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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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discuss contemporary german politics
old >>472684880
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based högge twink https://x.com/_nasir_ahmad_/status/1807405473097814250
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Ich kam, ich sah, ich bremte
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The paypigs either pay more or else...
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And they should stop having expectations.
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oink oink
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The vaxxies cannot even distract themselves with soccer now. :(
will have to learn to appreciate the finer things in life. this is how bremmies relax

>adjective: domestic 1. relating to the running of a home

Alright alright, a bad joke ... but then there is a feral way to run a home. :D
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ngmi without the penis pasta
was das?
kek, die Kerstin im Hintergrund tho
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jede wiebke zieht einen winter mit sich
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Aw shit, forgot to buy cigarette papers ...
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Space Battleship Yamato
imagine that shit passing through the van Allen belt... talk about a healthy glow lol
there was dancing star in the BG before that yamato bit
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that's true
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Haha! But yeah it sure won´t get me alive. :D

>Runter kommen sie alle ...
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Nanomachines? ^^
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I like that game
Metal Gear Rising that is.
BWHAHAHAHA treebros...
I dont care, I could be perfect and you still wouldn't like me.
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>let us become whole again.
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Sadly never played any of these ...


You need a Panzerkommandant? :3
>w-why doesn't he just say he DESUs me already?!
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calm down revy
what are your terms?
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30 hours is a complete disappointment
30 hours of?
Körst's massive Brimmel is the lightning rod of the 'haven.
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>A belief in altruism and poor parental relationships led to a self-hatred and a fear of independence which manifested as a hatred of the reality (what they called the "capitalist system").
should have listened to cata
What about Essen?
Heute gibt's Quiche Lorraine.
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>complete morrowind
Are you people mentally retarded? Repeating stupid codes every fucking day the entire day for years. That’s not funny, that’s mental asylum tier retardation.

Seems to be brain damage, yes.
Please familiarize yourself with the culture of this general before posting here.
The Gentlemen of Kraut/pol/:
>Baumi's kidney stone shooting shisha pipe (a secret weapon that the Lebanese government plans to use against enemy planes in the event of war)
>the Brincess's (aka Lumbong's) rather splendid and compact mini penis (he is a Loomer Coomer and excessively masturbating to this anime görl has drained away all his size)
>Ranfag's self-reported 22 cm of mystery meat (measured by comparing it to the screen diagonal of his favourite CRT)
>Körst's half-Italian half-German Weißwurstsalami (only desired by women who suffer from a momentary lapse of taste)
>Cata's cinnamon toothpick
>LatWINcel's whisky dick
>Shroompole's 19 cm of Polish horse meat
>Hung-Aryan's 20 cm of Paprika (he hopes that Asian görls will love him for something other than his huge penis for a change)
>Hippie's transhumanist replacement cock (he predictably got an STD from his sexy ebony gf and his dick fell off so now he has an artificial penis with a ton of mechatronic stuff built-in)
>Mossman's green (from being grass-covered and from being bruised due to lying in ambush on his stomach in the woods for hours every day) BBC (big baltoid cock)
>Bernd's tiny circumsized camelcock (formerly Pfernd's huge uncircumsized horsecock) - he has now made a deal with Satan that will make his penis regrow to the size in cm that the AfD reaches in % (that's why he's so invested in them)
>Tigerchud's penis bend (caused by the incompatibility between the human penis and the feline vagina as well as the tigress struggling and fighting back - look up Peyronie's disease, preferably before eating). Tigerchud lovingly calls it the "Sabre of Allah" to cope but his (human) girlfriend can't deepthroat it because of the bend.
Here's part two of the men (otherwise the post would be more than 2000 characters):
>Bühmermensch's viagra-fuelled old man dick (he used to have erection problems before taking viagra) and saggy testicles - yes, I included this just to fuck with Catanon because he hates talking about aging
>Genetiger's little snek that can rip open full catheter bags through its mere presence and that is loved and devoured by his big snek (aka his wife)
>Baumi's kawaii penisu

And now please cheer for the dear ladies of Kraut/pol/!
The dear ladies of Kraut/pol/:
>Mutthilda's Winter Vagina from West Virginia
>Süttine's tight redhead bussy
>Tay's strap-on (she has major penis envy that has finally killed her now)
>Ranfag's self-reported 22 cm of mystery meat (measured by comparing it to the screen diagonal of his favourite CRT)
Is he still around?
>the pasta
>Repeating stupid codes every fucking day the entire day for years. That’s not funny, that’s mental asylum tier retardation.

we're so back
Is it sufficient for Italian standards?

