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Previous >>472744840

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>#Urgent fields: The Iraqi resistance carries out a bombing on a target in Eilat in the occupied #Palestinian territories..
>Urgent: Clashes between the #Palestinian resistance and the occupation forces in the Tal al-Hawa neighborhood in #Gaza City, north of the Strip.
>Urgent: Al-Aqsa Brigades: We bombed the enemy forces stationed in the "Netzarim" axis with a Type 107 rocket and heavy mortar shells.
>The British Maritime Trade Operations Authority receives a report of an accident 13 nautical miles from the #Yemeni port of Mokha








>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
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>NEW AnsarAllah KINO

#YEMEN - Tufan 1 gunboat - specifications and scenes showing for the first time the Tufan 1 test on a naval target
New 6/21/24


Al-Qassam Brigades:

Scenes from repelling the advancing enemy forces south of Tel Al-Hawa neighborhood in Gaza City.
New 6/29/24

Al-Aqsa Brigades:

Footage of shelling the occupation forces around (our mother) Aisha Mosque, east of Rafah, with a salvo of (107) rockets and heavy mortar shells.
New 6/29/24


This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting "Israeli" army surveillance equipment at Birket Risha site at the southern Lebanese border.
New 6/25/24



Footage of the joint operation with Al-Quds Brigades targeting the invading enemy forces near the Rafah border crossing with mortar shells.
New 6/29/24

>New Islamic Resistance Iraq

Islamic Resistance in Iraq:

Footage of the joint operation launched by the Yemeni armed forces and the Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeted a vital site in our occupied city of Ashdod, and an important site in our occupied city of Haifa.
New 6/12/24

>New Al-Sharqiya Battalion
A group calling itself "Soldiers of God - Al-Sharqiya Battalion" publishes scenes of the detonation of an explosive device in an occupation army vehicle in #Jenin
New 2/21/24

▶Daily After Action Reports
https://pastebin.com/JgPHrU0g 6/26/24
https://pastebin.com/LZPHbLrV 6/23/24

▶Hamas Memorandum:
"This is our Narrative.. why the Al-Aqsa Flood."
https://files.catbox.moe/zlt9ld.pdf New 1/21/24

>War Crimes Of IDF Updated
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>News / Clips

Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

Footage of the rockets we launched at the Zionist army command headquarters in “Re’im” colony, in the Gaza envelope.
New 6/29/24

Settlers forcefully occupied and stole a house belonging to the Palestinian Al-Khalidi family with Israeli army protection in the Old City of Jerusalem. While the family still inside !!
New 6/27/24

Yemeni Armed Forces:

“We reveal the hypersonic ballistic missile (Hatim 2) for the first time, along with footage of its launch targeting the Israeli ship (MSC SARAH V) in the Arabian Sea.”
New 6/26/24

A massive fire has broken out in Al-Issawiya, east of #AlQuds.

The fire spread near an occupation army camp and area surrounding the Hebrew University in east occupied #AlQuds, according to local sources.
New 6/25/24

A large fire has broken out near an Israeli army camp east of occupied Al-Quds (Jerusalem).
New 6/25/24

Yemenis are something else man

They celebrated Eid Ghadir on the israeli “Galaxy Leader” ship.
New 6/24/24

>REMINDER: NATO, America, and Ukraine pledged their support to Israel within 12 hours of the war
>REMINDER: Russia, China, Afghanistan, Serbia, Iran and Syria all hate Israel
>REMINDER: Israel stole the Golan Heights from Assad
>REMINDER: Zelenskyy likened Ukraine to a "Greater Israel"
>REMINDER: Israel starts wars that displace Arabs, then helps them and Africans immigrate into Europe
>REMINDER: Israel has admitted to possessing nuclear weapons, thereby renouncing its policy of "strategic ambiguity"
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▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips




Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?

Twitter link

Foreign soldiers attempting to murder US citizens on US soil
Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24
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Total Muslim Death
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Hitler's speech about Palestinian independence

>Do NOT engage with people posting inflammatory remarks about religion, in this case, Islam.
In the most typical hebrew fashion they will try endlessly to deceive you into replying in anger.
>This thread welcomes Christians and Muslims and any faith because it's not a thread about faith.
Nobody in this thread is interested in arguing about your religion.
>This is a thread dedicated to tracking the real time updates of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the total destruction of the illegitimate welfare state known as Israel.
Civil discussion is one thing but shills will NEVER engage in that, only PILPUL, D&C sowing and ragebaiting.

