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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why wasn't there a primary?

If there was, democrat voters would have seen Joe Biden's decline and replaced him with a new candidate. One that could win.

But Biden's decline was intentionally hidden from the voters by party elites and billionaires like George Soros. Hidden until it was too late to relace him. Hidden until the exact moment it would inflict the biggest amount of damage and ensure Trump as the new president.

And this is because there are no rich democrats. There are no rich leftists. Leftists believe in the death penalty for the rich, so there are no rich leftists.

Republican billionaires like George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, 100 others, infiltrate the party with donations in order to sabotage socialism. They go to candidates and say "hey bub, don't talk about price controls and unions, instead talk about open borders and transgenders, or else I won't donate to you!" and these politicians have no choice because our republican campaign finance laws make them dependent on billionaire money in order to survive.

The republican party is fond of telling voters "it's a uniparty" but it's a limited hangout. Because the implication is always that the "uniparty" is owned by democrats. It's not. It's owned by republicans. The republican party owns 100% of the republican party and about 90% of the democrat party. Through money.

Because there are no rich socialists. Because there are no rich leftists. Because every rich person is a frothing fascist whose entire purpose in politics is to crush socialism here in America and globally AKA "globalism".
There was a primary.
Nope. There wasn't a primary.
Yes there was. Biden had multiple challengers.

>If there was, democrat voters would have seen Joe Biden's decline and replaced him with a new candidate. One that could win.

You vastly overestimate their intelligence. The TV said Biden was fine and they believed it.
I repeat, "there was no primary", and there will never be anything you'll write on 4chan to successfully gaslight the fact that there wasn't, or your side's role in infiltrating the democrat party and controlling every facet of politics in America.
What is this
see >>472770869: I repeat, "there was no primary", and there will never be anything you'll write on 4chan to successfully gaslight the fact that there wasn't, or your side's role in infiltrating the democrat party and controlling every facet of politics in America.

And I simply have nothing more to say to you on the matter no matter what asinine cherrypicking and gaslighting you post.
are you ok bro?
Hey look it's the autist that repeats "there is nothing you can do to change my mind" over and over. Just so everyone knows this is his entire gimmick. He says these long winded bullshit statements, you refute him and he responds with "nothing you say will ever change my mind" which is a tell you refuted him.

There is a good chance me pointing this autist out will cause him to run away from the thread but that's his gimmick. He just repeats that line over and over
You will be held accountable for your crimes one day by an authoritarian socialist govt. That's all I have to say to anyone who gaslights for billionaires like you
Biden had to be installed to protect Obama.
Yeah there was no primary, you're not gonna change that by saying "yes there was" or posting the link to the wikipedia page. It's a simple material fact everyone is aware of, so yes I will repeat myself anytime you repeat yourself
You are a sperg autist sociopath and nothing you say will change my mind.
Cool story. And consider me entirely unmoved from your comments
There was a primary, it just wasn't a seriously contested primary. The voters went overwhelmingly for Biden versus other Democrat contenders.
Hes right though, there was effectively no primary for the DNC just like 2016 and 2020. The party decided what it wanted and it worked tirelessly to ensure that is what occurred.
I repeat >>472770869: I repeat, "there was no primary", and there will never be anything you'll write on 4chan to successfully gaslight the fact that there wasn't, or your side's role in infiltrating the democrat party and controlling every facet of politics in America.
Gaslighting makes it worse for you guys on 4chan. That's something sociopaths never fucking understand. You don't walk into a room and blatantly gaslight everyone and then walk out of it being perceived better than you were prior to walking in.
You are a dishonest, hyperbolic faggot autist incel and you can never gaslight me into thinking otherwise
It's pretty normal for major politicians and donors to rally around the incumbent president seeking re-election, if that's what you mean by 'no primary'. There was 'no primary' in 2012 or 1996 for the same reason. Why are you bothered by this?
I'm just unmoved. You just have no idea how unmoved I am.
see >>472771629. Ahhhhhhhhhh, gentlemen, isn't it always so funny to see the right-wing do their usual 180s in their rhetoric? When normally they're thrilled to say "DEMOCRATS RIG THE PRIMARY!" but then the moment a democrat comes and confronts them with the implications of that, which reveal all of the power the right truly has in America, they're pissed and start full-denials.
He's a troll anon. He's going to ignore everything you say, accuse you of gaslighting him then frame you as the worst thing ever. This is his troll script. Say that over and over. See >>472772423
We're gonna win one day. Us on the left. Even in America where we've always gotten our asses pummeled by the right. Because the fact is that if you win, you destroy everything. You're the most self-destructive, greedy, selfish and nihilistic beings imaginable. And with all your power of America you've merely reduced it to a pile of rubble.
It's ok, I recently decided I actually will side with Donald Trump/George Soros/WEF over you. Remember to go get vaccinated.
>And with all your power of America you've merely reduced it to a pile of rubble.
"over" America, not of it, obviously.
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You've always been sided with them. And you've always known you were sided with them. And any rhetoric you wrote to the contrary was your attempt to manipulate the stupid people of this country, who you keep intentionally dumbed down and miseducated so they're easier to coerce.
alrite gentlemen, I gotta go because I've got better things to do than hang out with you miserable, wealthy, nepobaby shut-ins on this fine day. Remember, tick tock, the revolution is coming for your wealthy families and it will be violent.
>he ran away again because I called him out on his tactics again
3 time now incel lol
>who you keep intentionally dumbed down and miseducated so they're easier to coerce.

Roman ethics, if you're too stupid/lazy to see what's happening to you and stop it, you deserve it
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Should I get off of your lawn?
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We aren't afraid of your bongs and dildos.
>Why wasn't there a primary?
They thought they could hide Joe's dementia.

They couldn't and now they're stuck with him as King Democrat because his wife still wants to be FLOTUS.

The rest of the NPC cattle don't even know how their party's system works so they're resorting to KILL TRUMP as their slogan now because they can't stand that their team will lose to other team.
No. You're moved by his comments. Nothing you say will change that fact. You will not gaslight me by saying you're not when you clearly are
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>sabotage socialism


Here's some people leaving a socialist utopia, go take their place.
>republicans made everyone vote for Biden out of spite, then made every other eligible Democrat sit out this election because money and reasons

This is how retarded and disjointed your painful analysis is. Honestly, you should just give up politics in general and stick to *checks notes* taking loads in truck stop parking lots

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