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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Mandatory read for ALL anons


Previous Threads:
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Canada is not even recognized as a Sovereign Nation at the United Nations.
Our ''Charter of Rights and Freedoms'' doesn't even sit here in Canada; the Original sits in Britain, while we hold a Copy.
Provinces hold Eminent Domain. There is no legality of Crown Land; because it was allocated by the Federal Government with the power of Eminent Domain.
Bills aren't even signed by Royal Ascent; Canada is a defacto state.
Canada has NOT passed a law since the Dominion was dissolved in Britain in 1931.
Canada is a completely defacto dysfunctional state. Canada is literally criminals pretending to be a government that acts as a Colony of itself.
That's what they did when they forged ''Letters Patent'' which is what Britain used to give to the Governor General that gave him the ''Corporation Sole'' to operate Canada.

1931 comes: Britain says they aren't doing it anymore.
1947 comes: The Prime Minister forges it and pretends the country is still the dominion while claiming it's not.
1960 comes, some clown writes the ''Canadian Bill of Rights'', which is toilet paper.
1982 comes, another clown comes and does the same thing again except throws confetti in the air. Pierre Trudeau and his friends incorporated their criminal enterprise into a maritime incorporated nation state from special deposition through British parliament.
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These treasonous criminals incur nothing but odious debt that we the people do not owe the tab on and will never repay the interest in full let alone the principal.
The People must be awoken to the sham of maritime and admiralty law and realize Canadian citizens have the RIGHT to form Dejure governments which still has not been done.
I hate the City of London and its fleet street of lawyers and bankers ; likewise for all the blackmailed individuals & psychopaths keeping this enslavement system on continued life support.
You cannot vote your way out via the "Federal Government of Canada" or any of the "political parties" that formulate under said known false pretense of a 'government'.
There is no CANADA as it is still mandated to be formed since 1931.
The debt incurred has already made the nation beyond insolvent and any idiot thinking that the puppet 'politicians' answer to anyone besides the Creditor is selling you a fairytale.

These truths about the defacto government are undeniable and upheld within our own sham judicial system, as the People Vs Littlechild clearly showed, amongst other things.

The Walter Kuhl Letter to René Lévesque (another clown):


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''Canadians'' this is the MOST important thread in your History. Quebecois: YOU don't NEED to do a referendum. You can already do this:
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Quebec is already a sovereign province like all Canadians provinces. All the Quebec referendums have been LARPs. They are not necessary and politicians are pretending and playing the game for their paychecks.
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''Doit-on me fusiller?'' (Must I be Shot?) written in 1942 by then lawyer Student Jean Drapeau (before he was Mayor of Montreal). The RCMP seized all 3500 pamphlets because it was essentially OH Canada in a pamphlet. Jean Drapeau personally knew R.Rogers Smith and tried to spread his information.
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Part 1
Myth is Canada - Flyer:
Part 2
Myth is Canada - Flyer:
Referendums are fake and not necessary because Quebec is ALREADY a sovereign province. All Quebec politicians are Larping.

Picrel: Walter Kuhl Letter to René Lévesque Part 1
Picrel: Walter Kuhl Letter to René Lévesque Part 2
Picrel: Walter Kuhl Letter to René Lévesque Part 3
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is this one of those Romana Didulo LARPS where they use mental gymnastics to say Canada isn't a country its a corporation and its bankrupt thus you don't have to pay taxes or your water bill.
America should swallow the parts of cananda that are liveable. Canada can keep the arctic wasteland m
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I'm not sure what we can do with all this information though
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Canadian Jewish Political Affairs Committee
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Canadian Jewish Political Affairs Committee
>reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeead some bullshit.
Look around. See? Nobody cares, anon.
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Thank G_d the World Jewish Congress is around to make sure countries always do what's best for jews.
No it's well sourced and makes the case that the Statute of Westminster offered Sovereignty to the provinces of Canada, not to the federal government, and that all they had to do was reach out and take it.

How exactly the patriated Constitution which lacks Quebec's signature plays into this isn't covered because this book is from before that time.
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Post her shameless legs spreading
The Future Prime Minister of Canada, clearly Canada First.

