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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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The origins of the Christian lynch mob does not have its root in racism, but in the madonna-whore complex and the inability for christians to accept women as living, breathing human beings, other than idols. They engage in violence against people darker than them for violating white women because they aim to preserve the ideal of alleged purity these women have. A myth, constructed by a warped psyche that aims to retreat from reality.
Romans didn't have such an infantile view of women and gender and sexuality.
>implying that niggers were lynched because they raped women

Interesting, and definitely NOT something I've ever heard from media, or from anyone.

dinduism dates back a long ways, doesn't it?

I still think kkk-related behavior is a psyop, see:

but the methods used to antagonize and provoke such behavior having been the incitement of niggers to rape white women, is an important piece of information.

Men would have, in that time period, of course, been very protective of their women, and enraged by any abuse towards their women.
and yet we were more christian as a nation when we were racist funny how that works
you are reinforcing my point
The information they accidentally slipped in with this thread is enlightening, though.
The KKK was 100x more based than the Nazis you nigger loving faggot

Those niggers deserved to be killed for the atrocious crimes they committed against Whites

The Klan defended the South for over 100 years against Feds and niggers

The ADL exists because the KKK lynched a jew
You’re a nigger shill
Look at those dysgenic untermensch christjew mutt trash
But yeh - fuck christfags, jews, niggers and whores. Simple as.
Sieg Heil
>The ADL exists because the KKK
thanks obama
>christjew untermensch mutts are better than ubermensch natsocs
Islam is right about women.
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Christian here you can thank us now the true protectors of the white race.

Jews, Freemasons, Pagans, all the same thing, pedophiles coming after white children to mutilate children with transgenderism and grooming for rape
>not including catholics or mormons in the list of subverters
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>The ADL exists because the KKK lynched a jew
Never happened kike rat.

Population of Georgia: 2,810,000
Georgia KKK 1915-1944: 65,000

Prove that a single person who lynched that Kike Leo Frank was KKK.
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The KKK never lost a racial battle
Euromutts got enslaved by shitskins, holocausted by niggers in Haiti, oppressed by blacks in South Africa, lost to kikes in a European race war

You’ve never actually won a conflict against a non White race

White Americans genocided an entire race of shitskins, tossed niggers into crocodile pits, and hung jews from trees

You don’t deserve to be called White
niggers were lynched because they committed horrific crimes and locals were fed up. it was the people's justice
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actually the lynch mobs were demoncraps. they started the KKK,

demoncraps and jews. founders of the KKK
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Denounce niggers
I denounce the Talmud

Denounce your filthy black skinned nigger race you child raping cannibal nigger demon

You won’t do it because you’re an anti racist BLM cocksucker larping as pro White when you’re just pro nigger

Death to niggers

I denounce jews
Will you denounce filthy niggers?
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>If you defend your people, you are a racist by default
Let me guess - you're one of those "If you don't fuck niggers, you're a racist" kikes?
Push tikkun olam
Shitting on Christianity in general and White Christians in particular
Accusations of "racism" using talmudic "logic"
Yeah.. you're a fucking greasy kike
Suck a baby dick, you tunnel digging kid fucker
Post a dead kike, kike. Leo Frank will do.
>The KKK never lost a racial battle
Is that why you're barely 50% White and a nigger spic shithole ruled by jews?
>You’ve never actually won a conflict against a non White race
Nigger we conquered and ruled 25% of the globe for 250 years as undisputed Lords and Masters
Lmao, even
Stfu Jethro
Idk why you threw Protestant in there
Well poisoning - guilt by association
Including Christians in a screed directed at kikes
Ive seen that poster a lot recently. It's like a fucked up Search Engine Optimization or a really excited guy
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Notice how you refused to denounce those disgusting niggers?
Yeah I got you, memeflag nigger loving European cocksucker

Not an ounce of hate for those disgusting niggers

You’ll never say shit about black nigger demons

Niggers have been raping infants in Africa every since Satan shit them out 100,000 years ago

Name the nigger you memeflag euromutt shill
You won’t do it because you’re a nigger lover

Denounce the niggers
Denounce the niggers
I have watched thousands of police activity videos and I'm 100% sure those niggers back then all deserved to be lynched.
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Post a dead Kike. That's our Shibboleth, isnt it, JIDF?
Shut up nigger lover

The Klan defended White people from niggers and Yankees for 100 years
That’s the opposite of what a Jew would do

Most Klan members were local boys from the area, you denounce them because killing filthy niggers makes you feel uncomfortable and you don’t actually believe in radical action

You’d rather sell your race out and build multiracial coalitions with shitskins thinking you’re based but you’re really just a coward ass nigger lover

Let’s try this with you
I denounce jews
Denounce this filthy black nigger race

A lot of you faggots pretend to be based but you’re a bunch of BLM nigger lovers at the end of the day

Looking for a black piece of shit to shake hands with
All this anti-christian shit is fake af. Yeah Jesus was jewish, doesn’t change the fact that statistically 100% of based people you will ever know IRL are Christians, it’s the religion of our forefathers and has been the primary influence on our culture for 2000 years (not just the last 60 like these astroturfers are trying to imply).

