 10 second delay, 15 seconds online.
Just don't even treat the DNC like they exist from this point forward until they give a serious candidate.
Set up 1 debate with an optional 2 more depending on the outcome.
Alex Jones was right though. Did people forget this guy protested Bush, infiltrated Bohemian grove, and even talked about how Israel would get us nuked on 9/11?
layne clowning on dave mustaine
Did Biden drop?
But Dems don’t sperg out when they lose. At least trumpfags sent an army of their most gullible autists to raid the capital.
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Did the Department of Education ban religion in schools, and this is from the SCOTUS decision or are they just stirring shit up? (Yeah, I know woke is its own religion now, but you know what I mean).
I'm sorry bros but I wanna fugg Dana Bash.
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Notice the shill narrative has switched to:
>Um, both sides are corrupt, goyim!
Why the change? Did something happen in the last few days?
Put your trip back on bidenshill. Why do you keep taking it off?
trump murdered a man on thursday
Doc fucked up the dosage, simple as
Better yet, keep it tight, actually debate the issues, keep it clean. Just talk about what you want to do.
3 minutes to discuss each topic policy, keep all the questions on actual policy, avoid swinging at each other.
Make it an hour. If it goes well, you can go 2 hours.
Schedule it for the middle of the convention.
>alex jones was right
How’d you avoid the FEMA death camp round up of ‘08 then? Probably all the Patriot Pack food supply buckets you bought off his store. And I bet the colloidal silver toothpaste helped you fight off the swine flu pandemic that he said was coming.
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Nah, I think this is just the end of the road for his body abusing narcotics and pharma meth for so many years. If you look at his appearances they're all significantly downgraded from even a few years ago. The dosages simply don't work anymore.
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>Did Biden drop?
No. The left is in an impossible situation.
They can't run Kameltoe because everyone hates her and they will lose by 538 electoral votes.
They can't replace her with a White guy because she was put in as a diversity quota element and the shit-colored folks would be angry.
And they can't run biden because every campaign add will show his geriatric, senile ass and ask who has really been running the country.
It's absolutely beautiful!
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Democracy is at stake, elections must be cancelled now like Ukraine.
Sundowning is real. Old dudes just can't stay awake. And that's a real problem for a global leader.
And a damn fucking shame that more people aren't training militia.
To elevate him
Trump did not murder a man. B*den is a lich that attacks like a zombie from the recentish doom games. The ones without guns.
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>Democracy is at stake, elections must be cancelled now like Ukraine.
Yup. I'm expecting either this or the murder of Donald Trump.
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I suppose you're right, the odometer doesn't lie. Seemed pretty hopped up the next day tho
Trump isn’t going to help you gullible morons out
i'm sorry, you're right
he didn't murder a man.
he killed a pedophile.
Debate Kennedy in August, on the topics. If it goes well, debate him again in September especially if the DNC comes back with Biden, but maybe even if they "change."
I'd even suggest looking at sponsoring a Lolbertarian vs Kennedy debate in July, to see how he performs.
The real miracle has been how Biden's people have been able to, within reason, keep his nose clean and butt wiped enough to avoid anything as bad as the debate. He's stumbled and said all manner of retarded things, but it was within an acceptable level enough for them to pass it off to most their base for damn nearly his whole term.
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No he was still speaking from a piece. Very obvious the way he was rapidly talking with no variation in tone.
Big mike
fuck that brain worn infested stalking nigger
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see >>472711452
