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>Syrian rapefugees rape a 5-year old Turkish girl thinking everyone is going to cuck and do nothing like in Goymany
>Instead Turks start burning and destroying anything owned by any Syrians in the entire country
Why can't whites do this?
Too much corn syrup and meds have made the white man complacent cattle
>two pairs of men holding hands
yep, they're turkish all right
gay as a turk
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This is the way brown people in third world shitholes act lol

Nuke roachistan for the good of Europe
this vid shows nothing but a car accident.
why you all lying , scum... trying to change the title ....
>lol only brown people punish foreigners for raping toddlers
>in the enlightened white west we let them rape and kill our kids and then pay more taxes so more of our goybux can go towards importing and supporting the men raping our children hahaha minimal jail time and maybe if they're really bad they'll be deported, at some point, after a years long legal process
it's true

>genetically speaking they are animals
Holy based
Burgerbro, this is the equivalent of Mexico fortifying their southern border. It would keep out so many immigrants to Europe that go through Turkey. Would you rather Turks emulate whites or niggers?
Fuck Islam fuck ErDOGan, I'm a Turk from the steppes, I ain't no brother to an arablet or pookistani, my only brothers are Europeans, Central Asians and Chinks
>Why can't whites do this?
The Irish have been rioting and resisting immigration BS for well over a year now.
>syrian refugees are dumbest rural shitskins with terminal islamism
>fight against the educated, secular and whiter government in Damasq
>import loads of syrian refugees
why is perdoǧan like this
because the police is letting them get away with it. in western europe they will only go after you harder in these circumstances
>some criminal does a crime
>people respond by burning down property and jobs of functional society members
Can someone explain to me this phenomenon? Was the girl raped at syrian restaurant/other business? Also, why are turks so angry at syrian refugees when watermelon salesman had a great part in arming anti-government militants in syria and thus escalating and prolonging this whole conflict?
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You can repress 99% of European genes and the 1% will still prevail
Shitskins beating each others over the head.

How can it elude your mind that this has been a historical constant.

Turks are living on stolen land.
>why can't Whites do this?

Because if Whites do this, then White leaders will instruct White attorney generals to charge the Whites responsible for seeking revenge and the attorney general will order White cops to make the arrests. The cops will investigate and find White witnesses to speak against the so-called perpetrators. Then, once arrested and charged, White members of the jury will unanimously vote to convict the White men who fought to protect their community, in favor of brown Syrians. Before you blame Jews, consider that Jews are <5% of the US population and plenty of non-Jewish Whites hate their own kind.

I'm a Russian-speaking immigrant from Eastern Europe who grew up in a Russian-speaking community in south Brooklyn. I could beat a nigger nearly to death in broad daylight in the middle of Sheepshead Bay Road (major thoroughfare) and not a single man, woman or child would have witnessed the beating. Not a single russian-speaking cop would investigate. Because they would never betray a member of their community for a stinky filthy nigger.
The jewish occupational government and its collaborators will persecute anyone that stands in their way, even the slightest disagreement with their worldview/goal and they'll go after your civil/human rights.

With the NATO/USA annexation of Sweden, suddenly its now forbidden by law to question the historical validity of the holocaust.
Easier target.
Holy based
>>Why can't whites do this?
>The Irish have been rioting and resisting immigration BS
They killed zero immigrants
So turks have never hurt syrians?
what if syrians did the same to turks?
The whole point of a justice system is to prevent these kinds of things from happening.
civilization is worth maintaining. You can behave like you live in a jungle.
Ethnicity of this poster: White
based genetic researcher

Just like the Floyd protests they attack innocents instead of the perpetrator.

Just like niggers.
Hecking based shitskins!
If you want to maintain civilization, then its best to keep the shitskins out.
You are brown and circumcised.
These communities harbor and hide them along with bringing in these criminals.

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>mfw Ottomans will save Europe from Arabic menace
da faq is going on with this timeline, lmfao
Didn't your ancestors bend the knee to the Turks?
I fucking hate roaches, but they have the right idea on how to deal with these sand monkeys.
No fuck that, these slims cover for each other, because they know there are no consequences if they do. At worse they might get smacked. Hit them where it hurts, let's see how their solidarity does after there are actual consequences.

