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Are you prepared for what’s coming, anon?
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Grown man talking about vibes.
Really don't give a fuck what official government twitter accounts have to say.
What does he even believe in at this point?
ready as I'll ever be
you know, there's an old saying, dates back generations: be prepared for anything at any time from anybody, don't take no shit, always stand your ground. people wanna come up to me and run their mouth, guess what? I'll throw em through the fuckin window and I won't think a thing of it.
There's gonna be stuff and things will happen and it's a vibe shift and it'll be things but you may not like so those things but they'll be stuff for a while.

Aye great fucking job faggot you said nothing. Excellent Twitter screen cap thread, thanks for shitting up the board.
I have respectfully declined Richard Spencer's gay advances on many occasions. It's just more of the same.
I wish this dude wasn't able to speak or type
Am i going to have to tap the fucking sign again?
Attention, like all other e-celebs
This guy is so gay.

> the problems we planned to happen are coming up cause of all the things we did to poison your society and I am their agent
His bank account balance. Same as always.
Yeah we're going to need a third party rise and the media to be held to account and behave responsibly for once. One of the two mainstream parties is going to outright die depending on the outcome of this election.
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Does this dude eat all the bags of dicks?

Have one more.
He's a progressive from 1924 temporally displaced to today.
Why does controlled opposition opinions matter OP?
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No, he's a narcissist who drunkenly belches out vague pseud "dissent" to the prevailing takes of the people he imagines he used to lead because he wouldn't get any attention otherwise. He doesn't have principles.
Not happening. There's way more people who are willing to kill, rape and die for anal rights and "Our Democracy" than "christian nationalism"—even on this board.
he's a white nationalist who sees the whitest spaces in the US are full woke libtard, as is often laughed at on /pol/, and he conjures up a philosophy around that.
Wow that was really mysterious and interesting. I'll be sure to follow him on all social media so I can continue trying to see the real meaning behind this massive faggot's.
He’s a grifting contrarian faggot.
>bruh Dionyseian bruh Roman gods bruh
Guy's a total pseud who only says intelligent things on accident
Spencer is founding stock, or old American money at the least. All those guys seemed to have regressed into a kind of masturbatory introspective philosophizing. He has interesting thoughts I can appreciate but it seems everyone connected to that era of American history where everything went wrong (1870’s - 1913) are always a bit off. I can’t help but like Spencer but I think he’s vain and, like the founding stock that landed us here, have a strange disposition to live entirely in the abstract.
>a progressive from 1924
Which? William Borah was arguably the eminent progressive of that time, and a hardcore anti-interventionist, in total contrast to pro-NATO pro-EU Richard Spencer.
That's what he does now because he lost his absurd court case and had to make some backroom deal with the government. I'm talking about his actual views as far as I can see them.
>La Follette opposed United States entry into World War I. On April 4, 1917, the day of the vote on a war declaration by the US Congress, La Follette in a debate before the US Senate said, "Stand firm against the war and the future will honor you. Collective homicide can not establish human rights. For our country to enter the European war would be treason to humanity."[93]
The exact opposite of Spencer's pro-war Nietzschean garbage
See >>472771558
How do you see his actual views if you admit he will no longer admit them?
religion dies with boomers
even if they pull this off it won't last very long
easy to spot the bootlicking glowtards by how they try to pain this tool as a "white nationalist", "old money" lmao
From his previous statements and knowing his background, anon.
His 2008 pro-Ron Paul statements? His 2012 foundational alt-right statements? His 2016 pro-MAGA statements?
Whatever glowniggers tell him.
what the fuck is this retarded controlled op faggot stammering about? Is he gonna do another press conference and throwing around the bellamy salute?
So he is a clout chasing moron?
He's basically an upper-middle class striver kid stereotype transplanted into edgy internet politics. So, yes.
christian nationalism is completely retarded because it doesn't really stand for anything
Does jewish pedophile nationalism in pissrael stand for anything you lying kike?
You won't do shit faggot
This guy went from a white nationalist to fear mongering the right. Most obvious government agent ever
It's pseudo-intellectual masturbatory nonsense. Sounds vaguely intelligent to fool midwits, but says nothing. Similar to Bronze Age Pervert and his whole network of kike shills
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fuck off retarded glownigger