While this may be a means of splitting Biden's voters, it's not really a meaningful move. Biden voters will go to Kennedy either way, and intentionally taking action to promote Kennedy--especially when taking the risk of weakening your own position to do so--may actually serve to unite the Democrats against a perceived external attempt at rupturing disunity.
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Way too many niggers in there, he's relaxing and that can be fatal.
Predictions for the dem convention? They got a lot of problems with Biden flubbing along with Gaza nonsense. Outside of the Never Trumper nonsense the RNC will be relaxing in comparison.
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I remember this dude who'd make this meme template with bbw porn on r9k, that was pretty wild. Never knew he had more than one pic like this.
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Lot is my favorite children's Bible tale
Anon, he's been given the show space. And the DNC is trying to run Alzheimer Ward Joe, a true disgrace.
Kennedy vs Lolbertarian would give a good showing of his topics and his capability, and if he's serious, will absolutely pull from the DNC. Risk of losing some undecided.
But consider, for the good of the nation, for the love of the people, Trump is willing to give an actually half competent man a voice he probably should have had, if the DNC wasn't so corrupt.
Maybe Kennedy isn't ready to take the office, but he's got ideas, and loves this country, and you The People deserve to hear from a neighbor, it will just MAGA.
When the right loses a very small percentage goes absolute bonkers (especially since it was stolen last time) but the majority are just bummed or generally pissed for awhile. The left had far more seethe and sperging out per capita and they didn't stop until he was out of office.
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If the left just murdered Donald Trump, all their problems would go away.
These are literally the servants of satan. I'm sure they are discussing this option as we speak.
I don't understand why they're all just accepting it all of a sudden.
This isn't a new development, they've been just pretending it isn't happening this entire time, why aren't they just continuing that way?
They run the media, the government, the election. Observations by the people don't matter. Just keep it up, nothing needed to change, why abandon that?
nope, fuck you.
trump is the only person that get muh vote.
not interested in whatever bullshit you're selling
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>last day of pride
The killer is the DNC and their ballot stuffing. Hard to ballot stuff when half their voters are voting for Kennedy.
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Trump will use a line similar to what he used on Rubio during the 2015 primaries.
Because even Reagan didn’t show ant real signs of decline until he only had 2 years left. Biden’s condition worsened fast in 2023
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>This isn't a new development, they've been just pretending it isn't happening this entire time, why aren't they just continuing that way?
I admit that I'm also a bit confused by this, unless it's just temporary shock.
I mean, these are the people who pretend men can be women. Surely going back to pretending biden is "sharp as a tack" shouldn't be that hard by comparison.
don't care, I'm not wasting energy on a deep state plant
go fuck yourself
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is that why everyone is in a tizzy today?
>nigger contractor stealing all the Dominion keys to maricopa county's "safe and secure" tabulators
>completely disappeared from the news, no one focusing on it as well
That's why I'm very sure even with Trump up a ridiculous amount in AZ he probably won't "win" that state.
What if it wasn't a debate, but a sit down interview?
Trump and Kennedy having a talk with...
Bitch, he was a complete blubbering moron in the 2020 debates. He literally could not function even back then. You lying double nigger.
>what do you gentlemen think of the condition of the DNC?
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how many of the 3,200 skelegates can Jill biden snag up?

