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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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The media is spouting “trump is a fascist” because they are trying to make that the truth. They want Trump to bring out the most nationalism in the people as possible. lets get this clear, trump is not and never will be a fascist hes a 90’s liberal/corporatist. What they want is to make him into this face of nationalism. I know they are pushing for nationalism because it is happening everywhere all at once. True human nature is not that uniform.
What bothers me is that I think he’s gonna get put in the seat to try to inspire as much nationalism as possible to get as many into the military to have a giant meat grinder festival within the next few years.
We seem to be gearing up for total war. Our economy is shit, conflicts have started, all we need is that final push. We get some nationalism and another Pearl Harbor/911 and we’ll have the meat grinder back up in full tilt. This also fits in with the goal of population reduction.
You heard it here first. Boots on the ground war in two weeks… after trumps election or some shit I don’t really know when honestly but I can feel it coming in the air tonight.
The majority (brown foreigners) will be shipped to the meat grinder, this is how we deport them forever.
fantasy land
100% of american politics are psyops for retarded faggots
Death to all the forces of the "woke".
Then when you pull the trolly, you die, and the trolly' color changes from red or blue, to rainbow colored, before returning to a random red or blue.

You have less power than a slave in Cairo back in 12000 BC.
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The only post on /pol/ worth a shit. OP was not a faggot on this day.
Yeah I’m also firmly in this boat. I was asking myself
>why would they rig Biden in?
To ruin the economy (the first building block to start war) and to increase the anger of the right
>why would they have trump win?
To feed the nationalism, to make them feel invincible. The “hero’s journey” of being downtrodden and coming back and winning against the odds. The idea that at America “will rise from the ashes”.

It’s amazing theater, but I think it ends in war and death. Not that “trump bad fascist” but because of how his image could be manipulated here.
I have a good one for you. Nothing significant happens and the status quo remains unaffected.
I think it's because they want to make it seem like they're gonna be "so afraid and upset if he wins!!!" so that when he does right wingers will feel like they "accomplished something" and that'll act as a pressure release valve for that discontent (at which point Drumpf will once again proceed to govern as a standard corpoboomer in between bouts of shitposting on Twitter)
That’s probably what’s going to happen. I am doom posting
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>They want Trump to bring out the most nationalism in the people as possible.
The System loves hamburger-patriotism.
Hamburger-patriotism is compatible with multi-cultural, degenerate societies.
The ruling class does love this sort of pseudo-nationalism for a hollow-nothing identity like "America."
But that isn't why whites are flocking to Trump.
Trump says things about immigration that objectively hurt "America," objectively provoke --authentic-- national feelings in the white population.
They actually hate this, and are deathly afraid of it.
The ruling class knows white nationalism means the balkanization of that imaginary thing called "America."
>I know they are pushing for nationalism because it is happening everywhere all at once.
Another error in your reasoning.
When liberalism finally defeated the USSR, and after they forced integration with niggers on us, there was an ideological problem.
That problem was how to keep what the glow-niggers call the "Dissident Right" from operating independently of the liberal State.
Things are coming to a head everywhere, partly because of more ease of information, but partly because of the complete ideological bankruptcy of "Right" wing politics.
As European are being driven by liberalism to murder each other,
this puts them in an even further bind.
It is obvious to everyone with a brain 'conservatives' are even more disgustingly pro-nigger than even the most deranged coal-burning porno whore you could imagine.
They absolutely hate and despise their own people, and they are in a virtue-signaling contest with the liberals over who loves the niggers more.
Trump is a symptom of these politics;
the white working class flocked to him because he said what they wanted to hear,
even if he will not do anything to help them.
>We seem to be gearing up for total war.
"America" is indeed preparing for war.
Russians are a stand-in for violent white nationalists to the liberals.
>Russians are a stand-in for violent white nationalists to the liberals.
The war against Russians is preparing for what they intend to do to us,
when the Turner Diaries come.
They will be droning white nationalist guerrillas to death on "American" soil.
They will be posting the gore videos openly on Twitter, celebrating the death of "terrorists" and "traitors."
The regime is preparing for the coming Civil War,
they are ideologically preparing the liberals for the mass-murder of dissident whites.
Mostly agree. It's comfy inside pol for the most part, but in real America the redditard purple hairs and other petite bourgeoisie corporate lackeys still exist...in droves I might add. Also most illegals and 1st gen immigrants will glad fight for ZOG in any civil war scenario. Cards are stacked HEAVILY against any domestic happening imo, so...the die is essentially cast. There will be more goyim dying for jewish moneylenders...blood will be spilt either way essentially. Europe and America must be purged of gentile whites in order to usher in global nepotistic jewish hyper communism. They can do whatever they want. They collectively have quadrillions of dollars.
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I predict that conservatives lose, except on tax cuts, Israel, and a couple of inconsequential issues.

I predict that America will get worse.

I could make more specific predictions like Israel will Annex the Palestinian West Bank, America will begin conscripting people, and there will be white flight out of America.
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whewww, thanks Kek
close call
> Also most illegals and 1st gen immigrants will glad fight for ZOG in any civil war scenario.
No, they will be glad to flee America in a civil war and return to their countries where they won't eat an artillery shell in a ditch. But who would fight the other side in the civil war? Because the people that are currently screaming the loudest for civil war sure as shit won't fight. There will just be one side, and they'll consolidate there power by every means whilst the other side bitches and moans.
>pic problem
one question - are the tied people humans or (((chosenites)))?
>No, they will be glad to flee America in a civil war and return to their countries where they won't eat an artillery shell in a ditch.
How will they flee America when Jews just installed that kikess bitch in Mexico?

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