Pierre Poilievre marks start of Hanukkah with speech at Montreal synagogue

Rebel News and Ezra Levant covered the event, Shalom!
45min until protests


I didn't even know about this until yesterday though.
Canadians discover that what happened to the USA & Germany in 1871 also happened to them, with a few trivial differences,
the thread
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bumping - we are at war against the devil itself
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who cares. fuck canada
Reminder: They all wanted you dead. They wanted your kids dead. They wanted your entire families dead. They still want you dead.
Israelis would call this position antisemite because he's calling for non violence
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>Time for ALL Canadians to read HO, CANADA ! by R. Rogers Smith
I do, you filthy fucking kike
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Thus why Canada is not allowed to have a distinct culture - it's a maritime criminal enterprise larping as a government. Much like Israel.
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that website and these protests are 100% run by jews. Protest in front of empty government buildings instead of jewish family homes. another (((Freedom Convoy))))
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>no protests
it's over
The 'protests' was a dumb idea to begin with.
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>>no protests
>it's over
only dancing in front of empty government buildings is allowed
On Canada day none the less.

All of these are OP on different IPs
Hi Rabbi
Just silly. They should have promoted a super Canada Day celebration. Make something positive that people would want to get behind.
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Canada is a confederation of British provinces that confederated to defend themselves against The Union during The Civil War because Britain supported The Confederates during the war.
Happy Canada Day. :)

Fuck all traitors.
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maybe you should read the book instead of sounding completely retarded
Seeing the one pathetic attempt blackpilled me. You can tell the other whites think the protesters are schizo retards. https://x.com/CarymaRules/status/1807818403928830277
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walking in front of empty government buildings in peace walks for change hahahahahhah jews were laughing so hard at the (((Freedom Convoy))). Even Ben Shapiro pushed for it.
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The line separating English-speaking European "Canadians" and English-speaking European "Americans" is an imaginary line, separating the --single-- English-speaking European nation.
Just like Germany and "Austria."
Another book OP should read, see picreal.
It's true, the reason we don't hear about it is because The Confederates lost. It's kind of like how all countries that supported Hitler during WW2 immediately threw Hitler under the bus and say it's all his fault.
after the war
every single ''Canadian'' provinces have been SOVEREIGN since 1931.
Canada needs to register with the US SEC each year kek
Why do you think it's called Confederation day instead of Union day.
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Another book to read is "The Americanization of Canada" by Samuel Moffett. See picrel.
Its as I say, its not something positive. People want to be a part of something that betters themselves and their community. That's why people latched on to the whole SJW thing. In their minds, it was something positive to be a part of and bring about "real change". Thats why I like the idea of Canada Month, a whole month spent celebrating the country and being a good citizen (in the old sense and standards). If its fun and positive and improves things, people will get behind it.
Who gives a shit? None of this is real or means anything. And why did your flag change kek.
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>Aga Khan
>Guy de Rothschild
Aga Khan affair
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>Aga Khan
>David Rockefeller
Aga Khan affair
its way lost. im irish.
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Canada is a de facto sovereign state. If you try to act like it isn't, then men with guns will force your compliance and the courts will not side with you. Your only recourse is violent rebellion. Good luck getting the descendants the of cowards and lickspittles who bent the knee to the British to take up arms against their oppressors.
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Good luck with the sovereign crap. I'm sure the Gov. General's private RCMP detachment will just let you walk in and take over.
P.S. buy a fucking ad.
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Godspeed good Leaf. Resistance to Tyrants is obedience to God
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>the confederacy actually won
>the south moved north
>full of gays
For I will “one up you” OP and [in]courage all for the joinder in the porting treaty.
As a Quebecer i spend my day telling anglos that their country doesn't exist. It's not only that they don't have a single trait different from the states, it's that they litteraly don't exist as a nation.
It's not even a real country anyway
>As a Quebecer
Everyone stopped reading there
but the wise beaver was a Quebecer
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Was beaverposter wrong because he was a Quebecer?
Thanks for being the wall that keeps the browns out of the maritimes.
Every second person on the street here in Fredericton is now brown skin. It was like 1 in 20 a year ago, now 1 in 2, no joke. My connecting flight coming home through toronto was 95% indian, I swear Justin is loading them up on buses and planes himself. No where is safe, prepare accordingly.
I've not been that far west in a while. Well get 1 or 2 at the Tim's occasionally but they rarely last here a year.
Give it time, they will come. That 1 or 2 already there are their agents, they are checking out your area. The big cities are become less and less accomadating to their kind every day, eventually wherever you live will be preferable, at which time their agents will send for their friends and families... and then the hordes will descend. There are literally thousands of them here now.
You must be extremely hostile to them before they take root, or else you will regret it.
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durrrh ganaduuhhh
We usually drive then out. We had some Syrians they got the beat up so they left.
Keep up the great work, I am jealous.
Freddy used to be really nice and pleasant, but it's always leaned progressive so the browns invaded and took over without even the slightest fight, it's over. I'm aiming to move somewhere smaller and more neighborly where the trash is allowed to settle in. Maybe Sussex next year and pray we hold out.
>isn't* allowed to settle in
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>bus is 99% white
bump for attention and annoyance
to the top
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how does this even happen
bump it
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one poo and the cop is harassing his ass
The CIA looked for multi-generation incest family for their MK ultra program targets.
Halifax too. Incredibly browned in the space of 4-5 years
I'm trying the same thing in NS. The ludicrous vacancy rate has me stressed. Would it make any difference where I looked?
to the top!
Canada is a corporation registered with the SEC. So are the provinces. In fact, if you do a search on the SEC website I bet you'd find that every single government of every single nation on the planet is a corporate entity registered with the SEC.
''Canada'' Day bump
bump for annoyance
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this country is a slow boil of shitskins and commies raping the birthright of our nation. I hate it here. fuck canada
what do you recommend?
qrd, eh?
>is this one of those Romana Didulo LARPS where they use mental gymnastics to say Canada isn't a country its a corporation and its bankrupt thus you don't have to pay taxes or your water bill.
Its 100% that. I briefly looked into this a few days ago from when it was being spammed as I like conspiracies even If I dont believe them.