they only need 200 to do anything on the commitee level
they need 1600 for a rule change adoption
and 2135 for an emergency motion

between kamala and jill and their $170M how many hungry eyes are there gonna be? how many assmunchers?
No he wasn’t
>what do you gentlemen think of the condition of the DNC?
Who knew that selling one's soul to satan could lead to such a nasty predicament?
You searching for tweets doesn’t count as sperging out. I want to see more people dumb enough to eat up conspiracy theories without any degree of skepticism think that they can overthrow the government. That’s funny.
yes we're huffing what's left of the poppers knowing that tomorrow the world ceases to acknowledge our plight
Yeah let's just double down on what didn't work before! Let's just snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by establishing religion while our enemies trample every basic constitutional right and freedom, therefore turning back into a uniparty!

Why are christcucks medically incapable of learning? Christcuckery ISN'T COMING BACK. All of the moral and societal lessons that christcuckery teaches are actually objectively true, so why tie those objective truths to the sinking ship that is christcuckery? If you want to be a christcuck and you want your morals upheld in society, then why not defer to reality instead of a religion that only loses followers each year? Fags are disgusting abominations according to science, which is undeniably real. Why allow fags to run rampant by tying opposition to fags to an unwinnable platform?

If I was a teacher in Oklahoma, I would immediately start teaching students about all the nonsense, incest, rape, murder, and worship of Jews in the bible
The thing that has surprised me the most in the wake of the debate is how much restraint Trump is showing. Trump is actually pretty tame on Truth Social, wisely toning the attacks down and just letting the dems set themselves on fire. Same thing for the debate too. Trump restrained himself and let Biden implode instead of interrupting and giving him a chance to recover. It seems like Trump is learning from his mistakes.
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Noticed. Jew tube dumped the rainbow borders
Wow aren’t we le heckin cool pessimist! What are you like 16?
Throwing a frog at him like he threw a water bottle to mock Rubio?
Now imagine Kennedy and Trump having that discussion for 5 minutes with a friendly host? Just a discussion of the US, and US politics, not a debate.
Nah actually this anon is a dead ringer for younger millennial leftoid
It’s almost like both campaigns have a vested interest in keeping it as close to 50-50 as possible. What a novel idea!
No shit peewee herman is a political guy now? I thought he died masterbaiting in a bathroom or some shit.
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Don't care Biden is still better than a treasonous convicted felon
But they don't. Literally Trump has every reason to win, if these charges are legit. There's nothing in his future that is good.
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But Biden is better? Or let me guess, Trump is just as bad? Go dilate, Nigger Faggot.
Im rather optimistic that the republicans have another way of retards lined up. They’re setting up the meme stock idiots to be politically activated, and those people have an average IQ of 50.

>young millennial
Wrong by about 15 years, jack
Shit, if they're just legit in attempting to prosecute them, pardon, not if they're legit. I don't intend to assume that.
guy on left just saw the monster sneaking up behind them and is about to scream the girliest of screams
the god emperor heard our cries. golden path time lads.
Because millions of people saw it, it's all over social media and likely being discussed in the living rooms of every other house in America at this point. If he didn't do the debate most people would have been none the wiser but now every person in the developed world is well aware Biden has dementia. They thought Don would make an ass of himself but instead ended up scoring one of the biggest own goals in history.

Their only choices now are either to arrest or kill Big Orange because nothing else will stop him.
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Govenments are extremely easy to overthrow. That can be done in the space of a week.
The problem is forming a new one that isn't just as corrupt or worse.
How many government big-wigs acking would it take before all semblances of order and control were lost?
Shit, the J6ers didn't even kill anyone and all the government people were immobilized, pissing their pants under chairs and begging for their mommies.
But the problem remains that it gains us effectively nothing. This is an issue with corrupt culture. That's much harder to fix, and takes much longer.
It's not a matter of "you won't do shit," but of "this shit is going to take time."
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Tell him he's so low in the polls he should drop out, similar to what he said at the Libertarian convention.
*Tips Fedora*
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>governments are easy to overthrow
We have empirical evidence to the contrary. Jan 6.

inb4 real MAGA has never been tried!
So you’re an older millennial from the early 1980s? What a fucking joke. Men in their mid 30s to late 40s are a whole generation of step dads and chumps
I'm never going to back away from competency in Jurisdiction being a basis of a fearless vote. Or at least a vote that can be cast with the competency to plan if the fears come true.