literally NO ONE likes you
yes he's a fed
He's a northeastern yuppie. He believes many contradictory and incomprehensible things.
Does anyone have a link to the audio of Richard having a childish crybaby meltdown tantrum?
Ok boomer
He has a lot of common beliefs with liberals, but by his own admission he's still very much a white separatist. Ethnostate and all that. But he's also kinda psychopathic and would be okay with things like slaughtering the disabled. And he's of course very antisemitic. But he cares a lot about his optics, so you won't hear him mention those things very often. If you want to know his political philosophy, then he was working with some tard on a book about something he calls "Apolloism", which I guess he believes in.
the fruitcake freakout?
Perhaps both. The new party will cast all the libshits, Zionist traitors, Christian nationalists, globalists, race baiters and homos to the side. America will colonize the stars - it’s enough of you shitheads holding us back.
There's too many of those.
why do boomers talk like this?
it's all performative
Spencer is a massive tool, and showed it in Dinesh Pajeet's film about a decade ago.
"vibes" is faggot speak. other homosexuality tellas are "my dude/guy" or saying "i'll do the" when ordering food in a restaurant. anyone saying these things is a kid touching faggot and they always have std's.
Let me guess in two more weeks we will see what is to come?
The one where talks about how he should be ruling everyone?
He obviously was forced into a sort of plea deal in which he is only allowed to say certain things or he is at threat of legal action against himself.

I cannot believe seemingly no one clearly understands this.
why are magacucks so fucking retarded and pathetic
lmao fucking retards
you are so stupid it's hilarious but sad
jews have a good grip on alot of US offices, they're buying APC's with their YOUTUBE Laundering funds.
They're training each other in combat machinery and in simple combat using Youtube and other funds. They're using Trad TV and Reddit and Facebook and Youtube to create needless divisions, and they're going to try to push "Jews" in the US, to move to Israel. Just like they did in Germany. This is a time for you to be aware of the jews in your community, and be very very careful about letting them influence anyone. Even other jews.
>yes he's a fed
Everyone here is too dumb to understand.
>many occasions
If you just let him feel around in your pants for a little bit he’ll go away. I haven’t heard from him since.
He's a glownigger bro, straight up.
>Hail Trump! Hail Victory!
>Oh wait I'm a Marxist now lmao
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Richard Spencer literally just said he is with Globohomo?

I thought this was all just ploy to accelerate with him what does he want a job at Fox News or The Blaze
Checking THESE vibes
>Create boogeyman while demonizing religion and nationalism using new age words.
He's pretty see through with this post. I think he has a messiah complex.
also herbs for being the eceleb cancer it always was
I'm prepared to tap the sign again
I don't understand how you got that out of the message.
All examples of homophobia.
that sign is not true, demonstrable
I’ve never seen so much “everyone Jewish is a brother” bullshit in my life. Growing up my neighbor was a good friend and also Jewish. His mom was Ashkenazi and his dad was Sephardi. He said his dad told him stories about how his grandma cried when she realized her daughter was wasting her marriage on a Sephardi. It’s that what they think of other Jews, imagine what they think of us.
>upper-middle class striver kid stereotype
WTF is wrong with that, and why do you go out of your way to make it into a "stereotype?" There's nothing wrong with working for a better life, KEK, and the problem with Spencer is that he's a massive tool.
dis oracle nigga talks in riddles

I don't think you understand that American liberal democracy is Globohomo
Whatever his handlers tell him so he can have the delusional hopes that he can ever leave his mother's basement so he can go to one of those Yale drugs parties. The thing with Spencer is, he genuinely has the decision that he should be part of the elite because his mother USED to have money, and that he therefore should have power. Instead, the reality is that he is a 47-year old shut-in whose only achievements in life is taking over a decade to get a worthless theatre bachelors degree and getting his lights knocked out by walking septic tanks multiple times. The guy is so fucking worthless, that even fucking Chris Chan has more of a resume than him, despite Chris Chan being several years younger than him.
They won’t do shit. We all know it.
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Hopefully most cities have strong lamp posts to handle what's coming
Just shoot this retard.
the king of patently wrong takes makes clasically wrong predictions that he will try to memoryhole and ignore later on when it's proven that he's a dolt who can't read the wind
Ok boomer. You won't be able to reach over your fat gut and bag of chips to get the gun off the floor, KEK.
Did this nigga get his kids back yet or is he too busy trying to "fight the government" on his gay livestreams
>Says nothing substantial, just some vague "vibe shift" bullshit

