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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Do penis pumps actually work long term, pol? Or is it just temporary?

Can anything make your cock bigger permanently? You do want to make your dick 8+ inches so you can outcompete Tyrone, don’t you pol?
very political
buy an ad
The "permanent" size is a function of blood flow. Mostly the blood flow you experience while sleeping. Whether pumped of surgery, expect a penis to eventually return to its original shape.
It is political because politics is dictated by big dick energy, and men with small dicks have none. Also no, it’s not possible for an adult man to permanently grow his penis, obviously
no idea but i prefer to see women using them instead of mean
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The queshtion is, doesh it work?
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Anon, that just causes this
>stick your dick in dick sucking machine
>whoah my dick is getting bigger
this is such a garbage thread but I guarantee it won't be deleted because jannies are fucking niggers
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looks like its angry and will strike
I’m 7 inches when I’m super into it, 6.5 if I’m not. Never felt any desire to alter myself. Funny enough, the most Chad dude I ever knew had like 4 inches at best and he was 5’4”. All the bitches would fight over him.
i tried one. my manhood is 4.7 inches at full mast. multiple women have audibly sighed upon seeing my johnson.

i was sick of it and just said fuck it. i got a bathmate, tried it a few times. weirdly…and, i have seen a few posts online about this….i cannot seem to use it. the fit is fine, but the suction sensation causes me to orgasm in about a minute. I literally can’t hold back. maybe its the sucking sensation, maybe its the angle you have to kneel in, or maybe its the warm water hitting my anus in the tub…idk.

but yeah, i cant use mine. be warned OP, if youre a fast cummer it wont work.
proof that you can have big dick energy without having the big dick
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What race are you?
Lose weight. Supplement. It doesn't actually grow your dick but it takes the fat surrounding the pubic area away. There are surgeries but why anyone in their right mind would best case endure that kind of pain just for an inch or two extra at most and worst case risk losing your dick I have no idea.
I have a big penor already, I'm afraid this thing would make it so I couldn't get rock hard
Does this count as futa?
what is even going on here??? it's a giant clit??
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Clitoris is homologous to the penis so it can be considered yes.
top kek
I'm in love
Dont talk to me or my son ever again
My dick 8 inches long by like 7 inches girth and I'm a virgin at 28
It literally doesn't matter for shit, worthless. I'd rather have a micropenis and have a better looking face.
Same for height, being 6'2 doesn't matter either I'd trade a whole foot in height for just 2-3 facial attractiveness points. All that matters is face. You could be a skinny 5 foot micropenised and if you have a 10/10 face it doesn't matter
actually I invented a Device that can grow your Penis and its not a Penis Pump. How it works is basically through electric impulses.
the device is really simple, you basically wrap a thin thread of copper wire around your erect cock and then have electric energy at certain intervals for some time and at certain strenght shoot through your penis.
its not as painful as you think, its more like a soft tickling and over time which is around 3 to 6 weeks the Penis will begin to grow larger.
of course this cant make your micropenis into a huge cock but you gain several inches easily and permanently.