Kennedy and Trump sitting down and literally just talking about football and beer and the USA would do alot. As long as Kennedy isn't bringing in trannies.
>I didn't really read your post through, but reading is very hard for me.
I know, faggot. I know.
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>posts like bidenshill
>spams like bidenshill
>i'm not bidenshill tho
no way normal Black men hang out at pride parades these days lol
So you're a triple nigger.
lmao mexico btfo
it's a shame it's always fun watching USA v. mexico
Joke’s on you. I’ve never been in a romantic relationship.
Black males being raised without fathers has made the black male probably the most outsized homo group there is, if I recall. I don't really want to look that shit up.
that’s odd if there is one thing you lot had it was casual sex
soccer is not an american sport
Niggers are the gayest demographic in the country. Their only competition is the spics.
but i shouldn't bee surprised the anon who spells it
watches that garbage
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>I don't really want to look that shit up.
I once did, anon, and you're right. Faggotry is WAY over-represented among the shit-colored folks.
No, you’re right. I had a lot of casual sex. Way more than you.
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maybe hes a shitskin?
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> attendees
Please amend the list
Remember, they're trying to make it seem like Trump victory is guaranteed to keep you from voting.
>please dont register to curb stomp Biden in a historic landslide, he's already lost!
>*stuffing ballot box with votes from dead people and illegals*
yeah football is though!
White and Black men are the least likely to be “LGBT” only 4.1% and 4.4% respectively. The whole “LGBT explosion” among zoomers is just girls LARPing as bisexual. The % of 18-19 year old men that are “Gay” and the amount of adults that are “Transgender” or suffering from gender dysphoria is no more than 3.5% combined. Gays, Lesbian, and Transgenders make up 4% of 15-29 year olds as of right now…
Slate a round-table with Kennedy, have like 4 members and a host. I suggest C. Rice as host, hold it in Stanford. Bring in... You can stop by CA to $party$ later that night.
Who could sit at that table? Who can Trump chill with and who could mitigate between Kennedy's "extreme" and Trump and his bro's positions?
Does Trump look ok at a table of peers having a diet coke?
you should ask him to post his electric socket lmao
>millions of people saw it, it's all over social media and likely being discussed in the living rooms of every other house in America at this point
>now every person in the developed world is well aware Biden has dementia
But that's always been the case. We all saw it in 2020, people have been talking about it ever since.
Everyone paying attention knew this whole time.
Those that weren't paying attention would continue to not pay attention if the media didn't do this turn and just kept pretending he's fine.
Figures. Do you regret being
40-44 and not married?
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also the puto chants are VERY funny whenever mexico is losing you wouldn't get it
source cnn?
should i watch it now??
I do, if that’s what you imagine me feeling. You’re the one building this character, not me.
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yes i hate normalfags
How about 3 members and Rice, since she's got her own political views and will probably want to speak. Someone between Kennedy and Trump who gets along with Donald?
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They wuz buck broken gay ass niggers, sheeeiiit.
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Guys, I think I just cracked the code on what happened with Biden during the debate. People are saying his poor performance is meant to lay the groundwork to replace him with a more extreme candidate further to the left, and this theory is supported by the fact that every left-wing news source is pointing out his poor performance.

This theory is partially correct, but what they get wrong is that people think he will be replaced with Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, or even Michelle Obama. His replacement is actually the person closest to him, his wife. Notice how Jill follows Joe around everywhere he goes, watching his every move, never letting him escape her watchful eye? Her feminine visage haunts him like a specter, seducing his mind and controlling his soul, she feasts upon his vitality and leeches more and more until there is barely anything left.

Her suggestive form and motherly smile lures you into a false sense of security, but do not be tricked! She is a feminist witch that uses dark arts beyond our understanding to control American politics behind the scenes, making sure Biden remains a good boy for her.

Notice how she stands confidently, taking control, while Biden hides to the side awkwardly, looking away in submission, not knowing what to do with his hands. She is the final boss of feminism. Her ultimate plan is to radically transform the USA into a Mommyocracy, where all men are obedient boys for their dominant mommies. She is the beginning. She is the end. She is Dark Jill.
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Tremendously based
??? What are we even discussing then? I thought you were a 40 year old man who has never been in a romantic relationship.
anon trump gains absolutely nothing by holding a debate with rfk jr
it's silly to do something with no upside
>but you said something on 4chan and I believed you!
Not sure what to tell you, esse
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>right wingers enjoy blowjobs
It’s be so epic! RFK could just spend 3 hours talking anti-vax bullshit while Trump defends his operation warp speed vaccine roll out.
I don’t know I remember a “40 year old liberal White man from Bay Village, OH” posting here in 2016
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annnnnd it`s niggers.
you don't want to know trust me it's fucking stupid
what does any of that mean?

