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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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i fucking dare you lmao
You won't do shit lol
Some folks have to learn THA HARD WAY
....for my diaper change
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Whoa this fake tweet means thanorump is FINISHED!!
He won't do shit
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Should he?
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Shart Brandon rises.
fake kys
He needs navy seals to change his diapers
What is seal team 6? Some especially ruthless and merciless troon kill squad?
Funny fake screen cap but my biggest fear is that this latest ruling will be the catalyst for the next big CIVIL WAR or worse. Prepare accordingly
Fake and gay, but there are Democrats calling for this to happen
And they call us fascists
He will shit his pants again today
"supposedly" the team that killed Osama bin Laden.
Americas most elite cannon fodder
He won't do shit
They were supposed to be an elite secret group. There was a good bit of rumors that they weren’t even real because the names of members were completely classified. Then when they “killed Osama” Obama congradulated them by name. After outing them they got attacked and many killed. Lols all around
Fuck off vatnik jew
And then had their team die almost immediately after in a copter crash?
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>it's real
Seal team 6 seems excessive for killing Trump when he could just use one of their Cia plants and then rule the multiple gunshot wounds to the brain a suicide like Hillary does.
not relevant imho as i would have thought being demented made him immune to prosecution and imprisonment even if he wasnt president.

now who is controlling him and are they immune?
it's real doe
>"supposedly" the team that "killed" "Osama bin Laden."
You shouldn't let a 20 something year old woman run your social media account. You always sound faggoty.

It's a real stupid intern is what it is

You don't tweet to seal team 6
>when they “killed Osama” Obama congradulated them by name
thats almost unbelievably stupid
They supposedly dumped Bin-Laden's body at sea from their helicopter.

I think it was just a publicity story for Obama soon after he got into office.
>we killed Osama
>the body? we threw it in the ocean
>why? uhh to respect his religion
>photos? we didn't take any
>evidence? we--ACKKKKKKKKKKKK
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>the presidant can just brek the law and call it oficial act
Another episode of Leftists are Fucking Retarded.
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the shiniest tools in the toolshed or something
who is running against trump this election? does anybody know?
Ahem. How does it go again? You won't do shit.
goes to show you how everything is fake and gay
just one big circus act
cheap fake!!!!
I think Donald's security could handle them. Aren't they corpses anyway?
SCOTUS should rule that Alimony is unconstitutional due to the 13th amendment.
WTF why would the SC make it so that Biden can legally merk Trump before the election???
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>not @POTUS
Holy shit Biden is even a bigger pussy than I thought lmao
bot post sar pls show Bob and vargen
Meh. This stupid nigger is all talk
this actually proves our findings. SEAL TEAM 6 is responsible for overseeing the human trafficking for the pedophiles. sadly we figured Craig sawyer was on of the ring leaders and now we know he and joe are butt buddies. literally sawyer licks the diaper joe shits in.

Clean up on the AF1 middle aisle folks.
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It's even funnier with chinese weather balloons hitting him. This will never get old.
The absolute goodest goys
the US has variopous Seal Teams...1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 etc etc.

Each team has a specialty, desert combat, jungle combat, mountain combat, urban combat, etc some work with other groups like Delta or Combat Air Controllers.

Seal Team 6 is the Jungle Warfare Group. They are considered the best because the French already had a jungle warfare school for them to train at and Vietnam was a jungle war that was happening when they became better funded and a lot of the funding went towards jungle shit so they wound up being best.

6 was the one obama needed for the child trafficking ops.
The ruling very clearly states that you can’t just do whatever you want as president but of course leftists are going mask off with their TDS and openly floating the idea of murdering Trump since their lawfare failed
They suicide anyway on their way to Mar-e-Lago.
do they have a volcano warfare group? that would be pretty badass
I literally want to see politicians get killed
jockos volcanic vagina varnishers team...free dead geriatric mudnigger gardener with each fast rope...
aren't most or all current volcanoes in tropical, jungle or rainforest areas? even Mt St helens has a rainforest. As a side note I'm guessing that they now have a DUMB team, considering that they were looking for underground facilities to train in a few years ago.
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Give me a break. All the world is laughing at this weak grandpa after the debate
>Good one.

So like, is Seal Team 6 the same guys forever or somethin?
Joe Brandumb won’t do shit, but will shit his britches.
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Biden and Trump both serve the Jews. Remember that.

>"...stand back and stand by, the target is currently masturbating."

