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The actual fuck when you think about it, has there ever been an era as degenerate as ours ?

You have fags in the street being promoted by the state. Just that alone is insane, take 5 minutes to reflect about the fact that those degenerates who used to be sent to prison (rightfully so) are now waving their flag in the street in front of children

But you also have promiscuity, drugs, racemixing, loss of traditional values, materialism and so on

If we only had one of those it would be bad enough, but we have ALL OF THEM
You have a phobia
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In NZ they intertwine the ideology with Indigenous culture so it will seem racist if you criticise it
righteous abhorrence of evil
No. It's disgust.
Checked and based
>Maori are fags
Knew it. Always.
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you have a chronic degenerate sexual compulsion
No one's afraid of trannies, pedophiles and faggots lmao
Weimar was worse in some ways, though very locale specific. Hope can come from unexpected places. We're certainly in for a reckoning in the West for the foreseeable future though. Neofeudalism with fewer benefits is in our future.
Two possible scenarios...
A) They'l be thrown under that bus because the devil wants blood, any will do, he hates them as well and will take any human sacrifice as payment
B) Nothing happens and the devil is stuck with them for eternity, being powerless to fix it.
>has there ever been an era as degenerate as ours ?
Yeah. 1920s and 30s Berlin.
you are loved, now pay your taxes
>MARTIN LUTHER (1483-1546) was one of the greatest religious thinkers and reformers of all time. Founder of the Lutheran Church, his Protestant movement against the dominant Catholicism altered the course of European history. His fortitude in confronting and overcoming corruption within the Church hierarchy is legendary. He was a man of great intellect and unmatched moral courage.
>But Luther had other opponents: the Jews. Judaism not only repudiated Christian theology by denying that Jesus was the true savior or Messiah, but it also took on an air of supreme arrogance--Jews as special, as different, as "chosen by God." As such, Jews are unwilling to repent, to accept Christ, or to see the true meaning of the Old Testament; hence they slander and insult Jesus, Mary, and indeed all Christians. Jews, said Luther, harbor an intense and deeply-rooted hatred for all non-Jews, and thus are willing to use, abuse, and exploit people for their own ends.
>For Luther, Jews are arrogant and stubborn liars. They are greedy materialists, ever covetous of Christian wealth and power. They are congenital misanthropes, the master haters of humanity. And through their damnable usury--lending money at interest--they exploit, bankrupt, and enslave innocent people everywhere. Given the chance, said Luther, they would slaughter us all.
>Hence his dramatic plan of action: destroy the synagogues, ban Judaic teaching, confiscate ill-gotten Jewish wealth, put Jews to hard labor, and ultimately, drive them out of Christian lands. Jews are incorrigible corrupters of humanity, and nothing less would get to the root of the problem.

I think Jews have been sent to test the faith of Christians. Jews are literally demons walking on this Earth and their agenda is to bring Hell on Earth.
And they're getting stronger every day.
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Everything you point out has Jewish origins.
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Everything you point out is pushed by Jewish media, not only the news but also entertainment - Hollywood movies etc.
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Everything you point out is pushed by Jewish owned and controlled social media.
Jews own every single social media corporation, with the exception of TikTok, and why Jews are seething about it, and the Jewish infiltrators in U.S. government try to push legislation to force TikTok to be sold to Jewish control.
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Jews have always fought for degeneracy in the West.
It was Jewish pornographer and Jewish shysters who made porn legal in the U.S. by arguing for it on the grounds of 1st amendment, a thing none of the Europeans who built the USA ever thought to do.
It's all depopulation shit of western native populations
Interesting take.
The weird thing to me is why gayness is being held up as this ultimate ideal, more obvious and more loudly than anything else.

If someone's gay, fine, whatever, some people are mad but I don't care. But why is it the biggest rights issue since emancipation? Why this? Why not any one of the tons of others problems in society?
Really the Weimar degeneracy was a Berlin thing, so in a way we are already at weimar
Martin Luther did the binding of the jews, for awhile.
Right after he ceased to be a Traditionalist Catholic and before he had met the real jews on the German Principalities that stood for him...
He was a jew lover back then.
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So you are saying that he liked the Jews, until he actually met one?
That is how it usually happens, you don't hate Jews before you learn about them.
Quote from Mein Kampf
>The more I argued with Jews, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day. Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them.
Hitler wasn't always a jew hater either, before he knew they are demonic.
i think the opposite.
come here for some positivity bros
your problems are niggers and muslims first and foremost.
This era is exposing how fucked up the regime is worldwide. It also shows how much society is willing to take. OP is a faggot.
>You have fags in the street being promoted by the state
Post-national economic zones that masquerade as states have a loyalty problem, because they cannot leverage unsustainable narratives such as patriotism anymore. And people who is naturally dissatisfied by the system cannot be entrusted with power or authority by the system. Thus creating the necessity for a demoralization/control/surveillance structure for most of the population.

