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...Are we cooked?

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Not you guys, but I was bit by a jew at work. I'm thinking it's almost over for me.
yea honestly this is hell surely
No we aren’t. You guys are boring annoying edgy faggots and everyone hates you for trying to ruin the little bit of fun we can have in this dystopia. SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Damn, next full moon you'll now turn into one.
You are going to turn into a reptile
this is such a fake marketing campaign by her and retards are too retarded to see it
Full moon, is that because it looks like a big silver coin in thr sky?
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BTW we should probably open up our boarders. I'm starting to notice we don't have enough diversity in my area. And boy are kosher groceries getting too expensive! I mean what is the deal with that messugana?? Time to spread pornographic videos online
Just whore of babylon things!
>these memes and jokes regular poor folk with zero influence and power are making are the reason our society is collapsing!!!! I get NO pussy, none! Whatsoever!

This is what you sound like
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>are we cooked
nah, only you, christians that didn't abandon their faith are still good.

my condolences anon, i once bit my tounge, so i know how it feels to suffer at the hands of a jew
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You know I'm getting a strong urge to spew random numbers. Hmm.... 7,454,019. Ah much better....
This is one of the most aggressive cases I've seen. There's no telling how many goys this one has infected already.
you stupid cringe niggers are the reason why this is a dystopia kill yourself
The bar needs to go lower before morale can improve.
If only you knew how bad things were.
No you are. We are normal people alive and surviving. You guys are depressed troons on the brink of killing yourselves who wish everyone else was as depressed as you. Fucking do it already.
>but I was bit by a jew at work.
How much did you embezzle?
nice ai porn image bro. what engine did you use?
Op is a jew
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no, the number you're looking for is 3756547
why are you closet homo gay faggots upset over a girl liking to suck cock
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You just doubted my retard made up numbers. Sorry bucko that means jail for you!!!
Just avoid white women and your problems are gone
>hawk tuah
you're not wrong however
please buy something from the shawarma place whose WiFi you're using, it's just common decency
>White people have a monolithic culture
I don’t know this bitch. I don’t listen to fucking country music. White people are the most disorganized race on the planet. We can’t come to agreement on anything, while other races openly call to destroy us.
>starting a thread with zoomerspeak
I am sure this thread will be very productive and insightful.
I have a 5G connection internet with unlimited plan for 8 euros. Can you say the same mutt?
Divide that number by 10 and you're still off by a solid 30%
>MORE IMPORTED MUZSHITS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are at record levels of noticing world wide and Israel is about to collapse in an orgy of violence of its own making. You are a demoralization shill.
Yeah you're not going to make it. Weak bitch that whines about his poor little tongue. Oh Jesus please heal my poor tongue.
Are you okay bruh? And yes I support muslims since they kill fags and beat women
literally the worst normie meme ever
lol normal happy people don't act like this you miserable little fuck. You'll never be happy.
must feel good knowing your 8 euro is going to a refugee in need
Built for bbc
DO NOT GO NEAR CHILDREN!!!!! You won't be able to control yourself unless someone throws a hand full of coins on the ground to snap you out of the horribleness you were about to commit