Yeah great prediction there retard.
He's basically giving a layman explanation to Biblical revelation. The King of the North (the Vatican) is about to "rush" and "defeat" the King of the South (modern secularism). This will usher in the short reign of Antichrist (the papacy). Just go listen to some Walter Veith podcasts and he'll lay it out much more clearly
In dick up his asshole
Dicks don't have veins on the bottom, so this shit makes zero sense. Unless you're implying this dude sucks dick exclusively on his back, he'd have to eat a Snickers normal to get the typical feeling of sucking a really small dick. And it would be tiny, let's be real. Snickers are like micro dicks. I assume you eat them right side up, too. Right? Or do you eat them upside down so they don't remind you of the little black dicks you put in your mouth?
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It was in 2020 during the summer of broken glass. I then already said that this kind of rampant iconoclasm ends conservatism for good.
>Dicks don't have veins on the bottom
sorry you were circ'd so tight all you have left on the bottom is mucosa, a gouged out frenulum and a displaced ball sack
>Dicks don't have veins on the bottom
dick owner here never thought about this or noticed
you seem to think about that
>click for more info on the most happening happening yet!
Buy an ad.
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He never said he wanted his kids back. It would take away from his cuck and balldo time.
Good thing no one's there to listen his bullshit for years
If you have veins on the bottom of your dick, you should call someone, Anon. A doctor most likely. They aren't supposed to be there.

I'm a porn artist, I have to know this shit.
Please understand, there is no fresh air in his mother's basement, therefore he is unable to even grasp the concept of the way the wind blows. The worthless fuck probably hasn't set a foot outside said basement since 2018.
>porn artist
cooming to some cartoons is not a profession
My BBF3.
Those are all very consistent with one another. All three would have been good for white people (if they weren’t lying in the case of Trump).
This is why he never wrote a book. He would have to disavow all of it within six months. So much for being a "public intellectual."
>kikes planting rumors
Then share one link.
Yeah, but getting paid to make cartoons people coom to is. Not sure why you're trying to push back on that. That's a stupid thing to try and argue against.
stfu fag
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this board is literally retarded
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>Are you prepared for what’s coming, anon?
Yes, I am prepared to watch American conscripts die at the hands of Russians and Chinks.
This isn’t said often enough if true. The jews demonstratively send shills after him still. So he lost his 1st amendment rights. Death to all jews.
>ID: f GG Van
bros, type f in chat, good game for the guy gettin vanned
You're literally retarded
Whatever will get him the most money
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>the worst thing about neoliberal tyranny is people reacting to it
> le super huge world changing le event is going to le happen, but for some reason i cant say what it is or ill be le killed but my le secret masters are cool with me le vaguely alluding to it on le twitter for some reason

Cope harder Richard, and buy an ad next time faggot.
>you are so stupid it's hilarious but sad
> * spends his free time pooosting about how tough he would be in gay, hypothetical situations on a childrens cartoon forum for shutin losers
social media impression metrics
>Are you prepared for what’s coming, anon?
Could use some more ammo. Few more laying birds and some goats
Maybe some more long term food and water
But on balance, yeah... we're good
Oh yeah thanks for reminding me - I need to buy about 500 feet of either barbed wire or razor wire...
lol spencer
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the march of tyranny continues, the leaders remain the same
He can't afford an ad, his mother doesn't give him allowance money anymore.
false. Christian nationalism stands for pro Zion Christianity. basically it's a completely not glowing , totally organic "movement" that ensures the preservation of taxes being sent to Israel and codifies the banning of Zion and Jew criticism in advance if the pro boomer die off. any legislation based on it and this glowie/Jewish project 2025 shit is a hedge against the inevitable drop in pro Israel demographics
Don't get too comfy they are embedding again as they know SNAFU and all is lost unless they can scramble, hide, regroup, and reattempt.
He believes in Democrats having supreme victory over all forever because they're WINNERS and the REAL reactionary upholders of WHITE America.
It's all part of his 20 year plan to rule over the octoroons.
Literally who?
>Are you prepared for what’s coming, anon?
nothing will happen until boomers all die. screencapthis
Thanks for this analysis.
>t. Descendant of 4x Mayflower passengers, yes Im inbred.
Not very often we see discussion of how the American colonial stock has led our country astray. I wish my ancestors had done more in that Gilded Age.

