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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Was this really necessary??
Who was this a bust of prior to it's update?
Jewgle tells me it was 'a roman goddess'.
No, I'd argue it's not really good to deface (literally lel) historical art that contradicts one's religion.
Historical art should be left as a product of its era for all humanity to contemplate and understand.
However, there are a handful of things that should be destroyed. In particular, things that are dropped as a reminder of conquest and defeat. In particular, stuff like the MLK Jr memorial, and whatever humiliation ritual shit they erect on top of Robert E. Lee's old memorial sites.
But again, THOSE are intended as insults to the observer, not as commemoration of culture, great people, etc.
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what up CROSSFACE lmao ur face is a cross idiot
Commemorate, contemplate, and understand this:
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of course, goyim
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Oi vei
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I like the color blue more than red though.
If Xtianity was still this brutal and balls-out and no fucks given, Xtians wouldn't be getting treated like shit and sidelined. Their priests wouldn't be getting beheaded, their churches burnt down.
> t. lifelong atheist
Honestly, just look at the Bible as a possible extraterrestrial encounter of some kind. All the gobbledygook about power and knowledge just the poetic babblings of a mind blown simple society of people who had never heard of molecules or cell theory or ...fucking air! You know, the shit that's all around us. World's End, as someone here used to say.
Abrahamism was the stab in the White Man's back.
because red is more masculine
based post the soulless thebes here won't appreciate
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if christianity is so great then explain this morons
I think blue is the color of god, the creator of life. The color of the night sky, where we look at at night and we see eternity.
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John 15:19
If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
That's a double edged sword. Dark ages weren't so dark
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moses taught you how to wash your penis
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Dark age section needs a spike in the middle representing the high middle ages.
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yes. pagan "gods" and "goddesses" are just demonic spirits that do the bidding of foreign powers. removing them from public spaces empowers the Lord Jesus Christ. inverse relationship in power dynamics.
Do people actually believe this shit?
You shame your bloodline by posting the jewish edit...
>this is what christians believe
Most Americans are like this believe it or not. All the religious nutters moved here I guess.
Christianity was the BLM of the Roman empire.
Ah shit, the only "white" guy speaking Aramaic who larped as a lamb of god and praised the lion of judah will return 2000 years later to save us from kikes

LOL, is this what you believe?????
Christians are dicks so of course. Dickstianity.
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>foreign powers
>middle east religion

I'd like to think that they weren't always like this, but kikes saw an opportunity to subvert them and turn them into obedient pets.
I've got a very "americanized" friend who is a carbon copy of a typical milquetoast conservative zionist, he loves Jesus and "based" conservative niggers, and supports Israel unquestioningly.
This is so hilarious
If not Christianity then all of you fags would be muslims.
read about the crusades and how christian armies handed constantinople to the muslims please
>I'd like to think that they weren't always like this.
yea, they were actually worse.
now they are mostly feminized cucks.
>a tool to be cast aside when worn past its usefulness.
Constantinopol was rotten and corrupted beyond fucking repair, so it had to fall. Christian kings fought muslism and reclaim lands taken by them. Read about reconquista and crusades, faggot.
>No, I'd argue it's not really good to deface (literally lel) historical art that contradicts one's religion
keep in mind that this was likely a member of the imperial family, and treated as a deity of the imperial cult, hence the vandalism
they didn't run around destroying decorations for no reason
we'd preserve it today, but early christians were often blind in their zeal, just like any other revolutionary movement
Christcucks act like modern BLM protestors
How? Muslims didn't have any white followers who took it to Europe, dumbshit. But even if they did, at least their prophet was a white man larping as an arab.
There's very little difference between the two. They're both a bunch of hypocritical opportunist assholes.
>Constantinopol was rotten and corrupted beyond fucking repair
because of christianity lmao

then the crusades went and betrayed constantinople and handed it to the muslims
>all native european Gods are demons
>But not the one that sponsored goy killing kikes for millennia! That ones blessed!
Slit your throat chaim.
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genetics show that the middle east was primarily white before arabs took over by force, and that the current ashkenazi population comes from arab-turks (khazars) who might have some actual jewish ancestry but is mixed with arabs and canaanites, in which can be demonstrated with another infographic complete with archived material.
they also think jesus was white
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I've seen this tactic before somewhere.
>No, I'd argue it's not really good to deface (literally lel) historical art
When is it historical? Is a star of David historical art? Contemporary vs Historical, you're being disingenuous, or not considering your time frames very well, imo.
Christianity united Europe against threat of Islam. See crusades, reconquista, etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvrOlKUUSlI
What they don't know though is that Yahweh was also a polytheistic god, so they worship a demon from the desert. How is that better than demons of your own blood? lol
>christianity united europe