This is so not sexy. A girl spitting phlegm onto a dick?
Here's your average neocon in 2024
>this our white culture
No, we don’t talk like niggers
I don’t know what roastie saying n word or Oliver anthony is, but hawk tuah blowing up was in defiance of pride month. It’s reactionism, hetero pride backlashing against fag pride and that’s been well discussed and made clear
wrong that’s your average paleocon in 2024
I am a far right accelerationist but okay
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i'm a christian now, so get out of my thread or it's double jail for you
Exactly what it is.
One good looking chick making a dick joke literally stole all the attention away from a billion dollar multinational government and corporate forced fag pride month
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>doesn't know it's the alleged number of live births for 1986, when all the masons/jews got together because of haleys comet and used it as their anchor point for their rituals
>Accelerating the death of my nation is good because losing is inevitable.
You're so mindbroken, it's pathetic. Go talk to your priest
>lel I'm not a HECKING Christcuck
>But muslims are good because... THEY JUST ARE
I want to see death and destruction especially to the ones that cheer as they are replaced. You and me are just built differently
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oy vey, a goy using the name of the Lord in vain, what a shock, no wonder your nation is lost and your people subverted.
Yeah, so, like I said, anon is so heckin neo-conservative he wants to return Romania to the Ottomans.
>when Muslims take over your country, you win!
That’s not white culture, it’s nigger culture being practiced by whites. The south has been completely niggerified since like the 1970s and modern country music and rednecks are a reflection of that.
>especially to the ones that cheer as they are replaced
That's you. You're doing that.
>You and me are just built differently
I agree 100%. You and your descendants will convert to Islam because you are cowards.
The only place white culture still exists in America is in New England, and only among old boomers because the young white people there are all nigger loving commies now.
boomer just wants to preserver the slow death so he can cash in on his boomer life
Plus obligatory Muh muzzies line
Stfu kike
That’s jew culture. Likes are responsible for Lilly, Anthony and this whore.
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you are cooked. This is judeo-anglo culture manifested. European culture is luckily not like this.
It'll be hilarious when you get tortured by some bandit because acceleration is so based and epic, and all law and order has collapsed like your butthole from a hot iron poker being shoved up your asshole.
Nah. Ur it
>whaaa Muh hwyte replacement
>we iz being genocided
>da jooos soobberted our wamynz l
>as long as they’re legal
>we all bleed red hwyte n blue
>as long as they’re Xtian
>That's you. You're doing that.
I am not, I dont have any political and societal power
>I agree 100%. You and your descendants will convert to Islam because you are cowards.
I come from a long line of atheists but I guess you know it all
Zionist christcuck hands
>You'll never be happy
> spends all day every day alone in front of a screen, impotently whining about things he doesnt like on this childrens cartoon forum
It’s already Hillaryous you get murdered by nogs every day and ur country is flooded everyday
>save the republic
>dems are the real reeesis
It's Jewish culture. Whites are Christians, but America is now run by Jews.
> The south has been completely niggerified since like the 1970s
What? The South was standing in school doors blocking integration in the 1970s while the long antiracist sent in their National Guard. Fuck, Alabama didnt even legalize interracial marriage until the 2000s and it’s still extremely stigmatized. The South is the only racist place left
I barely come here. Nice trips though you smelly faggot. Better stop redeeming if you don't want to be raped.
keep drinking, doing drugs and fucking std ridden whores then cool life man
> le redeem le trips le leaf le cope seethe le dilate
anyone who uses gay chan cliches is a total npc loser
> i le barely come here
lol....loser. keep whining!
>cool life man
> spends all day every day alone in front of a screen, impotently whining about things he doesnt like on this childrens cartoon forum
>White women becoming classless niggers with zero virtue is ok!

Nigger or kike hands
Kikes are Xtians
And ur the most pathetic golem of kikes
Suck that Jew cum, boomer
The total white trashification of America is something that’s been really evident and bothering me a lot lately.

Is there anywhere I can go to escape it. Is it like this in the Boston or DC suburbs? Do I have to be rich to get out of it. Everyday I feel more and more alienated from the people around me.
>wanting to preserve your country makes you a kike
You have been so mind broken it's sad.
Cope. Pure, unfiltered Copium Dioxide (CoO2)
I dont know why its hard for you to accept that I support the rapid destruction of Romania and Europe.
lol nobody cares what Canadians think. You have no culture and are going to be annexed for resources lmfao.
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>I dont know why its hard for you to accept that I support the rapid destruction of Romania and Europe.
I'm willing to listen. Spill it.
If you prefer the DC suburbs of bureaucrat jews and consider rural America ‘white trash’ you are long demoralized beyond any recognition of what your country or people ever were
If that makes me a jew then I am the most jewish of the jew
Yeah bro jews are gay and niggers are niggers. But I haven't been raped like you'll be when nobody can save your worthless helpless ass because muh acceleracionisms.
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Modern "country" music is nigger shit devoid of culture
>muh truck
>muh beer
>muh woman
Not to mention the instrumentation has become increasingly niggerish with trap beats
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>Mein Kampf audiobook (excellent quality)