Everyone in Europe should be doing this. A native girl gets raped, at least 100 monkeys need to get castrated.
Stolen land because we had power to expand unlike you irrelevant sissies castrated by cold that spend their whole lifetime in the same flat frozen shithole eating hering also we ain't brown like your mom's boyfriend
Most of those Whites are reliant on Jews for financing, publicity, and connections.
>irrelevant sissies
The Roman empire, Byzantium were all historically irrelevant?

Ever heard about Vlad the Impaler, he would probably have you impaled starting from the anus.

Your historical illiteracy says a lot about you.

Are you brown and circumcised by any chance?
Good. You have to take into consideration that Arabs have backstabbed Turks at every turn. And now they’re raping Turkish children.
somewhat. The were forced to pay tribute, but we didn't lose territories.
but they also saved europe https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Vienna#Battle
And then, ironically our actual neighbors (Sweden included), not the Turks ended Poland
Didn't they build mosques in Poland in the 1700's?
The 30 year war were just a clusterfuck honestly.
I blame the jews and their lend lease scheming.
True anatolian blood

Fuxk the turk, come home, Anatolians, come home, Hetites
Ja, ja, naturliś
Obey your manager, slave
I'm wondering if the turks will become fair skinned enough that they jumpstart a white ethnostate in their own country...
I'd never have imagined that I would ever say this... but:
>Didn't they build mosques in Poland in the 1700's?
you seem to know more about it than I
Go visit Turkey and then come back with another hypothesis.
I am gonna do the same. But shit does not happen here. And even if it will i wont be present
I can't stand germans, I wish both of them could unite and attack the krauts. The suffering they subjected my people to is something that we ought not to forget. Our suffering as Poles is unique and should be respected, germans deserve no sympathy.
>The suffering they subjected my people to is something that we ought not to forget.
Wait till you find out what the Ukrainians done...
I visited yours, and I was under the impression that you would be whiter than what I've found. So I will take your words with a grain of salt.
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It would suck to be a long-lasting, well-integrated Syrian business owner, which always leaves me a bit hesitant on this radical kind of attitude.

But statistically it's a plus, and it's not MY business, so overall the world wins and as such I win.
Ukraine is our ally against Russia. Germany is working WITH the orks, you idiot. Germany attacked your nation as well, so you should have no sympathy for them. They are uniquely guilty for all of the injustices done against our countries and we demand restitution for our suffering. Our suffering is unique
germans deserve death
He is a swede, they are the biggest pussies and faggots in the world with a huge lust for nigger cock.
Lmfao, I'm talking about your irrelevant ethnicity not White race by how white I'm looking I can also say I'm everything from Mongoloid to Persian to Roman to Germanic, the hell Swedes had ever done sitting in their frozen shithole circle going to war with small powers, having no cultural impact, defending nothing relevant from big enemies and getting itself mopped on the floor by the Russians, Westerners and Southerners occupied whole world, Balkanoids defended Europe, Greeks gave culture, Russia occupied a good part of Eurasia freeing others from us Turks the hell Swedes done fishing hering in Russian waters
Still salty that they cucked you? I guarantee you can speak fluent Swedish hahaha. We rule your country
>so you should have no sympathy for them
I have sympathy for what WAS a great nation. They killed ours, we killed theirs but never were we slaughtered and buried in Mass Graves.
> Ukraine is our ally against Russia
> Our suffering is unique
They are still the same people that committed the atrocities that you blame the Germans for.
> Germany is working WITH the orks, you idiot.
stop believing in German lies. Tusk is a fraud and he wants to destroy the EU. The EU would be better with England in and Germany OUT
First off, i don't speak swedish at all, i refuse to learn that disgusting faggot language. Secondly, you are not swedish, you are literally a bongoloid island goblin whose shithole island will be destroyed and your putrid people replaced by the pajeets and pakis.

Enjoy, bongoloid subhuman.
Finska kvinnor längtar efter stor svensk kuk hahaha
EU will be bankrupt soon anyway.

>Kyiv demands more Billions.
>the sick man of europe is rejuvenated and saving europe from itself
Meanwhile every european country have seen tons of insane rape cases by foreigners and all they do is meekly rant about it online or make up excuses for it. They don't even peacefully protest against it.

