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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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This woman is so fucking psychotic for dissenting the way she did. She knows her dissent isnt the result of the ruling this morning at all. If democracy is actually in danger its these people's faults for being so inflammatory and irresponsible every time they take even a minor L. They opened the floodgates for election denial and hysterical overreaction to common sense.
I really hoped the ruling would go the other war so then we could charge presidents with war crimes, murder, and genocide since they never declared war.
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I love Sotomayor's dissenting rulings. She's the only interesting one on the court desu
if she was actually worried about our democracy she'd commit a mass shooting during the next sessions the diabetic puss puss little bitch lmaop
>affirmative action Supreme Court Justices are fucking idiots
no way anon how the fuckkkkkk
That's a Jew if I've ever seen one
SCOTUS needs term limits
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well OP if you weren't a faggot then maybe I would know wtf you were talking about.
but you being a total homosexual posted no sources and not even a link for us to read.
maybe you should kys
i dont like having obese supreme court justices
if you are obese like this, it means you have severe mental issues that should automatically disqualify you
Can somebody summarize or past her dissent?
I'm talking about the biggest news story of today that literally just happened, its a politics board i assume people here are aware of the news
just imagine what a redditor would say
Essentially saying that the ruling lets presidents be kings, shoot people on the street, etc - which it doesnt allow at all but that doesnt matter - its just meant as food for the insane lefties to gobble up and get angry over to try and boost Biden.

Sorry to disappoint but AI Goddess is on vacation this month.
today's dissent is one of very few ending "I dissent" instead of "I respectfully dissent"
So you will be OK with Biden having Trump arrested and executed just before the elections?
checked. hysterical peanut gallery voice of the (crazed) populace
>so what you saying is!
That is not covered under the immunity granted and you know it kike.
She's taking the idealist position. She's not wrong; but here position is probably contrary to the larger role of the Court; and her position shows an enthusiasm of youth that will be moderated once she starts to grasp the larger issues.

In theory she is entirely correct; under our system, no one is supposed to be above the law; and the President should be subject to the same laws that everyone are subject to.

But this idealistic thinking also is impractical in any world, especially the modern world. You can't have the President being sued or charged every time he closes an army base, every time he votes yes instead of no or no instead of yes. You cannot have the entire mechanics of the nation filtered through the courts as a matter of routine practice.

There is also the role of the Court, which most people forget. They act as the highest court under our system, but they also act as agents of that system. Their rulings and opinions serve the purpose of "supporting and defending the Constitution" which is their oath; also taking an oath that their allegiance shall be first to the Constitution. So in this way, judges probably need to put the effective operation of the government under the Constitution above and ahead of the rights of individual random citizens. They hope, of course, to avoid having to officially made the choice; so they punt when they can punt, as they did today.
the Supreme Court affirmed what was understood the whole time, and Sotomayor wrote dissenting by mischaracterizing the whole thing in a way beneath her position. reckless unprofessional borderline treasonous.

6-3 SC said the president can't be charged for "official acts" but unofficial could.

she wrote some hysterical screeching nonsense about Seal Team Six being ordered to assassinate political rivals is now legal and that our democracy is officially dead.

murdering an American isn't an official act. Obama murdered an American and wasn't charged. she's suggesting maybe he oughta be tho

basically retarded black female misunderstanding. instantiated now in the highest court for some reason
She is absolutely the dumbest currently serving USSC justice.
>the president is allowed to order seal team six to assassinate his political rivals
>our democracy is officially dead
I can't believe she's allowed to talk like that. very unbecoming. and insanely inaccurate
How is she black? she has white skin. She looks mexican
>the buck stops here
*someone* needs to IMPLEMENT the law.
qualified immunity is necessary, it's an extension of the courtesy applied to cops. there are checks and balances on all of it, before and still.

the stupid biatch
The whole party needs to be destroyed and a third party needs to take its place. Its import that RFK gets high turnout in this election, they need to get the message.
sure. Project 2025 better be all they fear it will be tho