No idea.
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>oink oink
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Audible kek!
Halt stop jetzt rede ich
Hab doch nix zu sagen, weiter machen
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Wtf did I just watch watch?
Hoch die hände wochenende \o o/
beta uprising origin story
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new level of oink! incoming...
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>I'm here once again asking for your money, wife and shoes on behalf of the Ukrainian people
I am drank I am the fuhrer and I agree to 100% harmony unto the great German people. As is been done upon mine peoples as well vrens

>But they have failed.
In so far and much
You can no longer hear it now.
Perhaps too

But they need to be learned a lesson
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Free Holland fore Germany because EU space

My anger

>Please don't (...)
I did not ww1
Neither ww2

Right now I am (...)
I mean are ye not states as I am, you just (...)
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will you do ww3?
asking for a friend...
I will vren.

Thank God we could even speak.
I mean bombas belong te ye. So ye get Holland free now.
America had to free it. But our bomba region
In Holland we are so angry
But we must
>Even watch (Me) when I go to the Britanese thread.

We all need to re-establish connection
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krautchan wurstfavrik und im goin to aldi or lidl and going to say

Yes Seppukuku ksmikaze spookey ss freundes jima ss ah
Les go.

We always were, taking Africa, Asia, in co-operation w/ the North of us. England even.

We are soldiers-vrens. As long as we are not betrayed.

100% harmony, however. This is what I am saying.

The USA is big. Sometimes they see things we all could not
Nederland KENT GEEN rechtstaat.
Het bestaat gewoon niet.

Tis een feministische joodse kanker poppenkast
Germany wins vrens. If even if I must deny my testimony

I can not Germany win
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1160 A.D. — The Jews of Gloucester crucified a child (Mons Germ. hist. Script 520)

1179 A.D. — In Pontoise, on March 25th before Passover, the Jews butchered and drained St. Richard’s body of blood. Due to this, the Jews were expelled from France. (Rob. of Turn., Rig.u.Guillel. Amor.)

1181 A.D. — In London, around Easter, near the church of St. Edmund, the Jews murdered a child by the name of Roertus. (Acta sanct, III March Vol., 591)

1181 A.D. — In Saragossa, the Jews murdered a child named Dominico. (Blanca Hispania illustrata, tom. III, p. 657)

1191 A.D. — The Jews of Braisme crucified a Christian who had accused them of robbery and murder, after they had previously dragged him through the town. Due to this King Philip Augustus, who had personally come to Braisme, burned eighty of them. (rigordus, Hist. Gall.)

1220 A.D. — In Weissenburg, in Alsace, on the 29th of June, the Jews murdered a boy, St. Heinrich. (Murer, Helvetia sancta.)

1225 A.D. — In Munich a woman, enticed by Jewish gold, stole a small child from her neighbor. The Jews drained the blood from the child. Caught in her second attempt, the criminal was handed over to the courts. (Meichelbeck, Hist. Bavariae II. 94)

1235 A.D. — the Jews committed the same crime on December 1st in Erfut. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang, 66)

1236 A.D. — In Hagenau in Alsace, three Christian boys from the region of Fulda were attacked by the Jews in a mill during the night and killed in order to obtain their blood. (Trithemius; Chronicle of Albert of Strassburg)

1239 A.D. — A general uprising in London because of a murder committed secretly by the Jews. (Matthew v. Paris, Grande Chron.)
The great peoples of Russia. They are to subjugate themselves unto the Dutch Rijk. And so to the Reich, to the EU, in short
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>>472792289 (Me)
Listen (We) and you know if these peoples want to care for themselves, their children. their families
habn termin beim psychologen vom sozialministerium in ein paar tagen
was sag ich dem typen um meine neetbux zu maximieren? (hab gedacht autismus + soziophobie + depression)
t. NEET newfag
>geh arbeiten parasit
hab ich für nen monat und es war die schlimmste zeit meines lebens, nein danke
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>und es war die schlimmste zeit meines lebens

