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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>'Nice to give a bit back' - Bellingham to critics

>Paedophile head teacher jailed for 17 years

>Kuwait flight hostages sue airline and UK government

>Energy prices fall but relief may be temporary

>Union calls off Port Talbot strike action

>Boy, 14, missing after swimming with friends

>High mortgage rates pricing out buyers, says Nationwide

>Funeral home inquiry: 163 families linked to ashes
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>submit council tax exemption form
>write letter to council about council tax exemption form
>email council about council tax exemption form
>ring up council explaining I do not pay them anything because I am a student and I have a form I have submitted
>more letters about court dates
>council tax debt keeps increasing
>owe them 1674.59 pounds
>next action is a liability order meaning bailiffs at my door for a debt I dont even owe
>ring up again
>on hold for over an hour

I am absolutely sick of them lads and idk what to do at this point, court date on the 4th of july at 10am but I've got better shit to do so not going over a debt I dont owe. Dunno what to do about bailiffs though, I know they cant come in but if they bring police this could get interesting, suppose I could barricade my door?? defend my village walls against the barbarians type shit
Probably going to lose my job
You'll be alright
Why the exemption?
I’ve been down this road
You're meant to keep paying it until they confirm the exception. Don't fuck with tax lad, you won't win
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Stay strong, lad. They expect you to surrender.
Fat old pedo filtering enabled
Dunno if that’s better or worse than Lisa Simpson sucking off Bart
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studentmong, I dont owe the council a fucking penny
I never paid them before, I never owed them anything because I'm doing a masters degree but clearly they wont listen
They wont win, I have enough food in my flat cupboards to last so they cant starve me out, my door is thick as fuck and I could in theory stack multiple bits of furniture against it, I have my shiny exemption letter, the council have recieved multiple copies and the woman on the phone even said it would be sorted and that I dont owe anything, yet nothing has happened.
Yeah what the other anon said, don't fuck with tax. I'd suggest trying to set up a payment plan giving bare minimum like £20 a month to keep away bailiffs and extra penalties. You should get it all refunded if you win the tax exemption.
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Police would still need a high court warrant, and if you genuinely don’t owe it I’d imagine (maybe naively) that would come up in the process of applying for the writ
>be me
>early 20s
>been out for a meal with some lass
>decided to go on to a nightcub
>i buy multiple rounds thinking im in there
>get back to the table and she's snogging some other geezer
>this song was playing

> Hey - it’s that ethnic group that lets their inferiors rape their children? Weren’t they once great warriors that owned the world…
> Imagine if we wake up on July 5th, fajr time, and we hear the news that Shabana Mahmood's seat has fallen to us, because the people of Birmingham were united under the banner of La Ilaha Illallah Muhammad Rasulullah."
>Akhmed Yaboob's inspiring speech in a Birmingham restaurant last night. Polls show he is running neck and neck with Labour incumbent Shabana Mahmood in the Ladywood constituency.
Put a gps tag on it lad
Brits let niggers do WHAT to their girls?
but I dont owe them anything, I've never paid them a penny because before this I did an undergrad for 3 years in which I had exemptions and before that I was living at home, but for some reason now they are being dickheads.
>high court warrant
I dunno how any of this works but it says on this letter if I dont go on the 4th of july a liability order will be issued and if it is obtained by the court they can then send over bailiffs
Sunak and Starmer are both pdfiles working for Council of 13. There are videos of them comitting such acts... Starmer said he would let in 1 million muslims and then his eyes blinked sideways. This man is next ruler of the UK. He is a member of the trilateral commision.... he is a Satanist and bows down before inverted cross.
Go to court and produce your exemption. That's what the court is for, for you to be heard
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Been looking at old OS maps from my local area again.
>Zia Yuauf vs Kemi Bad Enoch
reform really have cooked it havent they
the putin comments
the racist barry 'actor'
nigel crapping his pants on question time
real shame.
Tbh I don’t know how it works either, I’m making assumptions based entirely on watching “can’t pay we’ll take it away”

