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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>'Nice to give a bit back' - Bellingham to critics

>Paedophile head teacher jailed for 17 years

>Kuwait flight hostages sue airline and UK government

>Energy prices fall but relief may be temporary

>Union calls off Port Talbot strike action

>Boy, 14, missing after swimming with friends

>High mortgage rates pricing out buyers, says Nationwide

>Funeral home inquiry: 163 families linked to ashes
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First for spotted dicks
They're going to arrest me for calling a black man a nigger.
I can smell pretzels
>Boy, 14, missing after swimming with friends
Crosby beach is a bit of a death trap, and it’s full of statues of blokes with their willies out
Mad how he just has to be an antagonist prick all day everyday, he literally can't find anything else to do, just bait and shill 24/7.
Fucking useless freak
All the brits are brown
And the scots are gay
Did an English retiree piss on your doorstep or something?
Looks like burpees are for pakis, you're exempt lads

Occupy in the house is he. Thought so, arguing the English aren't an ethnic group.
You could sell his x-ray to Alton Towers as a design for their new rollercoaster
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post your sausage
I wasn't taught anything growing up by my father.
The spanish are a swarthy servile bug people who we rescued during the reconquista
> Reform events ‘reminiscent’ of Nuremberg, says Tory fighting Farage in Clacton
>Giles Watling says the party’s recent events were ‘chilling’ and a ‘very un-British way of doing things’
Maybe that was the lesson
A lot of anglo-saxons fled England to Ukraine after the norman invasion so rightfully it belongs to us
>Saxons came from Saxony
They didn't.
They came from the north west of Germany.

>The English didn't exist during the movements of Germanic groups to Britain.
>The English emerged later after a long ethnogenesis.
>No, the English are from England.
that's true, and russia as well
My black shirts are out of storage
So I'm pissing out my arse currently.
but I just ate me din dins
Lowery Saxony is North West Germany?
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>> Reform events ‘reminiscent’ of Nuremberg, says Tory fighting Farage in Clacton
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>Throws an elaborate party to show off the 'b-bbased' paki he's grooming to be his successor
Literally 'itler
Just got to teach myself. Learn what I can.
If/when I have a son, teach him a lot.
If only India had some kind of great firewall like China, how much more pleasant the Internet would be
Where was Germany when the Berlin wall fell?
I love this shit. No cunt ever asks "give some specific examples then"

If anything it was yankified, with the runway, pyro etc.
A woman just fainted live on the RTE news:
There is absolute no need to jump up like that to do burpees and fuck up your meniscus, do navy seal burpees instead of you want to exercise the legs.
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>so rightfully it belongs to us
So does all of Britain, Scandinavia and the rest of north western Europe, we have ancestors from there so we have a legitimate claim.
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Fuck your Wikipedia history of the English.

There has been indigenous people here since the last Ice Age, well before saxons came across. If anything the native Britons are more akin to Iberians, who came here on a seasonal basis.
Quick, cop a feel
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Well lads can you name any?
I felt the same, Ann Widdicombe was clearly invoking Mosley in her intonation and use of repetition.
Unsurprising she got Reform banned from tiktok with her speech about common sense.
does josh even post here anymore?
https://archive ph/AzUDq
Digits and David Attenborough will die sometime this year
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>Lowery Saxony is North West Germany?
Correct. But Saxony isn't.
That's what I was thinking of and I jumped the gun and forgot about Lower Saxony, like a fucking midwit.
**Obituary: Joshua Black**

Joshua Black, aged 42, passed away recently. Living a quiet and solitary life, Joshua enjoyed moments of leisure and simple routines. He leaves behind no known family or friends, and his funeral was funded by the council. Despite his solitary existence, Joshua will be remembered for his peaceful nature and the simplicity with which he lived his life.
Digits and David Attenborough will die in June 2025
He's at least 6 IDs ITT.
Not being part of a european superstate
>does josh even post here anymore?
Fuck off
Stop promoting yourself, nobody cares about you.
Annoying fucking faggots like Terry Christian.
Parliamentary sovereignty probably
>There has been indigenous people here since the last Ice Age,
And the English are descended from all of them to some degree.