It was semi interesting stuff about UK and the Monarchy and blah blah. And then all of a sudden it went into ALL CAPITAL fictional legal entities and how everyone has an $850k bond created against their birth certificate and some shit about naval/admirality law.

Gay sovereign citizen bullshit basically. I could never get into that stuff as it never made sense that there could be an all powerful group capable of tricking the populace but it turns out if you just use the right Legal-Mumbo-Jumbo in court you can actually cast off your shackles and free yourself of their control....

Yeah right.
Reminds me of the Nigger bullshit of:
>why they call it TELEVISION?
>because it TELLS A VISION
>Mandatory read for ALL anons
>Previous Threads:
Dig up any bones yet chug?
Well poisoning. Canada is not a country but on different grounds. I don't want to get into it because no one cares.

It's not about using legalese to do anything for yourself except to conduct commerce on equal footing with the other party. The term sovereign citizen is a well-poisoning term coined by the same people who brought you the term "conspiracy theorist."

To be a citizen is to be subservient to the organization of which one is a citizen, so there is no such thing as a "sovereign citizen."

>it never made sense that there could be an all powerful group capable of tricking the populace
How many people in Canada thought they absolutely had no choice but to get vaccinated without even looking into what the legal definition of a mandate was? Yeah that's what I thought.

In any case, I don't think anyone should waste their time with this nonsense (we are on the same page there) because legal fictions and all that bullshit changes nothing about our innate divinity.
I don't know what COVID or vaccines have to do with anything. I never got the jab and took over 20 grand in CERB. Was pretty based.

Anyways you cut off half of my sentence. I meant I don't understand a worldview that purports that a shadowy cabal has enslaved us all from birth by tricking us through legalese mumbo-jumbo and that all of this cabals evil doings can be undone by simply studying up their legal-mumbo-jumbo and reverse UNO card'ing them

As if the evil slavers who've enslaved mankind would be like
>Damn we tricked you all by creating a bond against your ALL CAPITAL legal-fictional-entity but you know our super secret of ALL CAPITAL letters so now you're free of our enslavement ooga-booga-booga
No one who is a slave is a slave against their will. Everyone has a choice. Some choose to be slaves and others choose to be free. I cannot fault either for whatever they choose because we are all here to make our own choices. I don't believe that we are slaves by virtue of the existence of legal fictions pertaining to which we have been made unwitting representatives. It's all paper. The only master I recognize is God.

>I don't know what COVID or vaccines have to do with anything.
The entire "pandemic" was a work of legal fiction as well as the situation surrounding the vax. A pandemic only actually took place on paper if you think about it. It was all based on definitions, reclassifications, interpretations, and so on.

>If we define this as technically being such and such, then [insert phenomenon here] most definitely happened.
This is the reasoning behind everything that happened. The reason there is so much well poisoning using the so-called "sovereign citizen" movement is because the pandemic took so much legal trickery to pull off that people began raising their eyebrows and looking into it. Having looked into it, I have concluded that it's not even worth worrying about because nothing that happens on paper in the realm of admiralty law or any other legal framework designed to govern commerce actually takes away our inherent divinity as souls.
Just saying anon, we pretty much agree in the end just not on the details. None of it matters but not because it's untrue. It doesn't matter because it's not even real. It's basically the shabbat light switch with a timer but on a worldwide scale. God knows why there is a timer on the light switch. He will not be mocked.

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