I think they can be proper dicks though and say that you should have been paying it until they made a decision and reimburse you
But I have to go to some sand dune slacks and take soil samples then, I dont have time for this shit, why do I have to give them my precious time, I dont owe them anything.
>and if it is obtained by the court
If it would be, they would just apply for it and not even bother telling you.
shut up you fat bald nonce you aint fooling anyone
> Nigel Farage tells @UnHerd that Marine le Pen will be “a disaster” for France — “even worse for the economy than the current lot.”
Maybe just be quiet
dumb cunt, did the NHS mental health team fail you
>apparently the economy is stalling and unemployment is rising. So we are gonna list 15 jobs in the whole of Wales showing actually this isn't the case
Just saw Mr Joshua Black in the Asda in Warrington wtf lol.
They are dickheads but they're allowed to be. I used to work as a phone grunt for HMRC so I know how it works.

If you or a family member has an illness or you're vulnerable in any way (le depression counts) start screaming about it and you'll get put on an extra support list for retards who might neck if they're too pushy. Pretty sure they're not allowed to send bailifs otherwise.
Retard UK never had a chance
Watching the Tories lose an extra 50 MPs is the only use they had
>It's true
>Head of engineering at TMPW Royal College of Nursing in Cardiff
>Civil litigation solicitor at Guthrie Jones & Jones Solicitors in Denbigh
>IT project manager at NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership in Cardiff
>Data scientist at Health Education and Improvement Wales in Cardiff
Nice jobs that anyone can apply for.
Council cunts tried to make me sign an affidavit
Thought he lived in runcorn?
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Nigel going full anti-racist and proposing a paki muslim for his replacement (going into the Great Replacement willingly) completely lost me.
I'm just waiting now for his new slogan. Lots of options to choose from:
>you can't be british and racist
>britain is not a white country, britain is for everyone
>right-wing politics are anti-british
Nigel is a twat but he is right here. Mainly because no woman should be given power their minds are too feeble
Still voting reform though
>Josh trying to get (you)s by talking about himself.
fat bald paedophile spastic
> English Sex Slaves Being Auctioned Off By Their Muslim Master Circa. London, Englandistan, 2034
15 whole jobs just sat going spare?
send more boats! wales has a coastline too!
Put the Stanley down
I would happily take an economic hit if it meant saving our culture, history and people.
Pick a tribe:

Angles, Saxons, Danes, or Jutes.
Raheem Kaseem seems to be sliding back as well
Paki cum more like
It’s just common sense, France has a different economic culture (more state interventionist), fine, not really Britain’s concern nor that of a political insurgent party. Just say nice words about her (even though apparently she’s cucking) and that’s that
Will France and Germany accept English refugees once they've unfucked themselves?
>Kier Starmer: "You can only have change if you vote for it.
>"I changed the Labour party."
Who voted for that?
> and the tears of little white English girls that have been sexually tortured by Muslim niggers
Labour party members?
> Too many children are ending up in hospital with rotting teeth because they can't get the dental care they need.
>Good dental care starts young. So Liberal Democrats would scrap VAT on children's products to help families build good habits early.
Um, that’s because all the kids afflicted are, well, coons
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my ancestors :)
Cisalpine gaul
> t. Some shitskin whose ancestors were their slaves
The inferiority complex is strong with this subhuman
Recently found out I’m a distant relative of Holly Willoughby.
Not sure what to do with this information.
Is your arse as nice as hers?
The replies to this hate this idea.
Middle class twats hate lower taxes.
“It’s not a kidnapping, it’s a family reunion”
>england team saved by their beloved negro player
The media love this. I wonder if they'll paint murals in his honour.
It’s not bad actually.
Doesn’t make up for having noodle arms though.
I will be voting for Reform! I will be voting for Prime Minister Zia Yusuf!
I get them, VAT is eyewatering and why have these pet project carve outs, especially in cases like this when it’s a bail out for poor (BAME) parenting? Understandable that they would hold them hostage and reject the proposal until comprehensive VAT reductions across the board
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Let’s fucking go
My mate in Germany was a keen metal detector bloke, we were posted in Bergen-Belson and he found a bunch of pfennigs with swastikas on them and a nazi belt buckle. But he was telling me Germany has a law that you can’t dig more than 1m below the soil and nobody has found the exact location of the Teutoburg battle, and when the romans where losing a battle they’d bury their supplies (gold etc) 2m into the ground and that’s still out there somewhere
>There are videos of them comitting such acts
Okay then, post a link to a reputable source (e.g. BBC News, Sky News, The Guardian) which confirms the existence of such videos. I'll wait.
> Brits think voting reform will make their balls grow back
Anon, I….
Royal mail delivering lib dem leaflets, are the lib dems offering something to checkovslavakian billionaires or someth
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You lot never had any balls to begin with.
>randomly kicking up controversy 2000 years later
Pretty cool guy.
you lads on your MPs email mailing list? never seen mine (conservative) send out so much bollocks begging for votes
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what's a good book to learn all about freemasonry and what all their gay little hand signals mean?
Aussies are weak af
Not denying that
They inherited it from y’all
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I pick Danes, as the odd one out
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> Accepting migrants is the right thing to do, in part because it saves many thousands of people from what would otherwise likely be a lifetime of poverty and oppression.'
> Ilya Somin
Oy vey
Why can't Israel have them they're the ones fucking bombing them
Hey guys. Just wanted to point out that you shouldn't just vote Reform or Conservative. What you should do is look up the polling in your specific constituency and pick the party that is most likely to beat Labour.

