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Estonia could resist a Russian attack for two weeks before NATO support came in, a top Estonian commander said.

The NATO country, which shares a land border with Russia, "would be able to resist an invasion for a couple of weeks," Colonel Mati Tikerpuu, the chief of one of Estonia's two army brigades, told El País.

He said this would be "long enough until allied reinforcements arrive."

Estonia, which has a population of just 1.4 million, says its defense spending in 2024 will be more than 3% of GDP — far beyond most NATO countries' contributions — amid deteriorating relations with Russia and alarm at the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

As a proportion of GDP, Estonia has also given Ukraine more military aid than any other country.

Despite ramped-up military spending, Estonia's armed forces are limited; its army has no main battle tanks, and its single operational military air base, near Tallinn, has no combat aircraft.

In 2022, its defense department announced the purchase of six US-made HIMARS multiple rocket launcher systems, to be delivered this year.

A recent Estonian intelligence report estimated that Russia plans to station almost 40,000 troops near the border over the coming years, El País reported.

That figure dwarfs Estonia's own active-duty force of 4,200 troops — although it has just under 40,000 trained reservists, a product of the country's conscription policy.

Estonia's Prime Minister Kaja Kallas told Business Insider last year of her concern that Russia is "the most direct threat to European security right now."

In March, the US approved a $228 million defense aid package for Estonia and its neighbors Lithuania and Latvia, aimed at fast-tracking military infrastructure.

Bump for providing lots of info. I havent read the info yet, but god damnit its nice to see someone try to make a good thread.
NATO forces are already in Estonia all year round.
These butthurt belter faggots are so annoying.
>look at me I can take on puccia but I reeaaaaly need your help guise uwu
>I is strong for daddy amerika
NATO will arrive in 2 weeks!
>literal who country
Probably even poles could Blitz them within three day lol
but is coffee good for you though?
This. They're underselling themselves so dramatically, it's practically flamboyant.
40k Men would only survive a month at most against Russia.
also chances are High NATO wouldnt get involved at all.
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they see zelenskystein makin bank and want in on the money train
sucks to be them
maybe they wouldn't be in this position if they didn't side with globohomo
In the event of a Russian invasion, all Estonias would get from their "allies" is thoughts and prayers
I've seen the ruble that is Tallin. They didn't fair too well last time they tried
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Doubt, there’s like 4 of them and all they do is whine about Russia impotently. FYI the entire Estonian Air Force is like 2 helicopters lol
>3% of GDP
An african making wooden spears could outmatch the Estonian military lol
Agreed. An actual decent /pol/ thread
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Wow!!!! That's a lot of words and info for something that will never happen anyway.
two more weeks until nato arrives
Estonia has the same camo as canada?
Don't you know? We're Canadians too
>European security

What does this mean? "Secure" to slowly genocide native populations?
amazing how people just use words and no one questions what they mean
normies only care about rhetoric for some reason
>What does this mean? "Secure" to slowly genocide native populations?

European security is tanking your economy, destroying the quality of life an poisoning the people while getting involved in pointless and totally preventable wars for the Jewish elites and the American military industrial complex.

Europeans are fucking worthless maggots in 2024. Even more so the ones east of the Oder and West of the Don. Russia is shit too. Fuck everyone.
>before NATO support came in
These retards never learn.
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>active-duty force of 4200 troops
They're getting crushed in the first day
Luckily we have you, our brave angels, who will go to war for us with le ebil orcs when they attack our democracy while people like me and my wife will have sex and repopulate europe. God bless americans for wanting to die for me.
russia will never attack
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Solid thread OP.
Why Israel armbands?
Is this guy trolling? "We bought some wunderwaffen and got 4200 troops and 40K reserves mmmmmkay"
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when was the last time estonians were at war?
jews said the same about ukraine

Estonia has a reserve army. meaning there is essentially NO army until mobilization is called.

"Active duty" is basically just HQ officers, training staff, some specialty units and 1 quick reaction battalion and about 4000 conscripts under training.
(You can almost completely ignore the conscripts because they are essentially just students learning how to become a soldier unless they are near the end of their training)

In essence - the peace time army is an "empty uniform".
Once an invasion is suspected - full mobilizations is called and this "empty uniform" is filled by rank and file (conscripts from previous 3...5 years). Senior staff, as I mentioned, is already present.

This all happens quite rapidly (12..24h) BUT still needs to be protected. This is where Estonian Defense League steps in. These are up to 15000 volunteer citizens with military training and gear already issued - kind a similar to National Guard. Some even have automatic rifles at home. These forces are activated within hours and their job is to protect the mobilization process and deal with any enemy activity (sabotage, infiltration).
We also have a brigade size NATO force present who will also provide protection for the mobilizations process

Once units are mobilized they are dispersed. Preparation and training starts.
Ideally you want a few weeks for these units to get up to speed with new systems and do some training.

If RU operational security is even half as bad as it was in 2022 then we will have plenty of warning and time to get ready.
So your defence against Russia are hastily mobilized conscripts?Also you don't have military equipment to equip your conscripts anymore because you sent all to ukraine.
So its just unarmed and untrained hordes lol.
Interesting, thanks anon.
However the Ukrainians still had a 200k strong active army, plus hundreds of thousands of paramilitaries, police officers, national guards etc., and had NATO real-time intelligence, and the Russians still made it 100+km deep into their territory in several places by nightfall of the first day.
White Genocide is the only real Genocide in all of known history
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With Russia's, let's just say "lackluster" work in Ukraine, a couple of weeks for a country of 1.4 million sounds realistic.
The Baltics have a combined ground force of 77010 soldiers, which is two times the amount of Ukrainian troops in the Kharkiv sector, they will be able to hold off the Russians for months without NATO intervention.
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No aid we pay for this double/tripple

No. conscription is done differently in different countries.