Thanks for the link. Maybe I'll do a review of this case and its concurrences/dissents in the last few days of July or the start of August.
she has her voting orders, it's just up to her to dream up a justification for them
It's an official act of eliminating a treasonist plotting a coup
Ketanji jackson will give her a run for her money once her old black woman stubbornness/sassiness fully develops
legitimately the stupidest person to ever sit on that bench
Communist wants to continue subverting the US. Supreme court told them they can’t anymore, reeeeeeing ensues.
Seal Team Six assassinating a political rival being allowed was argued by a Trump lawyer btw.
there already was qualified immunity dipshit
there is no distinction between official and unofficial acts. thats the problem
Should either never have bothered with a POTUS or just gone with a monarchy. Better yet just let us keep you.
Its not an official act for the US government to extra judicially assassinate a citizen / political rival for something they couldnt even succesfully find guilt on.
>her position shows an enthusiasm of youth that will be moderated once she starts to grasp the larger issues.
she's 70 and has an expected lifespan of 65 to 72 based on diabeetus
>In theory she is entirely correct; under our system, no one is supposed to be above the law;
communist platitude and the exact opposite of the law. officials acting under color of law are merely organs of the state. they can be enjoined from certain behaviors but are broadly immune from individual liability. this is a crucial element of the "separation of powers" preventing the judiciary from having too strong of a check on the other branches
>and the President should be subject to the same laws that everyone are subject to.
a radical and dangerous idea
>You cannot have the entire mechanics of the nation filtered through the courts as a matter of routine practice.
exactly, it would make the judiciary dominant over the other branches. there's no room for your "everyone has some reasonable points to make" approach here. she's not being reasonable. she's being obtuse and disrespectful of the law and her colleagues, even more than usual.
>judges probably need to put the effective operation of the government under the Constitution above and ahead of the rights of individual random citizens
no one's individual rights are at stake here. if you need an injunction against official acts you can still get it. if the office of the president commit a crime against you, you can enjoin it's behavior and seek damages. if the president himself privately commits a crime against you he does not enjoy immunity.
I hate hegelian dialectics. I hate hamfisted attempts to reconcile the ancient with the deranged ramblings of a dying woman who hates me and my country. her health is failing but she had too much pride to step down before the election. now trump will replace her.
Irrelevant, the arguments of a lawyer is not law, that argument that you know, was struck down? Or else Trump would have attempted a coup based off the word of Jack Smith.
Again more kike pilpul.
Judges shouldn't be "interesting" they should boring as shit

There should be little to no novelty in the justice system
oh, helllllll naaaaahhh, whaddu say?

it turns out non-whites don't really understand why ethics exist and they only imitate
>basically retarded black female misunderstanding

She is a Sephardi jew. Nice try, though.
please don't
I've seen your unguided unedited AI ramblings and they make your opponents' arguments look stronger 9/10ths of the time
buh buh obamer. no one gives a shit throw him in jail too
+1 updoot
If congress didn't officially declare war then it isn't an official act to wage war
I still can't believe they wetworked scalia
good to know
Why isn't it an official act? Argue that for me. The President deems it official.
the fact that it wasnt unanimous makes me sick

its an easy ruling, the president gets immunity for legal acts
the president doesnt get immunity for illegal acts
lol kys worthless trumpcuck faggot
let's bring back the powdered wigs at least
I can't believe we put someone on the supreme court that doesn't know the difference between a president being impeached by congress, and letting every clown prosecutor in every shithole city do whatever the hell they want.

The left claims to be "the adults" but try explaining anything to them without having to resort to crayons.
Only if that political rival was also a terrorist. For example, Obama targeted an Al Quida member and had him killed (along with his innocent chile). But suppose that same individual had paid the money and filled out the forms to officially run for president.

Wouldn't Obama now be targeting a "politcal rival?"
Assassinating political opponents isn't an enumerated power of the president in article 2 of the Constitution.
I just reread Article II and still didn't find anything about assassinating a political rival for personal gain
>The President deems it official.
a lawyer's argument during oral isn't a "deeming"
get deemed, faggot
If you really want to get super semantic about it - its not an official act because if it ever reached the SC which it would, Biden would get immediately rebuked and itd trigger as big a constitutional crisis as the Civil War. They intentionally kept the ruling narrow with a warning to not let something like this even reach the SC again because the implications are too big for them to narrow the scope. This was as restrained of a decision as the SC could possibly make without breaking the office of president and having the country totally controlled by the courts.

Just imagine your favorite sport, then imagine 1 ref just making shit up every other game

It's retarded, rule enforcers need to provide stability. Save the innovation for the legislation
>she's 70 and has an expected lifespan of 65 to 72 based on diabeetus

God, can you imagine Trump winniing and then this old Bitch corking off from the 'beetus?