ONE month?! Tell him you are depressed then. The SSRIs might just take care of you. Come on, trust me dude ... :)
However, yes may Portugal unto Turkey come help us

Click for some regions several times. North only has one

In browser search function
Du bekomest der macht
>The SSRIs might just take care of you.
Best to avoid if he's not really depressed.
>ONE month?!
I don't see it as parasitic behavior because the system is against us. That being said, I hope all those engaging in this scheme take the opportunity to improve themselves physically and intellectually. If only a few hours a day.
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hensch körpertyp von unten links, frisur von oben recht binsch aber links obne
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>habn termin beim psychologen vom sozialministerium in ein paar tagen
>was sag ich dem typen um meine neetbux zu maximieren?

I wouldn't know, my psychiatrist was arrested for having sex with children.
Sometimes I'm reminded of her...
While our powers are to be ensured

Let (Me) commence about all the immigrants within us
Our Heimat is of Holy

>But their Heimat?

Vrens we win and the USA loves us
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Am already.


>Best to avoid if he's not really depressed.

My advice has been chosen carefully.

>I don't see it as parasitic behavior because the system is against us.

Zero fucks given about that. Unfair?! Bloody idiot ... the odds were always stacked against you. Now for idiocy however, I do find that deeply insulting. Unnatural. Dead end. To be .... corrected. We cannot allow certain transgressions for too long. :)
Must-know redpills about jews and the slave trade:


Must-know redpills about Weimar Germany, WW2 and the holohoax:


Must-know redpills about jews and the gay and tranny agenda:


General jew redpills:


Good threads to bookmark for redpilling, redpill mining and later reference.
Whatever your ideology is. I am sure. You will love me.

So I am capable. I will our dear Germany

Once had a jewish one ... pretty decent doctor, got the right diagnosis. Do hope for that one he understood the implications. :)
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>understood the implications.
could be tricky. rather find yourself a personality disorder.

avoidant (aka ängstlich-vermeidend) PD seems to be your winning ticket.
mein beileid
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In OTAN wording. Holland wants Germany

>I now your size to kill me. So is the Americas, so is Russia
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just back from a weekend bonding with some dudes from NL over fast techno music
we nearly need no english or simply more alcohol to converse
half of the conversation is new kids memes
vrens vibe with us on unseen levels
>hab ich für nen monat und es war die schlimmste zeit meines lebens, nein danke
O vrens les just be vree.
I am drank now, excess but I did not lie let us just go

based cat whisperer

Consequences. :)



Not my teaching.
>avoidant (aka ängstlich-vermeidend) PD seems to be your winning ticket.
how the fuck do you even prove that, by not showing up? lmao
Malfunctioning bots
We are all so angry about Germany.


I suggest I am the fuhrer to lead us to true victory

But I am drank right now. However. I can put this off


Tell me about it
I don't think it's unfair. It's just how it is. They work against me, I work against them.
>Now for idiocy however
For most people unfortunately idiocy is the natural state.
>To be .... corrected.
I'd like that but that would leave very few people standing.
Ya vren support that Germany is winning
If I am brought up e win.

I am the fuhrer. I love ye

I am Adriaan (Aryan) Noud (Aryan ruler) Roelof (Wulf) Maurits (Over Islam of course)
de Wit

(The Blanc one)
>by not showing up
funny you mention it. i know a guy who actually did that (aufgrund meiner psychischen verfassung bin ich derzeit nicht in der lage...). it worked for him.
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>Consequences. :)
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>sees us bouncing off each other
>tried to but in
what's the score with that?
I'm actually autistic so that's not hard
I'll try the avoidant stuff
>I'm actually autistic
diagnosed and everthing?
well then you should be fine anyway.
good luck pal.
Salz die Erde!
>rather find yourself a personality disorder.
My dearest Germany.

If so even I be killed

Mind that if you klil (Me)

However USA is Goering I am still Jankees Holland


America is Goering. Holland is Hess

Also I promise ye remedies to investigate. That our wholeness
We are acquitted Germany
>USA is
vren, their fetishes. I know

We are so great

Don't mind the title of this webm

banger absolut. sommerhit 2024 gefunden. bitte prost lads
>Not my teaching.
bet you would go full histrionic on them.
i have to admit, it is (probably) the most fun option
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We love Germany so much
Germany fought for Russia

Ok, our management is to be Russia.