Here is a site you can use to see how your constituency polls: https://pollingreport.uk/seats

I think this post should be made again and again ITT over the next 4 days and spread to other sites so please do that if you can, thanks.
Boris Johnson?
>LEAD 8.5%
> gives me shit for not speaking Arabic
Sorry, eunuch - don’t you have to prepare the bed for your paki neighbor to take your sister’s virginity?
Not that I believe the polls but here's mine
Immigration now brings us the dysgenic gift of retardation, an innovation somehow.
is sussex going #biglad?
not immigration per se but the types of immigration
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les normands
Inside the Brotherhood
Kek I’ve got a reform Paki, jade looks tidy tho
fuck off mr hitchens
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Why do you Tory boys assume that people don't want a Labour Government?
I wonder if any leftist has ever made the argument immigration is good for inbred muslims because it expands their options, fresh blood giving them a chance to clean their gene pool.
Should be a sickening thought to anyone on our side.
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fucking tory seat typical
You’re a faggot. Normans and Charlemagne ruined everything
had some soup
lmao that my mp was suspended for betting against himself
never seen my reform candidate before checking this site
he posts here 100%
lmao even
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No I don't.
Downloading now, thanking you
And your shitskin neighbor had your sister’s ass
don't tell me what to do
kek the green party candidate looks like a default portrait
Just chatting to the woman who does the payroll. She's not pretty, but she is curvy. My willy started going hard
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>labor safe seat povos itt
>can't dig more than 1m below the surface
this is more tyrannical than anything Hitler was even alleged to have done
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I’m galloping with Galloway
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BAMES are LOVING reform
reform sisters lets goooooooooo
this is awful, what if people start smoking because they don't see the sign as its been covered up?
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Hopefully bames choke on the smoke and die.
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We won the sports match so racism is in fact over, fyi
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Lol, still wouldn't wish pakjeet niggers on the slavs.
Dump em in the ocean, could probably make an island from their bones for them to emmigrate to.
More like Dan Woofter
bit rude mate, how would you like it if someone photographed you, your wife and child then posted it online?
Think I've got another hemmerhoid, lads. That makes two.
My arse will look like I've sat on a raspberry before I know it.