I tried to patent this invention but I was told "no" without a reason given. I tried to offer it as a medical device but the Doctors I consulted told me that the Government wouldnt allow such Therapy.
also dont ask me how I found any of this out.
Yeah, it's an undeveloped penis. We are the same species after all
>anon looks like a giant taxidermied coyote.
you need to stop being fat and get fit, you may not look pretty, but at least you won't be fat.
The mind control and porn propaganda is so strong.
I feel so fucking bad for all you average “dicklets”
Being “average” in today’s society is seen as having a small dick. That’s rough. I’m 7x6 and due to the vast amounts of gigantic cocks posted online, men, and women, see this as being the “norm”.
That’s why every girl thinks every dude practically has a small dick. They’re desensitized to big cocks from porn and the internet. I basically felt I had a big dick, but I see tons that make my already top 10% dick feel small.
Can’t imagine being like anything below 7x6.
Yes, I’m told by practically every girl that I’m “big, huge, porn cock” etc. also I’m like the biggest most girls can handle so I should be satisfied. A few even couldn’t take it all. But, something about a huge long thick dick just seems powerful and superior for some reason.
How do you dicklets get by? Eating pussy every time? Or can you still make them cum with your cock?
>vaginal orgasm is a myth
No, it’s not. I’ve made just about every girl cum with my dick.
Ok but imagine how easily she cums.
Absolutely. He had a busted face and missing teeth from being homeless and on meth during his teenage years. He was super insecure about his teeth. He was also pretty dumb and insecure about that too. He just got good at hiding his insecurities around women.
This. Get shredded. Bitches love shredded guys and depending on yoru genetics for fat styorage, you can gain a lot. I went from 350 pounds to 215 and gained about an inch and half of usable dick. That fat pad, even when pressed down, really hides a lot of your dick. If I was to lose another twenty pounds I might get up to 7 inches in lneght (about 6.75 inches now. )
Oh yeah he definitely had tons of sex and learned to be uninhibited which attracts girls. It’s a large reason why niggers are successful too.
pumping + hanging is supposedly good enough to grow your dick an inch and half in a year or so but you have to be consistent.

Dick size is largely due to healthy blood flow though. Theres that angion guys whos whole method is about improving blood flow. I have heard a guy say he went from 5 inch dick to 8 inches after a few years of taking micro doses of cialis every day and doing PE hanging exercises.
idk why it makes you cum it doesnt give me that sensation at all. i would work on premature ejaculation, work on pelvic floor exercises. you probably have too much tension in your body which would be one reason your penor isnt growing as much, blood flow all fucked up, idk.

I started getting more serious about growing a bigger dick when i lived next door to a guy with a 9incher and hearing the women talk about it both when hes fucking them and also when the woman was outside on the phone talking to girlfriends. Its kind of a blackpill knowing how women act when a guy has a big dick and know how to use it. Its totally possible to grow a bigger dick it just takes dedication and time like body building, also you need to be careful because you can injure yourself if you get stupid.

Eventually (maybe in a few decades) penis enlargement exercises will be so common anything below 7 inches will be seen as small. Its getting more popular now than it used to be
This. I have an 8 inch BWC and some girls can't even take the whole thing.
Then I learned the most popular dildo in the world is 5.5 inches. So there's certainly still hope. In fact, having normal dick might make girls cum easier because you hit their G-spot with normal sex positions
I'm not fat, I'm 168 lbs
Which is a bit on the big side I guess, up until the past year I usually hover between 150 and 160
I guess my metabolism is slowing down, age is catching up
You should post the schematics online and name the design after yourself.

Knew a woman who went through the money and trouble of patenting a new bra design and one of the companies she pitched it to changed a minor detail and stole it anyway.

Or just start making them yourself and selling them more directly online. Place a warning on the product that it isn't a medical device and hide your profits so the first dumbass to electrocute their dick hot-wiring to a wall socket doesn't even bother suing.
what's the science behind that?
maybe it's slowly cooking your flesh or creating internal inflammation?
what if you're building lumps insides?
I think someone must have used a tense machine on his cock before and if it made such changes I'm pretty sure it would be a popular fact
Worrying about the adequacy of your dick size is for teenagers, niggers, and anyone who has nothing else in life to be proud of.
Post schematics
its about proportion.
unless you actually get out a ruler or stretch out her vagina and make her feel sore the next day she wont be able to really understand how big your dick is.

if you are 5'6" and have a 7 incher it will look massive and the girl will get all excited (many pornstars are manlets with 7-8 inch dicks which is why they look so massive). If you are 6'4" and have a 7" dick it will look average on you and she wont get as excited. Most women are not good at judging the size of something. Which is ironic because 1 reason they like tall guys is they want the dick to be proportional.