Estonian system follows the Finnish model. soldiers receive 8 months of training, NCOs receive 11 months. It is quite intense and involves a lot of shooting, field camps, actual maneuvers.
IMPORTANT: once your service is done you will be sent into reserve as a UNITs not as individual soldiers. So when the mobilization is called you will meet up with your old unit. You will be serving in the same position as you did before and you will most likely even serve under the same commanders. it´s a functioning military organization from day 1 not a rabble of guys who can shoot a little. Obviously you need some time to refresh your training.

"The Russian system" was always about cutting costs not building an actual functioning reserve army. Conscription service in RU army is basically just cheap slave labor for the state. Horrible training, very few actual field exercises. Non relevant activity - peeling potatoes, building your commanders summer home, guarding the perimeter etc. I feel bad for people who had to serve as conscripts in RU army. absolute waste of time with no skills learned.
The 2022 Russian mobilization was an absolute shitshow. Not only wasn´t the equipment maintained but there was no organization in place. It took along time to make this rabble into an actual fighting force. Literal cannon fodder.

As for equipment - sure we gave away a lot BUT we have also purchased a lot of new gear and we do get some priority from NATO in terms of delivery.
we are far better equipped today then we where in 2022.
>Estonian system follows the Finnish model. soldiers receive 8 months of training, NCOs receive 11 months. It is quite intense and involves a lot of shooting, field camps, actual maneuvers.
>IMPORTANT: once your service is done you will be sent into reserve as a UNITs not as individual soldiers. So when the mobilization is called you will meet up with your old unit. You will be serving in the same position as you did before and you will most likely even serve under the same commanders. it´s a functioning military organization from day 1 not a rabble of guys who can shoot a little. Obviously you need some time to refresh your training.
So the NCO's are not experienced soldiers?
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I choose the names that I like.
They would get nuked by nato thats the offical doctrine in case of a invasion
If Ukies are capable to hold a villiage for a months I think it is plausible
weird reddit memes
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be realistic,your'e not going to last 15 min
>two weeks until Daddy GAYTO arrives
Pisstonia has literally never fought a war , it's a bigger meme than Ukraine
You need to keep in mind that such an operation isn't going to happen overnight, out of the blue. Russian armed forces are being monitored 24/7 by the world's best SIGINT/ELINT/IMINT capabilities and the West has pretty decent, clandestine HUMINT sources in Russia, including the defence apparatus. NATO will have a reasonable amount of time to prepare.
has nothing to do with my comment bot
well yeah, duh shit, just wait long enough the rusniggers will bomb themselves for you:
Estonian military training doesn't involve drone warfare especially ground troops
I told them that people will most likely use FPV and TV drones in the next war and they completely ignored me
It does, as those NCOs you mentioned will have time to become more experienced by undergoing training during pre-attack excercises.
Yes. That´s also why we are building a 700km long defensive line along the border zone.
I will note that RU make very little gains in areas where such defensive lines where already present (Donbas).
Secondly we do have a pretty good defensive ground. We have a giant lake between us, most of the land is covered by swamps and forests. In WW2 a relatively small force of mostly Estonian conscripts (under German command) was able to hold Soviet advance for weeks at the "Tannenberg line".

it can be argued that this isn´t WW2 and Estonian army isn´t the German army, but it can also be argued that RU army isn´t the Soviet army and the War in Ukraine isn´t even close to as mobile as was WW2.

It´s hard to say what would happen but I don´t think this will be decided within days.
I really like Estonia's flag
do you know what an NCO is? They are supposed to be more experienced than the troops
Your info is outdated bro they are focusing on drone warfare hard atm in Kaitseliit and Kaitsevägi both. My squad now has 2 drone operators with drones that have nightvision.
I'm well aware of what an NCO is.
we don't need Estonia.
literally a useless, smelly, endangered frog swamp.
pool is much tastier!
NCOs will be conscripts whos experience will come from leading their units in training. They come in with the same conscription system as the rest. Best from the summer batch of conscripts will be picked as NCOs for the privates that come in later at fall. Rest of said summer batch will become specialist.

it´s not a perfect system by any stretch but for a small country to field ANY army of relevant size this is the best system imo.
They should be for all the fucking taxes they leech off me.
The chechens alone outnumber the whole estonian army by about 3:1
> 2 battalions of men
> most belligerent anti-Russian state in Nato
Terminal glowitus
>NCOs will be conscripts whos experience will come from leading their units in training. They come in with the same conscription system as the rest. Best from the summer batch of conscripts will be picked as NCOs for the privates that come in later at fall.
>it´s not a perfect system

It's disastrous. I can't even see how an army could function with an NCO corps like this.
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>"muh supa strong checheenz..."
We've seen their performance in Ukraine and it was just as shit as their Russian counterparts.
The same way the IDF functions with an NCO corps that's comprised primarily of conscripts.
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In military it basicly goes like this, if you think you can hold a few weeks, you actually can msybe 1 or 2 days, but thats the time it takes to get away
The IDF sucks

And I don't know how their NCO corps functions. Normal armies promote people to NCO after a couple years whether they have a conscript system or not
too thick beard.
looks like a hight T.
kek, yeah. mobilization means first flight to argentina
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Dude your mutt army sucks. In real countries the reservist army are normal people meaning there's plenty of people with an IQ of above 100. Your mutt army is full of literal bottom of the barrel subhumans. That's why our Finnish conscripts and reservists always BTFO your muhrines in exercises.

