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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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What kind of sick society thinks being naked is a "mental illness"
They caught you again didn't they?
If you feel so strongly about it, get naked right now, and taken a photo of your naked body. Make sure to timestamp your picture with a sharpie on your groin that says 01/07/2024 /pol/ and your current time.

Make sure, since this is pol, to also draw a little hitler mustache on your upper lip too.
i already posted my boobs on twitter and telegram a bunch of times
If he has no problem with inherent sexuality, he should post his female relatives naked as well. I'm tired of retarded perverts not putting their money where their mouth is.
I assume that pic is one of them troonposts. I saw another one recently that said "GIVE TRANS BUTTERFLIES". As in, all troons should have butterfly knives to shank people who won't use their pronouns or whatever. Fucking unhinged, mang.
Well, we have had clothing since people have been civilized, perhaps it's time for you to join modern day.
Post link
just go to my twitter, @uncledogi and telegram "dogi affirmations"
>trans flag in profile
>is a sex pest

I love you Dogi
silence, you WILL take your mood stabilizers
The one that doesn't want to see ugly body parts, and catch venereal disease or crotch mice from sitting in a public place
thnx anon

too bad it doesnt do anything lol
your dose was too small, here have 10 more
When shit hits the fan i’m skinning psychiatrists alive
I have already been gathering names addresses for when that day comes
Why did you even have your opinions if you're going to flip sides over some social falling out? Like what's the point in having pride about something if you're so willing to ditch it for something else?
Is that pride at all?
You can also just not into politics, that's always on the table
stfu my family is aboriginal so kys
electroshock this one immediately, full power
i never had friends, there was no social falling out
im octoroon and go told my low iq is cuz of aboriginality, im not taking shit from europeans any more
Does that matter? My grandma was a pure blood native american prostitute, and I still steer clear when I see niggers or sluts.
Does your physical circumstances have that much hold over the way you think?
this image makes me feel sexually stimulated
A Jewish 1
I'm talking about your divorce.
They had me tested for retardation in middleschool, too. I was homeschooled beforehand and only ever been around family, and was never left alone, so when nobody was looking I'd play racecar on the desk and talk to my hands.
I don't think "europeans" have a problem with you. Step one to finding friends is to just be cool.
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Buy an ad, nigger
im saving it and removing your gay signature
i didnt "switch sides" because of divorce, i stopped being a nazi first, and my husband put me in the ward because of it (a second time) only this time i didnt switch back to being a nazi again so he cut contact with me and cheated on me with prostitutes, and THEN he divorced me.
it was the buckbreaking movie that got me thinking, then when i found out hitler was responsible for forced sterilisation of black ppl thats when i couldnt be a nazi anymore, all BEFORE my husband left me

"being cool" doesn't get people freinds, i got lots of skills and interests and only my support workers are my friends, and even then, its only until they cant get money off m anymore
I got 1 actual friend but shes a creepy lesbian
Okay, okay, I understand
But what got you into being a nazi in the first place?
Being an unironic nazi is sooooooo 2016 anyways. I cringe when I see people parroting old kekistani le stormfront stuff like it's still relevant..
screenshotted and posted
when my ex husband started getting into hating jews, i decided to join in with it because i was going through the worst hell of my life with depersonalisation/derealisation that made me feel no good feelings and it was so much worse than i can tell you it was, i felt nothing good and nothing could ever relax me and i always felt out of energy and wanted to kill myself all the time and i had nno sexdrive so i tried to distract myself with the nazi stuff but it actually made things worse and i was feeling really bad, even worse all the time cuz of the nazi stuff. Im still healing from my Depersonalisation/derealisation, its taken lots of work, as well as i have to fight aginst the belief that psychiatric drugs are taking my emotions away so im always working on myself to gain my happiness i cant stop being drugged cuz its forced injections and the cops or mental health workers will put me in the ward if i miss an injection of medical rape
Nvm, ignore my question, you'd answered before I asked, thanks.
>"being cool" doesn't get people freinds
Idk, I had a schizo ramble up on my profile to filter certain people out and those who approached first and weren't porn addicts stuck around and have made me good company.
Okay, same for being in hell. I got deep into it deep because, well, I'd dealt with 10 years or so of a drug addict blaming me for all of his problems and calling me every name in the book. Even got moved around the country 4 different times and, for a week straight, he sat on the couch and would shoot the family poodle with a bb gun every time it wandered out of the bathroom of our camper.
Thankfully I'm not medically arrested, so I don't have to deal with being a test subject.
I think the nazi stuff is at it's worst half because of the people that make it up are all fueled by anger, and half because you have feds actively playing off of the worst aspects of it to bring people down.
you can actually be happy if you be consistent enough and learn to get rid of limiting thoughts

then you dont need to care about most negative things and be happy 99% of the time
I'm aware, it's why I spend 6 hours a day working on my thing, and the rest of the hours also working on my thing and taking care of myself
Miserable people just don't have a spine
its get better or die for me
i unironically think legal public nudity would solve at least 70% of degeneracy problems
Being naked is not for humans. Humans are adapted to wearing clothes, unlike other animals.
To be fair there are places where humans can survive and live without clothes, and those were our natural habitat before we started wearing stuff and could survive elsewhere.
>when my ex husband started getting into hating jews
Great flip-flopping you got there. You hated them as well, I think you are forgetting about shit you drew back in 2014. It just wasn't as blatant. You got fucked in the head all of a sudden and it was most likely a spiritual attack too (feel free to deny it and say it was your choice, I don't really give a shit). You and your husband also hanged out with retards, like genuine retards. I don't know what got into you and your husband, but, honestly? Keep doing what you are doing anyway. The situation you are in and your mental health is completely in the shitter, so I understand.
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For those wondering. This is what she drew before becoming a full-blown mess she is now. What a downgrade.
Yeah, this is how I feel too.
She inspired me to trying scribbling some stuff on flipnote as well, it wasn't like the best thing ever, but it led to me making some stuff people enjoyed, and I was very happy for it at the time. And after realizing that's what I an do, who is to say I won't also do something else better later?
It hurts to see, but maybe she's still in there somewhere.
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Is she back to making comics?
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Sharing a little secret here, I actually somewhat grew up with her comics and art, somewhat. I didn't pay much attention back in the day, but I always found it fascinating, relatable and relevant. Now, in the current year, ESPECIALLY. She also contributed to the views I hold as well. Her tumblr accounts were one hell of a sight.
What we have today is wasted potential, a person with fried brains. What could have been though.
he's just too based for you
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Posting your milkers for all to see takes courage, I agree. That's pretty heckin' baste and brave. Becoming a complete, total vegetable isn't.
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Real fuckin funny I've been looking up to her all this time but when I get to interact with her, it's like this
I wouldn't have even gotten this far without her
God hates Australia
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Speaking of milkers.

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