I was in a pub earlier trying to take a pic of my arse, then I saw a camera with the black dome cover that was visible from the stall when standing up. Idk if it saw me but I went 'jesus christ!' then I walked out and had a Guinness at another pub.
You’d think that MPs would, purely out of self interest, pass a law that legalises AC in London
The wife's the kid in the photo
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>NatWest has angered British farmers by urging its customers to buy less red meat and to replace dairy products with plant-based alternatives.
>A 'carbon footprint tracker' on the bank's mobile app uses transaction data to advise customers on how to reduce their carbon footprint based on their spending habits.
>The app recommends 'veggie Mondays' and 'choosing (mostly) plant-based' diets to customers as a way to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
>It also suggests buying 'more second-hand clothes' and taking 'fewer flights' — and has thousands of users who can 'opt in' to receive a monthly carbon score.
>But the National Farmer's Union (NFU) has criticised NatWest for promoting 'oversimplified' messages that 'miss the nuance of the path to a sustainable food system'.
>According to The Telegraph, the bank's app asks its users to try adding tofu and lentils to their diets as substitutes for eating meat. It also suggests they switch off tumble dryers, share car journeys and wash their clothes in cold water.
>David Barton, chair of the NFU Livestock Board, told the newspaper: 'People should be free to choose whatever diet they wish to follow, but it must be an informed choice.
>'We understand that the NatWest app is primarily focusing on [greenhouse gas] emissions, but the reality is that when making diet related recommendations, other factors such as nutrition, environment, and biodiversity must be presented.'
>By 'swapping out beef', the app estimates an individual could reduce their footprint by 12kg, while eating 'vegetarian at home' could reduce your footprint by 40kg
I wish I had a pet goat
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Why isn’t the shit smeared all over its body washing off?
The Reform fantasy is falling apart. MAGA tier delusion.
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Sit on a tennis ball. Doctor said that helps.
The Cdbc AI overlord whispers to us even now
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Might go up in him, tho.
And the blood of little boys who lost their willies after being groomed on discord and tiktok from eunicks larping around in skirts.
latest selfie?
Nutella on crumpets
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In the spirit of impartiality they should also have an app telling you how best to carbonmaxx
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Interesting proposition, but it smells of heresy
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The love child of S U S S E X and Eddie
Maybe niggers were onto something playing their coon tunes out loud?
my mate made a joke saying that if you wanna become an engineer, then study philosophy or psychology or do an apprenticeship

because we're all computer science grads and either unemployed or doing unrelated shit, and some other friends have engineering/tech roles while having studied non-STEM courses
he has a sealed indictment for poncy noncery but has a very well conected "friend"(groomer)
/fmr hm courts court clerk
Doubt it.
I've got hemmerhoid not a gaping hole.
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Manically desperate anti reform shilling going on, reform has them panicking bigtime.
U Callin’ me a nigger, boi?
SUSSEX's good looks, Eddie's IQ
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>we're all computer science grads and either unemployed or doing unrelated shit
So insane.
When I graduated 9 years ago my entire software engineer class got jobs within weeks.
I had about 3 interviews lined up in a week.
I've been searching for a new job recently and it's literally dead out there. Things are fucked.
do you see it yet?
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Feeling stunning, brave, and powerful rn lads
There was no love involved
Do you reckon they've been doing it on purpose? Like there's a shadow policy to hire the wrong people for the wrong jobs so that everything is done badly.
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That site is bullshit, it doesn't list all the candidates.
Sussex is a jaffa
Looks like a dude in a wig
Looks like Alicia
Not sure. I think it's because a CS degree is being increasingly seen as useless. I'm a part of a tech programme at a bank and they changed my role from software engineering to BA shit on the day of the interview, meanwhile I know people doing technical stuff with non-technical backgrounds, it's fucking humiliating.
tory candidate looks like a turbo nonce
File deleted.
They will have told you which court to go to. Email that court right now with the exemption letter and a brief rundown of events. Just keep it to dates and times. "I have been a student between X and Y at University of Whatever." They'll make sure it goes in front of the legal advisor, who is an actual lawyer and will booty blast the mongs from the council

Council tax arrears is something I've had to deal with before and the whole thing was dealt with in court in about ten minutes by me doing that. The courts, for all their faults, usually detest the local council because they are well renowned for wasting their time with shit like this and clogging up their entire admin teams.
My council tax is £180 a month, (I pay 12 months a year instead of 10)
My mortgagee is £950 a month
How much do you pay?
I’m so glad I did business and not tech
Indians snuffed you guys out of the job market
What did you say? That's appalling. How dare you.
To all the Nigelistas determined to put in a Labour government: If it was just *you* who had to live under Starmer for the next 20 years, I wouldn't mind your pompous, fanatical, boneheaded selfish vanity. But millions of others will also have to suffer. Why should they?
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That inaccurate polling site says he won't do well.
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>354 more months to pay off the mortgage
After that will I finally be free of the kike bankers?
Because we want to break everything.
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> My mortgagee is £950 a month
Paid mine off
By ballot or by bullet
We're so proud of you.
>Paedophile head teacher jailed for 17 years
Foreign folks rape kids all the time and get a small fine and community service, but when one white man does it he goes to jail for 17 years! It's just not fair man.
The council are likely backlogged with a million+ retards calling/emailing them, so you must stand out. The way you stand out is by writing in a very formal, lawyer-esque manner that excruciatingly details everything and leaves nothing to ambiguity; and then you pay for tracked postage.