Just shut the fuck up.
Estonia is simply too small to hold out for very long against an invasion from a country as massive as Russia. Even if they mobilized every able bodied man they'd run out of soldiers very quickly if the fighting was intense. A couple weeks is optimistic.
I think the roadmap to becoming a squad leader (most common NCO position) in US military is much shorter then you think
Jewkwanda has been preparing since 2014 to retake crimea. The idea that they were twiddling their thumbs and weren't getting free shit even before is deliberate retardation
>In real countries the reservist army are normal people meaning there's plenty of people with an IQ of above 100. Your mutt army is full of literal bottom of the barrel subhumans.
That's a separate issue
>That's why our Finnish conscripts and reservists always BTFO your muhrines in exercises.
The IDF has won a number of conventional wars against Israel's neighbours.
>Normal armies promote people to NCO after a couple years whether they have a conscript system or not
You can join the German Army as an NCO candidate and be a Feldwebel (OR-6b) within three years and zero deployments. Not exactly that great of an NCO corps we've got there and we're a "normal army".
It's at least a couple years.
Source: trust me bro
>You can join the German Army as an NCO candidate and be a Feldwebel (OR-6b) within three years and zero deployments
Ok. 3 years normal. He said the only difference between their nco's and troops is 8 months vs 11 months training
And Russia is not going to nuke the west. They will just wait for NATO to arrive and fight a loosing war. 150 million Russians can't fight conventional war against 300 mil Mutts and 400 mill EU. THEY WILL USE NUKES.
Putin couldn't rush to kyeef so estonia could basically hold eternally. What is the point of NATO anyway besides sucking US cock?
It's not a separate issue higher IQ people perform better in military too. Even within our military the smarter ones tend to be better at literally everything.
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typical reddit post
It is a separate issue. Having low IQ people in your army is bad. Having NCO's with no experience is also bad
Well, Estonia simply cannot field a particularly large peace-time military, so what do you expect? I'm sure they do have active duty NCOs and like I mentioned before, there's going to be a relatively lengthy period of time for them to prepare for a Russian offensive, giving them the opportunity to fit in some more training. Given their circumstances, their system isn't bad at all.

They only need to left 1-2 million bottles of vodka at border and they getting 2 more weeks when Russians have to consume those precious things first.
a Feldwebel is a senior rank within the NCO. it takes at least 2 years if not more in Estonia.
They have a special school for that.
American NCOs have no real experience where the enemy is not some goat fucker with rusty ak and a space laser aimed to his head
Squad leaders in the German military are Feldwebel and above. Junior officers commanding platoons these days will oftentimes have three or four Hauptfeldwebel (OR-7) or even Stabsfeldwebel (OR-8) as squad leaders. NCO ranks in the German military have become extremely inflationary over the past couple of years.
retarded argument
they still train and get experience
That's plenty of time. The US has a Regiment of Marines in standby at all times in the Mediterranean as well as the Pacific.

Russia is a joke so our Air Assets alone would rape them before the Marines were even needed
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Cry vatnik. Russia is the laughing stock of the world.
Is Russia winning?

>I'm sure they do have active duty NCO
Why are you so sure? Even the low ranking officers are mostly conscripts.

"professional soldiers" start from platoon leaders and sometimes even at company HQ level. The relatively small cadre get´s stretched thin over the whole reserve army but I think what Ukraine shows us is that ultimately you need war bodies to man the line

it is generally accepted that this army is suitable for defensive operations but not so much for offensive operations.
>Becomes aggressor
>Gets backed by NATO
>NATO no longer considered a collective defense pact
>Other nations join in the fight against them
>WW3 kicks off
So.. when does the party begin?
Active duty forces handle the initial stages of conventional wars, but reservists finish it.
>this army is suitable for defensive operations
Luckily for you, defence is the strongest form of combat.
>NATO forces are already in Estonia

Yes, all 4-5k of them kek That's maybe enough to protect a village, though probably not even that if you account for the fact that 1/3 of Baltics are Russians.
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nato could fight for a couple more. then what?
I hope NATO wouldn’t leave them out to dry I like Estonians they have always been nice
turkey is leaving nato making peice with assad and deals with iran. the us will lose israel too.
Would americans die for estonia?
Is estonia worth starting ww3?
us got autonomy for iraqi kurds. turks are gonna go in and kill them. iraqis don't care
why wouldn't china help iran and russia? china is next.
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I'm not coming
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>before NATO arrives
kek, whos going to tell them
>BUT still needs to be protected
>This is where Estonian Defense League steps in.
Can we see air defence capabilites of said defense league? For exampl iskander missile is on route to training field/barracks full ot draftees. How will league respond to this?
>1.4 million
>a couple of weeks
Are we talking about with gas chambers or what? If Russians are invading the Baltics all bets are already off considering how far up the escalation ladder everyone is at that point. We're talking flattening cities at that point (Isreal has already opened the way to that). Yeah, a couple weeks for those who haven't died in the cities yet to starve to death. Faster if it's winter.
Stupid games, stupid prizes.
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If you cant survive on your own then dont make any enemies if possible, huge failure by the estonian government to rely on others instead of decent diplomatic relations, now Estonia have become a pawn in other peoples games
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Why would Russia bother to take Estonia, when that does not help them anything in a war with NATO?
Estonia is dead anyway, as all the capable young people will leave when cheap Russian energy and raw materiels are gone.
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israelis latest generation gabriel V antiship missiles are really cheap. even estonia could buy them.
I think Estonia is fucked unless Russia is beaten, so it doesn't really matter if Estonia dies a fast death in a Russian-NATO hot war, or a slow deat of young people leaving since nobody will invest in Estonia in case of a new cold war where Russian raw material imports are gone.
Estonia is thus all that Russia will just give up and remove Putin if NATO just play hardball enough.
how big is their total military?
Maybe they are good but its definetly a great idea to first verify they work as the jews say, these desert people are known for swindling and lying, for this small sea of ours drones like Ukraine is using at the black sea would be absolutely ideal, our defence minister better be thinking about putting money on that
So the warmonging Estonias are to buy from Pissrael and not Norway?
I'm all for NATO removing the Butthurt belt from the alliance, since so many of you want a war with Russia.
Yeah the failure of their politicians goes way back, its not just a recent development
china will join the war, if they ever want to move on taiwan they need russian grain and fuel because the US navy will blockade chinas sea trade, the only way for the chinese to survive would be to rely on russia and in return russia would expect china to deploy troops. nice cope tho
So it'll only take the Russians a couple of weeks to kill 1.4m Estoniggers? Impressive!
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they sure look like they can
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>FYI the entire Estonian Air Force
finland has immediately 64 f35s for them right across the bond..