When you compare the European response to the turkish response, the european response looks like consent to these rapes of children.
I don't understand your faggot language, faggot. Speak english if you have something to say, fuckface.
Heita homo voltti
I'm glad your nation has been relegated to the dust bin of history. Americans have much more wisdom about the situation than you. They put army bases in Germany to keep them suppressed and under control. America armed Ukraine and funds the war against the orks. You are ungrateful. America and Poland have a unique alliance
Vlad the impaler got meme by turks lmao
Whites were domesticated with christkikery
>America and Poland have a unique alliance
You will be up next on the Chopping-Block - As befitting ALL friends of Uncle Sam.
>civilization is worth maintaining
That's why killing/forcefully deporting the Syrians is non-negotiable in this case.
wasn't vlad's head paraded thorough istanbul by mehmed? pretty sure he lost that one hard.
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No one cares about you slaveshits
last time i checked our nation is stronger than yours. We literally won the battle of berlin (check wikipedia) and we expanded our land back to our ancestral rights. I say this on the behalf of the Americans, Canadians, British, French and Russians. GET FUCKED! WE WON!
How naïve you fucking have tbe thinking justice sytstem works?
So you finally accept that you're simply discount russians.
Good for you.
>We literally won the battle of berlin (check wikipedia)
You should be gassed for saying this alone
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Whites were always weak
The Germans hated you, we were your ally. You should be on OUR side. We fought for YOU
Turk here (see flag lol)
It's ironic how on both sides people mobilized the same time.
In Turkey people got angry of the rape of a 5yo girl
in Syria people attacking turks because "muh pisslamic no-brain"
The rape happened in Erdogans birthplace btw and he held a speech allready
saying that the opposition (social democratic liberals) caused these.
As you can see Pisslam is the major number one problem with todays Türkiye.
It holds people back and gives corrupt people more freedom.
I hope we will have a change in politics soon once the CHP takes over
and send every afghan, syrian, pakishits into Noth Korea
Good for them, that's the proper way to deal with it.
Do you think those Syrians would have brought justice themselves if demanded? If not, and i think most wouldn't, then screw them.
Based, turks are not nigger mutts like arabs in the slightest. Usually good people but with a shitty religion.
and now you are toilet cleaners and meat bags for the upcoming war enjoy kurwa
why cannot Turkey send them to germany? Once they get rid of the krauts the land can be given to France and Poland. History will be better. Turks and arabs need to direct their hatred against those who have been the murderers of history...
Whites are mentally castrated by schooling and socialization.
There is also a sense that Whites think they deserve bad things to happen to them because "muh ancestors were meanies" Turks feel no such guilt
This is the syrian filth
the turks are just as much being genocided by mass immgration like europe thats what you get with globohomo NATO niggers run shit
NATO works, it's just bad because of libreal policies done by Germany. Look at Tusk...
We have no hatred towards other civilisations especially towards the West.
We admire lots of the cultures desu. It's all the Pisslamic ideology that views westerners as the eternal enemy,
as the nonebeliever and as the unnatural Devil.
Pisslam is a product of the fucking subhuman semites, thousands of years and it's still the same.
I really wished we could get rid of them, violently !
Can't argue with that.
Slurr for Turks has been downgraded from "cockroach" to "Colorado potato beetle"

the CEO of genetics
Holy Mother of Based, I kneel to my Turk brothers.
its a litteral offical NATO guideline that europe and all its people can not be muh ethnic monolitic anymore the Americqans occupy us you need to wake the fuck up
arabs are literally just wild animals
you need to stop watching propaganda from Germany and read a history book. Poland has suffered far too long at the hands of the Germans and America has only been good to us. Poland Strong
execute all mudslimes publicly
kek okey now the official guideline doesnt exist because you said so you are being set up for the grinder calargi coudenhoeve must go on
They're flooding your country with niggers and poos
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>Turks start burning and destroying anything owned by any Syrians in the entire country
I'd rather have a black indian slavic hybrid race than a german dominated Poland.
>They did it to their own people but they are not gonna do it to us the expendable poles because reasons
since this hohol war got real hot the polacks turned into one of the most retarded posters out there
finally, a comment worthy of a carlos
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>the polack showes his final form
You fucking surrendered and were out of the war for its entirety. Shut the fuck up, toilet cleaner.
> can't even check wikipedia
i'm surprised you're even able to read these messages. Why don't you go back to youtube.
the issue is that it wasnt a turk that rape the girl
the turk geneticist looks like anyone from the middle east
We're Scandinavian, we don't identify as "white" you must be brown.
Generalizing people like this based on the actions of a few, totally not cool man.
You seem to have a very biased view on history, if find this to be unanimous with nongermanic groups of people.
We don't to have to make things up about history, we just tell it how it is.
>Finska kvinnor längtar efter stor svensk kuk hahaha
Det finns merit i orden.
>Persecuted people do something!
>Pipel should do dis and dat in my stead
Come on buddy.
well yeah, its because you are russian and part of russian american community. Its the whole "individualist" ideology that has been taken to the extreme that prevents any other whites from being able to do this.
>Poland surrendered to Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union in World War II on October 6, 1939, after the Battle of Kock. However, Warsaw, Poland's capital, had surrendered to the Germans on September 27, 1939, after weeks of resistance. The surrender came after heavy bombing and shelling, and left over 20,000 civilians dead. As part of the surrender, 140,000 Polish troops were taken prisoner.