read up on all the wars that the roman empire waged against other european nations my bro
There was no threat if European cultures weren't butchered by christian fanboys. If anything the christian takeover actually increased migration.
Christianity created countless religious schisms that divided the west and created a dozen brother wars. (See Orthodox vs Catholic, Protestanism vs Catholic, Arianism vs Chalcedon, Coptic vs Orthodox, etc)
Europeans had no issue forming large empires and invading enemies before that. When the Ottoman Turks were invading Europe christians were too busy destroying and jewing eachother for ducats to destroy them.
Based fellow blue enjoyer
I think you might legitimately be retarded. Try learning history using sources other than Deus vult memes.
The Umayyad caliphate was repelled by Byzantium and pagan Bulgaria.
Yes it was. Every radical movement must do its best to erase and destroy all contradictory elements of what came before, then maintain power for long enough for everyone to stop caring.
Christians did a bit of this, except enough remained for paganlarping niggers to appear in the Renaissance and today
Radlibs and communists tried and mostly failed, except for their first triumph in France. They're trying again now (picrel)
Muslims have done the best job of all obviously
the talmud commands them to destroy the nose or ear of pagan european statues
that's why jew worshipping christcuck faggots that follow the hebrew torah and the talmud hate traditional white history and put their energy towards destroying it
your ancestors were not satanic demons that's what jews wanted you to think
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Nice assface
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The attitude in ancient Rome was not preservation because they're not completely aware that millenia later people will be desperate for details, it was to erase the history you dominate over if it seemed the proper thing to do.
Fuck paganism and fuck white people.
why don't you remind him that germany and austria were on the side of the ottoman empire in WW1
>There was no threat
That's were you are wrong. In fact there were other threats such as mongols and huns. Rome had fallen and roman values were corrupted. Christianity offered updated for the times values and a single banner for Europe to unite under.
This was a punishment. Destroying statues for your thought virus is just modern nigger behavior.
Also related, there was a giant idol here before the Muslims tore it down
>seething christians failed to erase history
''Nooooo! Stop ''larping'' I erased yoooou!''
Cause the first people to move to America were literal puritans. Who were considered batshit insane even by Dark Ages Europe.
>muh demons
Shut the fuck up, nigger. You don't even know what demon means. In classical antiquity, demons weren't necessarily evil, you had good demons too. Hence 'eudaimonia', a concept in Aristotelian philosophy, meaning 'good demon' or flourishing
Christianity contributed to Rome's decline. Romans were already fucking semites, that's why Italy has so much semitic blood. Christianity destroyed Europe's entire identity and made it one amorphous blob of kikery. Thanks a lot.
Here's your mighty bulgaria, retard.
Because he specifically mentioned Constantinople and that Europe would be Muslim otherwise.
What happened in Spain could have happened here on the Balkans a lot earlier if pagans and Christians didn't ally to fight them off.
Not having a bunch of kikes that leaked information to the enemy and literally open the gates for them probably helped a lot.
Mind you the eternal Anglos and France also took the side of Ottomans when Russia fought them.

That's your response, you ignorant faggot?
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Ask the tens of millions of enslaved africans, who were fine with the religions of their ancestors, compared to the answers they give.

Oh wait; they were the ones who enslaved them. Christians are trash more than pagans were. Just look at America; the second food is available they're worse gluttons than every pagan hedonist who walked the planet; because of their Christian spirits. Enslaved to Gluttony; like the garbage they are.

No pride. No beauty. No self control. Just their ugly smug smirking jew; with his "i dea" claiming that the's the only god, when we literally know the Gods of India, China, Japan, and Africa exist.

A lying corrupt evil jew.
>Europe would be Muslim otherwise.
except europe is muslim today lmao

thanks christcucks
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>That's your response, you ignorant faggot?
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pagans converting to christianity and deciding to ridicule their own statues will forever remain the greatest L paganism has ever taken lmao
So pagan Bulgaria could fight the Umayyad Caliphate that conquered Spain, but Christian Bulgaria couldn't, and that's a point for Christianity yes?
It's a crime against humanity and God like burning the Mayan books or a church.