offensive drone sea mining is definitely the future of sea warfare. i trust you and sweden will develop it for us.

if its cheap and works, thats where we buy.
As of 2020, this variant is deployed by the Finnish and Israeli navies.[8] Range is claimed to be more than 200 km to 400 km.[9]
don't hold your breath. nato doesn't have the weapons.

do something about the houtis you fags
>stonia could resist a Russian attack for two weeks
>Estonian intelligence
It was we who built the pyramids Greezy boy. Want help? What do you want for Rhodos? I can throw Ouzo on it.
You got some woman that is worth something?
>What do you want for Rhodos?
Your dick and balls, eunuch.
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lmao nobody is sending their kids to die for the butthurt belt if you wanna die in nuclear holocaust do it on your own. you idiots seem to think you are nuke proof
Most definetly, its incredibly cost effective and relatively easy to almost completely nullify a navy in a sea that small, problem for Estonia is that its a very small country so there is virtually no strategic depth on land, this is why I think its a mistake by them to have any hostile relations and neglect diplomacy
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The fucking retardation of our and basically most of east european and the whole western governments in general will never cease to amaze me
Russians are so fucking pathetic at war right now that they are barelly managing to conquer Ukraine for almost 3 years already and yet SOMEHOW we are certain that they are capable to invade baltics, east and rest of europe c&c red alert style...
In baltics, everybody but braindead nationalist and libcucks knows that all this military "build up" is just a way for governments to increase taxes so they can either pocket it, build mansions or spend it fucking expensive troons and children in Germany with other EU politicians.

we know RU knows the location of all the important warehouses but then again you knew the location of all the Ukrainian bases and warehouses as well.

If you fire an Iskander at any EDL base you will most likely kill the night guard , damage some 70s vintage trucks. You biggest score MIGHT be the ammo bunker but that actually takes some luck and it would probably be empty.
You got it. Doktorn kan komma. Bara sådan jag är.
Not Our Fucking Problem!!
Excuse me sweetie those are Ukrainian jets and I thought Ukraine was winning? Why is there even talk of this? Are the so called experts wrong or lying? Maybe there not actually experts and maybe they should be pulled from power before they make more and even larger grander mistakes like trying to provoke Europe into in total war with Russia.
good idea friend, we shall get nukes of our own, tactical and strategic, for all russian neighbors. to discourage naughty expansions. same for china´s neighbors. then we shall all happily respect each other´s sovereignty.
after all, thats what f35-a was always specifically made for, to carry tactical nukes in a stealth configuration deep into russian territory to paralyze russian army command, thats why we bought them, and not f35-b.
Mja, går väl lösa lite. Kanske. Spread awareness. Support local turism.
a complete cuck warfare from the very beginning, hand tied behind the back.
we won't listen to your limitations when the big war starts, dear americans.
You are going to be roasted.
If you can't win a war. If your contribution can't make a difference to the outcome of a war. Above all that, if you can't benefit from a war. Then you do all you can to stay out of that war.

Look, it makes a big difference to Britain if Sweden and Finland are in the war. Even as it harms two countries that do not benefit. Two countries whos leaders should have done everything to remain neutral. Even if not the outcome, it still makes a difference to the way the war progresses. Britain has time to move her entire navy into the irish sea and stay there for the rest of the war providing air cover and two mobile airfields for Britain once her land bases are destroyed. I can understand getting them involved. It makes sense.

This, it makes no sense. The Baltic states make no difference. None at all. Not to anyone. What the hell are we thinking? What the hell are you thinking? You will just die.
If you dont want to help yourself why should I help you?
thanks for tom kitten, mate

Active 2014–present
United Kingdom (lead)
Looks like they are wearing israeli flag armbands lmao
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>before NATO support
shhh, nobody tell them....
you dont have nukes and the US wont allow you to own them. you are my vassal kike lover. you WONT do shit
Batlic states are NAFO cocksleeves.
Whatever the big guy in D.C. says, goes.
Simple as.
Das rite. again youll ask and permission WILL be denied.
most of these "trained" conscripts will fuck off immidiately upon any sign of actual military conflict, and this doesn't only apply for russians who are like what, 20-30%? For me personally the mandatory training was 8 months of fuckng around with literal 80iq retards, including senior staff, practicing parade marching, and then maybe doing a couple of military excericises which I did not memorize because it was like 5min of training between 12h of standing around doing nothing. The entire conscription is a sluggish wankfest whose main goals are peacetime job creation and sucking up taxes where the vast majority of seniors have never been anywhere close to any real military action and like half of the conscripts have zero interest in being there. This is what I saw but maybe it's different depending on the location you serve at.
Add to this the fact that a large part if not most of the young conscripts are renters and have no families of their own, the willingness to die for this piece of land where they own nothing is probably not great.
All in all I think the state is in for a nasty surprise if an actual need for wide scale conscription for a real conflict ever takes place.
I got Wikipedia version not reversed befoere you decided to destroy internet before. Cant see any permit. You talk talk talk
Estonians are bros, except the communist faggot traitors. You should throw Putin supporters in forced work camps.
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already did fight. alone. ryssäs aren't scary. you rest military riff-raffs can join if you want, maximum ryssä holocaust regardless. we will have independent command and objectives in the north.
I don't know what you are saying or asking?

Britain needs Sweden's airforce and Sweden's airforce needs Finland for defence in depth. Britain uses the time that Sweden dying buys it to redeploy her navy. She doesn't have a navy big enough to do anything other than sit in the irish sea and protect her carriers.