*one day later*

>"....stand back, stand by....still masturbating....."
>fake tweet
Lmao you fucking wish
He won't do shit
SEAL Team Six won't do shit
And niggers tongue my anus
not that big one in iceland
The trooniesy.
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You got the quote wrong, faggot.
-Please fix and resubmit
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Is this a bush reference?
>when you time the flashbang to coincide with the second cumming...
Insane pearl clutching
Bro you're supposed to upvote the lolcows. The people making total fools of themselves need to be signal boosted.
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thanos has the last infinity stone folxs, this isn't a joke.
protect trans kids
black lives matter
trust science
>Oh no, my heckin democracy is at risk
Joke's on him, we're not even a democracy. If we were, we wouldn't have an electoral college. The popular vote would be the only deciding factor in elections. It would essentially be like having two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
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It's 2016 all over again
God I hope. Love me lolcow milkIns MOOOOOOO
I was a cheese maker!
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Yep. The evidence is as compelling as it is sobering. I am now alarmed. What can normal everyday folks do about this to defend ourselves from these cretins???
The real clownage starts when each new administration adds a new cap of justices to the court to garner favorable rulings.

Obama and his crew did some unbelievably stupid stuff. They outed operators multiple times, bragged about the methods used in breaching Iran's uranium enrichment facility and how they sabotaged the centrifuge.

It was a fucking shit show.
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Nothing changed. It's always been this way.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
Official acts don't include abuse of power or taking bribes from foreign nations. So rest assured, we can still prosecute biden and obama.
They are a team of trained government crises actors like astronauts.
He should prosecute the Bushes also, the entire tree swinging troop of them.
Dark Brandon is just Obama FYI and he likes BBC.
I can support that.
Hey, don't knock it 'til you've tried it. I think Americans will enjoy being serfs. Having a king who can do no wrong is pretty sweet, you don't have to worry about government or politics or anything.
>murdering political opponents is an official act
Tbh I don't believe there is any other way to clean out the corruption anymore. At least with a king there is a chance that he actually lops the commies heads off
Volcano warfare is part of mountain combat, retard. The only unique component is placing nukes to set off an eruption, which includes aiming the eruption, calibrating the explosivity, etc.
For sure. They're destabilizing the government with their dissident opinions. Countless examples.

No doubt the American experiment was a failure. Embrace your heritage, become like us.
Every republican SC justice needs to get shot in the head officially
> volcano warfare group
It’s just one really jacked guy who punches rocks for fun
Friendly reminder to Biden, his body isn't bullet immune.
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remember to donate!!!
oh oh finally my turn to say it!
you won't do shit
But I don't want to be weak and socialist and in need of another power to protect us.
Biden will fight tooth and nail for Zionist Israel, but he won't even lift a finger for his fellow American citizen that's getting fucked sideways between inflation and these new court rulings. Dark Brandon? More like dog for Zionist Israel.
His cabinet is 86% jewish. Did you really believe he was anything but their lap dog?
Who's protecting us? Your future king has already sold us out to Putin. We'll see in the next few years if Sweden survives.
Or maybe they have a server in Ukraine that the justice department is looking for.
All Donald Trump needs to do to win votes is to end Ukraine, Stop Illegal Immigration and Put Tariffs on China Harder Than Last Time.
They secured Obama's Nobel Peace Prize.
russia is simultaneously going to instantly dominate all of yurop but also cant advance in the ukraine and is losing 10:1 but also the ukraine desperately needs more air but also they dont cause theyre winning so hard war is peace freedom is slavery ignorance is strength
more aid*
Russia hasn't fully mobilized their army yet for a reason. They're sending convincts, north koreans and drones until an opening presents itself.
I don't have a future king. You own government sold you out to putin because it gave you free health care and endless migrants instead of arming you guys and teaching you to be fearsome.
>it was just a publicity story for Obama
and an easy one because bin laden was dead before 9/11
When the USA needs someone to sneak into a country and prime it for child sex trafficking and drug production they're the ones we call
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You need more Muslim and nigger immigrants to survive.
Sayeret Matkal is the real "SEAL Team 6." That's the Israeli s.f. did 9/11. ST6 didn't even kill Obl.
> stupid
he knew what he was doing.
they all "died" in a helicopter accident didn't they?
Rolling for open season on politicians. Make my dream a reality
Redditards can't even decide if they're male or female. The only blood they'll see will come from their daily dilation routine, lmaoooo
designated sluts for bbc
lmao this. Amazing how without millions of dollars of air and intel support, SEAL teams get massacred by goat herders amazingly fast.
Overrated as fuck.
And when you say BBC you mean Mike Obama.
Would be the most based president ever if he actually did this
Hope all the rebbitors get Chitwooded.
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>The time for that is gone. The only way this is fixed, is with blood spilled.
>Kills Trump
>Dies of old age before facing repercussions
>Kamala gets life in prison as his successor
The ruling just affirms the standards that were applied to every president except Trump. It changes nothing.
we were never a Democracy to begin with. that is just how stupid they are. I wish them well. they will be dead in the water.
They are starting a Blood Tribe
>Holy doodarino
>fucking Holy moly
>Something something democracy
>super doopercape averengers
>we need to batman
>we need to Ironman superman Thor hulk
>super crazy shit
>we are all dead