So just color the left column blue, and the right column red then.

They're just colors.
It's a testament to the failure of the white race to be supreme. How could anyone still be a white supremacist after figuring this out? lol
Why is this bad? So things happen a little later, so what?
And how do they even measure scientific advancement? It's not like nothing happened during the so-called "dark ages".
Uh yeah
The most ardent neopagan or classicizing liberal has more in common with medieval christian mutts than actual antiquity
Look up your own nation's history, dutchie, you exist because of one (1) tactically located fort in the 11th century
The noses on those statues were broken because they look too African
>west become openly secular and atheistic
>starts importing the turd world by the boat load
>t-the Christians did it!
Ok retard.
The huns got obliterated by a ramshackle german/roman alliance and even Atilla knew he did not have the ability to take Italy itself.
The Mongols were waning by the time they met European castles and only found success in frozen shitholes like tartary.
The all uniting banner of YHWH failed to establish a lasting crusader state and was the reason for more infighting. This is evidence that the grift was a waste of time.
>hellenestic Roman emperors:
>fully allowed faggotry and frequently engaged in it
>castrated a 9 year old boy and made him his "wife"
>allowed innocent white-on-white forced killing for entertainment in the gladiator games
>had no problem allowing "jews" to enter Europe
>constantly lied about germanics and created white-on-white hatred
>allowed Arabs to trade in their markets where white slave children were sold... de facto allowing non whites to buy precious white children and use them as sex slaves
Yes it was necessary.
Roman hellenistic religion and "morality" was one of the most embarrassing things the white race ever tolerated.
Its memory should be erased from history except to serve as an example of what whites should not do.

Christians did the right thing.

It would even be respectable for Germanic pagans to trash roman god statues. At least they "possibly" drowned faggots in bogs and swamps (but that is not fully verified) and probably never allowed white children to be directly sold to Arabs.
Yes. Fuck pagans.
I wish medieval fundamentalist christians came back on a time machine did that to your face and to everyone else who spams slide threads on /pol/
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i do actually, and it's too bad people don't just reject it outright for the reason alone that it is a spiritual entity that fulfills favors for power over your fellow man? all the gods and goddesses had their entrapment schemes, power plays, expected sacrifices and such things, but most every european deity were human-like in appearance for a reason. they do even some times appear as humans with wings, as angels are depicted.