I do think if Trump wins, towards the end of his term, Thomas will retire.
Article II ignoramus. Impeachment AND conviction takes care of that "above the law" meme. Also, Presidents have a right to due process as well, which your side can't stand when the shoe is on the other foot and reason why the butthurt today.
*implications are too big for them to broaden the scope - they dont want to have to make decisions like this and no responsible SC would want to be in this position
it would be both, and the existence of a valid exercise of presidential power would render the question of an unofficial exercise of that power moot
Trump ACTUALLY committed those crimes though, nigger, so whether you're angry at the prosecution or not is irrelevant. You can twist your nipples off in frustration over the fact that your clown leader raped a child and it wouldn't change anything. Your anger isn't going to magically pull the nut out of that 13 year old girl.
Yes it is fucking ridiculous, but Breyer is pretty ridiculous too. Kagan is pretty good. Based on my first year in law school it seems like the liberal justices have always sucked
Well if he actually did then they shouldve got someone competent on the case instead of overreaching with a novel legal theory that obviously is going to be rebuked- again this is on Biden's lackeys overstretching and getting a smack down because theyre also power hungry crazy people trying to institute a dictatorship through hysterical strategy of tension which Sotomayer is totally complicit in.
>above the law

anyone using this phrase, particularly a professional in legal profession =
subtract 20 IQ points
>t. quote from Robert Gouveia this morning here:
it's not so much whether she corks off or not. beetus is a progressive disease, her body is slowly losing circulatory function from the extremities inward. every day she gets in car and walks to her desk she is trading away both longevity and quality of life. a single day at the office might be worth two or three days relaxing with her family and enjoying of the most prestigious retirements the country has to offer. she is staying on through sheer spite and paying the devil's price for it in daily installments.
>biden's lackeys
Your nigger-shit really devolved in the second half of that sentence, Ivan
If democracy were walking near a cliff I would push it off
Any SCOTUS experts here know if JB loses the election, if the left will pressure her to retire due to poor health in time for JB to nominate another liberal justice? Or would there not be enough time to conclude hearings before inauguration?
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>They opened the floodgates for election denial
Strange. I don't recall the liberal justices declaring that an election was rigged, or insisting a crowd of fanatics storm congress and kill politicians.
Oh no its retarded.
Whether you believe Biden is directly involved in this or not, which is a naive assumption, theyre all ideologically aligned at the very least. This is all Jack Smiths fault. You should be made at him for spiking your chance at getting Trump by overstepping into crazy town
Oh you dont remember 2016? You dont recall that where RBG went along with the fake Russian bullshit where the dems said our democracy was subverted by a russian agent?
silly meme flaggot lmao
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>mad nigger is mad
>Or would there not be enough time to conclude hearings before inauguration?
republican senators have the power to delay it indefinitely, if they want to
SCOTUS justices don't do shit. 99% of the work is done by court pages.
Ginsberg died in Sept and the Rs had the senate.

There's no rule on how much time. If the Ds had control of the Senate, and a SCOTUS seat was open, Biden could theoretically nominate and they confirm in a week.

But I don't think a Liberal Justice would retire if he loses, they would think they are there for 4 years more and will act as a bulwark against evil Trump.
She's Puerto Rican, which is considered by many to be black spics. But she's also catholic so not sure why the other anon is reeeeeing about muh sephardic jews.
the fact that she goes all that way just to sit still in a chair and talk to clerks makes it worse.
c i r c u l a t o r y disorder
She's an Obama pick. She doesn't even know what the constitution says.
She's fucked either way, but she will get the best possible health care and the media and glowniggers will Weekend at Bernie's her ass until it's unfeasible to continue like they did with RGB.
>the president is allowed to order seal team six to assassinate his political rivals
this isnt new, it was formally greenlighted during the obama administration. the president is allowed to drone strike citizens if he deems them dangerous to his rule.
also l i t t l e m o n e y
She has to now, during COVID they were remote and she was one of the last to come back to court. Roberts put an end to it and said all justices have to be present.

Hush hush.
that's true, Rs don't control committees but they can still delay proceedings, and for some reason I can't be bothered to look up, nominations expire eventually.
>they would think they are there for 4 years more and will act as a bulwark against evil Trump.
sotomayor won't make it 4 years, at least according to the actuarial tables. her choice was made long before election season took off, same as ginsburg
She regularly demonstrates that she is easily the dumbest Justice in history....which is quite impressive considering there's a dumb nigger on the court too.
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You can check, you know. It's not difficult.