140,000 toilet cleaners sobbing and shitting themselves, living with the shame of surrender forever. You wouldn't understand. I come from a country that WINS wars, not a country that gives in and runs to the UK to hide.

>MUH ALLIES! Please sabe me!
There's pretty big variation among them.
The wealthier ones in general tend to be more on European looking.
Taking a bunch of slave girls from Europe and marrying them worked out in their favour.
It's like reverse America.
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>Its the Russians in muttland somehow
>I'am most def not a NAFO troon my fellow 4chan extremist!
The only way they'll help "save" anything is if they start blocking arabs and africans that are trying to migrate and say "No fuck you you're not passing through here."
That's more for their own benefit and any actual 'help'
It gets worse, they stole her beard too.
Interestingly younger Turks are joining the police force. They know what's up. They wanna be in the right place.
I bet your family is German (if they're not I apologize and I'm sorry there is a misunderstanding, I love America and Americans. I dream of one day being American as well). You'll never get your lands back. Danzig? Never heard of it before...
Turks are Muslim but not retarded about it, they do shots and fuck thots.
>turk calling others animals

oh the irony
>Based, turks are not nigger mutts like arabs in the slightest

yes they are
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>One minute brother, I studied genetics
They want to be white so badly, it's like a comedy
Let me know how it goes when the rapes and killings start to pick up
good post, Bob
Whites continue to demonstrate how they're the globohomo faggot race. This is a race who has self respect, actual cockroaches have more honor than whites. Yikes.
ooh you will be when you go to the frontline you will get automatic citizenships to the USA fren just like hecking Rome! cool huh
Timmy wouldn't do shit!!!
they still have the danger of islam looming over them
And you find that amusing? You fucking roach?
Yes, after the war he got his country raped by turkish men. An impotent cuck
kind of based but not a real solution, remember all syrians support this rape and it is shared broadly on all their channels.
And that's how you came to be? A half-roach rape baby crying about Romania being a nice Christian country instead of a slim roach den. Fuck off. Vlad Tepes is a hero and no insignificant roachlet raging is gonna change that.
Romanian boy you better watch your mouth we muslims dont accept your shit.
I swear I've seen this guy before
Do something then. I dare you. You won't, because you know you'd get fucked here. But go ahead. Try.
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Yeah this is old
>my only brothers are Europeans
Lmao, when was the last time a romanian cuck boy did anything to us muslim conquerors
The world are victims of a ruthless and monolithic conspiracy.
ur Jewish
I lol your pointed nose
Why was someone filming the rape and didn't stop it?
That guy definitely posts here. kek.
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>Why can't whites do this?
I wouldnt use the "can't" if Im being honest. More like "wont".
The moment you got out of line. There's a reason you are good dogs around here and don't try the shit you try in the west. Cause when you do, the guys with masks show up, give you a proper orthodox beating until you shit yourselves, then that slim chip on your shoulders comes off. I know.
Lmao you romanian cucks never do anything the amount of shit brain I fought with since I came in this country in incredible
based geneticist calling a spade a spade kek
>only brown people punish foreigners for raping toddlers
Yes browns and the Irish are the only ones.
Unironically based, BURNED THEM ALL.
They did.
The guy showing the video says his brother actually suspected something fishy going on.
sneaked up there filming, caught them and got him out immediately and handed him over to the police.
>i am a turk
>romanian flag
you work at distor kebab house don't you ? XD
Sauce since OP is a faggot
Ah OK, good.
Yeah, nigger cope there. So go ahead, do shit. Start something. I dare you. See what happens.
But you won't. Because you are cowards. When you know there are consequences to your actions you suddenly start following the rules. But like I said, try something. The guys with masks love you assholes. I know, I could tell you stories about what good boys you are, how you eat bacon after being locked up in a van for 48 hours. We didn't even have to force it down your throats. You are just good boys when you deal with actual men, not faggot westerners.
He is an expert and as someone who trusts science, I must defer to his authority. They are animals, we must enforce population control so they don't cause mass extinction in habitats where they are invasive.
What a bunch of gay fantasized you have bro. We pakis would fuck you up
So what you waiting for, start fucking us up. Do it now.
We have your women at our will so why start something?
Killing immigrants will only give the government excuse to brand them all as terrorists and ass fuck them into oblivion.
Not to mention the constant reruns the media will play on all channels of those peoples families and melt the hearts of normies.
You have your dicks in your hand. Nigger, nobody can tell the difference between you and a pajeet. You repulse your own women to the point where you have to enslave them, who the fuck is gonna believe that you get women to come to you willingly when you are a brown fucking midget. So stop talking shit, either do your shitskin thing, or shut the fuck up and hurry up with my delivery, like a good little brown boy.
Lmao, romanian boy be seething we fuck his women
You are arguing with a Jew faggot with a BBC fetish that usually shills on /uhg/.
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>We pakis would fuck you up.
LOL, I thought you were Turkish? You are simply muslim Indians, the most proliferated race on the planet with nothing to contribute but trash and co2, even you can see that you are doomed, depopulation target #1 and the only reason you are in Europe is to facilitate your own destruction, to silence the only people who would care about your humanity.