women are retards, you dont need more than a 6" dick desu but there is a psychological factor to having a big one
That's a really disgusting fatfuck cope
I'd suck them off desu
Yes, they work great for milking your mam's fat tits
>I tried to offer it as a medical device but the Doctors I consulted told me that the Government wouldnt allow such Therapy.
sounds like bullshit because electro therapy devices are already used for things like pelvic floor.
try doing it in america.
Checked. Based dick energy enthusiast.
>Also no, it’s not possible for an adult man to permanently grow his penis, obviously
wrong. You can grow that type of tissue easily
Fucking gross. Look how close that big dick clit vag is to the asshole.
Bee stings can permanently enlarge ur micropenis so find a hive and fuck it.
It's your confidence. I've been told I'm good looking, it worked for me in high school but as an adult I don't think it does anything for me. Women don't care about looks that much, they care about charisma and strength.
>4.7 inches at full mast
That can't be real. lol
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What about this one?
I think some people seriously would if they thought it would work. Lots of dudes are insecure as hell about this, I don't get it personally, your dick isn't the problem, it's YOU. Work on self improvement, stop trying to fix every physical imperfection you have like a woman.
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>This Sort of Thing is My Bag, Baby
>women suck at estimating sizes
Yes. I never tell them I’m only 7”. I fucked a girl at a job I worked at, and literally my next shift it got around to the other girls that I had a huge 8 inch + cock.
I got attention after that from girls who previously weren’t into me.
Proportions play a part, but they know too based off having it in their own hands, mouth, hole.
And women do care a bit. They definitely consider it when it comes to your positive traits. Good sex regardless of size is up there, but if they consider the size part of what makes the sex good for them, they will try to keep more than if it was just okay.
But my current gf, who says often “your dick is so big! You’re so deep” blah blah has also told me “Girls don’t really care about dick size” so….
Believe what they say or believe their actions. Up to you.
I am not a faggot I am happy with my size

Heard than there are doctors who can by operation raise length of penis 1-2 inch but you might lose some of your erection.
Yeah but I imagine he was like that before the meth too lol
And that's why sex with robots is straighter than sex with women
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No man should be allowed to control the size of his penis, because just like with cosmetic surgery, no amount of adjustments are enough. I thankfully have a 7.5 inch penis, but even I hesitate to call it big because when I hold it in my hands it looks painfully average in my eyes. Every woman I've been with and statistics tell me the I'm big, but it never looks like it does in porn, so I don't feel big. Nothing less than jerking off a random sample of 100 guys would convince me otherwise, but that's fucking gay. If you're at least within the average range, then just live with it. If you've got a short dick, then cope by getting a chink or pajeeta gf, their pussies are shallower, and expectations lower.
>4 inches at best and he was 5’4”
4.5" and 5'5" but close enough
>You should post the schematics online
but then how would I make money from my invention?
>Place a warning on the product that it isn't a medical device and hide your profits so the first dumbass to electrocute their dick hot-wiring to a wall socket doesn't even bother suing.
that actually wont stop people from suing you and as far as I figured out the courts are somewhat rigged so they will make sure that you get fined and your business closed.
they dont want competition for Big Pharma dickpills.
>what's the science behind that?
basically the growth in your cells is controlled by electric current.
I also discovered that you need to change your nutrition a bit to get optimal results (the body cant build new things without the proper building blocks) and you also shouldnt be obese when doing it.
>internal inflammation?
there is no inflammation or pain in the dick after the treatment.
your cock just grows bigger.
>what if you're building lumps insides?
there are no lumps inside my dick. I grew my cock from 4 to 7+ inches. my erections are also normal and I havent encountered any downsides yet.
>I think someone must have used a tense machine on his cock before and if it made such changes I'm pretty sure it would be a popular fact
there is actually a bit more to it, I'm not gonna spill my secret sauce here tho.
whats even more interesting is that my approach (havent proven it yet on the other things) could potentially even regrow other parts of the body, like missing fingers, possibly entire limbs, I also worked on a prototype that can regrow teeth.

how would I profit from this?

>electro therapy devices
its not the same thing tho and none of these other devices look even remotely like my prototype.
>try doing it in america.
I heard in America I would run into similar problems.

chuds will never recover to the fact all women have troon micropenises
> pleasing women with MUH DIK
I’ve never read anything more homosexual in my life. You put it in, ejaculate, and have them leave. Then you have a son or don’t. You porn addicts are disgusting.
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