We're not going anywhere though. The seed of the Pilgrims continues to burn brightly in today's dark fog.
yeah what we need are more Christian identity, project 2025 posts. totally not scripted gay shit. they name their garbage plans like they name Hollywood movie villains too

>agenda 2030
>disease x
>project 2025 or whatever
>the Samson option

anytime you hear Christian identity, it's going to tie back to 2025 apparently
Yes they all want to kill us all. So whatever differences they have are immaterial
Spencer has become very embarrassing.

IIRC back in 2016 he gave an interview to NPR that btfo the Jew interviewing him so badly that they changed their policy and now no longer allow for live interviews on the radio.

I'm looking for it, but can't find the live interview.

Maybe I'm thinking of a Jared Taylor interview.
>Biden is assassinated, or a major false flag event happens
>it's a "maga" guy, or some glownigger pretending to be "maga"
>fema camps for "maga" supporters
Why did you (you) me, faggot? I asked a question you fucking dumb nigger, and you didn't answer it.
>yes, I’m in fact a kike planting rumors as we very often do on here and everywhere else too. Why did you notice me you filthy goy
I stopped reading at vibe shift... what a stupid lispy cocksucker.
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Whatever the B ush family tells him. The rumor is he's hinting at a mandatory draft for all men and women under 45 in the US.
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>What does he even believe in at this point?
This. Very good post.
spencer > baptard
the octaroon bit i'm convinced
You say this, but buy guns and never center them. You say this, but hold your purse close to your tits at the thought of ever using public transportation or, y'know, Walking, and exposing yourself to potentially-unnecessary dangers. You say this, yet you specifically bought the gigantic truck (though you haul shit maybe twice a year with it) specifically to act as a deterrent against traffic dangers that will always exist regardless of what one drives. You say this, yet the closest you personally get to combat in any given decade is viewed on a monitor.
The reality is that most people who aren't complete morons, but especially White men under the age of 45 or so, are pretty much full redpilled at this point.
We are now in the phase where everyone is starting to realize that pretty much everyone else is also redpilled, but they have been keeping it a secret and concealing their power level in public just like you have been doing.
But it's changing. Your friend will ask if you've ever seen TGSNT or Europa. You overhear someone in a bar explaining to someone else that they had wooden doors or how the math just doesn't add up. The memes and DMs you send and receive from people are getting increasingly spicy and racist and potentially illegal in some countries. You start "jokingly" throwing Roman salutes and using the words that people say you aren't allowed to use anymore, and then random people start laughing and doing it too.
People are starting to take the mask off, and saying and doing things they never would have dared to do not that long ago. And that is encouraging other people to become more open and brazen about what they really know and believe.
This is going to keep accelerating until it gets to the point that all of the clueless normie sheep realize that all of the Chads are fucking Nazis, but instead of freaking out, they jump on board.
christians are never held accountable for republican zionist joo protection laws

they only blame the joos for everything
The pendulumerino is about to do a swingerino ( whoever or whatever is in charge behind the curtain will remain in charge thoughoweverbleit ).
>Are you prepared for what’s coming, anon?
Am I prepared for nothing? Because nothing ever happens? Yeah. It's pretty easy to be.
How many ways can you polish up a turd?
Zog missed the good ol times when white goy Christians were patriotic and loved dying in foreign wars
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Fuck off newfag American. If your ancestors weren't already here before 1620, you are a a newcomer migrant transplant too.
t. FFV member with multiple ancestors on literally the first ship to Jamestown.
He's a liberal elitist. He believes in American imperialism and the managerial class. He believes in "experts" using centralized authority to issue dictates that the masses must helplessly follow. He's an upper middle class douchebag. He's basically your typical Biden supporter but with the pseudointellectualism cranked up to 11.
Its just a lot of antifa shooting themselves in the foot really. Radicalism 101 your enemy recruits for you.
A striver is a person who considers the brownie points themselves the reward. The Asian kid who gets top marks in everything while doing volunteer with the goal of making it to Yale Medical School, becoming a top neurosurgeon, making big bucks and his parents proud, is not a striver. The good goy White kid who gets top marks and volunteers while never becoming an expert on anything, for the sake of having a diverse educational background being able to invoke Greek literature in a debate on mid 20th century liberalism, is peak striver.
And Biden/Macronism is good for White people as well?
How does this relate to OP kek
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Consult the diagram. You are wrong.
It's gonna be the religious right conducting the drafts. They figure they can split the whites by having the christians leading the charge in drafting the whites and controlling the culture. This means a civil war will not impact their communists and possibly lead to a lot of white nationalist types dying so they can retake back command at the end of the conflict. It's why I have such bad feelings about the christians currently. They always betray the whites for the jews.
>proddies think they have a right to the continent.
I almost welcome the Mexicans if it gives the Vatican more influence
Trust the plan, do nothing, everything will be all right. Christian nationalists and Trump will be in charge and fix the country in 2 more weeks.