Is this irony? I think it is. Just remember it never had to be this way, without jews usurping the world and subsidizing your destructive breeding Europeans could have enforced responsible use of the planet and we could have all coexisted but you retards just couldn't keep your dick in your pants and have been the jews greatest weapon against humanity.
Didnt read still fucking European women
yeah do a pact with the globohomo bolshevist scum, thats better
Nigger, you have no idea who you are talking to. I know you assholes. I know what you do here, you can't even get gyp whores to let you ride them even if you paying extra. So go ahead act tough behind the screen, we both know you are just glorified slaves here. So be a good slave boy and less talk more delivery, ok?
"one minute brother I studied genetics"
Fucking based turk I love these guys
Turks don't give a fuck about religion desu their national hero drunk himself to dearh
Ayo Radu boy, come in the capital and see how many of your women we fuck. They are wet after us
(((Mustafa Kemal))), (((Atatürk))), frankly, any high-ranking official from the (((Young Turks))). Oh yes. Sabbatean/Frankist crypto-Jews. Look it up. Read about it - it's well-documented.
I am in the capital and all I see is you jeets delivering packages.
>come in the capital
nigger shut the fuck up, Turkish girls are the easiest here but the only problem you have is that if you want a longer relation with her she wont present you to her parents unless she is certain you are her future husband . The good part is about Turkish girls is that they love when you hit them from time to time lol
I am not a dal khor, call me that again I will slash you cunt
Yes, you are correct, but like OP said, why can't whites do this?
You are a fucking pajeet, you look the same, act the same and smell the same.
turks are actually good people here, all the big mouth filth are in reality kurds. You wont have a problem if i call picrelated an imbred subhuman filth right ?
Fuck you bitch as whore, you come from a prostitute like all romanian men
So tell me then, how do I tell you assholes apart? How do I know that the next brown midget I see is a jeet or whatever the fuck you are?
dude, his a kurd, ive seen a few in bucharest and usually turks and romanians have this silence agreement to beat them on spot. They are arrogant, stupid and pajeet like
>t. i have turkish friends here and non act like this faggot
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We fuck they pay and cant fuck
Those like pajeets that actually grow about 1.70m? Cause you don't see too many of those around here. All I see is brown midgets on bicycles trying to keep their heads down.
Yeah, that's what you and pajeets wish you looked like. Let's try reality. Add like a lot more brown.
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He is not a kurd, he is literally a pajeet but aren't Kurds the non-arabs of Turkey? Why are they hated, is it Arab cope? Like the Assyrian genocide? Arabs simply outbred the Iranic populations and ran the ottoman empire into the ground.
he might be this guy who works as a glovo delivery lmao, since they came here in bucharest i all the time order food and once i get it i say that he opened and want my money back and they give it lol