so a lot of times it was the converts of the town to did this themselves, long after everyone had already converted to christianity. there's an example in the book of acts where the people of one town burn books of the "curious arts" totaling 50k silver pieces. it's mostly a business, and endless pagan gods and goddesses allow for monetizing entire villages and towns.
Well, has it come to you that maybe just maybe europeans shouldn't ditch Christianity? Maybe keeping faith would protect them from being oh so tolerant, maybe it would protect them from becoming so egoistical and maybe it would protect them from dying out?
Yeah that story is kinda funny tho.
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Virgins don't give birth to immortal rabbis. Moses never existed. You're all retarded kikes.
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You're a 75% chance of being brown. Why do you larp as being white?
it may have been an oppressive queen.
>gladiator combat is le immoral
>oh my yhwh is my fellow european nation interpreting scripture differently? Better start a 3 decade war that kills 1000x as many.
>also lets not persecute the church for raping little kids for centuries. They are holy and stuff.
I am a descendant of those ''evil pagans'' so my loyalty is only to my blood. I'm not loyal to imaginary chrisitan countries. Just because I was born during this time does not mean I have to agree with it. I prefer the concepts of my own people over foreign ones. No matter how little of the past is left.
Bulgaria could not exist at all as far as I'm concerned. Irrelevant little country.
>See crusades
Didn't know we were praising some desert demon up here. Same one christians do by the way, lol. Only diffetence is in the (((prophets)))
t. memeflag faggot
Why not show your real flag big boy?
Europe would have been objectively worse if the Umayyad Caliphate conquered the Balkans as well.
You meanwhile are a waste of oxygen, the world would be better off without a kikebot like you.
christcucks taking the L again, sad
Yes, that’s unironically based.
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What is left anyway? Christianity has been around so long I have no idea what they were doing back then, the word pagan alone I don't like so much either because it's a christian term used for polytheistic religions. The problem I see that there's simply too little left to build on and maybe you're better off looking at everything that happened open-minded and now decide for yourself what is a proper way to live. I think your ancestors would even respect that seeing the challenges of today.
>>gladiator combat is le immoral
That is your response? Whataboutism and downplaying the fact pagan white SOCIETY ITSELF watched and CHEERED innocent whites dying for entertainment?
You are a kike
>>oh my yhwh is my fellow european nation interpreting scripture differently? Better start a 3 decade war that kills 1000x as many.
Whataboutism: one of the favorite tools of the kike
>also lets not persecute the church for raping little kids for centuries. They are holy and stuff
Lies: one of the favorite tools of the kike
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nope. heritage is british isles bro. the israelites are white.
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>christians claiming the reconquista
fuck off, the spanish reclaimed their country alone and not with the help of some imaginary christian coalition
your jew worshiping golem knight orders preferred massacring whites in the baltics for the 800 years spain was occupied
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Where did your God originate from?
That's completely arbitrary because you're just taking the time immediately before Christianization as the definition of your native bloodline practices.
You don't practice an Indo-European steppe lifestyle do you? They were animists and nothing like the Germanic pagans who followed them. The early Romans were nature worshippers too, without anthropomorphic gods.
I hate paints like this that make violence look thematic. It should be gorey and appalling
If he doesn't have faith in YHWH and his son what's the point in him being a Christian? You should be happy he's honest.
Well a lot of ideas still managed to survive. Christians were not very creative so they had to steal a lot of ideas, and it was also to prevent the ''evil pagans'' from rejecting them too quickly since a large portion of the christian takeover involved a slow indoctrination phase. Similar to what the commies are doing now. You don't immediately replace values, you do it in steps. And because of that they left a lot of things unchanged. The days of the week for instance are still referring to the old gods. If you look at Christmas you see a lot of leftovers from polytheistic traditions like the mistletoe. Or the word ''hell'' being used to replaced the christian ''eternal fire.'' Little tidbits of the past like that.
Zoomers will never know how based millennials are lmao
>Christianity created countless religious schisms that divided the west and created a dozen brother wars.
Pagan white Rome had no problem whatsoever going to war with whites. You desperately pretend like only Christians did that.
>Europeans had no issue forming large empires and invading enemies before that
By killing their white enemies. You realize Greece was violently conquered by Rome right?

You are a kike, not because you refuse to worship Jesus, but because you make such dishonest kike arguments
The Pagan aristocracy (i.e. the decadent Roman upper class) rewrote Judaism into Christianity. The Pagan Pedarasts and Warmongers didn't dissappear, they just became Priests and Holy Warriors. So when Charlemagne slaughters a few thousand white men for refusing to worship YHWH it's praised as holy.
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>kike noises and deflection
Yawn. Run away from my arguments Schlomo.
You aren't paid to debate me
Genetics aren't arbitrary, in fact it's the direct opposite. You literally are them, except their traits are randomized and shuffeled up to give me a new look but in essence I'm still the same. And since the old gods are also our ancestors mean I am the gods myself.

So to reject the old gods is to reject myself. Why would I do that? Just because my predecessors decided to do that 1500 years ago doesn't mean I have to do the same.
Nice baseless graph nigger
I hate that fucking faggot.
Moron. I'm not arguing paganism is morally superior -- I'm saying that yours is no better.
Religion is a political tool to the state. Christianity, Islam, Paganism, it really doesn't matter. European people would still continue to murder eachother. It's just that there's retards like you who try to pretend when you do it it's somehow special and bloodless.
Also war and conquest is good, cry me a rhine.
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It's almost like the only thing people should be concerned about is killing whoever fucks with your family.
It's almost like killing kikes is the only thing that matters.
Denounce YHWH and the Old Testament if you support your own kind over Jews. It's really that simple.
I will argue with these neopagans on the basis that they're just blackpilled nationalists with a cringe coat of paint. It is what happens when you realize no part of the past suits your eccentric laundry list of requirements and you retreat all the way to prehistory. That protects you from a lot of critique, but also makes your position absurd. If the Nazi mythopoesis has succeeded and pre/protohistoric Europe was incarnated as a living and relevant idea we wouldn't be having this conversation, but they didn't get their way, and it's too late to change that.
I'm a zoomer I grew up with those
Ancestors are distinct from divinities in all Indo European religions
The idea of the old gods being literal ancestors of kingly lineages or entire tribes is a revision of the Christian period
Those are interpretations, but christianity also has interpretations so that's irrelevant.