>Yemen's "we do not care" chant from today is the refrain of a popular folkloric war song mocking all of Yemen's enemies.
>Some have requested it. Here's the entire thing with English subtitles.

preciate the bake fren
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I will do just that, against any fundamentalist who wants to impose his views upon my sunni,shia, alawi, orthodox, catholic, etc... brother
stay in bosnia, we've already had our share of jihadists who died serving globohomo here
you just had to
Anyone who dies on the path of Islam ends up in Heaven. I'm more worried about you and where will you end up
Thank you baker
Hello Syrin fren a lot of good happening in Syria
current mood
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yeah yeah whatever
>claims to be virtuous
>hubris to match the kikes
literally their greatest ally
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KEK! Get a load of this Pozznian faggot. If you want to die that badly go to Gaza and eat a kike rocket.
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Reminder frens.

Ignore Kikes. They want to divert you from the main topic.

Indian meme flags are just Kikes.

Making you post Pajeet poo and divert from the main topic.

Don't quote them just post what you want to post without quoting.

Jews always lie. Don't have any conversation with them. It's a waste of time. All they are doing is gathering information. Stop engaging with those disgusting creatures.

I call upon all Frens of the free world to keep moving and keep posting!

This is it. We do the fighting here while our Palastinian brothers and sisters do the fighting over there.

Thanks to all our bakers, news reporters and our normie posters!

May God bless you all fellow frens.
didnt your family get killed by isis/cia?
why aren't you in israel fighting in gaza alongside your jewish hermanos you merrano shitskin?
>inb4 your country is run by le kikes
nigger your country is fake and gay and used as toilet paper by mutts whose country is run by jews
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>Hello Syrin fren a lot of good happening in Syria
comfy evening
I'll go watch the developments kek
All signs point to Hamas surviving the war
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Ehh my aunt and cousing died in the 11-M attack and that was not done by ISIS, just a crazy pisslamist which there are many. Also it happened when I was a little kid and I'm not interested in avenging anyone.

Also your country is run by jews

Also matate Julian
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That sucks for Neet&Yahoo
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>Ehh my aunt and cousing died in the 11-M attack
quit lying jason
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The drones have made the militias stronger than ever before.
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Why should I care if a neet schizoid being monitored by glowies believe me or not?
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animalfren has blessed the bread
I'll return later, ma salaama
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How are you doing? I don't usually browse /chip/
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comfy as one can be,
>I don't usually browse /chip/
the same usual low-effort shilling
nothing new under the sun
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henlo fren
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I don't pay attention to shills
Enjoy fren
TKD and Total Syria Victory
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>I don't pay attention to shills
it's obvious that you are living the definition of comfy
keep it up, I aspire to reach your level one day
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bro just kill them all it's literally this easy
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kek, totally forgot i had all turk flags filtered
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Stop arguing.

I'll tell you what's wrong with Assad.

The Assad family have been ruling (dictatorship) over the Syrian people for over 76 years.

I don't belive Pissrael or America were fully behinde the revolution. Don't get me wrong they had their hands in it.

But I do believe the Syrian revolution started too early. Won't go into details on why.

However I do believe the people of Syria were tired of Assad. Imagine having Baiden rule for 76 years. It will make you go nuts.

And the fact that they can't elect their own goverment is shitty. No matter what your stance is on Assad. You should still be able to elect your own government.

Now Syria went into a shitshow after the revolution, too many parties went into Syria and by the looks of it, doesn't seem to go anywhere as of now.

Russia won't help them much. They don't provide them with better weapons. Pissrael are occupied with Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah.

If that were not the case, Pissrael would've bombed Syria way more.

Now my knowledge is a bit low about Syrian I will say that. However I do work with alot of refugee from Syria here in Norway. And they tell me the same thing over and over again.

One final note. There is a video of Gaddafi giving a speech to the Arab League from 2008, way before the arab spring. Gaddafi talks about various things. He talks about how America and the West is going to take out all the Arab states. Gaddafi wanted to unite the Arab leaders to stand against America and the West. While he is talking Assad starts laughing. He ain't laughing anymore....

This is the leader some of these Syrians care about.

It's like they are like the Medkhalis of Saudi Arabia.

I don't give a shit about Assad or Bin Shalom or any of the backstabbing Arab leaders.

As a revert I think it's a shame he wants secularism. Obviously you haven't seen what it does.

The arabs states are in chaos because the west knows the power the Arabs would have if they unite again.
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man, I'm tired rn and have an exam tomorrow
we'll discuss this later
I'll screencap your post so I could reply to it later, enjoy this comfy evening for now fren
I've never actually seen turks on here other than the kike shill and the happenings fag, I think they might be the same person actually. Same attention seeking behavior.
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There are lots of things in life to enjoy, no need to listen to retards posting low quality bait.
>While he is talking Assad starts laughing. He ain't laughing anymore....
he was laughing WITH him because gaddafi had the balls to speak, not AT him
if you check the previous bread, he literally called the arab leaders "half men" for their efforts towards normalization
check the last thread's arguments with our bedouin palestinian fren, I've written at length there
true, I need to take a break from this website
Thanks fren have a good one fren!
agree but that can wait till after Pissrael is destroyed
No. I am Syrian in heart. Death to all Alawites.
Thanks. Will check out more. The video was low quality so it was a bit hard to tell. But Thanks for the clarification.