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>it was a normal run of the mill faggot spectacle until niggers showed up
the referee is going to be HUNTED down
>rich White girls going to concerts are right wingers
Funny to see talking heads on twitter strawman everything and make no sense. Twitter screencaps should be an automatic b&
Pose it as an educational event. What about the LA Coliseum, could that kind of event fill it in LA?
It's not like kids learn anything in school anyway.
shut the fuck up anon. Unless you’re serious and you’re that anon. It’s just funny because I was graduating high school when I spoke to this anon in a different state 1,000 miles from CLE but now I live in CLE exurbs and even lived right by the hospital, closest one to the airport, for awhile
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>desperately clinging on to power
What's her problem?
So what the hell is a "live fact check" these lefties keep clamoring for? Do they expect someone to keep up with every argument in a debate and be like "um... Actually those numbers are wrong."
No Y chromosome.
Yeah bro, I’m serious. Right off wolf rd.
The whole fact checking thing is dumb. No one cares what the news says is true or not.
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Something else innit
They want levels of suppression like in 2020
she's ugly both on the inside and outside
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Yes that is literally what they want. They tried doing that to Trump in past cycles and they are pissing blood that the CNN moderators didn't do it to Trump last week.
Hey man are you the shop steward at the facility in Middleburg Heights?
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they seem to be enjoying the walk.
I am not joking
That’s some Parma heights bullshit that’s super far away from me.
We know from a Facebook leak they just have interns write "fact checks" based on what the media wants to be true.
So you’re not Jordan? Well that’s a relief. I actually conversed with you 8 years ago in this very thread. I am now a CLE area resident ironically.
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>Fuck the government
>But don't actually protest against it or hate it
So there's two ways to think of this. If Trump has been running on Trump is best, your plans don't change. If the campaign has been trying to focus on beating Biden, you have to change your speech patterns, possibly not your war-map.
Where do you work?
The people on the Westside are some of the nicest people but Medina County residents always have a stick up their ass I have noticed. The West of CLE on 80/90 past Vermilion is insane btw. The transition from NE to NW or Central OH is crazy no carp
RNC attache need to smoke the DNC for being derelict. It needs to be up and down about the time wasted, the risks to the US.
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No no I have told you enough about that but you can probably gather from the city I told you
>Engelwood Road
Use to work there and the shop steward was a 41 year old White male and the westside is very liberal
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It’s like 3 in the morning here, so I’m going to bed. I actually have no idea wtf you’re talking about. But it’s funny how gullible you trumpfags always are. Just agree with a couple wild ass guesses and suddenly you morons are believing anything.