Christianity is the conduit through which jews attain power over the West.
All it takes is one elite to start latching onto that chosen one Yahweh mysticism and it's all over.
Christianity is why the West will never be free of the jew. Our fates are permanently linked at this point.
It may have been Jared Taylor with that Pakistani woman.
Ah, finally a link. Thanks. Are you who I think you are? If yes, based.
If it was a democrat type leading the draft - it would be much easier for us to unite with the christians to revolt and a white nationalist unconnected to israel to wind up in charge. Possibly could even lead to a reformation in the church. By having the christian right issue the draft it ensures we remain suppressed and also leads to less of their own soldiers dying in addition to protecting their control of the church.

I have schizo feelings that even God/Jesus hates & wants to destroy all the churches and I'm completely justified in never trusting a Christian if they aren't a full blown white nationalist/nazi type that wants mass deportations to the tune of 60 million people at bare minimum. Some of the brown ones are alright so long as they stay in their country. I'm confident Trump is gonna try to issue a draft in a few months after he wins. It's so obviously the play.
Probably not but that’s not mentioned in the post I replied to.
Uh, probably not.
Okay, that’s fine. Thanks anyway
My earliest European ancestors were French Canadians who arrived in Colonial Canada in the 1700s, but my German ancestors arrived here from Prussia in the 1850s.
These guys are very easy to spot, they all have a soft Anglo look about them and two first names
Lol wut
The insecure immigrant social climber (Asian / spic in a high-status professional environment) is practically the definition of a striver
The thing they all strive for is social status
>Christianity is the conduit through which jews attain power over the West.
the opposite is true
this dude knows a lot about sucking dick
about sucking really small dick at that
Well yeah, English Christianity has been intensely judaizing for 500 years
He means "give me attention follows likes and views because I'm confirming your confirmation bias for you based on absolutely nothing other than a convenient news story"
Whatever the feds tell him to say he believes, because he wants to stay out of prison.
It's not social status that's the primary drive, otherwise you'd see a lot more of them in public/managerial positions as you do with the Jews and Jeets
milo leaked spencers drunken rant, he got WASP resentment
penis anne coulter
Not sure if you replied to the wrong guy but I'm not a fan of any of those three
sorry if you are the wrong goy, spence is not a striver
I’m surprised the feds still use this nerd. Do people evwn care about him?
That's where they end up if they can't hack it in med school or grad school
Grad school is a great pathway to low-pay high-status jobs, or admin work
>scratch a lib
>a petty little sissyfash bleeds
many such cases
You two are talking about two very different things that relate to social class that most Americans do not understand well.
The middle class and especially the upper middle class are aspirational. They want a to get a prestigious degree and white collar professional job and big house and luxury car and expensive designer clothes and various other signs of financial success as a way to distinguish themselves and stand out above all of the other middle class and poor people who can't afford those things. It is also common for them to pretend to enjoy what they think are stereotypical rich, upper class activities like going to operas or playing golf or tennis or whatever for similar reasons. The hard working Asian guy would fall into that category.
However, the actual upper class, old money type people have a completely different mindset. They aren't trying to distinguish themselves from the poors, they are trying to distinguish themselves from the middle class people who are basically trying to LARP as a stereotypical rich person.
Instead of trying to show off how much money they have, they do the opposite and countersignal. They try to flex by doing things that could cause other people to be perceived as poor, to show off that they are so rich no one would ever think they are poor.
They will intentionally wear very plain or even partially worn/frayed clothes, drive an older car, hunt or fish or other hobbies often associate with a poorer class.
They will often do volunteer work or get a typically lower class job almost as hobby and a way to show off that they don't need a nice, six figure job.
Nigger speak adopted by faggots and PUA's.
>Richardberg Spencerstein
The thing is that both of those aspirations have become muddled into the same mishmash of what is basically rootless post-scarcity behavior. The upper classes are not actually very far removed from looking and acting like TikTok influencers with stale Xitter lib personalities and ideas
I have a friend who lives in New York and who went to the Met Gala this year. He's a little Jewish guy whose GF is a second generation Chinese girl. They like to go hiking and fishing in the little spare time they have. I have another high school friend who is Asian old money. He made it big on insider trading and now he just sits on various corporate boards and has tons of BDSM sex with expensive escorts
It's all the same crap nowadays, and shades of this have existed for decades, which is one reason why American politics lost its mind in the 90s
>rich kid brags about attending Duke and knowing Roman gods
>incompatible with being a striver
That's not true, administration is competitive as well and full of nepotism. The point is that the Asian who dedicates to expertise in one area is not a striver. If they dabble in other things to avoid being rejected by a Jew admissions officer, that's only striving to an end. It's fundamentally different from someone who gains base-level experience in everything just to check boxes and appear important.
>Striving to an end is not being a striver
>Implying pre-meds don't live their lives to check off boxes
You simply don't know what you're talking about
You're appealing to a false distinction which falls apart because there is actually no such thing as a saintly altruistic hard worker and everyone trying to make a better life is fundamentally acting out of striving self-interest. It is all equally hollow, but self-awareness is poison to those people and they certainly will not recognize it themselves. Some of them are just better at their jobs
Christian nationalism IS Americanism. It’s the ONLY reason anyone Anglos came to the Americas. Puritans are Americans and their form of government is the main one which informed the US government