nah m8, kurds are worse then rats, like literally ive meet a few in my life and they dont look humans at all
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LOOOOOOOOOOOL, holee fuck sar that is beyond copium. To be fair Pakistan is not nearly as trashy as India, so you are definitely higher on the shitpile than India. India needs to be glassed, like unironically.
you know whats the funny part , jeets hate pakistan, right ? check how many indians live in pakistan and you will see why pakis try to warn us about them daily hahahaha
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Help me, then you know the vidya streamer Tarik? What is he considered? Will you post a picture of who a Kurd is and preferably not some downie freak.
The further back you go the more grotesque and warped the zogbots get
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They are genetically the same people though, whatever race they are in anthropologic terms the Pajeet race is probably half the planets population. In fucking sane.
Yeah fun stuff. I love fucking with these pricks. I come at the gate when they arrive and I'm all happy and friendly, ask them how they like it here, and the fuckers actually say they don't like it here and I'm like WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY. They shit themselves. I let my dogs chase one of them cause he thought he was far enough away from me to start talking shit, he dropped his delivery bag and ran like his ass was on fire. It was fucking funny. The bag is still here, I left it outside the gate, it's been here since mid May. The cunt probably didn't even complain about the fact that my dogs could have ripped his ass open.
>Why can't whites do this?
Because when WE do it, we salt the earth and eradicate our neighbors. You can't build a functional society and culture off of such volatile and shaky ground. We opt for the path of peace because it makes everyone happy.
This guy and his fantasies, I swear, no wonder romanian women are in love with us
>downie freak.
the picture i have posted here :>>472771562
is literally their leader, they are feral anon, they are not human like. Most of the time they act friendly but like an wild animal the moment it perceives something wrong he will go nuts . They breed like rats and are not capable of doing anything that matters with their meaningless life

thats nothing, i have some friends in sector 2 who order food with cash and once the jeet arrives they just take it and scare him away eating for free or smoking or drinking lol
Based expert on genetics. I want study in the same place as he did.
yeah , you are a jeet , the obsession with women is a dead give away. This is what pajeetas do btw
>Why can't whites do this?
losing WWII
I too am somewhat of a genetic researcher
Same, deja vu
Obsessed bro, obsessed
Turks are alright. They don't beg for money like Jews and Ukrainians.
It's not just the women. It's "your women" that's a dead giveaway. They are frustrated about their women pretty much jumping on anything that isn't a pajeet and you can't really blame them. There's literally nothing more unattractive than a brown, smelly midget. They think that if they fuck some whore here, which I doubt they do, they can't afford a whore with how much they get paid here, but let's say for the sake of the argument they fuck one of those 100ron whores. He thinks he's fucking MY women. How frustrated are these fucking things?
>fellow white people
Ew. Put down your rats and turds and leave. No! Pick them back up you can’t leave your dinner here.
Wtf I love roaches now
That’s an old gif someones stitched a lot of crap together
dont worry, we fuck pajeetas and you can fuck your grandpa

we should have helped our romanian bro when he and the brazilian literally created a gang and hunted this faggots in every thread on this board
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It would have been enough to castrate the felon. There is no reason to punish others.
i sincerely doubt those rapefugees did any thinking at all beyond
>me want coom
You dont fuck anything, not even your own women want to fuck you they go for foreigner
because turks dont get in trouble with the law when they do it. white people? hell naw you're getting life in prison.
Well you see Turks aren't white so they don't get thrown in jail when they take out trash
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This is a certified /pol/ scientist, add him to the 4chinz uni
>one minute brother, I studied genetics
That is why no one will remember your name
lmao based