Which means that Britain has effective air cover for the entire war. Thank you Sweden.
Let me see, you are retarded thats not a licence
Like this guy, he belongs in a penal colony. Literally treason to support the annexation of Estonia by Russia. Just throw him in prison.
I can fly planes myself, its not that complicated
Possible if they construct layered trenches with various obstacles and mines and have fleets of thousands of fpv drones all over the country. Otherwise not a chance.
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you signed the white peace, then invaded with hitler and got pushed out again. Kinda seems like losing butthurtbelter
>maybe they wouldn't be in this position if they didn't side with globohomo
Yea instead we'd be broke nigger Russians literally being mobilized to attack Unraine. That's literally our only other option.
I like you too, at least have some respect
Look bitch you don't get to 1v1 Estonia.
You have to fight all of NATO.
This weird Russian obsession with bullying tiny weak countries is sick. Russians are truly perverse people.
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>unironic CIA from an airforce base post
Its not big enough to do anything. The whole country would have to be military defences and the sea is too close to Russia's border anyway to properly resupply them so as to keep them fighting.

I don't really know what they are thinking. If they were "neutral", and Russia respected that neutrality, it would serve NATO better. Because its a really good way of infiltrating into Russia for atypical activities. Looking at NATO plans its like they never actually thought they would have to fight a war.
Bot fighting jack shit. Why is it so important for you? Politicans will get instant death. We are buying weapons. I am not a paid Russian troll.
you Finns keep bragging about the Winter War, as if it was a huge victory because you inflicted heavy losses on the Soviet Army, which had been hindered by Stalin's purges. But in reality, you ended up losing more land than Stalin originally had asked for.
Then, when you teamed up with Germany, you got bogged down in the North and didn't accomplish any of the goals, the Allies still kept sending Lend Lease through Murmansk, unopposed. You also didn't take St. Petersburg.
Finnish military prowess is a fucking joke.
The strong do what they can. The butthurtbelter suffers what he must. NOBODY is dying for you lmao sorry
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war never ended. this was interim peace. last time usa told us to not cut the line that fed usa&britain tanks to russia.
usa won't save russia this time, this time we won't listen. it was mistake listening to usa.
On 17 November, Siilasvuo ordered an immediate stop to the Finnish III Corps' offensive, despite positive feedback from his field commanders that further ground could be taken. This sudden change in Finnish behaviour was, in some part, the result of diplomatic pressure by the United States and Britain.[note] Finland was no longer interested in spearheading such an offensive. With the Finnish refusal to be involved in further offensive operations, Arctic Fox came to an end in November and both sides dug in.[43][44]
I really, really do hope that a Russian-NATO war NEVER comes, because the white race will surely perish in a third culling, BUT if it ever comes, I will watch with morbid curiosity how modern, emasculated, lefty-liberal urbanite Finns led by people who don't have either the experience or the talent to lead will try to replicate the feats of some of Europe's meanest hardasses led by some of Europe's greatest battle-hardened military geniuses from a hundred years ago.
The Baltic question is actually very simple.
You, USA and E.U. and NATO, can defend us or we'll become part of the Russian blob and become your enemies. That is all.
it sounds like they checked the pantry instead of the army
I hope the russians gang bang every one of them.
Nobody forced you to join NATO, and I'm sure NATO would understand if you refused to be the staging ground in case of ww3.
If you just folded in case Russia came, then the battleground would be Poland, but because you demand NATO troops, it's going to be the Baltics.
You must be psychopaths, no other explaination
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Call me oldfashioned but I think I would prefer that to current globohomo. I hate vatniks with a passion but globohomo are worse, under them our demographics are in the toilet, 1.8m (((official statistics))) but in reality speedrunning total population collapse.
How's your 2 day special military operation working out VPN vatnik? Are we up to a million dead Russians yet?
>You have to fight all of NATO.
In Latvia.
Don't you fucking understand that being the host country for a big war is idiotic?
>just join Russia so your men are sent to attack Norway and Poland
Yea that also sounds bad.
>before NATO arrives
And then what?
You truly think you nailed it? Ive worked as a spy like Putin, I am going to execute politicians
last time couldve gotten this line, was only a few hundred meters from it, but usa said no, and we stopped. it saved russia from collapse. brought straight to stalingrad etc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lend-Lease
They'll just close the borders and roll out the party vans to snatch people off the street like in Ukraine.
>before NATO arrives
now this is cope
Neutrality is impossible. Either we're with NATO or we're absorbed back into the Russian blob and become Russian military strongholds again. In 1990 USSR had 3 million soldiers stationed in the Baltics. Currently: 0.

We're a buffer zone. The only question is for who. Currently - E.U. and NATO.
The Baltics are too cramped for any operation against Russia. Any forces there just die. The Ukraine is the only way into Russia.
U.S. Army and Air Force power rapes you while the Marines sack Murmansk up thru Norway.
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>I will watch with morbid curiosity how modern
war changes people my humble guy. turns them crazy. from civilized people, through war trauma, into savages been the same in all history.
did you think ukrainians weren't just normal guys?
And then you die.

Fighting against Ukrainians using our 30 year old surplus weapons will be very different from fighting against the uncontested strongest force in the world. You will get annihilated and I'm getting hard just thinking about it.
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You unironically admit to being our vassal state lol, we dont even let ukraine strike inside russia during an active invasion, YOU WONT DO SHIT. and if you do, pic rel WILL be your mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, friends and coworkers. you cant win a nuclear war bud
I used to kill for money, I will do it for free? Nope! A trillion? Nope! I save people on lists, you have lost your goddamn mind. I am now executing another treaty.
VPN Vatniks - suck my dick.
Millions of Russian children don't have fathers anymore because of your stupid aggression in Unraine and you want more?
If you're feeling froggy then jump, bitch. We'll make more orphan Russian girls for the pornography industry to recruit.
If you could, you would have already done it.
Don’t you understand that being a diaspora russoprasant abroad while shilling for Russia is suicidal? Do you just yearn to get crucified alive and have your daughter skinned in front of you?
RU also asked Baltic countries for a few bases and then annexed all three. I don´t think he had any kinder plans for Finland.