>If anything the native Britons are more akin to Iberians, who came here on a seasonal basis.
What native Britons are you talking about? You'll have to be more specific.
About time that lad did something personally for climate change
I do 300 burpees daily and run 10 miles every other day. Gym queers don’t understand what real fitness is.
Haven't noticed the difference to be honest.
Going to leave this here incase anyone offers advice.
it must be fun being like this all day everyday
Yeah? Post willy then to prove it
he should put his dick on a plate and tell the waitress they gave him too much meat
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post your willy you faggot
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I just want Tony Blair back bros. He was better than everyone that followed.
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france have scored
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holy shit
rest in peace my guy
What’s going on with their politics anyway?
When she goes back stage and into the kitchen follow her and ask her if she wants her entire life to change
Don't forget to put the steak knife down and don't be too menacing
Gay Napoleon inbound, what does your island have going on? Some semi-assimilated poo? Kek
>the choir
Ffs I lost it
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Dangerously based, Dark (as dark as say a leather jacket) Aaronovitch timeline now
fed up of the bames
>He thinks Primeministers and Presidents are actually in charge of countries
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That's brilliant.
Ah the whole "let me take you away from all this" line.
Yeah, but are they actually or is it like our politics where everything is a larp and distraction and doesn’t actually change anything?
I prefer his brother. Even if he is a fat cunt.
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Reform MIGHT win 10 seats this week maybe even more, 15 BUT there are 650 seats in Parliament. 10% is 65 seats so AT BEST Reform COULD win 2.5% of the seats. That is NOT power in any form.
This is NOT black pilling just grown up talk and God knows we need grown ups now to fight the establishment elites.
So let us calm down, face reality and move forward.
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Is this your first election cycle or something?
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Thanks for that, was highly enjoyable...
Do you really need to ask that question?
Tony bLIAR more blummin like
>First it was none
>Then it was 5
>Now it's 10
The cope is unreal
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aye and then you could shoot her with your cock if you know what i mean.
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sir keith is going to declare war on bangladesh and give us the whitest cabinet since the 1900s
>Misconception. It actually means those who speak foreign (specifically the wal part). This is also why Walnuts are called Walnuts, because they were foreign nuts.
Based and cleverladpilled.
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Tony Blair? More like Charles Lynton
on one hand they are genuinely on course to elect an explicitly anti bame government
on the other hand the french electoral system is set up to prevent anyone but the centre getting in so of course like usual nothing will happen
Should wrap it in a bit of bacon first
There's a second round of voting next week or something where they'll presumably get out-manouvered by tactical votes to prevent them being able to form a majority and other parties can do a coalition instead, standard Hitchens anti-PR stuff

Or they succeed, have to go into a coalition themselves and end up cu cking. Even if they win outright, they are zionists same as here (muh j00s) so wouldn't expect anything major
cant tell if thats one of them or us
Literally who?
Imagine Nigel as opposition grilling kier every week at the box, Keir would have a breakdown
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Meggs Moggin' Miggers
I know fuck all about frog politics, so don’t know if they actually have distinguishable politics.

I’ve started to come to the realisation that the boatwog crisis was manufactured too take the public mind off of legal immigration and give the parties something irrelevant to “fix”,
Too long a subject to discuss on a fleeting Taiwanese basket weaving forum but (forgetting Neanderthals, who have been here a long time) we are mainly made up of seasonal migrants from Iberia at the end on the last Ice Age (look at the Welsh for example). It's an interesting history and should not be cast away with 'we are all Germanic or Celts, etc'. (celts were never a thing btw. they were a culture not a people).
Im voting Labor just for Angela Rayner nice tits and ass that's all.
can't believe josh is gone lads. he was a good lad. used to be our human shield and protect us from the seethemongs by sacrificing himself. might go to tesco and get one of them chinese lanterns after work tomorrow and let one off in his honour
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It was posted by Kunley Drukpa (or whatever the fuck he's called) taking the piss out of bedwetting lefty faggots

He posts funny stuff all the time tbhwy, like this pic <
You’d probably fuck a day old kebab box found on the side of the road by that standard.
Marine le pen used to be cozy with identitarians who she'd use for recruitment, she's moderated a la meloni to get into power but no doubt she's not like a farage figure
The person who came up with 'the great replacement' votes for her
Set a wheelie bin on fire in his honour
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unironically based
>playing dumb
Hmmmmmmmmmmm, wonder who could be behind this post
Surely he should be arrested by plod for this?
>I’ve started to come to the realisation that the boatwog crisis was manufactured too take the public mind off of legal immigration and give the parties something irrelevant to “fix”