but a lot of turks are pretty much the same.
>We cannot call them human
>I studied genetics, so I know this topic
Hmmmm....nice. Based roach.
Imagine if White people did this.
Would illegal immigrant and black crime drop?
Isn't turkish literally written in arab writing?
You aren't white. You're mongoloid.
All I have to take into consideration is that Turks are secularists and thus the enemy of Allah. Ataturk is being spitroasted on Satan's dick in Hell rn. Turks can get glassed and sent to the same fate.
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>I look like everyone!
>Everyone will accept me now
KEK, come back when you begin growing facial hair sprout
Every foreign owned business in your country is an unofficial embassy for that nation and its interests.
If their values were similar enough to yours to be compatible, they would simply emulate your culture and integrate within 1-2 generations. They would have the sense to police the troublemakers in their own population instead of cover for them or give them refuge. A baby rapist would be found hanged, with signs that his own people had cleaned up their own mess.
Otherwise, they're biding their time and waiting for conditions to worsen enough that they can claim pieces of your territory for their people.
>Why can't whites do this?
weak race
Turks are white, Varg was right
"I studied genetics, I know this topic", he must be an oldfag from here.
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I bet he studied all the genetics out there except his own, kek.
>I'm a Turk from the steppes

You are an Anatolian, not a steepe monkey like some Uzbeki rat.
True toradora bro
This along with hundreds of other substances and lifestyle activities that ruin testosterone production like pornography and circumcision.

Now understand white people are the only subspecies of hominid that produce empathy.
Take notes
We Pakistanis are bro tier and even have white skin like Persian,Erdogan will punish you nigger.
>asian country will save europe
Secular turks might save it, but those are like 1% of turks
Trust the science!
what was erdogan's plan for north syria before this whole shitshow anyway? everybody stopped talking about it years ago. Did he plan to status quo for ever or give it back to Assad?
forever, turkey is making landgrabs. They are still occupying iraq, won't even bother talking about cyprus, lmao
Absolutely based
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>Why can't whites do this?
I live in a boring city, nothing literally happens here.

>Rapist/Murderer gets arrested if not killed by self defense
>Everyone condemns him
>He disappears to prison/death row
>Business as usual
Black and Brown people are civil here. Everyone is more afraid of getting sued than anything. There has to be something in the water making this behavior so apparent.
OMG that is so unfathomably based It's unreal.
>Killing immigrants will only give the government
Well then the solution is clear. Remove government.
Please, do me a favour will ya?
Go ask your parents if theire cousins, thank ya mate.
Quality posting, thank you.
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I don't get it. Aren't turks also arabs??? They are certainly not white so I always just figured it was a different flavor of ay-rab.
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>literally scenes from a movie based on the words of one person
If you believe this you also believe the holocaust happened.
Turks are better than Greeks now.
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But greeks are whiter than turks. Tht does not compute...
>worshipping criminals seem to work better
Yeah, white people deserved it and not because of the past. Freedom is earned, not inherited. And white people today isn't capable of empathy within their own race because getting raped and plundered makes them feel better. This is a generation of white people never taught of family values so they obviously don't look for each other.
They literally are not.
I dont understsnd, arent the turks the same as the other pakis in the middle east?
>Stolen land because we had power to expand unlike you irrelevant sissies castrated by cold that spend their whole lifetime in the same flat frozen shithole eating hering also we ain't brown like your mom's boyfriend

There is plenty of uninhabited land here, its just that its not easy to live on it. During the little ice age 1300-1800 CE, 2 out of 5 years in Sweden were starvation years, and the average adult male length was 1.65 meters. As a consequence of this brutal constant culling, back then, an adult swede that did not suffer from starvation could expect to have an adult IQ of 120 or so. Due to the abundance of food and shelter, modern swedes are considerably dumber than their ancestors, as our living environment has literally and figuratively become africanized.
Turks don't get nearly enough credit as they deserve for abolishing the caliphate.
>I'm wondering if the turks will become fair skinned enough that they jumpstart a white ethnostate in their own country...

Its over for the turks. Look at this

...and this. Unibrow turks aka kurds are breeding like rabbits, while the almost twin eyebrow western turk has entered a population implosion phase.
The ironic part is Turks love Somalis and are building all over the capital, they unironically helped rebuild the airports, seaports, and hospitals after all those years of civil war, did way more than any Arabs, Afghans , Pakis or Persians..

They are very close, Somalia even lets Turkey protect its coastline in a deal.

Somalis are very liked in Turkey too.