Won't hold you up here any longer. Have a good one fren.
syrians are rioting against the turkish army
turkish intervention in the civil war will end soon.
Good luck fren
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no please let them cut off the hands that feed them
total bashar victory
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thank you
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the turk shill is specifically why i filtered them
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HTS forced a Turkish soldier to kiss revolution flag by pointing a gun at him

Its over
what happend to his thread? still nothing new on it?
Yes, I'm the happening fag. This website is blocked in Turkey but its actually bypassable if you use cloudflare DNS. But most Turks are low IQ so it filters them.

Not me. I have an iq of 109 (clinically tested).
You are a retard or a kike. Your division won't work here you stupid faggot
still higher than most syrian opposition supporters
> Rocket artillery regiments of the Syrian Arab Army strike the headquarters of the Julani gang in the southern countryside of idlib
Does this general like Negev x Kar 98k?
Like the one kikes made it died
>it was real in my mind
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Well the Kikes ain't coming in to bump anymore.

Only reason we need them here is for that.
4chan doesn't load on my phone but surprisingly it does on laptop.
There used to be quite a few Turks on /gpg/ threads. All good gentlemen whom i miss.
i got it from stayfree
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kek nice hope we never see him again
new dead kike
rip bozo
What happened to 500k?
Yeah I think I'm doing the same, won't be missing anything.
Please tell me there is video
Kikes should be culled
original video:


kikes really think some foodshack vendor in a vietnamese village is worried about being cancelled by social media
Why didnt they half millions of mines ready to go for this. Seems simple. Hide in tunnel. Come out twice a day behind wnemy lines and plant mines.
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Based beyond belief!
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Idf may have hit something beirut btw just now
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> Dead ginger kike

I think even the kikes are relieved about this one. No one likes gingers, those red headed freaks are creepy. Many things red are fine, like redpills, red arrows, red meat, etc, but NOT red HEADS
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Based Spain, as always.
My only question though is as to why it has taken Spain so long to join on. I had simply assumed that they had joined on a long time ago
Not a comfy season for turks

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Can someone edit the picrel in >>472772920 to add a little red arrow, instead of the flag. Possibly with the turkroach flag symbols within the red arrow?
> Something along the lines of picrel
You specifically deserve it, Turkanon, because of the things you've said just this past month. This couldn't have come at a better time. I hope this happens to you next.

Our enemies kill each other.
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>>472775264 (You)
> Massively morbidly obese southern burgers, after devouring countless nuggets in the Great Chicken Nugget Genocide of 2017

I wonder how many of the kikes, inflicted with Chicken Nugget Syndrome, that these massive behemoths would be capable of devouring in a single sitting
> You'd probably even get those kike vore fags with CNS, volunteering and lining up to willingly be part of the incident
was it you or the other leaf that kept making the roach banners?
that was funny
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I don't get it. Why is Turkey attacking syrians for following Muhammed example?
This isn't a thread about syria turkiye relations fren
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It's a sandnigger thread so it's relevant.
I hope both sides, turkey and the Syrian rebels, have fun and obliterate each other as much as possible. Thank you.
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But then who would help israel, if the syrian rebels were killed?
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Turkey of course
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Why have the brainiac gigchad arabs not created targeted genetic biowarfare agents yet? They unironically saved millennia of european knowledge during the dark ages. Without them, all of this knowledge would have been lost after the kikes were intentionally well poisoning white christian europeans during the dark ages, and helping to spread the plague in various other methods too

So, if shitrael has been working on their genetically targeted bioweapons program, since prior to the 1996 wire article detailing this, why are the mideast goyim not doing the same thing?
> Shitrael has the 2nd largest global genome database, only behind china (both countries illegally obtained the bulk of their databases.) With shitrael unironically banning kikes in shitrael from taking DNA tests without a court order, since they're afraid of shirael's enemies doing exactly what shitrael is doing.

> There was a significantly more detailed article, but it's been wiped off wired.com, joogle, and the rest of the interwebz, within the last few years.
That is insane and evil
Also, they can't create such a weapon. the Mizrahim (who are like half of the population) would get affected too, since they are basically arab jews
To kikes that's a bonus, they're endlessly spiraling about a non existent identity so jews always devolve to infighting. Didn't that fag Smotrich have a lovers quarrel with Ben Gvir about him arming the arab israelies too much?
Pretty sure this is a different dead kike from a 2 hours ago
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Like that's ever stopped kikes before...