Then you email them with the same, call, and even show up to their offices and try get an appointment on the day. Last but not least, email your local MP—which on the face of it sounds like a useless thing to do, but you can explain at court that you tried reaching out so hard you got in touch with your fucking MP of all people. Maybe your MP isn’t a useless twat and can make some calls to get shit moving along. Either way, you want to make it abundantly clear to the court that you earnestly tried to get this shit resolved.

Finally, take all your shit the bailiffs could nick and have a friend or family hold onto them for safekeeping until the matter is resolved. The last thing you want is to have your basedlatte square box headed dolls (whatever those gay fucking things call) are taken away.
I'm campaigning for racial equality in noncing
go to bed peter
£120 CT a month and £155 a week 3 bed council house
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£4111 per year on my house and I don't have a mortgage on it as it's inherited. I've got a couple of other flats and houses (I'm not a HMO griftermong, they came as part of the inheritance) and the tenants pay between £150-£180ish a month
What's Nick Griffin up to these days?
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>raining again
Who’s primeminister is pretty irrelevant.
Being inventive
fuck this torstein bellend labour kike gonna vote reform still kek
got a show on the bbc world service
The fuck did he "change" anyway?
The same retards are still there and this time next week there'll be 300 more
>pay between £150-£180ish a month
What? That's fuck all m8. You a retard?
Keeping an eye on thing.
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Crypto? Stocks? Selling drugs? Selling your arse?
Av got the fkn heating on ffs
As in that's what they have to cover for council tax, not what they pay for rent

Gay and bi males should go back to wearing skirts and frocks. Pants are for real men.
You’re correct on two but I ain’t saying which
It’d have to be at least 3 of them if you can put your heating on
Selling drugs out your arse
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Reform here seem to be taking votes off Labour & the Tories. I voted Reform already, was tempted to vote Tory tho. Hope it's a tie
Trousers are for men. Not wearing pants is gay though.
Seems he just panders to muzzies on xitter and has fallen into "Christian Nationalist" boomerism. Shame!
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We all just doxxed ourselves with that polling website
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might take the neet nap pretty based wonder how wageys deal without being able 2 take a nap in day
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Bit grim oop norf
Just assume you're always doxed all the time
>christian nationalist
>tolerating heathens, heretics, apostates and blasphemers
Mad, innit.
you don't see it
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>Tony Blair: 'I'm putting together a team.'
>Recently retired political failure: 'You son of a bitch. I'm in.'
Split board
Free power
Like a Pez?
Rain is based and white-coded
Not liking rain is cringe and BAMEesque
can u still buy the sweets for them tingz?
I don't understand the logic of hiring the most incompetent people in history.
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BAMEs literally dance for the rain
I hope he dies of starvation
It is.
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dis iz a CRISCHUN cuntry
Yes, from my arse
Any good replies?
How much is your rent?
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What kind of retard votes Reform
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are u on a list sonny jimmy?
reform is a wasted vote that will split the right and a tacit support for destructive industries
>split the right
What right?
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>voting Tory
>you mad?
I think we'd still fight without the jews making things worse.
>100% recycled paper
Bog roll
It is, just not any of the churches are worth a shit.
That pic is gay and jewish, fuck islam
You’re engaged in a race war to the death, white man
Neither are your friend
reform has no credible policy proposals, political structure nor ethical backing
Do any of the standing parties?
Remember when rNige did that with like 10 bottles?
Labour's manifesto will have full blob support.
What's that?
I'm voting Reform because racist man said bigger. That's good enough for me.
(spoiler i live in east anglia)
petty and infantile
Nigger. Ducking auto collect.
Big sex
why are you calling yourself nigger anon
pol schizoid tendencies on full display
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av emailed them, bastards. Hopefully I can go back to ignoring them.
install my /dontgiveafuck/
ye spook nerd
lmao as if anyone is actually doing this you mong
wasting your time
The man just gave you excellent advice and not even a “thank you”
Oh god I hope he didn’t help a shitskin
Then again shitskins don’t go to uni.. unless it’s a woke one that gives them passing grades because they’re subhuman and unable to pass based on merit

