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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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It's pretty much in the bag at this point, isn't it?
8 more years followed by AI Trump for the next 200
Israel must be protected.
Never say "GG" until the match is over, Hillary.
The FBI attacked the president.
Dissolve that entire arm of government and use the government to arrest anyone found aiding, abetting, financing, or in any way associated with this domestic terrorist group.
>You can't say that, that's not legal, it's the
The's another one, arrest him.
Naw, Biden can legally kill him now if he wants.
It ain’t over until January 20, 2025
Yes, now sign up for the army!!!
Yup, we are going to war for Israel.
Pretty much.
uhh... democracy?
I'm impressed by how much leftists have imploded the past few months
Just imagine the royalties his family would collect in perpetua

Are you a clairvoyant or a time traveler?
Nah, they will just rig it like last time.
>just voot harder!!
Lol nah
Don't get complacent. Vote and donate
The pozzed politcal reddits are all salt mines since the debate
The seething. It's glorious.
Trump is the best at saying he'll protect isreal. Biden is just like a Palestinian and not even a very good one.
Biden is just a bad Palestinian. In other words, he's basically a nigger.
No, not really. Remember the red tsunami in 2020? The economy was a lot worse then too.
the perfect way too.
wins by landslide, yet the left still riots like it's 2020.
desperate left-wing media tries to spin.
Republicans need to start spending the money Trump raised recently on a better ground game while Democrats are running around headless over Biden's mental decline, otherwise it should be a comfortable win.

The ballot harvesting Dems set up makes this race closer than you think.
Democrats just need to let a few thousand illegals vote in every swing state and they can easily steal the election.
No, Biden's gonna wake up next debate and everybody will forget about the previous one.
Was it, though? What was the official rate of inflation when Brandon took over the reins? Average gas price?

And was Brandon's physiological deterioration as obvious then as it is now? Were people sick and tired of virus mass hysteria then?
Has been for a while
It's going to be funny watching them rig this one
Yeah, pretty much. It's Joever.
Will he get the most votes from living citizens? Yes
Will he become president? Not sure
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its completely over at this point
>The ballot harvesting Dems set up makes this race closer than you think.
You should take a look, the republicans are doing the same thing
Biden will be replaced with Ron Pearlman for the purpose of accelerating the clown world.
Can't wait for the next debate.
>Will he get the most votes from living citizens? Yes
>Will he become president? Not sure
This. ))
Hon hon! You have not seen the last of me monsieur orange!
no, normies voted for him because he isnt the orange man.. Everyone knew he was senile even back in 2020. they will vote his carcass back in to stick it once again to the orange man.
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Thank God.
Hope so.

Fuck Biden and fuck his inflation.
Always has been
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This is what's gonna happen come November.
Fuckkk miga shill xisters what do we say now
>Trip Three show that WEF picks are true because voting is fake and gay.
What did Kek mean by this freemasonry?
Checked trips.
No. Trump has an advantage right now, but we also have 4 more months of campaigning. One of our presidential candidates might drop dead in that time period. Trump might embarrass himself like Biden just did.

And we'll end up with something bordering on 50-50 no matter what, because too many people are locked into their beliefs and won't change them.
That prediction went down the tubes with chink flu and st george of fetanyl. Honestly if those two things didn't occur, the red tsunami that was predicated in late 2019 wouldn't have been quite a tsunami but he would've held his 2016 electoral college points at the bare minimum, prob would've got MN, NH, VA at the least too.
>but we also have 4 more months of campaigning.

Biden can barely fill up a gymnasium. His charisma won't win over anyone and the debate pretty much scared way too many people away from him. Only way now is if they have a massive October surprise on Trump like him beating the shit out of a woman on video.
You think Brandon still has a chance? Even if they find some shit on Trump it's going to be very hard for Brandon to take advantage of it. Let's go!
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You Biden faggots are really retarded aren't ya. Not a question.
Have you really comsoomed so much msm goyslurp you really think “campaign ground game” is a thing?

Lol oh really leaf can you describe how a republican ballot harvesting scheme works then? Maybe even provide the faintest evidence?
Trump bends the knee to the wailing wall also
fight like you are behind or you soon will be
Trump is the best at lying. Don't forget that. That's why he deserves to win.
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Psst. Yes, you. I'm behind you.
it's insane how half the country actually supports this jew puppet pedo conman
For sure
It's sad and funny how the Left does stuff but without restraint until they lose everything they were working for, but the right loses by doing nothing.
Which do you think is better?
it ain't over till it's over
>Jews who vote
lmao how many of them have naive goy fathers?
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Yeah stay home he doesn't need the votes.
If he debates a second time against Biden he runs the risk of losing to his own ego, hubris and quite possibly a adrenochrome pumped up Biden(clone).
So the answer is no.
He might literally be stupid and debate a second time and run right into their trap.
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No salt?