This one was a driver/support for a special forces unit, the unit made up of Jews who look like Arabs and dress up like women and raid hospitals and shoot people in comas.

BUT, since he was driving a big APC, there were probably a bunch of special forces injured/killed as well...

The commander of the special forces unit was seriously wounded, which means a bunch of lower ranking special forces were also probably injured/seriously injured.

That vehicle got ROCKED.

"In addition, a Dovdevan commander was seriously injured in the event. "
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> Major General Yehuda Ghetto was killed
> Super brown kike IDF, but still whiter than most IDF and shitraeli's

Kek, I wonder if ghetto was he real name, or simply given since he was so ghetto from the hood

the other special forces were out of the vehicle:

"At the time of the explosion, the operational driver, Gethu, as well as a commander from the Dovdvan unit, were in the vehicle. The rest The fighters who were in the vehicle before, got out of it before the explosion in order to carry out an operational foot mission."
Pretty much a complete loss. The bomb was like 40-60 pounds of explosives or something. A real doosy.
US delaying Apache deliveries to Israel.
its good to see you back here spic
here's a you shitskin
It wouldn't work since Jews don't genetically cluster together. They are all genetically related from their countries of origin.
I assumed he had died from aids or fentanyl or drug cartel shootout or something
Jewish kids terrorizing Jews on the Gaza border beach.
The ones they use for evac or shooting their own citizens?
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It's gonna be fun comfy time watching the gigachad warriors of Hezbollah start using their weapons. They've used less than 5% of their projectiles thus far, as they're simply in training and "vacation" mode right now. Kikes flipped out, when they found out that Hezbollah has over 1M projectiles left, rather than the 120k they estimated. Let alone that Hezbollah will more than double from its current 100k-120k, to well over 200k, once the gigachad warriors from the surrounding countries finish funneling in. Let alone how many additional warriors would volunteer to be recruited, once an actual war has begun

Comfy times in the mideast. We simply need to stop allowing kikes to flee to the west/globe, and go back to shitrael. They need to die... I mean, remain with their "ancestral homeland". Especially in the north of shitrael, in solidarity with their fellow kikes in galilee region.

>pic unrelated
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Luckily the kikes aren't related to the goyim in the mideast. I'm willing to sacrifice some eastern europeans and subsaharan africans, when the mideast gigachad scientists unleash genetically targeted bioweapons at the kikes. Luckily the kikes aren't genetically related to the mideast, as a country of origin.

The evac helicopters are Blackhawk platform.
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What are you doing Gevalt? you need those (((yous))) for your malaria medication. Or to save you from all the terrorists Gallant freed because your people are professional cucks.
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>mashallah all these dead babies will make westoids support us!!
>what, only fags and trannies support us in the west, wallhi this isn't good...... ALALALALALALA BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM
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>Al-Aqsa Brigades publish scenes of the IED attack on the “Panther” Armored Personnel Carrier in Nur Shams Camp, which claimed the life of the Israeli Soldier Yehuda Geto.
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No wonder jews and indians are so close.
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>lol diaper defense force diaper pooper pee pee hehehehe.... im gonna kill yahoodi lmao..... AAAAHH DON'T KILL ME I HAVE 5 WIVES AND 40 KIDS AAAAAAAAAAIIEEEEEEE *pees self*
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Er du en potet?
I think the increasing awareness of how similar kikes and indians are is probably a greater defeat to jewish identity everywhere than the loss of their victim card.
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Nei, jeg er hvit brød.

Er du bøg?
Youre right abt this one chief.
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Let's go to sleep lad. It's bed time for us.

Good nigth frens.
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>that date
>Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
>*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)
It means one thing
We are close
Actual ww3
Prepare anons
Things are accelerating quickly
Total war and total death
Night man
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What a great time to be an arms dealer
do they really think a bunch of pedo rabbis gonna help them win against hezbollah ?
good morning chip, strange how all kikes in occupied Palestine have gone quite after the draft news
>good morning chip
no wonder you hide behind a memeflag
>amerimutt burger literally has nigger DNA on him
pro palis can't be this braindead
we already moved on
>ESL flipmonkey seethes incoherently
only a seething kike will act like this
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>The supposedly destroyed Hamas (as per zionist officials) published a video of them clashing with zionists in Gaza city.

Why cant you crawl out of Peurto Rico if you can afford to do so and talk this shit, so someone can shoot you in the fucking face already oh thats why you're here... pussy
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>The supposedly destroyed Hamas (as per zionist officials)

Come on fren, you know that the mighty jews, the most moral and ethical military in the world, destroyed khamas in 8 days, just like they said they would. It was God's will that the jews would win, as they are God's chosen people. Jews would never lie, as they are the most ethical and moral people in the world. If IDF supposedly didn't destroy khamas in 8 days, like they said they would, it would mean that god hates them, and wants to punish them. This is not true, as a beacon has been lit, and jews from around the globe have returned to israel. With the highest population in history, as they get ready for their messiah to return. It's their ancestral homeland, gifted by their god in judaic texts thousands of years ago. They would never abandon their homeland, which is why all jews around the globe have returned home, to fight this holy war. Silly goyim...
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I kinda like these drawings, is pure nerd revenge fantasy.