This is to further drive a wedge between the religious and the ruthless statists.

Puritians and Quakers and other protestant denominations created America and they only came here to live as morally as possible. The Neo-Liberal polcies which the country has no are in direct opposition to the historic found principles of the country and is itself a foriegn ideology imported by jews and un-Americanized foreigners .
>election year
>step out from hidey-hole and make pedestrian political prediction
Well, at least he has an audience in OP.
Hmm, you have put a lot of thought into sucking dick. Anything you want to tell us anon?
>being an idealist

It has nothing to do with altruism. "Value" may be hollow but the things that generate value are not. The prosperity of man is borne from improvement in science, medicine, engineering, agriculture, and other matters of improving the material earth. A medical expert who removes 100 brain tumors over his lifespan objectively provides a physical service which modulates the physical world in which we live. A striver who wants to manage those experts because it gives him more money and status and access to pleasure creates no value.
>Claims there is a difference in objective value between an expert and a manager
>Accuses me of being an idealist
Swing and a miss
>>Claims there is a difference in objective value between an expert and a manager
A surgeon removes the actual tumors. The manager, unless a surgeon himself, just moves money around and talks to politicians/lobbyists.
i will continue ignoring the ethnic problems and the je- ack ack ack
I’m one of them as well, I speak from personal experience. My family lost their money long ago, but I see the same behavior in my family. It’s very odd
What the fuck is this faggot talking about? Also is he trooning out or something? Did he turn into a leftist? Haven't kept up with him
>defenestrater I'm a twisted defenestrater
in two weeks i heard
>Removing tumors
>Talking to lobbyists/politicians
These things have no intrinsic value. The surgeon removes tumors because he is rewarded for it, and the manager manages because he is rewarded for it. The developed economy creates a large population of elderly people for the oncologist to serve, and creates an excess of real and virtual value for managers to manage.
The motivations, outcomes, prior causes, and effects are all comparable
>intrinsic value
Never said value was anything but subjective
>The surgeon removes tumors because he is rewarded for it, and the manager manages because he is rewarded for it.
And the serial rapist rapes because he is rewarded for it. The motives for reward pursuit are different, and the material outcomes different. Your comparison is overly reductive.
>The developed economy creates a large population of elderly people for the oncologist to serve, and creates an excess of real and virtual value for managers to manage.
What is "real" value to you if not intrinsic value? This is also predicated that economies will consequentially reward certain behaviors, which is false. The managerial class for things like welfare and education is far smaller in China than America, for example.
>Your comparison is overly reductive.
It is not, since I'm comparing two high-status behaviors which are additionally both pro-social. By contrast you're comparing apples with oranges
>What is "real" value to you if not intrinsic value?
Right, sorry for the unclear wording. Real value is that which flows through traditional businesses which operate with inputs and outputs along with a range of support activities to facilitate this (such as R&D) while virtual value is manifested in the administration or development of real value flows. For example, holdings corporations and financial firms create virtual value, as do dedicated IT companies.
>This is also predicated that...
Of course economies will reward certain behaviors, which will differ between different economies. Every system has a structural bias which will more likely produce some outcomes over others
>everyone trying to make a better life is fundamentally acting out of striving self-interest
You are in the wrong place on the internet where autist and shizoid personality disorders congegate. Very unwise to claim it as universalism especially here.
hes somewhat of a pseud but not a striver and does not want social recognition which he could have obtained easy in a different venue
>Are you prepared for what’s coming, anon?
How am I supposed to prepare if I don't know what's coming?
Should I prepare a celebration party?
Should I prepare to hide in the woods?
Should I prepare to have a celebration party while hiding in the woods?
How about even vague directional indicators you fucking faggots?
the DOJ threatened to take his moniez after charlottesville afterwards he recruits for ukraine, is pro biden and stopped drinking