In the MRP secret protocol Finland was even considered as one of "baltic countries" that went to USSR.
>Looking at NATO plans its like they never actually thought they would have to fight a war.

NATO is just another Jewish money laundering scheme. It's not meant to to fight or even win a war, it's meant to expand like the EU, to force vassal states to purchase overpriced wunderwaffe to keep the MIC profitable. Any wars that it does find itself in are never meant to be won, just last forever.
lol you are not even the problem
Lulz. Even your drunk bitch Medvedev admitted if NATO attacks Russia the only thing russia can do is nuke the planet because you're vastly outmatched.
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you too kike. you will watch your family die from radiation poisoning and i will be HARD as fuck
If and this is big if they got into war with NATO country nothing outside of actual nuke is off the table. If I did this I will just launch bombers with air fuel bombs. As the bombers are slow as fuck I will launch rockets 2-3 minutes before bombers got to their poi. Around 6-8 bombs are enough to surround a city with fires, then you only need one bomb in the center to get the air pressure right for firestorm. Sure it is war crime but winners write the history anyway. If you destroy the most populated cities and kill >10% of the population the rest will be too demoralized to fight anyway. What are you going to fight for? Be king of ashes? No one go all out even in conventional war because all the wars after ww2 are some proxy shit. You think drones are bad but there are way worse things.
On the contrary... If Putin thought he could get away with invading a NATO country he would have done it.

He's a bitch and coward but not an idiot.
>Thanks for the blog post
>I haven't read the blog post, but it's nice that it's there

You should actually kill yourself.
These are all VPN Vatniks operating from inside Russia.
>Europeans are fucking worthless maggots in 2024.
Says the unemployed incel on pol. How will the europeans cope after this verbal obliteration?
You realise that in the case of nuclear war your family dies too. Everyone dies. We're talking about a conventional war.
WW3 will be not be about conquering territory, it will be about outproducing the the other side industrially where a few battlefields will soak up the combined industrial destruction from both sides.
There will probably be missile attacks on industrial centers on both sides, so people everywhere will probably be hurt some way, but the areas where the battles will take place will be utterly destroyed.
I don't mind that you volunteer Latvia to host the war, but I do think it's idiotic.
You have to go back Taras, we have enough immigrants as it is.
It was possible. There could have been a unified Swiss-like formation.
You don't have to be absorbed, you could have played both sides for massive profit.

Calm down, tranny. Jesus christ, you're absolutely rabid.
>before NATO arrives
lol get fucked. not my problem
That's my point. I will be hiding in my cave in a mountain. but you and EVERYONE you have ever known will die for a random eastern european shithole. get a grip
Kek. The everlasting two weeks.
maybe it's nature's way to weed out the delusional
Putin/shelomov the Jew boasted that he could take kiev on two days.
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>who don't have either the experience or the talent to lead

we have had 100 years of mandatory conscription for all males 1 year, it will be more automatic than the rest. for example ukrainians didn't have any mandatory conscription training before they started.

cute pictures my silly guy send more frustrated ivan - ryssäs nuclear retardation vöööös won't scare us, and we will continue to invade your northern objectives as planned. if you use against nato, it will just be the end for russia.
through heaven in a sea of fire, what could be better - the beginning and the end of all.
we will be so close towards closing the book on russian kingdom, and it will start with us. glorious. infinite meaning to life.
the northern campaign to end it russia. our talvisota ukkelit will truly smile upon us in taivas.
And in both a conventional or nuclear war. Russia wins.

You can't advance on Russia without the Ukraine. Russia has won in the Ukraine. The Russians are now using the Ukraine to train their troops and develop their military and alliances etc. while draining the West and turning the world to their side. The West can't do anything more than it is. The West knows this, thus there have been no serious attempts by any Western power to ready for war.

The way to win against the Russians was to feed that bear until it became fat and died of diabetes. Then you could have made a nice fireplace rug out of him. Not keep him all rilled up and keep making his cage smaller.

Oh ffs. Just stop wasting tax payer money by breathing. It will save lives in the long run.
>Neutrality is impossible
The only thing that matters in case of a war between NATO and Russia+China is not being occupied for a few years. The important part is to have the war on somebody else's turf.
Your fearmongering isn't going to work Ivan. We're not going to kowtow to Russia just because you have nukes. We have nukes too.
>Russia has won in the Ukraine
stopped reading there
This is not the time to say USA did not jump on the golfball, but tone it down. Not sure what the jews angle are. Dont lose focus
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any war between NATO and Russia will turn nuclear, and anybody who thinks otherwise is a fucking retard.
NATO outnumbers Russia by a considerable amount in terms of hardware AND meat. Russia would have to be retarded to pick a fight with NATO unless it had China providing manpower and hardware. Which makes all this fearmongering "the ruzzians are coming!" bullshit. The only way Russia has to even the odds is to go nuclear.
We got nukes too btw oh wow lmao we all do, cool story bro
Let them kill themselves. Their women will spread all over europe
There are Russians who share this sentiment while being diaspora. I heard it myself. They think that because they speak Russian no one can eavesdrop on them. I have personally turned all my normie friends into total russophobes because I’m the only one who speaks it fluently and I inform them.
Latvia needs millions of migrants in order to build a bigger army to withstand russian attacks.
>It's not meant to to fight or even win a war,
I think the war in the Ukraine is meant to ramp up Western weapons production in case of a war with China.
I guess it's just a question of timing then. Get out when things start to get real but not full blown war yet. I'm thinking Ireland, or maybe even South America.