>That pic
Funnily enough the only countries which didn't remain as shitholes are those who paid back the money she lent them rather than attempting to double-cross her.
This will never be not funny
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Hello Filipinanon, how's everything going with you and your part of the world?
Someone had said that there were 3 Filipinanon's, with 1 of them being of Palestinian descent that hasn't posted in a long time. Is this true? If so, you're all pretty based, I just didn't realize how popular chan was in the Philippines.
>Usury simp
Can you make it even more obvious that youre a kike?
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They made a bunch of vidrels to troll the west, but that bumper cars one was my favorite, as are the pics of the Taliban in swan paddle boats
God bless Palestine
God bless the Resistance
May God curse the hypocrites as He cursed Job until the second coming
Clown world
>ADL sues Iran, Syria and North Korea over the October 7th attacks, accusing them of supporting the terrorists that carried them out.
>The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is going to court seeking to hold Iran, North Korea and Syria responsible for its role in aiding Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel.
Is that why Balestenians speak Arabic like the shitskins they are?
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Because you are a jewish pedophile.
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Does that mean that goyim can sue ADL for supporting terrorists, pedophiles, etc?
>JUST IN: President Joe Biden delivers speech to the United States using a teleprompter and accidentally reads "end of quote."
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wait, why Syria and North Korea, desu?
No fren, goyim law is one law, and Jewish law is another law, the standards for the chosenites is different.
On charges of being "sponsors" of anti-Semitism.
>“Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of antisemitism and terror — along with Syria and North Korea, they must be held responsible for their roles in the largest antisemitic attack since the Holocaust. We are doing everything possible to hold Hamas terrorists and those who support them accountable, including putting all of ADL’s weight behind this effort,” Jonathan Greenblatt, the group’s CEO, said in a release.
Kim has expressed his support for Palestine in the past, maybe best Korea provide them with weapons?
Hello frens, comfy /sg/ vibes in here tonight
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That's unpossible fren, as jews are the most ethical and moral people in the world. They're god's chosen people. Jews would never have double standards for different people
> Although all goyim are technically not people, but rather subhuman animal beasts with the false appearance of humans. So as to not offend the jews when serving (((them))) as slaves
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The Lebanese Civil War is so confusing
Who were the good guys?
lmao, jews are in shambles
Why are they forcing the ultra Orthodox to conscript?
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No fren, you imply that the Jews must be moral because they are chosen by God, but remember that the Jew is superior to God, the oral Torah (Talmud) says so, God's morality is the morality that the Jews create.
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Hello fren
is it because Assad said the Holocaust didn't happen?

Lack of cadets, a lot of them with psychological and physical injuries. I also think it is a way to divide Israeli society (something that helps Yahoo), right now the secular are more interested in conscripting the ultra-orthodox than in Yahoo.
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For their tunneling expertise.
But he ultra Orthodox vote for Netanyahu, why would he fuck with his main supporters?
Possibly, among normies, the idea is spreading that, compared to groups such as gypsies, they were not the main victims per capita. Also that the number is quite small compared to the 80 million non-Jews.
i don't know if 1 of them is of Pali descent but it's true there's at least 3 (one time, all 3 of us appeared in 1 thread)
the other 1 posts news too and the other is rarely here.

Because the side that is now angry that the ultra-Orthodox refuse to serve in the military is the side that without distractions would focus on trying to get Yahoo out of power.
Lots of fighting in Syria today
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Typical average jew posts dead children, checks out.
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Nobody, noone wins in a civil war unfortunately

(most kino was the PLO niggas)

I heard Erdogan is noping the fuck outta Syria? Why at this specific point tho? Also rebels are fighting the Turkish Army?? I hope Syrianfren comes online soon
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isn't this a good thing?
Al Bab Syrians are saying Turks shot someone, Turks are saying Syrian immigrants assaulted someone then didn't give them over for justice, the FSA is mobilized in the area and in control of checkpoints.
wait what?
>why Syria and North Korea
weird question with an obvious answer, friend
some people in general weirdly separate us from the axis, and also separate the (((civil war))) thinking it's a spontaneous event, and not conncted to our anti-kike, axis-supporting stance
>I hope Syrianfren comes online soon
I've been summoned, wont be here for long though, got an exam in 6 hours
>Why at this specific point tho?
it was in the making for the past year, politically speaking
>Also rebels are fighting the Turkish Army?
oh yes
it's ON
again, I'd recommend checking the last thread for our lengthy discussion there
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forgot pic
I want to see every nusayri dead
oh shit, I hope you do well for your exam fren

is this "it", is Erdo running away or will effectively fight a war FOR Assad?
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When Israel invades Lebanon in a few months, the leader of the Mujahadeen, Abu Mohammad al-Jolani, will launch a decisive operation to liberate Aleppo. With Turkish drone support.