good on the last part
>It is not, since I'm comparing two high-status behaviors which are additionally both pro-social. By contrast you're comparing apples with oranges
And I'm arguing that status isn't the only metric by which behaviors should be compared. Societies are full of subjective value judgments and reward/punish accordingly; one society's serial rapist is another society's war hero. I acknowledge that managers can and do produce real value as you've now defined it, but I'm talking about strivers in the increasingly large administrative apparatus which does not obey market incentives so much as national mandates.
>Of course economies will reward certain behaviors, which will differ between different economies. Every system has a structural bias which will more likely produce some outcomes over others
Yes, and the current status of American "meritocracy" is one which gives power to people on the basis of family lineage, Ivy League diploma, etc, as opposed to economic productivity.
He was never a white nationalist.
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/pol/ remembers that incident in your gif very well.....
>Christians will do something
They are the most cucked segment of society.
You are assuming that the guy who becomes an expert on Greek literature provides no value to the world. But being able to understand and explain and teach the classics and philosophy and morality and all of that can actually provide huge value to other individuals and society in general. You are assuming that he only became an expert on Greek literature because it gives him more money and status and access to pleasure, but for someone solely motivated by those things probably would choose a different, more lucrative career path. Greek literature experts aren't ususally doing it for the money.
You are also assuming that the brain surgeon is doing it to improve the world and didn't just become a surgeon because it gives him more money and status and access to pleasure. Almost all of the surgeons and doctors I have ever met were at least partially motivated by the fact that it is generally a high paying field, plus their ego.
You also assume that the 100 surgeries were inherently a good thing. But there are many surgeons and medical experts out there who will advocate for unnecessary medical procedures for egotistical reasons, or because when you have a hammer everything looks like a nail, or because they have a big boat payment coming up soon.
Pedophiles and inside trading left are afraid. Good
yep, pretty much all i've been doing since we were sent home from covid
elitism and the average man is livestock for elites but the human livestock can be managed "humanely" with whats good for them
>Richard Spencer thread in 2024
am I doing it rite?
>caring about glowie spencer
ok bro
Thank you, bus driver
It is social status driving them, but not as we understand it. They're seeking social status as defined by their immigrant Asian parents, whereas whites have a better picture of the real status hierarchy and will seek out low-paid NGO, government, and journo jobs that are actually high impact and high status. Asian tiger moms want their kids to be doctors because that was high status back home.
>You are assuming that the guy who becomes an expert on Greek literature provides no value to the world.
An actual historian who translates Greek texts, writes papers/books on those texts? That's value. Richard Spencer and other Twitter midwits who invoke etymology to connect the ideology underlying two words separated by 2000 years? That's just posturing. Spencer would provide much more value to the world if he just became a plumber or electrician.
>You are also assuming that the brain surgeon is doing it to improve the world and didn't just become a surgeon because it gives him more money and status and access to pleasure. Almost all of the surgeons and doctors I have ever met were at least partially motivated by the fact that it is generally a high paying field, plus their ego.
Would never deny that, but those jobs are rewarded financially because they provide such obvious value to those in seek of their services.
>You also assume that the 100 surgeries were inherently a good thing. But there are many surgeons and medical experts out there who will advocate for unnecessary medical procedures for egotistical reasons, or because when you have a hammer everything looks like a nail, or because they have a big boat payment coming up soon.
I'd say that removing brain tumors is almost always good (unless it's a 90 year old patient who is going to die soon either way). Otherwise, don't deny your point here either. The solution is to reduce the costs of accreditation for basic medical work.

