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Sorry folks, I'm immune, you know it, I know it, and dirty Joe knows it. I said it the whole time and everybody knew it, now say it for sleepy Joe "Donald Trump is Immune, wacky Joe"
Does this mean Donald Trump isn’t a convicted felon anymore?
WTF, I'm gonna run for president now so I can kill anybody I want
Joe will just have to accept that his son Hunter is indeed NOT immune. Not like me, and unlike Hunter, I never did the crime they accused me of. These are some very nasty people, people, nasty, and you know, I've tried to be nice, I get along with - I get along with just about everybody - I get along with JUST ABOUT EVERYBODY. And, you know, I've never met a more crooked fool than crooked wacky Joe.
I love this for Joe.
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Nice, now the US President has the same immunity that every Fed murderer has.
lol this is the first and most enshrined privilege of the president. most of the time they were mad at trump for not killing people
The danger comes with how this combines with prior rulings regarding which presidential acts are considered to be official, and rulings on how to establish intent in political actions. He gets the assumption that almost everything is official until proven otherwise. in order to prove something isn't official, you have to prove intent, and nothing short of a recording of a villainous soliloquy for an audience will work for that.
Its kinda sad to see this cope leftoids are going through. Thoughts and prayers.
Nope he is innocent, hahaha he is immune nigger the Americans literally went full retard and he is never gunna shut up about it "YOU DRAGGED ME THROUGH THE MUD JOE AND I'M IMMUNE, BUT I'LL TELL YOU WHAT, YOU SHOULDN'T BE IMMUNE"
>ITT Trannies seething because SCOTUS moved us back closer to the original Constitution
Guess all your big glownigger plans are falling apart
No. It just means that the January 6th case can't be used against him. But he's going to blow the felony out of the water and then he'll have to pay a fine on Mar-A-Lago which is absolutely nothing to him
Not enough people understand how powerful the federal government really is.
>In 1997, Boundary County, Idaho Prosecutor Denise Woodbury, with the help of special prosecutor Stephen Yagman, charged Horiuchi in state court with involuntary manslaughter over his killing of Vicki Weaver. The U.S. Attorney filed a notice of removal of the case to federal court, which automatically took effect under the statute for removal jurisdiction[7] where the case was dismissed by U.S. District Judge Edward Lodge on May 14, 1998, who cited the supremacy clause of the Constitution which grants immunity to federal officers acting in the scope of their employment.[2]

All official things he did are legal, since it was all official it is legal he is immune, meaning if he had secretly unofficially said do something that wouldn't be immune, but trump always being so brazen covered that part - he is Anything but coy
I hope you're proud of yourself for creating a constitutional crisis.
Hello Donald. Make repentance for the COVID meme pandemic and the killer vaccines. The SCOTUS cannot declare you immune in front of the eternal judgement of god
>January 6th case can't be used against him
Not sure about that because they don’t really see what an official act is. They said it’s up to the lower court to determine.
The Supreme Court's ruling does not mean that Trump is innocent of all charges. The ruling provides Trump with limited immunity from criminal prosecution for certain official actions taken during his presidency, but not for private or unofficial acts.

The key points are:

- The Court ruled that a former president has absolute immunity from prosecution for actions taken within their "conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority" as president[1][2][3]. This means Trump cannot be prosecuted for official presidential duties.

- However, the Court stated that the president is not immune from prosecution for "unofficial acts"[4][5]. This leaves open the possibility that Trump could still face prosecution for private or non-official conduct.

- The Court sent the case back to the lower courts to determine which of Trump's alleged actions are considered official versus unofficial[1][4]. This will require further legal proceedings to assess the scope of Trump's immunity.

- The ruling is expected to delay the trial, as the lower courts must now evaluate which charges are shielded by immunity[4][5]. The trial may not conclude before the 2024 election.

In summary, the Supreme Court has not exonerated Trump, but has granted him a degree of immunity for official presidential actions. The full extent of this immunity is still to be determined through the ongoing legal process. Trump remains subject to potential prosecution for any conduct deemed unofficial or outside the scope of his presidential duties.

[1] https://www.reuters.com/legal/us-supreme-court-due-rule-trumps-immunity-bid-blockbuster-case-2024-07-01/
[2] https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/supreme-court-rules-trump-may-immunity-federal-election-inter-rcna149135
[3] https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23-939_e2pg.pdf
[4] https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/01/politics/supreme-court-donald-trump-immunity/index.html
The case has been sent back to the lower courts to determine which of Trump's alleged actions are considered official versus unofficial. This will require further legal proceedings to assess the scope of Trump's immunity.
The ruling is expected to delay the trial, as the lower courts must now evaluate which charges are shielded by immunity. The trial may not conclude before the 2024 election.
While the liberal justices strongly dissented, warning the ruling "reshapes the presidency" and makes the president "above the law", the conservative majority defended the need for broad immunity to prevent criminal prosecution from influencing presidential decision-making.

He is ABOVE THE LAW, and yes, say it with me "immune."
Not to mention Obama ordering through the DoD a drone strike on a US citizen on foreign soil in a country we were not at war with which killed a total 4 US citizens. Nothing happened, and that is absolutely in direct conflict the constitutional powers for the president in multiple ways.
that's malarkey for ya
Drone strikes are official acts. We already have precedent for targeting American citizens.
They were US citizens but that doesn't really make them Americans. Bombing some stinky sand person who got his diversity visa, stayed here for five years, then went back to his actual country is not the same as killing John Smith in the town in Pennsylvania he's lived in his whole life and everyone knows it.
like when joe biden bragged about witholding aid money unless the ukrainian prosecutor investigating his son was fired.
He's IMMUNE you little-girl-sniffing daughter-showering-with PIECE OF SHIT!!!!
>set precedent against brownoid
>apply law universally after
Sad to see MIGAtards cheering this on just because it's their guy that is beneifiting this time around. How can anyone, especially "small government conservatives" think giving a President absolute immunity is a good idea. Bunch of retards
No one actually has any values, anymore. It's the problem with populism.
Nobody except retarded boomers that fell for the rule of law meme cares about this kind of legalism. If the government really wants to assassinate an American they will, and they have done many times. And there is not a single person who would accept them openly assassinating actual Americans just because they made it legal. The only things that actually matter are whether they're killing that person's friends or their enemies, and the balance of fear and anger of being attacked vs. fear of reprisal for dissenting. The law being there is nice but it's downstream of those political considerations. The government understands this and won't cross that line lightly, but if it did feel it was worth the risk the law wouldn't stop it any more than it stopped them from dealing with Anwar al-Awlaki.

The same is true here by the way. If the regime really feels that they need to throw Trump in prison, this ruling isn't going to stop them.
you can fuck off with you leftist talking points.
everything he did was because he was president
lmao who the fuck still reads that christcuck site?
It's extremely tiresome
They all care about it because it's what works. No one wanted what the Patriot Act promised until a few A-rabs blew up shit on 9/11. Import crime, use it as justification for unconstitutional anti-crime measures.

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