>i've got an exception
*laughs in high court writ*
All modern countries are memeflags. Actually memeflags > real countries.
>He's rattled
Filterchads still winning?
youre correct. Thank you anon for giving me good and usable advice.
Coming out as a transmeme nigger are ye?
Tomato soup with crumpets for dipping
Acceptable, you have a deal
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Living on a budget but still want to eat tasty meals?
Just get a tin of spaghetti hoops and rinse the tomato sauce off (but keep it so you can re-use it later) then add some cheese and black peeper

>About that tomato sauce. If you want to keep it, it can be used in any recipe that calls for tomato puree, but bear in mind it’ll be a lot thinner and slightly sweeter, so will need reducing down in a vigorous boil to concentrate it. Don’t rinse the hoops under the tap for this, instead decant them into a large bowl or jug, and fill the can halfway full with cold water. Pour most of the cold water into the bowl with the hoops and sauce, and mix very gently to thin the sauce. Then pass it through a sieve or colander, using the remaining water from the can to knock off any stubborn clingy bits. Transfer the now-very-runny sauce to a clean jar with a lid, and pop it in the fridge or freezer until you want to use it.
Does the butter go well with tomato?
>av emailed them, bastards.

emailed who? if its the council then you're pissing into the wind hence the situation you're in

if you have a court hearing and you don't go you WILL get ruled against regardless and the bailiffs will come so you'd be stupid to ignore it

these are the bailiffs that WILL fuck you over and can break in and take stuff - they don't decide or listen to whatever you have to say - that was what the court hearing is for, they just take - if the bailiffs come the court has ruled against you and given them the power to recover the cash or take stuff

as much of a pain in the arse it might be, you should probably do something about it
Yeah it's lovely
Some lad I used to know would pour that fucking stinky ass water from a used pot noodle in a pan and turn it into "soup" later
Your mum
I drink the water after I'm done with the noodles. Bombay bad boy is the best for it's slight spice
You're a monster

Reform voters want a Muslim to be PM because he gave a decent speech.
Not had noodles for ages, the freeze dried vegetables mysteriously disappeared from packets during covid.
Couldn't even buy em in packets on their own. The conspiracy was doing me head in so I dropped anything that reminded me of it from my diet.
I emailed the court though? I tried ringing but I was on hold for nearly an hour, I literally cannot get through to the council
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Reminder that after you die, you will never return to /pol/ ever again
The Lord is merciful
What do we do exactly when we're in heaven (the good lads)
can the last white person In England close the door
the wife works in social housing
28 brand new flats
not a single white person
and they don't even say hello, excuse me or thank you
Tbf I delivered a load to Muller once and the paki gave me two trays of yogurts
Voting would reverse this.
nah, fuck these fags >>472743969 >>472744124

let it go to a hearing, that's what I did. I printed out an A4 shitpost about why their system is fucked and made them read it out.
He needs to shut the fuck up he is selling so hard
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those digits
My conservative leaflet has a picture of Kier Starmer on it.
It says Kier starmer need you (like those old war poster)
but in small it say "to give him a blank cheque"
It's a conservative leaflet basically telling you to vote for Kier Starmer
Massive pic of Kier Starmer on the front then tiny pic of a mong conservative on back
It looks like conservatives want to lose this election. The strange thing is it also looks like democrats want to lose the US election by running Biden. The only question is why.
You're so obviously a shitskin it's hilarious
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go on my son
la la la la
I won
How can there be moar forrens in social housing than Ingerlands
Am goon burst a blood vessel

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