Hes a Hillary plant.

>During OWS
>Classic Liberals winning major social battles to the degree that even Conservatives are joining in on OWS protests
>DNC needs to reel in their base because their megadonors are mad as fuck that they legitimately got tarred and feathered on their way to work
>Corpos put in nigger plants that spout intersectionalism, they start divide and conquering protestors
>DNC cant control their base so they start calling Classic Liberals "Alt Right", Classic Liberals start labeling these Intersectionalists WOKE
>Alt Right influencers like Breitbart are given birth to by Corpo Jews and the DNC.
>The idea is to establish a yoke for narrative control. Every Democrat that goes off the plantation gets branded an Alt Right Nazi. They also control the opposition so Breitbart will always be kosher.
>At this point theyve basically conflated the Right with Nazis. Liberalism has become a religion with True Scotsman like litmus tests for everything.
>Media starts running stories egging on a race war instead of a class war
>At this point Feds and Corpos basically dissolved OWS. Liberals and Conservatives have been divided and conquered successfully
>During this period any Conservative superstar gaining traction are just liberal or Jewish grifters. "Liberal media" wouldnt dare platform real conservatives as theyve all ben cancelled. So you get brainlets with lukewarm neocon takes like Richard Spencer, Mike Enoch, and Ben Shapiro.
>Richard Spencer grifts right wingers up till Trump takes office. Then he turncoats hoping to lure his base away from Trump and closer to progressive causes.
>Eventually he shows his colors and endorses Biden
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He's bought just like every "based" wignat or koshercon.
All of these people are scammers and losers.
They speak in esoteric mumbojumbo so they can act like they're "right" afterwards without committing to anything and risking something.

Seeing how many of these puppets move like their masters tell them bores me to tears, I never thought I'd feel so alienated from it all.
True, and social status isn't really something a person can escape, I acknowledge. But I'm saying there's still a huge difference between Chinese mother "You study 16 hours a day to become doctor and make money and family proud!" and Jewish mother "Oh hun I called my uncle and he's going to let you volunteer for a clerk at the Supreme Court this summer, it's going to be so good for your application to Hahrvahrd as a feminist studies major!"
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Can you draw Ashley from RE 4 (the good one) sucking on neco arc's pussy?
I’m ready for the Christian nationalism to take over.
>People wanna come up to me....
And this is why the kikes rule.
>DURRRRR I'm just gon whine about dem n never do nuffin
You're pathetic bro. All of you are. You need to think like a warrior intellectual and PRACTICE being a warrior intellectual. I'm pretty damn sure maybe only one of you other anons do that if any. You have a working body and capable mind to change the world, at least the country. You should all have your own "gear" you can use to get things done and I don't just mean weaponry. Use your imagination. Anyone here can ruin some political meeting with basic teen prank level hijinks. That's just the entry level action all of you can take to actually do something instead of whining or doing absolutely nothing until it's too late. They can easily be taken down or at least hindered if you do something with precision and definite impact. If you're as smart as you say you are you can get away clean and be home for tendies. Use your imagination.
Lucky kids, with parents like him you don't need to fear getting harmed by shitskins...
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major incel vibes in these posts
The only thing I know about this guy is that he was some gay politically right pundit, got hit in the face with a bike lock, then became some gay politically left pundit.
love me some boomer satire
based and defenestration-pilled.
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Soft bitches getting rattled by this tame shit are going to get their vibes shifted all the way up their rectums. Ready? I’ll be spearheading.
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What ever his Mossad handlers tell him to say.
Traitors before invaders.
>glownigger posts faggotry on twitter
>op, being a massive faggot, retweets it on /pol/
Why not just kill yourself, you fucking faggot.

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