Also your jewdar is retarded.
>For enjoying a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?
She's jewish
shes peurto rican, its basically a nigger
Cope, Ivan nigger
you're in the wrong thread, memeflaggot
well when you are not qualified to be a lawyer let alone a judge and on top of that you aint white...i mean...what you expect?
You heard me nigger
She has like 35 IQ
Anon, they're both photos of the same woman.
She's always been like that. She's a complete retard who has no business on the court; or any court for that matter. Look up some of her previous opinions, it's an absolute embarrassment.
>She is absolutely the dumbest currently serving USSC justice.
During oral arguments for this case, shaniqua jackson said she wanted to rule in a way that would get trump but keep other presidents free.
Oh but they still can. Obama's drone strikes etc, weren't declared by congress as an official act.
This is what biden voters will wish for.
She pulled a Retard Card again, by stating that she believes the things listed would be immune under the ruling, she removed the courts ability to rule those specific things are unofficial acts.
Just like she pulled the Retard Card, and said AR-15s are common firearms in the bumpstock ruling, removing any possible way for the Dems to defend any of their "Assault Weapon" bans in court.
> Obama murdered an American and wasn't charged
The courts ruled that due process, just means a process that is due, and not that a trial is required, Which let Obama off the hook for that.
No, they would have had to impeach him and they didn't. Technically they still could for the war crimes.
can someone explain what happened?
Shes an Obama cultist. They think what they are doing is right no matter if its legal or not. They believe they are fighting a battle of good vs evil and they are on the side of good.
I can’t tell what race she is so I will assume she is JEWISH and her opinion is discarded
I don't remember a hearing about awlaki
no due process without notice and a right to be heard
>charges against a former or sitting president must go through congress first so as to serve as a check and balance against petty partisan garbage
there, I fixed it, no more arguments.
>le exigent circumstances argument
>Essentially saying that the ruling lets presidents be kings
They already are. That ship sailed October 26, 2001
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>She's a complete retard who has no business on the court; or any court for that matter.
It's what you get when DEI hire. She's completely ignorant of even the most basic amendments and considering how emotional she gets, she should have never gotten close to even being considered for the SC.
ITT faggots talking about “overreach” when the SC just gave the exec branch Carte Blanche to do whatever the partisan SC deems is official
(hint: anything the SC agrees with)
Thomas was the OG dei hire and his circular arguments showcase it consistently. Barrett a close second being the least qualified SC appointee in history.
She is an actual moron
To add to >>472773695, the case made it to SCROTUS in the context of muh j6 insurreeeeeeeeection. It’s yet another episode of “disastrous ideas that are only pursued because we need to pwn that one guy we don’t like” that we’ve been seeing reruns of since Obama’s first term at least and thankfully was struck down this time. Justice Kosher Chalupa needs to learn what long term consequences are before making another ruling
That already existed with or without this ruling.
Thanks for a link or some context you AIDS ridden nigger faggot.
This is the epitome of White, female, Dem voters. They think the world is some Marvel movie, and Republicans are some caricature of evil capitalists making poor people work on Christmas with no overtime. Dem politicians are the "good" guys, and if they do something wrong, it's just a misunderstanding or it's for the greater good anyway. They literally got mad when you point out anything negative about Democrats, no matter how true it is. It ruins their simplistic worldview.
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>i broke down in tears all the time
>it was so emotional for me at times
>like ohhhh my good this is all so traumatic
>as i hold the highest office in the land

>circular arguments

I, too, enjoy boobs. But Justice Thomas doesn't make "circular arguments," which when uttered by you is puffery meant to insinuate that you've ever read any opinion he authored.
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I haven't read the full text of the opinion yet but if the quotes I've seen on Twitter are verbatim then she is ABSOLUTELY inciting gullible Americans to real, actual violence against Trump anyone supposed to be a Trump supporter.

This level of bullshit is unconscionable and warrants an investigation. That is not what the High Court does. We've already had people try to kill SCotUS judges.

A quick search for "sotomayor" and "inciting" on Twitter turned up quite a few people noticed that as well.

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Quite right. Given the power of judicial review, not answerable to the voters, lifetime appointment, wtf. Would also mandate that every nominee be strict originalist. I know that is impossible and would never happen, but judicial review is what is killing the country.

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