This one is funnier
>wait brother i studied genetics

Source (other than congress.gov) ?
Normies have evolved to follow strict rules, religions and to observe social consensus to fit in the ethnic group. Through hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, individualists who don’t conform/cooperate have been weeded out. The ethnic group is a metaphysical multicellular body.

>why are normies so crazy

When instructed by society with a social consensus set by social media they will conform.
The tribe is under occupation, the hierarchy was taken over by parasites, the religions are fake and they get their social consensus from demon worshiping social parasites through black screens in the form of psyops created by military intelligence and demon worshipers.
Christianity, marxism and materialistic feminism known as “atheism” are all religions created by the priesthood of the social parasites.
White guilt and the lgbt movement are sects within Judeo-materialistic feminism.

Social parasites have evolved to give birth to higher ratios of leadership types such as nobles and priesthood casts who travel to large ethnic groups and take them over by replacing the leadership (brains) of the ethnic group. The new (((priesthood))) force a religion on the population. Christianity, communism, materialism, feminism, ect. The normies are biologically inclined to follow the orders of the leadership class.
Morality is part of the social hierarchy. It is the biological inclination of individuals to follow rules and orders from leadership castes. This is the origin of the normie. The social consensus filter.
Some play the part of the brain and some play the role of the muscle.

Normies are followers in the social hierarchy who view the world through a social consensus filter. Therefore they have a need for a religion and moral guide for them to be able to carry out their function as the muscles of the ethnic group.

Steppa kek the only real steppa we’re indo Europeans all of u are chink East Asian mutts and invaders and slaves
Extremely unfathomably high quality post
Checked and truth pilled
what does the store owner have to do with some retard raping someone. this is wrong.
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Oh shit! I didn’t know Jews were vegetarian?!
I kneel, Genetic-sama
By your logic you would consider Americans to be working for Russia… No, jews work for jews, whites work for whites, blacks work for blacks, etc. etc. that is how it is.
>genetically speaking
Fucking based xD
trust the science. syrians are not safe and effective.
It's a bitch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xSGhuKENAY
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..you can only live in peace with each other when everyone knows what the other is capable of to do in revenge!
Alright I'm going to have to reassess my use of the term "Turk Roaches." Don't necessarily want them mass immigrating, but perhaps small numbers that we can deploy to third-world ghettos to clear them out and clean them up before they fester.
you're literally fucking your own indian gypsy diaspora because you mistakenly think they're european lmao
europians discovering that turks are whiter than americans
well well well... its about time
why weren't there riots when our women were being raped by Syrian refugees ? this is a fucking disgrace we hate muslims too
all the tough talk is from people ashamed to admit their nationality.
you're going to need to put your tolerance hat on leaf bro. You win against syran muslim rapists by not showing hate. If you hate they win.
because you white boys enjoy your women getting raped
>Christianity, marxism and materialistic feminism known as “atheism” are all religions created by the priesthood of the social parasites.
What the actual fuck? What do you even know about Christianity to be able to produce such an incredibly confident yet mentally inhibited statement about it?
Turks are Central/East Asian, kin to Mongolians, Arabs are semites kin to jews
go back to syria.
Its widespread instantaneous and charge-free availability to minors and adults alike must unironically be recognized as the greatest tragedy of modern times.
It is impossible to understate the amount of psychological damage has been caused by the iconography of the devil.
Needless to say, individuals from a very tiny ethnic group are featured prominently in the rise of this tumor.
stores or any business for that matter is a social hub for them since they can speak in their language there however they like. if you want to make a quick ambush to their social hierarchy in inner cities you need to get rid of local businesses first, locals knows this.
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congrats on being 4th on cuckoldry porn search
go munch on pork Ahmed
I would get furious at this and vehemently deny it, but it won't change the fact that too many European men have been mindfucked by pornographic content to the point that they wouldn't mind a horde of third world beast people making full use of their woman's body.
They'd possibly enjoy the event as an instance of multiculturalism actually.
lol if you attempt any civil unrest usually your ass is prison in the next 5 minutes. this time however not even police is stopping the people and many other cities started to follow suit
Da fuq is going on in this timeline.....

IDK bro. But this is the Albanian Prime Minister meeting the British Prime minister....
Retarded Bosnian is a wahabbi. Pathetic.
pardon my ignorance, but arent most of turks islamic?

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