But even without the boats, legal immigration has increased so much in the last 2 years, Starmer could cut visas by hundreds of thousands, still have double Blair numbers and claim it as a win
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>Scientists at London South Bank University have reconstructed this 3D model of how William the Conqueror, the first Norman king of England might have looked.
>(look at the Welsh for example
Welsh are mostly descended from the Bell Beakers
I've seen paperclips straighter than you
you bunch of fags turned this place into r*ddit. You claim to not like it but I bet 99% of you have r*ddit accounts too. With your stupid fucking faggot phrases
>many such cases
>humiliation ritual
fucking niggers the lot of you. This is supposed to be about politics and smashing niggers heads into the pavement but I bet all of you if you saw an actual nigger you'd be like
>tips fedora
fucking neckbeard faggots. GTFO. Go back to your faggot discord you troons. With your retarded muh josh e-celeb noncery
oh he's gone blah blah
muh namenonce drama.
I'd actually kill every single one of you faggots. Bet you're all voting labour too aren't you. The ones of you who aren't too obese or too afraid to leave the home. Shower of shits. This is 4chan, it's not r*ddit. Go the fuck back.
Smells like an ash tray. No thank you.
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>hear someone knocking on the door
>ignore them
That's that bloke off BBC news who used to scare me when I was a little kid
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>Norman nobles pose with the spoils from their northern campaign
Which is very likely to happen, and then they’ll creep up anyway
Well ok but surely the fact that she’s a total mong puts you off? You want to fuck a spacker?
>Bell Beakers
> Around 4,500 years ago, a new, bell-shaped pottery style appeared in Iberia, in present-day Spain and Portugal. These 'bell-beakers' quickly spread across Europe, reaching Britain fewer than 100 years later.

Iberians, just like I said.
There has been a strong connection long before then.

>Angela Rayner

Wouldn't pump her with yours mate
could i get away with drawing penises on some sticky notes and putting them in the polling booth
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Wait, am I Josh?
you bunch of fags turned this place into r*ddit. You claim to not like it but I bet 99% of you have r*ddit accounts too. With your stupid fucking faggot phrases
>many such cases
>humiliation ritual
fucking niggers the lot of you. This is supposed to be about politics and smashing niggers heads into the pavement but I bet all of you if you saw an actual nigger you'd be like
>tips fedora
fucking neckbeard faggots. GTFO. Go back to your faggot discord you troons. With your retarded muh josh e-celeb noncery
oh he's gone blah blah
muh namenonce drama.
I'd actually kill every single one of you faggots. Bet you're all voting labour too aren't you. The ones of you who aren't too obese or too afraid to leave the home. Shower of shits. This is 4chan, it's not r*ddit. Go the fuck back.
Imagine if Guy Fawkes got his job done
You mean the NA correspondent? kek
fucking kek
Lads! Lets get back to discussing how we're going to get rid of the pakis?
>You want to fuck a spacker?
The Bell Beakers that came to Britain came from roughly what is now the Netherlands though
That was me trying to get my drone back out of your tree you bastard.
If you read Tacitus account of British natives, he describes several distinct groups, south east most probably Gaul settlements etc
Idk can we do something with machine guns on the cliffs of dover?
My local polling station has a pedestal type thing with four corners to vote on, there's no privacy whatsoever not that I'd hide I'll be voting for reform
mad how literally everything on Amazon is just cheap as fuck plastic chinkslop now.
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Calafornia dreamin, all the Scot’s are gay.
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Horrifying and nightmarish levels of violence.
So you knew who I was talking about? You're all over the place kid
Only spastics vote
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>known as the National Front from 1972 to 2018
>has a paramilitary
>history of holocaust denial
>wants to ban hijabs and halal meat
Only votes, spastic
Should but won't. Bad man trump and all that
Yes, but no. Who the fuck is he?
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If you want to see a real mong just look at Lizz Truss
Booting out a failed government. Van der Leyen is still head of the EU despite making a huge mess of everything.
>that face
she wants it
I usually do this but someone caught me off guard last night and it was me neighbour from underneath coming to talk to me about me subwoofer making his bedroom shake kek

good lad desu. metalhead. said he's not arsed through the day but at night its a bit annoying and he's tried earplugs but they don't work

had a laff about it. exchanged music interests. asked him what time he'd like me to keep it down from. said 11pm. I was like yeah mate happy days. don't think he expected me to be so sound kek. seemed a bit taken aback by how friendly I was, kept saying he can see I'm not a dickhead and that I'm a nice lad

he's a good lad
just like josh was
rip josh
A spastic nonce

White papers mean fuck all really
The ugly nutcase is busy on his new tumblr account trying to look deep and affected in the desperate hope he will find a friend or loser suicide girl, Josh.


