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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why is abortion considered a sacrament to the left?
it's literally child sacrifice, is why.
Because "the left" is the political will of the Jew who believes in abortion as part of their identity. Same with all left wing politics.
because they know they need to keep the black population down because it will make them have to spend tons of money
I like to think my Jesus would encourage black abortion.
The biggest ethnic cleansing of ALL TIME is that of black babies by abortion. Nearly HALF of all babies killed by abortion are black, and nearly 40% of black pregnancies end with the baby being killed in the womb. As blacks are only 13% of the population these numbers are horrific


The most evil, cowardly and selfish act anyone can commit is murder the weakest and most vulnerable human beings. This is why it is impossible to name a single thing in this world more evil and demonic than abortion. Abortion murders babies, damages mothers and creates a culture that views ALL human life as disposable

When we murder our weakest and most vulnerable, whether by abortion in the womb or euthanasia outside the womb, any and all respect for human life AS A WHOLE becomes non-existent

It's because our culture tolerates abortion that we tolerate mass murder, shootings, allowing needy people to die, abuse of the vulnerable and many other horrible things. Abortion has cemented Neo-Malthusian thinking and eugenics in our culture as every abortion is a eugenic abortion. You cannot have any respect for human life and persons at any stage of life if you support murdering the weakest and most desperate to survive

I do not believe our society and our world could fall much further once it solidifies murdering the most innocent and vulnerable of any group of people, be it the preborn or the sick and disabled, into its culture

When murdering those whom we have an obligation to protect and love becomes normalized then no amount of depravity is off limits.

Over 66 MILLION preborn babies have been aborted in America alone since 1973 which is more dead Americans than in every war America has been involved in COMBINED. No war, famine or even genocide has killed that many in such a short amount of time.

Those of us who can must stand up and speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.

God will judge us for allowing this barbarism to happen.
The leftists in America practice Universal Progressivism which is a subbranch of Illuminati religion under the Satanic Umbrella of religions. Human Sacrifice to the demon Molloch is one key practices of that religion. Worshipping the descendants of Ham and Cain is another key practice.

They will never let you call their primitive religion a religion of course, because then they couldn't manipulate the "secular" state so openly.
Leftism has always had a satanic element. Read The Devil and Karl Marx by Paul Kengor and also Takedown.
wtf I love planned parenthood now?
Abortion is the #1 niggerkiller on planet Earth.
It makes sense why Christians oppose it so vehemently, they have existential need for nigger population to grow because godless white devils are abandoning their desert semitic religion.
>killing black babies is essential to black liberation
why do they hate themselves so much?
Planned Parenthood is satanic. Margaret Sanger and her mentor Emma Goldman were two of Satan’s greatest soldiers.
Jesus wouldn't support abortion of any kind. He would however exercise his authority to judge both the living and the dead.
Remember, Jesus prior to his incarnation was with God the father from the foundations of the world. Whenever you see, LORD in the old testament Jesus is present and acting. Puts a new understanding to the plagues in Exodus and the 5th chapter of 1st Samuel. There is no Angel of Death in Egypt: the LORD killed the firstborns.
All them niglets offered up and they still breed like rats. We may need to start offering Margaret Sanger's Fried Chicken and Malt Liquor
Not sure, but they sure do like killing babies.
False choice fallacy. 1)allow abortions or 2)you want niggers to multiply and rule the ash heap of the world

Bullshit, I choice 3)strip women of voting rights and stop funding the artificial growth of the savage races of the world.
Black babies deserve to live. Can you not see their humanity?
>Jesus wouldn't support abortion of any kind.
What part of the bible supports this?
The left pushes for abortion because leftism is inherently satanic.

Unlike God, Satan cannot create, he can only destroy. This causes Satan to become deeply jealous of God, and as such Satan seeks to destroy all that God has created. The left likewise cannot create, it can only destroy, and seeks to tear down and annihilate everything which Western Civilization and free markets have made.

This is precisely why communists have made the destruction of the family their first cause. The ideological predecessors of Antifa (anarcho-syndicalists) were the first ones to push for mass abortion and contraception as part of plan to destroy capitalism through destroying the birthrate. Leftists hate everything beautiful and fertile.


>strip women of voting rights and stop funding the artificial growth of the savage races of the world.
Go ahead, really, I don't mind. When are you going to implement that policy? Let me guess, in about half a month?
fpbp, /thread
Niggers are Satanic
Heaven is light and Whiteness is lightness
Black is the opposite of light and the opposite of White

Satan is a nigger
Wrong. Blacks are full and equal people made in the Imago Dei. Eugenics is what’s satanic.
I believe in plan B pills but yeah
If you need to get a late term abortion this is an issue that little jail time would remediate in your behaviors
Because jews need their child sacrifices and its an excuse for women and niggers to be whores and erode the nuclear family.
both you guys need to stfu