I fucking hate plebbit so much its unreal
Wouldn't be a surprise.
Must have been dead before Obama took office because his final video dropped right before the 2004 election.
Presidents have been holding back until this point, they'll be a lot more brazen in their illegal activities now.
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lefttists always make trump sound so much cooler than he is. i would be a die-hard trump supporter if he actually locked these people up in camps and had them executed like they always claim he will. instead he just sends more money to israel and drone-strikes their enemies for them.
This is what zogbots stand for.
Well its beginning to look like there was no Seal Team 6 and no Osama kill, and this was just part of the op that helped to erase them so people wouldn't discuss them anymore.
they're such nerds wow that's hilarious
Nigger the jig is up we all know Biden cannot speak coherently, he definitely isn’t phone posting on X lmao
It’s fake and it’s simultaneously gay

I don't think any of us know how it will play out but we've got a weird 6 months ahead of us. They've been trying to gode "maga" into 'doing a terrorism' for months...

And if the FBI is reading this, I hope they're investigating all of the death threats going around today. Crazy how so many people want Donald Trump dead. Really makes you wonder how any of these court cases are legitimate.

Or what is going to happen in the country if Trump is killed or... if Biden is killed and then the democrats use it as a justification to put "maga" people in camps. This is what they're talking about on tiktok.

There's streams with hundreds of peopel and they're gleefully suggesting "maga" needs to be purged. Quite something to see, to completely re run the holocaust except this time it's just center-right people' for the most part.
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Amerigolems, stand back and stand by
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>liberals are screaming that they are done and threatening whatever on conservatives because conservatives are supposedly dangerous
>meanwhile, as a conservative, im bundled in a blanket with the AC on full blast, watching ghost in the shell, waiting for my ex-lax maximum strength to kick in to expel this weekend's camping outing turd due to eating nothing but MREs
what was*******
they all dead to death in a helicopter rekt
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Fill your hands you curs
He was just found to have threatened a thirteen year old
But I thought civilian weapons were useless against the government.
>Eating MREs on a campout
You fucked up
Havanna Syndrome

Hello. I just wanted to inform you that the Havanna Syndrome isn`t triggered by microwaves that injure the brain, but that that is a cover up for a transmitter that can be placed in vaccinity to the ear and can be used to both induce lack of deep sleep by producing sound and to spy on people.

The symptoms of nausea, high pitch sounds etc. are pressumably the most common occurences if the transmitter isn`t placed correctly and deals damage to the surrounding area of the ear. The symptoms are in line with pressure to the ear channel or damage to the ear channel, something referred to as Labyrintitis.

It is actually possible to damage someones brain with mircowaves, but not in a way that is unnoticable and wouldn`t involve getting into someones vicinity, if you can already do that you can already do better than just brain damage. The idea that any self respecting terrorist would deal damage to high ranking peoples brains instead of doing actual spying and damage is hilariously stupid.

There is currently no way for me to prove this, but luckly there exist other people in higher positions than me that will understand what I wrote and are capable of understanding what this means.
>this page doesn't exist
I was browsing the Politics sub when they were all crying about how bad Biden did in the debate, and several of them mentioned this other sub "InTheNews" and it's apparently become the new hive of Liberal-Democrat shills, unironically worse than the freaks on "Politics", because they were banning anyone saying Biden had a bad debate performance, and now this. Lol
6 is the development group (devgru), chucklefuck. Fun fact, they were called "six" when they were the first one because we wanted the Soviets to think we had at least six teams of dudes doing crazy shit.
legal immunity wont protect him from a lynch mob.
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>Assuming they believe it applies to Democratic presidents
Where's the link to the X post, dipshit?

Who made that dumb comment? That's not what the Scotus implied by immunity.

Because every seal will be prosecuted and the Potus indicted. At that point there's civil war.

Idiots don't get involved in the presidential decisions. They're exempt. But they can be impeached for making them. This is congressional and always has been. It is not a court hearing an argument of indictment and then offering immunity from sentencing.

It will never stop the nation making new ammendments in the constitution or having a revolution from them.

A president can be indicted. They are otherwise immune while president.
>swede says something retarded
day must end in Y
Then why the fuck were they in the Big Shell in MGS2
seriously though is there anything as cringey as the dork brandon meme
as if biden could type even a word let alone think of one
Probably using the words "cringey," "dork brandon," and "meme."
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Sotomayor doesn't know the difference between de facto and de jure :\
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Migasisters...... is it over?
nice bait. You successfully contained over a hundred retards with it. Well done, OP
You got me to look up the two and now I learned something today. Thank you.
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