Therefore, the state must ensure the undying loyalty of a dysfunctional subset of society, designed to be utterly dependant on the validation and pharmaceutical manteinance that the state provides them. To be employed as the personnel of the demoralization/control/surveillance structure.

The spies, the gratuitously cruel officers, the recruiters, the atomization enforcers, the loyal bureaucrats, all regularly march in unison during Pride parades now.
They are the structure that the modern state is building up against you, the common citizen of any race, creed and status. Faggots and assorted deviants ARE the backbone of a liberal society now, and any insurgent group or foreign power interested in weakening the structure of a post-national state should immediately target this category with all of the means at their disposal, up to biological warfare disseminated through new and improved STDs.
I am saying at the beginning of his revolution... when he gave up on being a Catholic and started to scheme with the Princes of Northern Germany, he teamed up with the jews.

He wrote some shit about jews being awesome back then.
Eventually, later, as he got to know jews with a bit more ... freedom, then he wrote the Jews and their Lies book / panflet / whatever.
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Lol Olympics are going to be a massive shitshow if they even happen at all. French leftie trust fund terrorists are preparing something for when the right finally blows their fucking shit out of the water
>has there ever been an era as degenerate as ours ?
weimar germany
You're beyond despicable.
Why do you think it's a good thing that some fag degenerates are being degenerates among themselves with people of different sexes?
i just want my rainbow colors back. colors don't belong just to fags, they belong to all humans, queer or straight.
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Fpbp (French post best post)
High IQ post.

I recommend all anons read this.
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les gros tappettes ak la bite dans l'cul pour tout le monde a voir. tabarnak mais cibonac il doivent faire le monde savoir.

uhhh fuck you'd think French poetry would be a little more romantic.
Past the point of no return, well before the breaking point. We will go out with a whimper from aging.
all boils down to jews attacking christianity. story as old as time
Homosexuals, transgenders, etc, are all very hormonally imbalanced. They put shit in our drinking water, they fag-ify our education system and our media, all in an effort to maximize homosexuality and other mental illnesses.
These developmental disorders also correlate strongly with other disorders, like alzheimers, BPD, NPD, etc, so as the number of fags and trannies rises, so does the number of more 'classical' mental illnesses that depend on meds and constant therapy in order to function.
in other words...
I've figured it out, that all this pride shit and gay shit is a result of corporate psychopaths it's not only a kind by proxy but evidently they're insecure as shit and require constant sexual gratification, this is likely a result of sexual abuse in youth, which is tragic, but they are grown now and haven't addressed it none.

much like they eat wagyu and you eat bugs, they get the beautiful women and you suck poo poo from another man's ass in public. it's also tied into narcissistic and covert narcissistic control it really gets them hot knowing they're not as gay as you. (in their heads)
Checked and based

Fellow bonklefag.
It's a natural reaction to bad things. People also have a phobia to eating shit. Also maggots and larvae.
>In NZ they intertwine the ideology with Indigenous culture so it will seem racist if you criticise it

Where do you think "Pride" comes from? They stole it from the black civil rights movement. Then they went into overdrive by highjacking BLM.
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>Do you think we've reached the point of no return
But, this is not a source of sadness anon
You should be glad - instead of the demoralizing grind of gradual degradation, now you know that a Crisis will eventually be brought to fruition
We cannot move forward and evolve without going through this Crisis
Yes, it will be loud and scary and full of uncertainty
And yes, many of us will not survive
I do not expect to see what comes "after"
But those who make it through - they will be the hardest motherfuckers to exist in the last 200 years
Kai Murros's speech from a few years ago:
You need to understand - we MUST go through fire to move forward, to evolve...
Be glad, anon. You not only have front row seats, but you will get to participate in the greatest historical events of the last 2000 years
Very very few have been given such an honor
Even when I was a kid, the whole “love is love” thing never made sense because everyone I knew that was in love didn’t have a new partner every other week. Most people here don’t really know any fags in their personal lives. My parents know several, so I see them at some parties that my parents host: they’re all on drugs, they’re always wrapped up in some kind of stupid drama, half of them have diseases, they’re all vaxxed to shit, and a few of them had partners that they left because the other guy was fucking some underage kid. And it never dawned on my boomer parents that the rampant degenerate filth in their lives had anything to do with their choice of lifestyle.
Jews are indeed "chosen" as they claim.
They were "chosen" by God to be the Bad Guy in all this.
They are the evil force that good - our people - must test itself against, prove itself.
If evil did not exist - the jews - then how could "good" - our people - even be defined?
>I don’t care
You will. Taiwan is squarely in the crosshairs of jews and you’ll accept serious levels of depravity or you’ll incur the ire of the US.
The only point of no return is nukes flying, normalfags and their good goy handlers have diluted themselves into believing that there will never be a purge again. It doesnt have to be a violent one, but their actions make that outcome more and more likely by the day. The kikes schizophrenia doesnt help, with importing millions of niggers and shitskins who abhor fags.
Sacre Blue!
Quintessential Quints of True spoken by based Frog of France.
I kneel, Napoleon
Because when they say "love is love" what they really mean is "do as thou wilt"
Which is literally satanism.
If you view them through this lens, what they do makes perfect sense
Morally bankrupt hedonistic behavior
Being pregnant and having a child putting a crimp in your lifestyle?
Easy answer - murder the child
Worried about the moral repercussions of murdering your child?
Easy answer - get rid of Christianity
Of course, this is all aided and abetted - enabled - by The Ancient Enemy of our people: Jews.
Why do you think they always go after children? The kid fucking groomer faggots and trannies?
Because defiling a child is the greatest evil they can perform.
Why do gay people always have to make an issue about their gay.