What a fucking cringey sad fat old man
well i injured my back so now i'm on PIP, hopefully get minor injuries to give me some documentation on my claim, also reported to the Labour andidate in my area who will be an MP soon

Maybe don't give advice without understanding medical issues and long term sickness
There are loads of products from companies that state "made in the UK" or "this is a small UK business".
Then you look at the seller screen and the company address is something like xiangongchingchong117474. Utter despair.
he definitely browses here and probably posts too
there were some very niche memes posted here recently for the first time in years and almost immediately they were up on his twitter
>What a fucking cringey sad fat old man
you're stalking him on social media mate
Yes but she’s a mong in a sort of adorable retarded inbred puppy sort of way. Rayner is masculine and has that droning manc speech impediment.
Her sex honking would be traumatising.
>The Bell Beakers that came to Britain came from roughly what is now the Netherlands though
No, I have said it many times already, there was a long connection with Britain and Iberia (do the Welsh look like Iberians or Dutch?)

And he also had a different account of people in the West, in those days there was not a North/South divide but it was East/West but I am really trying to get to the root of before Roman times.
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>south east most probably Gaul settlements etc
He was pretty much accurate about the Gaulish influence/ancestry in the south eastern most of the Britons.
Lol that vid, think both Scots and English love to hate eachother
I think I’m too much of a newfag to ever get this joke.
I enjoy the cringe fountain Josh you pathetic nonce
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As soon as she went full Tory she instantly turned into a hag. She used to be a sexy liberal pretending to be a Tory.
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>you bunch of fags turned this place into r*ddit. >You claim to not like it but I bet 99% of you have r*ddit accounts too. With your stupid fucking faggot phrases
>>many such cases
>>humiliation ritual
>fucking niggers the lot of you. This is supposed to be about politics and smashing niggers heads into the pavement but I bet all of you if you saw an actual nigger you'd be like
>>tips fedora
>fucking neckbeard faggots. GTFO. Go back to your faggot discord you troons. With your retarded muh josh e-celeb noncery
>oh he's gone blah blah
>muh namenonce drama.
>I'd actually kill every single one of you faggots.
>Bet you're all voting labour too aren't you. The ones of you who aren't too obese or too afraid to leave the home. Shower of shits. This is 4chan, it's not r*ddit. Go the fuck back
enjoying cringe is itself cringe
For some reason the jack waving huns are overlooked by the English, maybe it’s just less interesting than thinking every Scot is a seething victim, although that does describe a lot of them
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download Cultivate extension. It shows you country flag of seller. Alot of books are pajeet flags too cause they just take out of copyright books and print them on shit tier paper to order and mail them out. Only buy books off Abebooks
if you enjoy it, that makes you just as cringe as he is you silly cunt
Cringing at cringe is also cringe
typical r*ddit wanker non-argument
fedora wearing nonce.
>he definitely browses here and probably posts too
One of us
One of us
One of us

>there were some very niche memes posted here recently for the first time in years
Like what lad?

>No, I have said it many times already, there was a long connection with Britain and Iberia
Wha kind of connection?

(do the Welsh look like Iberians or Dutch?)
I'd say more like the Dutch tbhwy.

Tom Rowsell did a good post about swarthy types in Britain:
But surely even if you do that, it doesn't mean the stuff isn't made in china.
Step 1: Install violetmonkey
Step 2: Install 4chan X
Step 3: Add script to Filter 1pbtID
Your time spent on this board has now drastically improved. Thank me later.

If everyone knew how to filter 1PBTID using scripts and configured 4chan X, the board would be usable and organic. Unfortunately many midwits are technologically illiterate even on this most basic of levels, as well as phone post.
And don't forget to add the 4chanx flag filter.
/Black Nationalist/
/National Bolshevik/
/Tree Hugger/
/United Nations/
/White Supremacist/
/Black Lives Matter/
>Last year the actor made the startling claim that he could drink up to 14 bottles of wine a day in an interview with So Film, during which he also revealed that he had once killed two lions in Africa “in legitimate self defence”.
I have at least 20 Reddit accounts, I like to shit up the place. Start arguments between myself.
scottish victimhood is the biggest larp since the beginning of larps
just entirely fake
they started the union
they colonised ireland
they were proportionally the biggest participants in the empire
basically everything "bad" britain has done was mainly done by scots
this but unironically
Fun fact:
The exercise was popularized when the United States Armed Services made it one of the ways used to assess the fitness level of recruits when the US entered World War II.[3] Although the original test was not designed to be performed at high volume, the Army used the burpee to test how many times it can be performed by a soldier in 20 seconds[3] – 8 burpees in 20 seconds is considered poor, 10 is fair, 13 or more excellent. The Army also considered that a soldier fit enough for the rigor of war should be able to perform 40 or 50 burpees non-stop in an easy rhythm.
Ok incel
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Chauvin did nothing wrong.
Cringed on the toilet earlier when I wee'd whilst having a poo. Men don't sit down to wee ffs
Laughing at mentally ill people trying to look cool to teenage lesbians and cutters makes my day Josh lad.
Old people trying to look young is top comedy.
You on the depression part of your 3 month bi polar cycle now?