Years on this board? Come on bro. Take a look at yourself.
I don’t even work there lol it was UPS
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they are literally fucking retarded
kys nigga I enjoy bullshitting with anons who give (You)s I am not even a certified Trumptard
The message this week, the DNC lied about Biden's health for nearly 4 years, and it risked us all. Like President Trump said, we're facing hostile nations Because of Joe's condition and that lands Directly At The Feet of the whole of the DNC. Fool him once, shame on you, fool him twice, shame on him. Let's not be shamed or shaming anyone, we just want to MAGA. We're here as neighbors, not enemies, we went to school with these people, we worked side by side.
But the DNC denied them their honor, and thats deserving of Shame. The DNC establishment needs a Penalty Box period, a Time Out in the corner.
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the shilling is actually quite sad. they don't know what to do. I've seen some funny shill posts that made me laugh the past couple days. these poor shills are completely broken individuals.
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because they have the world view of children
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Uh hello, Based Department?
MIGA we all need to die for israel, it says so right here in this gay book
The DNC clearly cannot be trusted with their candidate picks.
And this is where you back off the prosecution
>we're not here to arrest people, or make lives harder, we're here to unify. That's why John Calipari will be the next vice president....
I dunno. But now is not the time to watch the DNC make their moves. Cut them. Finish them. Make it smiles, make it warm and welcoming to everyone else. But twist the FUCK out of that blade, whatever.
Reminder that I am still baking, but this one will be my last for the night.
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*annexes Canada*
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I want to smell their armpits anon. MAGA!
>the sitting president is revealed to be incapable of the functions of their office
>they're still in the running
this is literally blame shifting
as such it should be treated with derision.
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Holy fuck this is insane
The only leftists I've seen defending with clearly bad faith were the gays. Like it or not queers, it's on your team.
The hood was like
>yeah, we don't defend, we'll just rob that shit anyway
but the queers were like
>oh, this is a huge loss for Trump blah blah blah...
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you vill construct your own botvto box and retvrn
Shit is getting fucking insane
>We need to kill off half of the worlds population to save the planet
>Also Canada day is racist!
Maybe they shouldn't do the
>no right to repair
Someone should buy those factory grounds and put all those guys to work.
>they are sticking with Biden
This will only make it more humilating when they rig it.
This is almost as bad as when Trump made the carrier plant move to Mexico.
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just tool up a multinational tractor manufacturing plant. yea i think i got a few thousand dollard
time for trump to make a tariff warning like he did in 16
Juan Deere
>we're facing hostile nations
Who is we? Are you an israeli?
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Maybe people will finally trade their john deers in for real tractors like a Massey Ferguson
>no one applies for a low paying manufacturing job when it’s based in the US
>complain when it leaves the US
You retards are worse than the McDonald’s workers demanding $30 an hour.
They're eating our lunch out there. We literally can't have a meeting with the Gulf. I don't think anyone outside of Jordan is taking a US Call.
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i have two old ford 9ns so you cant remove me from the traditional ways
time to get after the DNC, Biden is toast, the problem is the DNC. They're gonna put up another candidate, they need to be killed first.
>I don't think anyone outside of Jordan is taking a US Call.
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Then get 12 dollars an hour output.
Did your tiny hat get tighter when you wrote that?
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That's too high anon I'm a 7'2 black head chef at burger king and I make 28 an hour
Would rather have Greenland
That factory has had no shortage of workers for decades. It's all inflation and, imo, some bad decisions to not allow Farmers to repair the tractor they bought.
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When do you think they'll announce Biden's replacement?
There’s nobody willing to do the work in the US. Rural whites are all 600 lbs and on fent. There is zero work ethic in America. “But liberals made me not want to work” cope does nothing to remedy the situation. Fact is, Americans just aren’t good at quality manufacturing. Never were.
Given what we've heard we should know by the end of this week where we stand.
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Oh, you're the thread troll?
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>blaming CNN’s makeup staff
My sides.
kek keep seething and projecting kike
ZOG is collapsing and its gonna take you with it
Is Kamala still around? I haven't heard anything from her for like three years.
You're wrong, you need to make where you stand. The DNC has BETRAYED THE US. They need to be gutted.
Lain is fat and her pussy smells like doodoo
Name one thing Americans can make better than Germans.
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He's probably a filthy latinx.
Lunar Landers.
Get fucked.
Isnt this forbidden?
BAR is fucking sexy.
Fake job ads.
Blaming others at least publicly, I'm sure it's a different story internally
The ALINA lander kicks the shit out of any American lander. You thought you had one there.

lol, no
I accept your full concession.
>lol, yes
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Had that anime on VHS. What an absolutely bizarre product.
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>I've been to the moon
lol, no.
Ford GT40 Mk. II
Debate over.
Had the Thompson to emulate.
How many f1 championships by an American manufacturer?
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What tractor posting naaaaaa
I honestly though Joe Biden was going to do well. 10 day retreat at Camp David, probably getting his toes sucked. He's a freak like that. Pumped full of the good drugs, and practicing the questions given to the team by the moderators before hand.

He unfortunately blew it within the first 30 seconds.

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Hot farm babes :)

I would farm w them!


Dude would talk trash to me so I can be a slavejoke torture/death ritual for farmers.
It's in the swift lyrics, and even the new sabrinacarpenter song..talking about the cieling fan in the mens locker room of the ymca gym in the basement of the bank
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And, Kayliegh knows about my case, as well as the Charles Payne black guy from FOX business showing all that ibterest in the boys and girls club which is a YMCA affiliate, and not ti mention Dagen McDowell, the fuckibg FOX Business whore knowing way to much about my mother and her bathroom fixtures

So you wanna explain to me WTF trump is doing pandering to farmers and then posting memes in the likeness of my father, and coming on news broadcasts and talkibg shit to me, as well as making comments about my food, and going along with assassination psyops targeted at me like itsa joke?

Like im his nigger ??

Can you explain this to me?
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They should have promised him some little girls to sniff and lick if he did well, suddenly he'd become the smartest and most coherent man on earth
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