This demon needs to be put on blast and stopped. Share the reel on your IG so we can shut him down.
Every time
she is right tho, abortion should be strictly for niggers
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Blacks and Jews are both made in the Imago Dei and deserve to live. Jews are NOT the problem. Lack of Christ is. They can find Christ and repent like St Paul.
Malthus was based.
>planned parenthood means cancelling the parenthood
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How many levels of delusional is that post
Planned Parenthood is the reason America is still majority white.
>Jewish abortion doctor
Based. Abort goyishe babies.
>ask an earnest question
>every reply is le Jew schizo posting
man you guys really are meeting people where they’re at!
>get pregnant
>realize you cannot afford to raising a baby
>decide to get a abortion
>doctor kills infant while in womb
>girl goes back to partying with her gal pals like nothing happened
no matter how hard they defend it. In the end it makes no logical sense

here is what they all should do
>get pregnant
>realize they can't raise a child
>decide to give baby over to a orphanage
>baby is born and is then sent to baby orphanage.
>baby gets adopted by a caring family

is that so hard for the left?
or are they against Orphanages too?
Honestly, I've just never heard an argument against it that didn't devolve into a 50 minute lecture about skydaddy. That alone chooses my side.
There is nothing wrong with being Jewish.

> Christcucks: A zygote is a child you satanist!
> Liberals: A transwoman is a real woman you Nazis!

We need to bring back eugenics; the defective genes that give rise to Marxism are the same ones that give rise to Christianity, and they are destroying our country
Adoption is traumatic for birthmothers. And going through your life not knowing your biological background is also traumatic.
HERE'S WHAT'S BEING SLID: >>472782066 AND >>472779096
Fun fact: Marxists used to be pro-eugenics and the early USSR even had a eugenics program to wipe out diseases and retardation.
>abortions become harder to do
>leftists start losing power in politics and culture immediately
Makes one think.
Back in the day, women did abortion by jumping off tall trees, getting their lover to punt them in the cunt hard or simply tossed the baby into the well. Humans have always killed their offspring for the sake of convenience and comfort.
Diseases? That could potentially work with some diseases. Retardation? No. Were they stupid?
I agree abortion is great for blacks
The main appeal of eugenics in the first place was wiping out mental retardation and making the human race smarter, stronger, and overall healthier. Racial eugenics didn’t become a thing until much later. Margaret Sanger wasn’t even racist like Christcucks claim.

Well, eradicating christians would significantly reduce the number of retards, due to it moving the mean IQ to the right...
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jews are canaanite. niggers are Canaanites
these whores just want to have sex without repercussions or accountability.
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fuck you nigger jew. Niggers and Jews carry the curse of Cain
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Blacks and modern day Israelis/ jews are descends of Canaanites- the people who who worshipped BAAL- the God of the asshole, excrement, flies, undecency, and… CHILD SACRIFICE (Epstein club, abortions , LGBT)
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This is why porn and the niggerculture tried to meme “ass eating”.. by doing so you are quite literally licking the devil (licking asshole)— guess where the devil now resides ? Your throat — which creates VOICE/ which spreads ideas-
What race are the majority of his patients?
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Who pushes porn? Who pushes sexual degeneracy with their corporations ?Who pushes nigger
Culture? Jews and their Freemason assets of American industry ;that’s who
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Freemasonry is founded on Jewish mysticism and Babylonian-Egyptian paganism. The temple of Solomon, which represents freemasonry/judaism as organizes sect,was a child sacrificing cult of BAAL— you see the Freemason architects have taken the scary parts like the bull devil statues and the fire pits of human sacrifice; removed them from public eye; but continue to worship. They kept the boaz and jachin columns on all their Federal govt buildings all around the world ; and then continue to worship their canaanite child sacrifice diety BAAL in the shadows;
because women want a hedonistic life free of any consequences.
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The so-called "Star of David" (also called "Magen Dovid" or "Shield of David") as a symbol of international ‘organized’ jewry. The "Star of David" -- which wasn't a popular symbol of Jewry until the 18th c. when it was adopted by the Rothschilds -- is actually a hexagram with 6 points, 6 equilateral triangles, forming a 6-sided hexagon interiorly. It is the ancient star of Remphan (Moloch , Chiun, or Saturn/Kronos) and Ashtoreth mentioned in Amos 5:26 and Acts 7, and one of the most powerful symbols used in Freemasonry, Satanism, and the occult.
killing nigger babies is based
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The Canaanites - Israelites that chose to racemix with Moabites were banished to a wilderness desert called Canaan; a desert that receives little to no rain.

Droughts occurred, crops died and this caused a desperate culture among Canaanites.
So they abandoned the Christian God, and start creating their own idols of worship — which is baal- which means Lord in Hebrew— who is said to be a storm God-

So they sacrificed children desperately to a storm/ rain God — a “tophet”’was a ritual site where the sacrifices were held to honor their caananite dieties to give an “offering” to in return receive rain.
Steelman their position to understand it. You don't have to agree, just hold your nose and try.

>Baby sacrifice to Ba'al!

No comments from the fucking peanut gallery.

Countering something seriously means taking it seriously in the first place, at least insofar as you will understand it's weak points.

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