Even the liberal faggots at my job are on the Trump train now. Looking forward to it, im actually going to vote - Not that voting has ever mattered.
Baker, WSJ--What exactly will we be electing in November if we vote for Mr. Biden? A year or two of an administration in which unelected advisers, party hacks, scheming family members and random hangers-on make critical daily decisions about war, peace, the composition of the judiciary and the boundaries of state authority—followed by President Kamala Harris, who has the ineptitude without the excuse of senescence?---
Baker says let the people choose. That's right. And if they choose this they get exactly what they deserve.
>Biden can barely fill up a gymnasium.
This hasn't stopped him from "winning" the last time, though.
what the fuck did these people vote for 4 years ago? they're acting like Biden got elected in 2008
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wow did you come up with that all on your own ya legal scholar you?
It’s over, Joe wins
I agree Biden could have a better second debate and Trump could stumble but they had 7 days of prep for Biden this time and likely CNN handed them the questions in advance.

I don't think Biden's team will do a second debate and make an excuse to pull out, probably stating that Trump's lies too much.
Trump is the son of perdition.
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This guy gets it. Midwit MAGAtards will feel like they’re “back in charge” as they get occasional empty gestures and cheer as Trump gives everything to Israel
There’s a wave of “kosher nationalist” victories going across Wurope, Argentina ect but the one thing they all have in common is their unwavering loyalty to Israel.
deepstate retards and glowies eternally btfod
Don't tell the evangelicals.
Or maybe tell them idk which apocalypse they're waiting for.
This zionist puppet, or the other one, is your commander-in-chief of the armed forces during a domestic insurrection or revolution, leading the national counter-insurgency.
The evangelicals vote for Trump.
How are trucks full of ballots going in for Biden going to be prevented?
Checked, Trump will be back in office soon.
>but not Israel
still time for another black swan event like him dying or having a nigger slip or just rigging the election again
No. There is no chance they are letting him get into office again. Look what they did from to him from 2015-2020. Now they’ve had four years of complete control and they still control all establishments in society. What’s to stop them? Conservatives didn’t do shit last time so they can and will do whatever they want to get a Dem in office. We are in a one party state.

Vote harder. We have to make it too big to rig.
>Have you really comsoomed so much msm goyslurp you really think “campaign ground game” is a thing?
what? how else do you think they get black people to the polls without a ground game?
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Final boss still awaits, drumpfkins
we don't even know who he's running against.
Getting “blacks out to the polls” is ballot harvesting genius. You take a bus down to the ghetto and say you’ll get kfc on (insert politician here)’s tab for everyone who gets on and goes to vote. That’s how it was done decades ago, with mail ins you barely have to interact with them anymore
Yes, unless they switch out Biden with somebody else. If the Democrats have anyone other than someone suffering from what is a serious mental decline condition, they may have a chance still. It's honestly sad looking at it and Jill and the rest of the people trying to prob Biden up should be looked into for crimes of elder abuse.
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>Trump is just pretending to support Israel
Yes that's "ground game".
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What I described is illegal, you get that right?
Stop getting so excited. They can literally just jail him, kill him, or steal it. U retards still think elections are “determined by the people”? HAHAHAHA
>October surprise
it ain't over til' it's over
No it is not. There was no disaster for Biden at the debate. He answered every question, he just had a low voice due to a cold.
The press is acting like the debate was some kind of huge disaster, a huge disaster would've been if Biden came out with his pants down and started to suck his thumb while passing out, that didn't happen.
>replace biden with someone thats not old/brown/gay
idk.. dems are pretty stupid but they could easily turn this around.
Ha get a load of this retard.
Everyone point and laugh
Keep pretending Biden had some sort of disaster when he clearly did not have any. You are doing exactly what the media narrative wants you to do. You are falling for it.
Ground game on msm is referring to the idea of going out into communities and speaking your message and ideally picking up voters by word of mouth, not ballot harvesting
I don't think you should be getting paid for this post. It's low effort and retarded even by shill standarss.
Yeah sure bro and what “it” am I falling for exactly?
You couldn’t have paid Brando to act that demented, he’s genuine pants shitter
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>Im the best at sucking Jewish cocks, folks. Believe me, the best. I can suck ‘em dry, believe me. I think that Crooked Joe is maybe not so good at sucking Jewish cocks, he’s like a Palestinian.
That Biden had a complete disaster of a debate and that there is no way he could be reelected. The media wants you voting for Trump.
No ground game is just the vague idea of "going out and getting people to the polls". There's no precise definition of what exactly that entails.
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Checked. Trump has 0% chance of winning the next election (hint: the other side is cheating and will cheat further)
There are technically no term limits for vice president. Trump can become vice president for the rest of his life.
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Somebody needs to make Trump into an alley cat
If this actually happened you would defend him by saying he stubbed his toe this morning lol
>He had a cold you guys that's why he's been struggling to articulate a coherent thought for the last 4 years
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Trump is controlled opposition.

supreme court just gave biden a way to exterminate him but will also cause civil war
I don't even care if he wins by 271, as long as it happens.
They will let him win because they've correctly concluded that whites will be more likely to sign up for WW3 is he's president
Based reality poster. Anything past this is wishful thinking. If anything NE2, NH, or VA would flip, but those are all very unlikely.
No but I want you to keep believing that. It'll make election night more interesting.
I'm ridin'
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checked and yes

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