Will probably be refused entry by US Customs.
are you the fathanded yellowskinned boomer?
>There he goes repeating his bot phrases again.
r*ddit bot. can't actually think or have an argument, just repeats phrases he read online. doesn't discuss politics, just says phrases and posts stupid memes.

these are the people who turned this place into their own little chat room devoid of anything relevant. KYS shut-in fatty.
It’s a shame, Scotland used to be a respectable and proud nation especially with their contributions towards stuff like engineering. I think their identity of victimhood is a relatively recent thing… that or they got Mick’ed too hard, which would also explain Liverpool
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Yes Josh, yes i am
>(do the Welsh look like Iberians or Dutch?)
>I'd say more like the Dutch tbhwy.
Now I know you are just taking the piss.

Have you ever been to Wales? perhaps the short dark-haired dumpy folk have been hidden by the tall blue-eyed blondes?
Cringe away, cringe away, cringe away

Cringe away, cringe away, cringe away

Cringe away, cringe away, cringe away

Cringe away, cringe away, cringe away

I'm chained

I'm chained

I'm chained

Cringe away

Cringe away, cringe away, cringe away

Cringe away, cringe away, cringe away

Cringe away, cringe away, cringe away

Cringe away, cringe away, cringe away

I'm chained

I'm chained

I'm chained

Cringe away

And you can cringe away

Stay all day

If you want to

Missy aggravation

Some sacred questions

You stroke my locks

Some marijuana

If you got some

Gimme sanctuary

I crave

Cringe away

You can cringe away

Stay all day

If you want to
A lot of the good ones died in the world wars maybe?
Farage told a BBC journalist he wanted to see Andrew Tate executed.
Is this your guy?
Great minds discuss ideas;
average minds discuss events;
small minds discuss people.
Met my mate today on the street. I says to him 'what you up to mate?'

and he goes 'Not, much, just nig-nogging around.'

He's white.
Yeah, that Trussy retarded tight
Mega minds just do things.
And empty malfunctioning minds are middle aged men called josh who have nothing in life but 4chan and tumblr
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Those aren't pakis, but I like you're thinking.
The context was quite funny desu
>"I didn't say I like him or endorse him, I said he's an important voice for young men"
>*flabberghasted journalist noises*
>"You know what, fine then let's execute him shall we?"
Yep, Tate is cringe
Jokes aside, I think it's a great response because it's a humiliation ritual. Just don't feed into it.
what does big black cock have to do with this
>Tate is cringe
He is a bit of an arsehole but he does have a point.
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Tate is a muslim, and a nigger.
Based minds discuss beans.
Pretty good, especially from the fridge.
Remember when Yorkie bar used to be misogynist and homophobic
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Hes a fucking chinlet pimp
this type of thing is sloppy from farage and indicator of poor political savvy
tate is a complete turn off for 90% of voters
same thing with him talking about admiring putin
just being a mong and ruining his own image
Jay slater found. She's now Jane Slater and she's bouncing on the end of this penis here.
He was kidding.
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Rabbits going to tell you a story about yorkie bars
These are nice.
*fall in love, incel
Rishi Sunak is a _________
Back when he used to buy them from the spiv cos he'd maxed out his ration book.
More likely one of his simps sends him screenshots of funny posts from here.
Trick question.
You don't have any mates.
Bad bhai.
Probably one of the cringest thing i seen was tate vs piers morgan. Tate says he respects people who give him respect. Cunt morgan comes out with
>so youd respect hitler if he respected you?
Tata handled it like a tard, should have just cracked up and said "how old are you?"
Anyone remember when Cadbury used to taste good and not like plastic?
>Now I know you are just taking the piss.
I am not, nigger.