Whatever ye fought for. Holland is to deliver to YOU

I sink in Germany w/ love vrens
I can not bear Russia losing as I did not Germany and all of us
I acknowledge vrens
Hey kanker faggot, get in here: https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/472796331#bottom
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Ooopppaaa doooopppaaa doooppieee dooo

fleißig sein wagies, mohammed will ein neues gebiß haben
having sex with a succubus xd

new Hörst dropped
Also Englands for free
As ye got (Me)
It's free Americas
If you are our vren. Let them gtfo

das deutschies sind jetzt schlafen. die zeit ist auslander raus zeit
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>horst posting
>>472803285 (Me)
Russia is our vren vrens if ever they like it or not
One day we are to stand to acknowledge
And no more that ye took any Holland or either Russia
oh dowe shits up kraut/pol too does he
germ bros can you maybe invade holland again?
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We win. However anyone shows thee. We win
I am the fuhrer, I can prove it. I am ready to provide us the ultimate closure
prove it
>>472805168 [You]
Vren I am ready to.

And what we will enter now
I can proove

If you so acknowledge that I am the true and sovereign fuhrer over us all
I can prove I am true God's word over us.

>Pope Adrianus
>>472805907 (I)
You may <of course> criticize me
But make sure ye do not throw in ye own windows. I love ye already !
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I am able to prove, my mine Vreunden

I was borne in Gouda
I was borne in the 7th of Januaty, which is the Russian Christmas

I am Roelof, wulf.

I am the Aryan, the Blanc one

I am the Fuhrer
And Papa Adrianus
>doesnt want to do the dirty job by himself
der ewige anglo...
>Vitamin C 0 mg
sorry pal...wikipedia says you are unhealthy...
At any time, I am able to claim.

I am your vren. He who won

Adriaan [Aryan] Noud [Aryan ruler] Roelof [Wulf] Maurits [Of course over Islam vrens]
>Le Blanc one
This guy has a really sexy dog picture. Pity he's a groyper retard.
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Ich bin thee guarantee
I am thee guarantee

Nei shittign my vrens. We are more s safe now. if you do as I say. I will lead you to your demands.
I wish.
LGBT will have to give (Me) praise. As had not been seen before, I will put an end to lgtb
Straightoids are evil cuckolds and responsible for all misery in the world.
Vren, you my vren. I advance you, unprecedented, as I suggest to know what (We) all know vrends !!!
We are to be safe now
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Kaptal VOR arbeit. I got Geman language at skool vrens

I am thee guarantee. For us all. In the end I suggest I can be.

After being borne in the 7th of January. Which is Russian Christmas. I went to Brabant
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My uncle
1. found out the Brabantian worstenbrood
2. is boss of Shell vrends

We are saved. God saves us if we do it
< fact lover. learly all AFD voters pay taxes, this taxes use for your guests, yes your AFD guests, this are not my guests. your "high IQ" "modern" "beauty" guests. check facts, you AFD voters are one of the problems. and AFD is a socialism communist party. what i hear? AFD want more money for chidlrens? this is one of the proplems. look on america, american families got nerly nothing for childrens and have end of the month more money in pocket. in germany over 70% living in comiblocks.
germany need total capitalism!
I will make sure vrens

>>472808701 (Me)
In ww2 Shel was just so a tremendous help to my Parliament
>They were quicker vrens

I will make sure I guarantee ourselves.
What has happened.

Please, may we find it out amongst ourselves.
I am ready to give you absolute public victory vrens

NOTHING like it was w/ this nigger dictator 'nobility'
As we were
I am thee guarantee
I was born on January 7th. Which is Russian Christmas
>Brabantian worstenbrood
Hm, kann man machen.
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sorry to break it to you, but the chances for you dying on a cross just increased dramatically
You win HARD as long as we speak
Be it Japan or Italy.

Either anyone
How did not the EU lead us to such victory?
You have won
[unexplained in this post]
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>kann man machen
hunnische hände tippten diese worte...
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>You have won

sausage rolls
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ve vill pre-v2-ail...
10,000 kids were murdered recently

Victory to Phoenicia

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