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I already said I denounce kikes
You haven’t said a single bad word about niggers
You’re deflecting because you’re a scared nigger shill

Post a dead nigger maybe
You’ve been hush hush about those fucking apes

Those demonic beasts who torture white children to death

Have anything to say about those fucking niggers huh Cucky?

I denounce the Talmud
Denounce the niggers

Americans are fed the fuck up with your faggy nigger apologism and we’re going to continue to put niggers in coffins no matter what faggots in the media, on X, or wherever say

Get used to it nigger lover
Denounce the fucking niggers
For every criminal nigger that was hung - 1000 more deserved it
>nigger menace
>our/guy Colin Flaherty (RIP)

The clip at the following link is a now-famous letter written to author & radio host Colin Flaherty by a high power attorney describing the nigger menance after his term serving as a "public defender". It's downright chilling.

Colin Flaherty (RIP) wrote such best-sellers as "Don't Make The Black Kids Angry" and "White Girl Bleed A Lot"

The Greatest Letter Ever Written To Colin Flaherty
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>I am up to here with these niggers!
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Lmao this Kike refuses to post a dead kike but has no problem posting dead Blacks.

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Memeflag nigger lover
Post a dead nigger
Say something mean about niggers

You won’t even use the word nigger haha
Nigger loving bitch
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Still waiting kikefaggot.
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Yeah me too nigger lover

But that’s ok, we’ll keep killing your precious niggers anyways
Post 1 dead kike to prove youre not an Yid. Simple.
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Say one word even one single word
Not even a picture
Even a word about your holy nigger Gods
You worship false idols, the nigger is the devil
That makes you a devil worshipper
Too easy.
as much shit as people want to give the Nazis for being controlled op, there is wayyy more evidence linking jews to the confederacy and the KKK than there ever was for the Nazi party and the Schickelgruber Rothschild myth.
Albert Pike is a good lead.
Lynching wasn't based on race
Jews are the nigger lovers ... they absoluely love their black animal golems
only 1 out of 78 lynching were non-White . . . it was mostly criminal Whites hung in that era. It's (((media))) jews pushing that niggers exclusively hung
Not as much as the nigger loving faggot with his Nazi flag loves niggers

He won’t even use the word nigger he loves black niggers so much
They'll never tell you that often times blacks often participated in lynching black criminals. Funny thing is that blacks still do lynch each other on a daily basis but this time no whites are involved.
The Klan actually attacked and killed non Whites
90 percent of Nazi targets were killing other Whites

People talk shit on the Klan because hating niggers is the most dangerous thing in America

Look how people openly talk about immigrants and jews these days, but with black niggers it’s still hush hush

Still gotta look over your back before you can say something about the niggers

That’s why the Klan is not popular
They’re the only real movement that existed in the US and that makes it dangerous
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A Nigger stinks, steals, lies, and murders. I just described a Kike. Kikes are the biggest Niggers in the history of the world.
So now you just redefine what the word nigger means so it doesn’t refer to your black gods

What a black nigger loving faggot
Nigger means black
You know this and I know this

Nigger lover
Kys kike
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>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I am trained in gorilla warfare
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>gorilla warfare
>Romans didn't have such an infantile view of women and gender and sexuality.
This too is a myth propounded by retards like you trying to distance themselves from the harsh reality of the past not living up to their modern ideals. Women could not hold political office and were expected to remain virgins until marriage, which could happen as young as 12. Marriage was essentially a business transaction between families. Prostitution, along with acting and other such entertainment gigs, were considered lesser and would bar entry to certain aspects of Roman life. The complex you’re bitching about was alive and well in Rome. Turns out a civilization frowning upon their women being whores and treating them like second class citizens is a commonality.
>All this anti-christian shit is fake af. Yeah Jesus was jewish
Calling Jesus a "jew" is not an historically accurate statement
The word "jew" didn't exist in the days of Jesus. It was invented many centuries later
'jew' does not mean Judean. They are separate words
Peer review research paper from an .org university website:
>"The article demonstrates that this thesis is supported by Josephus and also by archaeological evidence. From the perspective of this thesis, the article contends that the term "Jew" does not apply to Galileans. First-century Galileans should rather be understood as "ethnic Judeans".
Jesus was a Judean from Galilee thus it's historically wrong to label him the so called made up word "jew"
A "jew" would be some sort of separate group if it did exist during Jesus' day. The closest best approximation would be a proponent of pharisee-ism or pre-talmudism. Obviously Jesus was neither

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