>The idea of the old gods being literal ancestors of kingly lineages or entire tribes is a revision of the Christian period
False. In fact it´s the opposite. When the christians tried to convert the polytheists the chiefs all claimed that they were direct descendants of the gods. So instead of offending them, the christians told them that they were just people who BELIEVED they were gods.

Why would they do that if it wasn't true?
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And you're what, just blackpilled?
Maybe they could have moved it a museum instead. But I guess museums didn't exist back then.
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>Moron. I'm not arguing paganism is morally superior -- I'm saying that yours is no better.
No, you're lying that mine is NOT better. Your whataboutism was "white v white" wars happen under both pagans and Christians yet ignored the many facts I gave showing the social moral depravity of paganism
>European people would still continue to murder eachother. It's just that there's retards like you who try to pretend when you do it it's somehow special and bloodless.
Absolutely never did that you lying little kike rat
I even pointed out Germanic paganism is significantly preferable to Hellenistic paganism and probably would have done the right thing. All you did was respond with CHRISTIANITY BAD OKAY because I wrote one short sentence that said "Christianity did the right" thing and your kike brain exploded
>Also war and conquest is good, cry me a rhine.
you directly categorized it as a bad thing when Christians did it while ignoring all the white-on-white wars Rome engaged in

You are so obviously a double standard kike rat it's just hilarious
You're not paid to debate so stop trying
>It is what happens when you realize no part of the past suits your eccentric laundry list of requirements and you retreat all the way to prehistory.
you're overthinking it. the reason people are flocking to 'paganism' is because we think semites and their ideas should be ausrotten from the west
if you're white it's the ultimate conclusion of nationalism, and it's incredibly frustrating seeing nationalists on pol agree but then refuse to reject the final semitic idea when it's the actual foundation of jewish power (christianity) so rejecting everything else is pointless because jews will just come back a few hundred years later like they've done again and again and again
looks like a golem
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>Denounce YHWH and the Old Testament if you support your own kind over Jews. It's really that simple.
lol. Let's play a little game and see which of us supports whites shall we?
This is not a hypothetical question.
The statistics are verifiable right now and you can choose one or the other and pursue it right now:
Would you rather....

a.) Promote Christianity RIGHT NOW to promote the birth rate of Christians (the only white demographic with guaranteed replacement level fertility rates) among whites to save the white race
b.) Attack Christianity RIGHT NOW and promote the death of white race via the associated non Christian low birth rates.

Your refusal to answer this question will prove you're a kike or a race traitor.
You will either fail to answer, or lie and claim it's a false dichotomy like a kike (it's not a false dichotomy, the statistics are verifiable).
***Asatru (ie modern atheism with added flare) and other sausage fest kike-approved cults do not have replacement birth rates. This is why Asatru and similar are approved in the Protocols of Zion. I mention this because kikes almost always try to deflect with them and lie that it's a 3rd option
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This is your (and mine) ancestor
>you directly categorized it as a bad thing when Christians did it while ignoring all the white-on-white wars Rome engaged in
Actually the latter was brought up first in an attempt to say pagans were barbaric before christianity, it was what I was responding to. So I addressed it by saying Christianity is literally no different. They did the same things.
>Absolutely never did that you lying little kike rat
I even pointed out Germanic paganism is significantly preferable to Hellenistic paganism and probably would have done the right thing. All you did was respond with CHRISTIANITY BAD OKAY because I wrote one short sentence that said "Christianity did the right" thing and your kike brain exploded
Actual niggerbabble.
>No, you're lying that mine is NOT better. Your whataboutism was "white v white" wars happen under both pagans and Christians yet ignored the many facts I gave showing the social moral depravity of paganism
You attributed all of these to another thought virus (paganism) to pretend it's inherent to that. I showed you that it's something that has happened even without paganism. YHWH worshipping pedarasts and warmongers have existed and still exist today and in higher numbers considering the growth in human populations.
At no point did I say pagans murdering or raping is morally superior, you're the mangina obsessed with virtue signalling because you want your identity to be special and sinless while only pagans did le bad things.
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It's probably this. lol
>comparing the star of fucking evil to a roman statue of a goddess
you rat kike.
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