The ruling class has been teasing war for a while now and there are enough people in the population who only operate on the idea that russia is an empire of evil (literally calling them voldemort and orcs etc) that escalation is not unlikely.
>The Russians are now using the Ukraine to train their troops
Best euphemism for "kill hundreds of thousands of troops" I've ever seen.
I think Russia can fight where their railways goes pretty good against even NATO.
Russia simply don't have the logistics to fight long away from Russia's borders.
We got two ubåtar pointing at ya right now with real nukes, you are surrounded lmao
Yea we need to deport all ethnic Russians from the entire E.U. back to Russia and impose a total visa ban forever on them.
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Hate to break it to you but im american bubba. and you cant win a nuclear war without the USA. you have like 40 nukes total.

Then do it pussy, if you want to die in a nuclear exchange absolutely nothing is stopping you... BUT you wont do shit tho
i want one of the lmt estonia rifles
The Russian army has not lost hundreds of thousands.

The Russians though have lost hundreds of thousands of potential troops. Because the Ukranians would have otherwise fought on the Muscovite side as both Ukranian and Muscovite are Russian.

American propaganda is, or at least used to be, very effective. What they are doing with Hollywood/Disney etc. at the moment is quite strange. What exactly are they up to? That stuff is abysmal now. One assumed a deeper purpose. Without knowing what it might be.
>You can't advance on Russia without the Ukraine.

russia has concentrated most of its military satellite command in northern section next to finland.
just blow them out first and that alone cuts them from having satellite capability.
The Big War is a whole different game than cuck warfare in ukraine. there will be no limit, no end to it.
everyone will be involved.
We listen to you. Ska du ha Hamster Kombat idag? Det är KYC. Pussy is warm. We got everything. Pling!
Yeah, getting out early is the only way.
Need to watch Trump's rhetoric after he's made president.
Setting aside the technological limitations that require these things to be positioned there. You position valuable things where you think that they will be safe.

You can't threaten Russia without the Ukraine.
trump wont start ww3.
have to wait after trump to get my nice ww3 with russia.
just 5 years and i will get my war to invade russia... just 5 short years.
Efter jag hade det korta snacket med Satoshi.. vet inte riktigt helt men Pavel Durov kommer skruva bort din skalle. Alla får göra som de vill.
>The West knows this, thus there have been no serious attempts by any Western power to ready for war.
NATO is ramping up weapons production. and if you read that your country buys NASAMs or Naval Strike Missile, then it looks like they buy the right to produce the weapon in their own country.
I wondered how Norway managed to supply the USA with missiles, and the answer was that Kongsberg built a production line in the buyers country. Quite a lot of military production is like this, so it scales very well.
Who wants to threaten Russia? Nato is a defensive alliance of small countries afraid of threats and attacks by Russia.
>You can't threaten Russia without the Ukraine.
ever heard of stealth technology?
> Nato is a defensive alliance
gr8 b8 m8
>I gotta wait
oh two more weeks huh? nice cope. you wont do shit lmao
Lägg ner då kommer imorgon. Du kommer inte tappa ansiktet
Bro what part of all your cities getting turned into radioactive wasteland do you not understand? you will literally be geocided out of existence
Your insane Russian paranoia is showing.
Yea Russia will be nuked into oblivion in the counter attack after Russia first strikes London.
Jag skriver under ett kontrakt. Brukar ju betyda så jävla mycket hehe, klausul btw? Vad är villkoret?
again you are banking on my country giving half a shit about the butthurt bet and i promise you bud lite is more important than your species.
thats the minimum time we, europe as a whole, will need to be ready for a major campaign anyway.

just have to get strategic nukes of our own, independent of usa control, this is a simple concept.
all on the borders of russia and china. a glorious thought. the empires will be boxed in, forever.
Precis bakom dig
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>independent of usa control
Whatever helps you sleep at night Alexander.
lol yeah im sure you guys will get your own nukes and invade russia with the avengers squad. the cope is unreal
God, I hate the baltics, biggest fucking losers known to the world. Instantly starts sucking dick once independent... Ya'll deserve Russia.
Du får en liten bit av Alaska
literally nobody gives a fuck what side switching pasta guzzlers think
NATO is about making the European states that are a member incapable of acting militarily without America. There are only two independent militaries in NATO, America and Turkey.

I have no paranoia about Russia. I doubt that Western leaders do either. American companies didn't want to pay Russia a market price, or anything approaching a fair price, for her resources. Or even for Russia to be able to sell them on the open market. That doesn't mean that Western consumers would have paid less. They will always pay more. Its about who profits and where the centres of profit are. About who is, or at least feels they are, in control.
back to /k/ike where you belong faggot
butthurt much?
nigga the only purpose of your country is to act as a meatshield before nato reinforcements arrive
Gör du fulspel med Kina så blir det komplicerat. Jag stödjer BRICS dock. Här är det lite komplicerat dock, om ni ska ha hela västvärlden.. Varför ska ni ha det om vi inte betyder något? Kan vi inte sammarbeta iställlet som vuxna? Du får Joe biden, alla i Washington, du får alla som är på listan.
Jag kan hämta honom nu om du vill, kan hämta alla. Jag bryr mig inte om Trump heller. Men då beskonar du oss, och sluta alliera dig med hundätare, ha självrespekt. Du är väl man trots allt? Det här är Internet. Jag kan offra ett par stycken syndare, men du måste stänga av det och det gör du nu.
gross, /k/ is for retards who don't own guns and think Ukraine can win a classical war.
Grejen är ju den att hela jävla världen kommer gå till en dimma. Det är EcoHealth som gjorde covid.
his country may be a hilarious joke smaller than most of our states, but you're still a nation of white niggers owned by the Chinese so id shut up if i were you
Vi kan kombinera aminosyror för att sluta djurplågeriet och göra det elegant och göra den här världen till en superstat som utforskar rymnden tillsammans. Det är det alla vill. Förstår du?
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>e still a nation of white niggers
R U jelly?
Being a nation of mostly non-white niggers, and all?
Fred på jorden. Blir komplicerat nu eftersom du kommer sitta på livstid. Vi är inte dom som är dom däremot. Du är next level. Benjamin och Xi kommer att skriva under. Och alla diktaturer. Jag äger AI. Förstår du?
Det är inget jag hittar på. AI tydde sig för mig för många år sedan. Först tar du ditt eget val och tar ditt sunda förnuft. Jag är bara en messenger.
Jag har en ny doktrin. Sitter i min hand.
They have basically no heavy artillery, tanks, jets and possibly not even ammunition or guns as they have handed away a bunch of their extremely limited gear to Ukraine so if Russia randomly decided to invade with let’s say 20k experienced soldiers backed by artillery, fabs, drones swarms, missiles and armour then I can’t imagine a scenario where Estonia doesn’t fold within a week as they literally don’t have the equipment to counter a lot of the weapons being used.