>Jewish Supremacism audiobook by David Duke

>The International Jew audiobook

>George Lincoln Rockwell @ Brown University

>Kevin MacDonald : Deciphering Jewish Intellectual Movements

>Slideshow : Jews & Christians

>Slideshow : Jews & Communism

>National Summit to Reassess the U.S.-Israel "Special Relationship"
Im so sick of right wing dorks on twitter and their takes
I fucking hate whites.
Modern country music is used to convince white people to talk dress and act like niggers. It's just mainstream rap culture with different music.
>oliver anthony
I actually couldn't get past about 5 seconds in the video. That's how long it took to realize how cringe it was/was going to be.
Stupid bitch looks ridiculous in those oversized boots and hat. Not to mention her out of style shredded jean shorts that show off her flat ass and square hips.

What a fucking failure on every level.
What the fuck happened to that food, its no longer food
Its not the sluttiness that bothers me, its just her accent and the way she describes it that's off putting. It's just not sexy. Women are bad at being sexy these days, but luckily if they're hot that makes up for it
Bitch we aint cooked, we are fermented
Goblina got to it….look at those fucking chompers.
Im not defending the bitch. Im not even disagreeing with the opinion. Im just sick of the dork ass nerd fucking critics and their takes and engagement farming bullshit
>he fell for the anonymous gospels
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No you don't
Thank you for your honesty. A rare trait in Jews.
You're supposed to. You're supposed to begin to want to militarized. You're being conditioned to be sick and tired of talking. The violence and revolution ahead is not organic, but is carefully and precisely planned.
Nope, now stop following (((white))) influencers or self described (((white))) culture champions, it's literal programming
>your 15 mins of fame is about spitting phlem on a dick

this is reaching new levels of comedy
the invasion of the body snatchers is now
>white culture
Those are americans.
christkikery is jewish filth
>yea honestly this is hell surely

You aren't your body. I have been outside. There is a thingie inside you. Soul or something like that. The thing is, I think it's alive, or a being itself, not a "soul"

anyway, the purpose of this thingie going into you is to have experiences and then return them to the cloud, I think. So it matters what you do-- it matters that you try to be good, and have good intentions. I think the better that we return stuff to the server or whatever, the better the soul thingies become in the future, so people become better when inhabited by them.

I also think that a lot of people, probably most people don't have one of the things.
And sluts.
Almost like I am not a jew or something
Lmao her boyfriend is a mixed mutt from Egypt hahahaha
>the pointy hair follicles on the inner ass crack
I love the feeling of those on my face as I eat a chick out from the back.
amputate the limb
American culture is Jew-Nigger culture.
All americans have to die for the world to be a better place. No exception. Children too.
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Well she is a model
She's still white so they're still the best whether people like that or not
I would be ashamed to even know who that dumb slut is lol
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dude lmao
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You are a cuck also this chick looks like a 12 year old that has not hit puberty yet
NAFO kike shill with a BBC fetish. You are already famous on /pol/ kike.
>Almost like I am not a jew or something
>I dont know why its hard for you to accept that I support the rapid destruction of Romania and Europe.
>I support muslims since they kill fags and beat women
You're a spiritual Jew if not an actual Jew.
I dont understand how a drunk whore doing nonsense whore things in public can be the meme of the month. And previously it was a drugged crazy whore doing crazy whore things on a plane. People are beyond retarded.
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She modeled 10 or more years ago
So not anymore
Modeling is all about the face
Bruh what? I just posted who here boyfriend is like wtf?
I am not a christcuck so how can I be a spiritual kike?
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Imagine her hot steamy corn filled shits
>but I was bit by a jew at work.
You're a wereJew now. After the next full moon you'll have a Heter Iska mortgage and all of your friends will be paying usurious interest on all of their loans
Merely using this word tells me all I need to know.
Christ is King. And you're a defeatist.
King of the jews, I would rather worship a pedophile (Muhammed) before a jew
who fought the crusades
>Look goy, this forced viral e-celeb is your culture
Nah, fuck off kikes
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Pure white are immune
>I would rather worship Muhammad
I know. I said as much >>472772067
stop posting this incel shit
>she said the n-word!
"People" who say "n-word" unironically and get upset about people saying nigger should be put in front of a firing squad.
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