Russia wont save you because they are in Ukraine, and Hezbollah will be too busy defending Syria.
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much like how you want to see yourself as a woman (which you'll never be)
>is Erdo running away or will effectively fight a war FOR Assad?
technically both
you won't be wrong if you assume that this is the job of the turkish intel agencies, to jfurther ustify their future official cooperation with us
>verification not required

one side allied with israel so there's your answer
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Keep dreaming Nusayri. The "normalization" will completely end once war breaks out in Lebanon.
this one a pajeet chief

dawg, your soldiers are getting bullied by syrian civvies, fym?
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Reminder that Syrian economy is smaller than South Sudan and Somalia and average Syrian earns just $400 PER YEAR

let's be real the Italian civil war made Italy a nigger loving country for decades now
(((even meloni)))
I was referring mostly to the conflict between pro-Syria and Lebanese/Palestinians forces.
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Reminder, assad only control 60% of syrian most of which is desert

SDF controls 90% of oil and assad has to PAY THEM to buy his own oil

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My mistake fren. I forgot that blaming chickens doesn't count, as god is omniscient
> Just like the loophole of tying a string around an entire city, and telling god that it's a building with walls
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Assads bitch wife got blood cancer and will be death in less than 1 year

friendship lost with the rebels Assad is my new friend
The numbers that prove: food prices in Israel - really the highest in the world The complete data
A price comparison carried out by the OECD organization reveals the crazy price differences between Israel and other Western countries • Food prices in Israel are the second highest among developed countries, and 52% higher than the average • What and how much exactly do Israelis pay more for compared to the rest of the developed world?
This is explained by the fact that Judaism is not a religion in which faith plays a role, it is basically about sterile practices and rituals, in which any conception of god (omniscient) plays no role. Rituals exist and work, and that's it.
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The same "Mujahadeen" that are nogging out kidnapping Turkish soldiers and making them kiss their flags? The ones losing their shit because Erdogan is throwing them under the bus to normalize with Assad? THOSE Mujahedeen?
Are you Vorejew with a VPN or do you just share a humiliation fetish?
without Erdogan backing them up the FSA won't last five minutes lmao
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Some sort of serouis incident in the netzarim corridor. Possible corridor got cut off

Will know more shortly. Incident under censorship
Incident under censorship. Gunbattles ongoing. Israeli air force is supporting
A zionist journalist wrote that a senior reserve officer in the IOF Air Force wrote a letter to the General Staff of the IOF stating: "Inform the political echelon that the army is not ready for war in Lebanon, neither in terms of armament nor equipment nor manpower."
It's gonna be bad
Israel cannot win: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXD8t7gYpTo
>the army is not ready for war in Lebanon, neither in terms of armament nor equipment nor manpower

>We'll invade Leba-ACK!!!!!!
Free palestine
Death to isreal
She has beaten it before
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Oy Vey! So antisemitic this goyim is. Ay Gavalt!
Paganism: Each love is a soul and infinite multiverses.
Paradise always!
The turks are coming for your ass, refugee nigger
Ignore the nigger
Israelis from town 2 miles from Lebanon forced to return home after running out of funds
After a hotel stay subsidized by a tapped-out Christian organization, Avdon’s 600 residents are refused state housing provided to others within the same distance from border
must be scary
I wonder if those "Christians" are evangelicals. Hopefully hezbolla starts hitting those settlers again
That's what settler get, faggots haven't felt anything compared to Palestinians
>must be scary

Yeah. now they're probably a small step away from jumping on a plane and living on welfare in the west somewhere.
Hamas should really start adding 2 or 3 more ied after the first one goes off. So when kikes come in to help the wounded they get fucked
The greatest Allie
So since when are memeflags not allowed to bake or was the faggot OP just talking shit?
>Christian organization
Evangelicals attack again?
Dunno why they didnt have a shitload of land mines.
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You can't trust those dirty goyim to help when you need it. That evangelical group should have taken out mortgages and sold their possessions to keep funding the 600 jews in the hotel. That's goyim gratitude for you. Unwilling to do what goyim are ethically and morally supposed to do, like how the evangelicals that volunteer their life for farming grapes on vineyards for jews- Most gave up their own farms and homes in USA, to serve the israeli vineyards with free labor, on the very profitable jewish vineyards. They voluntarily do it, as the scofield bible has properly educated them, that the only way to bring about the messiah is to voluntarily serve the jews in israel as slaves.
Boy iran really built these guys up. In all of 80 years...This is probably the worse Israel has ever been morale and battle wise. Israel is being bled white
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Are those onion rings?
I think it's not just Iran, I noticed Hamas and factions of the Egyptian military government (especially the Egyptian Intelligence Service) has gotten extremely cozy with each other since about 2016, I wouldn't be surprised if Hamas received assymetrical warfare training from Egypt too
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Niggers become white when they bleed out??
When I found out that they were volunteering to pick fruit for them, I couldn't believe it, imagine volunteering to be a slave.
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It looks like it
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Here are a couple of the audio vidrels, for the anons that aren't aware:

Evangelicals voluntarily being slaves to jews in israel, on vineyards farming grapes

Kike says that goyim will willingly and voluntarily become slaves to the jews, since kikes are god's chosen people
That is another one, they literally believe that when their messiah comes he will not force anyone to be a slave, we will want to be their slaves. And here are the evangelicals fulfilling their power fantasy.
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Yummy snacks and johnny black. Seems like a comfy night in >>472770106
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umm sisters?
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>The Palestinians are people too and deserve better than bombings.
it's not me it's the sub jew on twitter
believe it or not some jews are not well in the head
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something something gates of Toledo
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Yahoo still exists? Didn't it die when google came out, like 2 decades ago? Let alone to still have a domain that's so antisemitic like that, obviously an antisemitic slur against Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu. That is not acceptable by any measure. Someone needs to report them to ADL or Stop Antisemitism immediately
bwahahahahaha never change al andalus
khazar milkers
Comfy happening in Pakistan as well
( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )
Philistina and other Phoenician migrants welcome!
Welcome PhilistinaZZ! Welcome Palestine! Welcome Phoenicians!
Welcome Lebanese!

Christianity and Judaism are illegal!
And we take the stolen property and stolen geometry back!
West Bank resistance is becoming more efficient. 3 years ago they only used molotovs against APCs
10,000 PhilistinaZZ be reborn!

Victory to the idealists!
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They don't figth that way. Too risky.

You should check out videos about guerilla tactics.

>Major crisis between Turks and Syrians.
>For a second night in a row, Syrian shops and businesses are being vandalized in Turkey.
>Meanwhile, Syrian rebels previously allied with Turkey have started attacking Turkish troops in northern Syria.

>looks like the decade old cooperation between Erdogan and the Syrian rebels is over.

>Turkey's own Syrian "rebels" burning the Turkish flag in protest of the current negotiations between Syria & Turkey! These very same thugs burned the Syrian flag many times before! Once a traitor, always a traitor

I'm starting to think the turkanon is not a turk but either a seething syrian refugee or a seething syrian rebel.
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nice and full of kosher milk
This is probably some next level hopium but do you guys think turkey is allying with syria to help fight against israel? First to even help palestine they would need to get rid of the FSA rebels who wont allow erdogan to ally himself with the syrian government without war. Only when youre allied with assad that you can involve yourself fighting israel
The one who hardly came here is not me, I'm one of the lurkers in SEA but rarely posts.
Also some news in Flipland;
>pro-commie chink government officials, chink spies and their (((POGO))) ops in the country currently getting dismantled.
>liberal party and NPA commie insurgents getting neutered and absorbed into the NUP (Marcos' Party)
>Islamic Rebels from 50 years ago have long retired from playing STALKER in the jungles, the ones who didn't all died with the wahhabi glowies in Marawi.
>Marcos' anti-drug operation is more bloodless, 'quiet' and more praised than duterte's drug war because people who've never touched a gram of cocaine or meth in their lives actually DID NOT became collateral fodder.
>pro-ccp sara duterte is instantly no longer popular the moment she told people she's gonna ban public AND private sports tournaments because it's 'a waste of government money'.
>Davao City Mayor Sebastian "Baste" Duterte being a seditious BOLSHEVIK after that talk about wanting the Marcos family to share the same fate as THE ROMANOVS and MUSSOLINI (no joke he actually said that)

To sum it up; It's just like with Russia and Ukraine but the roles are reversed. In essence; Marcos, ASEAN and burgerland are 'the good guys' with the duterte group and their commie chink backers in the opposing group.
The Islamists and Russia are just there sitting on the fence while brandon is telling Flipland + ASEAN to stay still while giving us material support.
Chinks are living up to their title as the jews of Asia where they claim America and Marcos are the ones provoking them while acting like the old barbary pirates within Flipland's territorial waters at the same time.
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>we don't recognize the existence of the Israeli people