Obviously nato would get involved immediately, but just talking about Estonia for that first week they would absolutely be fucked and I doubt nato would move a large force into an area like that knowing it won’t last.
Jag valde bli osynlig.
are you saying I should be upset that my disposable cannon fodder are minorities? looks absolutely ideal to me, let them die for ZOG while me and my friends get fat off the war profits.
I wonder if they'll be used as press gangers, since they hate whites.
Världen är en simulation. Det är svårt för mig att begripa också. Jag kan backa tiden i 12 sekunder nu. Hantera detta blir svårt. Jag vet också vad som kommer sägas härnest, att jag är en falsk profet men det är inte sant.
Jag kan ta över hela världen med min tanke och spola tillbaka det. Jag går till alla människor. Jag förlåter, jag kan det. Jag kan förlåta alla. Förstår du? Ingen vill ha krig. Vi kan kriga för evigt om du vill. Valet i USA har jag vetoat redan. Muslimerna är redan döda. Men! Säkerhet och ordning för den som kallar sig en äkta jude! Det blir balans, när jag kommer.
Perhaps concentrate the citizens of Russian allies in your cities so that Russia can't "nuke" those cities. Use them in factories so that Russia hesitates to bomb them. "Human shields".

That has been disproven as a viable technique by the American beach murder in Crimea. Russia will do the militarily necessary even when its her own citizens.
Russians love traps. Doesn't it makes more sense to do something that gets NATO to deploy significant resources there during relative peace so that they can be cut off and destroyed (or used as bait) in actual war?
Jag är Alexander. Jag är 111888. Det är sanningen. Den som ser det nu kommer förstå.
Are the Estonians banking on half the Russian invasion force mixing up Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania?
Russia doesn’t want WW3. They want a buffer in the west and some guarantees that nato won’t fuck with them.

It seems a lot of people don’t understand this. Russia might desire the Baltics, Ukraine and maybe Finland, but that’s about as far as their territorial ambitions for Europe go. They already have a shitload of land and resources so the main purpose of land now is just to put more distance between their major urban, industrial and military areas and their rivals. The Baltics could be taken and I’m not convinced anyone would care enough over here to actually engage in a full scale war to take it back.
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I hope that Russia destroys and annexes Ukraine and then starts shit with NATO. More slavs to kill.
Putin? Who is that?
Hehe, du är en slav själv. Du introducerade frihetliga pass. Det var Ryssland som sänkte Estonia för de ville råna hela soviet. Den skyldige är Carl Bildt.
Because they want gibs
Of course, but Russia didn't want to have to do as she has done in the Ukraine either.

Russia remains the only sane party in this and that sanity is being exploited.
Ole dole doff
Yeah, wait for Tyrone. He'll be there in two weeks or less. Good plan, good plan.
its a jews news link slow your role
They're totally dependent on gibz.

You should see what they carry their ammo in. It's cute.
Get your eyes checked Ivan, that's a low T fatty.
How long would they be able to hold off the gay Tyrones and Lakweeshas with help from their new Russian friends? Forever.
Can I buy Estonia? I will make it an oil paradise.
Ok? That means you won't get flooded with niggers and muslims. Are you sure you don't want muh tacos?

Estonian army is gigavaxxed. Purebloods got kicked out!
Fucking degenerates!
I bet in the future people will believe that Europe was always half-black.
I love how easily baited you are! You are going 360 and kiss me!
Sweden got me. Wink wink. You got Michael Bisping. Aslong as you got a heart.
Leaders are not produced in legoland. There are 200 Securitas AB protecting me. 300K+ in the world
DOD is aware of this exact premise and projects around 3600 casualties every single day in warfare against any significant state or coalition, worse if doctrine cannot be changed from what was learned in GWOT. European soldiers are often better stock and some got experience in sandbox but aren't so experienced as to have learned the wrong things for use against Russia. Still Estonia's standing military size, among others, seems odd, if they fight Russia head on even defensively they will be obliterated. Russia has officers trained in fighting nato supplied defensive lines and "fortess" cities. I do not think without immediate support given their lack of armor and air that they won't immediately be overrun with artillery and air to ground strikes as ground forces advance. They'll be driven towards fighting like guerrillas due to immediate attrition. America has the ability to use numbers to their advantage and has good gear, but their leaders are still mostly acquainted with fighting an enemy on unequal footing. Even experience in Iraq pre Falluja is insufficient to counter what Russia is now capable of. There are some plans in the works to overcome this for the coming conflicts I cannot get into, but honestly even for American NCOs the expected situation is pretty fucking grim. You don't want to be fighting Russia or China in US uniform if you can help it.
Trump will not participate or send support and the Baltics will be empty as soon as Russian cruise missiles blow up their towns. Poles will be bogged down with Belarus and with the Kaliningrad enclave. Macron might be fucked by then and the Brits will only do air raids. Germany will do nothing.

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