>Have you ever been to Wales?
More times than I can count. I live a few miles away from Wales and half of my family are Welsh.

>perhaps the short dark-haired dumpy folk have been hidden by the tall blue-eyed blondes?
Most Welsh I've seen aren't like either of those types of people. My family aren't.

No I don't think I will.

>that or they got Mick’ed too hard, which would also explain Liverpool
I think it's this tbhwy.
Did you read what I said?
Let me remind you:
>He is a bit of an arsehole but he does have a point.

I am not a Tate fanboy but he does make valid points.
They started using more sneed oils instead of butter, think they're using less sugar anorl.
I would eat these if it wasn't white chocolate
She is so hot bros
Smashed him at chess though
which caste is rashid sanook?
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The UK serves as an example to the rest of Europe of what happens when you vote a far-right party into the government.
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Wish it was a bit more moist and chewy on the inside tbqh. Imagine a little blob of creamy cocnut milk in it corrr
Nugget of sense in an ocean of shit. Hes no fucking role model, stupid baldy cunt.
For me it was the spira
I can't imagine normal chocolate working with biscoff tbqhwy, dark chocolate maybe?
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They should make versions in white chocolate asn dthe adverts could say they're not for BAMEs.
Pube would thrash tate.

Cunrs so insecure, every photo hes flexing, going on about "muh daddy was cia" etc
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Like anyone would ever listen to a woman. Thatchers biggest problem was she was a woman and no one wanted to listen to her so she had to lock em in a room and that's why it's called the cabinet
Pube is a stockfish bot
early bake
>lurches to the right
I noticed the fucking faggots at The Guardian love using this stupid phrase. Funny how it is *only* ever used in this way. No country that votes for a leftist government is ever described as 'lurching' to the left.
Was a good speech tho. Having said that, fuck british values, i dont become chinese cos i like mah jong, chow mein, and am constantly involved in comedy horror industrial accidents.
>Most Welsh I've seen aren't like either of those types of people

You are a liar.
Wow I never thought that anybody would tell lies on an anonymous Indonesian cartoon board.
>we’re now a tribal, angry country
Bit racist eh
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people are making fake porn or ai porn they call it
it's a criminal offence to make ai porn
out of all the things the police could do
they are going after deep fake porn ffs
it's not even real ffs
this is peak clownworld
Shame the BNP aren't really a thing anymore.
He wants to be Vivek Ramadingdong
Annoys me when someone is described as an entrepreneur” like cool but ahat is it they actually do
Why don't more choccy bars have chilli flakes in them? Or ginger? I don't get it.
I'd make a choccy bar with chilli flakes and puffed rice and raisins in it. It'd be a bit like a Lion bar but spicy.
Yeah, that was before the yanks bought them out and started adding vomit, like they do in their chocolate.
>You are a liar.
I'm not though.
ffs nonce has to make posts about himself someone do a real bake
>so desperate to not be racist that you hand over the reins to an arab muslim
Basically the last 30 years summed up in one act.
Virgins are more likely to vote labour hence why they want to lower the voting age to 16
We all going to that early bake.. or waiting for another bake once we reach 300??
calling someone a nonce if they are not should be a crime
it's worse than racism
because people get murdered in horrible ways by their neighbours who have kids
cause some twat called him a nonce
the next day they find him beaten to death by rabid nonce hunters
and it turns out he was an innocent victim of cruel bullying
we're in here lads
Is left-wing globo-fascism a far-right thing?
>Virgins are more likely to vote labour hence they want to lower the voting age to 16
why do u insist on putting why in there u nonce
fuck you noncegoblin
Not a big fan of dark chocolate tbhwy

>chunks of salt in chocolate
Sounds horrible
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dark chocolate is actually healthy though.
lowers blood pressure amazingly. more antioxidants than pomegranate, supposed to combat fatigue and brain fog too.
Is this real or an anon?
Anything under 80% usually still has a shit load of sugar in it, if people are bothered (they should)
This thread's dead now.
Fucking sick of early thread posting
Church attendance should be made mandatory. Discuss.
There was a reason it was posted early
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Kys, non-Pict.
Eddie's favorite song
Probably why they started another new settlement mandate in Ireland.
You’ll do alright, just pay as much attention to everything as you can, and don’t follow just one teaching.
Palestine mandate, Isreal mandate, whatever they call the new Ireland mandate.
Us Picts say fuck off, immigrant.

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