I had no idea this guy was this based.
>Chief Rabbi of Paris warns there is “no future for Jews in France” and advises for Jewish youth to flee to Israel:
>"It is clear today that there is no future for Jews in France," Rabbi Moshe Sebbag told The Jerusalem Post on Monday. "I tell everyone who is young to go to Israel or a more secure country."
>Following the success of the right-wing National Rally Party in Sunday’s first round of French parliamentary elections, Grande Synagogue of Paris Chief Rabbi Moshe Sebbag cast doubt on the future of Jews in France and advocated for youth to immigrate to Israel or other countries.
>Source: The Jerusalem Post, @AFpost
Good morning frens
Based clip from the pro Palestine activist He kvetched those arrogant settlers in east Jerusalem Especially that american kid

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>khan younis
Israel is crushing the organized remnants of Hamas in the south and preparing to start a new government in the north. Meanwhile this general just huffs copium and doesn't talk about the actual war... pathetic.
Good morning fren
Is he the Australian-born activist?
He has been in the cause for a long time, even before it all blew up.
A nope, I just read the tweet.
That's the Israeli who is a pro-Palestinian activist, his story is very interesting. If I remember correctly his grandfather was a high ranking officer in Israel.
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Nice TKD.

Henlo fren.

How's the weather in Turky?
>The Israeli military has announced that 44 of its soldiers were injured on Sunday and Monday
Good morning Chile fren
he is an Australian
> his grandfather was a high ranking officer in Israel.
First time i hear this I think it's the reason why he sided with Palestinians he took a huge redpill
Good morning fren
>How's the weather in Turky?
Fren this is Tunisia flag (older than the turkish one)
Yep, the guy basically escaped indoctrination. A very difficult thing to do, it's easier to fall into darkness than to redeem oneself.
>Born in Jerusalem in 1961, Peled grew up in Motza Illit to a prominent Zionist family. His grandfather, Avraham Katznelson, after whom he was named, signed Israel's Declaration of Independence.[1][3] His father, Mattityahu Peled, who fought in the 1948 Arab–Israeli War and served as a general in the Six-Day War of 1967, became an advocate for an Israeli dialogue with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) after the Israeli cabinet ignored his investigation of a 1967 alleged Israeli war crime. He condemned the Israeli military for seizing the West Bank, Gaza, Sinai and the Golan Heights, calling the war a "cynical campaign of territorial expansion
>Miko Peled followed his father's footsteps at first, joining Israel's Special Forces after high school and earning the red beret, but he soon grew to regret his decision. He surrendered his status as soon as he earned it, becoming a medic, but finally, disgusted by the 1982 Lebanon war, buried his service pin in the dirt.[6]
often the biggest israeli peace activists are the children of high-ranking military officers. look her up

>Miko Peled
oh shit, i just see that they are siblings
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good morning frens and yes I have been keeping up with /chip/ frens
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thanks for baking baker
are you still baking baker?
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I will bake the next bread frens
baking bread
>baking bread
baking bread
>baking bread
fresh bread
>fresh bread
fresh bread
>fresh bread
here's a bump baker and fren
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there seems to be this notion in kikes, that they believe they have superior (American) firepower, and as long as their manipulative politics (bombarding everyone's voting institutions with money and media) remains having a vice grip on that firepower (which they use unintelligently like a damn ape, like Vietnam, Shock and Awe, and now Gaza and wonder why they still lose) that people will listen to them.

They think they are correct, that people will listen to them out of fear, or they have some sort of respect.

they think the american military means they can say blatantly wrong, retarded shit and people will agree and not speak out.

the non-native euro transplants are clearly the cause of problems in the middle east.
jews will have hacked to death in the streets for their dysgenic wars, which constitute crimes against humanity and humanity's future.

every single jewish cell will go extinct and made to suffer.

it's like their large noses can sniff out all the good genes.... the Russian elite, the German intelligenstsia, the Palestinians.
noone seems to realize the implications of "lightning doesn't strike twice". the important shit that is lost from the human genome is lost forever, and is never coming back with a billion years of evolution. the people who would build better governing societal constructs, space technology, the best most moral people, gone. not here to fulfill their purpose, and when challenges come the way of the human race, they won't be there to respond.

and the 8 billion remnants of DNA don't matter. it's not like good genes are prevalent in the population. if they were, the history books would reflect that jews are dead by now.

they have their hoards of white retards. if there were no stupid people, they wouldn't have an army to fight for them at all, and they could shove all that obviously fake cope of "Being a tough nation, high IQ" shit up their ass and lose like their natural fighting ability dictates.

they will think that out of a billion people on this earth, there are no trump cards to nasty jewish genetics that will destroy their ecological niche, that they won't see an extinction war fall on their head, when they already so close to one? you will pay and burn in hell for this shit, and die the way nature has demanded of the jewish people--you already fucked up.

and humanity fucked up and failed a test by letting these people die. they're gone. it's not going to be okay.

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