Every time I have interacted with a gay no mater the circumstance they always have to tell me they are gay in the beginning of the interaction.

It's like their whole reality revolves around butt sex.
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Friendly Fire will not be Tolerated
I think anyone's afraid of incels that can't even get a date? Lmao!
Rare good thread of anons having an honest discussion
Then (You) show up with your fucking kike meme flag and shit it up
Well poisoning greasy kike
Show flag
Then they claim all of their delusional lies are backed by "science" and the issue is "settled".

When in reality their claims about "science" are 180' the opposite of science where anybody that dated to speak up gets cancelled, fired and their whole career and life ruined with boycotts featuring dozens of wig headed bearded trannys protesting outside their home. Literally the opposite of science. But of course they already know this but that's besides the point. Because with them lying is like breathing. Truth and facts mean less than nothing and needs to be stamped out as "hate" and "violence" against trans people. Like that is the level of their lying. Where literally typing out letters on a piece of paper or a screen is "violence". Even doing nothing....like actual nothing. Because you are not going along with their delusion is considered violence to them. Like not flying a tranny flag if they demand it. They will call it violence. And normies won't even call out this absurdity.
I'm more upset about the "inclusive writing" thing that the troon pandering.
His post was fine though calm down.
Yes, Weimar was as degenerate and the reaction it sparked was glorious but this time we need to be sure the good guys win
Hehe they intertwine it with nigger worship as they have brown and black on the lgbtqp flags. Black worship is America's religion so it's sacrilegious to criticize it
It's why the world seems worse no matter where you look. The arts have been overrun and it feels like there's no escape from their faggotry. No mental escape at all. Which is exactly how they want it. They want you to feel like you have no escape and there is nowhere to hide. Not even in your own mind
For the west yes. But it's more the west is collapsing and cannot be saved.
Anyone who begins their discussion from a position of deception - in this case, hiding behind some greaseball kike meme flag - is automatically suspect and should be fucking yeeted into a wood chipper
I don't give a fuck what they said - they begin from a position of deception
How rare it is to have an open, honest discussion of a serious topic and nobody fucking with it
Till that faggot showed up
NASA hoax bovandoff of ussr technocratic pedo cult ball earth hoax magic to secularize
Usury and Masonic freemasonic corruption and the reject of clerical authority it's not cool drink infant pepsi with cindy Crawford and listen to crappy music
Yes women are terrified of incels, you oblivious retarded faggot
That's that vin hayes smear andnjudeonfreemason Sperling courtesy of communist and Zionist shit
Stop posting numbers he was paid by them exposed and sperged and reverted and then mentioned a few things of note
Tik tok is Rothschild owned
He is actually the asshole that let them back in
Them and their damn hordes that's written by thyssen krup and jesuits and dominicans
Civil rights movement that anti christ pile of crap and the freedom movement
They should all be killed. All of them
Tesla and marconi hertz and hitlers scientists debunked all of this shit the Jewish freeelmasonsic assault on reality is the most absurd nullified shit in mankind's history
The world went full ultra turbo with the tranny queer shit in the middle of BLM. Blacks rightly are wrongly were protesting against getting gunned down in the middle of the street by cops then George Floyd happened and practically everybody was chanting civil rights and marching and then the fags and trannys said "yeah...uh civil rights!" and started joining the marches and protests. And of course anything they are a part of has to be ALL about them so before anybody realized what was happening the trannys and fags completely took over the civil rights movement and here we are. Parents fighting the government for the right not to have their kid groomed in school.
>it's evil to not like succubai
>irrational fear
I dunno, it seems pretty rational to dislike a group of people that are hellbent on demonizing me for being who I am (a straight white male) and telling me I am the cause of all problems in the world.
>its a mental illness to not like succubai
Probably so they don't have to listen to you talk about your obsession for cuntoids (the worst creature ever that the whole society revolves around) in their presence 24/7/365.
It’s pretty simple really. Fuck jews, TKD. Smiling is not natural for jews, they look like demons when they smile. Watch out cor it anons.

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